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Final Revision for Second Year Preparatory

‫المراجعة النهائية للصف الثانى اإلعدادى‬

: ‫تمارين متنوعة على كل سؤال حسب مواصفات ورقة االمتحان‬
(A) Listening
(1) Listen and choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
1- What did Lama buy?
a) A mobile phone. b) A tablet. c) A camera. d) A computer.
2- When did she order it?
a) Last year. b) Last month. c) Last week d) Today.
3- What happened to the screen?
a) Lost. b) Damaged. c) Saved. d) Flown.
4- What did she do?
a) Phoned the shop. b) Wrote a letter.
c) Sent an email. d) Nothing.
1- What kind of things do you usually go shopping for?
a) Clothes. b) Food. c) Shoes. d) Socks.
2- What kind of things don't you enjoy shopping for?
a) Clothes. b) Food. c) Shoes. d) Socks.
3- Who don’t you like shopping with?
a) Boys. b) Men. c) Mother. d) Girls
4- Why don’t you like shopping with them ?
a) They take long time. b) They take short time.
c) They don’t look at every item. d) They are quick at shopping.
1- Where is sfenj found?
a) In Egypt. b) In Morocco c) in Britain d) In India,
2- What does sfenj have?
a) Sweet. b) Fat. c) Sugar. d) Both b and c.
3- How is sfenj?
a) Sweet. b) Hot. c) Salty. d) Juicy.
4- Is sfenj healthy?
a) Yes. b) No. c) Maybe. d) I don’t know.
1- What does the text teach you to make?
a) Durian fruits. b) Foul mudammas. c) Century eggs. d) An omelette
2- What should you wash first?
a) Some beans. b) A pan. c) Some salt. d) Lemons
3- Should you make the water boil?
a) No. b) Yes. c) Maybe. d) I don’t know.
4- What should you put over the hot beans?
a) Chips. b) Sugar. c) Lemon juice. d) Nuts.
1- When did Hani visit the museum?
a) Last week. b) Last month. c) Last year. d) Last May.
2- Where is the Museum of Modern Egyptian Art ?
a) In Luxor. b) In Giza. c) In Cairo. d) In Aswan.
3- What did Hani see there?
a) Sculptures. b) The Pyramids. c) Portraits. d) a & b
4- How much did Hani pay for the visit?
a) 20 pounds. b) A little money. c) Nothing. d) Much money.
1- What is the Al Nour Wal Amal Chamber Orchestra?
a) A party. b) A community. c) A concert. d) A school.
2- What is Judy?
a) A musician. b) A writer. c) A doctor. d) A waiter.
3- What instrument is Judy able to play?
a) The flute. b) The cello. c) The piano. d) The clarinet.
4- When did she start playing it? – When she was ------------------.
a) seven b) eight c) nine d) ten
1- She wore the skirt in her brother’s ------------------ party.
a) wedding b) sports c) Success d) birthday
2- It was --------------------- skirt.
a) a nice, white b) a clean, black c) a nice, blue d) a clean, white
3- When did her mother buy the red blouse for her?
a) Last week. b) Last year. c) A month ago. d) A week ago.
4- Who made the skirt?
a) Her mother. b) Her grandfather.
c) Her grandmother. d) Her father.
1- Rich people wore expensive, leather ---------------------.
a) sandals b) skirts c) shirts d) shorts
2- They both wore loose, white, ----------------- clothes.
a) wool b) wood c) linen d) leather
3- Ancient Egyptians didn’t wear -------------------------.
a) belts b) shoes c) scarves d) trousers
4- In Ancient Egypt, ---------------- wore similar clothes.
a) men and girls b) boys and girls
c) women and boys d) men and women
1- Where is Wadi Rum?
a) In America. b) In Cairo. c) In Jordan. d) In Sudan.
2- Are there environmental problems in Wadi Rum?
a) No. b) Not at all. c) Never. d) Unfortunately.
3- What are there in Wadi Rum?
a) Solar panels. b) Wind turbines. c) Desert plants. d) Desert gardens.
4- What do tourists do?
a) Go kayaking. b) Go swimming. c) Leave money. d) Leave rubbish.
1- What does the speaker do?
a) English. b) Music and running.
c) Music and walking d) Music and talking.
2- What does the speaker learn?
a) By listening. b) By seeing things. c) By writing. d) By doing things.
3- What does he like summarising?
a) Articles. b) Magazines. c) Books. d) Texts.
4- How often does the speaker discuss things with people?
a) Always. b) Never. c) Sometimes. d) Usually.
(B) Language Functions
(2) Complete the following dialogue :
Sama asks Ola some questions about computer games.
Sama : Can I ask you some questions?
Ola : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- .
Sama :  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------?
Ola : In my view, not all computer games are bad.
Sama :  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------?
Ola : Because some of them can help you to learn things.
Sama : Do you think it is a good idea to play games late at night?
Ola :  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Sama : Should it be a problem if only play quiet, calm games in the evening?
Ola :  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Mai and Sally are talking about the new computer lab.
Mai : Did you see the new computer lab in our school?
Sally :  ------------------------- yesterday. This is very good for our school.
Mai :  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------?
Sally : From my point of view, the computer is the best invention of science.
Mai : Is it important in student’s life?
Sally :  ------------------------------. You can keep thousands of books and
videos on it.
Mai :  ---------------------------------------. How can we use it in our life?
Sally : It is important to use it in communication.
Mai :  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------?
Sally : It can connect you to anyone in the world within seconds.
Mayar is talking with her friend Nahla about food.
Nahla : Can I ask you some questions about food?
Mayar :  -------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Nahla : What is your favourite food?
Mayar :  -------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Nahla : Why do we need to eat well?
Mayar :  -------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Nahla : Energy!  -------------------------------------------------------------?
Mayar : We need energy to be able to do many things.
Nahla :  ------------------------------------------------------------------------?
Mayar : We should eat healthy food to keep healthy.
Salwa and Dalia are talking about lunch.
Salwa : Hi, Dalia. How are you?
Dalia : I’m good. What about you?
Salwa :  -------------------------------------------. Where are you going?
Dalia : I’m going to have my lunch.  -----------------------------------------?
Salwa : Yes, I’d love to. But  ---------------------------------------------------?
Dalia : I’m going to eat fish and rice.
Salwa :  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Dalia : Fried chicken! It’s delicious with salad. Let’s have it.
Salwa :  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------?
Dalia : I recommend Al Anwar restaurant because they serve delicious
food there.

