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Course: Inglés Técnico

Theme Name: What Do I Do?

Teacher: Rosaura Nelly Barboza López

Student: Flores Torres Keiko Karine


Hi, I'm going to tell you about my daily routine.

Every day I get up at 6:00 in the morning
to wash myself, prepare my breakfast
then I receive virtual classes on the days
that correspond to me but on the days that
I do not have classes I work in a company
called `` TABU '' a company where
Straps are made my entry time is at 8 in
the morning at entry time they control my temperature and
pour alcohol with gel on my hand and also the use of a
mask for the reason that we are in a pandemic as stated in
N ° 116-2020-PCM within my work area my function is to
paint the belts in which I use
gloves, then lunchtime arrives in
which I must go to the hygienic
services to wash my hands and
disinfect myself before and after or
as many times as necessary as
designed by the MINSA health
directive, then I return to my work area and finish at 5 in
the afternoon as it is close to where I live I go walking,
then I get home I give myself I have a bath, I have dinner,
I wash, I rest, and I go to sleep.

*To sleep – dormir
*Finish- terminar
*To wash- lavar
*To paint- pintar



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