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DN uo MAYORGA with WARM UP In groups, discuss what these statements } mean, Do you agree with them? «+ “Friendships are flowers in the garden of life.” + “Choose your friends wisely; you become what they are.” + "Promises may get friends but it's performanice that keeps them.” (B. Franklin) BEFORE READING +1 Match the words on the left to their meanings on the right. Use your dictionary tohelp you. } 1 to gossip 2) to make the most of (ver) } 2 goal b) toget or attain vero) | 3 10 take advantage of ‘© objective, aim (noun) 4 toachieve di to talk about other people (verd) 5 wisely inn intelligent way (adverb) WHILE READING @ shor. easy phrases or sentences. IF a text looks too difficult at first sight, don't panic! Look for short, easy pieces of inform help you get the general idea of the text. You can also try to cut down long, difficult sent into their shorter, easier components, 2 Put the following easy or short sentences in the correct order while you are reading the text. Based on these sentences, what do you think the text is about? Fidalgo, A., A. Fontanillo, I. Mayorga & S. Dague (2001). Grupo Santillana de Ediciones, S.A., pp. 60-67. Bachillerato Made Easy 2. Student’s Book. London: Richmond Publishing. | 1 Don't gossip about other people. 4 Re yourself | 3 2 Take time to listen, 5 Choose your frenus wisely. | 5 3 Be your own best fiend and 6 Learn haw to keep a secret | € take care of yourselt 7 Practise compassion. 3 Look at the sentence in italics in the text on page 61. It has been divided into shorte ‘easier components. Translate them and ¢iscuss what you think the sentence means. Try and understand. + but abso. » aston, 4+ cashats(he may Wot be able Wo g eae What & person 1s saying... imo woras. Here (9 some acvice on friendship. ©The best advice anybody could give you Is to treat people the way you would want to be treated © Ba yourself you aot like somebody else, nobody vil lke the real you. Dont gossip about other peonle; direct your eneray into postive e'fors, ike setting and actieving goals. You have better things to do, Dont make the mistake of being your own worst enemy! Be your own bes: {end and tase.cate ot Yyoursel! Choose your friencs wisely; you become ‘what they are. Avoid negative influences, Respact yourself. Don't let paople take advantage of you or put ‘you.down. Real fiends know the real you and they Ike Yyou for who you are Take tine te really Isten. Try and understand not only what a person is saying butalso what s/he may not be able to put into words. If you are thinking of things to say, then you are aot listening. Send signals—both AFTER READING Yetbal and non-verbal nodcing yout head and eye contact) —to show thet you are realy staring, ‘© Practise compassion and try fo understend what other fleople are going thraugh, You want to be empathic, ‘which means trying to experience an emotion as somebody alse is experiencing it, Wali Whitman stated that he never asked a wounded person how he felt. He himself became the wounded person. Balng ampathio does not mean being sympathetic, which means feeling sorry for somedody's problems, ‘it's a wonderful idea to fing a close friend you can rey ‘on who YoU think gives good advice. She or he doesn't have to be your age. This person can be a oarert, a teagher, a friend of the family or anybody you enjoy, talking to. This person cen help you sort.out your problems and reach dacisions in dificult situations. leer how to keep 2 secret) Benjemin Frankli doclared that promisos maht got frends but it was, performance that Kept thar, ONIGVAY ‘True or false? If false, support your answer using your own words. 1 It’s a good idea to treat others just like you want them to treat you 2 Real filends want you to act lke they do. 3 Being sympathetic means being nice and friendly with other people. 4 Nodding your head and looking at somebouy in the eye are non-verbal signals 5 Keeping secrets is not an important part of friendship. VOCABULARY @ muteipte choice questions. When trying to choese the best answer from multiple cole question try ‘olowing these steps: 1 Read the question and possible answers 2 Read the text cuickly and locate the part of the text where the answer is. Synonyms. Look for the underlined phrasal verbs in the text. Choose the carrect synonym, 1 take care of a) yet dressed 2 put down a) decrease 3 go through. a) sulter 4 rely on a) trust 5 surtout a) shor. 5 Answer the following questions using your own words. 1 According to the text, what is the most important piece of advice about friendship? 2 What does it mzan when the auchor of the text says: “Don't make the mistake ot being your own enemy"? 3 How can you show people you are interested in what they ate saying? 