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Kigali, 2019

© 2019 Rwanda Education Board
All rights reserved
This syllabus is the property of Rwanda Education Board. Credit must be provided
to the author and source of the document when the content is quoted.


In a bid to promote quality Special Needs Education in Rwandan schools, the Ministry of Education (MINEDUC) is pleased to publish the
curriculum for learners with moderate, severe and profound intellectual Challenges. This is in line with the Government’s commitment to
foster and support all learners to access and achieve quality education, including those facing all forms of limitations and disadvantages
in schooling.
The curriculum is aligned to the Competence Based Curriculum (CBC) that was officially launched in 2015. It is intended to be used
in both special and inclusive schools in order to accommodate children with special educational needs and manage their cognitive
diversity. In this regard, the Ministry of Education through Rwanda Education Board wishes to help learners with intellectual challenges
to maximize their opportunity in learning and develop their optimal capacity to live as independently as they can.
The present curriculum is premised on the national prospects, values and mission, specifically to guide teaching and learning of learners
with special educational needs related to intellectual challenges. It primarily responds to the needs of learners with intellectual challenges
who are unable to follow the mainstream school curriculum.
The aim of the curriculum is to enable learners with intellectual challenges to realize optimum potential through education and professional
development. It promotes their highest attainable level in terms of knowledge, competences, attitudes and values, and ultimately participate
in socio-economic development as equal members of the Rwandan society.
The Ministry of Education therefore encourages all its partners and stakeholders to do their best in ensuring that children and learners
with moderate, severe and profound intellectual challenges are not left behind in education. All stakeholders are required to ensure that
learners with intellectual challenges are accommodated and enabled to fully enjoy their constitutional rights. The Ministry is confident
that the present curriculum will influence substantially the educational practices in all Rwandan special and inclusive schools.
Finally, we take this opportunity to express our sincere appreciation to Rwanda Education Board (REB) and all education partners who
have, in one way or the other, contributed to the development and finalization of this curriculum.


Minister of Education


This curriculum is a result of efforts of a number of partners and stakeholders in education. We take this opportunity to deeply express our special
appreciation to all those who played an active role in the development of the present curriculum for children with moderate, severe and profound
intellectual challenges.
Rwanda Education Board is most particularly indebted to UNICEF for the financial support and Federation Handicap International
(Humanity&Inclusion) for the provision of expertise and technical coordination. Without their commitment and support, this document would not
have been realized.
Rwanda Education Board extends its gratitude to the specialists enlisted overleaf who technically supported the development of this curriculum. In
this regard, we highly value the expertise contributed by specialists from the University of Rwanda-School of Inclusive & Special Needs Education in
the College of Education, the Ministry of Education, Rwanda Education Board and others.
Rwanda Education Board acknowledges the role played by International NGOs such as ADRA Rwanda, VSO and Chance for Childhood as well as
organs and local NGOs, notably the National Council for Persons with Disabilities in Rwanda (NCPD), Collectif Tubakunde and others.
The curriculum was further enriched with experiences shared by educators from different special schools who are working under Tubakunde league
in Rwanda, and Rwanda Education Board acknowledges with appreciations their eagerness to put the curriculum into good practice.
Rwanda Education Board is confident that the present curriculum for learners with intellectual challenges will lead to achieving the desired national

Joan Murungi
Head of Curriculum, Teaching, Leaning and Resources Department


Ministry of Education
1. Mrs Mary Kobusingye, in charge of SN&IE
2. Mrs Lydia Mitali, in charge of Girls Education
Rwanda Education Board (REB)
1. Mrs Angelique Tusiime (DDG)
2. Mr Felecian Nkubana Rugengamanzi (CTLR)
3. Mrs Anathalie Nyirandagijimana (CTLR)
4. Mrs Emeritha Muhongwanseko Mulindabigwi (CTLR)
5. Mr Aloys Kayinamura (CTLR)
6. Mr Florian Rutiyomba (CTLR)
7. Mrs Thérèse Nyirafaranga (CTLR)
8. Mrs Julienne Mukayirege (Planning)
9. Mr Clement Mugabo (Planning)
10. Mrs Odette Mukamuhinda (Planning)
11. Mr Apollinaire Ndayisaba (Planning)
12. Mrs Chantal Akwizihize (Planning)
13. Mr Umar Bugingo (ESAD)
14. Mr Emmanuel Murindabigwi (ESAD)
15. Mrs Flora Mutezigaju (In charge of SN&IE)
16. Mr Salomon Habinshuti (CSDM)
17. Mrs Marie Yvette Ingabire (CSDM)

UR-College of Education
1. Dr. Evariste Karangwa (Lecturer)
2. Dr. Patrick Suubi (Lecturer)
3. Dr. Gonzague Habinshuti(Lecturer)
National Council for Persons with Disabilities
1. Mr Emmanuel Murera
2. Mrs Florentine Uwamariya
Teachers/Educators from special schools
1. Mr Jean Pierre Nteziryayo, Head teacher of HVP Gatagara Gikondo (Kicukiro District)
2. Mr Pascal Shogolo, Director of HVP Humura (Gasabo District)
3. Sister Marie Crescence Uwarurema, Head teacher Rosa Mystica (Kamonyi District)
4. Sister Claudine Tuyisenge, Educator at APAX-Janja (Gakenke District)
5. Mr Frodouard Ndagijimana, Head teacher of G.S Rukingu (Rulindo District)
6. Mrs Félecie Mureramanzi, Educator at Tubiteho (Gasabo district)
7. Mr Alexis Maniraguha, Educator at WFR – Children’s Hope Centre (Gisagara District)
8. Mr Enock Niyibizi, Director of Studies at Komera Center (Rutsiro District)
9. Mr William Ndererimana, Education Officer at Ubumwe Community Center (Rubavu District)
10. Mr Edouard Niyonteze, Educator at HRD Muhanga (Muhanga District)
Development partners
Mrs Bernardine Mukakizima, UNICEF

International NGOs
1. Mrs Helen Barrett, Chance for Childhood
2. Mrs Christine Mbabazi, ADRA-Rwanda
3. Mrs Sandra Ford, VSO
4. Mr Alphonse Ntirenganya, Soma Umenye
5. Mr Vincent Murenzi, Handicap International
6. Mrs Marie Chantal Musabyemariya, Handicap International
7. Mr Henry Habimana, Handicap International
8. Mrs Marie Rose Ntawiha, Handicap International
9. Mrs Nancy Christelle Umugwaneza, Handicap International
10. Mr Theobald Niyirema, Handicap International
11. Mr Theophile Ntigurirwa Handicap International
12. Mr Jean Marie Vianney Micomyiza (VSO)
Civil Society
Mrs Astrid Herbosch, Representative of Tubakunde (League of centers accommodating children with intellectual challenges in Rwanda).

ADL: Activities of Daily Living
ADRA: Adventist Development & Relief Agency
CBC: Competence-Based Curriculum
CTLR: Curriculum and Pedagogical Materials Department
CSDM: Corporate Services Division Manager

WFR: We For Rwanda
EFA: Education for all
EICV: Enquête Intégrale sur les Conditions de Vie
ESSP: Education Sector Strategic Plan
ESAD: Examination, Selection, Accreditation Department
HRD: Home de la Misericorde
HVP: Home de la Vierge des Pauvres
IE: Inclusive Education
IEP: Individualised Education Plan
EMIS: Education Management Information System
IQ: Intellectual Quotient
MINEDUC: Ministry of Education
NCPD: National Council for People with Disabilities
NISR: National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda
NGOs: Non-Governmental Organisations
REB: Rwanda Education Board
SDG: Sustainable Development Goals
SEN: Special Educational Needs
SNE: Special Needs Education

SN&IE: Special Needs and Inclusive Education
SNECO: Special Needs Education Coordinator
UN: United Nations
UNCRPD: United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
UNICEF: United Nations Children’s Funds
UN SDGs: United Nations Strategic Development Goals
UR-CE: University of Rwanda – College of Education
UR-CE SISNE: UR-CE School of Inclusive & Special Needs Education


FOREWORD........................................................................................................................................................ III

ACKNOWLEGMENT.......................................................................................................................................... IV

LIST OF PARTICIPANTS......................................................................................................................................V

1. INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2. WHY A CURRICULUM FOR CHILDREN WITH INTELLECTUAL CHALLENGES?...................................................................... 4
1.3. GRADES OF SCHOOLING AND COMPLETION ................................................................................................................................... 6
1.4. PEDAGOGICAL APPROCHES..................................................................................................................................................................... 6
1.5. ASSESSMENT APPROACHES...................................................................................................................................................................... 8
1.6. CURRICULUM GUIDELINES...................................................................................................................................................................... 9
1.7. AREAS OF LEARNING................................................................................................................................................................................11
1.8. IMPLEMENTATION AND FOLLOW-UP................................................................................................................................................12
1.9. GLOSSARY.....................................................................................................................................................................................................12
1.10. REFERENCES ..............................................................................................................................................................................................13

2. MODERATE......................................................................................................................................................15

2.1. CURRICULUM OVERVIEW.........................................................................................................................16

2.2. GRADE 1........................................................................................................................................................28

2.2.1. LEARNING AREA 1: ACTIVITIES DAILY LIVING (ADL) GRADE 1 ............................................................................................29

2.2.2. LEARNING AREA 2: SOCIAL ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES................................................................................................................. 34
2.2.3. LEARNING AREA 3: HEALTH AND BODY AWARENESS.............................................................................................................. 43
2.2.4. LEARNING AREA 4: SOCIAL SKILLS DEVELOPMENT .................................................................................................................. 49
2.2.5. LEARNING AREA 5: PHYSICAL EDUCATION.................................................................................................................................. 53
2.2.6. LEARNING AREA 6: NUMERACY & PRE-NUMBERS ..................................................................................................................... 56
2.2.7. LEARNING AREA 7: LITERACY............................................................................................................................................................64
2.2.8. LEARNING AREA 8: ICT, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY.................................................................................................................... 79

2.3. GRADE 2........................................................................................................................................................82

2.3.1. LEARNING AREA 1: ACTIVITIES OF DAILY LIVING.....................................................................................................................83

2.3.2 LEARNING AREA 2: VOCATIONAL & ENTERPRENERSHIP SKILLS........................................................................................... 87
2.3.3. LEARNING AREA 3: BODY AWARENESS........................................................................................................................................... 97
2.3.4. LEARNING AREA 4: SOCIAL SKILLS DEVELOPMENT.................................................................................................................103
2.3.5. LEARNING AREA 5: PHYSICAL EDUCATION................................................................................................................................108

2.3.6. LEARNING AREA 6: PRE-NUMERACY & NUMERACY................................................................................................................111
2.3.7. LEARNING AREA 7: LITERACY..........................................................................................................................................................119
2.3.7. LEARNING AREA 7: LITERACY..........................................................................................................................................................124
2.3.8. LEARNING AREA 9: ICT.......................................................................................................................................................................127

2.4. GRADE 3......................................................................................................................................................129

2.4.1 LEARNING AREA 1: ADL.......................................................................................................................................................................130

2.4.2. LEARNING AREA 2: SOCIAL ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES...............................................................................................................134
2.4.3. LEARNING AREA 3: BODY AWARENESS.........................................................................................................................................143
2.4.4. LEARNING AREA 4: SOCIAL SKILLS DEVELOPMENT................................................................................................................149
2.4.5. LEARNING AREA 5: PHYSICAL EDUCATION................................................................................................................................154
2.4.6. LEARNING AREA 6: PRE-NUMERACY & NUMERACY................................................................................................................157
2.4.7. LEARNING AREA 7: LITERACY .........................................................................................................................................................165
2.4.8. LEARNING AREA 8: ICT, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY..................................................................................................................173

3. SEVERE LEVEL...............................................................................................................................................177

3.2.1. LEARNING AREA 1: ACTIVITIES OF DAILY LIVING (ADL).......................................................................................................187

3.2.2. LEARNING AREA 2: SOCIAL ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES...............................................................................................................191
3.2.3. LEARNING AREA 3: HEALTH AND BODY AWARENESS ............................................................................................................196
3.2.4. LEARNING AREA 4: SOCIAL SKILLS DEVELOPMENT.................................................................................................................199

3.2.5. LEARNING AREA 5: PHYSICAL EDUCATION................................................................................................................................206
3.2.6. LEARNING AREA 6: PRE- NUMERACY AND NUMERACY........................................................................................................210
3.2.7. ICYIGWA CYA 7: IKINYARWANDA ...................................................................................................................................................218
3.2.8. LEARNING AREA 8: ICT, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY...........................................................................................................220

3.3. GRADE 2......................................................................................................................................................221

3.3.1. LEARNING AREA 1: ACTIVITIES OF DAILY LIVING (ADL).......................................................................................................222

3.3.2. LEARNING AREA 2: SOCIAL ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES...............................................................................................................227
3.3.3. LEARNING AREA 3: HEALTH AND BODY AWARENESS SYLLABUS.......................................................................................232
3.3.4. LEARNING AREA 4: SOCIAL SKILLS DEVELOPMENT.................................................................................................................235
3.3.5. LEARNING AREA 5: PHYSICAL EDUCATION................................................................................................................................242
3.3.6. LEARNING AREA 6: PRE- NUMERACY AND NUMERACY........................................................................................................246
3.3.7. ICYIGWA CYA 7: IKINYARWANDA....................................................................................................................................................254
3.3.8. LEARNING AREA 8: ICT, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SYLLABUS......................................................................................256

3.4. GRADE 3......................................................................................................................................................257

3.4.1. LEARNING AREA: ACTIVITIES FOR DAILY LIVING (ADL).......................................................................................................258

3.4.2. LEARNING AREA 2: SOCIAL ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES...............................................................................................................264
3.4.3. LEARNING AREA 3: HEALTH AND BODY AWARENESS SYLLABUS.......................................................................................269
3.4.4. LEARNING AREA 4: SOCIAL SKILLS DEVELOPMENT SYLLABUS...........................................................................................272

3.4.5. LEARNING AREA 5: PHYSICAL EDUCATION................................................................................................................................280
3.4.6. LEARNING AREA 6: PRE- NUMERACY AND NUMERACY........................................................................................................285
3.4.7. ICYIGWA CYA 7: IKINYARWANDA....................................................................................................................................................293
3.4.8. LEARNING AREA 8: ICT, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY...........................................................................................................295

4. PROFOUND LEVEL.......................................................................................................................................297

4.1. SYLLABUS OVERVIEW..............................................................................................................................298

4.2.1. LEARNING AREA 1: ACTIVITIES OF DAILY LIVING (ADL).......................................................................................................302

4.2.2. LEARNING AREA 2: SOCIAL SKILLS AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPEMNT............................................................................308
4.2.3. LEARNING AREA 3: LANGUAGE, SPEECH AND COMMUNICATION DEVELOPMENT...................................................310
4.2.4. LEARNING AREA 4: PHYSICAL EDUCATION................................................................................................................................313
4.2.5. LEARNING AREA 5: PRE NUMERACY..............................................................................................................................................316

4.3. GRADE 2......................................................................................................................................................319

4.3.1. LEARNING AREA 1: ACTIVITIES OF DAILY LIVING (ADL)......................................................................................................320

4.3.2. LEARNING AREA 2: SOCIAL SKILLS AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPEMNT............................................................................324
4.3.3. LEARNING AREA 3: LANGUAGE, SPEECH AND COMMUNICATION DEVELOPMENT...................................................326
4.3.4. LEARNING AREA 4: PHYSICAL EDUCATION................................................................................................................................329
4.3.5. LEARNING AREA 5: PRE NUMERACY..............................................................................................................................................332

4.4. GRADE 3......................................................................................................................................................335

4.4.1. LEARNING AREA 1: ACTIVITIES OF DAILY LIVING (ADL).......................................................................................................336

4.4.2 LEARNING AREA 2: SOCIAL SKILLS AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPEMNT............................................................................340
4.4.3 LEARNING AREA 3: LANGUAGE, SPEECH AND COMMUNICATION DEVELOPMENT....................................................342
4.4.4. LEARNING AREA 4: PHYSICAL EDUCATION................................................................................................................................345
4.4.5. LEARNING AREA 5: PRE NUMERACY..............................................................................................................................................348

The present curriculum is premised on the national and international commitments to Education for All (EFA) including the most
educationally marginalized children. The Rwandan Government expressed the commitment by ratifying the UN Convention on the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) in 2008, UN SDGs 2030 that reinforce inclusive and quality education in its goal 4, and by
passing Law No 1/2007 of 20th January 2007 (Art.11-13) that expresses national pledge to educating those with disabilities.
It is in the respect that the Ministry of Education (MINEDUC) and Rwanda Education Board (REB) have expressed the need to develop
a curriculum for children with moderate, severe and profound intellectual challenges. Besides, Special Needs and Inclusive Education
(SN&IE) have emerged as a crosscutting issue and a key outcome in the Education Sector Strategic Plan (ESSP) since 2013. For example,
IE is one of the cross-cutting themes within the national Competence Based Curriculum (CBC), while the present curriculum addresses
specifically the educational needs of learners with intellectual challenges
The present curriculum serves as a guiding document that clarifies the orientation as to how educators in special schools and related units
in mainstream schools can address educational needs of children with moderate, severe and profound intellectual challenges. It proposes
pedagogical contexts, content and practical procedures, process and tools, in close alignment with the competence based curriculum,
considering the learner with intellectual challenges as a learner with adequate potentials to achieve in school with appropriate support.
In the present curriculum, teaching, learning and assessment approaches are conducted in a fairly dozed and flexible approach based on
each learner’s educational needs and pace in learning.
Different stakeholders including learners, educators, parents, experts from national and international organizations, professionals from
the Ministry of Education, Rwanda Education Board, NCPD, and educators from special schools were involved in the development of the
present curriculum.
Additionally, as the existing schools seemed to work differently, teachers from special schools were consulted and their experiences were
compared, so that the existing strengths, weaknesses and realities in educational practices are harmonized and documented.
The curriculum considers the learners with intellectual challenges as a potentially autonomous, patriotic and responsible citizen; capable
of substantially developing all daily living skills, and be able to explore and adapt to the changing environment. The utmost focus of
the curriculum is to shape an individual and enable him/her to influence his/her own destiny. Accordingly, a learner with moderate
intellectual challenges is considered as somebody who can achieve in school with limited support while one with severe and profound
intellectual challenges may require higher level of support.

In essence, the present curriculum shares the same vision, values and principles as with the competence based curriculum. It is conceived
in a way that it can guide educators to develop related schemes of work, lessons plans, pedagogical approaches and assessment styles. It
is also a guiding document for education materials developers, education quality regulators, district and sector education officers, head
teachers, and all education stakeholders.

According to the ‘’EFA Global Monitoring Report 2010a: reaching the marginalized’’, children with disabilities remain one of the main groups
being widely excluded from quality education. However, children with disabilities have rights to education. Since the UN Universal Declaration on
Human Rights was released in 1948, there has been legislation on providing education for all children and more efforts have been made to enrol
children with disabilities. The Government of Rwanda has expressed its commitment in ratifying the United Nations Convention on the rights of
persons with disabilities (UNCRPD) and adopting legislation ad hoc (constitution, art 28 and 76) and Law No 1/207 of 20th January 2007, art.11-13).
In the SDGs agenda 2030, especially the goal 4, the political commitment to reinforcing inclusive and quality education for all is also expressed.
The article 24 of the Convention recommends state parties to ensure that persons with disabilities are not excluded from the general
education system on the basis of disabilities and that children with disabilities are not excluded from free and compulsory primary or
secondary education, on the basis of disability. Even though the will to promote inclusion in schools is paramount, some children with
severe and/or particular learning disabilities are left behind because of their limited learning pace and other barriers limiting them from
enjoying their rights in education and realizing their potential in learning.
According to the latest EMIS data, about 1% (28,209) of the children currently enrolled in mainstream schools are identified as having a
disability (2013 Education Statistical Yearbook, Ministry of Education, Rwanda). The Rwandan Population Housing Census 2012 finds
more than 60% of children identified as having disabilities are currently attending school (NISR, 2012). The survey also found that about
30% of children with disabilities have never attended school, with slightly more of them living in rural areas (NISR, 2012). The Integrated
Household Living Conditions 3 (EICV3) survey shows that disability is a major factor affecting children’s on time school enrolment.
To address the needs of children who cannot join other peers in mainstream classes, the Government of Rwanda noted that there was
need to introduce special educational provisions for this particular group of learners. In this regard, children with moderate, severe and
profound intellectual challenges are referred to as categories requiring special provisions in separate education streams. To allow this
happen, there is a range of substantial accommodations that need to be made including the development of this curriculum that will help
educators to address the specific learning needs, the provision of special educational materials, the application of special pedagogical tips
and the adaptation of assessments approaches.

Ideally, the introduction of special education classes for children with intellectual challenges means that Rwanda wants to promote rights
of those who were formerly marginalized in education and offer them an adaptive, favourable and conducive environment for teaching
and learning.
This initiative embraces the efforts that have been made towards quality of learning in Rwandan special schools. Undoubtedly, the latter
will be highly beneficial for those children with intellectual and developmental impairments who were not able to learn with their age
In order to harmonize pedagogical practices and ensure consistency in quality in Rwandan special schools, the Ministry of Education
and Rwanda Education Board (REB) have lead the process of developing the curriculum for children with intellectual challenges, as
an adjunct to the national curriculum. In essence, the curriculum was specifically designed in a way it offer clear orientation on how
educators would respond to the needs of children who are intellectually challenged. Through the attempt, educators will be able to
identify children’s strengths and needs, decide on educational placement and improve their learning outcomes as active and autonomous
members of the society.
In terms of scope, the curriculum will deal with only children with intellectual challenges. The categories of learners targeted by this
curriculum are those who are assessed to be under: i) moderate, ii) severe and iii) profound levels of intellectual challenges. The levels
are determined by a prior special needs assessment, observation, information from children’s history and results from achievement tests
purposely done for measuring the learners’ strengths and needs. To determine the levels, some areas such as communication, self-care,
home living, social/interpersonal skills, use of community resources, self-direction, functional academic skills, work, leisure, health and
safety are observed and assessed.
In terms of competences, the following were developed based on skills to be acquired by learners with intellectual challenges. The
curriculum looked at conceptual skills (communication, language, time, money, academic), social skills (interpersonal skills, social
responsibility, recreation, friendships) and practical skills (daily living skills, work, travel). Before developing the contents to be delivered,
specialists have made an inquiry and looked at children’s capacity to learn and accommodate new things. Using I/Q ranges, ‘’moderate’’
learners were specified to be those whose intellectual quotient (IQ) was between 35-40 and 50-55, ‘’severe’’ ranged learners between 20-
25 and 35-40 and the ‘’profound’’ ranged learners below 20-25. To avoid bias, this categorization should be done with an individualized,
standardized, culturally appropriate and psychometrically sound measure.

The curriculum presents a number of benefits for the education system in general and children with intellectual challenges in particular.
The following are the main objectives to be achieved, the profile of the learners to be shaped and the values to be promoted.

1.2.1. Aims of the curriculum

The curriculum aims to:
Enable young people with intellectual challenges to participate as equal members in national and global economic development.
Enable young people with intellectual challenges to realize the optimum potential in education and professional development
Promote highest attainable level of appropriate education in terms of knowledge, competences and attitudes for learners with intellectual

1.2.2. Profile of the learner who benefited from this curriculum in the Rwandan context
The learner who benefited from this curriculum will be looked at as:
• Patriotic and responsible citizens, ready to play an equal and a full part in society to the best of their abilities.
• Confident and autonomous, ready to play a role as active members of society.
• Successful life-long learners with developed daily living skills, able to adapt to the changing environment.
• Exploratory, creative, adaptive and productive members of society.

1.2.3. Values
Curriculum values Basic values
• Autonomy • Dignity and humanity
• Optimism • National and cultural identity
• Self -esteem • Peace and respect for others
• Equity and inclusiveness • Solidarityå
• Learner-centeredness • Patriotism
• The importance of family
• Rwandan culture and heritage
• Positive behavior

1.2.4. Competences
The competences are defined in harmony with the national curriculum. Thus, children with the curriculum will need to achieve the
following competences:
Basic competences Generic competences
• Literacy • Exploration
• Numeracy • Creativity
• ICT • Problem solving
• Citizenship and National identity • Co-operation, interpersonal relations and life skills
• Activity of Daily Living • Lifelong learning
• Science and Technology
• Communication

1.3. Grades of schooling and completion
The curriculum stated to have three grades of schooling for children with intellectual challenges to complete their education. This grading should be
made upon a prior specific individual assessment. For completion, the learner’s performance will be determined by the level of competence achieved.
It is as follows:
Level 1: Level of knowledge ‘’understanding basic values, concepts, study and social skills’’
Level 2: Level of practice ‘’capacity to live with improved autonomy’’.
Level 3: Level of skills ‘’ ability to show new behaviour’’.
Each level implies a level of competences to be achieved. For this section, more technical details will appear in the curriculum framework.


The curriculum will use the following approaches:

1.4.1. Holistic approach per level of development

By this approach, the teacher requires skills to vary techniques and teaching methods to help learners get the essential point of the
content. The support services will include; physiotherapy, speech therapy, orthopaedic, counselling, ergo therapy, occupational therapy
and Community Based Rehabilitation services as much as possible.

1.4.2. Backward chaining

This approach will be used to teach sequences of activities, phasing out support by reducing the amount of prompts given, and also using
picture support as prompts rather than verbal support.

1.4.3. Parents involvement to promote synergy, consistency and quality

The role of the parents in the teaching process is more important in helping teachers, helpers and other educators to understand better
the child’s ability. The parents contribute also in information gathering and IEPs designing.

1.4.4.Interactive approach and integrated activities
By this approach children are encouraged to participate and interact with their peers and society.

1.4.5. Play-based learning

The Play-based learning approach is essential in the development of cognitive, communication and social skills in children. Play based
learning is an educational approach where children are learning through play, games, and other fun activities.
All these are done through guided and free corner play such as numeracy, role play, book, literacy, construction, creative and physical
corners that helps the development of a child’s understanding of the world around them and their role within it.

1.4.6. Individualized approach

In SNE, the fact of individualizing activities is a must. Every learner is unique in their abilities and learn at their own pace. By
individualization the implication of IEP is a guide.

1.4.7. Peer and collaborative teaching approaches

In peer and collaborative teaching approaches, learners with SEN and without are lead to tutor their peers. They understand each other
and act as essential role models to motivate other students.

1.4.8. Multi-sensory approach

A multi-sensory approach to learning encourages children to use all of their senses to understand their world. Concepts are learned
through exposure to multiple methods of teaching and adapted resources.
It is better to help learners with SEN by using all senses. If one or another sense cannot work properly, then the role of the teacher is to
mix or to vary learning approaches to make them appropriate and accessible to each learner according to their needs.

1.4.9. Total communication approach
A total communication approach values each and every form of communication that children may use to help them to understand others
and to express themselves effectively. This approach may include a range of methods such as vocalizations, verbalizations, gestures, and
signs, use of pictures, objects, writing, drawings or electronic devices to aid communication. A child may use one or more methods of
communication, depending on their cognitive, sensory and physical skills.


The assessment will mainly focus on the following areas and using a formative and qualitative approach:

1.5.1. Areas of assessment

The following areas will be assessed:
• Conceptual skills (communication, language, time, pre-numeracy, academic),
• Social skills (interpersonal skills, social responsibility, recreation, friendships, etc.),
• Practical skills (daily living skills, work, travel, etc).

1.5.2. Types of assessment

To assess the learners’ progress and achievement of competences, the assessment will mainly be formative and will focus on the following:
• Measurement of the targeted behaviour: to assess to what extent has the learner achieved the targeted behaviour.
• Achievement of targeted competences: to assess to what extent has the learner attained the level of competence required.

1.5.3. Record keeping

They are two types of record tools that can be used:
• Assessment of limitations and capacities: This should be the initial stage and the results are essential for planning Individualised education
(See annex 1).
• Individual Progress Record Tool (IPRT): This is a tool which assesses qualitative performance of learners with focus on change of behaviour
and improvement in life skills (See annex 1).

• Individual Education Plan: This tool assess the achievement of the learner’s competences with respect on progress (strengths and areas of
needs) achieved per programmed period (see annex 2).


This section presents guidelines, advice and orientation on how educators can effectively implement the present curriculum.

1.6.1. Pedagogical tips

To implement this curriculum, special attention may be drawn to how educators adapt the teaching styles to the learner’s pace rather
than excepting the learners to adapt themselves to the subject matter. Educators will be required to pay attention to the learners’ diverse
challenges (Cognition, speech, memory, communication, dexterity, etc.), and focus more on the learner’s strengths and be prepared to
plan the lessons in flexible manner. For learners with intellectual challenges, it will be very necessary to begin by an individual educational
assessment, in order to be able to plan IEP, often broken into smaller steps that are repeated and frequently reinforced. The development
of the optimal level of autonomy is essential in the essence of this curriculum.
The curriculum provisions (in terms of content and methodologies) should be dozed to suit the learning needs and pace, and appropriate
pedagogical tools should be devised and validated by the school leaderships. They will allow for choice and have practical life-skills
orientation that addresses both the present and the future needs of learners. The latter must be enabled to use them in many different
circumstances and to see their relevance in real-life situations. The observed progress, however small, must always be recognized and
To elaborate learning areas, the detailed contents will be developed at school level as appropriate to the learners needs, but the general
vocabulary used to describe the content will be common to all schools. Educators will remember that the use of interactive methods
(drama, play, arts, music, etc.) will be highly essential. Learners should safely experience activities, explore and improve their autonomy
and behaviour to the full extent of their capacity with as much help as possible.

1.6.2. Communication
As most of children with moderate, severe and profound intellectual challenges have delays in language development and some of them
experience speech problems, educators are advised to use different communication styles, varied enough (verbal and non-verbal) to
help them. The communication strategy should also involve communication between parents, teachers, and other professionals such as

psychologists, speech therapist, occupational therapist and other specialists.
To stimulate early learning abilities for children with intellectual challenges, it will require a multi-sensory approach (use of sensory,
perceptual, physical, social, emotional and cognitive communication skills) directed at enabling the learners to make sense and interact
with the immediate environment. Through this communication, children with intellectual challenges will be able to understand symbols,
hand and visual signs, and written images.

1.6.3. Assessment
For learners with this curriculum, the assessment strategies will be double stranded: The Individual education assessment / placement
conducted at the beginning of planning of teaching and learning, to establish the strength and limitations of the learners and therefore plan
appropriate teaching (See suggested assessment form in annex 1). The formal (ordinary) assessment often conducted in form of a test to
assess the learner’s progress and achievements in a given lesson. In either case, the assessment issues will aim at providing accurate record
of the learner’s personal life, practical and conceptual skills, and identifying possible opportunities that promote and/or stimulate learning
and building his/her autonomy. There will be a continuum of curricular provisions that recognize and address learners’ appropriate levels
of achievement and take due account of learning needs and ability considering both their chronological and developmental age.
For measuring learners’ progress and achievements, the assessment approach will be mainly qualitative, based on traceable behaviour and
change in autonomy. In addition, it will use an individualized education approach. Children with intellectual challenges will be helped to
live as independently as they can.
Even though learners are assessed on a slow pace achievement manner, educators are advised to set time-referenced objectives. Teachers
should evaluate the realization of the objectives of children’s individualized education plans on a regular basis, providing continuous and
cumulative indices of progress to ensure the individual strengths and uniqueness is measured on time.
In a long term perspective, children with intellectual challenges (moderate level of intellectual disability) are expected to reach a post-
primary level, with a chance to be awarded a certificate of completion. For those who require more specialized provision and continued
supportive day care, educators are advised to establish a clear and appropriate support plan based on the achieved competences.

1.7. Areas of learning
The curriculum has eight learning areas. Each area will be developed on a continuum, but individual schools and teachers will take into
account of the age and ability of individual learners in their own planning. The curriculum focuses on the following areas:

1.7.1. Activities of Daily Living (A.D.L): These activities include eating, bathing, dressing, personal hygiene/grooming, toileting,
mobility, positioning and transfers, etc.
1.7.2. Social Economic activities: These refer to skills that can promote the learner’s capacity to work as a producer, somebody who
can cope with life in the dynamic changing society where everybody can run a small personal business, and manage well the
resources, even though some may need support to do so.
1.7.3. Health and body awareness: These refer to skills related to human and animal body parts, transformation and limitations in
human body and general health care.
1.7.4. Social skills development: These refer to skills that help to interact with people and objects, develop social interaction with
others, take part in group activities, understand others, send and receive information.
1.7.5. Physical Education (PE): This refers to skills that can range from basic mobility, positioning, and physical activation through
an understanding of spatial awareness, fine & gross motor skills to specific skills required for a purpose. For example writing,
sports or leisure skills. PE will contribute to developing the body’s strength and physical well-being. Physical activities provide
opportunities through which learners can improve fine and gross motor co-ordination, concentration, listening skills, self-esteem,
self-confidence and ability to co-operate and communicate with others.
1.7.6. Pre-numeracy and numeracy: This refers to skills needed to developing sensory awareness, perception of colour, pattern,
shape and position, reaching out, sorting, grouping, and classifying, simple exercise leading to elementary problem-solving, real-
life situation numbers, including time and money.
1.7.7. Literacy: This involves skills related to developing a literate citizen, who is resourcefully able to participate in socio-economic activities of
his/her community, with varying levels of support.

1.7.8. ICT, Science and Technology: This refers to skills that can help to develop exploratory, creative, adaptive and productive members of
society able to use ICT, Science and Technology for socio-economic Developments. Learners will be initiated to basic ICT functioning, such
as Telephones, cameras, radios, clocks, televisions, computers and other familiar ICT equipment and electronic tools used in homes, schools
and communities. The idea is to familiarise them with tools that are safely in life.

1.8. Implementation and follow-up

This curriculum will be implemented by all schools whether public or private. To ensure quality and consistency, they will undergo a
rigorous and strict supervision from the central and local levels of education, including sector and district inspection visits.

• Adaptive behaviour: The age‐appropriate behaviours necessary for people to live independently and to function safely and appropriately in
daily life.
• Assessment:  A process of gathering information and data, both subjective and objective, about the individual learner and their level of
performance or achievement over a period of time.  The process uses formal and informal tools and looks at learner progress and the attainment
of the expected curriculum and goals, in order to improve both teaching and learning.  
• Assessment of needs: Systematic collection and analysis of data comparing a learner’s achievement with same‐aged peers or with a set of
standards.  Under the idea, evaluation means procedures used to determine whether a learner has a disability and the nature and extent of the
special education and related services that the learner needs. 
• Conceptual skills: Refer to language, reading, writing, math reasoning, knowledge and memory.
• Educational Settings: A continuum of settings includes general education classes, special classes, special schools, home, community, hospitals
and other institutions as determined appropriate by the Individual Education Program (IEP) team.
• Intellectual challenges: Defined as significantly sub‐average general intellectual functioning, existing concurrently with deficits in adaptive
behaviour and manifested during the developmental period, that adversely affects a child’s educational performance. The term does not include
conditions primarily due to a sensory or physical impairment, traumatic brain injury, autism spectrum disorder, cultural influences, or a history
of inconsistent and/or inadequate educational programming.   The term intellectual challenges covers the same population of students who were
identified previously as having mental retardation. This change in terminology does not affect the continued need for individualized supports and

––Moderate level of intellectual challenges: Those who can talk, communicate, and participate actively in classroom activities with
some activities of daily living and social skills.
––Severe intellectual challenges: Those who can understand simple communication through signs and mimic, with limited ability to
express themselves through spoken language. Even though many of them experience great difficulties in independent living, some level
of independence can be reached.
––Profound intellectual challenges: those whose communication skills are very limited. Most of them may need 24-hour care and
• Individual Education Plan (IEP): Is a written education plan designed to meet a child’s learning needs. It spells out the child’s learning needs,
the services school will provide and how progress will be measured.
• Practical skills: Refer to activities of daily living, occupational skills, money management, safety, health care, travel/transportation, schedules/
routines, use of the telephone, recreation, and organizing school and work tasks.
• Social skills: Refer to interpersonal skills, social responsibility, self‐esteem, social judgment, following rules/obeying laws, actively avoiding
victimization, and social problem solving.

1.10. References
––American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities,
––Republic of Rwanda, Ministry of Education (2013). Education Sector Strategic Plan 2013/2014-2017/2018. Kigali
––Sattler, J.M., (2008), Assessment of Children, Cognitive Foundations (5th edition) La Mesa, CA: Jerome M. Sattler, Publisher, Inc.
––United States Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (2004). Guidelines: Intellectual challenges in
Educational Settings. North Dakota Department of Public Instruction
––UNESCO (2010a). Reaching the marginalized: EFA Global Monitoring Report. Oxford University Press. UNESCO


Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3
Learning area
Topic area Sub-topic Aim: Successful life-long learners with developed daily living skills,
able to adapt to the changing environment.
1. Activities of 1. Oneself & the 1. Clean body & Personal 1. Perform daily 1.Perfom Self- 1.Independently perform
Daily Living environment hygiene, personal and family care and personal self-care activities
(ADL) activities that activities
require use of one’s 2.Participate in group and
2. Household and
body (washing, 2.Engage in community work freely and
environment/surrounding self-motivated independently,
brushing, toileting,
dressing, etc.) responsibilities at
3. Class and School school & home, 3. Participate in domestic
environment 2. Perform daily & chores and use of
routines domestic 3.Participate domestic tools freely and
4. Knowledge of environment activities (to help in domestic independently.
the child to be chores and use
(Plants, animals, air, and water organized, drinking, of various tools 4.Communicate
eating, using autonomously, Independently and freely
cutlery cleaning, about personal and common
toileting….) 4.Communicate needs & requirements
5. Road to & from school/
about personal
church, fetching water and 3.Underst & distinguish and domestic
firewood, looking after personal and common needs and
materials; requirements
domestic animals, etc.., and
its context 4.Understand
challenges and risks in
some activities and tools
in the environment;

5. Name and show 5. Understand 5.Discuss and communicate
things in his/her and Express the about problems and risks in
environment (water, risks and safety some activities
plants, different challenges of
animals etc.) and their some tools and 6.Name, Discuss and write
importance activities used in about many things in his/
school, home and environment (water, plants,
community. different animals etc.) and
their importance for people
6. Identify, draw
and discuss about
importance and
use of water,
plants, different
animals etc.
2.Adaptation skills 1. Personal activities 1. Develop various 1.Perform 1.Plan, discuss and perform
to the changing including self-help skills; body functions exercises and games and exercises to
environment through different games aimed at develop body functions;
2. Household activities games and exercises. Developing body
functions 2.Identify and discuss family
3. School activities; 2. Enumerate and activities
imitate family 2. Plan, do and
4. Community activities 3. Perform group activities
activities discuss family
(Including social through games.
integration) 3. Participate in group
activities at school 3. Plan, do and Discuss the importance
through games. discuss group of group activities and
activities in games (cleaning the class
4. Discuss the school (e.g. & compound, gardening,
importance of cleaning the class watering plants, etc.)
group activities at & compound,
school (cleaning the 4. Identify, discuss and
class & compound, mime community activities
watering plants,
gardening, watering (Church activities,
plants, etc.) weddings, etc.)