Ayman and Helmy are talking about art.
Ayman : Hello, Helmy.  ------------------------------------------------------?
Helmy : Yes, I like art very much.
Ayman : Can you draw and paint?
Helmy :  -------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Ayman : What things do you like to draw ?
Helmy :  -------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Ayman : Sceneries!  -----------------------------------------------------------?
Helmy : Yes, I like nature very much.
Ayman : What else do you like to draw?
Helmy :  -------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Aseel and Hana are talking about the next weekend.
Aseel : Where are you going on your weekend?
Hana : --------------------------------------. Alexandria is m y favourite city.
Aseel : That’s great.  -------------------------------------------------------------?
Hana : I will go with my family.  ----------------------------------------------?
Aseel : Yes, I’d love to. I want to swim in the sea.
Hana : That’s great. I’m sure we’ll enjoy it.
Aseel : Shall I bring some food?
Hana :  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Aseel : Where will we stay?
Hana :  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Toka is buying a skirt at a clothes shop.
Salesman : Hi, How can I help you?
Toka : Hi, I’m looking for a skirt.
Salesman : How do you like your skirt, long or short ?
Toka :  -----------------------------------------------------------------------.
Salesman :  ----------------------------------------------------------------------?
Toka : I’d like it black.
Salesman : What do you think of this one?
Toka :  ------------------------. I’ll take it.  ---------------------------?
Salesman : It’s 175 pounds.
Toka :  -----------------------------------------------------------------------.
Shereen wants to buy a pair of trousers.
Shop assistant : Can I help you?
Shereen :  ---------------------------------------------------------------.
Shop assistant :  ---------------------------------------------------------------?
Shereen : Black.
Shop assistant : And what size would you like?
Shereen :  -----------------. I think it’s 34. What material are they?
Shop assistant : Wool.
Shereen :  --------------------------------------------------------------?
Shop assistant : Of course. The changing room’s over there.
Shereen :  --------------------------------. I’ll take them.
Adam and Randa are talking about technology.
Adam : Hello Randa. Can I ask you some questions?
Randa : --------------------------------------------------------------------.
Adam : --------------------------------------------------------------------?
Randa : I always use my mobile phone.
Adam : --------------------------------------------------------------------?
Randa : I use it to surf the internet.
Adam : What problems do you have with technology?
Randa : --------------------------------------------------------------------.
Adam : How many hours do you spend on social media?
Randa : --------------------------------------------------------------------.
Hend and Huda are talking about the screen of the mobile.
Hend : You look sad! What’s the matter?
Huda : -----------------------------------------------------------------------.
Hend : ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?
Huda : When I opened the box, the screen was damaged.
Hend :  -----------------------------------------------------------------------?
Huda : I ordered it last week.
Hend : When was the delivery?
Huda : ----------------------------------------------. What should I do?
Hend : You should send an email to them.
Huda : ------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Hussien and Abdullah are talking about food.
Hussein : I’m hungry. I would like to eat something.
Abdullah :  ---------------------------------------------------------------------?
Hussein : I would like to go to the new restaurant.
Abdullah : What kind of food do you like?
Hussein :  ---------------------------------------. Do you like hawawshi?
Abdullah :  --------------------------------------------------------------------.
Hussein :  ---------------------------------------------------------------------?
Abdullah : My favourite food is pizza. Do you like it?
Hussein :  ------------------------------------------. It’s my favourite food, too.
Abdullah : Well, the same. I like the spicy food, too
Mahmoud wants Hatem to go fishing with him.
Hatem : Hello, Mahmoud.
Mahmoud : Hello, Hatem.
Hatem :  -------------------------------------------------------------------------?
Mahmoud : I’m going fishing.  --------------------------------------------------?
Hatem :  --------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Mahmoud : Why not?
Hatem : Because my father is ill and I’ll stay with him.
Mahmoud :  -------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Hatem : Thank you. What about the next weekend?
Mahmoud :  -------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Mona met Salma who is going to the sports centre.
Mona : Where are you going, Menna?
Salma :  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Mona :  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ?
Salma : It’s next to the train station.
Mona : What sport do you play there?
Salma :  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Mona :  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------?
Salma : No, it’s not hard to do karate.
Mona : How often do you go there?
Salma :  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Batool and Basmala are talking about life in the future.
Batool : What do you think life will be like in the future?
Basmala :  --------------------------------------------------------------------.
Batool :  --------------------------------------------------------------------?
Basmala : Maybe we’ll have a machine that can push you into the air.
Batool : Is it a helicopter?
Basmala :  ---------------------------------------------------------------------.
Batool : How fast can it go?
Basmala :  ---------------------------------------------------------------------.
Batool :  ---------------------------------------------------------------------?
Basmala : No, I don’t think that everyone will have one because it will be
expensive at first.
Nour and Hanaa are talking about studies.
Nour : Hello, Hanaa. What job did you want to do when you were younger?
Hanaa :  ------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Nour :  -----------------------------------------------------------------------?
Hanaa : Because I like helping ill people.
Nour : Do you still want to do it?
Hanaa :  -------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Nour :  -------------------------------------------------------------------------?
Hanaa : I like studying English and science.
Nour : What subjects don’t you like to study?
Hanaa :  ------------------------------------------------------------------------.
A teacher is talking to Ramy about using mobile phones.
Teacher : What types of technology do you use every day?
Ramy :  ----------------------------------------------------------------.
Teacher : Why do you use your phone for?
Ramy :  ----------------------------------------------------------------.
Teacher :  ----------------------------------------------- social media?
Ramy : I check them once an hour.
Teacher : Do you have any problems when you use technology?
Ramy : Yes.  ---------------------------------------- videos online.
Teacher :  ---------------------------------------------------------------?
Ramy : This makes me feel tired.
Alaa advises Eman to have a balanced diet.
Eman : I feel tired all the time and I don’t get enough sleep.
Alaa :  --------------------------------------------------------------------?
Eman : I usually eat fast food.
Alaa : -----------------------------------------. You should have a balanced diet.
Eman :  -------------------------------------------------------------------?
Alaa : You should eat some of all the types of food.
Eman : How many hours should I sleep?
Alaa :  -------------------------------------------------------------------.
Eman : What else should I do?
Alaa :  -------------------------------------------------------------------.
Ayman wants to buy a jacket. WB
Shopkeeper : Can I help you?
Ayman :  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Shopkeeper : What type of jacket would you like?
Ayman : I’d like something loose but smart.  ------------------------------?
Shopkeeper : We have red, black and brown jackets.
Ayman :  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------?
Shopkeeper : Of course. The changing room is over there.
Ayman : Does it fit?
Shopkeeper :  ----------------------------- . I have a smaller one you can try on.
Ayman : It fits me.  ----------------------------------------------------------------.
Tasneem is buying a skirt.
Assistant : Can I help you?
Tasneem : Yes,  -------------------------------------------------------------------?
Assistant : It’s LE 400.
Tasneem : Can I see it?
Assistant : Yes,  -------------------------------------------------------------------?
Tasneem : I don’t know my size.
Assistant : OK, try size 10.  ----------------------------------------------------.
Tasneem : Do you have it in a bigger size?
Assistant :  -----------------------------------------------. Does it fit?
Tasneem :  -----------------------------------------------. I'll take it.
Randa asks Rasha about her plan for this evening.
Randa : Good afternoon, Rasha. How are you?
Rasha : Good afternoon, Randa.  --------------------------------------------------.
Randa : Where are you going?
Rasha :  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Randa :  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------?
Rasha : To meet my brother. He’s coming from Malaysia.
Randa :  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------?
Rasha : His plane arrives at 8 o’clock.
Randa : I hope he arrives safely.
Rasha :  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Aya is talking with Sama about food.
Aya : Do you like food ?
Sama :  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------.

Aya :  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------?
Sama : I like rice and pasta.
Aya :  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------?
Sama : Because they give me energy.
Aya : Are you allergic to any kind of food ?
Sama :  ..................................................
Aya : What foods are you allergic to?
Sama :  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Lamar and Talia are talking about their end-of-year show.
Lamar : Mrs Hania says we can have an end-of-year show!
Talia : Great!  ------------------------------------------------------------------------?
Lamar : It will be about the play we read in the English class.
Talia :  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
Lamar : We need help.  ---------------------------------------------------------------?
Talia : Yes, Lamar is able to act.
Lamar : What about writing scripts?
Talia :  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Lamar :  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Talia : We could call Azza to know if she knows how to paint scenery.
Ahmed and Magdi are talking about doing a project about the environment
Ahmed : Hello. How are you?
Magdi :  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Ahmed : What are you going to do tomorrow?
Magdi :  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Ahmed : Great!  ------------------------------------------------------------------------?
Magdi : It’s about helping people to keep the environment clean.
Ahmed : How can people keep the environment clean?
Magdi : They should reuse plastic bottles.
Ahmed : good idea !  ------------------------------------------------------------------?
Magdi : People can also plant trees.
Ahmed : Do you think this will help to keep the environment clean?
Magdi :  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Jasim and Fawzi are at Cairo Airport.
Jasim : Good morning. Where are you going, Fawzi ?
Fawzi :  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Jasim : I'm going to Luxor, too.
Fawzi : Fantastic!  --------------------------------------------------------------------?
Jasim : It will take about an hour.
Fawzi :  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------?
Jasim : With my family. Would you like to visit temples ?
Fawzi :  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Jasim : Do you have a good camera ?
Fawzi :  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Reem asks Mai about computer games.
Reem : Can I ask you some questions ?
Mai :  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Reem :  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------?
Mai : In my opinion, not all computer games are bad.
Reem :  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------?
Mai : Because some of them can help you to learn things.
Reem : Do you think it's a good idea to play games late at night ?
Mai :  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Reem : What should I play instead ?
Mai :  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Murad and Yassir are talking about music.
Murad : Can you play music, Yassir ?
Yassir :  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Murad :  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------?
Yassir : I can play the drums.
Murad : Do you know  --------------------------------------------------------------?
Yassir : No, I can't sing well.
Murad : What other musical instrument do you like most ?
Yassir :  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Murad : Me, too. I like the violin so much. Have you had a school concert before ?
Yassir :  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Lamees : Hello, Nora. What a beautiful T-shirt!
Nora : Hi, Lamees. Thank you very much.
Lamees : Is it new?
Nora :  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Lamees :  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------?
Nora : I bought it yesterday.
Lamees :  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------?
Nora : It is 500 pounds.
Lamees : Where did you buy it?
Nora :  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Lamees :  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------?
Nora : It is made of the best Egyptian cotton.
Mahmoud wants Hatem to go fishing with him.
Hatem : Hello, Mahmoud.
Mahmoud : Hello, Hatem.
Hatem :  --------------------------------------------------------------------------?
Mahmoud : I’m going fishing.  --------------------------------------------------?
Hatem :  -------------------------------------------------------------------------- .
Mahmoud : Why not?
Hatem : Because my father is ill and I’ll stay with him.
Mahmoud :  --------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Hatem : Thank you. What about the next weekend?
Mahmoud :  --------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Mona met Salma who is going to the sports centre.
Mona : Where are you going, Menna?
Salma :  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Mona :  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------?
Salma : It's next to the train station.
Mona : What sport do you play there?
Salma :  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Mona :  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------?
Salma : No, it's not hard to do karate.
Mona : How often do you go there?
Salma :  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Batool and Basmala are talking about life in the future.
Batool : What do you think life will be like in the future?
Basmala :  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Batool :  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------?
Basmala : Maybe we’ll have a machine that can push you into the air.
Batool : Is it a helicopter?
Basmala :  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Batool : How fast can it go?
Basmala :  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Batool :  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------?
Basmala : No, I don’t think that everyone will have one because it will be
expensive at first.
Nour and Hanaa are talking about studies.
Nour : Hello, Hanaa. What job did you want to do when you were younger?
Hanaa :  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .
Nour :  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------?
Hanaa : Because I like helping ill people.
Nour : Do you still want to do it?
Hanaa :  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Nour :  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------?
Hanaa : I like studying English and science.
Nour : What subjects don’t you like to study?
Hanaa : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .
Maher is inviting Basel to have a picnic with him next Sunday.
Maher : Would you like to join us on Sunday?
Basel :  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------?
Maher : We are going to have a picnic at the lake. Are you going to join us?
Basel :  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Maher : Why not? Our old friends are going to come.
Basel :  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Maher :  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------?
Basel : That’s a great idea. I can revise for the test on Monday.
Maher : Great! Let’s meet at the park gates at nine o’clock.
Basel :  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Tamer and Hani are talking about the exam results.
Tamer : Did you see the results of the exams?
Hani :  -----------------------------------------------------------. What about you?
Tamer : I passed all my exams, too.
Hani : Great news!  -----------------------------------------------------------------?
Tamer : Of course, they are proud of me.
Hani :  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------?
Tamer : I didn’t decide yet. What about you?
Hani : I’ll join the Faculty of Medicine.
Tamer :  ---------------------------------------! I think you will be a good doctor.
Hani :  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
(C) Reading Comprehension
(3) Read the following, then answer the questions :
It is well known that modern technology like computers and smart mobile
phones have become part of everyday life. It is common to see that a lot of
people are busy using the mobile phones for making shopping online as it
saves time and gives more choices online. Also, many people spend hours
playing games or watching TV and don’t spend enough time doing exercise
and that’s one of the dangers of technology. Although computers have made
life easier and more comfortable, they have bad effects on our lives. Computer
addiction can also cause health problems such as bad eye-sight and becoming
fat. So, if you aren't addicted to technology, you’ll be fine and if you use
technology well, it should help you are become more healthy.
(A) Answer the following questions :
1. What is the main idea of the passage?
2. Do you think that using modern technology is healthy? How?
3. What does the underlined pronoun “they” refer to?
(B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
4. Shopping online ---------------------- time and gives more choices.
a) wastes b) saves c) spends d) kills
5. If you use technology well, it helps you become --------------------.
a) healthy b) unhealthy c) uncomfortable d) bad
6. The underlined word “modern” means --------------------.
a) old b) ancient c) big d) new
Many people use the social networking sites like Twitter, WhatsApp
Facebook and Instagram to communicate with each other. These sites have
made communication easier and faster. They give you the chance to express
your ideas, thoughts and feelings freely to your friends and followers. The
most popular site is Facebook. More than one billion people use Facebook all
over the world. It helps you to share news and events with your friends. You
also can make videos and share them live. The problem is that a lot of people,
especially young men and women spend too much time using it.
(A) Answer the following questions :
1. What does the passage talk about?
2. How many people use the Facebook all over the world?
3. Do you think that spending too much time using Facebook is good?
Why / Why not?
(B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
4. The underlined word “express” means ------------------------.
a) understand b) say c) play d) feel
5. The underlined word “them” refers to --------------------.
a) problems b) videos c) followers d) friends
6. ------------------- is the most popular social networking site.
a) WhatsApp b) Facebook c) Instagram d) Telegram
Today you can find fast food restaurants in every city. But why do people
prefer fast food restaurants? Two things make fast food restaurants popular:
Speed and price. People’s time is valuable. They don’t want to waste a lot of
time eating or preparing food. The service is fast, so they can order what they
want, eat it and be finished in less than 15 minutes. Prices are cheap because
of the large number of meals sold every day in the fast food restaurants.
Another thing people like is that they can be sure what the food will taste in
a fast food restaurant. Some say that fast food has no value and it contains too
much salt and fat. But one thing is sure; most people everywhere like fast
food and find it a comfortable and cheap way to eat.
(A) Answer the following questions :
1. How much time do you need to finish a meal in a fast food restaurant?
2. Why are fast food restaurants popular?
3. Where can you find fast food restaurant?
(B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
4- The underlined pronoun “it” refers to the ------------------------.
a) service b) price c) fast food d) restaurant
5- Most people find fast food ------------------------.
a) expensive b) cheap c) fast d) both b and c
6- The service of fast food is -----------------------.
a) slow b) of no value c) fast d) valueless