4 How does the text define a close friend? 5 Do you think the advice in the text is ‘good? Why or why not? 3 Read the part ofthe text related to the question carefully. 4 Delete the most unlikely options. 45 Select the most appropriate option, @ Answering “Truo or False” questions: Unit 3, page 5 b)look after cy take timed) be careful by tise © humiliated) increase b) escape walk 4) climb by) replace ©) guess 4) keep on by solution) get out a soWve 9 Phrasal verbs: inane ReeneiER SE: Using your own words: Unit 2, page 13, TEEN LINKS GRAMMAR REPORTED SPEECH 1 «© There are two ways to report what someone has already said: 1 Direct Speech: sepeat the message using the same words as the speaker. Exammur: He said, “We're having a party cat Peter's.” 2 Reported Speech: repeat the message using a reporting verb and making. some changes in tenses, pronouns, adjectives and adverbs. Exawrnss Me said (that) they baad a party at Peter's. Tasked her if she could rely on her fiends, reported sentences? 1a) “We ate here yesterday” they said. you / you g i | | @ Reported speech: language Reference 21 would meet Fave decided / will dance They wanted to know how often Tet iny fiends. He told me not 10 do anything that ma ‘me uncomyoriatle, “= The most frequently used reporting verbs are: 1 For statements: said (+ 10 + 10), td ¢ added, explained, commented, declared, 2 For questions: asked. wondered, want know, inquired 3 For commands: told, ondered, asked 1 Look for two sentences in the text on page 61 written in reported speech. 2 Copy and complete the table based on the sentences below. What changes can you see b) They said they had eaten there the day beior 2a) On our way back from the States, Marcos said, “Is this turbulence normal?” 'b) On our way back from the States, Marcos asked me if the turbulence was normal, 3.) My neighbour said, ‘I think it isa good idea.” ) My neighbour told me she thought it was a good idea. a) “We'll meet bere again,” said the teacher when we were in class. bb) When we were in class, the teacher said we would meet there again. S.a) “Have vou decided who will dance with you?” she asked. bb She asked whether [ had decided who would dance with me. 7 Jere are some statements from teenagers about their friendships. Write them in eported speech. Follow the example. | Ann: “We always seem to be too busy to get together ‘Ann said they always scented #6 be tea busy 20 get together 2 Pauls “We don't seem to have much in common.” + RcHARD: “The time we have spent together hasn’t been much fun.” 4 Jaxer “I feel like I can’t be myself when [am with my friends.” 5 Gronce: “lan let me down by telling, everybody something I said in private, 2} Listen to check your answers. Kareem was asked some questions about friendship. What questions do you think the reporter asked him in each case? 1 was asked. 1 important my friendships were to me “How important are your friendships ta yeu” he asked. 2 ...what made them important, 3 why friendships were likely to change during adolescence. 4 suif Tthought it was possible to have a friend for life, 5 ...vhat could be done when a friendship ends. Write the following sentences in reported speech. Follow the example, 1 “Don't gossip about other people.” Ske told me not to gossip about ather people. 2 “Being empathic does not mean being sympathetic.” He explained (0 me that. 3-"A dose itiend doesn’t have to be your own age.” He told me that. 4 “Do you share the same values?” He asked me... 5 "Which hurts the most?” He wondered... 15) Listen to check your answers. 6 Read the text below and write a report on what the people said. ‘When Chery! Wipperman, 17, wites being mistreated athe highschool n Bona New York, her resction came fiom the gut. “It” ‘makes me sick” she said, Indeed, peer abs 5 has become a fightening phenomenon, “Take actions t» promote a heal estas a sang sens a lovehing tim senes at your own schoo,” to Site Steven Asher, «profesor of pscolegy University in North Carolina.“ he taunting doesn't stop, tell an adult and demand that your school create an atmosphere where everyone can feel comfortable.” He added, “In 1g MENS. adult who ned dhe elsting” $ Molly, another student, said, “Adults have 4 responsibility to make schools sae places Aside from the History teacher in whom 1 confided, no other teachers or administretors jy, 20K my problem seriously” When a schoo! 