5. Name and imitate 4. Identify, discuss
some of the community and imitate some
activities (Church of the community
activities, weddings, activities (Church
etc...) activities,
weddings, etc.)

common tools
used at home
1. Independent 1. Knowledge and Usage of 1. Recognize value 1. Identify, 1. Practice transactions
living skills money and Name money/ Name and using money of various
currencies; count money/ values;
2. Using public transport currencies
2. Recognize, visit, and 2. Use these skills in
3. Physio, occupational and discuss transport 2. Identify, Visit structured real-life
language therapies means used; and discuss situations. (such as
transport means using public transport
4. Communication skills 3. Collaborate with used around. independently)
development specialists to
rehabilitate some of 3. Collaborate with 3. Collaborate with
5. Hygiene & toileting
the functions through specialists to specialists and
prescribed therapies; rehabilitate some independently practice
of the functions some of the prescribed
4. Be introduced through rehabilitation and
to basic activities prescribed therapies
of personal and therapies S;
environmental 4. Plan, discuss and do
hygiene. 4. Discuss and activities of personal and
demonstrate environmental hygiene in
activities of groups and individually.
personal and

Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3
Learning area
Topic area Sub-topics Aim: Able to participate actively in socio-economic activities as a member of
Rwandan society
2.Socio Vocational & 1. Weaving 1. Recognize, manipulate 1. Identify, manipulate 1. Plan, design and
Economic Entrepreneurship and exercise with tools and exercise with tools Discuss independently
Activities skills 2. Knitting and equipment used in and equipment used in vocational activities,
vocational activities, vocational activities,
3. Embroidery 2. Differentiate tools
2. Differentiate tools used 2. Discuss and design using used in their functions,
4. Cookery
in their colours, textures, the different tools used in colours, textures, sizes,
5. Gardening & farming sizes, shapes, etc. vocational activities. shapes, etc.

6. Arts & crafts 3. Manipulate craft tools 3. Colouring, painting, 3. Design, create, craft
used in painting, joining, carving, cutting, joining, draw, etc.
7. Masonry pasting, tying, building designing, building, etc..
8. Creative arts and crafts

Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3
Learning area
Topic area Sub-topics Aim: Develop awareness of personal abilities and limitations, and skills to develop for active role as
an active member of society
3. Health 1. Human and 1. Different animals 1. Touch, point at & say the 1. Identify and Name 1. Discuss, indicate and
and body animal body and humans name of various human body body parts, functions, differentiate roles and
awareness parts, functions, parts & functions through and changes for functions of body parts of
health and body 2. Body parts and images, rhymes & songs animals and humans animals and humans
awareness their roles,
2. Understand functional use of 2. Identify & associate 2. Name, label and draw
3. Changes in body human body parts in everyday body functions by with colours or collage,
parts related contexts. drawings, colouring, the different body parts of
to Gender, age, labelling, collage, humans & animals.
environment, etc. 3. Name images of various etc., of body parts of
human body parts & familiar humans & familiar 3. Identify and Discuss
4. Cleanliness and animals. different roles of body
hygiene of body parts in daily activities
parts 4. Identify and name individual 3. Demonstrate different (cleaning, washing,
differences of class, family or limitations in some of praying, cooking, etc.)
5. Health and school members the body parts
Illnesses 4. Discuss transformations
5. Use and mention functions 4. Identify various of body parts and
6. Reproduction & accomplished by various parts illnesses and reproduction systems
related awareness of the body. in daily social dysfunctions of body
activities, etc. (Using songs, parts, 5. Discuss and express the
7. Emotions, Relating
rhymes, concrete actions, etc.) wide range of feelings,
with others &
5. Discuss and identify emotions and attitudes.
relevant reactions 6. Expressing reactions to various methods of
or actions various attitudes, feelings and 6. Discuss appropriate
cleaning oneself and
emotions one’ environment e.g. behaviour, reactions and
Classroom, family feelings in a wide range of
home, etc. situations.

7. Reacting to feelings, needs 6. Express attitudes, 7. Communicate
and attitudes of peers and feelings, emotions, and independently using
other community members related reactions and various body parts,
body functions expressing daily social
activities, etc. (Using head,
7. Use body party to mouths, voice, eyes, hands
express their needs and arms etc.
and communicate
etc. (Using hands,
head, legs etc., to
signs or indicate given

Grade 1 Grade2 Grade3

Learning area
Topic area Sub-topics Aims: Developing patriotic and responsible citizens, ready to play an equal and a full part in society
to the best of the abilities.
4. Social skills 1. Citizenship 1. Identification and 1. Indication of related 1. Naming, identifying, 1. Demonstrate
development and social recognition of people, Objects & Images related relating, expressing & understanding of related
identity family, communities; associating related objects, Basic Social & cultural
country, locations, places 2. Differentiation of related images, symbols and contexts
images and real contexts activities
1. Individuals 2. Recognizing and
3. Indicating Related 2. Discussing, narrating (e.g.) differentiating related
2. Family Symbols and objects rhyming, singing, etc.), symbols and contexts
and imitating related social
3. People 4. Indicating related social
activities and events, etc. (e.g. 3. Using related Rhymes,
activities and events. songs & games
4. Community family, church, community
activities, etc.) associated with varying
5. Activities of identifying
5. Country and society social contexts
various school and
3. Activities of locating various
community land marks. 4. Activities of locating
6. Symbols of schools, a school land marks and
place, country, region, symbols various community land
religion, etc… marks and symbols.

• Social & community 1. Indication of related 1.Naming, identifying, relating, 1. Demonstrate the
organization Objects, pictures, Images expressing & associating related understanding of
& symbols. pictures, images, symbols and Basic Social & cultural
1. Community originations organs organizations & contexts
& leaderships in 2. Differentiation of related (in school, church, security
school, religion, home images, pictures, & real (Security bodies, church bodies, organs, etc...)
environment, etc. contexts community leaderships, etc.)
2.Discussing, imitating, and
2. Community responsibilities 3. Indicating and naming 2. Discussing, narrating (e.g.) differentiating related
at various organizational Related Symbols & objects related social context, etc. (e.g. social symbols, activities
levels: Umudugudu, Sector, family, church, community and contexts
School, church, country, 4. Indicating and imitating organizations, etc.)
etc. related social activities 3.Imitating or citing related
and events 3. Imitating drawings of symbols, Rhymes, songs & games
3. Hierarchical levels and colours and activities, etc. associated with varying
responsibilities in various 5. Activities of identifying
social contexts etc.
community contexts 4.Activities of locating and
various school and identifying various school 4.Activities of locating
community activities activities and symbols various community

1.Social Cultural & traditional 1. Listen, see and imitate 1. Identify, Listen, watch & do 1.Demonstrate basic
identity and activities in Rwanda & cultural Dances, songs a range of cultural activities knowledge of socio-
community elsewhere: & drama from different (Dances, songs & drama) cultural contexts of his/
activities societies… from different societies… her communities,
1. Dances, songs & drama
from different societies… 2. Participate in family and 2. Identify groups that E.g. Rwandan and diverse
social activities, then share participate in family and cultural activities (Dances,
2. Family & social activities in groups. i.e. social activities (e.g. home songs & drama)
e.g. wedding ceremonies, activities, church activities
local Justice, Stories of: activities) then share 2.Participate in family
observations in groups. and social activities
3. Stories, ibisakuzo/riddles/ a. what was observed in (e.g. home or church
proverbs, etc. family cultural sites? 3.Participate in cultural activities) then replicate
excursions to stimulate what was observed
4. Excursions in cultural cites b. what was observed in the
stories on
family and during cultural

5. See/differentiate/interpret 1. See and talk about a.what was observed in cultural 3. Participate during
pictures and images of pictures and images of sites cultural excursions, then
Rwandan communities and Rwandan communities share by demonstrating
other social activities and social activities of b.what was observed during what was observed
other societies. cultural activities.
Analyze Pictures and
images of communities and
social activities from other
4. Rights & 1. Introduction of basic 1. Understand Dos& 1. Set Rules and regulations 1. Identify and discuss
entitlements rights and entitlements don’ts in school, home & based on what is what is right and what
for people community acceptable to individuals, is wrong for various
(especially 2. Members of families, communities etc. Develop individuals or groups
children) in community & relations 2. Identify needs, visual reminders and of class, school, family
with others vis-a-vis the entitlements & positive reinforcements and community
rights. requesting and sharing, for these rules. (i.e. Dos & members.
e.g. sharing food at don’ts in school, home &
3. Common & individual school, sharing school 2.Tell and Discuss
rights & entitlements. tools, etc. sets of procedures or
2. Set procedures and regulations related
4. Protection of rights 3. Introduce leadership instructions in relation to individual and
& entitlements and and its responsibilities to common & individual common Needs &
responsible organs in class, family, and Needs & approaches of methods of demanding
community. requesting from others, as a matter of rights,
e.g. needs and sharing food e.g. toileting, eating;
at home, school, using cleaning, etc.
& sharing related tools;
cleaning, etc. 3. Demonstrate
awareness of
3.Discuss procedures and procedures related to
demonstrate mutual respect mutual respect in class,
in class, family, community family, community
and responsibilities of and demonstrate active
members responsibilities.

Learning Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3
Topic area subtopic
area Aim: Successful lifelong learners with fully developed body functions.
5. Physical 1. Body posture, - Balancing in Use supporting 1. Use different tools 1. Perform various
Education balancing, Seating, lying tools (e.g. sand) and and approaches to balancing tricks
movements and down & standing personnel to balance balance their bodies with minimum
manipulation positions in different positions support
to develop 1. Perform with adequate
different 2. Perform different
muscles and - Using different guidance and
physical skills postures and instructions. postures and
parts (Limbs,
activities activities using
neck, abdomen).
using different 2. Use rhythmic different parts of the
- Movement parts of the songs to perform body.
activities body through different postures
rhythmic and activities using 3. Perform various
(running, games and sport
jumping, catching, games and different parts of the
songs, body. activities using
crawling, frog different tools and
jump, etc,). 2. Use appropriate 3. Use different tools equipment.
tools (e.g. and equipment to
- Throwing, aiming, coloured balls perform games and 4. Perform team and
targeting and and balloons, related activities. group games and
catching objects. tied balls, etc,) related activities
to play games. 4. Perform various autonomously.
Team activities & games and sports in
competitions Develop team teams (ranging from
activities and games pairs to dozens) with
with support of minimum support.
rhythmic songs and

Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3
Learning area Topic area Sub-topic Aim: Develop adequately numerate citizen, who is resourcefully able to participate in socio-
economic activities of his/her community/country.
6. Numeracy Logical 1. Recognizing, Identifying, 1. Use familiar objects within 1. Use concrete object in 1. Use familiar
thinking in organizing, counting the schools and home various colours to do context and objects
relation to and labelling of objects environment, practise basic math operations to develop basic
Counting, pictures and images in numeracy activities individually and in numeracy activities or
operations, varying shapes, colours, (grouping, measuring, groups. operations
measurements sizes, and numbers comparing, ordering,
through games classifying and counting 2. Use songs, rhymes, 2. Use calendars, clocks,
concrete objects, etc. to tapes and balances…
2. Activities related to 2. Number concrete objects count days of the week, to conduct numeracy
counting and operations through rhymes, songs, etc. clock, etc. activities.
using concrete objects
and real contexts e.g. 3. Repeat, observe and 3. Use familiar object within 3. Use available
market. manipulate concrete object the school and home electronic objects
related to numbers environment, for tailored to do basic math
Introduction to basic numeracy activities operations (calculator,
numeracy activities 4. Listen to and repeat visual (measuring, comparing, phones, and
(counting & operations) and audio clips related to ordering, classifying and computers etc.
in reference to real numbers counting
materials and contexts.
5. Use available electronic 4. Use available electronic
objects to operate numbers object to write and
(Calculators, phones, operate numbers
computers, etc. (Calculators, phones,
computers, etc.

Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3
Learning area Topic area Sub-topic Aims: Develop adequately literate citizen, who is resourcefully able to participate in socio-
economic activities of his/her community
7. Literacy Basics of 1. Sounds of vowels and 1. Imitate, repeat and 1. Basics in writing 1. Write and read letters and
literacy & consonants through memorize and observe and reading in join them into familiar
communication related pictures, alphabets, names, etc., local language words in local languages, and
abilities images and rhymes through rhymes, songs through pictorial basics English language.
etc. demonstrations,
2. Identification and 2. Songs and rhymes in English
labelling of materials 2. Listen to stories and 2. Basics in English language
and objects repeat what has been language, e.g. alphabets,
communicated parts of the body, etc. 3. Name, identify;
3. Descriptions, through songs, rhymes classification, position,
conversations, 3. Name, identify; repetitions, etc. orientation of various
repetition, listening, classification, position, equipment and materials
dialogues and orientation of various 3. Turn taking in within the familiar
narrations. equipment and materials narrating and Listening environment (Home, school,
within the familiar to group stories of church, etc.).
4. Introduction to basic environment (Home, familiar activities,
inscription (writing) school, church, etc.). 4. Use various equipment and
of identified materials 4. Locating, orienting images within the familiar
and descriptions. 4. Draw; imitate and materials and activities environment (Home, school,
describe pictures or (understanding what, church, etc..) to prompt
images, scribe and when, how, where, etc.). narration, inscription and
Inscribe, descriptions,
5. Draw and read loudly
5. Use appropriate ICT words and letters, 5. Listen to stories and take
equipment to inscribe scribe and Inscribe, turns conversations and
letters and words. narrating stories of observed
6. Use appropriate ICT situations, etc.
equipment to inscribe
and read letters and 6. Use appropriate ICT
words. equipment to inscribe and
read words.

Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3
Learning area Topic area Sub-topic Aim: Develop exploratory, creative, adaptive and productive members of society able
to use ICT, science and technology for socio-economic developments.
8. ICT, Science • Exploration 1. Uses and basic functions 1. Begin to use familiar 1. Acquire functional 1. Develop fully
& Technology use of common of Telephones, cameras, ICT equipment use of basic ICT independent and
ICT tools and radio, clock, televisions, with adult support equipment (Game functional use some
equipment computers and other (Telephone, TV, radio, devices, telephone, basic ICT equipment
familiar ICT equipment Kitchen equipment, television, radio, for learning and daily
and their safe usage Computers, electricity, Kitchen equipment, purpose and ability
etc. Computers, to explain their basic
2. Basics of electricity and electricity, etc. purpose (TV, Telephone,
its functions and their 2. Use ICT for Games, cooker, computer, etc.).
potential risks. familiar films, photos, 2. Identify, explore
songs and related and discuss some 2. Develop functional
3. Basic electronic tools activities to introduce basic functions of use of ICT & scientific
in homes, school and functions of ICT some of the ICT equipment for leisure
community and their safe equipment. equipment (TV, (game devices, telephone,
usage (Instruments for Telephone, cooker, television, radio, kitchen
music, ironing, cooking, computer, etc.). equipment, computers,
telephone charging, etc. electricity, etc.
Use literacy software such as 3. Explain and discuss the
Widget to read symbols and differences and functions
images of ICT equipment, and
their usage.

2.2. GRADE 1

Key competences to be achieved at the end of grade 1:
• Carry out basic daily routine activities with less assistance;
• Differentiate coins from bank notes and use money- related terms used by sellers and buyers;
• Identify transport means used in the community and demonstrate awareness about safety measures related to transport;
• Identify tools in different household and school activities and be careful in some dangerous situations
• Identify social and religious activities in the community.
TOPIC AREA: Independent living skills SUB-TOPIC AREA: Self-care and personal hygiene

GRADE:1 Unit 1: Basic daily routine activities Number of periods:

Key unit competence: Carry out basic daily routine activities with less assistance.
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Content Learning Activities
Skills Attitudes and values
–– Identify the materials –– Use the toilet and related –– Keep sanitary rules Material needed and techniques For each activity the learning is
needed for washing materials appropriately –– Self confidence for the following: by doing and in the real context:
hands, bathing, teeth –– Wash hand after using toilet, –– Using toilet • Learners observe the needed
–– Show self-help skills
brushing, eating, before and after eating and materials and teacher’s
–– Demonstrate good –– Bathing,
combing hair whenever necessary. demonstration.
behaviour while eating –– Hand washing,
–– Dress and undress her/himself • Learners are given
–– Dressing: Button and zip up
with less assistance. opportunity for individual
clothes; put on shoes
–– Eat using hands/spoon or fork practice with assistance.
–– Teeth brushing,
–– Blow their nose with a clean
–– Combing his/her hair
–– Eating, table manner
–– Wash the whole body with less
Link to other subjects: Health and body awareness
Assessment criteria: ability to use the toilet, wash hands, brush teeth, dress and undress, comb hair, eat, bath with the most appropriate materials with less assistance.
Materials: water, soap, basins/buckets, toilet papers, clothes, toothpaste, toothbrush,

TOPIC AREAS: Independent living skills SUB-TOPIC AREAS: SHOPPING
GRADE:1 Unit 2: Difference between coins and bank notes. Timing:
Key Unit Competence: Learners should be able to differentiate coins from bank notes and use money- related terms used by sellers and buyers.
Learning Objectives
Content Learning activities
Knowledge Skills Attitudes and Values
–– Tell what they –– Differentiate –– Demonstrate an –– The difference –– In small groups, learners make two different groups of
find on coins money from other understanding that between coins and objects by separating money from other objects such as
and bank objects money has value bank notes papers, leaves, cloths, bottle tops, etc. and come up with
notes. –– Separate coins from –– Avoid destroying and –– New vocabulary: two piles, one for money and another for those other
–– State terms bank notes used in spoiling money expensive, how objects.
used in buying Rwanda. –– Take care of materials much? to pay, –– In small groups, learners separate bank notes from coins;
and selling. –– Use appropriate because they are balance… they observe bank notes and coins and discuss the difference
terms for buying bought –– Where to buy: at between them, and the difference between coins themselves.
and selling. market place, in –– In groups, learner’s role play buying and selling using pieces of
–– Identify places shops. paper as money and using some terms like: What do you want?
where to buy How much is it? It is expensive, reduceǃ Let me pay ! Give me
different items/ the balance!
things –– All learners together or in groups sing or recite poems/rhymes
about money.
–– Guided by the teacher, they discuss places where they can buy
different things.
Links to other Learning Areas: Kinyarwanda: As the language of instruction is Kinyarwanda, this unit increases the vocabulary: seller, buyer, market, shop, coins,
bank notes, pay, balance, expensive, not expensive, cheap, and improving speaking skills through games Creative Arts and Culture: they sing songs about money

Assessment Criteria: ability to differentiate money from other things; differentiate coins from notes; to use new vocabulary related to selling and buying; to
identify places where to buy different items
Resources/Materials: coins and bank notes, different materials used by learners in their games, located in a shopping corner.

TOPIC AREAS: independent living skills SUB-TOPIC AREAS: Transport
GRADE:1 Unit 3: Public transport means Timing: at the end of grade 1:
Key Unit Competence: Identify transport means used in community and demonstrated awareness about safety measures related to transport.
Learning Objectives
Content Learning activities
Knowledge Skills Attitudes and Values
–– Tell different –– Differentiate means –– Avoid playing on roads; Transport by road: –– If possible, learners attend a study tours a
means of of transport by read –– Be careful before crossing –– Work on foot nearby road and observe different means
transport by he/she often finds in the road; of transport for people and goods.
–– Carry load,
road his/her community. –– All learners observe pictures showing
–– Be careful when using –– Ride and carry things/travel
–– Name vehicles –– Safely use roads boats familiar means of transport of people
on bicycle, motorcycle and
moving in road –– Follow instructions. and goods used in their community.
in a car.
–– Every learner draws freely some of the
Transport by water: vehicles/boats paint them and explains
–– Carry things when using to others what he/she has drawn.
boats –– Play games related to means of transport
by water and by air: role play on driving
–– Guided by the teachers, learners
carry out experiments with water to
understand the risks of being drawknife
the security measures are overlooked:
put in water pieces of wood or wooden
objects, stones, spoons
Links to other learning areas: Kinyarwanda: new vocabulary related to the means of transport. Creative arts and culture: draw vehicles and paint them. Physical
development and health: play games of running by imitating drivers conducting different motorcycle.
Assessment Criteria: ability to differentiate means of transport used in their community.
Resources/Materials: Pictures and toys which how to transport people and goods on roads and waters.

TOPIC AREA: Oneself and the changing
SUB-TOPIC AREA: Household and school activities
GRADE:1 Unit 4: Household and school activities and related tools Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Identify tools in different household and school activities and be careful in some dangerous situations
Learning objectives
Content Learning activities
Knowledge Skills Attitudes and Values
–– Name tools –– Identify the needed –– Be careful when –– Household and school activities: –– For each activity, as parent or the
used in different materials/tools for each carrying activities; teacher is carrying out a given
household and activity Fetching water and firewood; looking activity, he/she names the activity;
–– Be careful when
school activities after domestic animals; feeding shows the required materials/ tools
–– Recognize dangerous using some
pets; watering plants; weeding the and demonstrates step by step
tools, plants, animals, dangerous objects
garden; dusting; sweeping/cleaning and several times how to use the
and places
the compound; cleaning bathrooms material and carry out the activity
–– Carry out simple and different rooms; washing dishes; in a safe manner.
activities with assistance doing laundry; preparing meals;
–– Under teacher’s assistance, learners
mopping floors; etc.
individually are allowed to try
–– Dangerous places (kitchen, toilets, some activities staring by simple
road, pits, etc.); objects (e.g. Sharp ones such as: dusting, cleaning the
knives, irritable chemicals, medicines, compound, feeding pets,
nail, needles, pins, melt-socket,
etc.; plants (e.g. Plants with spines,
milky plants (eg. Imiyenzi, ibimera
bibabana,), animals (e.g.: snakes, dog,
cat, etc.).
Links to other learning areas: Kinyarwanda: new vocabulary related to household and school activities. Physical development and health: while handling objects
and carrying out activities that need coordination.
Assessment Criteria: ability to identify tools / materials needed for each activity.
Resources/Materials: Real materials related to different activities.

TOPIC AREA: Oneself and the changing
GRADE:1 Unit 5: Social and religious activities in the community Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Identify social and religious activities in the community
Learning objectives
Content Learning activities
Knowledge Skills Attitudes and Values

–– Name social and –– Sing, dance, recite poems –– Appreciate the –– Social activities in the community: –– Learners participate in social
religious activities by imitating adults during Rwandan culture Wedding ceremony, and religious activities
that take place in social and religious –– Enjoy life and –– Days for weekly worship service for –– Parents or the teachers provide
the community celebrations interact with others. different churches explanation on the name of
–– Recognize the days of –– Keep good manners –– People involved and their activity and in brief what
weekly worship service for when participating responsibilities happens, main people involved
their church in social and and their responsibilities,
–– Religious activities in the
–– Identify materials used religious events materials used, ...
community: weekly worship
in social and religious service, celebration of special events –– Provide guidance and act as
activities (Baptism, communion, Christmas role model in terms of good
–– Identify roles and day, Easter, manners in social and religious
responsibilities of different events.
–– Main characteristics of special
people involved events: songs/gospel songs, dances, –– The teacher creates
opportunities for learners to
–– Good manners in social and
learn popular and gospel songs,
religious events

Links to other learning areas: Kinyarwanda: new vocabulary related to religious and social activities in the community. Physical development and health: while
performing dances.
Assessment Criteria: ability to identify social and religious activities in the community and keep good manners during special events.
Resources/Materials: Real materials related to different social and religious activities.


Competences to be achieved at the end of grade1 with less assistance:

• Recognize and differentiate materials used in weaving
• Recognise needle work, Knitting and Crocheting
• Recognize embroidery tools
• Recognise needle work, Knitting and Crocheting
• Safely use tools used in gardening
• Identify different materials used in decoration with help
TOPIC AREA: Vocational & entrepreneurship skills SUB-TOPIC AREA: Weaving
GRADE 1: Unit 1: Weaving tools and materials Number of periods:
Key unit competence: Recognize and differentiate materials used in weaving
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Skills Attitudes and Content Learning Activities
understanding values
Name materials –– Link objects –– Handle weaving Recognize Weaving tools and materials used in –– In groups, learners are helped
used in weaving and materials, materials properly making the following objects: to recognize different common
they are made locally weaved objects and
State how some –– Develop Self • Necklaces,
of. asked to collaboratively
weaving materials confidence • Ear rings, mention materials used to make
are obtained –– Prepare weaving
–– Exhibit sense of • Dolls/toys, the objects.
autonomous • Ropes, –– Learners are facilitated by their
–– Make some
• Baskets, wine baskets (agaseke) teachers to imitate how weaving
common locally
• Balls materials are prepared and
weaved objects
• Mats
• Inkoko, ikibo

Preparation of weaving materials e.g.: Papyrus, –– In groups, the teacher guides/
Sisals, and Banana leaves. facilitate learners to make some
common locally weaved objects
Making common locally weaved objects:
• Necklaces,
• Ear rings,
• Dolls/toys,
• Ropes,
• Baskets, wine baskets (agaseke)
• Balls
• Mats
• Inkoko, ikibo,
• Etc.
Link to other subjects: Physical Education and ICT, Science and Technology

Assessment criteria: Ability to recognize and differentiate tools and materials used in weaving

Materials: Locally made ear rings, inkoko, mats, baskets, balls, ropes

TOPIC AREA: Vocational & entrepreneurship skills SUB-TOPIC AREA: Knitting
Unit 2: Knitting and
GRADE 1: Number of periods:
Key unit competence: Recognise needle work, Knitting and Crocheting
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Content Learning Activities
Skills Attitudes and values
Name basic tools for • Differentiate • Develop a hardworking Knitting tools and equipment –– Through brainstorming session
knitting and crochet basic tools for culture. –– Needle, learners identify knitting and
knitting and • Exhibit carefulness when crocheting needles, crochets tools
Identify different types of –– Yarn needles,
crochet hooks handling sharp tools used and if they have even seen where
wool –– Crochet hooks, knitting and how it is done.
• Select the • Appreciate neatness and
right wool for –– Sewing machine, –– Each learner is given materials,
Recognize knitting stitches orderly in his/her work
knitting items –– Sewing threads, the teacher demonstrates and
• Make items –– Scissors, facilitates them to practice
using knitting how crochets; stitching, sewing
–– Tape measure,
stitches knitting needles are handled.
–– Pins, etc.
–– In small groups each learner
Crochets tools is given materials, the teacher
facilitates each learner to practice
–– Crochets yarn,
how stitching, sewing and
–– Crochets hooks, knitting is done (one a time as
–– Fabric, colleagues are also observing),
–– Scissors, they imitate until they can do it
on their own.
–– Stitch Holders, etc.
–– In small groups during sewing
Pressing equipment: and knitting practices, learners
–– Iron, should be encouraged to make
the beautiful item/product with
–– Ironing board and tables,
autonomy and at least the best
–– Blanket, three be appraised and applauded
–– Herringbone, etc. by the classmates

Materials used in knitting
–– Fibre types,
–– Ply,
–– stitches
–– Textiles,
–– Batons,
–– Stickers, etc

–– Repairs
–– Replacing a button
–– Mending a tear. Etc

–– Bathing Sponge
–– Bonnet/hat
–– Baby shoals ,etc.
Link to other subjects: Physical Education and ICT, Science and Technology
Assessment criteria: Identify and use different knitting and crochets materials/tools
Materials: Knitting and Crochets tools/equipment

TOPIC AREA: Vocational & entrepreneurship skills SUB-TOPIC AREA: Embroidery/ needle work
GRADE 1: Unit 3: Embroidery/ needle work Number of periods:
Key unit competence: Recognize embroidery tools with close assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Attitudes and Content Learning Activities
understanding values
Identify the –– Create different –– Care for the Different materials and tools for batik and tie-dye. –– Learners brainstorm the different types
different textile embroidery different • Cloth, of textile products they know including
materials and designs and materials, tools their own clothes they wear.
• Wax,
tools used in patterns on and artworks –– In manageable groups, learners are
embroidery textiles using • Colours,
–– Appreciate the facilitated to discover types of needle
different opinion of others • Water, work materials.
Explain the techniques without regard to • Brush, –– Share with learners some embroidery
process of
sex, gender and • Spray materials and tools for learners to touch
making design
age. and ask question about them. Allow
patterns using • Etc.
the technique of learners to share ideas, materials and
embroidery Materials and tools used in embroidery e.g. tools during this session.
• Needles, –– In their groups, learners are facilitated
• Hooks, to collaboratively make different
embroidery works using various
• Loops, materials
• Scissors, –– Guide/ facilitate learners to practice
• Rings embroidery work as they also ask and
• Etc. respond to questions.
–– Encourage class competition as they
Techniques and process of creating embroidery exhibit different embroidery works and
designs on textiles e.g. give opinions and learn to appreciate
• Line stitch and own works and those done by others.
• Cross stitch.
Link to other subjects: Physical Education and ICT, Science and Technology
Assessment criteria: Ability to create different textile patterns and apply them on textiles by manipulating various tools and materials.
Materials: Colouring equipment, cutting kits, dyes and inks, wax, cloth

TOPIC AREA: Vocational & entrepreneurship skills SUB-TOPIC AREA: Cookery
Grade 1 Unit 4: Cookery Number of periods:
Key unit competence: Identify kitchen tools and utensils properly
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Content Learning Activities
Skills Attitudes and values
Name kitchen –– Demonstrate and Know kitchen equipment Kitchen equipment • In small groups learners
equipment needed for manipulate kitchen needed for food brainstorm on the basic
food preparation and equipment needed for preparation and cooking Basic equipment/tools for food equipment/tools for food
cooking food preparation and preparation and cooking preparation and cooking they
cooking –– Utensils, know at home or see at school
–– Wash kitchen –– Dishes, and which they have ever used.
equipment needed for –– Cutting devices, • In small groups learners
food preparation and brainstorm on the different
–– Stirring equipment,
cooking methods of cleaning utensils
–– Cookers, etc. they know. In the groups, the
teacher facilitates learners to
Dishwashing best practices hand-
clean different utensils brought
washing dishes
in class by the teacher.
–– Wash,
–– Rinse, and
–– Sanitize.
Link to other subjects: Physical Education and ICT, Science and Technology
Assessment criteria: Performs cleaning and sanitizing of kitchen tools and equipment and premises
Materials: Basic equipment/tools for food preparation and cooking

TOPIC AREA: Vocational & entrepreneurship skills SUB-TOPIC AREA: Gardening and farming
GRADE 1: Unit 5: Gardening Number of periods:
Key unit competence: Safely use tools used in gardening with autonomy.
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Content Learning Activities
Skills Attitudes and values
Demonstrate ability to Select the proper Appreciates the Making a garden plan –– Referring to the known vegetable,
use garden tools with tools for a given importance of garden –– Find out what the family /community fruits or flowers garden learners
less support task/ project. needs brainstorm on what a garden is.
Grow confidence in Then, a class visit to a nearby garden
Mention a garden Use appropriate the gardening –– Find which vegetable /plant species
for learners to see, discuss and ask
tool to carry out a grow best in the area,
questions while in the garden.
specific task Develop care for a –– What is the sowing and harvesting
living thing and to –– The class brainstorm on other
time of each one?
Classify tools used take pride in it. different types of gardening tools;
–– How much do you want to produce the teacher shows the learners the
in the gardening
Enhanced children’s of each vegetable? basic gardening tools. In the small
Maintain garden social skills as they –– Only for family use or to sell? groups learners classify tools used in
orderly mix with the wide gardening.
range of people Seeding/planting rules:
–– Organise a garden work where
needed to ensure –– Mark out straight rows to make the students can be rotated around the
gardening projects garden attractive, tasks, so that they get the chance
succeed –– Space seeds properly in the row. to participate in as many tasks as
–– Plant at the proper depth. possible. Challenge students to
Promoted responsible
remember the names of the tools
behaviour –– Cover seeds and firm the soil over
needed to carry out some standard
gardening tasks.
–– Irrigate the soil surface lightly,
–– Also encourage The experience
–– Thin/reduce plants to the desired learners gain each time they
number participate in taking care of their
garden to harvesting will teach them
more, and your products will grow
better and better!

newspaper, shredded paper, old carpet,
and paper and plastic sheeting.

Common garden watering methods:

–– Furrow,
–– Sprinkler,
–– Soaker hoses and
–– Drip (trickle).

Mulching and cultivating to control


Mulch materials include:

Dry Leaves, dried grass, straw organic

compost, sawdust, wood chips,
Link to other subjects: Physical Education and ICT, Science and Technology
Assessment criteria: Identify, select and use properly the basic garden tools for a given task/project.
Materials: Rake, shovel, pruner, trowel, hoe, wheelbarrow, hose, Etc.

TOPIC AREA: Vocational & entrepreneurship skills SUB-TOPIC AREA: Arts and crafts
Grade 1: Unit 6: Decorating Number of periods:
Key unit competence: Identify different materials used in decoration with help.
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Content Learning Activities
Skills Attitudes and values
Name different materials Prepare Manifest self Some materials used in • Learners brainstorm on how decorated
used in decoration. materials used confidence in choosing decoration: places differ from the ones not decorated
for decorating appropriate decoration –– Colours, and which one they would prefer.
Name different places that different styles materials
–– Cloth, • Basing on the brainstorming session
can be decorated
results, facilitate learners in small groups
Decorate Show carefulness when –– Flowers,
to discuss some basic materials and tools
appropriately performing the task –– Ribbons, used in decoration.
Appreciate the value of –– Arts and crafts products, • In groups or the whole class depending
decoration in culture –– Balloons on the class size, visit tour to well
and society –– Etc. decorated place. It can be within the
school or nearby the school. Learners
Some tools used in should be allowed to interact with the
decoration: decorator.
–– Scissors, • After the field visit, engage learners in
–– Stickers, groups to compete decorating their class
using materials of the materials of their
–– Hammers,
–– Nails,
–– Radars,
–– Etc.
Link to other subjects: Physical Education and ICT, Science and Technology
Assessment criteria: Identify different materials used in decoration and decorate different things with less support
Materials: Some materials and tools used in decoration.

Key Competences to be achieved by the end of grade one:
• Identify various body parts & their respective functions
• Explain how to maintain hygiene of body parts
• Express his /her needs or feelings politely
• Identify Changes in body parts, related to Gender, age
TOPIC AREA: Human and animal body parts, functions, health and
SUB TOPIC AREA: Difference between animal and human beings
body awareness
Grade 1 Unit 1: Differentiate animal from human beings Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Identify various human and animal body parts & their respective functions with close assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Attitudes Content Learning activities
understanding and values
Differentiate various body Name various Show aware- - Various body parts - Drawing, colouring, collage of body parts of
parts & functions body parts ness of the humans & familiar animals.
- Functions of body parts.
- Touch, point at & say the name of various
of various - General animal characteristics.
body parts& functions through images,
body parts
- General human characteristics. rhymes & songs
Links to other subjects: ADL, Literacy, social skills development
Assessment criteria: Ability to identify various body parts& their respective functions
Materials & resources: Big charts, photos, illustrations....

TOPIC AREA: Human and animal body parts, functions, health and body awareness SUB TOPIC AREA: Human body parts and their roles.
Grade 1 Unit 2: Use of human body parts Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Associate body parts with their roles
Learning objectives
Attitudes and
Knowledge Skills Content Learning activities
Differentiate Associate body Show awareness of Various body parts and –– Drawing, colouring, collage of body parts of humans
various body parts with their the importance of –– Touch, point at & say the name of various body
parts & functions functions various body parts Functions of body parts
–– Parts & functions through images, rhymes & songs
–– In groups Associate body parts with their functions
Links to other subjects: ADL, Literacy, social skills development
Assessment criteria: Ability to identify various body parts & their respective functions
Materials & resources: Big charts, photos, illustrations, etc.

SUB TOPIC AREA: Changes in body parts related to
TOPIC AREA: Human and animal body parts, functions, health and body awareness
gender, age, environment,
Grade 1 Unit 3: Images of human and animals body parts Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Identify Changes in body parts, related to Gender, age or dysfunctions
Learning objectives
Attitudes and Content Learning activities
Knowledge Skills
–– Characteristics of male /female human –– Through games, demonstrate how to
body –– behave according to body changes
Explain main Changes –– Behave according
–– Changes during childhood –– Using images, illustrations, show
in body parts, related to changes in body
to Gender, age parts –– Various illness and body parts –– body parts changes
dysfunctions –– n groups, discuss individual differences of class, family or
–– Manage body parts
dysfunctions –– Acknowledge behaviour change school members
related to Gender, age and body parts –– In groups, discuss various illness and body parts
dysfunctions dysfunctions
Links to other subjects: ADL, social skills
Assessment criteria: Ability to identify changes in body parts, related to Gender, age
Materials & resources: Big charts, photos, illustrations, etc.

TOPIC AREA: Human and animal body parts, functions, health and body SUB TOPIC AREA: Cleanliness and hygiene of body parts- health
awareness and illnesses
Grade 1 Unit 4: Hygiene of body parts Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Explain how to maintain hygiene of body parts
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Content Learning activities
Skills Attitudes and values
Explain how to –– Clean properly his or her –– Show awareness of –– Cleanliness and –– Clean their teeth, hands eyes, nose, private
clean different body the importance of hygiene of body parts: parts assisted with the teacher then after
parts of the body’ –– -Demonstrate how to clean hygiene –– -Hygiene of teeth, without assistance
teeth, hands, eyes, nose, –– Be always clean and hands, eyes, nose, –– Observe some pictures, photos in order to
Identify some private parts smart private parts identify and differentiate some illness
illness due to poor –– -Health and Illnesses
Links to other subjects: ADL, social skills development
Assessment criteria: Ability to maintain hygiene of body parts
Materials & resources: Big charts, photos, illustrations, etc.

SUB TOPIC AREA: Reproduction and related
TOPIC AREA: Human and animal body parts, functions, health and body awareness
Grade 1 Unit 5: Reproduction awareness Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Identify Changes in body parts, related to Gender, age or dysfunctions
Learning objectives
Attitudes and Content Learning activities
Knowledge Skills
–– Changes during childhood and puberty –– Through games, demonstrate how to behave
–– Various illness and body parts according to body changes
Explain main –– Behave according to dysfunctions –– Using images, illustrations, show body parts changes
Changes in body changes in body parts
–– Menstrual cycle for females –– In groups, discuss individual differences of class,
parts, related to –– Manage body parts family or school members
–– voice changes for males
Gender, age –– Acknowledge behaviour change related to –– In groups, discuss various illness and body parts
Gender, age and body parts dysfunctions dysfunctions
Links to other subjects: ADL, social skills
Assessment criteria: Ability to identify changes in body parts, related to Gender, age
Materials & resources: Big charts, photos, illustrations, etc.

SUB TOPIC AREA: Emotions, relating with others & relevant
TOPIC AREA: Human and animal body parts, functions, health and body awareness
reactions or actions
Grade 1 Unit6: Emotions, & Feelings Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Express needs or feelings politely
Learning objectives
Content Learning activities
Knowledge Skills Attitudes and values
Explain how to React politely to feelings, Demonstrate –– How to formulate a polite –– Through games express reactions
express reactions needs and attitudes of peers politeness question, request, response to various attitudes, feelings and
to various attitudes and other community –– How to express his or her emotions
and emotions members feelings and needs –– In groups demonstrate how to react to
feelings, needs and attitudes of peers
–– Role play how react to attitudes of
other community members
Links to other subjects; ADL, literacy, social skills development
Assessment criteria: Ability to express his /her needs or feelings politely
Materials & resources: Big charts, photos, illustrations, etc.