Reading is a very helpful habit. It gives us new ideas and improves our
language. When you read, you need to be in a quiet place. It is better to wear
your reading glasses if it is necessary. You should read different topics. To
remember what you read, it is a good idea to have a pen in your hand to
underline or circle the important points. Try to discuss what you have read
with your friends. People read for different goals. Some people read for
enjoyment just to feel happy and spend a nice time. Others read for work.
Students read for their study or research. All of us read the news and the
weather report. We also read messages, e-mails, and letters that we receive.
(A) Answer the following questions :
1- How is reading a helpful habit ?
2- Why do you think you need to read in a quiet place?
3- How can you remember what you read?
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A) e fo llo wing q ue

(B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :

4- What do you think the word “ Others ” refer to?
a) goals b) people c) points d) glasses
5- The underlined word “ enjoyment ” means ----------------------.
a) discussion b) mysteries c) sadness d) pleasure
6- The word “ improves ” means to make it ---------------------.
a) bad b) better c) worse d) sad
Magdy enjoys good health. He eats the right kinds of food. He also
does exercises and keeps clean. Magdy never eats between meals and
never eats too much. Eating between meals makes one lose appetite for
food. Too much food makes us fat which is not good for our health.
Magdy’s mother usually advises him not to eat a lot of rice, not to eat
quickly and to wash his hands before and after meals.
The other day, Mona, Magdy’s sister ate too much. She had a stomach
trouble and was taken to the doctor. After examining her, he said that
the girl had eaten too much and that was the cause of the trouble. The
doctor gave her medicine and advised her not to eat too much.
(A) Answer the following questions :
1. When do people get fat?
2. What happened to Magdy’s sister when she ate much?
3. What does Magdy’s mother usually advise him to do?
(B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
4- Magdy enjoys good health because ------------------------------------.
a) he eats between meals b) he eats much
c) he doesn’t eat at all d) he eats good food
5- Because Mona was ill, her mother took her to see the ----------------.
a) teacher b) doctor c) dentist d) engineer
6- The doctor gave Mona ----------------------.
a) some medicine b) too much food c) exercise d) stomach trouble
Egypt has many ancient and wonderful buildings. The Citadel in Cairo is
one of the most important monuments in Egypt. You can see its high towers
far away. Some people call it Salah al-Din’s Castle. This is because the King
Salah al-Din built it to protect Cairo. It took eight years to complete. Work
began in 1176 and ended in 1183. There are also four museums in the Citadel.
You can visit several mosques, there. Also, the Cairo Tower is one of the most
famous buildings in Cairo. It took five years to build. It opened in 1961. It is
187 metres tall and stands next to the Nile on Gezira Island. There is
a restaurant at the top. It moves, so you can see all of the city below you.
There are 24 windows on each floor of the building. If you want to walk to the
top, there are 2.500 stairs. At night, the colours on the tower change. It is
a wonderful building!
(A) Answer the following questions :
1. What is the main idea in the passage?
2. What does the underlined word “It” refer to?
3. What do you think about the Cairo Tower?
(B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
4- Salah al-Din built the Citadel to ------------------- Cairo.
a) visit b) see c) protect d) call
5- The underlined word “several” means
a) many b) few c) little d) much
6- There are ---------------- museums in the Citadel.
a) 14 b) 4 c) 40 d) 44

The Museum of Modern Egyptian Art is also known as the Gezira Centre
for Modern Art and the Egyptian Modern Art Museum . It is a part of the
National Cultural Centre, along with the Cairo Opera House, and it is located
on the same grounds as the opera house, on a Nile River Island known as
Gezira Island. Many people have described the Museum of Modern Egyptian
Art as being the sort of art museum anyone can enjoy, even if they are not
interested in art. One of the reasons for this is because of its location. It is
surprising that lots of works of art show many events that happened in Egypt.
In short, a visit to the Museum of Modern Egyptian Art is in many ways
similar to having a good history lesson. There is a collection of paintings and
statues on display.
(A) Answer the following questions :
1- What is the main idea of the passage?
2- here is the Museum of Modern Egyptian Art located?
3- What does the underlined pronoun “its” refer to?
(B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
4- Many people ----------- visiting the Museum of Modern Egyptian Art
even if they are not interested in art.
a) hate b) dislike c) enjoy d) don’t like
5- A visit to the Museum of Modern Egyptian Art can be a -------- lesson.
a) maths b) history c) science d) English
6- The underlined word “collection” means ----------------------.
a) a lot of b) little c) few d) less
Most dolphins live in salt water, but some live in rivers. Dolphins are from
1.5 metres to 4 metres long, but the largest dolphin, can be up to 8 metres
long. Dolphins are the friendliest animals in the sea and stories of them
helping people have been common since Roman times. They look after other
dolphins when they are ill, look after mothers and protect the weakest in the
community, as we do. A dolphin's nose is on top of its head so the dolphin can
easily breathe on the surface of the water. Some scientists have suggested that
dolphins have a language but it is much more probable that they communicate
with each other without needing words. Some scientists think that dolphins
are more intelligent than men.

