02-23 Caee Minutes

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Board of Directors Meeting

February 17, 2023
1:00-3:00 pm Meeting

Vision: All Coloradans are environmentally literate and make choices that support the health and well-
being of all life on our planet.
Mission: CAEE’s mission is to advance environmental education in Colorado by fostering collaboration,
mobilizing support, and driving excellence.
Values: Collaboration, Community, Equity and Inclusion, Leadership, Impact Oriented
Ways of Being: We are present. ~ We are imperfect. ~ We are transparent, empathetic
communicators. ~We actively engage and welcome meaningful participation. ~ We value process. ~ We
are better together.
Present: Susan Bonfield, Katie Navin, Rachel Balduzzi, Sherri Nickolaus, Erika Meyer, Tim Flynn, Christie McConnell,
Liz Houston, Kathryn Venzor, Chris Cohen
Presenter Presenter Action Time
Welcome and Introductions
 Member Moment: Carlie Bangs from Rocky Mountain Carlie Bangs Update 10
 Check in and Board Community Building: Erika Update 10
o How is everyone doing? Share personal or
professional update.
 Review ways of being
Approval of Board Minutes from last meeting Rachel Vote 5
Erika M.

1536 Wynkoop St. #314

Denver, CO 80202
Ph. 303.273.9527
New Business & Discussion Items
 Fundraising Discussion Katie Discuss 20
-Recommendation to move awards into conference
-Should we have another fundraising event? Past
events? Board packet contains info.
-Most fundraising in last half of year with appeal
-Colorado Gives catches those who haven’t made a
donation (Dec.)
-2022-data shows 5% of donations are at awards event
33% online, 62% offline (several large)- $23,500 total.
$1k from awards and $200 from new donors.
-Changemaker breakfast (power of EE-past event), free
-Happy hour and BBQ also done.
-Most successful-breakfast first few years (matching
-Nothing outstanding for working or not working.
-Big Question-focus on annual appeal and online or add
an event?
-Sherry-Costs vs. amount donated?
-Katie-Awards most expensive or meal events. Happy
hours are most cost effective. Event costs going up.
-Liz-mailer acknowledges last years giving? Ask for
more? Average annual gift?
-Katie-no. Average annual gift around $100.
-Erika-Info on who donors are? How do we broaden
donor base based on info?
-Katie-mostly members or board members who have
personal fundraising pages.
-Susan B.-Where to host?
-Katie- breweries or member locations, hotels.
-Erika-What does Katie think about an extra fundraising
event? Time efficient/cost to look for sponsorships?
-Katie-Case can be made for an event. Long term events
have shifted-spring instead of end of year? Lots of effort
to plan. Goals important.
-Sherry-Networking vs. fundraising- costs and benefits
should be analyzed.
-Liz-direct appeal at an event sponsored by a member or
connected agency?
-Katie-no strong push for end of year fundraising event.
-Sherry-benefit to having members pay for conference if
they can?
-Katie-has not been done, could possibly be done (maybe
as a scholarship for someone else).
-Christine-link for folks to donate to a scholarship?
-Erika-business to sponsor for donations?
-Susan B.-Fundraising goal? What specifically needs to
be funded?
1536 Wynkoop St. #314
Denver, CO 80202
Ph. 303.273.9527
-Katie- 30k goal for individual giving. Programs with no
generated funds for expenses receive these funds.
-Kathryn-chains or restaurants provide $ for local
Rachel-Statewide outdoor companies for adding a
donation to CAEE during purchase? REI, JAX, Patagonia
Erika-Committee to check into this?
Katie-small group to look into? Kathryn, Rachel, Erika,
and Sherry expressed interest.
Katie-need sponsorship for conference, Jam Board

 Strategic Planning Katie Discuss 10

Top 4ish for consideration after Jam Board
-Advocacy Trends
-What should we do to support teachers?
-Supporting organizational member needs
o Review Mission/Vision and Values Katie Discuss 20
-Jam Board discussion:
-Tim-Word “literacy” not liked
-Erika-relationship to nature missing
-Christine-Agree with Tim
-Susan B.-need environmental component
-Sherry-agree with Susan
-Katie-“Make Choices” poor language for big
picture thinking.
-Christine-“alignment or inspired by” language
would be good. Currently very scientific and she
doesn’t see herself in the vision statement.
-Rachel-“Living things on the planet” could be
removed to just reference “the planet” as all of it
is living.
-Liz-Include “take actions”
-Susan B.-incongruous points under first part of
mission statement.
-Christine-add “people” somehow to address the
audience/stakeholders- help contextualize
-Katie-different people fall into each bucket
-Katie-think about how changing this would
affect what we do.
-Katie-good number/could tweak current ones
-Sherry-leadership line not resonating
-Erika-seek measurable outcomes for work
1536 Wynkoop St. #314
Denver, CO 80202
Ph. 303.273.9527
-Katie-wording changes and update
“environmental literacy”
-Tim-Community and Collaboration
o Review What we call our work Katie Discuss 15
-Katie-Need to be able to better describe our
work. Next meeting read a few consultant
suggestions and find phrases we like.
 Next Meeting: March 17th from 1-3pm

Executive Session (If Time Allows) Erika 15

Link to Attendance

1536 Wynkoop St. #314

Denver, CO 80202
Ph. 303.273.9527

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