Key Competences to be achieved at the end of grade 1
• Identify himself or herself and his or her family members and differentiate greetings;
• Identify building materials, types of houses and different parts/ rooms of a house;
• Identify, recognize social organization (School, Village, cell /ishuri, Umudugudu, Akagari);
• Identify, recognize and actively participate in social cultural activities of the Rwandan community and beyond;
• Recognize own and others’ belongings within the family and community.
SUB TOPIC AREA: Identification and recognition of people, family, communities,
TOPIC AREA: Citizenship and social identity
country, locations and places
Unit1: Identification and recognition of people, family, communities, country, locations
GRADE 1: Number of periods:
and places
Key Unit Competence: Identify himself or herself and his or her family members and differentiate greetings with close assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and
Skills Attitudes and values Content Learning activities
–– Tell his or her –– Identify him or Show respect to his or 1. Recognize Myself, –– To tell his or her name to the class,
name herself her family members 2. Recognize my house (self-introduction)
–– Name different –– Recognize his –– Observe various pictures of family
3. My family members
family members or her family members and describe in groups their
–– Localization of members 4. Different ways of greeting: -Hand family members
their house –– Locate their shaking -Waving, -Morning and evening –– Observe photos of family members
habitation greetings and recognize them
–– In pairs they greet each other and
5. Localization of community, and country
locate their habitation assisted with
6. Symbols of schools, place, the teacher
Links to other subjects: Literacy
Assessment criteria: Ability to greet each other and identify himself or herself and his or her family members
Materials & resources: Big charts, photos, illustrations,.

TOPIC AREA: Citizenship and social identity SUB TOPIC AREA: Social community organization
GRADE1 Unit 2: Social and community organization Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Identify, recognize social organization (School, Village ,cell /ishuri ,Umudugudu, Akagari) with repetition
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Attitudes and
Skills (do/practice) Content Learning activities
understanding values (show)
Identify his or her Differentiate his or Recognize the –– Recognize community organization and leadership In groups discuss on the
her School, Village importance of a in school, home, church and environment location of their school,
School Cell, from others School, Village and –– Community responsibilities at various organization village and cell
Village –– Hierarchical level and responsibilities in various Pay a visit to neighbouring
community contexts school village, cell. And
observe their organisations
Links to other subjects: Literacy, environment, ADL ...
Assessment criteria: Ability to Identify recognize social organization ( ishuri ,Umudugudu, Akagari)
Materials & resources: Big charts, photos, illustrations, real objects...

TOPIC AREA: Citizenship and social identity SUB TOPIC AREA: Social community organization
GRADE 1 Unit 3: Social & cultural activities of Rwanda & elsewhere Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Identify, recognize and actively participate in social cultural activities of the Rwandan community and beyond with close assis-
Learning objectives
Content Learning activities
Knowledge Skills Attitudes and values

–– List familiar –– -Demonstrate –– Appreciate the –– Types of cultural activities: songs, –– Students watch a film of dancers
types of cultural the ability to Rwandan cultural dances, drama, riddles, rhymes, –– Students practice dancing individually, in
activities sing familiar practices. drumming, etc. pairs and in groups.
–– Identify songs. –– Show interest in –– Family and social activities E.g.: –– Observe different pictures of social-cultural
different songs –– -Imitate Rwandan cultural Wedding, local justice activities.
various types activities. –– Rwandan dance: –– Present various social and cultural
of dances. –– Show respect of other activities using songs, toys and other games
–– -Accompany countries cultural Material used (imishanana, imigara,
to e.g. church gatherings, weddings, family
songs with practices. amayugi, ingabo, etc.)
get-together, etc.
rhythmic –– Follow instructions Clapping hands –– In pair or groups students practice basic
crapping and given during the traditional riddles
drumming. practice of different Drumming:
–– -Respond cultural activities. –– Riddles: N.B: All activities shall be friendly, social-
to specific oriented, aiming at stimulatng the sensory,
riddles. Introductory words (sakwe sakwe- motor, as well as speech and language systems.
Links to other subjects: Social Studies: self and community.
Assessment criteria: Can actively participate in social activities, identify social activities; Can react and respond to social prompts; Can respond with sensory
physical and/or vocal reactions promptly and appropriately; Can socialize, accomplish social tasks and interact within a social setting, etc.
Materials & resources: Attractively coloured and audio-visual materials; toys, images, pictures that symbolize tools, animals and people in a community; TV set;
drums; dancing materials, mattresses, mirrors; mats and textures, flexible and therapeutic balls, story books, etc.

N.B: All activities & learning tools shall aim at activating, stimulating & developing the sensory, motor nervous systems, communication and emotions.

TOPIC AREA: Citizenship and social identity SUB TOPIC AREA: Right and entitlements for people
GRADE 1 Unit 4: Right and entitlements for people Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Recognize own and others’ belongings within the family and community with close assistance.
Learning objectives
Knowledge and
Skills Attitudes and values Content Learning activities
–– -List personal property –– -Protect personal –– -Show respect of personal Personal and family • Draw and use different pictures
in the family and property in the family and family property. property and diagrams to stimulate basic
community. and community. –– -Display the interest of –– -Personal property: understanding and discussions of
–– -Differentiate own from –– -Demonstrate sharing with others. cloths, tooth brush, different types of properties.
others’ property rights to property, –– -Demonstrate the positive books, etc. • Students use the recorded simple
–– -Identify right to ownership, and reaction and response to –– -Family property: songs to identify different rights to
property and ownership related violations. others. property.
in the family and House, car, domestic • From pictures given, students
–– -Portray emotional
community. animals, furniture, etc. categorise properties and put them
control vis-à-vis the
property violation. into groups they belong to such
Right to property
as personal, family, school and
–– -Right to personal hospital groups.
• Students pick out personal
–– -Right to family property from the group of objects.

Learning areas: Social Studies: self and community.

Assessment criteria: Can identify, recognize and respect personal and common property; Can understand basics of Rights & entitlements; Can socialize and
interact within a social setting, with due respects of rules, limitations and boundaries with others, etc.
Materials & resources: Attractively coloured and audio-visual materials; toys, images, diagrams, pictures, symbols, etc.; Sand; water; mattresses, mirrors; mats
and textures, flexible and therapeutic balls, story books, etc. A range of material resources that would stimulate the development of sensory, speech and lan-
guage, gross and fine motor developments and related activities etc.
N.B: All activities and learning tools shall aim at activating, stimulating & developing the sensory, motor nervous systems, as well as communication and emo-

Key Competences to be achieved at the end of grade 1
• Use different tools and approaches to balance their bodies in different positions with adequate guidance and instructions;
• Perform different postures and activities using different parts of the body with maximum support;
• Use appropriate tools (e.g. colored balls and balloons, tied balls, etc, to develop games and activities.
TOPIC AREA: Body posture, balancing, movements and manipulation to develop muscles and SUB-TOPIC AREA: Balancing in seating,
physical skills lying down and standing positions
Unit 1: Body postures, balancing and active
Grade 1 No. of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Use different tools and approaches to balance their bodies in different positions with close adequate guidance and instructions
Learning Objectives
Learning Activities
Knowledge Skills Attitudes and values Content
–– Responding to –– Using tools with adequate –– -Develop love for –– Body postures, –– Individually learners use their limbs
instructions guidance and instructions guidance and care balancing and active as guided and the teacher give clear
–– Give signs of to use different tools and from others and vice movements. instructions on use of tools and
understanding approaches to balance in versa –– Use various approaches showing body postures,
of what is being different potions –– -Recognition of appropriate tools balance and positions
done –– Demonstrate body balance and body, balance and (balls, tied balls,
positions movements toys… to play games)
Links to other subjects: ADL, social studies, numeracy & literacy
Assessment criteria: can use different tools and approaches to balance their bodies in different positions with adequate guidance and instructions
Materials: chairs, mats, handling equipment....

TOPIC AREA: Body posture, balancing, movements and manipulation to develop muscles and physical SUB-TOPIC AREA: Use of different
skills body parts
Grade 1 Unit 2: Using different body parts (Limbs, neck, abdomen...) Number. of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Through rhythmic games and songs, perform different postures and activities using different parts of the body with maximum
Learning Objectives
Learning Activities
Knowledge Skills Attitudes and values Content
Nam differ- Perform different pos- Develop love for Using different parts (Limbs, Learners using songs, rhymes, active role plays, etc.,
ent parts of tures and activities using support and care from neck, abdomen) through to activate or imitate:
the body different parts of the body others and vice versa games and songs.
Various body activities
Develop different physical Body exercises and activities
Articulations of various Body functions
skills using his /her body that combine articulations
parts and body functions.

Links to other subjects: ADL, social studies, numeracy & literacy

Assessment criteria: can use rhythmic songs to perform different postures and activities using different parts of the body with maximum support
Materials: chairs, mats, handling equipment....

TOPIC AREA: Body posture, balancing, movements and manipulation to develop muscles and
SUB-TOPIC AREA: Body movement activities
physical skills
Grade 1 Unit 3: Manipulation skills and Body movements (running, jumping, catching, crawling, frog jump, etc.) No. of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Use appropriate tools and body parts with close supports
Learning Objectives
Content Learning Activities
Knowledge Skills Attitudes and values
Recognise tools –– Use various tools Understanding the use Various tools and objects to Learners manipulate tools or objects through
–– Manipulate tools of body, balance and manipulate through games, plays, games etc.
practicing some body plays etc., e.g. sand, water,
movements colored balls, balloons….

Perform different postures

and activities using
different parts of the body.
Links to other subjects: ADL, social studies, numeracy & literacy
Assessment criteria: can use appropriate tools (e.g. colored balls and balloons, tied balls, etc., to develop games and activities
Materials: chairs, mats, handling equipment.....

Key Competences to be achieved at the end of Grade 1:

• Demonstrate basic skills in counting, writing, comparing, ordering numbers up to 10;

• Recognize different coins used in Rwanda and use them in buying and selling activities;
• Manipulate and explore calculator, computer, mobile phone and tablets
• Recognize and make Circular, Squared, Rectangular, Triangular objects with assistance
• Recognize different parts of the day (morning, afternoon, evening and night), week, month, year and make his/her own plan accordingly;
• Recognize and show directions and positions of things.

TOPIC AREA: Logical thinking in relation to counting, operation and measurements SUB-TOPIC AREA: Counting and numbering
GRADE1 Unit 1: Counting, basic operations and measurements No. of periods:
Key Unit Competence:
• Demonstrate basic skills in counting, writing, comparing, ordering numbers up to 10
• Measure and compare lengths of objects up to 10 meters (10 m),
• Perform basic addition and subtraction in daily life situations
Learning Objectives
Attitudes and Content Learning Activities
Knowledge Skills
Recognize a given Count and numbering Improve awareness Grouping and counting objects up to 10, Students play games, or play related to
number of objects objects that are familiar of numbers and counting (e.g. Pairs, Snap, Dominoes,
or pictures, images within the schools, their significance Making numbers up to 10 using real Find your partner, Follow me loop,
in varying shapes, home and community demonstrate objects (sticks, etc.) or making numbers Number funs and Bingo, etc.).
colours sizes, etc. abilities to correctly with body movements
Group, Measure, count, measure, Students use drawings to group,
Identify a given compare, order, classify Reading and writing numbers up to 10 compare, order, and classify, objects that
classify objects that
number in varying objects that are familiar are familiar within are familiar within the schools, home
Measuring objects in meter (m),
number cards, etc. within the schools, the schools, home and community
home and community and community Comparing lengths, sizes of objects (few
Read numbers Students listen to stories related to
and make basic or many, less or more, short or tall)
from 1 to 10 Manipulate concrete numbers, repeat and make basic
objects related to Compare numbers up to 10 using calculations (mental calculations)
numbers symbols (< , > , =)
Students manipulate (make groups,
Use available electronic Ordering objects and Numbering up to count, measure, compare, order, classify)
tools (Calculators, 10 , tools and objects of various sizes,
phones, computers, etc. textures and colours (e.g. Colour shapes,
to recognize/ read and Classifying objects and matching Dices, stones, Sticks, exercise books,
write numbers up to 10 numbers with the number of objects. pencils, Bananas, Sweets, Ground nuts,
Wall Chart, Number cards, Flash cards,
Perform addition and Basic calculations involving addition Number lines, etc.).
subtraction of numbers and subtraction up to 10 (vertically and
up to 10 horizontally or using number line)

Match numbers with Students make numbering of concrete
the number of objects objects through rhymes, songs, etc.

Student’s perform activities related to

counting and operations using concrete
and colored objects, as well as real
context situations
Links to other learning area: ADL, Social Skills development, ICT & technology, Physical Education
Assessment criteria: students are able to: Actively, demonstrate the developing awareness of numbers; figures, sizes, comparative measurements,
• Demonstrate basic skills in manipulating (count, group, classify, measure, compare, order and numbering) tools and objects of various sizes, textures and
colours, etc.
• Perform basic operations/ calculations involving addition and subtractions related to real contexts
Materials & resources: Attractively audio-visual materials; different objects (for counting, classifying, grouping, comparing, ordering) that are familiar within the
schools, home and community, ruler, rope, boxes and cubes, etc.
N.B: All activities and learning tools shall aim at activating, stimulating & developing cognition, sensory, motor-sensory systems, and speech and communication

SUB TOPIC AREA: Counting and operations
TOPIC AREA: Logical thinking in relation to counting, operation and measurements
using concrete objects and real contexts
GRADE 1 Unit 2: Rwandan money from 1to100 coins Number of periods:
Key unit competence: Recognize different coins used in Rwanda and use them in buying and selling activities
Learning objectives
Knowledge and un- Content Suggested Learning Activities
Skills Attitudes and values
Recognize , –– Distinguish Rwandan –– Appreciate the –– Rwandan coins from –– In groups students sort Rwandan coins from
differentiate coins from other importance of 1 to 100 (Coin of other objects (e.g. bottle tops, stones, papers,
different coins used items/objects. money in daily life 5Frw, Coin of 10 Rwf, etc.)
–– Give examples of what –– Show concern Coin of 20 Rwf, Coin –– Each student may choose any coin and talk
in Rwanda of 50 Rwf, Coin of
any given coin can of using money about the item/ object to buy with such coin.
buy and make simple honestly 100 Rwf) and their
–– Using a collection of Rwandan coins or
calculations involving –– Show concern of denominations
drawings/ pictures of coins, students should be
money (paying and valuing money and –– Changing big coins involved in role play on buying and selling. This
getting balance, etc.) make priorities into small ones activity may help students to change big coins
–– Simple problem into small ones, to quickly add and subtract
involving addition and money in order to get balance.
subtraction in buying
and selling
Link to other subjects: ADL, Social Skills development, ICT & technology
Assessment criteria: ability to recognise Rwandan coins from other objects, ability to use coins in different transactions like buying and selling
Materials: A collection of all Rwandan coins, drawings or pictures of Rwandan coins

TOPIC AREA: Logical thinking in relation to counting, operation and mea- SUB TOPIC: Counting and operations using concrete objects and
surements real contexts
Number of
GRADE 1 Unit 3: Using electronic devices applied to numeracy, pre-numbers and numbers
Key unit competence: Manipulate and explore calculator, computer, mobile phone and tablets
Learning objectives
Knowledge and under- Content Suggested Learning Activities
Skills Attitudes and values
Recognize and ––Manipulate Appreciate the • Use available electronic ––In groups students
differentiate different calculator, importance of using devices to count manipulate different types
electronic devices computer and electronic devices • Use available electronic of electronic devices
such as computers, mobile phone devices to operate
calculators, etc.
––In groups, learners
––Explore different explore calculator through
electronic devices • Practice numeracy computers, mobile phones
with the purpose activities using and tablets
calculators and
of acquire
Link to other subjects: ADL, Social Skills development, ICT & technology
Assessment criteria: ability to recognise Rwandan coins from other objects, ability to use coins in different transactions like buying and selling
Materials: A collection of all Rwandan coins, drawings or pictures of Rwandan coins

TOPIC AREA: Logical thinking in relation to SUB TOPIC AREA: Counting and operations using concrete objects and real contexts
counting, operation and measurements
GRADE 1 Unit 4: Lines and Shapes. Number of periods:
Key unit competence: Recognize and make Circular, Squared, Rectangular, Triangular objects with assistance
Learning objectives
Suggested Learning
Knowledge and Skills Attitudes and values Content
Recognize that objects –– Make desired shapes using –– Show concern of • Drawing different shapes (circle, • Individually, in pairs or
have different shapes toys or any other object Collaborating and rectangle, square, triangle) using small groups learners
(sticks, rope, matches, etc.) sharing with peers pencil or pen are asked to:make a
–– Give examples of objects –– Demonstrate ability • Shading and painting the Circular, desired shape and
that have Circular, Squared, of carefully observing Squared, Rectangular, Triangular compare their shapes
Rectangular, Triangular before making objects with different colours: red, • Help each other make a
shape decision blue, orange, green, yellow, Pink, better shape
white and black. • paint and Cut shapes
• Cutting desired shapes in papers, from papers,
… • Draw shapes on the
• Properties of shapes (square, ground, on paper...
rectangle, triangle, circle)
Link to other subjects: ADL, ICT & technology
Assessment criteria: ability to recognise square, rectangle, triangle and circle from other shapes, ability to give examples of objects which have squared,
rectangular, triangular and circular shapes, ability to draw, and paint square, rectangle, triangle and circle following properties, ability to make shapes and
make cuts out of shapes .
Materials & resources: Attractively audio-visual materials; different objects and different shapes for shading, painting, and cutting, papers, boxes and cubes,
pair of scissors, etc.
N.B: All activities and learning tools shall aim at activating, stimulating & developing cognition, sensory, motor-sensory systems, speech and communication

TOPIC AREA: Logical thinking in relation to
SUB TOPIC AREA: Counting and operations using concrete objects and real contexts
counting, operation and measurements
GRADE 1 Unit 5: Time and Child’s daily activities Number of periods:
Key unit competence: Recognize different parts of the day, days of the week and make own plan accordingly with assistance
Learning objectives: Content
suggested Learning activities
Knowledge Skills (do/practice) Attitudes and values
Tell daily • Set daily plan basing on • Demonstrate Daily activities (Home and school) during • Through a song or poem students
activities different parts of the day ability of setting morning, afternoon, evening, and night time tell their daily activities
related to the and daily activities a plan in daily/ • Daily activities at home/in dormitory : • In groups students observe
parts of the • Set weekly plan basing weekly activities pictures/illustrations of parts of the
• Waking-up
day (morning, on days of the week and • Show concern of day and match each part with an
afternoon, • Praying
daily activities respecting time activity
evening and • Washing/bathing
• Give examples of • -Through games students match
night ) • Putting on clothes
activities done during the appropriate greeting words with
Tell the days of different days of the week • Taking breakfast correspond time of the day
the week
• Use a calendar, tell the • Brushing • In groups learners observe
date of today and the • Going to school/class illustrations/pictures showing parts
days of the week of the day and say what they do
• Daily school /class activities during
• Participate in schools/ at that time (match an illustration
different parts of the day
class activity at a given with an activity)
• (morning , noon, afternoon, evening
time of the day or week. • Using a calendar, students match
and night)
days of the week and main activity
Days of the week and weekly corresponding done at school and home e.g.
activities going to school, to market, church/
Making own plan mosque/.....
Link to other subjects: ADL, Social Skills development, ICT & technology, Physical Education
Assessment criteria: ability to use a calendar, tell the days of the week and tell the date of today. Ability to set a daily / weekly plan
Materials & resources: Attractively audio-visual materials; pictures, illustrations, calendar, etc.

N.B: All activities and learning tools shall aim at activating, stimulating & developing cognition, sensory, motor-sensory systems, speech and communication skills

TOPIC AREA: Logical thinking in relation to counting,
SUB TOPIC: Counting and operations using concrete objects and real contexts
operation and measurements
GRADE 1 Unit 6: understanding position and directions with assistance Number of periods:

Key unit competence: Recognize and show directions and positions of things with assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and under- Content Learning Activities
Skills Attitudes and values
Tell where things/objects Indicate positions of objects Locate objects in their Positions and Each learner locate where he/she is,
are right places directions: what is in front or behind him/her.
Use correct propositions to
describe positions of objects Follow instructions Front and back, Individually each learner put
related to directions and objects following instructions. E.g.
positions Top and bottom, put a book on a table,...
Up and down All learners do Physical exercise:
arms up/down, jumping forward
Above and below
and backward, turn right and left
On/over and under
Hide and seek game
Left and right
Line-up according to the teacher’s
Inside and out side instructions related to positions
and directions (front, behind
Between between, inside, outside).
Link to other subjects:
Assessment criteria: ability to direct himself/ herself or others. Ability to recognize the position of an object
Materials & resources: Attractively audio-visual materials; pictures, illustrations, different objects (ball, table, cupboard...), etc.

N.B: All activities and learning tools shall aim at activating, stimulating & developing cognition, sensory, motor-sensory systems, speech and communication


Ubushobozi bw’ingenzi bugamijwe ku mwana urangije ikicyiro cya 1:
Gutandukanya amajwiy’abantu, akomoka ku bintu n’amajwi y’inyamaswa afashijwe

Kuririmba no kubyina uturirimbo yumvise adasobanya n’abandi;

Gusubiramo udukuruyumvise;

Gufata ikaramu mu buryo bukwiye no guca imisharabiko;

Gufata ikaramu mu buryo bukwiye no guca imirongo igororotse;

Guca imirongo ihese n’ivunaguye n’uruziga;

IMBUMBANYIGISHO: Guteza imbere ubushobozi nyemvugo INYIGISHO: Gutega amatwi no kuvuga
UMUTWE 1: Gutandukanya
Ubushobozi bw’ingenzi bugamijwe: Gutandukanya amajwi y’abantu akomoka ku bintu n’amajwi y’inyamaswa afashijwe na mwarimu atabireba.
Icyigwa Ibikorwaby’abanyeshuri
Ubumenyi Ubumenyingiro ubukesha
Gutandukanya –– Gutahura –– -Gutega amatwi yitonze. Amajwi y’ibintu: –– Abana batega amatwi ibintu
amajwi y’ibintu amajwiy’ibintu, –– Kwishimira amajwi –– Ibikoresho bya muzika, Inzogera, bitandukanye batabireba.
bitandukanye ay’inyamaswa y’ibikoresho Ifirimbi, –– Mu matsinda abana bakina umukino wo
n’ay’abantu. bitandukanye by’umuziki kwigana inyamaswa bazi uko zivuga.
–– Imodoka,
–– Kwigana amajwi n’umukino wo kwigana –– Ku ruziga barabyina bumva injyana
–– Amajwi y’inyamaswa zizwi: inka,
y’inyamaswa inyamaswa. y’ibikoresho bya muzika.
ihene, imbwa, injangwe ….
–– Urusaku rwa telefoni, ...
–– Amajwi y’abana n’ay’abantu
Ihuriro n’ibindi byigwa:Muzika, Ubumenyi bw’ Ibidukikije.
Ingingo-ngenderwaho mu isuzuma: ubushobozi bwo gutahura amajwi y’ibintu, inyamaswa n’abantu no kuyigana.
Infashanyigisho: ibinyuguri, gitari, piyano, iningiri, ingoma, ifirimbi, inzogera, telefoni, amajwi y’inyamaswa zimenyerewe mu bidukikije

IMBUMBANYIGISHO: Guteza imbere ubushobozi nyemvugo INYIGISHO: Gutega amatwi no kuvuga
UMUTWE 2: Kumva

Ubushobozi bw’ingenzi bugamijwe: umwana azaba ashobora kuririmba no kubyina uturirimbo yumvise adasobanya n’abandi.

Icyigwa Ibikorwaby’abanyeshuri
Ubumenyi Ubumenyingiro ubukesha
Gusobanukirwa –– Gusubiza ibibazo ku –– Gutega amatwi yitonze kandi ahanze –– Uturirimbo ku –– Abana batega amatwi
n’uturirimbo no turirimbo yumvise. amaso aho ijwi rituruka nsanganyamatsiko uturirimbo bari ku ruziga.
kudufata mu mutwe. –– Kuririmba no kubyina –– Kwishimira kuririmba no kubyina ishimisha abana: –– Basubiza ibibazo ku
uturirimbo yumvise .Kwishimira kuririmbana no kubyinana Ishuri, ababyeyi, bivugwa mu turirimbo.
akurikijeinjyana na bagenzi be inshuti,Inyamaswa,
–– Baririmba bakoma amashyi
abana bamenyereye,
banagaragaza imbamutima.
indabo, imyenda,
amazi… –– Bakomeza kuririmba
nyuma bakabyina.
Ihuriron’ibindi byigwa: Muzika.
Ingingo ngenderwaho mu isuzuma: ubushobozi bwo gukoresha amagambo yungutse mu turirimbo, kuturirimba no kutubyina akurikije injyana.
Infashanyigisho: Uturirimbo tunyuranye, amashusho, ibintu bifatika.

IMBUMBANYIGISHO: Guteza imbere ubushobozi
INYIGISHO: Gutega amatwi no kuvuga
IKICIRO CYA1 UMUTWE 3: Kumva udukuru Igihe:
Ubushobozi bw’ingenzi bugamijwe: Umwana azaba ashobora gusubiramo udukuru yumvise.
Icyigwa Ibikorwaby’abanyeshuri
Ubumenyi Ubumenyingiro ubukesha

Gusobanukirwa –– Gusubiza ibibazo ku dukuru –– Gutega amatwi yitonze Udukuru ku Abana batega amatwi udukuru
n’udukuru yumvise. kandi ahanze amaso aho nsanganyamatsiko ishimisha bakikije ubara agakuru.
–– Gusubiramo udukuru yumvise ijwi rituruka abana: Ishuri, ababyeyi,
inshuti, inyamaswa abana Basubiza ibibazo ku gakuru
–– Kubara udukuru agaragaza –– Kwishimira kubara
udukuru na bagenzi be. bamenyereye, indabo,
imbamutima Basubiramo agakuru bumvise
imyenda, amazi
umwe ku giti ke, bagenzi be
bakamuha amashyi.
Ihuriron’ibindi byigwa: Muzika, Ubumenyi bw’Ibidukikije.
Ingingo-ngenderwaho mu isuzuma: ubushobozi bwo gusubiramo udukuru yabwiwe.
Infashanyigisho: Udukuru, amashusho, ibintu bifatika.

IMBUMBANYIGISHO: Guteza ubushobozi nyemvugo INYIGISHO: Gutega amatwi no kuvuga
Imbumbanyigisho: Guteza imbere Ubushobozi Nyandiko Inyigisho: Gusoma
IKICIRO CYA 1 Umutwe 4: Gusoma amashusho Igihe:
Ubushobozi bw’ingenzi bugamijwe: umwana azaba ashobora gusubiramo udukuru yumvise.
Icyigwa Ibikorwa by’abanyeshuri
Ubumenyi Ubumenyingiro ubukesha
• Gutandukanya • Gufata ibitabo mu • Gufata neza ibitabo • Gufata igitabo mu • Abana bafata ibitabo bakitegereza
igitabo n’ibindi buryo buboneye atabyangiza buryo bukwiye. amashusho bahereye kugifuniko.
bikoresho • Gusoma amashusho • Kwishimira gusoma • Gusoma amashusho • Basubiza ibibazo umwarimu ababaza
by’ishuri adategwa. no kuyatandukanya agendeye kubyo bitegereje ku gifuniko
• Kugaragaza
• Gusobanukirwa • Gutandukany imbamutima yitegereza n’inyandiko. no mu gitabo.
amashusho amamshusho amashusho. • Mu matsinda baganira bavuga ibyo
n’inyandiko babona ku mashusho.
• Bagaragaza ibice bibura ku mashusho
• Mu matsinda baganira batandukanya
amashusho n’inyandiko

Ihuriro n’ibindi byigwa: Icyongereza, Fine arts.

Ingingo ngenderwaho mu isuzuma: ubushobozi bwo gusoma amashusho
Infashanyigisho: Amashusho, ibitabo birimo amashusho.

Imbumbanyigisho: Guteza Imbere Ubushobozi Nyandiko Inyigisho: Kwandika

IKICIRO CYA 1 Umutwe wa 5: Guca Imisharabiko Igihe:

Ubushobozi bw’ingenzi bugamijwe: Gufata ikaramu mu buryo bukwiye no guca imisharabiko

Icyigwa Ibikorwaby’abanyeshuri
Ubumenyi Ubumenyingiro ubukesha
–– -Gutandukanya ikaramu, –– Gufata ikaramu mu buryo –– Kwishimira –– Gufata ikaramu –– Abana bafata amakaramu bagatozwa
impapuro ,amakaye n’ibind buboneye. kwandika. mu buryo kuyafata mu buryo buboneye
ibikoresho –– Guca imisharabiko buboneye –– Baca imisharabiko ku rupapuro
–– Guca imisharabiko rwose.

Ihuriron’ibindi byigwa:Isomo ryo gushushanya

Ingingo ngenderwaho mu isuzuma: ubushobozi bwo gufata ikaramu mu buryo no guca imisharabiko.
Infashanyigisho :Impapuro , amakaramu y’igiti

IMBUMBANYIGISHO: Guteza imbere ubushobozi nyandiko INYIGISHO: Kwandika
IKICIRO CYA 1 UMUTWE WA 6: Guca imirongo igororotse Igihe:
Ubushobozi bw’ingenzi bugamijwe: Gufata ikaramu mu buryo bukwiye no guca imirongo igororotse
Icyigwa Ibikorwa by’abanyeshuri
Ubumenyi Ubumenyingiro ubukesha
Gutandukanya –– Kwandika utudomo adakurikije –– Gufataneza –– Kwandika utudomo ku murongo –– Abana bandika utudomo
imisharabiko imirongo ibikoresho byo utambitse. badakurikije imirongo itambitse
n’imirongo –– Kwandika utudomo akurikije kwandikisha. –– Kwandika utudomo ku murongo y’urupapuro.
igororotse imirongo utambitse, uhagaze, umanutse. –– Abana bandika utudomo
uberamiye iburyo, uberamiye –– Guhuza utudomo two ku murongo bakurikijije imirongoy’urupapuro
ibumoso. utambitse. imanuka.
–– Guhuza utudomo agakuramo –– Guca imirongo igororotse itambitse. –– Bahuza utudomo bakurikije
imurongo igororotse itambitse, amerekezo bahawe.
–– Guca imirongo igororotse ihagaze.
ihagaze, iberamiye iburyo, –– Bigana imirongo igororotse
iberamiye ibumoso. –– Guca imirongo igororotse iberamiye
bahawe, yaba ihagaze cyangwa
–– Guca imirongo igororotse itambitse, iberamye.
itambitse, uhagaze, –– Guca imirongo igororotse iberamiye
–– Bakora amatsinda bajya ku
uberamiye iburyo, uberamiye ibumoso.
mirongo bahawe.
ibumoso akurikije imirongo
–– Baca imirongo hasi,
–– Bakora imirongo bakoresheje,
amabuye, ibishyimbo uturabo,
Ihuriron’ibindi byigwa:Imibare: amerekezo, imirongo, amashusho- ngero; Ibonezabuzima: kunoza imiyegoy’ingingo nto.
Ingingo ngenderwaho mu isuzuma: ubushobozi bwo guca imirongo inyuranye
Infashanyigisho: Impapuro, amakaramu, imirongo iciye ku mpapuro zikomeye zometse ku nkuta.

IMBUMBANYIGISHO: Guteza imbere ubushobozi nyandiko INYIGISHO: Kwandika
IKICIRO CYA 1 UMUTWE WA 7: Guca imirongo ihese n’ivunaguye Igihe:
Ubushobozi bw’ingenzi bugamijwe: Guca imirongo ihese n’ivunaguye n’uruziga.
Icyigwa Ibikorwa by’abanyeshuri
Ubumenyi Ubumenyingiro ubukesha
–– Kuvuga izina –– Guca imirongo –– Gufata neza ibikoresho –– Guca imirongo iheteye –– Buri Mwana yitoza guca umurongo uheteye
ry’umurongo iheteye iiburyo byo kwandikisha iburyo. iburyo ahuza utudomo yahawe.
bagezeho –– Guca imirongo –– Kwirinda kwandika –– Guca neza imirongo iheteye –– Yitoza guca umurongo uheteye iburyo
–– Gutandukanya iheteye ibumoso. aho abonye: ku ibumoso. adakoresheje utudomo
imirongo –– Guca imirongo nkuta, ku nzugi, –– Guca imirongo ivunaguye –– Mu matsinda abana bakora udukino two
inyuranye. ku madirishya, ku hanze two kwitondeka bakora imirongo
–– Guca uruziga
myenda, mu gitabo inyuranye bize;
–– Abana mu matsinda mato batondeka
utubuye, uduti, ibishyimbo, amashaza…
bakora imirongo inyuranye bize.
Ihuriro n’ibindi byigwa:Imibare: amerekezo, imirongo, amashushongero; Ibonezabuzima: kunoza imiyego y’ingingo nto.
Ingingo ngenderwaho mu isuzuma: ubushobozi bwo gufata ikaramu mu buryo no guca imisharabiko.
Infashanyigisho: Impapuro, amakaramu, impapuro zikomeye ziciyeho imirongo zometse ku nkuta.

Key Competences to be achieved at the end of Grade 1:
• Recognise the sounds of vowels in English;
• Recognise the sounds of consonants b, c, d, f, g in English language;
• Identify different people, animals, birds and objects.
TOPIC AREA: Basics of Literacy and Communication in English language SUB TOPIC AREA: Sounds and vowels
GRADE 1: Unit 1: Sounds of English vowels Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Recognise the sounds of vowels English
Learning objectives:
Knowledge and Attitudes and Content Suggested Learning activities
Skills (do/practice)
understanding values
Identify the sounds –– Reproducing the –– Show interest • Sounds of vowels: a, e, i, • Learners repeat sounds in chorus and
of vowels in spoken sounds of vowels in identifying o, u individually: a, e, i, o, u after the teacher
English when read to them. the sounds • Sounds of vowels within • Learners read in chorus and individually the
–– Attempting guided of a different words: sounds a, e, i, o, u from the blackboard with
reading specific language from the help of the teacher
• Sound /a/: Cat, cut, cup,
sounds of vowels. mother tongue
cap, turn, come, love etc. • Learners read words that contain each of the
–– Spotting vowels • Sound /e/: e.g.: table, make, five sounds with the help of the Teacher. e.g.:
already learnt within take, leg, cake, bell, pen, cat, cup, cut...
words. hen, date, bed, etc. • Learners recognize the sounds within words
–– Tracing letters • Sound/i/: Sit, pick, zip, in, with the help of the teacher in groups.
corresponding to the fish, lip, delete, be, etc. • , Learners name objects whose names
sounds they learnt. contain sounds learnt and which are shown
• Sound /o/: top, shop,
mobile phone, nock, nose, or drawn by the teacher. eg. Hen, pen ...In
lock, tall, ball, water, etc. groups.
• Sound /u/: look, moon, • Learners practice tracing letters that produce
tube, noon, bull, bulldog, the different sounds which they have already
etc. learnt.

Links to other learning area: Kinyarwanda language, fine art, ICT, Social studies
Assessment criteria: students are able to:
• Actively demonstrate awareness of sounds
• Basic skills in tracing over the vowels corresponding to the sounds they have learnt, etc.
• Retain some names of objects or persons they learnt in English language
• Materials & resources: Audio-visuals, paper, pens, wall-charts, real objects, pictures, one lap per child, etc.
N.B: All activities and learning tools shall aim at activating, stimulating & developing cognition, sensory, motor-sensory systems, speech and communication
skills in English.

TOPIC AREA: Basic Literacy and Communication in English language SUB TOPIC: SOUNDS AND VOWELS
GRADE 1 Unit 2: The sounds of English consonants b, c, d, f, g Number of periods:
Key unit competence: Recognise the sounds of consonants b, c, d, f, g in English language
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Content Suggested Learning Activities
Skills Attitudes and values
Identify the sounds –– Pronounce and –– Show interest in –– The sounds of consonants b, c, d, f, g –– Learners repeat sounds in chorus and
of consonants in distinguish identifying the sounds –– Sounds of consonants within words: individually: b, c, d, f, g the teacher
spoken English different of a different language –– Learners read in chorus and individually the
–– Sound /b/Bell, bad, bar, bull, Betty,
consonants from mother tongue sounds b, c, d, f, g from the blackboard with
bulldog, but, ball, tall, bed, Bible, etc.
within specific –– Enjoy the discovery of a the help of the teacher
words –– Sound /c/Cup, cap, cut, chalk, come,
new language –– Learners read words that contain each of
call, cook, cool etc.
–– Reproducing –– Realize that different the five sounds learnt with the help Of the
the sounds of –– Sound /d/ Daddy, dam, day, date, doll,
people have different teacher. e.g. Bell, bad, call, cook day, date
consonants door, darling, delete, dig, Dormitory,
languages, different –– Learners recognize the sounds learnt Within
when read to dear, deep, etc.
countries and various words with the help of the teacher in groups,
them. cultures –– Sound /f/ Fine, floor, flour, fat, fair,
full, fool, fatigue, flat, feast, fist etc. –– Learners name objects whose names contain
sounds learnt and which are shown or drawn
by the teacher. e.g. doll, door, cup, cap fist
garage, ...

–– Attempting –– Sound /g/Garage, go, God, gold, guide, –– In groups, learners practice tracing letters
guided reading good, dig, glue, gang, game, greeting, that produce the different sounds which they
of specific garden, fog, bogging, bugging, have already learnt.
sounds of beginning, beg, etc. –– Learners repeat sounds in chorus and
consonants. –– The sounds of consonants h, j, k, l, m individually: h, j, k, l, m after the teacher
–– Spotting –– Sounds of consonants within words: –– Learners read in chorus and individually the
consonants sounds h, j, k, l, m from the blackboard with
–– Sound /h/Hat, hot, hospital, hen, heat,
already learnt the help of the teacher
Hi!, hello, hand, handle, hut, hag, ham,
within words.
harsh, hard, harry hurt, etc. –– Learners read words that contain each of the
–– Tracing five sounds with the help of the teacher. eg.
–– Sound /j/Jogging, joke, job, Jim, jam,
consonants hand, hat, hut, jug, jet leg, kettle...
jug, jet, jean, Jane, juice, etc.
–– Sound /k/Kaki, kettle, kit, kitty, –– Learners recognize the sounds within words
to the sounds
kitchen, Kick, kuku, chalk, cook, look with the help of the teacher
they learnt.
etc. –– In groups, learners name objects whose
–– Sound /l/Leg, lake, lane, look, lick, names contain sounds learnt and which are
little, lean, line, love, like, light etc. shown or drawn by the teacher. Eg. hand,
hat, hut, jug, jet leg, kettle moon...
–– Sound /m/Mother, mum, moon,
mouth, mopping, month, May I? –– In groups, learners practice tracing letters
Mocking, monkey etc. that produce the different sounds which they
have already learnt.
–– The sounds of consonants n, p, r, s, t
–– Learners repeat sounds in chorus and
–– Sound /n/Nut, noon, moon, net, neat,
individually: n, p, r, s, t after the teacher
nine, minute, nodding, no, not note,
name, narrow etc. –– Learners read in chorus and individually the
sounds n, p, r, s, t from the blackboard with
–– Sound /p/Purple, port, pork, pappy,
the help of the teacher
patting, pet, pocket, paper, pot, put,
plate etc. –– Learners read words that contain each of the
five sounds with the help of the teacher. e.g.
–– Sound /r/Red, rose, rat, rake, route,
moon, pappy, pot, nine...
road, Robert, cross, rabbit, etc.
–– Learners recognize the sounds within words
–– Sound /s/Sun, son, sound, spoon, start,
with the help of the teacher
sit, seat, soup, swear, sweat, etc.
–– In groups, learners name objects whose
names contain sounds learnt and which are
shown or drawn by the teacher. e.g. rat, rake,

–– Sound /t/Table, tea, tall, ten, water, tap, –– Learners read in chorus and individually the
top, Teddy, tortoise, two, travel, train, sounds v, w, x, y, z from the blackboard with
taxi, trap, etc. the help of the teacher
–– The sounds of consonants v, w, x, y, z –– Learners read words that contain each of the
–– Sound /v/Vote, vase, vessel, visit, five sounds with the help of the teacher. eg.
Vivian, vegetable, veterinary... wall, wallet, six, text yam, zoo, zip...
–– Sound /w/Well, wet, what, when, –– Learners recognize the sounds within words
wallet, water, wall, etc. with the help of the teacher
–– Sound /x/Six, sex, sixteen, text, mix, –– In groups, learners name objects whose
expo, ... names contain sounds learnt and which are
shown or drawn by the teacher. eg. wall,
–– Sound /y/Yes, yam, yell, yarn, yet,
wallet, six, text. Zoo, yam..
Yemen, etc.
–– In groups, learners practice tracing letters
–– Sound /z/Zoo, size, Zed, zoom, zip, etc.
that produce the different sounds which they
have already learnt.
Link to other subjects: Kinyarwanda language, fine art, art crafts, ICT, Social studies
Assessment criteria:
Actively demonstrate awareness of sounds
Demonstrate basic skills in tracing over the vowels corresponding to the sounds they have learnt, etc.
Retain some names of objects or persons they learnt in English language
Ability to recognise the sounds of consonants within words
Materials & resources: Audio-visuals, paper, pens, wall-charts, real objects, pictures, one lap per child, etc.
N.B: All activities and learning tools shall aim at activating, stimulating & developing cognition, sensory, motor-sensory systems, speech and communication skills
in English.

