Activity 3

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1. In your perspective, why is the study of communication relevant to your life and to your future

profession? Cite some specific instances of its significance.

Being a marketing student and future employee or business owner it is relevant for me because
communication develops important life skills. critical thinking, problem solving, conflict resolution, team
building, public speaking. Creating strong oral and written messages, working well with others,
managing your image, researching, analyzing and solving problems are key abilities employers look for.

2. Do you agree that communication is something that does not have definite end? Support your


Yes, because communication is continous. It has no beginning and no ending, it is a product of a

previous communication event that proceeds to another communication situation. It is the study on
how we talk about the people and how to understand them.

3. As a sender or receiver of a message, what is that you need to develop further? How can you

improve on these areas?

As a sender/receiver of a message,the things that i need to develop further are making my message
clear(sender) and making sure that the message is sent clearly(sender). Listening carefully and/or getting
the messages, I can improve on these areas by practicing and enganging in communication more often.

4. Why are feedback important?

Without feedback, communication is nothing more than information. This makes feedback the primary
component in the communication process because it gives the sender the opportunity to analyze the
effect of the message. It helps the sender ensure that the recipient has interpreted the message

5. Is it appropriate to resolve conflicts/ problems using our communication gadgets? Explain your


Yes, I think we can still resolve problems or misunderstandings through online communication it can be
also as well of a help but still you should also use a personal communication in person if possible. Why
not discuss and meet in person if you have the chance?

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