(A) Answer the following questions :
1- Where do most dolphins live?
2- Do you like dolphins? Why?
3- What do some scientists think about dolphins?
(B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
B. Choo se the cor rect answer from a, b, c or d:

4- Dolphins are from --------------------- metres to 4 metres long.

a) 1.5 b) 1.3 c) 1 d) 1.2
5- A dolphin's ----------------------- is on top of its head.
a) hand b) nose c) arm d) tail
6- Dolphin are ----------------------- animals.
a) ugly b) busy c) intelligent d) lazy
In the past, the Ancient Egyptian people didn’t dress very differently.
They wore similar clothes, Men and women in Ancient Egypt both wore loose,
white, linen clothes with a belt. They didn’t wear shoes but people sometimes
wore expensive leather sandals. Children didn’t usually wear many clothes
until they were about six years old. Then they started to wear the same clothes
as their parents. Ancient Egyptians’ clothes were simple. However, they loved
to wear heavy, metal jewellery. Like some people today, they liked to wear
beautiful gold necklaces and other jewellery.
(A) Answer the following questions :
1- Give a suitable title to the passage.
2- Do you think Ancient Egyptians’ clothes look nice?
3- How were Ancient Egyptians’ clothes similar?
(B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
4- The underlined pronoun “They” refers to -----------------------.
a) clothes b) Ancient Egyptians c) children d) parents
5- Ancient Egyptians liked to wear ---- gold necklaces like some people today.
a) old b) bad c) cheap d) beautiful
6- The underlined word “loose” means not ------------------------.
a) light b) tight c) small d) expensive

Egyptian clothing styles did not change much throughout ancient Times.
Clothes were usually made of linen. Men usually wore a short skirt. Women
wore a straight fitting dress. When doing hard work, men wore hard cloth,
and women wore a short skirt. Children usually ran around without clothes
during the sum m er months, while in the winter, cloaks were worn. Noblemen
would sometimes wear a long robe, while women wore long dresses. Women
wore circular capes. They were generally made of linen and had an opening
for the head cut at the center. Most people went barefoot, but wore sandals
on special occasions. Clothing styles were chosen for com fort in the hot dry
climate of Egypt. The wealthy m en and women wore long robes. Wealthy
people did not wear more jewellery or clothes to show wealth.
(A) Answer the following questions :
1. Give a suitable title for the passage.
2. What were clothes of ancient Egyptian made of?
3. When did ancient Egyptians wear sandals?
(B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
4- The underlined pronoun “They” refers to ------------------.
a) women b) capes c) occasions d) children
5- The word “barefoot” means ------------------- shoes.
a) with b) without c) wearing d) putting on
6- Egypt’s climate was --------------------- at that time.
a) cool b) warm c) cold d) hot
One day Yousry went to town to buy new clothes. He went with his friends
Ahmed and Mohammed to Abo Ammar’s shop. First he tried on a pair of
trousers. He didn't like the trousers, so he gave them back to the shopkeeper.
Then he tried a T-shirt which had the same price as the trousers. Yousry was
pleased with the T-shirt, and he left the shop. Before he climbed on his donkey
to ride home, the shopkeeper and the shop-assistant ran out. “ You didn't pay
for the T-shirt ! ” said the shopkeeper. “ But I gave you the trousers in exchange
for the T-shirt, didn't I? ” replied Yousry. “ Yes, but you didn't pay for the
trousers, either ! ” said the shopkeeper. “ But I didn't buy the trousers,” replied
Yousry. “ I am not so stupid as to pay for something which I never bought. ”
(A) Answer the following questions :
1- Who went with Yousry?
2- How did Yousry go to Abo Ammar’s shop?
3- How much money does Yousry pay?
(B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
B. Choo se the cor rect answer from a, b, c or d:

4- Yousry isn’t -----------------------.

a) stupid b) intelligent c) tall d) fast
5- Yousry wants to buy a ------------------------.
a) shirt b) rope c) cup d) T-shirt
6- Yousry is a ------------------------.
a) carpenter b) doctor c) farmer d) teacher
My name is Mustafa. I am 23 years old. I am an engineer. My hobbies are
listening to music and watching television. When I am free, I often listen to my
favourite songs. At weekends, I usually go to music shops to buy good CDs. I
always feel tired after a day's hard work. So, I usually listen to music in order
to forget all worries in work. Also, listening to music will help me become
relaxed and more comfortable before starting my work. I also spend an hour
after dinner watching news and programs. I enjoy the program "The World
Here and There" because it makes me know more about nature.
(A) Answer the following questions :
1- What are Mustafa's favourite hobbies?
2- Where does Mustafa buy good CDs?
3- What do you think of music?
(B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
4- Listening to music makes Mustafa --------------------------.
a) worried b) sad c) angry d) relaxed
5- Mustafa spends --------- minutes after dinner watching news and programs.
a) 15 b) 30 c) 60 d) 45
6- Mustafa works as a / an -------------------------.
a) doctor b) teacher c) farmer d) engineer 3-

The oldest museum in Cairo opened in 1835. There were more than 160,000 of
Egypt's most valuable treasures on display. However, the museum didn't have
space for 100,000 other objects. In 2002, there was a competition to design a bigger
and more modern museum. The competition had 1,575 designs from more than 80
different countries. The Grand Egyptian Museum (GEM) welcomed its first
visitors in 2019. It is further from the city centre than the old museum, but only
two kilometres from the Pyramids at Giza, It has more space for valuable objects.
More people can see them and it is able to look after the objects really well.
(A) Answer the following questions :
1- Give a suitable title for this passage.
2- What do you think of museums?
3- How old is the oldest museum?
: Choose th e corr ect answer from a, b, cCh oose th e conswer fro m a, b , c o r
(B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
4- The word “ further ” is the opposite of --------------------------.
a) ancient b) nearer c) far d) open
5- The underlined pronoun “ it ” refers to ---------------------------.
a) the city centre b) Giza c) the old museum d) GEM
6- The museum is a place to keep ----------------------- on display.
a) designs b) pyramids c) treasures d) visitors
(D) Vocabulary & Language
(4) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
(A) Choose Based on Vocabulary & Structure :
1. The tap has a ------------------ to get hot and cold water.
a) lever b) bag c) liver d) cover
2. He can’t stop using his mobile, he must be ----------------- to it.
a) healthy b) addicted c) detected d) debated
3. ------------------- you feel ill, you should see a doctor.
a) What b) How c) When d) Would
4. When I visited London, I bought a ------------- of the Big Ben Clock.
a) metal b) machine c) medal d) model
5. You should have a ---------------- of important papers in a safe place.
a) drawing b) painting c) copy d) picture
6. He was sad when his brother ------------------ his computer.
a) damaged b) broke c) saved d) A & B
7. He allowed us ------------------- football.
a) play b) to play c) playing d) plays
8. ------------------ shops close in the next ten years?
a) Are b) Do c) Will d) Would