TOPIC AREA: Basics of literacy and communication in English SUB TOPIC AREA: Description, conversation, repetition, listening, dialogue and
language narration
GRADE 1 Unit 3: Spoken English Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Recognise the sounds of vowels English.
Learning objectives:
Knowledge and Attitudes and Content Suggested Learning activities
Skills (do/practice)
understanding values
Vocabularies to –– Reproducing the –– Show interest • Sounds of vowels: a, e, i, o, u • Learners repeat sounds in chorus and individually: a,
develop spoken sounds of vowels in identifying • Sounds of vowels within words: e, i, o, u after the teacher
English when read to the sounds • Learners read in chorus and individually the sounds
• Role play in English and sketchs.
them. of a different a, e, i, o, u from the blackboard with the help of the
language • Sound /a/: Cat, cut, cup, cap, turn,
–– Attempting teacher
from mother come, love etc.
guided reading • Learners read words that contain each of the five
specific sounds of tongue • Sound /e/: e.g.: table, make, take,
sounds with the help of the Teacher. e.g.: cat, cup,
vowels. leg, cake, bell, pen, hen, date, bed,
–– Spotting vowels • Learners recognize the sounds within words with the
already learnt • Sound/i/: Sit, pick, zip, in, fish, lip,
help of the teacher
within words. delete, be, etc.
• In groups, learners name objects whose names
–– Tracing letters • Sound /o/: top, shop, mobile
contain sounds learnt and which are shown or drawn
corresponding to phone, nock, nose, lock, tall, ball,
by the Hen, pen ...
the sounds they water, etc.
• In groups, learners practice tracing letters that
learnt. • Sound /u/: look, moon, tube, noon,
produce the different sounds which they have already
bull, bulldog, etc.
Links to other learning area: Kinyarwanda language, fine art, ICT, Social studies
Assessment criteria: students are able to:
• Actively demonstrate awareness of sounds
• Basic skills in tracing over the vowels corresponding to the sounds they have learnt, etc.
• Retain some names of objects or persons they learnt in English language
• Materials & resources: Audio-visuals, paper, pens, wall-charts, real objects, pictures, one lap per child, etc.
N.B: All activities and learning tools shall aim at activating, stimulating & developing cognition, sensory, motor-sensory systems, speech and communication skills in

TOPIC AREA: Basics of literacy and communication in English language SUB TOPIC AREA: Basic inscription (writing)
GRADE 1 Unit 4: Written English Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Recognise the sounds of alphabets, wards vowels English
Learning objectives:
Knowledge and Attitudes and Content Suggested Learning activities
Skills (do/practice)
understanding values
Use some alphabets –– Reproducing the sounds –– Show interest • Sounds of vowels: a, e, i, o, u • Learners repeat sounds in chorus and
and wards in of vowels when read to in identifying • Sounds of vowels within individually: a, e, i, o, u after the teacher
spoken English in them. the sounds words: • Learners read in chorus and individually
different activities –– Attempting guided of a different the sounds a, e, i, o, u from the blackboard
• Sound /a/: Cat, cut, cup, cap,
reading specific sounds language from with the help of the teacher
Differentiate turn, come, love etc.
of vowels for some mother tongue
• Sound /e/: Eg: table, make, • Learners read words that contain each
wards. of the five sounds with the help of the
take, leg, cake, bell, pen, hen,
–– Spotting vowels already date, bed, etc. Teacher. e.g.: cat, cup, cut...
learnt within words. • Learners recognize the sounds within
• Sound/i/: Sit, pick, zip, in, fish,
–– Tracing letters lip, delete, be, etc. words with the help of the teacher
corresponding to the • In groups, learners name objects whose
• Sound /o/: top, shop, mobile
sounds they learnt. names contain sounds learnt and which are
phone, nock, nose, lock, tall,
ball, water, etc. shown or drawn by the teacher. e
• Sound /u/: look, moon, tube, • .g. Hen, pen ...In groups, learners practice
noon, bull, bulldog, etc. tracing letters that produce the different
sounds which they have already learnt.
Links to other learning area: Kinyarwanda language, fine art, ICT, Social studies
Assessment criteria: students are able to:
• Actively demonstrate awareness of sounds
• Basic skills in tracing over the vowels corresponding to the sounds they have learnt, etc.
• Retain some names of objects or persons they learnt in English language
• Materials & resources: Audio-visuals, paper, pens, wall-charts, real objects, pictures, one lap per child, etc.
N.B: All activities and learning tools shall aim at activating, stimulating & developing cognition, sensory, motor-sensory systems, speech and communication skills in

TOPIC AREA: Basic literacy and communication in English language SUB TOPIC AREA: Identifying and labelling materials
GRADE1 Unit 5: Naming people, animals and objects Number of periods:
Key unit competence: Identify different people, animals, birds and objects
Learning objectives:
Knowledge and under- Attitudes and Content suggested Learning activities
standing values
Recognize different –– Give the names –– Enjoy speaking • English names such as: • In groups learners looks at pictures
persons animals, birds of people to people using • John, Jane, Mary, Nick, Joseph, man, /photos/drawings and name people
and objects animals, birds some words of woman, girls, baby... they recognize or know
and objects they English. • Learners draw people they recognize
Name different persons • The names of animals and birds such
know –– Get familiar or know
animals, birds and objects as:
–– Draw and with English • In groups learners looks at different
• Cat, dog, cow, sheep, hen, cock,
color people, names pictures /photos/drawings and name
pigeon etc.
animals, birds –– Share views of animals, birds or objects
and objects they • The names of common objects:
about different • Learners answer orally what is this?
know persons • Cup, plate, window, door, dress,
Who is this?
–– Greet people animals, birds shorts, trousers, shirt, T-shirt
• Call on phone people they know
they know and objects • Bed, carpet, food, etc
telling names. Eg. Good morning
• Vocabulary of relationships: Jane.
• parent, father, mother, sister, brother,
Link to other subjects: Link to other subjects: Kinyarwanda language, fine art, art crafts, ICT, Social studies
Assessment criteria: ability to recall the names of people, animals, birds and objects; greeting people in English
Materials & resources: Attractively audio-visual materials; pictures, illustrations, calendar, etc.
N.B: All activities and learning tools shall aim at activating, stimulating & developing cognition, sensory, motor-sensory systems,
speech and communication skills

Competences to be achieved at the end of Grade 1:
• Begin to use familiar ICT equipment with adult support (Telephone, TV, radio, Kitchen equipment, Computers, electricity, etc.;
• Use ICT for Games, familiar films, photos and songs and related activities to introduce functions of ICT equipment;
• Understand the basic electronic tools in homes, school and community (Instruments for music, for ironing, for cooking, for telephone
charging, etc.;
TOPIC AREA: Exploration use of common ICT tools and
SUB-TOPIC AREA: Use and basic functions of ICT equipment
GRADE 1 Unit 1: Common ICT tools and equipment No. of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Use familiar ICT equipment with adult support (Telephone, TV, radio, Kitchen equipment, Computers, electricity, etc.)
Learning Objectives
Knowledge and Content Learning Activities
Skills Attitudes and values
Identify familiar ICT –– Use familiar –– Appreciate the –– -Use familiar ICT equipment –– In groups/pairs/individually,
equipment ICT existence and identify ICT equipment
equipment functional use of Telephone, TV, radio, Kitchen equipment,
–– Use ICT equipment such
ICT equipment Computers, electricity, etc.
telephones, TVs…
Links to other subjects: ADL, Physical education, fine art, ICT, Social studies, Math, literacy
Assessment criteria: can use familiar ICT equipment with adult support (Telephone, TV, radio, Kitchen equipment, Computers, electricity, etc.
Materials: chairs, mats, ICT equipment.....

TOPIC AREA: Exploration use of common ICT tools and equipment SUB-TOPIC AREA: Basics of electricity and its functions
GRADE 1 Unit 2: Use of ICT equipment No. of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Use ICT for Games, familiar films, photos and songs and related activities to introduce functions of ICT equipment.
Learning Objectives
Knowledge and under- Content Learning Activities
Skills Attitudes and values
Outline the functions –– Relate devices –– Appreciate the existence –– Functions of ICT –– Learners in groups. pairs,
of ICT tools with its functions and functional use of ICT equipment e.g... individually, discuss how ICT is
equipment use in games, films, photos and
Links to other subjects: ADL, Physical education, fine art, ICT, Social studies, Math, literacy
Assessment criteria: can be able to relate ICT equipment to Games, films, photos and songs and related activities
Materials: chairs, mats, ICT equipment.....

TOPIC AREA: Exploration use of common ICT tools and equipment SUB-TOPIC AREA: Basics of electricity and its functions
Unit 3: Basic electronic tools in homes, school and community
GRADE 1 No. of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Understand the use of basic electronic tools in homes, school and community environment (Instruments for music, for
ironing, for cooking, for telephone charging, etc.)
Learning Objectives
Knowledge and Attitudes and Content Learning Activities
understanding values
Outline the basic –– Understanding of –– Aware of the –– Basic electronic tools –– In groups learning identity basic electronic
electronic tools used basic electronic dangers of in homes, school and tools used in homes and community,
at homes, school and tools in homes electronic tools community (Instruments –– Discuss dangers and opportunities of such
community and community for music, for ironing, for electronic tools
cooking, for telephone
charging, etc.
–– The dangers and
opportunities entailed must
emphasized in all phases of
the lessons
Links to other subjects: ADL, Physical education, fine art, ICT, Social studies, Math, literacy
Assessment criteria: Can understand well the basic electronic tools used at homes, school and community
Materials: chairs, mats, electronic equipment.....

2.3. GRADE 2

Competences to be achieved at the end of grade 2:
• Carry out basic daily routine activities without assistance;
• Buy a few numbers of items with no more than 1000 Frw using appropriate money transaction skills and vocabulary;
• Use public transport means used in the community with less assistance and demonstrate awareness about safety measures related to
• Carry out some household and school activities with guidance and adopt appropriate measures to prevent risks and accidents;
• Play some active roles in social and religious activities in the community with less assistance and keep good manners during special
TOPIC AREA: Independent living skills SUB-TOPIC AREA: Self care
GRADE:2 Unit 1: Basic daily routine activities Number of periods:
Key unit competence: Carry out basic daily routine activities without assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Content Learning Activities
Skills Attitudes and values
Identify the materials –– Use the toilet and related materials –– Keep sanitary rules Material needed and For each activity the learning is
needed for washing appropriately –– Self confidence techniques for the following: by doing and in the real context:
hands, bathing, teeth –– Wash hand after using toilet, before –– Using toilet • Learners observe the needed
–– Show self-help skills
brushing, eating, and after eating and whenever necessary. materials and teacher’s
–– Demonstrate good –– Bathing,
combing hair demonstration.
–– Dress and undress her/ himself without behaviour while –– Hand washing,
assistance. eating • Learners are given repeated
–– Dressing: Button and zip up
–– Eat using spoon or fork opportunities for individual
clothes; put on shoes
practices with decreasing
–– Blow their nose with a clean –– Oral care (Teeth brushing), assistance.
–– Combing his/her hair
–– Wash the whole body without assistance
–– Eating and table manners
Link to other subjects: Health and body awareness
Assessment criteria: ability to use the toilet, wash hands, brush teeth, dress and undress, comb hair, eat, bath with the most appropriate materials with less assistance.
Materials: water, soap, basins/buckets, toilet papers, clothes, toothpaste, toothbrush,

TOPIC AREA: Independent living skills SUB-TOPIC AREA: Shopping
GRADE:2 Unit 2: Money transaction skills Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Able to buy a few numbers of items with no more than 1000 Frw using appropriate money transaction skills and vocabulary
Learning Objectives
Attitudes and Content Learning activities
Knowledge Skills
State terms used in –– Buy things using –– Demonstrate an –– The value of money Role play:
buying and selling. up to 1000 Frw understanding –– Changing big notes using –– In groups, children role play buying and selling
not requiring that money has small notes and coins using not more than 1000 Frw.
balance. value
–– Keeping money safely. –– The seller organizes his shop first, and the buyer
–– Choose important –– Avoid makes a list of things to buy.
–– Choosing what to buy
things when destroying and
–– Money transaction skills: –– In the game, children use some words like: What
buying. spoiling money
communication, negotiation, do you want? How much is it? It is expensive, can
–– Use appropriate –– Take care you discount? Let me pay you!
money of materials
–– Discussion
transaction because they are
vocabulary and bought –– Guided by the teacher, learners discuss where and
skills how to safely keep the money.
Links to other Learning Areas: Kinyarwanda: As the language of instruction is Kinyarwanda, this unit increases the vocabulary: seller, buyer, market, shop, coins,
bank notes, pay, balance, expensive, not expensive, cheap, and improving speaking skills through games
Assessment Criteria: ability to buy a few number of items with no more than 1000 Frw using appropriate money transaction skills and vocabulary
Resources/Materials: coins of 100 Frw, bank notes (500 Frw, 1000 Frw) and different materials needed in the shopping corner..

TOPIC AREAS: Independent living skills SUB-TOPIC AREA : Transport
GRADE:2 Unit 3: Public transport means Timing:
Key Unit Competence: Use public transport means used in the community with less assistance and demonstrate awareness about safety measures related
to transport.
Learning Objectives
Attitudes and Content Learning activities
Knowledge Skills
–– Tell different –– Identify where and –– Avoid playing Use of public transport by road or –– Practice learning by doing in real context: under
means of how to get the local on road; by water depending on contexts: teacher’s or parent’s supervision, learners are
transport public transport by –– Be careful –– Where and how to get the public provided with money and have to attend an event
by road and road. before crossing transport at a given venue using public transport.
water –– Get information on the road; –– Teachers (for any trip more than one teacher is
–– How and how many to pay;
–– Name how may and how –– Be careful if needed for children security) communicate the
–– Security measures on road/water
vehicles to pay travelling using venue, provide instructions for the trip; remind
moving in –– Safely use roads boats security measures and assist learners as needed
road during the trip.
–– Keep guidelines
when using boats –– When they are back from the trip, teachers
congratulate learners for their improvement
compared to the previous trip if any.
Links to other learning areas: our environment: requesting information related to public transport.
Assessment Criteria: ability use public transport means used in the community with less assistance and demonstrate awareness about safety measures related to
Resources/Materials: Pictures used to remind security measures.

TOPIC AREA: Oneself and the changing environment SUB-TOPIC AREA: Social integration
GRADE:2 Unit 4: Social and religious activities in the community Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Learners should be able play some active roles in social and religious activities in the community with less assistance and keep
good manners during special events.
Learning Objectives
Content Learning activities
Knowledge Skills Attitudes and Values
Name social and –– Participate in social and –– Appreciate the Rwandan Participation –– Learners play some roles in
religious activities that religious activity: Sing, culture –– Social activities in the social and religious activities
dance, recite poems by –– Enjoy life and interact with community: Wedding under parents or the
Take place in the imitating adults during teachers’ assistance.
others. ceremony,
community. social and religious
–– Keep good manners when –– Religious activities in the –– Parents and teachers provide
celebrations/events needed support and act
participating in social and community: weekly worship
–– Use some materials used religious events service, celebration of special as role model in terms of
in social and religious events (Baptism, communion, good manners in social and
activities Christmas day, Easter, religious events.
–– Play some roles in –– Main characteristics of special –– The teacher creates
different social and events: songs/gospel songs, opportunities for learners
religious activities dances, to learn popular dances and
depending on their gospel songs
abilities –– Good manners in social and
religious events
Links to other learning areas: Kinyarwanda: new vocabulary related to religious and social activities in the community. Physical development and health: while
performing dances. Resources/Materials: Real materials related to different social and religious activities.
Assessment Criteria: ability to play active role in social and religious activities in the community with less assistance and keep good manners during special events.

Competence to be achieved at the end of grade 2 with assistance:
• Practice drawing basic domestic materials with assistance
• Safely use tools used in gardening with assistance
• Use kitchen tools and utensils properly with assistance
• Manipulate needle work tools with assistance
• Manipulate needle work, Knitting and Crocheting tools with assistance
• Exercise weaving of common objects with assist

TOPIC AREA: Vocational & entrepreneurship skills SUB-TOPIC AREA: Weaving
GRADE 2: Social Economic Activities Unit 1: Weaving tools and materials Number of periods:
Key unit competence: Exercise weaving of common objects with assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Content Learning Activities
Skills Attitudes and values
Manipulate –– Link objects and materials, Handle weaving materials Manipulate weaving tools and –– In groups, learners
materials used in they are made of properly materials used in making the manipulate different
weaving –– Prepare weaving materials following objects: common locally weaved
• Necklaces, objects and asked to
Explain how some –– Exercise how some common
collaboratively mention
weaving materials locally weaved objects are Develop Self confidence • Ear rings,
materials used to make
are obtained with obtained • Dolls/toys, the objects.
less assistance. • Ropes, –– Teachers explain to
Exhibit sense of • Baskets, wine baskets (agaseke) Learners how weaving
Exercise weaving
of common objects Avail product made by weaving autonomous • Balls materials are prepared
with assistance and obtained.
• Mats
–– In groups, the teacher
• Inkoko, ikibo
guides/facilitate learners
Preparation of weaving materials to make some common
locally weaved objects
e.g.: Papyrus, Sisals, and Banana
Making common locally weaved
• Necklaces,
• Ear rings,
• Dolls/toys,
• Ropes,

• Baskets, wine baskets (agaseke)
• Balls
• Mats
• Inkoko, ikibo,
• Etc.
Link to other subjects: Physical Education and ICT, Science and Technology
Assessment criteria: Ability to recognize and differentiate tools and materials used in weaving
Materials: Locally made ear rings, inkoko, mats, baskets, balls, ropes

TOPIC AREA: Vocational & entrepreneurship skills SUB-TOPIC AREA: Knitting
Grade 2: Social Economic Activities Unit 2: Knitting and crocheting Number of periods:
Key unit competence: Manipulate needle work, Knitting and Crocheting tools with assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Content Learning Activities
Skills Attitudes and values
Name basic tools for –– Differentiate basic –– Develop a Knitting tools and –– Through brainstorming session learners identify
knitting and crochet tools for knitting and hardworking equipment knitting and crocheting needles, crochets tools and
crochet hooks culture. –– Needle, if they have even seen where knitting and how it is
Identify different done.
–– Select the right wool –– Exhibit carefulness –– Yarn needles,
types of wool
for knitting items when handling –– Crochet hooks, –– Each learner is given materials, the teacher
Recognize knitting –– Make items using sharp tools used –– Sewing machine, demonstrates and facilitates them to practice how
stitches knitting stitches –– Appreciate neatness –– Sewing threads, crochets, stitching, sewing knitting needles are
and orderly in his/ –– Scissors, handled.
her work –– Tape measure, –– In small groups each learner is given materials, the
–– Pins, teacher facilitates each learners to practice how
–– Etc. stitching, sewing and knitting is done (one a time
Crochets tools as colleagues are also observing), they imitate until
–– Crochets yarn, they can do it on their own.
–– Crochets hooks, –– In small groups during sewing and knitting
–– Fabric,
–– Scissors, practices, learners should be encouraged to make
–– Stitch Holders, the beautiful item/product with autonomy and at
–– Etc. least the best three be appraised and applauded by
the classmates
Pressing equipment:
–– Iron,
–– Ironing board and
–– Blanket,
–– Herringbone,
–– Etc.

Materials used in -
–– Fibre types,
–– Ply,
–– stitches
–– Textiles,
–– Batons,
–– Stickers,
–– Etc.
–– Repairs
–– Replacing a button
–– Mending a tear
–– Etc.
–– Bathing Sponge
–– Bonnet/hat
–– Baby shoals ,
–– Etc.
Link to other subjects: Physical Education and ICT, Science and Technology
Assessment criteria: Identify and use different knitting and crochets materials/tools
Materials: Knitting and Crochets tools/equipment

TOPIC AREA: Vocational & entrepreneurship skills SUB-TOPIC AREA: Embroidery/ needle work
Grade 2: Social Economic Activities Unit 3: Needle work Number of periods:
Key unit competence: Manipulate needle work tools with assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Content Learning Activities
Skills Attitudes and values
Identify the –– Create different –– Care for the different Different materials and tools for batik and tie-dye. –– Learners brainstorm the different types
different textile embroidery materials, tools and • Cloth, of textile products they know including
materials and designs and artworks their own clothes they wear.
• Wax,
tools used in patterns on –– Appreciate the –– In manageable groups, learners are
embroidery textiles using • Colours,
opinion of others facilitated to discover types of needle
different without regard to • Water, work materials.
Explain the techniques sex, gender and age. • Brush , –– Share with learners some embroidery
process of
making design • Spray materials and tools for learners to touch
patterns using • Etc. and ask question about them.
the technique of –– Allow learners to share ideas, materials
embroidery Materials and tools used in embroidery e.g. and tools during this session
• Needles, –– In their groups, learners are facilitated
• Hooks, to collaboratively make different
• Loops, embroidery works using various
• Scissors,
–– Guide/ facilitate learners to practice
• Rings embroidery work as they also ask and
• Etc. respond to questions.

Techniques and process of creating embroidery –– Encourage class competition as they

designs on textiles e.g. exhibit different embroidery works and
give opinions and learn to appreciate
• Line stitch and own works and those done by others.
• Cross stitch.
Link to other subjects: Physical Education and ICT, Science and Technology
Assessment criteria: Ability to create different textile patterns and apply them on textiles by manipulating various tools and materials.
Materials: Colouring equipment, cutting kits, dyes and inks, wax, cloth

TOPIC AREA: Vocational & entrepreneurship skills SUB-TOPIC AREA: Cookery
Grade 2: Social Economic Activities Unit 4: Cookery Number of periods:

Key unit competence: Use kitchen tools and utensils properly with assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Attitudes and Content Learning Activities
understanding values
Use kitchen tools with –– Demonstrate ability to –– Importance Avail Kitchen equipment to be used by • In small groups learners
assistance use kitchen tools with of proper use learners brainstorm on the basic
assistance of tools and equipment/tools for food
Identify cooking times equipment Basic equipment/tools for food preparation and preparation and cooking
–– Basic knowledge of
and temperatures time/clock and accuracy cooking they know at home or see at
in measuring –– Utensils, school and which they have
–– Basic knowledge of
ingredients. –– Dishes, ever used.
–– Cutting devices, • Brainstorm different ways
of food preparation. Ask
–– Stirring equipment, learners who have ever
–– Charcoal, participated in in cooking to
–– Cookers, share their experience.
–– Etc. • Ask learners to differentiate
cooking time and
In the morning; we cook breakfast. At midi temperature.
time, we cook lunch. At evening we cook
Link to other subjects: Literacy, Numeracy, communication skills, Physical Education and ICT, Science and Technology
Assessment criteria: Performs cleaning and sanitizing of kitchen tools and equipment and premises
Materials: Basic equipment/tools for food preparation and cooking

TOPIC AREA: Vocational & entrepreneurship skills SUB-TOPIC AREA: Gardening and farming
Grade2: Social Economic Activities Unit 5: Gardening Number of periods:
Key unit competence: Safely use tools used in gardening with assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Content Learning Activities
Skills Attitudes and values
Understand and Explain –– Select the proper tools for –– Appreciates the –– Explain the use of some use - Through question
how to use garden tools a given task/ project. importance of garden garden tools: learners at the garden site
with assistance –– Classify tools used in the –– Grow confidence in the
Working on the soil should be facilitated to
gardening gardening
Demonstrate how to –– Flat spade, understand how to use
use garden tools with –– Use appropriate tool to –– Enhanced children’s
–– Rake, garden tools.
assistance carry out a specific task social skills as they
mix with the wide –– Fork,
Practice and Use garden range of people needed - In small groups give out
–– Hoe,
tools with assistance to ensure gardening ‘Garden Tools’ pictures.
–– Weed hoe,
projects succeed Ask learners if they have
Understand the –– Secateurs,
–– Promoted responsible ever seen tools on the
importance of water for –– Pruners,
behaviour pictures and encour-
plan growth and health
–– Shears,
age learners to state or
–– Making a garden plan and
preparation explain what the tool is
–– Set up Seeding/planting rules used for.
–– Apply common garden watering
- Basing on the learners`
methods such as, Furrow,
Sprinkler, Soaker hoses and understanding of the
Drip (trickle). importance of water for
plant growth and health,
in small groups learners
discuss materials used

Mulching and cultivating to mulching why mulch
control weeds. Mulch materials can conserve moisture,
include: Dry Leaves, dried regulate the soil
grass, straw organic compost,
sawdust, wood chips, cardboard,
temperature and keep the
newspaper, shredded paper, old vegetables cleaner.
carpet, and paper and plastic –– Also encourage learners to
sheeting. take part in other chosen
tasks (Where possible, issue
Tools used in gardening. individuals with Personal
Protective Equipment
Watering the garden (PPE). PPE to include
–– Watering can, overalls, waterproofs, boots,
–– Sprinklers, gloves and goggles. Take the
PPE to the gardening area).
–– A hose/hosepipe,
–– Perforated cans

Taking care of the garden

–– Watering.
–– Weed control.
–– Cultivating.
–– Pest control.
–– Disease control
Link to other subjects: Literacy, Numeracy, communication skills, Physical Education and ICT, Science and Technology
Assessment criteria: Identify, select and use properly the basic garden tools for a given task/project.
Materials: Rake, shovel, pruner, trowel, hoe, wheelbarrow, hose, Etc.

TOPIC AREA: Vocational & entrepreneurship skills SUB-TOPIC AREA: Arts and crafts
GRADE 2: Social Economic Activities Unit 6Basics of drawing and painting Number of periods:
Key unit competence: Practice drawing basic domestic materials with assistance
Learning objectives
Content Learning Activities
Knowledge Skills Attitudes and values
Practice Draw of basic –– Select tools to be –– Collaborate and Respect of Select tools to be used in drawing, cut- –– In small groups learners are
domestic materials used such as pencils, each other ting and painting, namely: exposed to different tools/
with assistance papers, scissors, –– Respect instructions Show items used in drawing for
eraser other drawing • Pencils, them to select the appropriate
orderly and carefulness
materials • Markers, tool to draw. =
–– Resource management
–– Practice Paint • Scissors, –– In small groups learners
–– Maintain cleanliness
of pictures with • Paint of different colours, are practicing drawing
precision and right –– Appreciate sharing and by imitating the teachers’
team work spirit • Cutting, pasting and folding papers into
choice of colours example
–– Imitate to draw the –– In groups, the teacher
• Domestic utility objects
existing pictures like demonstrates how to fold and
an image of a cup, • Play objects. cut some materials like paper/
buckets, dishes, etc. • Folding and cutting with precision some banana leaves and other easily
materials like paper/banana leaves into cut or fold materials into
different shapes like: spoon, fork, comb, different shapes of domestic
and hat, play objects like balls, Etc. materials like spoon, fork, a
• Draw basic domestic materials with ball, etc.
assistance Example: Chairs, table, tooth –– In groups, the teacher guides/
brush, radio, television, bed, plate etc. facilitates each learner to
• Draw and paint pictures such as: People, practice: Draw and paint
trees, houses/ tower, their school, cars, objects of their own choice;
lorries, dogs, cats, etc. Draw/cut and paint given
Link to other subjects: Literacy, Numeracy, communication skills, Physical Education and ICT, Science and Technology

Assessment criteria: Ability to recognize and differentiate tools and provisions used in Social Economic Activities
Materials: Real materials related to different social and Economic activities.

SUB TOPIC AREA: Difference between animal and hu-
TOPIC AREA: Human and animal body parts, functions, health and body awareness
man beings
Grade 2 Unit 1: Differentiate animal from human beings Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Identify various human and animal body parts & their respective functions
Learning objectives
Knowledge and under- Content Learning activities
Skills Attitudes and values
Differentiate various - Name var- - Show awareness s of - Identify various human and - Drawing, colouring,
body parts & functions ious body the importance of vari- animal body parts & their collage of body parts
parts ous body parts respective functions of humans & familiar

- Touch, point at & say

the name of various
body parts & functions
through images, rhymes
& songs
Links to other subjects: ADL, Literacy, social skills development
Assessment criteria: Ability to identify various body parts& their respective functions
Materials & resources: Big charts, photos, illustrations....

TOPIC AREA: Human and animal body parts, functions, health and body
SUB TOPIC AREA: Human body parts and their roles.
Grade 2 Unit2: Use of human body parts Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Associate body parts with their roles with less assistance
Learning objectives
Content Learning activities
Knowledge Skills Attitudes and values

Differentiate –– Associate body parts –– Show awareness of the –– Identify & associate body –– Drawing, colouring, collage of
various body parts with their functions importance of various body functions by drawing, body parts of humans
& functions parts colouring, labelling, –– Touch, point at & say the
collage etc, of human and name of various body parts
domestic animal body & functions through images,
parts rhymes & songs
–– In groups Associate body parts
with their functions
Links to other subjects: ADL, Literacy, social skills development
Assessment criteria: Ability to identify various body parts & their respective functions

Materials & resources: Big charts, photos, illustrations, etc

SUB TOPIC AREA: Changes in body parts related to gen-
TOPIC AREA: Human and animal body parts, functions, health and body awareness
der, age, environment, etc.
Grade 2 Unit 3: Images of human and animals body parts Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Identify Changes in body parts, related to Gender, age or dysfunctions
Learning objectives
Content Learning activities
Knowledge Skills Attitudes and values –– Characteristics of male / –– Through games , demonstrate
female human body how to behave according to
Explain main Changes –– Behave according to –– Acknowledge behaviour –– Changes during body changes
in body parts, related to changes in body parts change related to Gender, age childhood –– Using images, illustrations,
Gender, age –– Manage body parts and body parts their functions show body parts changes
–– Various illness and body
their functions parts their functions –– In groups, discuss individual
–– Demonstrate different differences of class, family or
limitations in some of school members
body parts –– In groups, discuss various
illness and body parts
Links to other subjects: ADL , social skills
Assessment criteria: Ability to identify changes in body parts, related to Gender, age
Materials & resources: Big charts, photos, illustrations, etc.

SUB TOPIC AREA: Cleanliness and hygiene
TOPIC AREA: Human and animal body parts, functions, health and body awareness
of body parts- health and illnesses
Grade 2 Unit 4: Hygiene of body parts Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Explain how to maintain hygiene of body parts
Learning objectives
Knowledge and un- Content Learning activities
Skills Attitudes and values
Explain how to clean –– Clean properly –– Show awareness of the importance –– Cleanliness and hygiene of body –– Clean their teeth, hands
different parts of the his or her body of hygiene parts : eyes, nose, private parts
body’ –– Demonstrate –– Be always clean and smart –– Hygiene of teeth, hands, eyes, nose, assisted with the teacher
how to clean private parts then after without
Identify some illness assistance
teeth, hands, –– Health and Illnesses
due to poor hygiene
eyes, nose, –– Observe some pictures,
–– Identify various illnesses and
private parts photos in order to identify
dysfunctions of body parts
and differentiate some
–– Discuss and identify various illness
method of cleaning oneself and
one’s environment
Links to other subjects: ADL , social skills development
Assessment criteria: Ability to maintain hygiene of body parts
Materials & resources: Big charts, photos, illustrations, etc

SUB TOPIC AREA: Reproduction and
TOPIC AREA: Human and animal body parts, functions, health and body awareness
related awareness
Grade 2: Unit 5: Reproduction awareness Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Identify Changes in body parts, related to Gender, age or dysfunctions with supervision
Learning objectives
Content Learning activities
Knowledge Skills Attitudes and values
–– Changes during childhood and –– Through games , demonstrate
puberty how to behave according to
Explain main –– Behave according –– Acknowledge behaviour –– Various illness and body parts their body changes
Changes in body to changes in body change related to functions –– Using images, illustrations ,
parts, related to parts Gender, age and body show body parts changes
–– Menstrual cycle for females
Gender, age –– Manage body parts parts dysfunctions
–– voice changes for males –– In groups, discuss individual
dysfunctions differences of class, family or
–– Express attitudes, feelings, emotions,
school members
related reactions and body functions
–– In groups, discuss various
illness and body parts
Links to other subjects : ADL , social skills
Assessment criteria: Ability to identify changes in body parts, related to Gender, age
Materials & resources: Big charts, photos, illustrations, etc

TOPIC AREA: Human and animal body parts, functions, health and body SUB TOPIC AREA: Emotions, relating with others & relevant
awareness reactions or actions
Grade 2: Unit 6: Emotions, & Feelings Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Express needs or feelings politely
Learning objectives
Content Learning activities
Knowledge Skills Attitudes and values
Explain how to express –– React politely to feelings, –– Demonstrate –– How to formulate a polite –– Through games express reactions
reactions to various needs and attitudes politeness question, request, response to various attitudes, feelings and
attitudes and emotions of peers and other –– How to express his or her emotions
community members feelings and needs –– In groups demonstrate how
–– Use body parts to to react to feelings, needs and
express their needs and attitudes of peers
communicate using hands, –– Role play how react to attitudes of
head, legs etc. other community members
–– To signs or indicate given
Links to other subjects; ADL, literacy, social skills development
Assessment criteria: Ability to express his /her needs or feelings politely
Materials & resources: Big charts, photos, illustrations, etc

Key competences at the end of Grade 2
• Adequately respond to varying sensory and social stimuli
• Identify, recognize and socialize with a range of family, school and community members.
• Indicate basic Social and interactive abilities
• Indicate developing communication skills through either speech and language or body language modes or both
• Indicate psychomotor and sensory-motor skills developments, including gross & fine mot

SUB TOPIC AREA: Identification and recognition of people, family, communities, country,
TOPIC AREA: Citizenship and social identity
locations and places
Unit1: Identification and recognition of people, family, communities, country,
GRADE 2: Number of periods:
locations and places
Key Unit Competence: Identify himself or herself and his or her family members and differentiate greetings with less assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Attitudes and
Skills Content Learning activities
understanding values
–– Tell his or her name –– Identify him or –– Show respect to • Recognize Myself, • To tell his or her name to the class, (self-
–– Name different family herself his or her family • Recognize my house introduction)
members –– Recognize his members • Observe various pictures of family members
• My family members
–– Localization of their house or her family and describe in groups their family members
• Different ways of
members • Observe photos of family members and
–– Locate their recognize them
–– Hand shaking
habitation • In pairs they greet each other and Locate
–– Waving
their habitation assisted with the teacher
–– Morning and
evening greetings
• Localization of
community, and
• Symbols of schools,
Links to other subjects: Literacy
Assessment criteria: Ability to greet each other and identify himself or herself and his or her family members
Materials & resources: Big charts, photos, illustrations,

TOPIC AREA: Citizenship and social identity SUB TOPIC AREA: Social community organization
GRADE2 Unit 2: Social and community organization Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Identify, recognize social organization (School, Village, cell /ishuri, Umudugudu, Akagari) with repetition and exposure
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Attitudes and values
Skills (do/practice) Content Learning activities
understanding (show)
Identify his or her –– Differentiate his or her –– Recognize the • Recognize and name community –– In groups discuss on the
School, Village Cell, from importance of a organization and leadership location of their school, village
School others School, Village and in school, home, church and and cell
cell environment –– Pay a visit to neighbouring
• Imitating drawings of symbols, school village, cell. And observe
cell colours and activities their organisations
• Activities of locating and
identifying various school
activities and symbols
• Community responsibilities at
various organization
• Hierarchical level and
responsibilities in various
community contexts
Links to other subjects: Literacy, environment, ADL ...
Assessment criteria: Ability to Identify recognize social organization (ishuri ,Umudugudu, Akagari)
Materials & resources: Big charts, photos, illustrations, real objects...

TOPIC AREA: Citizenship and social identity SUB TOPIC AREA: Social Community organization
GRADE 2 Unit 3: Social & cultural activities of Rwanda & elsewhere Number of periods:

Key Unit Competence: Identify, recognize and actively participate in social cultural activities of the Rwandan community and beyond with less support.
Learning objectives

Knowledge Skills Attitudes and values Content Learning activities

–– -List familiar –– Demonstrate the –– Appreciate the Rwandan –– Types of cultural activities: –– Students watch a film of dancers
types of cultural ability to sing cultural practices songs, dances, drama, riddles, –– Students practice dancing
activities familiar songs. –– Show interest in Rwandan rhymes, drumming, etc. individually, in pairs and in groups.
–– -Identify different –– Imitate various cultural activities. • Participation in home/ –– Observe different pictures of social-
songs types of dances. –– Show respect of other Family and social activities cultural activities.
–– Accompany songs countries cultural practices. e.g.: Wedding, local justice
–– Present various social and cultural
with rhythmic –– Follow instructions given • Rwandan dance: Material activities using songs, toys and other
crapping and during the practice of used (imishanana, imigara, games to e.g. church gatherings,
drumming. different cultural activities. amayugi, ingabo, etc.) weddings, family get-together, etc.
–– Respond to specific • Clapping hands –– In pair or groups students practice
riddles. • Drumming: basic traditional riddles
• Riddles: introductory words
N.B: All activities shall be friendly,
(sakwe-sakwe- soma)
social-oriented, aiming at stimulating
the sensory, motor, as well as speech and
language systems.
Links to other subjects: Social Studies: self and community.
Assessment criteria: Can actively participate in social activities, identify social activities; Can react and respond to social prompts; Can respond with sensory
physical and/or vocal reactions promptly and appropriately; Can socialize, accomplish social tasks and interact within a social setting, etc.
Materials & resources: Attractively coloured and audio-visual materials; toys, images, pictures that symbolize tools, animals and people in a community; TV set;
drums; dancing materials, mattresses, mirrors; mats and textures, flexible and therapeutic balls, story books, etc.