20 administrator wimessed a football player shouting ones er Maly rea" said should expect it because of he wal 1 as momma 90g } NV" q9vNd 1 When Cheryl Wipperman, 17, witnessed kids being mistreated at her high school in Buffalo, New York, her reaction came from the gut. She said. 2 Steven Asher, a professor of psychology at Duke University in North Carclina, advised vs. 3 He also said 4 He added that in some, 5 Molly said. 6 When a school administrator witnessed a football player shouting ebscenities at her, Molly recalled that. Dworkbook, pages a2-us. exercises 1-7 UNC TUL CEs Did you know that love is not forever? According to scientific research, men and women are biologically and mentally predisposed to be “in love" for only 20 months. This is just lang enough for a couple to meet, mate and produce a child | TEEN LINKS VOCABULARY WORD FORMATION: IRREGULAR COMPARATIVES AND SUPERLATIVES Normally, the comparative is made by adding -er or more to an adjective. Superlatives are maule by adding Ure (adjective) ~25t or the mast (adjective) But there are some exceptions. ERROR ANALYSIS 1 He asked me where. war studying (friend. (word onde.) He asked me where his friend wine studying 2 They teld us thet we dwt wse th phave. (reported command) 3He said that he had being taking af the dag all day long. (iene) a Comparatives and superlatives: Language Reference § Coincidence and non-coincidence: ammaunaena tities. 4 She asked how could show people s was interested in. whad they were saying. (word missing) 5 He sald Mary that their friend aver, (word choice) 6 He asked! why didn't I call Mae (ssord orden 7 She soid wae impardant 29 listen other person, (siord mising) S He told mee don't goccip about ath people. (scposted command) © Taey told 20 us to let our friends clase #0 wz, (one word too many) 10 He said that if T were myself J eave 4 lat of friends. (tense) 7 Find the irregular comparative and superlative of good in the text on page 61 ‘Then find the irregular superlative of bed. Bo you know the comparative of bad? It is not in the text, & Revision: Adjective suffixes. What adjectives with suffixes can you find in the text on page 617 Then find zely and write the adjective form by adding a suffix. Watch ‘out for spelling! 9 Revision; Noun suifixes. Find performance in the text on page 61. What is the verb form? And the noun suffix? Use your dictionary to help you. 10 Revision: Adverbs ending in i. Find the adjectives rec, postive, negative and verbat inthe text on page 61 and write their adverb form. Watch out for spelling! Use Jour dictionary to check your answers. Dwiorrdook. now try “Language Consolidation” on page 6:. OPTIONAL GRAMMAR + EXPRESSING COINCIDENCE AND NON-COINCIDENCE To express evincidence: (8) “ike sobs ont sith ny fiends.” B) *S0 do (A) “Ican’t meet my friends this afternoon.” (B) “Nelther cau 1.” (A) “I.can't meet my friends this afternoon.” (B) “I can't either.” To express non-coincidence: (A) “Taam not telling him the story.” (B) “Lam.” (A) “He plays rugby with Is frieuds ut school.” (B) “I don’t.” 1 Express coincidence or non-coincidence with the statements balow, based on your ow experlence or ideas where appropriate, | | | 1 "1am not very interested in meeting her new boyftiend.” 2 "Team count on him.” 3 ‘She is very good at making friends.” 4 “Thave been to London with my school, | 8 *My father is my best friend.” © 6 "L don't like romantic novels.” 7 “Vm going to the party on Saturday.” 8 “He went home at 11." ‘9 "T don't study at weekends,” 10 “She isn’t studying German.” TEEN LIN DO AND MAKE © Dp and make usually have a similar Ave you making a cheese cake? meaning. These examples will help you The students were made to repeat the exercise. decide when to use one or the otter adie youd an = EXAMPLES: Sitaron makes a lot of money, aes What's he doing tonight? Could you do me a favour? = The pupil hates doing, honrework PL do the cleantng. rt tee8 12. Doand moke can be found in a lot of fixed combinations. Copy the chart in your notebook for 2 . reference and complete It. Use your dictionary to help you. az 1 «s phone call { peace / an exception / the most of / a noise / progress { the best of / money / ‘one’s halk /a fortune / love /'a habit / the washing up / well / business / a guess JOVNONY mistake a damage aruie arrangements abed an attempt wee of fan excuse trouble aguess a plan Notice that most of the words in the MAKE column begin with an artide. 13 Now choose 5 combinations and use them in sentences. 414 Replace the underlined verb using the correct form of do or mcke. 1 My friend committed a mistake in the exam, 2.Do you know how to cook pasta? 3 The politician’s intolerant attitude caused a lot of trouble for his party 4 Thave forgotten to write my homework. 15 Fillin the gaps with the correct form of do or moke. 1 Her husband usually .., the shopping. 22 2 What arrangements have you ... for the trip? 43 The students are ... their exam tomorrow: 4. your best to help him! 5 Could you .., me a favour? 