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its two ends by at a that it shouly ign supPy de (Fig. 1.27) be 8° weight. own ed b d Rectangular cross - section 0) b ! : Extra. 1 177 materia {J removed Buckling @ © Fig. 1.27 I-shape girder ‘he depression at cer f am of length / es () at the centre of a be: its ; Mg at breadth b and thickness d under a given load mid-point is given as Hence tor beam should b The leng educe the ¢ large, b an th L should he bending for dd of the b 4 given load, Y of the ze. eam must also be larg 4S possible, small Since the depres depression ean ssion y is be inversely Feduced mo 3 the Proportional to a’, “ me “Mlectively y increasing th Properties of Matter bss thickness d rather than increasing the breadth 6 of the beam (Fig. 1.27 (b)) But on increasing the thickness, unless the load is at the centre, the beam may bend as shown in fig. 1.27 (c). This is lied buckling of the beam. To prevent buckling, a large cal load-bearing surface is required. Hence, the beam is designed to have a large thickness to minimise bending and a large load bearing surface to prevent huckling. Therefore, the cross-sectional view of the beam as shown in fig. 1.27 (d) is preferred. Jt is known as I section beam or girder. The cross sectional view is in the shape of I as shown in fig. 1.28. — Fig. 1.28 I shape girder Advantages 1. As the layers of the beam at top and bottom are subjected to maximum stress more material must be needed only at these layers to withstand the strain. As the stress around the neutral layer is small, material in these regions can be removed without loss of efficiency. This would save economy (cost of material of the girder) 2. This type of cross-section provides a high bending moment. Engineering Ph Sig 7a Physi 1.56 s it has pj made of steel as ii igh girders are ma 3. I form of gird Young's modulus. Applications ee + Iron girders used in buildings are made o} on, i i S. * It is also used in I-section of railway track: Conclusion * The study of elastic nature of materials is very important not only for big and heavy structures but also for micro structures such as integrated circuits. * Elastic mismatch of the materi ICs may result in micro er Hence, good understanding all branches of engineering. als used for fabrication of acks and cause failure of ICs. of this subject is essential for Problem 1.4 A bar of length 1m and cross. Supported at its two ends and loa depression obse, a load of 0.1 kg of the material, “Section 5 x 1978 m” is ded in the middle. The © i 1.96 x 19-3 te the y, rved in the middl, is placed, Caleula, m when °"ng’s modulus ‘AU May 2015) Given data Hength of the bar = m Cross Section Depressi Pression Y= 196% 1074, Mass M= 01 leg Solution We

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