N.B: All activities & learning tools shall aim at activating, stimulating & developing the sensory, motor nervous systems, communication and emotions.

TOPIC AREA: Citizenship and social identity SUB TOPIC AREA: Rights and entitlements for people
GRADE 2: Social skills development Unit 4: Rights and entitlements for people Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Recognize own and others’ belongings within the family and community without support.
Learning objectives
Content Learning activities
Knowledge and understanding Skills Attitudes and values

–– List personal property in the –– Protect personal –– Show respect of personal –– Personal and • Draw and use different pictures
family and community. property in the family and family property. family property and diagrams to stimulate basic
–– Differentiate own from others’ and community. –– Display the interest of –– Personal property: understanding and discussions
property –– Demonstrate rights to sharing with others. cloths, tooth brush, of different types of properties.
–– Identify right to property and property, ownership, –– Demonstrate the positive books, etc. • Students use the recorded
ownership in the family and and related violations. reaction and response to –– Family property: simple songs to identify
community. others. House, car, different rights to property.
–– Portray emotional control domestic animals, • From pictures given, students
vis-à-vis the property furniture, etc. categorise properties and put
violation. –– Right to property them into groups they belong
to such as personal, family,
–– Right to personal
school and hospital groups.
• Students pick out personal
–– Right to family
property from the group of
–– Follow rules and
Learning areas: Social Studies: self and community.
Assessment criteria: Can identify, recognize and respect personal and common property; Can understand basics of Rights & entitlements; Can socialize and
interact within a social setting, with due respects of rules, limitations and boundaries with others, etc.
Materials & resources: Attractively coloured and audio-visual materials; toys, images, diagrams, pictures, symbols, etc.; Sand; water; mattresses, mirrors; mats
and textures, flexible and therapeutic balls, story books, etc. A range of material resources that would stimulate the development of sensory, speech and lan-
guage, gross and fine motor developments and related activities. etc.
N.B: All activities and learning tools shall aim at activating, stimulating & developing the sensory, motor nervous systems, as well as communication and emo-

Competences to be achieved at the end of Grade 2
• Work with supporting tools (e.g. sand) and personnel to balance;
• Use rhythmic songs, perform different postures and activities using different parts of the body with less support;
• Use different tools and equipment to perform games and related activities;
TOPIC AREA: Body posture, balancing, movements and manipulation to develop muscles SUB-TOPIC AREA: Balancing in seating, lying
and physical skills down and standing positions
Unit 1: Body postures, balancing and active
Grade 2 No. of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Use different tools and approaches to balance their bodies in different positions with adequate guidance and instructions
Learning Objectives
Content Learning Activities
Knowledge Skills Attitudes and values
–– Responding to –– Using tools with –– Develop love for –– Body postures, balancing and active –– Individually learners use
instructions adequate guidance guidance and care movements. their limbs as guided
–– Give signs of and instructions to from others and vice –– Use various appropriate tools (balls, and the teacher give
understanding of use different tools and versa tied balls, toys… to play games) clear instructions on use
what is being done approaches to balance in –– Recognition of of tools and approaches
–– Use rhythmic songs to perform
different potions body, balance and –– showing body postures,
different postures and activities
–– Demonstrate body movements balance and positions
–– Perform various games and sports in
balance and positions
teams (ranging from pairs to dozen)
with minimum support
Links to other subjects: ADL, social studies, numeracy & literacy
Assessment criteria: can use different tools and approaches to balance their bodies in different positions with adequate guidance and instructions
Materials: chairs, mats, handling equipment....

TOPIC AREA: Body posture, balancing, movements and
SUB-TOPIC AREA: Use of different body parts
manipulation to develop muscles and physical skills
Grade 2 Unit 2: Using different body parts (Limbs, neck, abdomen...) Number. of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Develop muscles through body postures and movements with support and supervision
Learning Objectives
Content Learning Activities
Knowledge Skills Attitudes and values
Name different –– Perform different –– Develop love for –– Using different parts (Limbs, –– Learners using songs, rhymes, active role
parts of the body postures and activities support and care neck, abdomen) through plays, etc,
using different parts of from others and vice games and songs. –– To activate or imitate: Various body
the body versa. –– Body exercises and activities activities
–– Develop different that combine articulations –– Articulations of various Body functions
physical skills using his / and body functions.
her body parts
Links to other subjects: ADL, social studies, numeracy & literacy
Assessment criteria: can use rhythmic songs to perform different postures and activities using different parts of the body with maximum support
Materials: chairs, mats, handling equipment....

SUB-TOPIC AREA: Body movement
TOPIC AREA: Body posture, balancing, movements and manipulation to develop muscles and physical skills
Unit 3: Manipulation skills and Body movements (running, jumping,
Grade 2: No. of periods:
catching, crawling, frog jump, etc)
Key Unit Competence: Use appropriate tools and body parts with close supports
Learning Objectives
Content Learning Activities
Knowledge Skills Attitudes and values
Recognise tools –– Use various tools –– Understanding the use of –– Various tools and objects to –– Learners manipulate tools or
–– Manipulate tools body. manipulate through games, plays objects through plays, games etc.
–– Balance and practicing etc, e.g. sand, water, colored balls,
some body movements balloons.
–– Perform different postures and
activities using different parts of
the body.
–– Perform various games and sport
in teams
Links to other subjects: ADL, social studies, numeracy & literacy
Assessment criteria: can use appropriate tools (e.g. colored balls and balloons, tied balls, etc, to develop games and activities
Materials: chairs, mats, handling equipment.....

Competences to be achieved at the end of Grade 2:
• Demonstrate basic skills in counting, writing, comparing, ordering numbers up to 10;
• Recognize different coins used in Rwanda and use them in buying and selling activities;
• Manipulate and explore calculator, computer, mobile phone and tablets
• Recognize and make Circular, Squared, Rectangular, Triangular objects with assistance
• Recognize different parts of the day (morning, afternoon, evening and night), week, month, year and make his/her own plan accordingly;
• Recognize and show directions and positions of things

TOPIC AREA: Logical thinking in relation to counting, operation and measurements SUB-TOPIC AREA: Counting and numbering
Grade 2 Unit 1: Counting, basic operations and measurements No. of periods:
Key Unit Competence:
• Demonstrate basic skills in counting, writing, comparing, ordering numbers up to 100
• Measure and compare lengths of objects up to 100 meters (100 m),
• Perform basic counting in daily life situations
Learning Objectives
Content Learning Activities
Knowledge Skills Attitudes and values
Recognize a given number –– Count and –– Improve awareness –– Grouping and counting –– Learners play games, or play
of objects or pictures, numbering of numbers and their objects up to 100, related to counting (e.g. Pairs,
images in varying shapes, objects that are significance –– Making numbers up to 100 Snap, Dominoes, Find your
colors sizes, etc familiar within the –– Demonstrate abilities using real objects (sticks, partner, Follow me loop, Number
schools, home and to correctly count. etc) or making numbers funs and Bingo, etc).
Identify a given number in community
–– Measure, classify with body movements –– Learners use drawings to
varying number cards, etc
–– Group, Measure, objects that are –– Reading and writing group, compare, order, and
Read numbers from 1 to compare, order, familiar within the numbers up to 100 classify, objects that are familiar
100 classify objects that schools, home and within the schools, home and
–– Measuring objects in meter
are familiar within community and make community
the schools, home basic calculations –– Learners listen to stories related
and community –– Use concrete objects to do
to numbers, repeat and make
basic Maths operations
–– Manipulate concrete basic calculations (mental
individually and in small
objects related to calculations)
numbers –– Learners manipulate (make
–– Comparing numbers and
–– Use available groups, count, measure, compare,
electronic tools order, classify) tools and objects
(Calculators, phones, –– Ordering objects and of various sizes, textures and
computers, etc to Numbering up to 100 , colours (e.g. Colour shapes, Dices,
recognize/ read and –– Classifying objects and stones, Sticks, exercise books,
write numbers up matching numbers with the pencils, Bananas, Sweets, Ground
to 100 number of objects. nuts, Wall Chart, Number cards,
Flash cards, Number lines, etc).

–– Perform addition –– Basic calculations involving –– Learners make numbering of
and subtraction of addition and subtraction concrete objects through rhymes,
numbers up to 100 up to 100 (vertically and songs, etc
–– Match numbers with horizontally or using –– Learners perform activities
the number of objects number line) related to counting and
operations using concrete and
colored objects, as well as real
context situations
Links to other learning area: ADL, Social Skills development, ICT & technology, Physical Education
Assessment criteria: students are able to : Actively, demonstrate the developing awareness of numbers; figures, sizes, comparative measurements,
• Demonstrate basic skills in manipulating (count, group, classify, measure, compare, order and numbering) tools and objects of various sizes, textures and
colours, etc.
• Perform basic operations/ calculations involving addition and subtractions related to real contexts
Materials & resources: Attractively audio-visual materials; different objects (for counting, classifying, grouping, comparing, ordering) that are familiar within the
schools, home and community, ruler, rope, boxes and cubes, etc.
N.B: All activities and learning tools shall aim at activating, stimulating & developing cognition, sensory, motor-sensory systems, and speech and communication

TOPIC AREA: Logical thinking in relation to counting, operation and SUB TOPIC AREA: Counting and operations using concrete objects
measurements and real contexts
Number of peri-
GRADE 2 Unit 2: Rwandan money from 1to1000
Key unit competence: Recognize different currency used in Rwanda and use them in buying and selling activities
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Skills Attitudes and values Content Suggested Learning Activities
–– Recognize , –– Distinguish Rwandan –– Appreciate the –– Rwandan currency from 5 to –– In groups students sort Rwandan
differentiate coins from other items/ importance of money in 1000 (Coin of 5Frw, Coin of coins from other objects (e.g.
different coins used objects. daily life 5Frw, Coin of 10 Frw, Coin bottle tops, stones, papers, etc)
in Rwanda –– Give examples of what –– Show concern of using of 20 Frw, Coin of 50 Frw, –– Each student may choose any
any given coin and notes money honestly Coin of 100 Frw, notes of coin and talk about the item/
can buy and make simple –– Show concern of 500,1000,2000 and 5000) and object to buy with such coin.
calculations involving their denominations
valuing money and –– Using a collection of Rwandan
money (paying and make priorities –– Changing big coins and notes coins or drawings/ pictures
getting balance, etc) into small ones. of coins, students should be
–– Simple activities involving involved in role play on buying
addition and subtraction in and selling. This activity may help
buying and selling. students to change big coins into
small ones, to quickly add and
subtract money in order to get
Link to other subjects: ADL, Social Skills development, ICT & technology
Assessment criteria: ability to recognise Rwandan coins from other objects, ability to use coins in different transactions like buying and selling
Materials: A collection of all Rwandan coins, drawings or pictures of Rwandan coins

TOPIC AREA: Logical thinking in relation to counting, operation and mea- SUB TOPICAREA : Counting and operations using concert
surements objects and real contexts
GRADE 2 Unit 3: Using electronic devices applied to numeracy, pre-numbers and numbers Number of periods:
Key unit competence: Manipulate and explore calculator, computer, mobile phone and tablets
Learning objectives
Content Suggested Learning Activities
Knowledge and understanding Skills Attitudes and values
Recognize and differentiate –– Manipulate –– Appreciate the • Use available electronic –– In groups students manipulate
different electronic devices such calculator, computer importance of using devices to count different types of electronic
and mobile phone electronic devices • Use available electronic devices
as computers, calculators, etc,
–– Explore different devices to operate –– In groups, learners explore
electronic devices numbers calculator through computers,
with the purpose of • Practice numeracy mobile phones and tablets
acquire numeracy activities using calculators,
mobile, telephones, tablets
and computers
Link to other subjects: ADL, Social Skills development, ICT & technology
Assessment criteria: ability to recognise Rwandan coins from other objects, ability to use coins in different transactions like buying and selling
Materials: A collection of all Rwandan coins, drawings or pictures of Rwandan coins

TOPIC AREA: Logical thinking in relation to counting, operation and SUB TOPIC: Counting and operations using concrete objects and real
measurements contexts
GRADE 2: Unit 4: Lines and Shapes. Number of periods:
Key unit competence: Recognize and make Circular, Squared, Rectangular, Triangular objects with assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Content Suggested Learning Activities
Skills Attitudes and values
Recognize that –– Make desired shapes –– Show concern of • Drawing different shapes (circle, –– Individually, in pairs or small
objects have using toys or any Collaborating and rectangle, square, triangle) using groups learners are asked to:
different shapes other object (sticks, sharing with peers pencil or pen make a desired shape and
rope, matches, etc) –– Demonstrate ability • Shading and painting the Circular, compare their shapes
–– Give examples of of carefully observing Squared, Rectangular, Triangular –– Help each other make a better
objects that have before making decision objects with different colours: red, shape
Circular, Squared, blue, orange, green, yellow, Pink, –– Paint and Cut shapes from
Rectangular, white and black. papers.
Triangular shape • Cutting desired shapes in papers, … –– Draw shapes on the ground,
• Properties of shapes (square, on paper...
rectangle, triangle, circle)
Link to other subjects: ADL, ICT & technology
Assessment criteria: ability to recognise square, rectangle, triangle and circle from other shapes, ability to give examples of objects which have squared,
rectangular, triangular and circular shapes, ability to draw, and paint square, rectangle, triangle and circle following properties, ability to make shapes and
make cuts out of shapes .
Materials & resources: Attractively audio-visual materials; different objects and different shapes for shading, painting, and cutting, papers, boxes and cubes,
pair of scissors, etc.

N.B: All activities and learning tools shall aim at activating, stimulating & developing cognition, sensory, motor-sensory systems, speech and communication

TOPIC AREA: Logical thinking in relation to
SUB TOPIC AREA : Counting and operations using concrete objects and real contexts
counting, operation and measurements
GRADE 2: Numeracy- Pre-numbers Unit 5: Time and Child’s daily activities Number of periods:
Key unit competence: Recognize different parts of the day, days of the week and make own plan accordingly with assistance
Learning objectives:
Content suggested Learning activities
Knowledge Skills (do/practice) Attitudes and values
Tell daily activities • Set daily plan basing –– Demonstrate ability –– Daily activities (Home and school) during • Through a song or poem
related to the on different parts of setting a plan morning, afternoon, evening, and night time students tell their daily
parts of the of the day and daily in daily/ weekly • Daily activities at home/in dormitory activities
day (morning, activities activities • In groups students observe
• Waking-up
afternoon, evening • Set weekly plan –– Show concern of pictures/illustrations of parts
and night) • Praying
basing on days of respecting time of the day and match each part
the week and daily • Washing/bathing with an activity
Tell the days of the
activities • Putting on clothes • Through games students match
• Give examples of • Taking breakfast appropriate greeting words
activities done during • Brushing with correspond time of the
the different days of day
• Going to school/class
the week • In groups learners observe
• Daily school /class activities during different
• Use a calendar, tell illustrations/pictures showing
parts of the day
the date of today and parts of the day and say what
the days of the week • (morning , noon, afternoon, evening and they do at that time (match an
night) illustration with an activity)
• Participate in
schools/class activity Days of the week and weekly corresponding • Using a calendar, students
at a given time of the activities match days of the week and
day or week. main activity done at school
Making own plan and home e.g going to school,
to market, church/mosque/.....
Link to other subjects: ADL, Social Skills development, ICT & technology, Physical Education
Assessment criteria: ability to use a calendar, tell the days of the week and tell the date of today. Ability to set a daily / weekly plan
Materials & resources: Attractively audio-visual materials; pictures, illustrations, calendar, etc.

N.B: All activities and learning tools shall aim at activating, stimulating & developing cognition, sensory, motor-sensory systems, speech and communication skills

TOPIC AREA: Logical thinking in relation to counting,
SUB TOPIC: Counting and operations using concert objects and real contexts
operation and measurements

GRADE 2 Unit 6: understanding position and directions with assistance Number of periods:

Key unit competence: Recognize and show directions and positions of things with assistance
Learning objectives
Content Learning Activities
Knowledge and understanding Skills Attitudes and values
Tell where things/objects are –– Indicate positions of –– Locate objects in –– Positions and directions: –– Each learner locate where he/
objects their right places Front and back, Top and she is, what is in front or behind
–– Use correct –– Follow instructions bottom, Up and down him/her.
propositions to related to directions –– Above and below –– Individually each learner put
describe positions of and positions –– On/over and under objects following instructions.
objects E.g. put a book on a table,...
–– Left and right
–– All learners do Physical exercise:
–– Inside and out side
arms up/down, jumping forward
–– Between and backward, turn right and left
–– Hide and seek game
–– Line-up according to the
teacher’s instructions related to
positions and directions (front,
behind between, inside, outside).
Link to other subjects: ADL, Social Skills development, ICT & technology, Physical Education
Assessment criteria: ability to direct himself/ herself or others. Ability to recognize the position of an object
Materials & resources: Attractively audio-visual materials; pictures, illustrations, different objects (ball, table, cupboard...), etc.

N.B: All activities and learning tools shall aim at activating, stimulating & developing cognition, sensory, motor-sensory systems, speech and communication skills

Ubushobozi bw’ingenzi bugamijwe ku Mwana urangije icyiro cya 2:
• Kugaragaza ko ateze amatwi, asubiramo interuro, inkuru, indirimbo, atanga ubutumwa bugufi abwiwe, asubiza ibibazo ku nkuru, ku
ndirimbo yumvise;
• Gutahura isubirajambo n’isubirajwi mu byo yumva;
• Gutahura amagambo n’imigemo yasubiwemo mu nteruro ngufi;
• Kwandika ahuza imirongo inyuranye akandika inyuguti nkuru.

IMBUMBANYIGISHO: Guteza imbere ubushobozi nyemvugo INYIGISHO: Gutega amatwi no kuvuga
IKICIRO CYA 2 UMUTWE 1: Kumva no gusobanukirwa ibivugwa. Igihe:
Ubushobozi bw’ingenzi bugamijwe: Kugaragaza ko ateze amatwi ,asubiramo interuro, inkuru, indirimbo, atanga ubutumwa bugufi abwiwe, asubiza
ibibazo ku nkuru, ku ndirimbo yumvise; n’indirimbo bigufi
Icyigwa Ibikorwaby’abanyeshuri
Ubumenyi Ubumenyingiro Ubukesha
–– -Gutandukanya –– Gusubiza ibibazo ku nteruro, ku –– Gutega amatwi –– Interuro –– Abana batega amatwi interuro,
interuro zinyuranye, nkuru no ku ndirimbo yumvise. yitonze kandi ahanze zemeza,izihakana, inkuru, indirimbo bicaye ku
inkuru –– Gusubiramo adategwa, amaso uvuga. izibaza n’izitangara. ruziga bitonze.
–– Indirimbo interuro zemeza, zihakana, –– Kugaragaza no –– Inkuru ngufi –– Basubiramo umwe umwe,
–– Kuvuga no gukoresha zibaza, zitangara, bagaragaza gucunga neza zinyuranye ku hanyuma bakaza gusubiramo
uko bikwiye imbamutima. imbamutima ze. nsanganyamatsiko bose hamwe bagaragaza
amagambo asanzwe –– Gusubiramo indirimbo yatanzwe. imbamutima.
azi n’andi agenda badasobanya kandi bubahiriza –– Indirimbongufi –– Basubiza ibibazo ku nkuru, ku
yunguka. injyana. ndirimbo bumvise
–– Kubara inkuru bumvise
bubahiriza injyabihe yayo kandi
bagaragaza imbamutima
Ihuriro n’ibindi byigwa: Muzika, Ibonezabuzima: Imiyego y’ingingo.
Ingingo ngenderwaho mu isuzuma: ubushobozi bwo gusubiramo interuro, inkurungufi, n’indirimbongufi.
Infashanyigisho: Ibitabo by’inkuru z’abana, ibikoresho by’iyumvabona.

Imbumbanyigisho: Guteza imbere ubushobozi -nyemvugo Inyigisho :Gutega amatwi no kuvuga
IKICIRO CYA 2 Umutwe 2: Kumva no gutahura isubirajambo n’isubirajwi. Igihe:
Ubushobozi bw’ingenzi bugamijwe: Gutahura isubirajambo n’isubirajwi mu byoyumva.
Icyigwa Ibikorwaby’abanyeshuri
Ubumenyi Ubumenyingiro ubukesha
–– Kuvuga itonde –– Gutahura isubirajambo –– Kugaragaza –– Indirimbo, –– Abana batega amatwi interuro, inkuru, imivugo,
ry’inyuguti n’isubirajwi mu nteruro imbamutima mu imivugo, n’imigani indirimbo bicaye ku ruziga bitonze.
z’ikinyarwanda , mu nkuru no mu kuririmba no byiganjemo –– Basubiramo umwe umwe, hanyuma bakaza
ndirimbo kuvuga imivugo. isubirajambo gusubiramo bose hamwe bagaragaza
–– Kuririmba indirimbo n’isubirajwi. imbamutima.
ikubiyemo itonde –– Itonde ry’inyuguti –– Basubiza ibibazo ku nkuru, ku ndirimbo
ry’inyuguti z’ikinyarwanda z’ikinyarwanda bumvise
–– Batahura amagambo n’amajwi yasubiwemo
–– Ku ruziga bakina udukino tubatoza gusubiramo
amagambo ari nako bigana ibyobavuze.
Ihuriron’ibindi byigwa: Muzika, Ibonezabuzima: Imiyegoy’ingingo.
Ingingo ngenderwaho mu isuzuma: ubushobozi bwo gutahura isubirajambo, isubirajwi no kuvuga itonde ry’inyuguti z’ikinyarwanda.
Infashanyigisho: Ibitabo by’inkuruz’abana, ibikoresho by’iyumvabona.

Imbumbanyigisho: Gute za imbere ubushobozi -nyemvugo Inyigisho: Kwitegereza no Gusoma
IKICIRO CYA 2 UMUTWE 3: Gusoma Igihe:
Ubushobozi bw’ingenzi bugamijwe: kwitoza gusoma atahura amagambo n’imigemo yasubiwemo mu nteruro ngufi.
Icyigwa Ibikorwaby’abanyeshuri
Ubumenyi Ubumenyingiro ubukesha
–– Gutahura mu nteruro –– Gutahura amagambo –– Kwitegereza • Interuro ngufi • Abana bitegereza amashusho
amagambo cyangwa cyangwa imigemo neza atarangara. • Ibyapa bikunze kugaragara n’interuro ziyaherekeje.
imigemo akunze kubona. igenda igaruka mu –– Gushimishwa aho abana bakunze kujya • Basubiza ibibazo
nteruro. no kwitoza cyangwa amagambo yanditse by’umwarimubiganishakumagambo
–– Gusoma amagambo gusoma ku bintu abana bakunze agenda asubirwamo.
akunze kubona ku gukoresha. • Baca umurongokuriayomagambo
byapa cyangwa ku bindi • Ingero: TAXI, ISHURI, • Batahura ayo magambo cyangwa iyo
bintu akunda kubona. ISOKO, AMATA, AMAZI…. migemo mu nteruro ziba zanditse
kumpapuro zikomeye ziba zometse
ku nkuta.
Ihuriro n’ibindi byigwa: Muzika, Ibonezabuzima: Imiyego y’ingingo.
Ingingo ngenderwaho mu isuzuma: ubushobozi bwogutahura imigemo n’amagambo abonakenshi.
Infashanyigisho: Impapuro zikomeye n’ikibaho byanditseho interuro ziherekejwe n’amashusho.

IMBUMBANYIGISHO: Guteza imbere ubushobozi nyandiko INYIGISHO: Kwandika
IKICIRO CYA 2 UMUTWE 4: Guhuza imirongo Igihe:
Ubushobozi bw’ingenzi bugamijwe: Kwandika ahuza imirongo inyuranye akandika inyuguti nkuru.
Icyigwa Ibikorwaby’abanyeshuri
Ubumenyi Ubumenyingiro ubukesha
Gutandukanya Guhuza imirongo Kwandika –– -Inyuguti nkuru zigizwe n’imirongo –– Abana bashaka mu bikinisho bafite
imirongo inyuranye no yandika inyuguti ahabugenewe. igororotse: E, F, H, I, L, T ibikoze mu murongo ugororotse.
kuyihuza. zinyuranye.
Kwishimira Inyuguti nkuru zigizwe n’imirongo Batega amatwi bakumva icyo
umurimo ukoze igororotse n’iberamye: A, K,N, V, Y, babikoresha.
neza. X, Z
Bitegereza umwarimu ukoa bikora.
–– -Inyuguti nkuru ikozwe nk’uruziga:
O, Q Bumva amabwiriza
–– -Inyuguti nkuru zigizwe n’imirongo
ihese: C, , S Bakoresha ibikinisho bahuza imirongo
–– -Inyuguti nkuru zigizwe n’ imirongo Batega amatwi bakumva amabwiriza
ihese n’imirongo igororotse: B, D,G,
P,R, Yo kuyihuza.
–– -Inyuguti nkuru zigizwe n’imirongo
Babanza gukora babiri babiri nyuma
ivunaguye: M,W
bagakora umwe umwe.
Ihuriron’ibindibyigwa: Imibare: Guhuza imirongo
Ingingo ngenderwaho mu isuzuma: ubushobozi bwo guhuza imirongo no kwandika inyuguti nkuru mu cyapa.
Infashanyigisho: Amakaramu, amakaye y’imirongo, Impapuro zikomeye n’ikibaho handitseho imirongo n’inyuguti.


Competences to be achieved at the end of Grade 2:
• Recognise English words in simple written sentences in the context of naming, gender and age;
• Recognise English words in simple written sentences in the context of greetings and farewell;

SUBTOPIC AREA: Identification of names, age
TOPIC AREA: Basic literacy and communication skills in English language
and gender
GRADE 2 Unit 1: Common words and simple sentences of naming, gender and age. Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Recognise English words in simple written sentences in the context of naming, gender and age
Learning objectives:
Knowledge and under- Suggested Learning activities
Skills (do/practice) Attitudes and values  Content
Recognise people by –– Tell the names of people –– Appreciate calling –– Names such as: Mary, Joseph, Simon, –– Learners call each other by their
their names at home and school people by their names Peter, Mutoni, Ganza, Keza, Davis, etc names
–– Drawing people and paying attention to –– Using expressions such as:This is John, –– Learners read in chorus and
Differentiate people their status
write their names. he is a man. That is Ganza, he is a boy. individually the names of given
based on their gender
–– Tell gender of different –– Show and express This is Mutoni, she is a girl, persons in their classes
Differentiate people persons they know respect for older –– Learners read the names
She is also my friend.
based on their age persons. of persons written on the
–– Tell their age and that of Sit down please,
their siblings blackboard by their teacher.
Have a seat please.
–– In groups, learners name
Thank you Sir, different people by their names
You are welcome madam. –– In groups, learners describe
Talking about age: people based on their gender
I am 10 years old, and age.
She is 15 years old
He is 20 years old, etc
Links to other learning area : Kinyarwanda language, fine art, ICT, Social studies
Assessment criteria: students are able to :
Actively demonstrate understanding of peoples’ English names
Demonstrate basic skills in writing simple English words and sentences in defined situations
Retain some names of objects or persons they learnt in English language
Materials & resources: Audio-visuals, paper, pens, wall-charts, real objects, pictures, one lap per child, drawings etc.
N.B: All activities and learning tools shall aim at activating, stimulating & developing cognition, sensory, motor-sensory systems, speech and communication skills in

TOPIC AREA: Basic literacy and communication skills
SUBTOPIC AREA: Descriptions, conversions, repetitions, listening and dialogues.
in English language
GRADE 2 Unit 2: Common words and simple sentences of greetings and farewell Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Recognise English words in simple written sentences in the context of greetings and farewell
Learning objectives:
Knowledge and Content suggested Learning activities
Skills (do/practice) Attitudes and values
Identify words used in –– Greeting people at different –– Appreciate greeting calling –– Words such as: • Learners greet each other
greetings times of the day. people by their names and considering different times of
status Good morning, good the day during the lesson.
–– Write simple words and
Differentiate words and afternoon, good evening,
phrases used in greetings –– Show and express respect for • Learners read in chorus
phrases used in greetings good night, good bye, see you
and fare well. older persons and individually after
based on the different tomorrow etc.
–– Introduce themselves and –– .Getting involved in their teacher a dialogue on
times of the day –– Using expressions such as:
others. socialization. greetings written on the
Good evening Sir/ madam. blackboard by the teacher
Use appropriate words –– Read simple dialogue on I am fine, thank you. See
and phrases to greet greetings and introductions. • Learners role play the
you later Come again
people. dialogue on greetings
–– Asking questions such as:
• Learners copy in their
How old are you? I am
notebooks the dialogue on
15 years old What is your
greetings from the backboard.
name? My name is Teddy.
What is his name?
Links to other learning area: Kinyarwanda language, fine art, ICT, Social studies
Assessment criteria: students are able to:
Actively demonstrate understanding of peoples’ English names
Demonstrate basic skills in writing simple English words and sentences in defined situations
Retain some names of objects or persons they learnt in English language
Materials & resources: Audio-visuals, paper, pens, wall-charts, real objects, pictures, one lap per child, drawings etc.
N.B: All activities and learning tools shall aim at activating, stimulating & developing cognition, sensory, motor-sensory systems, speech
and communication skills in English

Competences to be achieved at the end of Grade 2:
Use of basic ICT equipment (Game devices, telephone, television, TV, radio, Kitchen equipment, Computers, electricity, etc;
Discuss, identify and explore some basic functions of some of the ICT equipment (TV, Telephone, cooker, computer, etc…);
Use the basic electronic tools in homes, school and community.
SUB-TOPIC AREA: Use and basic functions of I.C.T
TOPIC AREA: Exploration use of common I.C.T tools and equipment
GRADE 2 Unit 1: Common ICT tools and equipment No. of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Use of basic ICT equipment with less support (Game devices, telephone, television, TV, radio, Kitchen equipment, Computers,
electricity, etc.
Learning Objectives
Knowledge and un- Content Learning Activities
Skills Attitudes and values
–– Understanding –– Prompted to use basic ICT –– Appreciate the –– Use of basic ICT equipment –– learners use basic ICT equipment
different ICT equipment existence and (Game devices, telephone, –– Learners in pairs discuss the
equipment –– Functional use of each ICT functional use of ICT television, TV, radio, Kitchen functional use of ICT equipment
–– State the functional; equipment equipment equipment, Computers,
–– In groups or pairs state the use of
use of different electricity, etc.
different equipment
Links to other subjects: ADL, Physical education, fine art, ICT, Social studies, Math, literacy
Assessment criteria: can Partially prompted functional use of basic ICT equipment (Game devices, telephone, television, TV, radio, Kitchen equipment, Computers,
electricity, etc. Materials: chairs, mats, ICT equipment....

TOPIC AREA: Exploration use of common I.C.T ools and equipment SUB-TOPIC AREA: Basics of electricity and its functions
GRADE 2 Unit 2: Basic functions of some of the ICT equipment No. of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Discuss, identify and explore some basic functions of some of the ICT equipment with less support (TV, Telephone, cooker,
computer, etc…).
Learning Objectives Content
Knowledge and Learning Activities
Skills Attitudes and values
–– Discuss, identify and –– Discover basic –– Appreciate the –– explore basic functions of –– In groups / pairs discuss,
explore some basic functions of some of existence and some of the ICT equipment identify and explore some basic
functions of some of the the ICT equipment functional use of ICT (TV, Telephone, cooker, functions of some of the ICT
ICT equipment equipment computer, etc equipment provided
Links to other subjects: ADL, Physical education, fine art, ICT, Social studies, Math, literacy
Assessment criteria: can be able to discuss, identify and explore some basic functions of some of the ICT equipment on their own
Materials: chairs, mats, ICT & scientific equipment....

TOPIC AREA: Exploration use of common ICT tools and equipment SUB-TOPIC AREA: Basics of electricity and its functions
GRADE 2 Unit 3: uses of basic electronic tools in homes, school and community No. of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Uses of basic electronic tools in homes, school and community environment with less support
Learning Objectives Content
Learning Activities
Knowledge and understanding Skills Attitudes and values

–– State the uses of basic electronic tools –– Uses of basic electronic –– Appreciate the use of –– Uses of basic –– In groups, learners identify
in homes, school and community tools electronic tools in our homes electronic tools in and discuss the use of
–– Identify electronic tools used at and schools homes, school and electronic tools in different
home. school and community community places
Links to other subjects: ADL, Physical education, fine art, ICT, Social studies, Math, literacy
Assessment criteria: can identify well and enumerate the uses of basic electronic tools in homes, school and community
Materials: chairs, mats, electronic equipment.....

2.4. GRADE 3

Competence to be achieved at the end of grade 3:
• Carry out basic daily routine activities confidently with advanced self- help and self- management skills;
• Make a list of items to buy with no more than 5000 Frw using appropriate money transaction skills and vocabulary;
• Use public transport means used in the community independently and demonstrate awareness about safety measures related to
• Plan and carry out various household and school activities using different tools with confidence and adopt appropriate measures to
prevent risks and accidents.
TOPIC AREA: Independent living skills SUB-TOPIC AREA: Self care
GRADE: 3 Unit 1: Basic daily routine activities Number of periods:
Key unit competence: Carry out basic daily routine activities confidently with advanced self-help and self-management skills.
Learning objectives
Knowledge and under- Content Learning Activities
Skills Attitudes and values
–– Identify the materials –– Use the toilet and related materials –– Keep sanitary rules Material needed and techniques for the For each activity the learning
needed for washing appropriately –– Self confidence following: is by doing and in the real
hands, bathing, teeth –– Wash hand after using toilet, –– Using toilet context:
–– Show self-help
brushing, eating, before and after eating and –– Learners observe the
skills –– Bathing,
combing hair whenever necessary. needed materials and
–– Demonstrate good –– Hand washing,
–– Dress and undress her/him teacher’s demonstration.
behaviour while –– Dressing: Button and zip up clothes;
without assistance. eating –– Learners are given
put on shoes
–– Eat using spoon or fork repeated opportunities for
–– Oral care (Teeth brushing), individual practices with
–– Blow their nose with a clean
–– Combing his/her hair decreasing assistance.
–– Eating and table manners
–– Wash the whole body without
Link to other subjects: Health and body awareness
Assessment criteria: ability to use the toilet, wash hands, brush teeth, dress and undress, comb hair, eat, bath with the most appropriate materials with less assistance.
Materials: water, soap, basins/buckets, toilet papers, clothes, toothpaste, toothbrush,

TOPIC AREA: Independent living skills SUB-TOPIC AREA: Shopping
GRADE: 3 Unit 2: Money transaction skills Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Able to make a list of items to buy with no more than 5000 Frw using appropriate money transaction skills d vocabulary.
Learning Objectives
Content Learning activities
Knowledge Skills Attitudes and Values
Use appropriate terms –– Make a list of –– Demonstrate an –– Value of money: changing Role play:
in buying and selling. important things understanding that big notes using small notes –– In groups, children role play buying and selling using
to buy money has value and coins not more than 5000 Rwf.
–– Buy things using up –– Avoid destroying –– Keeping money safely. –– The seller organizes his shop first, and the buyer
to 5000 Frw and spoiling money –– Choosing what to buy makes a list of things to buy.
–– Use appropriate –– Take care of –– Money transaction –– In the game, children use some words like: What do
money transaction materials because skills: communication, you want? How much is it? It is expensive, can you
vocabulary and they are bought negotiation, discount? Let me pay you! Give me balance.
–– Discussions: Guided by the teacher, learners discuss
where and how to safely keep the money.
Links to other Learning Areas: Kinyarwanda: As the language of instruction is Kinyarwanda, this unit increases the vocabulary: seller, buyer, market, shop, coins, bank
notes, pay, balance, expensive, not expensive, cheap, and improving speaking skills through games
Assessment Criteria: ability to make a list of items to buy with no more than 5000 Frw using appropriate money transaction skills and vocabulary.
Resources/Materials: coins of 100 Frw, bank notes used in Rwanda (500 Frw, 1000 Frw, 2000 Frw, 5000 Frw); different materials needed in the shopping corner.

TOPIC AREA: One self and the changing environment SUB-TOPIC AREA: Household and school activities
Number of
GRADE: 3 Unit 3: Household and school activities and related tools
Key Unit Competence: Carry out various household and school activities using different tools with confidence and adopt appropriate measures to prevent risks
and accidents.
Learning Objectives
Content Learning activities
Knowledge Skills Attitudes and Values
–– Name tools –– Identify the –– Be careful when Household and school activities: For a given activity:
needed for a given needed materials/ carrying out activities; –– Fetching water and firewood, –– In groups, learners discuss challenges
household and tools for a given –– Be careful when using and risks related to a given activity and
–– Looking after domestic animals
school activity activity some dangerous appropriate measures to prevent them.
–– Feeding pets
–– Recognize –– carry out some objects –– Learners are provided with required
dangerous objects, activities at –– Watering plants
plants, animals, home and –– Weeding the garden
–– The teacher gives clear instructions and
and places while school following –– Dusting chairs, cupboard, ... make sure that they are understood.
carrying out a instructions with
–– Sweeping/Cleaning the compound –– The teacher ensures that security measures
given activity less assistance
–– Cleaning bathrooms and different are strictly taken into consideration.
–– Take appropriate
rooms –– Learners can start working in small
measures when
carrying out a –– Washing dishes groups and later work individually under
given activity to –– Doing laundry teacher’s supervision.
prevent risks, –– Preparing meals –– The teacher makes a follow up and assists
accidents as needed.
–– Mopping floors; etc.

Note: the teacher/parent chooses or adds

relevant activities according to learner’s
context, abilities bearing in mind to go
from simple activities to complex ones.
Links to other learning areas: Kinyarwanda: Links to other learning areas: Kinyarwanda: new vocabulary related to household and school activities. Physical development
and health: while handling objects and carrying out activities that need coordination.
Assessment Criteria: ability to identify tools/materials needed and carry out a given activity with less assistance.
Resources/Materials: Real materials related to a given activity

TOPIC AREA: Oneself and the changing environment SUB-TOPIC AREA: Social integration

GRADE: 3 Unit 4: Social and religious activities in the community Number of periods:

Key Unit Competence: Play active roles in social and religious activities, in the community independently and keep good manners during special events.
Learning Objectives
Content Learning activities
Knowledge Skills Attitudes and Values
–– Name social and –– Participate in social and –– Appreciate the Participation –– Learners play some roles in social and religious
religious activities religious activity: Sing, Rwandan culture –– Social activities in the activities under parents or the teachers’
that take place in dance, recite poems by –– Enjoy life and community: Wedding assistance.
the community imitating adults during interact with others. ceremony, –– Parents and teachers provide needed support
social and religious and act as role model in terms of good
–– Keep good manners –– Religious activities in the
celebrations/events manners in social and religious events.
when participating community: weekly worship
–– Use some materials used in social and service, celebration of special –– The teacher creates opportunities for learners
in social and religious religious events events (Baptism, communion, to learn popular and gospel songs, dances,
activities Christmas day, Easter,
–– Play some roles in –– Main characteristics of special
different social and events: songs/gospel songs,
religious activities dances,
depending on their
–– Good manners in social and
religious events
Links to other learning areas: Kinyarwanda: new vocabulary related to religious and social activities in the community. Physical development and health: while performing

Assessment Criteria: ability to play active role in social and religious activities in the community with less assistance and keep good manners during special events.