9. --------------------- is a bad problem in our country.
a) Pollution b) Education c) Charity d) School
10. I have some -------------------- on my mobile to help me study.
a) applications b) cameras c) tools d) destination
11. My son --------------- 8 years old next month.
a) will b) is being c) will be d) is going to be
12. You can go down the road on a / an -------------- as it’s not big enough.
a) bus b) taxi c) motorbike d) truck
13. They are excited to ---------------- the city. It’s their first visit.
a) expert b) explore c) expect d) examine
14. Don’t touch the ----------------- or the machine will start.
a) liver b) leaf c) lever d) loaf
15. I’m looking forward to ------------------ the new museum.
a) visits b) visiting c) visited d) visit
16. We should avoid the ----------------- of technology.
a) advantages b) dangers c) beauty d) forms
17. We had a school ------------ about water pollution. We were excited.
a) screen b) dictionary c) debate d) hob
18. If I finish my homework early, I -------------- watch TV.
a) should b) will c) shouldn’t d) won’t
19. The sun ---------------- when the clouds came out.
a) appeared b) disappeared c) repeated d) invented
20. It’s --------------- to live without water. It’s necessary for our life.
a) possible b) funny c) impossible d) visible
21. Milk and cheese are -------------------- products.
a) dairy b) diary c) dear d) dream
22. Can you tell me some ------------------ of healthy foods?
a) tapes b) types c) tips d) tubes
23. We always have lunch in the ------------------- in our house.
a) living room b) bedroom c) dining room d) hotel
24. There is ------------------- rice for everyone.
a) enough b) too many c) many d) a lot
25. ------------------- two eggs in a bowl with little milk.
a) Beat b) Beats c) Beating d) Beaten
26. Our future ----------------- on our hard work.
a) spends b) depends c) intends d) sends
27. There is --------------- petrol in this car. We need more for travelling.
a) a little b) a lot c) a few d) any
28. ---------------- is a very useful vegetable. It’s very rich in vitamins.
a) Bananas b) Spinach c) Space d) Beans
29. There is --------------- salt in this food. I can’t eat it.
a) too many b) too much c) too few d) too little
30. We should eat a / an --------------- diet.
a) balanced b) unhealthy c) unimportant d) awful
31. Everyone should have food that ----------------- them energy.
a) has b) makes c) gets d) gives
32. There’s ------------ pasta left in the cupboard. Shall we eat it tonight?
a) lot b) many c) a little d) a few
33. I’m --------------- to fish. I must be careful about it.
a) allergic b) fond c) interested d) keen
34. To --------------, a healthy diet means easting enough healthy things.
a) download b) include c) upload d) conclude
35. The opposite of “familiar” is “----------------------”.
a) normal b) regular c) unusual d) ordinary
36. ---------------- make noise at the library.
a) Doesn’t b) Don’t do c) Aren’t d) Don’t
37. My mother’s food ---------------- delicious. I like it so much.
a) best b) tastes c) tests d) rests
38. I have ----------------- MP3 player.
a) a b) some c) any d) an
39. My father ---------------- on me in doing some jobs at home.
a) takes b) depends c) gives d) pretends
40. I ate ---------------- cake. I’ve got a stomach ache.
a) too much b) too many c) enough d) any
41. A / An -------------------- is someone who paints or draws for a job.
a) actor b) guide c) artist d) firefighter
42. He -------------------- this café to have coffee in.
a) said b) recommended c) told d) ordered
43. I’m -------------------- if you are busy tonight.
a) wondering b) wandering c) walking d) working
44. ----------------- you get me some biscuits, please?
a) Would b) Shall c) Could d) Should
45. My grandma was good at -------------------fine clothes.
a) stealing b) sewing c) sowing d) singing
46. He sent me a / an --------------- to attend his wedding.
a) call b) message c) invitation d) invention
47. -------------- your sister know how to make clothes?
a) Does b) Are c) Is d) Do
48. If a person is ----------------------, he isn’t able to hear.
a) blind b) deaf c) strong d) leaf
49. Would you mind ---------------- me some money?
a) lent b) lends c) lend d) lending
50. I read a film ------------------ to know what the film is about.
a) report b) view c) review d) opinion
51. The plane ---------------- safely and all people were happy.
a) landed b) died c) fell d) threw
52. My brother is a radio reporter and he makes ----- with famous people.
a) views b) interviews c) meetings d) reviews
53. “------------------” has the same meaning as ask.
a) Wander b) Sell c) Wonder d) Reply
54. ----------------- Faten able to solve the problem?
a) Has b) Can c) Should d) Is
55. A firefighter is the person who ----------------- fires.
a) keeps b) saves c) stops d) makes
56. Can you help me? I ----------------- never understand this.
a) can b) can’t c) able to d) know how
57. I need to learn ------------------ for the school play.
a) reading b) painting c) acting d) sculpture
58. ----------------- is a special kind of writing for blind people.
a) Braille b) Calligraphy c) Scenery d) Signs
59. Things that are made from clay, such as cups and plates are called ----.
a) poetry b) pottery c) portrait d) sculpture
60. My sister is the best at ---------------- clothes.
a) sews b) to sew c) sew d) sewing
61. ------- are things produced by a scientific process.
a) Clothes b) Chemicals c) Crops d) Occasions
62. Does she like clothes ------------------ of cotton?
a) making b) made c) are making d) are made
63. What a -------------------------!
a) cotton, nice, long scarf b) nice, long, cotton scarf
c) long, cotton, nice scarf d) scarf, nice cotton, long
64. I have a smaller ------------------- you can try on.
a) ones b) these c) those d) one
65. She looks so ------------------- in the new dress. That’s amazing!
6a) silly b) normal c) pretty d) strange
66. Zebras, which are --------------- animals, are popular in Africa.
a) golden b) striped c) scraped d) wooden
67. I like -------------------------- clothes.
a) loose, linen, white b) loose, white, linen
c) white, loose, linen d) linen, loose, white
68. ----------------- means expensive and good quality.
a) Silly b) Weak c) Luxury d) Poisonous
69. He studies hard, as a --------------------- he got high marks.
a) result b) reason c) cause d) crop
70. Noha speaks English and French very well. She’s ------- at languages.
a) messy b) bad c) passive d) perfect
71. ----------------- clothing will keep you comfortable.
a) Loose b) Tight c) Lost d) Dirty
72. A ---------------- is a person who owns a small shop.
a) costumer b) gardener c) shopkeeper d) customer
73. It’s a ------------------------- scarf!
a) pink, striped, cotton b) striped, pink, cotton
c) pink, cotton, striped d) striped, cotton, pink
74. I saw a / an ------------------ for a cool handbag. I’d like to buy it.
a) message b) email c) advert d) blog
75. She has two children. The tall ---------------------- is good at sports.
a) one b) ones c) one’s d) ones’
76. His trousers are a bit large, so he wears a -----------------.
a) belt b) tie c) scarf d) necklace
77. How much are ----------------- necklaces in the window?
a) that b) those c) one d) ones
78. “Soft” is the opposite of ------------------------.
a) big b) hardly c) hard d) loose
79. You can’t wear my shirt. We are not the same ----------------------.
a) size b) colour c) age d) height
80. Cotton ----------------- brings a lot of money.
a) price b) workers c) industry d) party
81. If the shops close, then lots of other. ------------- like cafes’ will close, too.
a) jobs b) businesses c) ideas d) circles
82. The road is not big enough for cars, but you can go down it on a ------------------.
a) train b) plane c) motorbike d) ferry
83. Do you ---------------------- that the weather will get hotter in the future?
a) have b) invent c) give d) predict
84. Do you think there will be many ----------------- in your English homework?
a) corrections b) apps c) turns d) tools
85. I would like to ------------------- the phone for a new one that is not damaged.
a) watch b) change c) exercise d) text
86. It's a good idea to play ------------------------- games in the evening.
a) noisy b) quiet c) excited d) fast
87. I would like to ---------------------- a machine to tidy my bedroom!
a) invite b) invent c) travel d) disappear
88. I think it is ------------------- to travel in time. It can't happen.
a) important b) impossible c) easy d) possible
89. We can only travel through -----------------------, not time.
a) place b) replace c) space d) advice
90. You shouldn’t ------------ outside for too long if it is very hot in the desert.
a) try b) stay c) swim d) visit
91. If you don't ------------------ the lesson, you should tell the teacher.
a) try b) stay c) understand d) visit
92. ----------------------- are like planes, but they do not have wings!
a) Cars b) Cameras c) Mobiles d) Helicopters
93. Do you think that we will ---------------- a car that doesn’t make any pollution?
a) invent b) predict c) understand d) travel
94. There’s a/an ---------- on this phone which tells me the weather in my city.
a) app b) screen c) battery d) charge
95. I asked my aunt to ------------ a French internet article into Arabic.
a) build b) check c) translate d) damage
96. The tourists took the road south by --------------, but they wanted to go north.
a) correction b) lever c) mistake d) right
97. Our friends sent us some photos on --------------------- fill.
a) social media b) screen c) keyboard d) mouse
98. It was cloudy this morning, but the clouds soon -------- when the sun came out.
a) appeared b) disappeared c) explored d) damaged
99. She eats a lot of fish because it helps to make her -----------------------.
a) relaxed b) happy c) fat d) strong
100. In many places, people use fava beans to make -------------------------.
a) pasta b) falafel c) soup d) dessert
101. Meat, cheese and nuts have --------------------- in them.
a) salt b) protein c) sugar d) milk
102. please, ------------------- some tea into my cup.
a) heat b) pull c) beat d) pour
103. When the omelette is ready, take it out of the frying -------------------.
a) glass b) Plate c) pan d) cup
104. put the eggs in the bowl and beat them with a ----------------------------.
a) Spoon b) feather c) knife d) beak
105. We ----------------------- things when we put them in our mouths.
a) smell b) see c) taste d) hear
106. What’s your favourite ------------ fruit that you like to eat when you’re thirsty?
a) juicy b) salty c) terrible d) horrible
107. The water in the sea is --------------. Can you think of a food with this taste?
a) sweet b) spicy c) juicy d) salty
108. Many people are -------------------- to nuts, so they don’t eat cakes.
a) addicted b) popular c) allergic d) ready
109. ---------------- products like milk and cheese help us to have strong bones.
a) Dry b) Diary c) Dairy d) daily
110. Meat, fish and eggs all have ------------------- in them.
a) sugar b) protein c) bones d) skin
111. Humans have 210 ------- in their bodies. The biggest ones are in our legs.
a) bones b) legs c) skeletons d) backs
112. Food is usually healthy and good for you when it is ------------------------.
a) expensive b) fresh c) old d) terrible
113. You need to ---------------- eggs and milk before you make an omelette.
a) chop b) wash c) beat d) fry
114. The -------------------- for making rice pudding was easy.
a) cook b) instruction c) recipe d) ingredient
115. I can ---------------- scenery if you want, but I can't do make-up.
a) explore b) paint c) sew d) have
116. There were -------- of important and normal Egyptian people in the museum.
a) portraits b) plays c) cartoon d) pottery
117. I ---------- visiting the Museum of Modern Egyptian Art if you are in Cairo.
a) show b) recommend c) prevent d) protect
118. My dress is damaged, so my mother is -------------------- it.
a) cleaning b) sewing c) painting d) washing
119. What ----------------------- do you think musicians need?
a) money b) skills c) time d) power
120. Try to help ----------- people by solving the problems that they can have.
a) sleepy b) lazy c) disabled d) brave
121. What is your favourite musical instrument? It’s the --------------------.
a) cook b) clarinet c) laptop d) TV
122. ------------------ means the things that happen in a film.
a) Ideas b) Actions c) Articles d) Views
123. There’s a great ---------------- from the top of the tower.
a) review b) watch c) view d) few
124. We should ------------------- all our plastic to use again.
a) burn b) recycle c) throw d) damage
125. A ------------------ is able to stop fires.
a) pilot b) police officer c) manager d) firefighter
126. The children all wore funny ------- to the family party, Ahmed was a firefighter!
a) contents b) costumes c) concerts d) customs
127. --------------------- are things you can make in chemistry.
a) Bacteria b) Plants c) Chemicals d) Tools
128. Plastic ---------------- environmental problems.
a) reduces b) causes c) kills d) decays
129. Boyan Slat invented a -------------- to take plastic rubbish from the sea.
a) bacteria b) problem c) system d) wildlife
130. We use drones to help --------------- wildlife after floods and fires.
a) save b) damage c) fire d) send
131. Wind --------------- is much better for the environment and makes less pollution.
a) drones b) system c) chemicals d) energy
132.I had to go to the dentist, so I --------------- the last English lesson.
a) visited b) missed c) invited d) had
133. There was a fire in the flats and firefighters ----------------- a family.
a) changed b) invited c) saved d) reduced
134. I think electric cars will help to --------------- pollution in the future.
a) increase b) add c) damage d) reduce
135. My uncle helped us to --------------- a new washing machine this morning.
a) reduce b) plant c) leave d) install
136. This computer does not work. We need to ask someone to ---------------------- it.
a) break b) make c) repair d) drop
137. A lot of animals live in the --------------- forests next to the sea.
a) mangrove b) roof c) improve d) gloves
138. I love playing computer games because I can --------------- what the people do
on the screen.
a) control b) irrigate c) hurt d) grow
139. People sometimes use a ----------------- to film animals from the sky.
a) headphone b) washing machine c) drone d) keyboard
140. Scientists can use take out smalt pieces of plastic from rivers.
a) filter b) spoon c) gate d) book
141. We should use --------------- on buildings in sunny countries like Egypt.
a) snowboards b) solar panels c) washing machines d) tablets
142. You see a lot of ------------------- in windy countries like England.
a) rockets b) wind turbines c) sewing machines d) coins
143. Lara always gives her grandmother a big ------------------ when she sees her.
a) hug b) huge c) hide d) hall
144. My little brother started to ---------------- after he fell and hurt his hand.
a) smile b) cry c) hide d) laugh
145. A ------------------ is a funny drawing usually showing people and animals.
a) cartoon b) portrait c) script d) sculpture
146. Osama painted a fantastic -------------------- of his wife’s face.
a) costume b) portrait c) show d) sculpture
147. Mona can’t answer the phone. She is doing her -----------------------.
a) scenery b) museum c) play d) make-up
148. The --------------- is fantastic in the play, you feet like you are in the mountains!
a) century b) costume c) make-up d) scenery
149. A -------------------- person is the person who is not able to see.
a) blind b) deaf c) disabled d) excited
150. The ----------------- is trying to help farmers to protect the environment.
a) experiment b) development c) government d) equipment
151. You --------------- tell a parent or teacher if you feel worried at something.
a) should b) shouldn’t c) mustn’t d) couldn’t
152. You shouldn’t watch videos on the internet if your head...............
a) had hurt b) ’ll hurt c) hurts d) hurt
153. You ----------------------------- swim in the sea if it is very cold.
a) have to b) had to c) should d) shouldn't
154. Should I --------------- for too long on the internet if I have a headache?
a) stays b) stay c) to stay d) staying
155. When you ------------------ tired, you should have a break.
a) are b) be c) were d) will be
156. If you want to get the park quickly, you -------------------- the bus.
a) will take b) take c) should take d) took
157. If I help my mother at the weekend, she ----------------- have more free time.
a) ’ll b) ’d c) ’s d) should
158. If I --------------------- to the shops, I will spend a lot of money.
a) go b) went c) goes d) going
159. What clothes -------------------- if it's cold?
a) I will wear b) will wear c) wear d) will wear
160. When Huda ----------------------- Cairo, she will buy some new shoes.
a) visits b) visit c) visiting d) visited