6 Don't ... excuses tor your negative atutude! & Do and make: ‘emenhiieen i ) TEEN LINKS © ‘An opinion essay: AN OPINION ESSAY ‘What makes a good friend? Write an essay of about 120 words giving your opinion. Getting Started - 1 Look at this essay about friendship and find the introduction, Dody and conclusion. Friendships: How They Change Friends ere a central part of adolescent life IC we didn't have friends, our lives would be 4 Jot different: we wouldn't have anyone to confide in, or even to argue with. Even so. a central pari of friendship is chang, In my opinion, havinga good friend means shaving a lot in common with arother person and having the same values. It also means iving each ather courage to do things, 10). sharing good moments and not so good ones. Friendship requires commitment, in good times and bad. Unfortunately, things don’t always 0 right between “two friends. When this happens, you shouldnt be afraid to express your feelings, Friends should be able to talk to each other and sort out their problems However, if dicte is no solution to the relationship, at first it may be hurd w get 20) used to the new situation. It can be very painful when two friends drift apart Sometimes fiends need to look for other people to get some advice and enconragement 25 In-conelusion, getting oller brings changes in needs and interests, This sometimes ccauses changes in friendships. It 2 normal part of growing, and even though itis hard 2 How does the writer introduce the topic? Identify the main idea 3 What specific points are mentioned in the body to support the main idea? 4. The main idea expressed in the conclusion is “change”. How does the writer begin talking about "change"? 5 How does the writer link the ideas together? Identify the connecting words Generating Ideas © Whats the most important general characteristic of a good friend? 7 Brainstorm about other characterist supporting examples and write then down. Make sure they are related to main idea (the most important gene characteristic). 8 Before you begin writing, think abot you would like to conclude. Think at ‘what you would like the reader to romember alter reading your opinio Getting Organised 9 Begin writing. Follow the forma Reference 7. Make sure your introde body and conclusion are clearly di Remember your conclusion at all ti make sure everything you write is consistent with it in some way: elthy transitional ideas or ideas directly re toit. Checking and Revising 10 Are the different ideas presented lir fone main idea? 41 Remember these three Cs: be Clear, Concise and Consistent. 12. Remember that your ideas are not « Important as how you express therr support your argument. 13 Ifyou need further help, go to "Ho Correct and Revise" on page 97. PAIR DICTATION Peer pressure. Fellow your teacher's structions. LISTENING Match these columns. Leo atin a) finally 2 to harass b) to be ready to 3 awareness ©) to Fook for 4 to seek d) consciousness Scoutcast €) to blend in, integrate 6 to be wilting tof) to be cruel 7 eventually 8) reject (noun) 18) Look at these headings. Then listen to the report on schoo! harassment and put them into the correct order. ‘Teenagers Are Crucl * What You Can Do Now * ABig Impact + The Situation Will Not Last Forever = Who Is Targeted? 416) Read the questions below. Listen to the report again and try to answer them. 1 How do schoolmates harass each other? 2 What are the reasons for being targeted? 3.Can you name 3 tips Molly gives? 4 Why shouldn't targeted teenagers be afraid of the future? SPEAKING 1 Self-assessment: Are you aware of how your behaviour could be hurtful? In small groups, read the situations below and discuss whether you would ever do : something similar. How could each z situation be hurtful? You may want to use zit the following expressions: + 1 Hannah asks Karen if she kaows what i= day the final exam js, Although Karen - bears the question, she doesn't answer and walks away. Would you ever do what Karen did? 2 Tim and Josh loudly discuss the baskets that Ron missed in gym class, although they know that Ron can hear everything they say. Would you ever do what Tim. and Jesh did? 3 Food tray in hand, Denise moves towards one of the few empty seats in the cafeteria. Cheryl, wha is sitting nearby, sees Denise coming, but doesn't remove hher books from the chair, Would you ever do what Cheryl did? 2 In groups, suggest some other hurttul situations which may occur at your school, {in your group of friends oF in your family. How would you react? 2 QI ‘apariments and share sofa space at }Ouse. Some of them spend their werking ~ ent store, restaurant oF office. Allo them S = Name the sixactos. = seomnawaenarbros.cors pages/frienesty/horedsp Cee ee ee eee pes esa ei tear nie ee enrol eE neh nT ert man erat : Prd Deere str ao) © Workbook eee at ee eee) Secu cova uC cnig Sean eso ress Coat SLT stacy eu

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