Resources/Materials: Real materials related to different social and religious activities.

Key competence to be achieved at the end of grade 3:
• Make different objects of fine with less autonomy
• Manipulate needle work, Knitting and Crocheting tools with reasonable accommodation
• Manipulate embroidery tools
• Use kitchen tools and utensils properly with autonomy and participate in meal preparation
• Safely manipulate tools used in gardening
• Model different sculpture with less autonomy
TOPIC AREA: Vocational & entrepreneurship skills SUB-TOPIC AREA: Weaving
GRADE 3 Unit 1: Weaving Number of periods:
Key unit competence: Make different objects of fine with autonomy
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Content Learning Activities
Skills Attitudes and values
Produce different –– Link objects and –– Handle weaving Produce different objects used in weaving tools and In groups,
objects used in materials, they are materials properly materials used in making the following objects: –– learners produce different
weaving made of. –– Develop Self confidence • Necklaces, common locally weaved
–– Prepare weaving • Ear rings, objects and asked to
Demonstrate how –– Exhibit sense of
materials • Dolls/toys, collaboratively mention
some weaving autonomous
• Ropes, materials used to make the
materials are –– Exercice how some
• Baskets, wine baskets (agaseke) objects.
obtained with less common locally
• Balls
assistance. weaved objects are –– Teachers demonstrate and
• Mats
obtained explain to Learners how
• Inkoko, ikibo
Exercise weaving –– Avail product made weaving materials are
Preparation and demonstration of weaving materials
of common by weaving prepared and obtained.
e.g.: Papyrus, Sisals, and Banana leaves.
objects with In groups;
Making common locally weaved objects:
• Necklaces,
• Ear rings, –– the teacher guides/facilitate
• Dolls/toys, learners to make some
common locally weaved

• Ropes,
• Baskets, wine baskets (agaseke)
• Balls
• Mats
• Inkoko, ikibo, etc
Link to other subjects: Physical Education and ICT, Science and Technology
Assessment criteria: Ability to recognize and differentiate tools and materials used in weaving
Materials: Locally made ear rings, inkoko, mats, baskets, balls, ropes

TOPIC AREA: Vocational & entrepreneurship skills SUB-TOPIC AREA: Knitting

Grade 3 Unit 2: Knitting and crocheting Number of periods:
Key unit competence: Manipulate needle work, Knitting and Crocheting tools with reasonable accommodation
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Content Learning Activities
Skills Attitudes and values
Name basic tools for –– Differentiate –– Develop a hardworking Knitting tools and equipment –– Through brainstorming session learners
knitting and crochet basic tools for culture. –– Needle, identify knitting and crocheting needles,
knitting and –– Exhibit carefulness when crochets tools and if they have even seen
Identify different –– Yarn needles,
crochet hooks handling sharp tools where knitting and how it is done.
types of wool –– Crochet hooks,
–– Select the used –– Each learner is given materials, the
right wool for –– Sewing machine, teacher demonstrates and facilitates
Recognize knitting –– Appreciate neatness and
stitches knitting items orderly in his/her work –– Sewing threads, them to practice how crochets, stitching,
–– Make items –– Scissors, sewing knitting needles are handled.
using knitting –– Tape measure, –– In small groups each learner is given
stitches materials, the teacher facilitates each
–– Pins, etc..
learners to practice how stitching,
Crochets tools sewing and knitting is done (one a time
as colleagues are also observing), they
–– Crochets yarn,
imitate until they can do it on their own.
–– Crochets hooks,

–– Fabric, –– In small groups during sewing and knitting
–– Scissors, practices, learners should be encouraged
to make the beautiful item/product with
–– Stitch Holders, etc.. autonomy and at least the best three be
appraised and applauded by the classmates
Pressing equipment:
–– Iron,
–– Ironing board and tables,
–– Blanket,
–– Herringbone, etc.

Materials used in knitting

–– Fibre types,
–– Ply,
–– stitches
–– Textiles,
–– Batons,
–– Stickers, etc.

–– Repairs
–– Replacing a button
–– Mending a tear etc..
Link to other subjects: Physical Education and ICT, Science and Technology
Assessment criteria: Identify and use different knitting and crochets materials/tools
Materials: Knitting and Crochets tools/equipment

TOPIC AREA: Vocational & entrepreneurship skills SUB-TOPIC AREA: Embroidery/ needle work
Grade 3 Unit 3: Needle work Number of periods:
Key unit competence: Manipulate embroidery tools with less assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and under- Content Learning Activities
Skills Attitudes and values
–– Identify the different –– Create different –– Care for the different Different materials and tools for batik • In manageable groups, learners
textile materials and tools embroidery designs materials, tools and and tie-dye. are facilitated to discover types of
used in embroidery and patterns on artworks • Cloth, needle work materials.
–– Explain the process of textiles using –– Appreciate the opinion • Share with learners some
• Wax,
making design patterns different techniques of others without embroidery materials and tools
• Colours,
using the technique of regard to sex, gender for learners to touch and ask
embroidery and age. • Water, question about them. Allow
• Brush, learners to share ideas, materials
• Spray etc. and tools during this session
Materials and tools used in • In their groups, learners are
embroidery e.g. facilitated to collaboratively make
different embroidery works using
• Needles,
various materials
• Hooks,
• Encourage class competition as
• Loops, they exhibit different embroidery
• Scissors, works and give opinions and
• Rings etc. learn to appreciate own works
and those done by others.
Techniques and process of creating
embroidery designs on textiles e.g.
• Line stitch and
• Cross stitch.
Link to other subjects: Physical Education and ICT, Science and Technology
Assessment criteria: Ability to create different textile patterns and apply them on textiles by manipulating various tools and materials.
Materials: Colouring equipment, cutting kits, dyes and inks, wax, cloth

TOPIC AREA: Vocational & entrepreneurship skills SUB-TOPIC AREA: Cookery
Grade 3 Unit 4: Cookery Number of periods:
Key unit competence: Use kitchen tools and utensils properly with autonomy and participate in meal preparation.
Learning objectives
Knowledge and under- Content Learning Activities
Skills Attitudes and values
Use kitchen tools and • Demonstrate usage • Appreciate the Use Kitchen equipment • In small groups learners brainstorm
utensils properly with less of cooking recipes importance of cleaning on the basic equipment/tools for food
and sanitizing kitchen Basic equipment/tools preparation and cooking they know at
autonomy • Demonstrate the
tools, equipment and for food preparation and home or see at school and which they
importance of
premises. cooking have ever used.
food safety during
food preparation, • Appreciate the –– Utensils, • In small groups learners brainstorm
Participate in meal prepa- cooking and storage importance of proper use –– Dishes, on the different methods of cleaning
• Demonstrate of tools and equipment –– Cutting devices, utensils they know. In the groups, the
ration with teachers’
the safe use of and accuracy in teacher facilitates learners to clean
assistance –– Stirring equipment,
equipment measuring ingredients. different utensils brought in class by the
–– Charcoal, teacher.
• Enhancing weak areas
and sustaining strong –– Cookers, etc. • After every food they prepare they must
areas in order to perform also practice how to serve using various
Demonstrate basic food Basic methods of
better table services as guided by their teacher.
preparation techniques and cookery
• Learners role-play drawbacks of eating
Kitchen hygiene –– Boiling, unhygienic food and using improper/
–– Steaming, contaminated water supply. The teacher
–– Cooking under will thereafter facilitate learners to
pressure, understand the importance of food
–– Stewing, sanitation and the diseases associated to
unclean food such as diarrhoea, cholera
–– Baking, and dysentery.
–– Frying, • Through brainstorming session,
–– Grilling; learners mentions various ways they
use at home and school for the disposal
of solid and liquid waste; care of bins,
sink and drains.

Various table services, • In small groups, learners discuss
such as: different food polluters such as
–– Formal, cockroaches, ants, lizards and rodents,
–– Informal, and careful use of insecticide and pesticides
at home. The teacher passing through
–– Buffet.
the groups facilitates learners to create
Kitchen hygiene an awareness of cleanliness within
the kitchen and outside, aiming for a
–– Food hygiene, food
cleaner and safer environment during
handlers and the food
food preparations and storage.
• Encourage students to take
–– Food sanitation,
responsibility for cleaning up. Ask
–– General cleanliness of students to clean their tables, dispose of
kitchen, trash and prepare area for cooking.
–– Disposal of kitchen • Encourage students to take
waste, responsibility for cleaning up. Ask
–– Household pests students to clean their tables, dispose
of trash, help wash dishes and pack
Link to other subjects: Physical Education and ICT, Science and Technology
Assessment criteria: Performs cleaning and sanitizing of kitchen tools and equipment and premises
Materials: Basic equipment/tools for food preparation and cooking

TOPIC AREA: Vocational & entrepreneurship skills SUB-TOPIC AREA: Gardening and farming
Grade3 Unit 5: Gardening Number of periods:
Key unit competence: Safely manipulate tools used in gardening with less guidance
Learning objectives
Content Learning Activities
Knowledge and understanding Skills Attitudes and values
Understand and Explain how to use - Select the proper –– Appreciates the • Explain the use of • Through question
garden tools with assistance tools for a given task/ importance of garden some use garden learners at the garden site
–– Grow confidence in the tools: should be facilitated to
Demonstrate how to use garden tools project.
gardening understand how to use
with assistance Working on the soil garden tools.
- Classify tools used in –– Enhanced children’s
Practice and Use garden tools with social skills as they –– Flat spade, • In small groups give out
the gardening ‘Garden Tools’ pictures.
assistance mix with the wide –– Rake,
range of people needed Ask learners if they have
Understand the importance of water - Use appropriate tool to ensure gardening –– Fork, ever seen tools on the
for plan growth and health to carry out a specific projects succeed –– Hoe, pictures and encourage
task –– Weed hoe, learners to state or explain
–– Promoted responsible
what the tool is used for.
behaviour –– Secateurs,
–– Pruners,
–– Shears,
• Making a garden plan
and preparation
• Set up Seeding/
planting rules
• Apply common
garden watering
methods such as,
Furrow, Sprinkler,
Soaker hoses and
Drip (trickle).

• Mulching and • Basing on the learners`
cultivating to control understanding of the
weeds. importance of water
for plan growth and
Mulch materials include: health, in small groups
Dry Leaves, dried grass, learners discuss materials
straw organic compost, used mulching why
sawdust, wood chips, mulch can conserve
cardboard, newspaper, moisture, regulate the soil
shredded paper, old temperature and keep the
carpet, and paper and vegetables cleaner.
plastic sheeting.
• Also encourage learners to
Tools used in gardening. take part in other chosen
tasks (Where possible,
Watering the garden issue individuals with
–– Watering can, Personal
–– Sprinklers, • Protective Equipment
(PPE). PPE to include
–– A hose/hosepipe,
overalls, waterproofs,
–– Perforated cans boots, gloves and goggles.
Take the PPE to the
Taking care of the garden
gardening area).
–– Watering.
–– Weed control.
–– Cultivating.
–– Pest control.
–– Disease control
Link to other subjects: Physical Education and ICT, Science and Technology
Assessment criteria: Identify, select and use properly the basic garden tools for a given task/project.
Materials: Rake, shovel, pruner, trowel, hoe, wheelbarrow, hose, Etc.

TOPIC AREA: Vocational & entrepreneurship skills SUB-TOPIC AREA: Arts and crafts
Grade 3 Unit 6: Modelling Number of periods:
Key unit competence: Model different sculpture with autonomy
Learning objectives
Content Learning Activities
Knowledge and understanding Skills Attitudes and values
Name and identify basic –– Make some simple –– Develop neatness Modelling materials: –– Under teacher’s guidance
materials used in modelling to sculpture modelling culture • Wood, Clay soils, learners brainstorm some of
make common sculpture with –– Identify materials and –– Handle sculpture sculpture they know.
• Metal, Stone,
teacher’s assistance tools needed to make –– The teacher facilitates the
–– materials properly • Cloth, Colours
different sculptures brainstorming of materials
Practice modelling of simple and –– Develop self-
–– Use and manipulate Modelling tools: used to make some sculptures
common sculptures especially confidence
modelling tools learners identified.
those found their locality. –– Develop a culture of • Scissors,
–– Imitate basic materials –– The teachers should be also
Learning by doing • Lazar blades,
Imitate model different sculpture used in modelling having some sculptures for
with autonomy –– Develop a spirit of • Hammer, learners to analyse materials
to make common
imitation • Nails, etc. used to make the sculptures
sculpture with
teacher’s assistance to develop learner’s self-
Models simple and common confidence
sculpture of:
–– In small groups, learners
• Pot, Cow, under the coaching of their
• Goat, Cat teacher practice and imitate
• Hen/chicken modelling of simple and
common sculptures especially
• Person, etc.
those found their locality.
–– The assistance is reduced as
learners can do it on their own

Link to other subjects: Physical Education and ICT, Science and Technology
Assessment criteria: Ability to identify materials used in modelling different sculptures and make some common sculptures with autonomy.
Materials: Locally made sample sculptures, some basic modelling materials and tools

Competence to be achieved at the end of grade 3:
• Express needs or feelings politely
• Identify Changes in body parts, related to Gender, age or dysfunctions with supervision
• Explain how to maintain hygiene of body parts with less assistance
• Identify Changes in body parts, related to Gender, age or dysfunctions
• Associate body parts with their roles without assistance
• Identify various human and animal body parts & their respective functions
TOPIC AREA: Human and animal body parts, functions, health
SUB TOPIC: Difference between animal and human beings
and body awareness
Grade 3 Unit 1: Differentiate animal from human beings Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Identify various human and animal body parts & their respective functions
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Content Learning activities
Skills Attitudes and values
Differentiate various –– Name various –– Show awareness of –– Discuss, indicate and –– Drawing, colouring, collage of body parts of
body parts & functions body parts the importance of differentiate roles and humans & familiar animals.
various body parts functions of body parts –– Touch, point at & say the name of various body
of human and domestic parts & functions through images, rhymes & songs
Links to other subjects: ADL, Literacy, social skills development
Assessment criteria: Ability to identify various body parts& their respective functions
Materials & resources: Big charts, photos, illustrations....

SUB TOPIC AREA: Human body parts and
TOPIC AREA: Human and animal body parts, functions, health and body awareness
their roles.
Grade 3 Unit2: Use of human body parts Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Associate body parts with their roles without assistance
Learning objectives
Content Learning activities
Knowledge Skills Attitudes and values

Differentiate various –– Associate body parts –– Show awareness of the –– Identify & associate –– Drawing, colouring, collage of body parts of
body parts & functions with their functions importance of various body functions by humans
body parts drawing, colouring, –– Touch, point at & say the name of various
labelling, collage etc, of body
human and domestic
–– parts & functions through images, rhymes
animal body parts
& songs
–– In groups Associate body parts with their
Links to other subjects: ADL, Literacy, social skills development
Assessment criteria: Ability to identify various body parts & their respective functions
Materials & resources: Big charts, photos, illustrations, etc

SUB TOPIC AREA : Changes in body parts related to
TOPIC AREA: Human and animal body parts, functions, health and body awareness
gender, age, environment, etc,..
Grade 3 Unit 3: Characteristics of human and animals body parts Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Identify Changes in body parts, related to Gender, age or dysfunctions
Learning objectives
Content Learning activities
Attitudes and values
Knowledge Skills
–– Characteristics of male /female human –– Through games, demonstrate how to behave
body according to body changes
Explain main Behave according to changes in –– Changes during childhood –– Using images, illustrations, show body parts
Changes in body body parts changes
–– Various illness and body parts
parts, related to
Manage body parts dysfunctions –– -In groups, discuss individual differences of class,
Gender, age
dysfunctions –– Demonstrate different limitations in some family or school members
of body parts –– In groups, discuss various illness and body parts
–– Discuss transformation of body part and dysfunctions
reproduction system

Acknowledge behaviour change related to

Gender, age and body parts dysfunctions
Links to other subjects: ADL, social skills
Assessment criteria: Ability to identify changes in body parts, related to Gender, age
Materials & resources: Big charts, photos, illustrations, etc

SUB TOPIC AREA : Cleanliness and hygiene of body
TOPIC AREA: Human and animal body parts, functions, health and body awareness
parts- health and illnesses
Grade 3 Unit 4: Hygiene of body parts Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Explain how to maintain hygiene of body parts with less assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and under- Content Learning activities
Skills Attitudes and values
Explain how to clean –– Clean properly his or her body –– Show awareness of –– Cleanliness and hygiene of –– Clean their teeth, hands
different parts of the body’ –– Demonstrate how to clean teeth, the importance of body parts: eyes, nose, private parts
hands, eyes, nose, private parts hygiene –– Hygiene of teeth, hands, eyes, assisted with the teacher
Identify some illness due then after without
–– Be always clean and nose, private parts
to poor hygiene assistance
smart –– Health and Illnesses
–– Observe some
–– -Identify various illnesses and
pictures, photos in
dysfunctions of body parts
order to identify and
–– Discuss and identify various differentiate some
method of cleaning oneself illness
and one’s environment
Links to other subjects: ADL, social skills development
Assessment criteria: Ability to maintain hygiene of body parts
Materials & resources: Big charts, photos, illustrations, etc

TOPIC AREA: Human and animal body parts, functions, health and body awareness SUB TOPIC AREA: Reproduction and related awareness
Grade 3 Unit 5: Reproduction awareness Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Identify Changes in body parts, related to Gender, age or dysfunctions with supervision
Learning objectives
Content Learning activities
Attitudes and values
Knowledge Skills –– Changes during childhood and puberty –– Through games, demonstrate how to
–– Various illness and body parts dysfunctions behave according to body changes
Explain main –– Behave according to –– Using images, illustrations, show
–– Menstrual cycle for females
Changes in body changes in body parts body parts changes
–– voice changes for males
parts, related to –– Manage body parts –– In groups, discuss individual
dysfunctions –– Express attitudes, feelings, emotions, related reactions and
Gender, age differences of class, family or school
body functions
–– Discuss transformation of body part and reproduction system
–– In groups, discuss various illness and
Acknowledge behaviour change related to Gender, age and body body parts dysfunctions
parts dysfunctions
Links to other subjects: ADL , social skills
Assessment criteria: Ability to identify changes in body parts, related to Gender, age
Materials & resources: Big charts, photos, illustrations, etc

SUB TOPIC AREA: Emotions, relating with others &
TOPIC AREA: Human and animal body parts, functions, health and body awareness
relevant reactions or actions
Grade 3 Unit 6: Emotions, & Feelings Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Express needs or feelings politely
Learning objectives
Content Learning activities
Knowledge Skills Attitudes and values
Explain how to –– React politely to feelings, –– Demonstrate –– How to formulate a polite question, –– Through games express
express reactions needs and attitudes politeness request, response reactions to various attitudes,
to various attitudes of peers and other –– How to express his or her feelings and feelings and emotions
and emotions community members needs –– In groups demonstrate how
–– Use body parts to express their needs to react to feelings, needs and
and communicate using hands, head, attitudes of peers
legs signs or indicate given –– Role play how react to attitudes
situations of other community members
–– Discuss appropriate behaviour,
reactions and feelings in a wide range
of situations
Links to other subjects; ADL, literacy, social skills development
Assessment criteria: Ability to express his /her needs or feelings politely
Materials & resources: Big charts, photos, illustrations, etc

Key competences at the end of Grade Three
• At the end of Grade 3, the learner should be able to:
• Adequately respond to varying sensory and social stimuli
• Identify, recognize and socialize with a range of family, school and community members.
• Indicate basic Social and interactive abilities
• Indicate developing communication skills through either speech and language or body language modes or both
• Indicate psychomotor and sensory-motor skills developments, including gross & fine motor

SUB TOPIC AREA: Identification and recognition of people, family,
TOPIC AREA: Citizenship and social identity
communities, country, locations and places
Unit1: Identification and recognition of people, family, communities, country,
GRADE 3 Number of periods:
locations and places
Key Unit Competence: Identify himself or herself and his or her family members and differentiate greetings with less assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Attitudes and
Skills Content Learning activities
understanding values
–– Tell his or her name –– Identify him or Show respect to –– Recognize Myself, –– To tell his or her name to the class,
–– Name different herself his or her family –– Recognize my house (self-introduction)
family members –– Recognize his members –– Observe various pictures of family
–– My family members
–– Localization of their or her family members and describe in groups their
–– Different ways of greeting (hand
house members family members
shaking, waving), morning and
–– Locate their evening greetings –– Observe photos of family members and
habitation recognize them
–– Localization of community, and
country –– In pairs they greet each other and
Locate their habitation assisted with
–– Symbols of schools, place,
the teacher
–– Activities of locating various
community land marks
Links to other subjects: Literacy, ADL
Assessment criteria: Ability to greet each other and identify himself or herself and his or her family members
Materials & resources: Big charts, photos, illustrations,

TOPIC AREA: Citizenship and social identity SUB TOPIC AREA: Social community organization
GRADE3 Unit 2: Social and community organization Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Identify, recognize social organization (School, Village , cell /ishuri ,Umudugudu, Akagari) with repetition and exposure
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Attitudes and values
Skills (do/practice) Content Learning activities
understanding (show)
Identify his or her –– Differentiate his or • Recognize the • Recognize and name community organization • In groups discuss on
her School, Village importance of a and leadership in school, home, church and the location of their
School Cell, from others School, Village and environment school, village and
cell • Imitating drawings of symbols, colours and cell
activities • Pay a visit to
Cell • Activities of locating and identifying various neighbouring
school activities and symbols school village, cell.
And observe their
• Community responsibilities at various
• Hierarchical level and responsibilities in
various community contexts
• Demonstrating and understanding of basic
social and culture organization and contexts (in
school, church, security organs, etc,)
• Discussing, imitating and differentiating related
social symbols
Links to other subjects: Literacy, environment, ADL ..
Assessment criteria: Ability to Identify recognize social organization ( ishuri, Umudugudu, Akagari)
Materials & resources: Big charts, photos, illustrations, real objects...

TOPIC AREA: Citizenship and social identity SUB TOPIC AREA: Social community organization
Number of
GRADE 3 Unit 3: Social & cultural activities of Rwanda & elsewhere
Key Unit Competence: Identify, recognize and actively participate in social cultural activities of the Rwandan community and beyond without support.
Learning objectives
Content Learning activities
Knowledge Skills Attitudes and values
–– List familiar –– Demonstrate the –– Appreciate the –– Types of cultural activities: songs, –– Students watch a film of dancers
types of ability to sing Rwandan cultural dances, drama, riddles, rhymes, –– Students practice dancing
cultural familiar songs. practices. drumming, etc. individually, in pairs and in groups.
activities –– Imitate various –– Show interest in • Participation in home/Family and –– Observe different pictures of social-
–– Identify types of dances. Rwandan cultural social activities E,g: Wedding, local cultural activities.
different songs –– Accompany songs activities. justice
–– Present various social and cultural
with rhythmic –– Show respect of other • Rwandan dance: activities using songs, toys and other
crapping and countries cultural games to e.g. church gatherings,
drumming. practices. Material used (imishanana, imigara,
weddings, family get-together, etc.
amayugi, ingabo, etc.)
–– Respond to specific –– Follow instructions –– In pair or groups students practice
riddles. given during the Clapping hands basic traditional riddles
practice of different
cultural activities. Drumming: N.B: All activities shall be friendly,
social-oriented, aiming at stimulating
–– Riddles:
the sensory, motor, as well as speech and
Introductory words (sakwesakwe-soma) language systems.
Assessment criteria: Can actively participate in social activities, identify social activities; Can react and respond to social prompts; Can respond with sensory
physical and/or vocal reactions promptly and appropriately; Can socialize, accomplish social tasks and interact within a social setting, etc.
Materials & resources: Attractively coloured and audio-visual materials; toys, images, pictures that symbolize tools, animals and people in a community; TV set;
drums; dancing materials, mattresses, mirrors; mats and textures, flexible and therapeutic balls, story books, etc.

N.B: All activities & learning tools shall aim at activating, stimulating & developing the sensory, motor nervous systems, communication and emotions.

SUB TOPIC AREA: Rights and entitlements for
TOPIC AREA: Citizenship and social identity
GRADE 3 Unit 4: Rights and entitlements for people Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Recognize own and others’ belongings within the family and community without support.
Learning objectives
Knowledge and
Skills Attitudes and values Content Learning activities
List personal property –– Protect personal –– Show respect of Personal and family property • Draw and use different pictures
in the family and property in the family personal and family –– Personal property: cloths, tooth and diagrams to stimulate basic
community. and community. property. brush, books, etc., understanding and discussions
–– Demonstrate rights to –– Display the interest of of different types of properties.
Differentiate own from –– Family property: House, car,
property, ownership, sharing with others. domestic animals, furniture, etc. • Students use the recorded
others’ property
and related violations. –– Demonstrate the simple songs to identify
Identify right positive reaction and Follow rules and regulations different rights to property.
to property and response to others. –– Tell and discuss procedures and • From pictures given, students
ownership in –– Portray emotional regulations related to individual categorise properties and put
the family and control vis-à-vis the and common needs & methods them into groups they belong
community. property violation. of demanding as a matter of to such as personal, family,
rights. E. g: toilets, eating, school and hospital groups.
clearing • Students pick out personal
–– Class, family and community property from the group of
Mutual respect awareness objects.
Assessment criteria: Can identify, recognize and respect personal and common property; Can understand basics of Rights & entitlements; Can socialize and
interact within a social setting, with due respects of rules, limitations and boundaries with others, etc.
Materials & resources: Attractively coloured and audio-visual materials; toys, images, diagrams, pictures, symbols, etc.; Sand; water; mattresses, mirrors; mats
and textures, flexible and therapeutic balls, story books, etc. A range of material resources that would stimulate the development of sensory, speech and guage,
gross and fine motor developments and related activities’.

N.B: All activities and learning tools shall aim at activating, stimulating & developing the sensory, motor nervous systems, as well as communication and

Competences to be achieved at the end of Grade 3
• Perform various balancing tricks with minimum support;
• Perform different postures and activities using different parts of the body without support;
• Using various tools and equipment, perform various games and sports activities.
TOPIC AREA: Body posture, balancing, movements and manipulation to develop SUB-TOPIC AREA: Balancing in seating, lying down and
muscles and physical skills standing positions
Unit 1: Body postures, balancing and
Grade 3: Physical education No. of periods:
active movements
Key Unit Competence: Use different tools and approaches to balance their bodies in different positions with close adequate guidance and instructions
Learning Objectives
Content Learning Activities
Knowledge Skills Attitudes and values
–– Responding to –– Using tools with adequate –– Develop love for guidance –– Body postures, balancing and active –– Individually learners
instructions guidance and instructions and care from others and movements. use their limbs as
–– Give signs of to use different tools and vice versa –– Use various appropriate tools (balls, guided and the
understanding approaches to balance in –– Recognition of body, balance tied balls, toys… to play games) teacher give clear
of what is being different potions and movements instructions on use of
–– Use rhythmic songs to perform
done –– Demonstrate body balance tools and approaches
different postures and activities
and positions showing body
–– Perform various games and sports postures, balance and
in teams (ranging from pairs to positions
dozen) with minimum support
Links to other subjects: ADL, social studies, numeracy & literacy. Materials: chairs, mats, handling equipment....
Assessment criteria: can use different tools and approaches to balance their bodies in different positions with adequate guidance and instructions

TOPIC AREA: Body posture, balancing, movements and manipulation to develop muscles
SUB-TOPIC AREA: Use of different body parts
and physical skills
Grade 3 Unit 2: Using different body parts (Limbs, neck, abdomen...) Number. of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Through rhythmic games and songs, perform different postures and activities using different parts of the body with maximum
Learning Objectives
Learning Activities
Knowledge Skills Attitudes and values Content
Name different parts of –– Perform different postures and –– Develop love for –– Using different parts (Limbs, –– Learners using songs,
the body activities using different parts of support and care neck, abdomen) through games rhymes, active role plays,
the body from others and vice and songs. etc, to activate or imitate:
–– Develop different physical skills versa –– Body exercises and activities –– Various body activities
using his /her body parts that combine articulations and –– Articulations of various
body functions. Body functions

Links to other subjects: ADL, social studies, numeracy & literacy

Assessment criteria: can use rhythmic songs to perform different postures and activities using different parts of the body with maximum support
Materials: chairs, mats, handling equipment....

TOPIC AREA: Body posture, balancing, movements and manipulation to develop muscles and SUB-TOPIC AREA: Body movement
physical skills activities
Unit 3: Manipulation skills and Body movements (running,
Grade 3 No. of periods:
jumping, catching, crawling, frog jump, etc)
Key Unit Competence: Use appropriate tools and body parts with close supports
Learning Objectives
Content Learning Activities
Knowledge Skills Attitudes and values
Recognise tools –– Use various tools –– Understanding the use –– Various tools and objects to manipulate through –– Learners manipulate tools or
–– Manipulate tools of body, balance and games, plays etc, e.g. sand, water, colored balls, objects through plays, games
practicing some body balloons…. etc.
movements –– Perform different postures and activities using
different parts of the body.
–– Various tools and objects to manipulate through
games, plays etc, e.g. sand, water, colored balls,
–– Perform various games and sport in teams using
different tools and equipment
Links to other subjects: ADL, social studies, numeracy & literacy
Assessment criteria: can use appropriate tools (e.g.colored balls and balloons, tied balls, etc, to develop games and activities
Materials: chairs, mats, handling equipment.....

Competences to be achieved at the end of Grade 3:
• Demonstrate basic skills in counting, writing, comparing, ordering numbers up to 10;
• Recognize different coins used in Rwanda and use them in buying and selling activities;
• Manipulate and explore calculator, computer, mobile phone and tablets
• Recognize and make Circular, Squared, Rectangular, Triangular objects with assistance
• Recognize different parts of the day (morning, afternoon, evening and night), week, month, year and make his/her own plan accordingly;
• Recognize and show directions and positions of things.

SUB-TOPIC AREA: Counting and
TOPIC AREA: Logical thinking in relation to counting, operation and measurements
Grade 3 Unit 1: Counting, basic operations and measurements No. of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Demonstrate basic skills in counting, writing, comparing and ordering numbers
• Measure and compare lengths of objects
• Perform basic counting in daily life situations
Learning Objectives
Content Learning Activities
Knowledge Skills Attitudes and values
Recognize a given –– Count and numbering –– Improve awareness –– Grouping and counting –– Students play games, or play related to
number of objects objects that are familiar of numbers and their objects counting (e.g. Pairs, Snap, Dominoes,
or pictures, images within the schools, significance –– Making numbers using real Find your partner, Follow me loop,
in varying shapes, home and community –– Demonstrate abilities objects (sticks, stones, beans Number funs and Bingo, etc).
colours sizes, etc –– Group, Measure, to correctly count, etc) or making numbers –– Students use drawings to group,
compare, order, classify measure, classify with body movements compare, order, and classify, objects that
Identify a given
objects that are familiar objects that are –– Reading and writing are familiar within the schools, home
number in varying
within the schools, familiar within numbers and community
number cards, etc
home and community the schools, home –– Students listen to stories related to
–– Measuring weight, liquid
Read and use environment and community numbers, repeat and make basic
and length of different
numbers in dairly life –– Manipulate concrete and make basic calculations (mental calculations)
activities objects related to calculations
–– Use concrete objects to do –– Students use meters, balances and litre
basic Maths operations –– Students manipulate (make groups,
–– Use available electronic individually and in small count, measure, compare, order,
tools (Calculators, groups classify) tools and objects of various
mobile telephones, sizes, textures and colours (e.g. Colour
–– Comparing numbers and
computers, etc to shapes, Dices, stones, Sticks, exercise
recognize/ read and books, pencils, Bananas, Sweets, Ground
write numbers. –– Ordering objects and
nuts, Wall Chart, Number cards, Flash
Numbering Classifying
–– Perform addition and cards, Number lines, etc).
objects and matching
subtraction of numbers –– Students make numbering of concrete
numbers with the number
of objects. objects through rhymes, songs, etc

–– Match numbers with –– Basic calculations involving –– Student’s perform activities related to
the number of objects addition and subtraction counting and operations using concrete
(vertically and horizontally and colored objects, as well as real
or using number line) context situations

Links to other learning area: ADL, Social Skills development, ICT & technology, Physical Education
Assessment criteria: students are able to: - Actively, demonstrate the developing awareness of numbers; figures, sizes, comparative measurements,
- Demonstrate basic skills in manipulating (count, group, classify, measure, compare, order and numbering) tools and objects of various sizes, textures and
colored, etc.
- Perform basic operations/ calculations involving addition and subtractions related to real contexts
Materials & resources: Attractively audio-visual materials; different objects (for counting, classifying, grouping, comparing, ordering) that are familiar within
the schools, home and community, ruler, rope, boxes and cubes, etc.
N.B: All activities and learning tools shall aim at activating, stimulating & developing cognition, sensory, motor-sensory systems, and speech and communica-
tion skills.

TOPIC AREA: Logical Thinking in relation to counting, operation and SUB TOPIC AREA : Counting and operations using concrete
measurements objects and real contexts
GRADE 3 Unit 2: Rwandan currency Number of periods:
Key unit competence: Recognize different currency used in Rwanda and use them in buying and selling activities
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Content Suggested Learning Activities
Skills Attitudes and values
Recognize, –– Distinguish Rwandan coins –– Appreciate the –– Rwandan currency (Coin of –– In groups students sort Rwandan
differentiate different from other items/objects. importance of money in 1,5,10, 20, 50, 100, notes of coins from other objects (e.g. bottle
coins used in –– Give examples of what daily life 500,1000,2000 and 5000) and tops, stones, papers, etc)
Rwanda any given coin and notes –– Show concern of using their denominations –– Each student may choose any coin
can buy and make simple money honestly –– Changing big coins and notes and talk about the item/ object to
Use numbers in daily calculations involving into small ones. buy with such coin.
–– Show concern of valuing
life activities money (paying and getting money and make –– Simple activities involving –– Using a collection of Rwandan
balance, etc) priorities addition and subtraction in coins or drawings/ pictures of coins,
buying and selling. students should be involved in role
play on buying and selling. This
activity may help students to change
big coins into small ones, to quickly
add and subtract money in order to
get balance.
Link to other subjects: ADL, Social Skills development, ICT & technology
Assessment criteria: ability to recognise Rwandan coins from other objects, ability to use coins in different transactions like buying and selling
Materials: A collection of all Rwandan coins, drawings or pictures of Rwandan coins

TOPIC AREA: Logical thinking in relation to counting, operation and SUB TOPIC AREA: Counting and operations using concrete
measurements objects and real contexts
Unit 3: Using electronic devices applied to numeracy, pre-numbers and Number of
numbers periods:
Key unit competence: Manipulate and explore calculator, computer, mobile phone and tablets
Learning objectives Content
Knowledge and Suggested Learning Activities
Skills Attitudes and values
Recognize and –– Manipulate calculator, –– Appreciate the • Use available electronic • In groups students manipulate
differentiate various computer and mobile importance of using devices to count different types of electronic
electronic devices phone electronic devices • Use available electronic devices
such as computers, –– Explore different devices to operate • In groups, learners explore
calculators, etc, electronic devices with numbers calculator through computers,
the purpose of acquire • Practice numeracy mobile phones and tablets
Use of counting skills in
numeracy activities using
his daily activities.
calculators, mobile
telephones, tablets and
Link to other subjects: ADL, Social Skills development, ICT & technology
Assessment criteria: ability to recognise Rwandan coins from other objects, ability to use coins in different transactions like buying and selling
Materials: A collection of all Rwandan coins, drawings or pictures of Rwandan coins

TOPIC AREA: TOPIC Area: Logical thinking in relation to counting, operation and SUB TOPIC AREA: Counting and operations
measurements using concrete objects and real contexts
GRADE 3 Unit 4: Lines and Shapes. Number of periods:
Key unit competence: Recognize and make Circular, Squared, Rectangular, Triangular objects
Learning objectives

Knowledge and Content Suggested Learning Activities

Skills Attitudes and values

Recognize that objects • Make desired • Show concern of • Drawing different shapes (circle, • Individually, in pairs or
have different shapes shapes using toys Collaborating and sharing rectangle, square, triangle) using small groups learners are
or any other object with peers pencil or pen asked to:
(sticks, rope, • Demonstrate ability of • Shading and painting the • make a desired shape and
matches etc) carefully observing before Circular, Squared, Rectangular, compare their shapes
• Give examples of making decision triangular objects with different • Help each other make a
objects that have colours: red, blue, orange, green, better shape
Circular, Squared, yellow, Pink, white and black.
• paint and Cut shapes from
Rectangular, • Cutting desired shapes in papers,
triangular shape papers, …
• Draw shapes on the ground,
• Properties of shapes (square, on paper...
rectangle, triangle, circle)
Link to other subjects: ADL, ICT & technology
Assessment criteria: ability to recognise square, rectangle, triangle and circle from other shapes, ability to give examples of objects which have squared, rectangular,
triangular and circular shapes, ability to draw and paint square, rectangle, triangle and circle following properties, ability to make shapes and make cuts out of
Materials & resources: Attractively audio-visual materials; different objects and different shapes for shading, painting, and cutting, papers, boxes and cubes, pair
of scissors, etc.

N.B: All activities and learning tools shall aim at activating, stimulating & developing cognition, sensory, motor-sensory systems, speech and communication

TOPIC AREA: Logical thinking in relation to counting,
SUB TOPIC AREA: Counting and operations using concrete objects and real contexts
operation and measurements
GRADE 3 Unit 5: Time and Child’s daily activities Number of periods:
Key unit competence: Recognize different parts of the day, days of the week and make own plan accordingly
Learning objectives: Content
suggested Learning activities
Knowledge Skills (do/practice) Attitudes and values
Tell daily activities • Set daily plan basing on different • Demonstrate • Daily activities (Home and school) • Through a song or poem
related to the parts of the day and daily ability of setting during morning, afternoon, students tell their daily
parts of the activities a plan in daily/ evening, and night time activities
day (morning, • Set weekly plan basing on days weekly activities –– Daily activities at home/in • In groups students observe
afternoon, evening of the week and daily activities • Show concern of dormitory: pictures/illustrations of parts
and night) respecting time of the day and match each
• Give examples of activities done –– Waking-up
during the different days of the part with an activity
Tell the days of the –– Praying
week week • -Through games students
–– Washing/bathing
• Use a calendar, tell the date of match appropriate greeting
–– Putting on clothes words with correspond time
today and the days of the week
–– Taking breakfast of the day
• Participate in schools/class
activity at a given time of the day –– Brushing • In groups learners observe
or week. –– Going to school/class illustrations/pictures showing
parts of the day and say what
–– Daily school /class activities
they do at that time (match an
during different parts of the day
illustration with an activity)
–– (morning, noon, afternoon,
• Using a calendar, students
evening and night)
match days of the week and
–– Days of the week and weekly main activity done at school
corresponding activities and home e.g going to school,
–– Making own plan to market, church/mosque/....
Link to other subjects: ADL, Social Skills development, ICT & technology, Physical Education
Assessment criteria: ability to use a calendar, tell the days of the week and tell the date of today. Ability to set a daily / weekly plan
Materials & resources: Attractively audio-visual materials; pictures, illustrations, calendar, etc.
N.B: All activities and learning tools shall aim at activating, stimulating & developing cognition, sensory, motor-sensory systems, speech and communication skills

SUB TOPIC AREA: Counting and operations using
TOPIC AREA: Logical thinking in relation to counting, operation and measurements
concrete objects and real contexts

GRADE3 Unit 6: understanding position and directions Number of periods:

Key unit competence: Recognize and show directions and positions of things.
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Content Learning Activities
Skills Attitudes and values
Tell where things/ • Indicate positions • Locate objects in • Positions and • Each learner locate where he/she is,
objects are of objects their right places directions: what is in front or behind him/her.
• Use correct • Follow instructions • Individually each learner put objects
related to directions Front and back,
propositions to and positions
following instructions. E.g. put a
describe positions Top and bottom, book on a table,...
of objects • All learners do Physical exercise:
Up and down
arms up/down, jumping forward and
Above and below backward, turn right and left
• Hide and seek game
On/over and under
• Line-up according to the teacher’s
Left and right instructions related to positions and
directions (front, behind between,
Inside and out side inside, outside).
Link to other subjects: ADL, Social Skills development, ICT & technology, Physical Education
Assessment criteria: ability to direct himself/ herself or others. Ability to recognize the position of an object
Materials & resources: Attractively audio-visual materials; pictures, illustrations, different objects (ball, table, cupboard...), etc.