Additional Exercises :
1. What invention do you hope we ------------------------ in the future ?
a) see b) will see c) would see d) saw
2. I think the headphones ------------------- very useful for travelling.
a) will be b) are going to be c) be d) would be
3. Do you predict that the weather ---------------- hotter in the future ?
a) gets b) got c) will get d) are getting
4. Life ------------------------ easier in the future.
a) is b) was c) will be d) were
5. ------------------------ shops close in the next ten years ?
a) Do b) Are c) Have d) Will
6. Hassan won’t use the internet to buy food when he ----------------- older.
a) is b) was c) will be d) are
7. Mona -------------------- online for a new phone when she gets home.
a) looked b) looking c) would look d) will look
8. You shouldn’t watch videos on the internet if your head ---------------------.
a) hurts b) hurting c) will hurt d) would hurt
9. If you ---------------- someone, you shouldn’t make friends with them online.
a) didn’t know b) don’t know c) not know d) won’t know
10. If you see people being horrible online, you -------------- tell your parents.
a) should b) are c) won’t d) shouldn’t
11. --------------------- it be cold if I travel to England?
a) Will b) Does c) Is d) Did
12.Do you know how to ----------------------- an instrument.
a) playing b) play c) played d) plays
13. --------------------- you able to speak French? -Yes, I am.
a) Were b) Are c) Can d) Do
14.I -------------------- talk to people at drama club about acting.
a) am able b) is able to c) Can d) Do
15. He can’t swim, but he ----------------- play football very well.
a) can b) can’t c) is able d) isn’t able
16. Hend -------------------- play tennis, but she can ride a bike.
a) don’t b) can’t c) hasn’t d) isn’t
17. I was wondering if you would like ------------- my house tomorrow.
a) to come b) coming c) comes d) come
18. ---------------- you like to see a film of Little Women ? – Of course.
a) Did b) Are c) Would d) Will
19. --------------------- I bring some table tennis balls?
a) Am b) Have c) Shall d) Would
20. ----------------- you bring me fruit juice ?
a) Would b) Shall c) Could d) Do
21. A film star knows how -------------------- well.
a) to act b) acting c) act d) acts
22. She is allergic to nuts, so she doesn’t eat ------------------ cakes.
a) a few b) any c) some d) a lot of
23. There are ----------------- grapes left. Would you like some?
a) a little b) a few c) much d) a lot
24. A : Would you like ------------- salt on your chips? B: No, thank you.
a) a little b) a few c) many d) several
25. I don’t like to have --------------- salt in my food because it is not very healthy.
a) some b) any c) many d) several
26. Would you like ------------------- cake, Leila? – No, thanks.
a) any b) some c) many d) plenty
27. Wash some beans and ---------------------- them in a pan.
a) puts b) to put c) putting d) put
28. ------------------- foul mudammas with warm bread.
a) To serve b) Serve c) Serving d) serves
29. ------------------- vegetables into small pieces.
a) Chopping b) To chop c) Chops d) chop

30. I don’t like this soup. There is too ---------------- salt in it.
a) much b) many c) enough d) few
31. Has samosa got -------------------- sugar or salt in it?
a) some b) many c. a lot d) any
32. My little brother sometimes eats ------------------ grapes for breakfast.
a) much b) any c) a lot d) few
33. Leila likes ------------------- milk in her tea, but not very much.
a) a few b) any c) a lot d) a little
34.“------------------ you like some more pudding?” “No, thank you.”
a) Did b) Could c) Would d) Do
35. Can I have some more sugar, please? There is ---------------- in this tea.
a) too much b) too many c) a few d) not enough
36. Let’s not go to the beach. There are ---------------- people there today.
a) too much b) too many c) a little d) a few
37. Could you get a few tomatoes? I don’t have ----------------- for the salad.
a) enough b) much c) a little d) a few
38. You should only eat --------------------- sugar.
a) much b) many c) a few d) a little
39. My grandmother spends ------ time cooking in the kitchen. She’s often there all day.
a) a little b) many c) a few d) a little
40. Tourists love to visit ------------- villages.
a) traditional b) tradition c) nature d) environment
41. Don’t drink water from a canal because it can be full of dangerous ---------------.
a) vitamins b) proteins c) bacteria d) suitcases
42. The ----------- are the things that make you different to other people.
a) forms b) subjects c) identities d) similarities
43. An international language connects you to an international -----------------.
a) community b) area c) dialect d) part
44. We used to be best friends. I --------------- being friends with her.
a) copy b) misunderstand c) miss d) mistake
45. A person who speaks lots of languages is ---------------------.
a) national b) multilingual c) old d) different
46. To understand a young baby, try to see his -------------------- expressions.
a) facial b) body c) eye d) language
47. A -------------- statement is where you tell someone about yourself.
a) public b) personal c) shared d) business
48. Someone who plans things carefully is ----------------.
a) ready b) improved c) brave d) organised
49. Write the word in ----------- that means putting the word in a written sentence.
a) crossword b) listening c) context d) map
50. My homework was difficult, so I asked my elder brother to ------------- it.
a) fix b) explain c) follow d) repair
51. My sister will ----------------- an exam next Monday.
a) take b) give c) make d) fail
52. Most of the pollution in our area comes from the -------------- near the river.
a) house b) university c) school d) factory
53. Most people use social media to -------------- with each other.
a) communicate b) contact c) connect d) sound
54. My father was angry when l played next to him, so he told me to ----------.
a) take away b) throw away c) run away d) go away
55. To ---------------- is to get better at something.
a) connect b) improve c) contact d) complete
56. Some children are watching a film. We know the film is scary by their ---------.
a) traditional b) tradition c) nature d) environment
57. Storms and floods are ---------------- events.
a) environmental b) tradition c) musical d) natural
58.You don't need to write full sentences when ------------------ notes.
a) looking b) having c) making d) giving
59. Some people think that online shopping ---------------- time and money.
a) spends b) uses c) saves d) checks
60. The door was heavy, so we had to ----------------- it open.
a) stay b) get c) pull d) fall
61. ------------ my opinion, all technology can bad for your health.
a) On b) With c) For d) In
62. Spinach is a kind of ----------------------.
a) fruit b) snacks c) vegetables d) fats
63. The ------------ is a person who knows a lot about a subject.
a) tourist b) expert c) writer d) learner
64. -------------- means websites and apps that allow people to talk to each.
a) Technology b) Information c) Addiction d) social media
65.Eating many sweets is bad --------------------- you.
a) at b) with c) by d) to
66.The manager was angry when he found -------------------- the truth.
a) off b) out c) on d) in
67. ------------ means having something that makes you ill when you eat or touch it.
a) Safe b) Allergic c) Kind d) Fresh
68. My sister is -------------- to sweets .she always wants to eat them.
a) interested b) allergic c) ready d) addicted
69. That new hotel looks ---------------------. I don't like it at all.
a) comfortable b) horrible c) exciting d) bored
70. Using a mobile phone too much can ---------------- you headaches.
a) give b) get c) make d) do