N.B: All activities and learning tools shall aim at activating, stimulating & developing cognition, sensory, motor-sensory systems, speech and communication skills

Ubushobozi bw’ingenzi bugamijwe kumwana urangije ikicyiro cya 3:
• Kumva udukuru, indirimbo n’imivugo no gusubiza ibibazo kubyo yumvise;
• Kumva indiririmbo n’imivugo no kuzisubiramo adategwa;
• Kubara inkuru adategwa;
• Gutahura no gusoma inyuguti z’ikinyarwanda
IMBUMBANYIGISHO: Guteza imbere ubushobozi nyemvugo INYIGISHO: Kumva no kuvuga
KICIRO CYA 3 UMUTWE 1: Kumva no gusubiza ibibazo kudukuru Igihe:
Ubushobozi bw’ingenzi bugamijwe: Kumva udukuru, uturirimbo n’utuvugo no gusubiza ibibazo kubyo yumvise.
Icyigwa Ibikorwa by’abanyeshuri
Ubumenyi Ubumenyingiro ubukesha
Gufata mu mutwe –– Gusubiza ibibazo ku –– Gutega amatwi –– Udukuru ku –– Abana batega amatwi udukuru bitonze bari ku
iby’ingenzi mu nkuru ngufi udukuru adaca mu nsanganyamatsiko ruziga.
nkuru –– Kuvuga imbere ya ijambo uvuga. yatanzwe. –– Basubiza ibibazo
bagenzi be ibivugwa –– bibazo ku dukuru. –– Bavuga inkuru bumvise, umwe umwe.
mu gakuru.
–– Abandi batega amatwi, bagakosora ibyavuzwe
bitari byo, bakavuga ibitavuzwe.
–– Baha amashyiumazekuvuga.

Ihuriron’ibindibyigwa:Muzika, Ibonezabuzima: Imiyego y’ingingo.

Ingingongenderwaho mu isuzuma: Ubushobozi bwo kumva no kubara inkuru.
Infashanyigisho: Udutabo tw’inkuru zisomerwa abana.

IMBUMBANYIGISHO: Guteza imbere ubushobozi nyemvugo INYIGISHO: Kumva no Kuvuga
UMUTWE 2: Kumva no gusubiramo utuvugo
IKICIRO 3 Igihe:
Ubushobozi bw’ingenzi bugamijwe: Kumva uturirimbo n’utuvugo no kudusubiramo adategwa.
Icyigwa Ibikorwa by’abanyeshuri
Ubumenyi Ubumenyingiro ubukesha
Gufata mu mutwe –– Gusubiza ibibazo ku –– Gutega amatwi –– Uturirimbo n’utuvugo –– Abana batega amatwi
uturirimbo cyangwa ndirimbo cyangwa ku udukuru adaca mu Udukuru ku uturirimbo udukuru bitonze
utuvugo ku muvugo ijambo uvuga. nsanganyamatsiko barikuruziga.
nsanganyamatsiko –– Kuririmba cyangwa –– Kugaragaza yatanzwe. –– Basubizaibibazo
yatanzwe. kuvuga umuvugo imbere imbamutima –– Ibibazo ku dukuru. –– Basubiramo uturirimbo
ya bagenzi be. cyangwa utuvugo badategwa.
–– Baririmba cyangwa bakavuga
utuvugo umwe umwe.
–– Abandi batega amatwi,
bagakosora ibyavuzwe bitaribyo,
bakavuga ibitavuzwe.
–– Baha amashyi umaze kuririmba
cyangwa kuvuga umuvugo.
Ihuriro n’ibindi byigwa: Muzika, Ibonezabuzima: Imiyego y’ingingo.
Ingingongenderwaho mu isuzuma: ubushobozi bwo kumva uturirimbo n’utuvugo no kudusubiramo adategwa.
Infashanyigisho: CD iriho indirimbo cyangwa imivugo.

IMBUMBANYIGISHO: Guteza Imbere Ubushobozi Nyemvugo INYIGISHO: Kuvuga
IKICIRO CYA 3 UMUTWE 3: Kuvugira imbere ya bagenzi be Igihe:
Ubushobozi bw’ingenzi bugamijwe :Kubara inkuru adategwa
Icyigwa Ibikorwa by’abanyeshuri
Ubumenyi Ubumenyingiro ubukesha
Gusobanukirwa –– Kubara inkuru adategwa –– Gutega amatwi bagenzi be atabaca –– Kubara inkuru –– Abana bitegereza
ibigize inkuru. –– Kuvuga imbere ya bagenzi be mu ijambo. bahereye ku mashusho amashusho bakavuga
yifitiye ikizere –– Gushirika ubwoba bwo kuvuga cyangwa kubyo ibyobabona.
imbere ya bagenzi be. bumvise. –– Buri Mwana agira icyo
–– Kwigirira ikizere avuga kubyo abona.
–– Abana bavuga umwe
umwe izindi nkuru
bumvise, ibyo babonye
cyangwa ibyababayeho.
–– Abana baha amashyi
umaze kuvuga.
Ihuriron’ibindi byigwa: Muzika, Ibonezabuzima: Imiyego y’ingingo.
Ingingongenderwaho mu isuzuma: ubushobozi bwo kuvugira imbere ya bagenzi be yifitiye ikizere.
Infashanyigisho: Ibitabo by’inkuru zisomerwa abana.

IMBUMBANYIGISHO: Guteza Imbere Ubushobozi Nyandiko INYIGISHO: Gusoma no Kwandika
IKICIRO CYA 3 Umutwe 4: Gutahura no gusoma inyuguti Igihe:
Ubushobozi bw’ingenzi bugamijwe: Gutahura no gusoma inyuguti z’ikinyarwanda
Icyigwa Ibikorwaby’abanyeshuri
Ubumenyi Ubumenyingiro ubukesha
–– Kuvuga inyuguti –– Gutahura inyuguti –– Kugaragaza ishyaka –– Gutahura no gusoma –– Abana baririmbira hamwe uturirimbo turimo itonde
zigize itonde abwiwe aho yanditse ryo kuvumbura inyuguti zigize itonde ry’inyuguti.
ry’ikinyarwanda mu zindi nyinshi. –– Kwiyumvamo ry’ikinyarwanda. –– Abana batega amatwi agakuru kiganjemo amagambo
–– Gutandukanya –– Gusoma inyuguti ikizere. –– Gusoma amagambo arimo inyuguti y’icyumweru.
inyuguti nkuru zigize itonde magufi yanditse mu –– Abana batahuraijwi rya garutse kenshi mu gakuru.
n’intoya. ry’ikinyarwanda. cyapa.
–– Gusoma amagambo Ku kibaho, abana batahura inyuguti nshya aho yanditse
magufi yanditse mu n’ingwa y’ibara mu magambo.
cyapa. –– Bitegereza aho yanditse yonyine. Mu matsinda mato
abana bakina umukino wo kuvumbura inyuguti mu
zindi nyinshi cyangwa mu nyandikozi nyuranye.
–– Mu matsinda mato, abana bakina umukino w’amakarita
y’inyuguti nto bashyira hamwe inyuguti zisa.
Bakoragutyo no ku nyuguti nkuru. Abana bakina
imikino yo guhuza inyu guti nkuru n’intoya:.
–– Abana bafite inyuguti nkuru bahagarara kuruhande
rumwe abafite inyuguti nto bakagenda bashakisha ufite
inyuguti nkuru bahuje maze bagakora itsinda ryababiri
babiri. Bagenda bahinduranya inyuguti n’abakinnyi.
–– Mu matsinda basoma amagambo magufi yanditse mu
cyapa. Umwe umwe asoma amagambo magufi yanditse
mu cyapa.
Ihuriro n’ibindi byigwa:Iboneza buzima: Imyitozo yo kwimenyereza gukoresha imiyego y’ingingo nini n’intoya, gukangura icyumviro cyo kubona; Imibare: kubara
inyuguti zigize itonde; cyangwa izigize ijambo, kuvangura inyuguti no guhuza inyuguti zisa.
Ingingo ngenderwaho mu isuzuma: Ubushobozi bwo gutahura gusoma inyuguti zose nto n’inkuru zanditse mu cyapa zaba zonyine cyangwa mu magambo;
Infashanyigisho: Amakarita ariho inyuguti nto n’inkuru zanditse mu cyapa, ibitabo n’inyandiko binyuranye.

IMBUMBANYIGISHO: Guteza imbere ubushobozi nyandiko INYIGISHO: Gusoma no kwandika
IKICIRO CYA 3 UMUTWE 5:Kwandika inyuguti n’amagambo magufi Igihe:
Ubushobozi bw’ingenzi bugamijwe: Gutahura no gusoma inyugutiz’ikinyarwanda
Icyigwa Ibikorwa by’abanyeshuri
Ubumenyi Ubumenyingiro ubukesha
–– Kuvuga inyuguti –– Kwandika –– Gukora umurimo –– Kwandika inyuguti –– Abana baririmbira hamwe uturirimbo turimo itonde ry’inyuguti.
zigize itonde inyuguti nkuru unoze. zigize itonde –– Abana batega amatwi agakuru kiganjemo amagambo arimo inyuguti
ry’ikinyarwanda n’intoya mu –– Kugira umwete ry’Ikinyarwanda y’icyumweru.
–– Gutandukanya cyapa n’umuhate mu byo –– Kwandika –– Abana batahura ijwi ryagarutse kenshi mu gakuru.
inyuguti nkuru –– Kwandika akora. amagambo magufi
–– Ku kibaho, abana batahura inyuguti nshya aho yanditse mu magambo
n’intoya. amagambo –– Kudacika intege mbonwa n’ingway’ibara mu cyapa. Bitegereza aho yanditse yonyine.
magufi mu ahuye n’ibimugoye.
cyapa. –– Buri Mwana yitoza kwandika inyuguti nto mu cyapa akoresheje
uburyo n’ibikoresho binyuranye: kubumba, gukora inyuguti
akoresheje uduti, ibishyimbo, utubuye; kwandika mu mucanga,
kubutaka, ku kibaho.
–– Asubiramo izina ry’inyuguti uko ayanditse.
–– Abana bose bitegereza uko inyuguti yandikwa.
–– Buri Mwana ayandika inshuro nyinshi ku mpapuro cyangwa mu
–– Umukino wo gukora amagambo yifashishije udukarita tw’inyuguti
nto cyangwa inkuru
–– Buri Mwana yitoza kwandukura amagambo magufi ayareba.

Ihuriron’ibindibyigwa: Ibonezabuzima: Imyitozo yo kwimenyereza gukoresha imiyego y’ingingo nini n’intoya; Imibare: kubara inyuguti zigize itonde; Ubugeni n’umuco:
Kubumba no kubaka inyuguti akoresheje ibintu binyuranye.
Ingingo ngenderwaho mu isuzuma: Ubushobozi bwo kwandika inyuguti nto z’icyapa no kwandukura neza amagambo n’interuro ngufi mu nyuguti ntoz’icyapa.

Infashanyigisho:impapuro, amakaramu y’igiti, amakara mu y’amabara; amakarita ariho inyuguti, ibitabo n’inyandiko binyuranye.


Competences to be achieved at the end of Grade 3:

• Tell the days of the week and some daily activities;
• Tell the months of the year and talk about school calendar.

SUBTOPIC AREA: Descriptions, conversations,
TOPIC AREA: Basic literacy and communication skills in English
repetitions, listening and dialogues.
GRADE 3 Unit 1: The days of the week and some daily activities Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Tell the days of the week and some daily activities
Learning objectives:
Knowledge and Attitudes and Content Suggested Learning activities
Skills (do/practice)
understanding values
–– List the days of weeks with –– Write the days of the week in –– Accept to learn –– Using expressions such –– In groups learners write the
some of their characteristics. their hierarchy order. step by step as: days of the week;
–– State some activities done –– Read simple sentences and short and rejoice for –– Each learner copies the names
progress made. Daily, Weekly, every day,
based on different days of the texts about the days of the week. of the days of the week in
week. –– Respond when asked about the their notebooks from the
–– Asking questions such blackboard.
days of the week in simple words
as: How many days are
and phrases. –– Learners tell different names of
in a week? There are
the week written on flash cards.
seven days in a week?
How many hours are –– In groups, learners read the
in a day? What do you days of the week on a calendar
do on Sunday? I go to and talk about some activities
Church on Sunday they do each day
Links to other learning area: Kinyarwanda language, fine art, ICT, Social studies, Math
Assessment criteria: students are able to:

• Actively demonstrate understanding of simple words and phrases related to the days of the week
• Demonstrate basic skills in writing simple English words related to the days of the week.
• Retain some words connected to the days of the week.
• Materials & resources: Audio-visuals, paper, pens, wall-charts, real objects, pictures, one lap per child, drawings, calendar etc.

N.B. All activities and learning tools shall aim at activating, stimulating & developing cognition, sensory, motor-sensory systems, speech and communication skills in

SUBTOPIC AREA: Descriptions, conversations, repetitions,
TOPIC AREA: Basic literacy and communication skills in English language
listening and dialogues.
GRADE 3 Unit 2: The months of the year and school calendar Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Tell the months of the year and talk about school calendar.
Learning objectives:
Content suggested Learning activities
Knowledge and understanding Skills (do/practice) Attitudes and values
Identify words used in naming –– Recite the days of the –– Apply knowledge –– Vocabulary: January, –– In groups, learners name the
the months in a year. week acquired to real life February, March, April, months of the year orally and
–– Write the days of the situations. May, June, July, August, also learners read the school
List the months of the year September, October, calendar.
week in their hierarchy –– Accept to learn step
order. by step and rejoice November, December, –– In groups learners write the
Recognize activities done at
for progress made. holiday, Christmas, months of the yea and each
school in the course of the year –– Read simple sentences
Easter, birthday, etc. learner copies the names of
and short texts about
the months of the year. –– Using expressions such the months of the year in their
as: Daily, weekly, every notebooks from the blackboard;
–– Respond when asked
day, monthly, yearly, etc, –– Learners tell different names of
about the months of the
year in simple words –– Asking questions such as: the months written on flash cards
and phrases. How many months are in and n groups, learners read the
a year? There are twelve Months of the year on a Calendar
days in a year. How many and talk about some activities
weeks in a year? When do they do each Day/week/month.
you have long holidays?
Links to other learning area: Kinyarwanda language, fine art, ICT, Social studies, Math,
Assessment criteria: students are able to:
Actively demonstrate understanding of simple words and phrases related to the months of the year.
Demonstrate basic skills in writing simple English words related to the months of the year.
Retain some words connected to the months of the year.
Materials & resources: Audio-visuals, paper, pens, wall-charts, real objects, pictures, one lap per child, drawings, calendar etc.
N.B: All activities and learning tools shall aim at activating, stimulating & developing cognition, sensory, motor-sensory systems, speech and communication skills in

Competences to be achieved at the end of Grade 3:
• Use fully and independently the basic ICT equipment for learning and daily purpose and ability to explain their basic purpose (TV,
Telephone, cooker, computer, etc…);
• Explain the functional use of ICT & scientific equipment for leisure (Game devices, telephone, Telephone, TV, radio, Kitchen
equipment, Computers, electricity, etc.;
• Explain and discuss the differences and functions of materials, and activities.
SUB-TOPIC AREA: Use and basic functions of
TOPIC AREA: Exploration use of common ICT tools and equipment
ICT equipment
GRADE 3 Unit 1: Common ICT tools and equipment No. of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Use of basic ICT equipment for learning and daily purpose and ability to explain their basic purpose independently (TV, Tele-
phone, cooker, computer, etc…).
Learning Objectives
Knowledge and under- Skills Attitudes and values Content Learning Activities
Explain basic purpose of –– Ability to explain their basic –– Appreciate the –– Basic purpose (TV, –– Under limited support learners
ICT equipment purpose (TV, Telephone, cooker, existence and Telephone, cooker, discuss in groups /individually
computer, etc…). functional use of computer, etc…) the basic purpose of TV,
ICT equipment Telephone, cooker, computer, etc
Links to other subjects: ADL, Physical education, fine art, ICT, Social studies, Math, literacy
Assessment criteria: can fully be independent to explain the functional use of basic ICT equipment for learning and daily purposes
Materials: chairs, mats, ICT equipment.....

TOPIC AREA: Exploration use of common ICT tools and equipment SUB-TOPIC AREA: Basics of electricity and its functions
Unit 2: Functional use of ICT & scientific
Grade 3 No. of periods:
equipment for leisure
Unit Competence: Explain the functional use of ICT & scientific equipment for leisure autonomously (Game devices, telephone,
Telephone, TV, radio, Kitchen equipment, Computers, electricity, etc.
Learning Objectives
Knowledge and Attitudes and Content Learning Activities
understanding values
State the use of ICT & ––Use ICT equipment ––Appreciate ––Functional use of ICT ––In groups, learners discuss
scientific equipment for in daily life the existence & scientific equipment the functional use of ICT
leisure and for leisure (Game & scientific equipment for
functional devices, telephone, leisure provided
use of ICT Telephone, TV, radio,
equipment Kitchen equipment,
Computers, electricity,
Links to other subjects: ADL, Physical education, fine art, ICT, Social studies, Math, literacy
Assessment criteria: can demonstrate ability to explain the functional use of ICT & scientific equipment for leisure
Materials: chairs, mats, ICT & scientific equipment for leisure .....

SUB-TOPIC AREA: Basics of electricity and its
TOPIC AREA: Exploration use of common ICT tools and equipment
Grade 3 Unit 3: Different electronic tools and their functions No. of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Explain and discuss the differences and functions of materials, and activities.

Learning Objectives
Content Learning Activities
Knowledge and
Skills Attitudes and values
–– Explain and discuss the –– Make analysis of different –– Acknowledge the –– Different electronic –– In groups, learners identify
differences and functions electronic materials difference of different materials and their and discuss the differences
of materials materials Differences and discuss the functions of
–– Functions of electronic materials
different electric
Links to other subjects: ADL, Physical education, fine art, ICT, Social studies, Math, literacy
Assessment criteria: can explain the differences and functions of materials
Materials: chairs, mats, electronic equipment....


Learning area 1 Topic area Sub-topics Grade/level 1 Grade/level 2 Grade/level 3
(subject) Aim: Acquire the skills necessary to perform daily tasks with increasing independence.
1. ACTIVITIES OF Autonomy Self - help skills 1. Express his/her toilet needs 1.Use toilet with assistance 1.Use toilet on his/her own
DAILY LIVING using the most appropriate
(ADL) means 2.Feed him/her self and 2.Feed him/her self and show
show eating manners with acceptable eating manners
2. Express his/her eating/drinking assistance
needs using most appropriate 3.Dress/undress on his/her own
means. 3.Dress/undress him/herself
with assistance 4.Protect him or herself from
3. Recognize and identify his/her harmful objects
own clothes 4.Recognize harmful objects
with less assistance 5.Locate him or herself within
4. Identify harmful objects with the environment (in house,
assistance 5.Locate him or herself within out……) with assistance
the environment (in house,
5. Identify the location within the out……) with assistance
environment with assistance
Self Personal hygiene 1.Maintain his/her body hygiene 1.Maintain his/her body 1.Maintain his/her body
-grooming with assistance hygiene with less hygiene on his/her own with
assistance guidance
2.Distinguish between clean
and dirty clothes 2.Launder/wash own simple 2.Launder/wash own simple
clothes with assistance clothes with less guidance
Domestic 1.Carryout domestic activities 1.Carryout domestic 1.Carryout some domestic
activities with assistance activities with less activities with guidance

Grade/level 1 Grade/level 2 Grade/level 3
Learning area 2(subject) Topic area Sub-topics Aim: Acquire basic skills to perform some elementary socio-economic activi-
2.SOCIAL ECONOMIC 1.Arts and crafts 1.Drawing and painting 1.Recognise drawing and 1.Draw and paint 1.Draw and paint
ACTIVITIES painting materials with different pictures different pictures
assistance with assistance with some improved
2.Making objects 1.Make objects with 1.Make objects with 1.Make objects with
assistance less assistance some improved
3.Modelling 1.Recognise tools used in 1.Imitate people doing 1.Make simple
modelling with assistance modelling with modelling with some
guidance improved autonomy
4.Decorating 1.Recognize tools used 1.Identify tools used 1.Making
in decoration with in decoration with decoration with
assistance less assistance some improved
5.Needle work 1.Recognise materials 1.Imitate needle 1.Practice needle
used in needle work with work activities work with less
assistance with assistance assistance
2.Farming 1.Gardening 1.Recognise tools used in 1.Use some 1.Work in garden
gardening with assistance gardening tools with assistance/
with assistance guidance
2.Animal rearing 2.Recognise some 2.Take care of some 2.Take care of some
domestic animals with domestic animals domestic animals
assistance with assistance with less assistance
3.Entrepreneurship 1.Handling money 1.Recognise different types 1.Recognise 1.Recognise different
of Rwandan currency different types of types of Rwandan
with assistance Rwandan currency with improved
with less assistance autonomy

Learning area 3 Grade/level 1 Grade/level 2 Grade/level 3
Topic area Sub-topics
(subject) Aim: Developing awareness of his/her body.
3.HEALTH Human body 1.Parts of the body 1.Recognize and name 1.Recognize and name parts 1.Recognize and name
AND BODY parts of human body of human body with less parts of human body with
AWARENESS with guidance guidance improved autonomy
2.Personal hygiene 1.Maintain proper 1. Maintain proper hygiene 1. Maintain proper hygiene
hygiene of human body of human body parts with of human body parts
parts with guidance less guidance with improved autonomy
3.Reproduction Recognise/identify own Recognise own Manage his/her body
gender with assistance reproductive parts with changes with improved
guidance autonomy

Learning area 4 Grade/level 1 Grade/level 2 Grade/level 3
Topic area Sub-topics
(subject) Aim: Develop the basic skills required to function in society.
4.SOCIAL SKILLS 1.Social skills 1.My family 1. Identify him or herself 1. Interact with known family 1. Interact and develop relationship
DEVELOPMENT and family members members with familiar people.
with assistance
2.Oneself, 1.Recognize him/ herself, 1. Introducing oneself: names and 1.Name the location of his/her
family and his/her classroom, show family members with less home,
surrounding classmates, teachers assistance Identify and recognize public places
environment and care givers with 2.Participate in group activities (market, church, schools, local
assistance with help entities, bank, hospitals, etc.) with
2.Interact, cooperate/ assistance
socialize with peers 2.Participate in group activities with
through plays and games. less help
3.Safety 1.Identify dangerous 1.Recognize dangerous objects, 1.Avoid dangerous objects, places
objects, places places and harmful people with and harmful people
and harmful people with less assistance
4. Culture and 1.Greet people and 1.Greet people and respond to 1.Greet people and respond to
religion respond to greetings greetings with less guidance greetings appropriately to time
with guidance 2.Improve positive attitudes with improved autonomy
2.Improve positive and good behaviour less with 3.Identify, name and appreciate
attitudes and good assistance God’s creation with improved
behaviour with 3.Identify and appreciate God’s autonomy
assistance creation with less assistance 4.Name and imitate how some
3. Identify and 4.Name some occasions occasions are celebrated in
appreciate God’s celebrated in community with community with assistance.
creation with less assistance 5.Pray before getting up, eating and
assistance sleeping with less assistance
5.Pray before getting up, eating and
4.Recognize some sleeping with assistance
occasions celebrated
in Community with

2.Communication Total 1.Identify objects 1.Communicate 1.Communicate
development communication using non-verbal using non-verbal using non-verbal
communication(images, communication(images, communication(images,
symbols, pictures, signs, symbols, pictures, signs, symbols, pictures, signs,
signals, gestures, etc.) with signals, gestures, etc.) with signals, gestures, etc.) with
assistance assistance improved autonomy.
2.Interpret non-verbal and
verbal cues (e.g. signs and
body language ) to solve
problems with assistance
3.Music Traditional, 1.Follow the rhythm of the 1.Follow the rhythm of the 1.Follow the rhythm of the
religious and song with assistance song with less assistance song improved autonomy.
modern songs 2.Clap following the rhythm 2.Clap following the rhythm of 2.Clap following the rhythm
of songs with guidance songs with less assistance of songs with improved
3.Recognize and name 3. Recognize and name autonomy
musical instruments with musical instruments with less 3.Use musical instruments
assistance assistance with assistance and sing and
dance with assistance

Learning area 5 Grade/level 1 Grade/level 2 Grade/level 3
Topic area Sub-topics
(subject) Aim: Develop ability to perform certain physical activities
5.PHYSICAL 1.Motor skills 1.Fine motor skills 1.Manipulate simple objects 1.Manipulate 1.Manipulate simple objects and perform
EDUCATON development development and perform simple activities simple objects simple activities that enhance development
that enhance development and perform of fine motor skills with improved
of fine motor skills with simple activities autonomy
assistance that enhance
development of
fine motor skills
with less assistance
2.Gross motor 1.Perform body movements 1.Perform body 1.Perform body movements and other
skills development and other activities through movements and activities through games with improved
games with assistance other activities autonomy
through games
with less assistance
2.Sports and Sports and games Participate in traditional and Participate in Participate in traditional and modern
culture modern games and sports traditional and games and sports with less guidance and
with guidance and assistance modern games assistance
and sports with
guidance and less

Learning area 6 Topic area Sub-topics Grade/level 1 Grade/level 2 Grade/level
(subject) 3
Aims: Develop basic numeracy skills.
6.NUMERACY 1.Pre-Numbers 1.Sorting and 1. Sort and group objects 1. Sort and classify 1. Sort and classify objects according to
classifying according to colour, shape, objects according to colour, shape, size, etc with improved
size, etc with assistance. colour, shape, size, etc autonomy.
with assistance.
2.Directions & 1. Recognize directions 1. Recognize directions 1. Show directions and positions of objects
positions and positions of objects and positions of with less assistance
with assistance objects with less
3.Shapes Assemble toys and 1Assemble toys and 1.Assemble, disassemble toys and build block
build blocks following build blocks following on his own with improved autonomy
designed shapes with designed shapes with
assistance less assistance
2.Numbers 1.Counting Count from 1to10 Count and read Count and read numbers from 1 to 5 and
through songs and game numbers from 1-5 with Match numbers with objects they represent
with assistance assistance with assistance
2.Patterns Identify patterns with Identify patterns with Identify patterns on his/her own
assistance less assistance
Measurement 1.Weight, length, Compare at least 2 Compare more than Arrange different objects according to
size and capacity objects according to their 2 objects according to their size, weight, length and capacity with
weight, size and length their weight, size, length assistance.
using observable objects and capacity using
with assistance. observable objects with
2.Time Recognise daily school Recognise daily school Recognize important daily school routines and
routines by responding to routines by responding show respect of time and program with improved
signals with assistance to signals with less autonomy
3.Money Identify Rwandan money Recognize Rwandan Differentiate Rwandan money and coins and
and coins with assistance money and coins with less perform simple transactions with assistance

Icyiciro 1 Icyiciro 2 Icyiciro 3
Insanganyamatsiko 7 Imbumbanyigisho Inyigisho
Intego: Kugira ubumenyi bwibanze mu kinyarwanda

7.LITERACY: 1.GUTEZA IMBERE Gutega amatwi no 1.Gutandukanya amajwi 1.Gutandukanya amajwi 1.Gutandukanya amajwi
IKINYARWANDA KUMVA NO Kuvuga y’abantu, akomoka y’abantu, akomoka ku bintu y’abantu, akomoka
KUVUGA ku bintu n’amajwi n’amajwi y’inyamaswa ku bintu n’amajwi
y’inyamaswa afashijwe afashijwe gake. y’inyamaswa we ubwe.
2.Kugaragaza ko ateze 2.Kugaragaza ko ateze amatwi 2.Kugaragaza ko ateze
amatwi aguma hamwe ibyo asomewe/abwiwe amatwi ibyo asomewe/
mu gihe asomerwa asubiza ibibazo, ashyira mu abwiwe asubiza ibibazo,
inkuru bikorwa amabwiriza ahawe, ashyira mu bikorwa
basubiyemo inshuro zirenze amabwiriza ahawe, byibuze
ebyiri. basubiyemo inshuro
zitarenze ebyiri.
2. KWANDIKA 1.Kwimenyereza 1.Gufata igitabo mu 1.Gufata igitabo mu buryo 1.Gufata igitabo mu buryo
NO GUSOMA kwandika no buryo buboneye no buboneye no gusoma buboneye no gusoma
gusoma gusoma amashusho amashusho afashijwe gake. amashusho adategwa.
afashijwe n’umurezi.
2.Gufata ikaramu mu 2.Gufata ikaramu mu buryo 2.Gufata ikaramu mu buryo
buryo bwabigenewe bwabigenewe agaca bwabigenewe yandika
agaca imirongo imirongo inyuranye inyuguti z’ikinyarwanda.
inyuranye afashijwe afashijwe gake n’umurezi.

Learning area 8 Grade/level 1 Grade/level 2 Grade/level 3

Topic area Sub-topics
(subject) Aim: acquire basic skills about and in using ICT, science and technology.
8.ICT, SCIENCE 1.ICT &Technology 1.Familiar/ 1.Recognise ICT and other technology 1.Manipulate ICT and 1. Manipulate the ICT
AND devices common devices used at home such as telephone, other technology devices and other technology t
TECHNOLOGY ICT devices radio, TV, etc with assistance used at home such as devices used at home
telephone, radio, TV, etc such as telephone,
with assistance radio, TV, etc with less

3.2. GRADE 1

Competences to be at the end grade one achieved:
Learner will be able to:
• Express his/her toilet needs using appropriate means with close assistance
• Express his/her eating/drinking needs using appropriate means with close assistance
• Recognize and identify clothes with close assistance
• Maintain his/her body hygiene with close assistance
• Distinguish between clean and dirty clothes with close assistance
• Carryout domestic activities with close assistance
TOPIC AREA: Autonomy SUB-TOPIC AREA : Self help skills

Grade 1 Unit 1: Express the needs for toilet Number of periods

Key unit competency: Express his/her toilet needs using the appropriate means with close assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Content Learning Activities
Skills Attitudes and values
–– Identify appropriate means –– Use appropriate means to –– Maintain body and –– Signs, gestures, body –– Learners express the needs
to express toilet needs express toilet needs environment hygiene movement, pictures, for toilet and walk to toilet to
–– Recognize location of –– Move towards toilet with pictograms, verbal familiarise themselves with the
toilets assistance expression, etc location ( helped by the teacher/
care giver)
Link to other subjects: Health and body awareness
Assessment criteria: Ability to express his/her needs using appropriate means and ability to localize the toilet appropriately with close assistance
Materials: Toilet, pictures showing the toilet, toilet paper, water and soap, towel, etc

TOPIC AREA: Autonomy SUB-TOPIC AREA : Self help skills
Number of
Grade 1 Unit 2: Table manners
Key unit competency: Express his/her eating/drinking needs using appropriate means with close assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and un- Skills Attitudes and values Content Learning Activities
–– Identify appropriate –– Use appropriate means –– Maintain body and –– Signs, gestures, –– Learners express his/her eating/drinking
means to express to express his/her eating/ dining room hygiene body movement, needs and walk to dining room to familiarise
his/her eating/ drinking needs –– Develop table manners pictures, themselves with the location ( helped by the
drinking needs –– Move towards dining room pictograms, verbal teacher/care giver)
–– Recognize location with guidance expression, etc
of dining room
Link to other subjects: Health and body awareness, Literacy
Assessment criteria: Ability to express his/her eating/drinking needs using appropriate means and ability to localize the dining room appropriately with close assistance
Materials: Dining room, dining room equipment, dishes, food and drinks, water and soap, etc.

TOPIC AREA: Autonomy SUB-TOPIC AREA : Self-help skills

Grade 1 Unit 3: Dressing Number of periods

Key unit competency: Recognize and identify clothes with close assistance
Learning objectives
Content Learning Activities
Knowledge and understanding Skills Attitudes and values
–– Identify his/her clothes –– Distinguish clothes –– Maintain body and –– Clothes, –– Learners recognize and identify his/
–– Recognize his/her clothes among –– Sort clothes according clothes hygiene cupboard, her clothes ( assisted by the teacher/
others to categories (shirts, –– Keep his/her clothes wardrobe, caregiver)
trousers, dresses, etc) appropriately water, soap, –– Learners keep their clothes in appropriate
–– Recognize location of his/her clothes
shoes... places (assisted by the teacher/caregiver).
Link to other subjects: Health and body awareness
Assessment criteria: ability to recognize and identify clothes appropriately with close assistance
Materials: Clothes, cupboard, wardrobe, shoes...

TOPIC AREA: Self grooming SUB-TOPIC AREA : Personal hygiene
Grade 1 Unit 4: Body hygiene Number of periods
Key unit competency: Maintain his/her body hygiene with assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Content Learning Activities
Skills Attitudes and values
–– Name body –– Brush his/ –– Cleanness –– Body parts :Head, neck, eyes, ears, –– Learners are continuously
parts her teeth with –– nose, mouth, limbs : arms and legs assisted by the teacher/caregiver)
–– Identify assistance –– Practice some of their body parts
–– Locate bathrooms
hygiene –– Wash some of hygiene.
–– Hygiene of some body parts and materials used:
materials his/her body
body/skin bathing: (soap, towel, water, basin or
parts with
–– Brushing teeth: tooth paste, tooth brush and water
Link to other subjects: Health and body awareness, Physical Education
Assessment criteria: Ability to brush their teeth, wash some of their bodies parts with assistance
Materials: tooth brushes, tooth paste, water, soap, towels, basins, etc

TOPIC AREA: Self grooming SUB-TOPIC AREA : Personal Hygiene

Grade 1 Unit 5: Washing clothes Number of periods

Key unit competency: Distinguish between clean and dirty clothes with assistance
Learning objectives Learning Activities
Knowledge and understanding Skills Attitudes and values
–– Distinguish clean between –– Sort clean and –– Ability to distinguish between –– Clean clothes, dirty –– Assisted by the teacher, the leaners
dirty clothes dirty clothes clean and dirty clothes clothes identify clean and dirty clothes
Link to other subjects: Pre-numeracy
Assessment criteria: Ability to distinguish dirty and clean clothes with assistance
Materials: Clean clothes and dirty clothes, pictures, videos, etc

TOPIC AREA: Self grooming SUB-TOPIC AREA : Domestic Activities
Grade 1 Unit 6: Daily activities Number of periods
Key unit competency: Carryout domestic activities with assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Attitudes and Content Learning Activities
understanding values
–– Identify domestic –– Use some of tools used –– Cleanness –– Cleaning: a table, dining area –– In groups learners practice
activities with in domestic activities with –– willingness –– Sweeping, Mopping, domestic/house work with
assistance. assistance. assistance.
–– Watering flowers,
–– Collect lit
–– Disposal of rubbish
Link to other subjects: Social economic activities
Assessment criteria: Ability to clean, water flowers and sweep/mop and dispose rubbish with assistance.
Materials: Brooms, mopes, water, soap, basins and buckets, dustbins, etc.

Competences to be achieved by the end of grade one
Learner will be able to:
• Recognise drawing and painting materials with assistance.
• Recognize the materials used to make simple objects with assistance
• Make simple objects with assistance
• Recognize the tools used in moulding with assistance
• Recognize the tools used in decoration with assistance
• Recognize the materials used in needle work with assistance
• Recognise tools used in gardening with assistance
• Recognize some domestic animals with assistance
• Recognize different types of Rwandan currency with assistance

TOPIC AREA: Arts and crafts SUB TOPIC AREA: Drawing and painting
Grade 1 Unit1: Drawing and painting materials Number of period
Key Unit Competence: Recognise drawing and painting materials with assistance.
Learning objectives
Knowledge and
Skills Attitudes and values Content Learning activities
–– Name materials/ –– Recognize tools to be –– Demonstrate ability of –– Drawing, cutting and paint tools –– Teacher expose to learners different
tools for used while drawing keeping and safeguarding Pencils, drawing materials e.g.: pencils,
drawing, different objects. drawing materials. Markers, scissors, paint of different
painting colours. Etc.
–– Teacher introduces drawing and
–– Paint of different colours. Etc. painting materials’ names, and
Drawing and painting pictures learners will repeat.

Links to other learning areas: Pre- numeracy

Assessment criteria: Ability to recognize drawing and painting materials with close assistance
Materials: Pencils, markers, scissors, paints of different colours, papers, etc.

TOPIC AREA: Arts and crafts SUB TOPIC AREA: Making objects
Grade 1 Unit 2: Making simple objects Number of periods
Key Unit Competence: Recognize the materials used to make simple objects with assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and
Skills Attitudes and values Content Learning activities
–– Identify different –– Recognize and handle materials –– Show a sense of –– Cutting and pasting objects –– Teacher expose different
materials used appropriately responsibility on using tools like scissors, paper, materials to learners and show
to make simple –– Make different simple objects maintaining appropriately glue, etc. them how they can be used to
objects materials. make simple objects.
Links to other learning areas: Pre numeracy
Assessment criteria: Ability to recognize the materials used to make simple objects with assistance
Materials: Scissors, papers, paper glue, scotch Etc.

TOPIC AREA: Arts and crafts SUB TOPIC AREA: Moulding
Grade 1: Unit 3: Simple moulding Number of periods
Key Unit Competence: Make simple shapes by moulding with assistance.
Learning objectives
Knowledge and
Skills Attitudes and values Content Learning activities
–– Manipulate the –– Handle moulding tools correctly. –– Respect the instructions –– Names of tools used in In small groups, with
tools used in given by the teacher/care moulding : clay, plaster and assistance of the teacher,
moulding : clay, giver while moulding. others learners shape simple
plaster and others –– Manipulation of the tools objects of their choices/ their
Links to other learning areas: Physical education, ADL
Assessment criteria: Ability to make simple shapes by moulding with assistance
Materials: modern clay, plaster, and local materials, flower pots and modern stoves for demonstration purposes.


Grade 1: Unit 4: Decorating Number of periods
Key Unit Competence: Recognize tools used in decoration with assistance.
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Attitudes and
Skills Content Learning activities
understanding values
–– Identify materials for –– Choose materials for –– Recognise the –– Decorating materials: flowers, –– The teacher/ care giver exposes to learners
decoration. decoration. importance of clothes, colours, flower pots, different decorating materials.
–– Choose the best colours smartness etc. –– Practice decoration for different events using
for decoration. different materials with close assistance.
Links to other learning areas: Pre numeracy, Physical education
Assessment criteria: Ability to make simple decoration with assistance.
Materials: flowers, clothes, colours, flower pots, etc.