71. Many young people spend much time ---------------- their social media.
a) checking b) looking c) playing d) wasting
72. When they arrived at the hotel, they decided to ------------- its large garden.
a) communicate b) invent c) make d) explore
73. Don't touch the ---------------------- or the machine will start.
a) hand b) leg c) lever d) bag
74. I can't use my mobile phone because there is a problem ------------------ it.
a) on b) with c) for d) in
75. Listening to loud music through headphones can damage your ---------------.
a) taste b) hearing c) smell d) sight
76. Eating pasta and ice gives us --------------------------.
a) salt b) sugar c) cakes d) energy
77. Cakes, chocolate and biscuits have a lot of --------------------- and sugar
a) fat b) pasta c) beans d) salad
78. I like this fruit because It ------------------- delicious.
a) tastes b) feels c) hears d) touches
79. After athletics -------------- m my friends and I sometimes get some fast food.
a) play b) practice c) practise d) experience
80. You don't have to pay to get into the concert. It's -------------------.
a) expensive b) empty c) free d) amazing
81. A --------------- is a large park with machines to ride on, restaurants, etc.
a) theme park b) safari park c) garden d) beach
82. From my point of -----------------------, we should recycle all our plastic.
a) opinion b) review c) interview d) view
83. A --------------- is a painting or photograph of a person's face.
a) statue b) portrait c) scenery d) play
84. I ---------------------- this film if you like exciting and scary films
a) invite b) request c) recommend d) offer
85. ---------------- is something made from clay such as pots, dishes, etc.
a) pottery b) portrait c) script d) sculpture
86. Look at that people in the street. I --------------- what are they looking at?
a. invite b) wonder c) recommend d) offer
87. My brother always ------------- my things and I can't find them.
a) plays b) checks c) disappears d) hides
88. Four prisoners ------------------- through a hole in the fence.
a) ran b) waved c) escaped d) gave
89. I read a ----------------------- of that book. it said it was very good.
a) revision b) revenge c) review d) letter
90. The actor became a ----------------- after he was in that famous film.
a) player b) singer c) writer d) star

91. It's a ------------------------------ skirt.
a) beautiful, new, blue b) blue, beautiful, new
c) beautiful, blue, new d) blue, new, beautiful
92. It’s a -----------------------------.
a) beautiful necklace brown and orange b) necklace beautiful brown and orange
c) beautiful brown and necklace orange d) beautiful brown and orange necklace
93. It’s a ----------------------------- scarf.
a) striped, cotton, pink b) striped, pink, cotton
c) pink, striped, cotton d) cotton, striped, pink
94. Hoda’s father has bought a / an ---------------------- car.
a) red, new, electric b) new, red, electric
c) electric, new, red d) new, electric, red
95- I love wearing my --------------- galabeya, because it is very cool in the summer.
a) cotton, long, loose b) long, cotton, loose
c) long, loose, cotton d) loose, long, cotton
96. The American tourists were wearing -------------------- sunglasses.
a) big, red, plastic b) red, plastic, big
c) big, plastic, red d) plastic, big, red
97. We went to the island in a/ an -------------------------- boat.
a) wooden, long, old b) long, old, wooden
a) beautiful, black, long b) black, beautiful, long
98. These are --------------------------- shoes.
a) strange, big, leather b) leather, big, strange
c) leather, strange, big d) strange, leather, big
99. She likes ------------------------- clothes.
a) linen, white, loose b) white, linen, loose
c) white, loose, linen d) loose, white, linen
100. It's a ------------------- jumper.
a) wool, nice, purple b) purple, nice, wool
c) nice, purple, wool d) nice, wool, purple
101. They are -------------------- boots.
a) old, brown, leather b) leather, old, brown
c) brown, old, leather d) old, leather, brown
102. She is wearing ---------------------- scarf.
a green, long b) nice, long, blue c) pretty, green, new d) cotton, red
103. It’s a ------------------ car.
a) beautiful, black, long b) black, beautiful, long
c) beautiful, long, black d) long, beautiful, black
104. Rich people sometimes wore ------------------ sandals.
a) expensive, leather b) linen, pretty
c) leather, big d) leather, red
105. Mr and Mrs Osman lives in a ---------------------- flat in Aswan.
a) old, traditional, big b) big, old, traditional
c) wooden, old, big d) big, wooden, old
106. Look at that ------------------------ necklace.
a) this b) these c) those d) ones
107. Which dress are you going to wear ? This one or those -------------------.
a) one b) ones c) dress d) a dress
108. Where did you get ------------------------ sunglasses?
a) this b) they c) those d) that
109. How much are ---------------------- necklaces in the window?
a) there b) they c) those d) that
110. Do you prefer -------------------------- dress or that one over there?
a) this b) these c) those d) that
a) there b) they c) those d) that
111. Should I buy the red chair or the black --------------------------?
a) one b) once c) one's d) ones
112. Should I buy the red chairs or the black ------------------------------?
a) one b) once c) ones’ d) ones
113. It’s a long ---------------------- snake.
a) striped, plastic b) plastic, red
c) new, small d) plastic red
114. We saw a ------------------------- statue in the museum.
a) old, wooden, big b) big, old, wooden
c) wooden, old, big d) big, wooden, old
115. I have a smaller -------------------- you can try on.
a) ones b) these c) those d) one
116. What’s ------------------------- small thing by my chair?
a) this b) these c) those d) ones
117. I like -------------------- smart, red, cotton T-shirt.
a) that b) these c) there d) there
118. Can I buy ------------------- earrings in the window?
a) there b) they c) those d) that
119. Farida is going ----------------- the race.
a) win b) to won c) winning d) to win
120. The boy and his a football match.
a) is going to b) are going to c) going to d) are going
121. The students ------------------ the school at 6.30 on 6 June. leaving b) going to leave c) leaving d) are leaving
122. Judy ------------------ a museum in nine days’ time.
a) going to visit b) visiting
c) is visiting d) visited
123. I'm -------------------- the dentist at 6:30 next Thursday.
a) visits b) visiting c) to visit d) visited
124. Judy -------------------- tennis this evening.
a) plays b) play c) played d) is playing
125. Where ----------------------- going to go for your next holiday?
a) you are b) do you c) are you d) you do
126. How are you going to ------------------ your English?
a) improve b) improving c) improves d) improved
127. ----------------------- your mobile phone when it is old?
a) Are you recycling b) Do you recycle
c) Are you going to recycle d) Did you recycle
128. Look at the black clouds! It ----------------------------- soon.
a) is going to rain b) is raining
c) rains d) rain
129. I was playing tennis with my sister when it ----------------- to rain.
a) was starting b) started c) starts d) start
130. Now I find science very difficult so I don t think I ------------ be a scientist.
a) will b) won’t c) shouldn’t d) should
131. My village didn't ------------------ to have any tourists.
a) use b) using c) used d) use to
132. What do you want ------------------ in the future?
a) study b) to study c) studies d) studying
133. I think they ------------------ down some trees to build a new hotel.
a) will cut b) cut c) are cutting d) to cut
134. At the moment, my brother ---------------- in a bank.
a) work b) worked c) working d) is working
135. Nadia looked at the menu and ------------------ to have fish with rice.
a) decided b) decides c) decide d) deciding
136. I ------------ Lina's tooth is hurting her. You can see from her body language.
a) thinks b) think c) thought d) thinking
137. Let’s -------------------- to make her laugh.
a) tried b) tries c) try d) trying
138. Good idea ------------------ about singing a funny song?
a. Who b) When c) How d) Why
139. You ---------------- be careful about how you use your body and voice.
a. shouldn’t b) should c) will d) would
140. Mariam is good at languages. She -------------- French, Spanish and German.
a) will speak b) spoke c) is speaking d) speaks
141. Look at that -------------------------- necklace.
a) long, pretty, gold b) long, gold, pretty
c) pretty, long, gold d) pretty, gold, long
142. ------------------ means nature, plants or animals and everything around us.
a) Planet b) Environment c) Crops d) Fields
143. She can't come to the phone now because she -------------- for tomorrow's test.
a) studies b) is studying c) will study d) has studied
144. Children should drink ------------------ milk to have strong bones.
a) little b) much c) any d) few
145. There are ------------------ types of healthy snacks at this restaurant.
a) a little b) any c) much d) a few
146. I cannot believe that you ------------- say these words. It is very easy.
a) aren't able to b) can c) know how to d) don't know
147. ---------------------- how to answer the dialogue question?
a) Have you know b) Are you know
c) Do you know d) Were you know
148. Living so close to a chemicals factory can't be good ---------- your health.
a) to b) at c) for d) of
149. You should -------------- sure that you eat all types of healthy food.
a) say b) take c) do d) make
150. My mother was worried ------------- me when I came home late.
a with b) on c) about d) of
151. My grandfather ----------------- a big factory in the 6th of October City.
a). brings b) owns c) finds d) makes
152. I like to wear my -------------------- on the bus to listen to music.
a) helmet b) headphones c) glasses d) jacket
153. I prefer -------------------- my friends to calling them.
a) sending b) texting c) speaking d) bringing
154.Social media has a --------------- effect on us, so we should be careful
a) positive b) negative c) useful d) helpful
155.It took Heba three hours ------------------- her homework.
a) finish b) finishes c) to finish d) finished
156.Many people can ------------------- their shopping online.
a) make b) do c) spend d) go
157. The smart phone is one of the greatest ------------------ of the time.
a) predictions b) inventions c) corrections d) translations
158. Put the milk in the fridge to keep it ---------------------------.
a) hard b) fresh c) soft d) salty
159. That restaurant is new. They ---------------- breakfast and lunch only.
a) eats b) puts c) serves d) takes
160. Many people are interested -------------- watching football matches.
a) in b) at c) on d) onto
161. A / An --------------------- is an object that is used for playing music.
a) tool b) machine c) material d) instrument
(5) Complete the sentences with the correct form of word (s) in brackets :
1. Cafes --------------------------- (closing) in the future.
2. I hope there -------------------- (is) less air pollution.
3. I’m sure people ------------------------- (use) drones in the future.
4. I think we ---------------------- (do) shopping online more.
5. Mona will look online for a new phone when she ----------------- (get) home.
6. Hassan --------------- (not use) the internet to buy food when he is older.
7. Who will I talk to if I ---------------- (not know) anyone at the school?
8. If you ----------------------- (thinks) that your friend is addicted to social media,
you should advise him.
9. When you drop rubbish on the floor, you ----------------------- (pick) it up.
10. If they don't change, maybe you should -------------- (finding) some new friends.
11. They should check that you can’t buy anything when you ------- (played)
games online.
12. People who are addicted to eating sweets should ----- (tries) eating fruit instead.
13. If there ---------- (be) a new student in our class, we should talk to him / her.
14. If we want to stop climate change, we ------------ (stopped) cutting down trees.
15. This machine won’t -------------------- (being) able to fly very high.
16. I won’t watch TV tonight if I ------------------ (went) out.
17. If I buy everything online, I --------- (not be able to) go shopping with my friends
18. Please, --------------------- (adding) some olive oil on salad.
19. -------------------------- (Heats) some oil in a pan.
20. ----------------------- (Not boil) oil more than one time.
21. ------------------- (Turns) the lights off before you sleep.
22. When she is playing netball, she drinks -------------------- (a few) water.
23. I eat ------------------- (a little) healthy snacks.
24. I eat --------------------- (a lot) rice and pasta every day.
25. Would you like ---------------------- (any) coffee.
26. “---------------------- (Would) you like coffee?” - No, I don’t. I prefer tea.
27. ------------------------------ (Not) add too much salt to the food, please.
28. Can you --------------------- (sewing)?
29. Do you know how ----------------------- (make) a sculpture?
30. Maher is able ------------------------ (play) musical instruments.
31. A firefighter ------------------------------- (be) able to stop fires.
32. ---------------------------- (Able) you play football or tennis?
33. It's a / an -------------------------- (colourful, cotton, old) scarf.
34. I like ------------------------ (those) black, leather handbag! Is it new?
35. -------------------------- (These) birds are flying very high.
36. I bought ------------------------- (this) shoes last week at the market.
37. It’s a ------------------------------- (purple, nice, wool) jumper.
38. It’s a ------------------------------- (linen, beautiful, blue) dress.
39. Look at that ----------------------------------- (pretty, gold, long) necklace.
40. I ------------------------------- (going to) help my father.
41. What are you going ------------------------- (do)?
42. He is --------------------- (goes) to throw away his old phone.
43. I --------------------------- (visit) the dentist at 4:30 next Thursday.
44. What are you -------------------------- (do) this afternoon?
45. Judy is -------------------------- (plays) tennis this evening.
46. He --------------- (visit) the Egyptian Museum tomorrow. He bought the tickets.
47. At the moment, we ----------------- (stay) in a small hotel near the lake.
48. My cousins ------------------- (arrived) at lunchtime tomorrow at 11 am.
49. The boy and his father are going to ----------------- (watching) a football match.
50. Lara is --------------------------- (play) tennis at 4 o’clock tomorrow.
51. Fawzy ------------------------ (not work) next week because he has a holiday.
52. Hassan will be sad if he ------------------------ (got) low marks.
53. My village --------------------------- (not use) have any tourists, but now.
54. Lots of visitors ----------------------------- (comes) here every year.
55. At the moment, I --------------------------------- (do) an English exercise.
56. Last year, we -------------------- (have) visitors from China and Japan.
57. Ali ---------------- (feel) ill, so I don't think he will come out this evening.
58. When I ------------------------ (be) young, I wanted to be a scientist.
59. If I'm not ill, I --------------------------- (not take) the medicine.
60. I think Basem ----------------------------- (buy) a car in the future.
61. Do you think hend -------------------------- (get) high marks in the exams?
62. There ---------------------------- (aren’t) enough milk to make hot chocolate.
63. There is ---------------------------------- (too many) salt in this recipe
64. Add ------------------------------- (a few) sugar to the tea, I don't like much sugar.
65. What ----------------------------------- (I do) if I've a problem?
66. When you go to bed, you ------------------- (turn) your phone off.
67. If you are worried about something online, you ------------------- (tell) someone.
68. I think there is ---------------------- (a few) cheese in the fridge.
69. Samy --------------------------- (not / able) send an email.
70. Mariam --------------------------- (know) how to use the tablet.
71. A firefighter --------------------------- (are) able to stop fires.
72. There aren’t ---------------------------- (some) students in the classroom.
73. I ate --------------------------- (a little) sandwiches. They were really delicious.
74. Could you --------------------------- (to bring) me some tea, please?
75. Nabil ----------------------------- (not / going) give a party next week
76. He has arranged everything. He ----------------- (spend) his holiday in Paris.
77. On Tuesday , they are -------------------- (visit) their grandparents.

78. Farida Is in the front. She is ----------------------- (going) win.
79. Hassan -------------------------- (writes) his English homework now.
80. Mariam ------------------------------- (able) paint the door.
81. Tamer can ---------------------------- (answers) the questions easily.
82. I like this ------------------------------------ (cotton, smart, red) T-shirt.
83. --------------------- (This) earrings are very nice.
84. Hala used to ---------------------- (running) fast when she was young.
85. Lamar -------------------------- (don’t) use to read when she was five
86. Sama always eats --------------------------- (a lot) rice and pasta.
87. Where ------------------------ (do) you spend your last weekend ?
88. Shall I ---------------------- (bought) some cakes and fruit ?
89. Sara usually --------------------------- (put) on black shoes.
90. While I -------------------------------- (walk) to school, I saw an old friend.
91. If he ---------------------- (have) much money, he will help the poor.
92. I hope he ---------------------- (be) back before 9:30.
93. If everyone --------- (shopping) online, the shops in our town will close.
94. What --------------------------- (you / do) if you win the competition?
95. If everyone --------- (shopping) online, the shops in our town will close.
96. He has promised me, he --------------------- (going to) help me.
97. What --------------------------- (you / do) if you win the competition?
98. You ---------------- (shouldn’t) stop smoking. It’s bad for your health.
99. There -------------------- (not / enough) bread in the fridge.
100. Nabil, -------------------- (watering) the plants, please.
101. ----------------- (not) throw your food!
102. She is lucky. She has ---------------- (a little) problems.
103. ------------------------ (you / like) some rice with your fish?
104. Today’s her birthday. ------------------ (Phoning) her, please.
105. There are ------------------ (a little) grapes left.
106. Our team didn’t play well. We made too many -------------- (a mistake).
107. I know how ----------------- (sewing) costumes.
108. He --------------------- (not / able) read without glasses.
109. ------------------- (you / like) a few olives?
110. He can ------------------ (using) my car if he needs it.
111. -------------------- (she / knows) how to cook?
112. We can ------------------ (had) end-of-year show.
113. Nabil ------------------- (not / able) to send an email.
114. ---------------- (Will) you like to come to my birthday party?
115. Pass me ----------------- (these) magazine, please.
116. They are ------------------------ (black / expensive / plastic) glasses.
117. ------------------ (This) bottle over there is empty.
118. I’ve lost my wallet. I need to buy a new -------------- (one’s).
119. We live in a ------------------------ (traditional / big / old) flat in Aswan.
120. This box is too small. I need --------------------- (big / ones).
121. Look at -------------------- (that) clouds.
122. This is a / an ---------------------- (new / Italian / wonderful) movie.
(E) Writing
(6) (A) Write a paragraph of NINETY (90) words on :
“ My favourite hobby ”

“ My favourite sport ”

“ Online shopping ”
“ Problems with technology ”

“ Mobile phones ”
“ Your favourite snack / meal / recipe ”

“ Healthy food ”

“ A person you are proud of ”

“ A review of a museum ”

“ A review of a film ”

“ How to help the disabled ”


“ Your favourite clothes ”


“ Helping the environment ”

“ Water pollution ”

“ Learning styles ”

“ The importance of learning English ”

“ Your future job ”


“ Forms of communication ”

“ A review of a book ”
“ Helping people / Helping others ”

(B) Write an e-mail of NINETY (90) words :

(1) Write an e-mail to your friend Noha to tell her about how technology is
useful. Your name is Nada. Your e-mail address is and
your friend’s e-mail address is
To : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
From : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Subject : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(2) Write an e-mail to your friend Sayed to tell him about your favourite
recipe. Your name is Soliman. Your e-mail address is
and your friend’s e-mail address is
To : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
From : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Subject : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(3) Write an e-mail to your friend Amr to tell him about your visit to the
Egyptian Museum. Your name is Mazen. Your e-mail address is mazen@ and your friend’s e-mail address is
To : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
From : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Subject : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(4) Write an e-mail to your friend Rana to tell her about your future job. Your
name is Sama. Your e-mail address is
and your friend’s e-mail address is
To : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
From : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Subject : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(5) Write an e-mail to your friend Hala to tell her about your favourite hobby.
Your name is Hend. Your e-mail address is
and your friend’s e-mail address is
To : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
From : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Subject : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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