TOPIC AREA: Arts and crafts SUB TOPIC AREA: Needle work
Grade 1: Unit 5: Needle work tools Number of periods
Key Unit Competence: Recognize tools used in needle work with assistance.
Learning objectives
Knowledge and
Skills Attitudes and values Content Learning activities
–– Identify tools for needle –– Choose tools for needle work. –– Show a sense of –– Needle work tools –– The teacher/ care giver
work –– Choose the right tools to be responsibility on such as needle, wool, exposes to learners
used maintaining appropriately thread, cloths, etc. different needle work tools
Links to other learning areas: Pre numeracy, Physical education
Assessment criteria: Ability to recognize needle work tools with assistance.
Materials: Needle, wool, thread, cloths, etc.


Grade 1 Unit 6: Gardening tools Number of periods
Key Unit Competence: Recognise tools used in gardening with assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Attitudes and
Skills Content Learning activities
understanding values
–– Identify farm/ –– Show gardening tools –– Show –– Tools used in gardening: –– With assistance of teacher learners
gardening tools –– Keep the tools in carefulness hoe, machete, forked hoe, identify tools used in farming/
used at home appropriate places while handling wheelbarrow, watering can, gardening at his/her home (with
farming/ spade, spraying pump, etc. assistance)
gardening tools –– Learners sort the gardening tools from
other tools in a store (with assistance)
Links to other learning areas: ADL
Assessment criteria: Ability to recognise tools used in gardening with assistance
Materials: Hoe, machete, forked hoe, wheelbarrow, watering can, spade, spraying pump, etc.

Grade 1 Unit 7: Domestic animals Number of periods
Key Unit Competence: Recognise some domestic animals with assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and
Skills Attitudes and values Content Learning activities
–– Identify domestic –– Show domestic animals –– Show carefulness –– Domestic animals such as –– With assistance of teacher learners
animals found at –– Differentiate domestic while treating cows, goats, chicken, rabbits, identify domestic animals
home animals domestic animals sheep, pigs, dogs, cats, etc –– Learners will differentiate domestic
animals (with assistance)
Links to other learning areas: ADL
Assessment criteria: Ability to recognise some domestic animals with assistance
Materials: Cows, goats, chicken, rabbits, sheep, pigs, dogs, cats, etc

TOPIC AREA: Entrepreneurship SUB TOPIC AREA: Handling money

Grade 1 Unit 8: Handling money Number of periods
Key Unit Competence: Recognise different types of currency with assistance

Learning objectives
Content Learning activities
Knowledge and
Skills Attitudes and values
–– Recognise different –– Show different types of Rwandan currency –– Show carefulness –– Rwandan currency –– With assistance of teacher
types of Rwandan –– Distinguish notes from ordinary paper in handling money such as notes and coins learners identify notes
currency and coins
Links to other learning areas: ADL
Assessment criteria: Ability to recognise Rwandan currency with assistance
Materials: notes and coins

Competences to be achieved at the end of grade one
Learner will be able to:
–– Recognize and name human body parts with close assistance
–– Maintain proper hygiene of human body parts with close assistance
–– Recognise own gender with close assistance
Grade 1 Unit 1: Human body parts Number of periods:
Key unit competency: Recognize and name human body parts with close assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Skills Attitudes and values Content Learning Activities
Identify, point at some of Differentiate human body Carefulness • Different parts of the body: In groups learners observe
his\her body parts with parts head, eyes, ears, mouth, illustrations/charts showing body
guidance Appreciate nose.... parts
the importance of –– Chest , breasts (girls) Helped by the teacher learners
human body parts –– The limbs: arms and legs show different parts of their body
Link to other subjects: Activity for Daily Living
Assessment criteria: Ability to name body parts, practice hygiene and care of the body parts with close assistance
Materials: Wall charts showing body parts, health foods, etc.

Number of
Grade 1 Unit 2: Hygiene of the human body parts
Key unit competency: Maintain proper hygiene of human body parts with close assistance
Learning objectives
Content Learning Activities
Knowledge and understanding Skills Attitudes and values
Identify ways of cleaning human Maintain hygiene of human Always Demonstrate body –– Health of body –– In groups learners observe
body parts body, private parts. e.g. hygiene parts: illustrations/charts showing body
nose, mouth, face and parts cleanliness
limbs Avoiding
–– Helped by the teacher learners
accidents: hurt,
name all things around the school
Use handkerchief with breaking, burns,
and at home ( activities and tools)
guidance –– Avoiding that can harm their bodies
Avoid accidents: hurt, –– Helped by the teacher, learners
hygiene, health
breaking, burns, identify different ways in cleaning
eating, etc.
body parts
Avoid disease: hygiene,
health eating, etc
Link to other subjects: Activity for daily living (hygiene)
Assessment criteria: Ability to maintain hygiene and care of the body parts with close assistance
Materials: wall charts showing human body parts and ways of cleaning, chart of different body accidents, etc

Grade 1 Unit 3: Body changes Number of periods:
Key unit competency: Recognise own gender with close assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Attitudes and Content Learning Activities
understanding values
–– Identify a male and a –– Identify his/her –– Respect each –– Gender :Male, Female –– Learners observe
female gender other –– Reproductive parts: illustrations of boys and
–– Name body parts –– Maintain body –– Cleanliness girls and tell difference.
–– Health and hygiene
–– Show girls’ and boys’ hygiene especially and orderly –– Girls with the appropriate
–– Gender based violence:
toilets and dormitories reproductive parts –– Self age: practice how sanitary
–– Avoid tendency pads are used
–– For girls: Use confidence
sanitary pads during –– Report in case of changes in boys and girls –– Practice washing under
–– Avoid or
menstruation period body: wears
violence –– Appropriate behaviour

Link to other subjects: ADL (Hygiene)

Assessment criteria: Ability to identify gender and manage body changes with close assistance
Materials: Male and female illustrations, hygienic materials, etc.

Competences to be achieved at the end of grade one

Learner will be able to:

• Recognise family members/guardians with assistance
• Introduce her /himself and recognise his/her class, classmates, teachers and caregivers with assistance
• Interact, cooperate/ socialize with other children through plays and games with assistance
• Recognise and avoid dangerous places and objects, animals, plants and harmful people at home, school and the community with
• Greet and respond to simple greetings and farewells appropriately according to different times of the day with guidance
• Use non-verbal communication ways such as objects, images, symbols, pictures, signs, signals and gestures with assistance
• Sing and dance traditional, gospel and modern with close assistance using musical instruments with assistance
TOPIC AREA: Social skills development SUB-TOPIC AREA: My family
Grade 1 Unit 1: Family members, guardians and care takers Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Recognise family members/guardians with assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Skills Attitudes and values
Content Learning activities
–– Identify family –– Recognize family members while present or –– Demonstrate –– Family members: –– Learners show
members/ on photographs: father, mother, sister, brother attachment to family –– Parents/ guardian: father, and name family
–– caregivers –– Greet family members members mother members while
–– Respect family present or with
–– Initiate communication with family –– Siblings: sister, brother,
members. photographs
members, solve everyday life problems.
Links to other learning areas: Literacy
Assessment criteria: Ability to identify and interact with family members (Mother, father, siblings ), guardians and caregivers with assistance
Materials: photographs of family members. Chart of family members

TOPIC AREA: Social skills development SUB-TOPIC AREA: One self, family and surrounding environment
Grade 1 Unit 2: My class Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Introduce her /himself and recognise his/her class, classmates, teachers and caregivers with assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Content Learning activities
Skills Attitudes and values
–– Introduce him/ –– Identify him –– Develop self esteem, –– Myself: Names –– From a mix up of photographs, learners
herself by name or herself on a confidence and –– My class: individually show their own photos and tell their
–– Name the photograph interaction names,
–– location of my
classmates with –– Identify own classroom –– Individually or in groups and in different
assistance classroom situations, learners are given opportunities
–– Classmates
–– Recognize and and encouraged to recognize/show/name their
–– Teachers /Caregivers classroom, classmates, teachers and caregivers.
name classmates
and teacher
Links to other learning areas: Literacy
Assessment criteria: Ability to recognize him or herself her, his/her class, classmates, teachers, caregivers with assistance
Materials: Real classrooms and classroom objects, learner’s photographs on a wall chart

TOPIC AREA: Social skills development SUB-TOPIC AREA: Classroom environment
Grade 1 Unit 3: Interaction with educators and peers Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Learners will be able to interact, cooperate/ socialize with other children through plays and games with assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Attitudes and Content Learning activities
understanding values
–– Show/distinguish –– Play with others in small groups –– Demonstrate –– Interaction with –– Teachers provide learners with
peers and educators –– Share materials as needed in everyday positive family members, opportunities to:
life situations. interaction educators and –– work in small groups
with peers and peers.
–– Express his/her needs to play with –– Share materials.
family members, educators and peers –– Take turns
–– Learners are encouraged /engaged in
different games with peers.
Links to other learning areas: Language and Physical education
Assessment criteria: Ability to freely interact, cooperate/ socialize with other children through plays and organized games with assistance
Materials: Materials needed in different games and plays

TOPIC AREA: Social skills SUB TOPIC AREA: Safety
Grade 1 Unit 4: Dangerous places/situations, people, objects, plants Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Recognise and avoid dangerous places and objects, animals, plants and harmful people at home, school and the community with
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Attitudes and Content Learning activities
understanding values
–– Name –– Identify harmful people, –– Take care by –– Dangerous people –– The dangerous places, objects,
dangerous –– dangerous animals and –– avoiding –– Dangerous animals and insects animals or plants are shown
objects, plants insects, dangerous places risky places, using signs such as a red cross
–– Dangerous places: fire in the kitchen, toilet,
and harmful at home, school and situations, in X form.
road, holes electrical installations and devices
people community. dangerous –– Learners observe dangerous
–– Dangerous objects: sharp knives, irritable
–– Identify dangerous objects people , places, objects or plants, etc.
chemicals, medicines, nails, needles, pins, multi-
at home, school and animals, –– The teacher takes security
socket, bottle tops, etc.
community objects and measures to protect learners
plants –– Dangerous plants such as plants with spines,
–– Identify dangerous plants and reminds them as much
milky plants, etc.
at home, school and as needed depending on
community situations.
–– Given a set of objects, learners
sort out and group dangerous
Links to other learning areas: Science and Environment
Assessment criteria: Ability to identify dangerous places and objects at home, school and the community with assistance.
Materials: Real material related to dangerous items, chart of dangerous objects, pictures and photos of dangerous objects

TOPIC AREA: Social skills development SUB-TOPIC AREA: Culture and religion
Grade 1 Unit 5: Response to simple greetings Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence : Greet and respond to simple greetings and farewells appropriately according to different times of the day with assistance.
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Attitudes and Content Learning activities
understanding values
–– Distinguish –– Use –– Demonstrate –– Good morning (Jane/Mum/ –– Learners observe and listen to the teacher as s/he says
expressions appropriate affectionate teacher/visitor ) the greetings to individual children and they will repeat
used to greet expressions gestures and –– Good afternoon (Peter), in small groups the learners say “good morning”, “good
and respond to greet and friendliness as afternoon”;” good evening”
–– Good evening (James)
to greetings at respond to they greet and –– They say “goodbye” to each other as they wave their hands
different times greetings and bid farewells –– Goodbye
–– They can also respond to greetings through songs” good
of the day. farewells
morning, good morning, good morning to you.............”.
–– Learners greet their peers
–– Puppet game: make the puppets talk to each other.
Links to other learning areas: Literacy
Assessment criteria: Ability to greet and respond to simple greetings and farewells according to different times of the day with assistance
Materials: Puppets, chart of people greeting each other, chart showing time of day

TOPIC AREA: Communication development SUB-TOPIC AREA: Total communication
Grade 1 Unit 6: Non-verbal communication Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence 1: Learners will be able to use non-verbal communication ways such as objects ,images, symbols, pictures, signs, signals and gestures
with assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Attitudes and Content Learning activities
understanding values
–– Identify forms –– Communicate –– Interaction –– Non-verbal communication –– Learners observe real objects used in
of non-verbal with peers, –– Love/affection –– Objects, Images, Symbols, non-verbal communication to express
communication parents and Signs, Signals, Gestures their needs or feelings
–– Friendship
–– Distinguish signs educators –– Learners are provided opportunities to
or any other form –– Express his/ use signs, symbols, signals, gestures and
of non-verbal her needs using images to communicate
communication non-verbal –– Learners are initiated to play with peers
Links to other learning areas: Literacy
Assessment criteria: : Ability to use non-verbal communication with assistance
Materials: Real objects, charts, flash cards with different pictures, images and photos

TOPIC AREA: Music SUB-TOPIC AREA: Traditional, religious and modern songs
Grade 1 Unit 7: Traditional, gospel and modern music Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Sing and dance traditional, gospel and modern with close assistance
Use musical instruments with closed assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Attitudes and Content Learning activities
understanding values
–– Name familiar –– Follow the rhythm of –– Demonstrate –– Names of musical instruments: –– Learners observe musical
musical instruments the song enthusiasm, drums, guitar, pendo, pianos, instruments.
available in their –– Clap according to the joy, friendship etc –– Learners are provided
environment with rhythm with guidance ,interaction and –– Different songs and dances opportunities to use some
closed assistance. peace values musical instruments
–– Use musical
–– Recognize and name instruments with –– Learners are initiated to clap
musical instruments assistance their hands
with closed assistance
–– Sing and dance –– according to the rhythm.
different songs –– Learners are provided
–– Express their feelings opportunities to sing and dance
Links to other learning areas: Literacy
Assessment criteria: :Ability to sing, dance and play musical instruments with close assistance
Materials: Musical instruments (piano, guitar, pendo, drums, etc), chart of musical instruments

Competences to be achieved at the end of grade one
Learners will be able to:
• Exercise different body postures with close assistance.
• Imitate basic physical exercises (jumping, walking, running and catching, etc.) with close assistance.
• Hold, catch, send and mould concrete objects with close assistance.
TOPIC AREA: Motor skills development SUB TOPIC AREA: Fine motor development
Unit 1: Manipulation of simple
Grade 1 Number of periods:
concrete objects
Key Unit Competence: Be able to hold, catch, send and mould concrete objects with close assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Attitudes and Content Learning activities
understanding values
–– Handle different –– Develop ability to –– Improved Exercises different activities: For every exercise:
materials/tools manipulate different autonomy on –– Holding a ball, spoon, pen, etc. –– The teacher/
used in everyday concrete objects. manipulating caregiver
–– Catching a ball, etc.
life. different demonstrates to
concrete –– Throwing/ tossing concrete objects: balls, marbles, sticks, etc
learners how to do
objects. –– Moulding clay, play dough, the activity several
–– Make free drawings using a pencil with large diameter; times.
–– Hold a book and turn pages; –– Learners are
–– Thread beads, picking objects such as toys and other objects/ individually assisted
materials. to do the activities.
Links to other learning areas: ADL , Pre Numeracy
Assessment criteria: Ability to manipulate different concrete objects with close assistance
Materials: Spoon, ball, writing materials, clay, modelling dough etc.

TOPIC AREA: Gross motor skills
SUB TOPIC AREA: Body posture
Grade 1 Unit 2: Basic body posture Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Be able to do exercises related to basic body postures with close assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Attitudes and
Skills Content Learning activities
understanding values
–– Do exercises related –– Shift from one –– Develop a sense of Activities related to body –– Learners are assisted to carry out
to different postures. body position autonomy posture: exercises related to each body position
to another. –– Improve physical –– Sitting on chairs, on mats using different materials where
fitness. applicable.
–– Standing up
–– Learners are assisted to carry out
–– Lifting
various exercises aiming at improving
–– Lying down on a bed, on a their ability to shift from one posture
mat to another taking into consideration
individual challenges.
Links to other learning areas: ADL when dressing and undressing.
Assessment criteria: Ability to carry out basic body postures with close assistance.
Materials: Mats, chairs, beds,

TOPIC AREA: Gross motor skills
SUB TOPIC AREA:Body Movements
Number of
Grade 1 Unit 3: Imitation of basic movements
Key Unit Competence: Imitate basic movement with close assistance.
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Learning
Skills Attitudes and values Content
understanding activities
–– Develop ability to –– Carry out basic mobility –– Develop a sense of –– Keeping a rhythm by clapping, stamping For every
walk, jump, run and and coordination autonomy when walking, feet, etc. exercise:
catch. exercises. jumping. running, etc –– Dancing according to a rhythm
–– Improve physical fitness. produced through clapping and
–– Throwing and catching a ball
–– Walking with close assistance( using
adapted advices)
Links to other learning areas: Pre numeracy when sorting and matching objects.
Assessment criteria: Ability to carry out exercises aiming at developing mobility and coordination skills.
Materials: drum, safe playground, ball, walkers, crutches, music instruments.

TOPIC AREA: Sports and culture SUB-TOPIC AREA : Games
Grade 1 Unit 4: Traditional and modern games Number of periods:
Key unit competence: Participate in traditional and modern games with close assistance
Learning objectives
Suggested learning
Knowledge and Attitudes and Content
Skills Activities
understanding values
–– Name and play –– Develop muscles and –– Develop fair Traditional games: –– Helped by teacher,
traditional and body balance by playing play spirit –– Hide and seek, baby handkerchief learners form groups
modern games. traditional and modern games(Agatambarok’umwana), running with a or teams and play
games. stick(agakoni), flag game, causes and effect/future different traditional
wheels, skipping rope, etc. and modern games
–– Modern games:Football, basketball, volley ball, etc.
Link to other learning area: Health and body awareness and Numeracy
Assessment criteria: Ability to play different games with close assistance
Materials: Balls for different games, sticks, handkerchiefs, skipping ropes, etc.

Competences to be achieved at the end of grade one
Learner will be able to:
• Assemble toys and building blocks following designed shapes with close assistance
• Recognise directions and position of object with close assistance
• Count from 1 to 5 with close assistance
• Sort and group objects according to a given criteria with close assistance
• Compare at least two objects according to their weight, size and length with close assistance
• Recognise daily school routines by responding to signals with close assistance
• Recognise money coins used in Rwanda with close assistance
• Identify patterns with close assistance

TOPIC AREA: Pre-numbers SUB TOPIC AREA: Sorting and Matching
Grade 1 Unit 1: Sorting and matching concrete objects Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Be able to sort and match concrete objects with close assistance
Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding Skills Attitudes & values Content Learning activities

–– Recognize that objects have –– To identify items /objects –– Acquire orderliness –– Colours: red, –– Learners observe as the teacher/
different colours, shapes, and with a given colour and by putting together green, yellow, caregiver shows different objects of the
size match similar objects similar objects. blue, black same colour: example: “this is a white
shapes with assistance –– Grouping cup; this is a green bucket, a black shirt,
–– Sort and group similar objects a yellow ball, these are red tomatoes,
objects based on a given according to blue pens, etc.
colour, shape with their colours –– Learners carry out exercises that help
assistance. and shapes: them to identify red objects among
rectangles/ others.
square, circle. –– Learners sort out and make group of red
–– Game: Matching gap and related shapes
with assistance
–– Make group of similar objects according
to their shape and colour with close
Links to other learning areas: PE: Fine motor skills development.
Assessment criteria: Ability to group objects according to a given colour or shape.
Materials: Concrete materials: clothes, plates, toys, school materials, etc.

SUB-TOPIC AREA : Directions
TOPIC AREA: Pre-numbers
And Positions
Grade 1 Unit 2: Position and directions Number of periods:
Key unit competency: Recognise directions and position of object with close assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Attitudes and Content Learning Activities
understanding values
–– Identify the location –– Indicate positions of –– Put objects in Positions and –– With close assistance, learners locate where he/she is,
of the object. objects right places directions: what is in front or behind him/her.
–– Use correct according to given –– Front and back, –– With close assistance, learners put objects following
prepositions to instructions. instructions. E.g. put a book on a table, etc
–– Top and bottom,
describe positions of –– Follow –– With close assistance, learners do physical exercise:
–– Up and down
objects instructions arms up/down, jumping forward and backward, turn
related to –– Above and below
right and left
directions and –– On/over and under
–– Hide and seek game
positions. –– Left and right
–– Line-up according to the teacher’s instructions
–– Inside and out side related to positions and directions (front, behind
- Between between, inside, outside).
Link to other subjects: PE, Health and body awareness
Assessment criteria: Ability to show directions and positions of objects with close assistance
Materials: Tables, chairs, bottles, toys, etc.

TOPIC AREA: Pre-numbers SUB-TOPIC AREA : Shapes
Grade 1 Unit 3: Shapes Number of periods:
Key unit competency: Assemble toys and building blocks following designed shapes with close assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Content Learning Activities
Skills Attitudes and values
–– Distinguish between –– Manipulate different –– Follow instructions Handle/touch toys –– Assisted by teachers
different toys and shapes toys –– Share toys with peers –– Assemble toys/building blocks in learners are asked to:
–– Make desired shapes –– Collaborate with peers the different shapes: –– Pick and handle a certain
using toys –– Circle , Square, toy
–– Rectangle, Triangle –– Join the toys to make a
desired shape and then
–– Painting the shapes: use different
make a given shape.
–– Mould the shapes from clay
–– Cut desired shapes in papers,
leaves, etc
Link to other subjects: PE
Assessment criteria: Ability to assemble toys and building blocks following designed shapes with close assistance
Materials: Papers, boxes, wooden cut outs, pair of scissors, moulding clay, colours, different paints, banana leaves, etc

Grade 1 Unit 4: Counting Number of periods:
Key unit competency: Count from 1 to 5 with close assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Skills Attitudes and values Content Learning Activities
–– Count numbers staring –– Count concrete/real –– Use counting in her/his –– Counting numbers from –– Assisted by the teacher count 1-5
from 1 to 5 objects daily life 1-5 using different concrete object.
Link to other subjects: ADL
Assessment criteria: Ability to count from 1-5 with close assistance
Materials: Toys, bottle tops, different objects, etc


Grade 1 Unit 5: Identifying patterns Number of periods:
Key unit competency: Identify patterns with close assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Content Learning Activities
Skills Attitudes and values
–– Explain how things are –– Repeat given patterns –– Orderly Different patterns: –– With close help, learners
arranged –– Arrange objects imitating a –– Respect the given pattern –– Arranging observe how objects are
given pattern orders, arrangement and according to a arranged and imitate the order.
nature certain pattern –– This can be according to
colour, shape, size or number
of objects
Link to other subjects: ADL, PE
Assessment criteria: Identify patterns with close assistance
Materials: Different objects(bottles/tops, crayons/pencils, water colours, papers)

TOPIC AREA: Measurement SUB-TOPIC AREA : Weight,lenght,size & capacity
Grade 1 Unit 6: Comparing Number of Periods
Key unit competency: Compare at least two objects according to their weight, size and length with close assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Content Learning Activities
Skills Attitudes and values
–– Use appropriate –– Recognise that –– Appreciate Comparing concrete/observable objects With close assistance:
words for objects differ in size, diversity according to: –– Learners lift two objects of different
comparison. weight and length. –– Be neat/ –– Weight: light and heavy weight and finds out which one is
–– Arranging objects orderly at –– Length: short and tall heavy and which on is light
according to weight, school and –– Learners order at least two objects
–– Size : small and big
size and length. home according to their length from short
–– Capacity: fewer and more.
–– Follow to tall, light and heavy, small and big,
instructions –– Put in order objects according to their few and many, ...
size, length and weight
–– Whole class line-up according to
their height (short-tall)
–– In a group of same objects learners
arrange them according to their
–– Learners put in order objects
according to size, length, weight and

Note: objects should be the same type but

with different length, size.
Link to other subjects: ADL, PE
Assessment criteria: Arrange and compare objects of different length, size, weight with close assistance
Materials: Water, stones, blocks, ropes, bottles of different capacities, different containers, etc

Grade 1 Unit 7: Child’s daily activities Number of periods:
Key unit competency: Recognise daily school routines by responding to signals with close assistance
Learning objectives
Content Learning Activities
Knowledge and understanding Skills Attitudes and values
–– Mention daily –– Respond to signals –– Respect time –– Daily activities at home/in dormitory : –– With close assistance, learners
activities by participating and school’s –– Waking-up, Praying , Washing/ bathing tell their daily activities through
–– Name the activity in schools/class program/ a song or a poem
–– Putting on clothes/uniforms
on the timetable activity at a given timetable –– With close assistance, learners
time. –– Taking breakfast & Brushing
–– Tell time of the match class routines/ activities
–– Match an –– Going to school/class with corresponding signal
illustration with –– Daily school /class routines at different times through games.
–– Tell days of the
activity done of the day with corresponding signals e.g. Bell –– With close assistance, in groups
ringing, whistle, pictures, symbols etc). learners observe illustrations/
–– Daily school /class routines at different times of pictures showing time of the
the day:School time table (beginning lessons, day and say what they do at that
break time, lunch, time to go home) time (match an illustration with
–– Time of the day: morning, noon, evening and an activity)
night –– Match days of the week and
–– Weekly activities: week days and weekends with an activity done at school and
corresponding activities done home e.g going to school, to
market, church/mosque/etc
–– Days of the week
with close help
Link to other subjects:
Assessment criteria: Recognize important daily school routines and show respect of time with close assistance
Materials: Calendar, school time table, cards of different colours, bottles, paints, different illustrations

TOPIC AREA: Measurement SUB-TOPIC AREA : Money
Grade 1 Unit 8: Recognising money Number of periods:
Key unit competency: Recognise money coins used in Rwanda with close assistance
Learning objectives
Content Learning Activities
Knowledge and understanding Skills Attitudes and values
–– Recognise /identify different –– Distinguish money –– Recognise that money Coins from 5-100: –– With close assistance, In small
money coins used in Rwanda coins from other is important –– Coin of 5Frw groups learners sort money coins
items/objects. –– Use money from other objects like bottle tops,
–– Coin of 10 Frw
appropriately stones, papers, etc
–– Coin of 20 Frw
–– Keep money carefully.
–– Coin of 50 Frw
–– Coin of 100 Frw
Link to other subjects: ADL, PE
Assessment criteria: Ability to identify and distinguish coins from other objects
Materials: all coins, and other concrete objects

Ubushobozi bw’ingenzi bugamijwe nyuma yo kurangiza ikiciro cya mbere
Umunyeshuri araba ashobora:
• Gutandukanya amajwi y’abantu, akomoka ku bintu n’amajwi y’inyamaswa afashijwe n’umurezi
• Kugaragaza ko ateze amatwi aguma hamwe mu gihe asomerwa inkuru
• Gufata igitabo mu buryo buboneye no gusoma amashusho afashijwe n’umurezi.
• Gufata ikaramu mu buryo bwabigenewe agaca imirongo inyuranye afashijwe n’umurezi.
IMBUMBANYIGISHO: Guteza imbere kumva no kuvuga INYIGISHO : Gutega amatwi no kuvuga
Ubumuga bukomeye: Ikiciro 1 UMUTWE 1: Gutandukanya amajwi Igihe:
Ubushobozi bw’ingenzi bugamijwe: Gutandukanya amajwi y’abantu, y’ibintu n’ay’inyamaswa afashijwe n’umurezi
Icyigwa Ibikorwa by’abanyeshuri
Ubumenyi Ubumenyi ngiro ubukesha
–– Gutandukanya –– Gutahura amajwi –– Gutega amatwi yitonze –– Gutandukanya amajwi y’ibintu: –– Bafashijwe n’abarezi, abana
amajwi y’abantu, atandukanye –– Kwishimira amajwi –– Ibikoresho bya muzika bafashwa gutega amatwi ibintu
ay’ibintu harimo ay’ abantu, y’ibikoresho bitandukanye babireba cg
–– inzogera, ifirimbi, imodoka,
n’ay’inyamaswa ibintu ndetse bitandukanye batabireba
n’inyamaswa –– Amajwi/imvugo z’inyamaswa,
–– urusaku rwa telefoni, rw’
imodoka, indege, moto n’ibindi
Ihuriro n’ibindi byigwa: Muzika, icyongereza, imyitozo ngororamubiri
Ingingo ngenderwaho mu isuzuma: ubushobozi bwo gutahura amajwi atandukanye ari ay’abantu, ibintu ndetse n’ inyamaswa afashijwe n’umurezi.
Imfashanyigisho: ibinyuguri, gitari, piyano, iningiri, ingoma, ifirimbi, inzogera, telefoni, amashushomvugo y’inyamaswa zimenyerewe mu bidukikije n’ amajwi
y’inyamaswa zo mu rugo.

IMBUMBANYIGISHO: Kwandika no gusoma INYIGISHO : Gusoma
Ubumuga bukomeye: Ikiciro 1 UMUTWE 2: Kwimenyereza ibitabo no gusoma amashusho Igihe:
Ubushobozi bw’ingenzi bugamijwe: Gufata igitabo mu buryo buboneye no gusoma amashusho ahawe ubufasha n’umurezi
icyigwa Ibikorwa by’abanyeshuri
Ubumenyi Ubumenyi ngiro ubukesha
–– Kurambura igitabo ahereye –– Gufata igitabo atagicuritse –– Gufata neza ibitabo –– Ibigize igitabo: –– Abana mu matsinda:
imbere ajya inyuma –– Gufata igitabo uko bikwiye (atabica) –– igifuniko, impapuro –– Bitoza gufata ibitabo neza
–– Kukirambura neza atagiciye –– Kurambura neza impapuro –– Gukurikiza amabwiriza , umugongo, batabicuritse, batabica/
ahawe –– inyandiko n’ badahinahina impapuro
no kubikoresha
–– amashusho,
Ihuriro n’ibindi byigwa: Gushushanya, imyitozo ngororamubiri
Ingingo ngenderwaho mu isuzuma: Ubushobozi bwo gufata igitabo atagicuritse, akakirambura neza atagica atanasimbuka impapuro
Imfashanyigisho: ibitabo byinshi bitandukanye

Competence to be achieved at the end of Grade 1
Learner will be able to:
• Recognize common ICT materials and technology tools used at home with close assistance
TOPIC AREA: ICT & Technology tools SUB-TOPIC AREA : Familiar/common ICT tools
SEVERE: Grade 1 Unit 1: ICT/ technology tools used at home Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Recognize ICT and other technology tools used at home with close assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and under- Content Learning Activities
Skills Attitudes and values
–– Identify different –– Recognize different –– Ability to recognize –– ICT, electronic –– Assisted by the teacher learners identify
electronic devices used at electronic tools/ electronic tools/object devices used at different electronic devices used at
home. object used at used at home. home: home.
–– Identify different devices home. –– Ability to recognize –– Assisted by the teacher learners identify
emitting light used at –– Recognize different different devices emitting different object/tools emitting light used
home devices emitting light used at home TV, Computer, Cell at home
light used at home phone, Other devices : –– ICT, electronic devices used at home:
–– Radio
Light: torch, candles,
lamps, bulbs –– TV, Computer, Cell phone, Other tools
–– Water taps, water
tanks –– Light: torch, candles, lamps, bulbs
–– Water taps, water tanks
Link to other subjects: ADL, Social Economic Activities
Assessment criteria: identify different electronic devices used at home, identify different devices emitting light used at home with close assistance
Materials: Candles, touch, spirit lamps, water taps, radio, cell phone, TV, computer, etc

3.3. GRADE 2

Competences to be achieved at the end grade two
Learner will be able to:
• Use toilet with assistance
• Feed him/her self and show table manners with assistance
• Dress/undress him/her self with assistance
• Maintain his/her body hygiene with assistance
• Launder/wash own simple clothes with assistance
• Carryout domestic activities with assistance
TOPIC AREA: Autonomy SUB-TOPIC AREA : Self help skills
Grade 2 Unit 1: Use toilet with assistance Number of periods
Key Unit Competence: Use toilet with assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Attitudes and Content Learning Activities
understanding values
–– Show the location –– Use the toilet –– Express her/ –– Location of toilet –– Learners walk to toilet ( helped by the teacher/care giver) and
of toilets with assistance his needs –– Using toilet are shown how the toilet is used
–– Identify materials –– Wash hands –– Keep sanitary –– Using toilet paper –– They are shown the toilet paper as well and use toilet with
needed in toilet with assistance clean assistance.
–– Washing hands after
using toilet –– Learners practice washing hands using clean water and soap
with assistance
Link to other subjects: Health and body awareness
Assessment criteria: Ability to express his/her needs using the most appropriate means and ability to use the toilet with assistance
Materials: Toilet, toilet papers, water, soap, basins/buckets, etc.

TOPIC AREA: Autonomy SUB-TOPIC AREA : Self help skills
Grade 2 Unit 2:Table manners Number of periods
Key unit competency: Feed him/her self and show table manners with assistance
Learning objectives

Knowledge and Attitudes and Content Learning Activities

understanding values

–– Show where the –– Use the dining tools –– Show table –– Location of the dining room, eating –– In small groups learners sort
dining room is –– Choose the food to manners items such as: spoon, fork, knife, plate, dinning tools from others
located eat and utensils to –– with assistance cup, jug, etc. –– Each learner practices using
–– Identify items / use –– Expression of feelings: enjoyed meal, table tools
tools used at the –– Eating and satisfied, hungry , need more food, –– Given materials learners wash
dining room. –– Good behaviour while eating: their hands before and after
–– Sharing meal
–– washing hands before and after eating. eating.
–– with assistance.

Link to other subjects: Physical Education

Assessment criteria: Ability to use the dining tools and ability to choose the food to eat and tools to use with assistance.
Materials: all the utensils, water, soap, basin, bucket, dining table

TOPIC AREA: Autonomy SUB-TOPIC AREA : Self help skills
Grade 2 Unit 3: Dressing Number of periods:

Key unit competency: Dress/undress him/herself with assistance

Learning objectives
Knowledge and Content Learning Activities
Skills Attitudes and values
–– Distinguish his/her own –– Wear clothes –– Self confidence –– Different clothes: –– Under teacher’s guidance learners
clothes from others. according to –– Look decent in public –– Shirts, skirts practice dressing and undressing,
–– Name different types of time (e.g: sport button up and zipping up.
–– Shorts/trousers
clothes/garments with activities….)
and activity –– Underwear, socks,
with assistance uniform
–– night dresses…
–– Dress and undress;
–– button up and zip up.
Link to other subjects: Physical education
Assessment criteria: Ability to dress, undress his/her own with assistance
Materials: Different types of clothes, pictures, etc.

TOPIC AREA: Self grooming SUB-TOPIC AREA : Personal hygiene
Grade 2 Unit 4: Body hygiene Number of periods
Key unit competency: Maintain his/her body hygiene with assistance
Learning objectives
Content Learning Activities
Knowledge and understanding Skills Attitudes and values
–– Name body –– Brush his/her teeth –– Show –– Body parts :Head, neck, eyes, ears, –– Learners are continuously
parts –– Wash some of his/her body –– cleanliness nose, mouth, limbs : arms and assisted/guided and
–– Identify parts with less assistance legs, Reproductive parts practice their entire body
hygiene –– Locate bathrooms according to hygiene until they can do it
–– Comb her/his hair with
materials gender themselves.
–– Hygiene of some body parts
and materials used: body/skin
bathing: (soap, towel, water, basin
or bucket)
–– Brushing teeth: tooth paste,
tooth brush and water with less
–– Hair combing: combs
Link to other subjects: Health and body awareness
Assessment criteria: Ability to brush their teeth, wash some of their body parts with assistance
Materials: Tooth brushes, tooth paste, water, soap, towels, basins, hair combs, nails cutter, cotton buds, etc.

TOPIC AREA: Self grooming SUB-TOPIC AREA : Personal Hygiene
Grade 2 Unit 5: Washing clothes Number of periods
Key unit competency: Wash simple clothes with assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Content Learning Activities
Skills Attitudes and values
–– Recognize clean and –– Sort dirty clothes according to colours –– Show –– Materials for laundry : –– In small groups each child/
dirty clothes –– Choose appropriate materials for laundry –– Cleanliness, –– Soap, water, buckets/ basins learner points/shows the
–– Identify materials with less assistance Respect and materials they use at home.
–– Washing/laundry process
necessary for laundry –– Put dirty clothes in water for washing –– Discipline :Sorting out & Soaking –– Learners will sort and soak
clothes with assistance
Link to other subjects : Physical Education
Assessment criteria: Ability to sort and soak dirty clothes according to colours with assistance
Materials: Washing soap, water, bucket/basin, dirty simple clothes for washing, etc.

TOPIC AREA: Self grooming SUB-TOPIC AREA : Domestic activities

Grade 2 Unit 6: Daily activities Number of periods
Key unit competency: Carryout domestic activities with less assistance
Learning objectives
Content Learning Activities
Knowledge and understanding Skills Attitudes and values
–– Identify daily home activities –– Use some of –– Show Cleanliness and –– Cleaning: a table, dining area –– In groups learners practice
with less assistance the tools used in –– willingness –– Sweeping domestic/house work with
domestic activities assistance
–– Mopping,
with less assistance
–– Watering flowers,
–– Collect up litter
–– Dispose off rubbish
Link to other subjects: Social Economic Activities
Assessment criteria: Ability to clean, water flowers and sweep/mop and dispose off rubbish with assistance.
Materials: Brooms, mopes, water, soap, basins and buckets, dust bins, etc

Competences to be achieved by the end of grade two
Learner will be able to:
• Draw and paint different pictures with assistance
• Make simple objects with less Assistance
• Imitate people moulding with guidance
• Identify tools used in decoration with less assistance
• Imitate needle work activities with assistance
• Use some gardening tools with assistance
• Take care of some domestic animals with assistance
• Recognize different types of Rwandan currency with assistance
TOPIC AREA: Arts and crafts SUB TOPIC AREA: Draw and painting
Grade 2 Unit 1: Drawing and painting different pictures Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Draw and paint different pictures with assistance
Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding Skills Attitudes and values Content Learning activities

–– Name materials/ tools for –– Recognize materials/ tools to be –– Demonstrate team –– Drawing and paint tools : –– Helped by teacher,
drawing, painting used while drawing and painting, work spirit Pencils, learners draw and paint
–– Draw a given object/picture different pictures
–– Paint pictures with assistance –– Paint of different colours.
–– Drawing and painting pictures
Links to other learning areas: Physical Education and Science and technology, ADL
Assessment criteria: Ability to draw and paint different pictures with assistance
Materials: Pencils, markers, paint and colours

TOPIC AREA: Arts and crafts SUB TOPIC AREA: Making objects
Grade 2 Unit 2: Making objects Number of periods
Key Unit Competence: Make objects with less assistance
Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding Skills Attitudes and values Content Learning activities

–– identify different materials –– Show different materials to –– Respect instructions –– Cutting and –– Teacher will expose materials and
used to make simple objects make objects while making different pasting objects encourage learners to make objects
–– Make different objects simple objects –– Making objects
Links to other learning areas: Pre-numeracy, ADL, Physical Education
Assessment criteria: Ability to recognize the materials used to make simple objects with assistance
Materials: Scissors, papers, paper glue, leave bananas, scotch, etc

TOPIC AREA: Arts and crafts SUB TOPIC AREA: Moulding

Grade 2: Unit 3: Moulding with imitation Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Able to practice moulding with guidance.
Learning objectives
Knowledge and understanding Skills Attitudes and values Content Learning activities
–– Identify moulding tools to make –– Handle moulding tools –– Show carefulness while –– Names of tools used in –– With teacher guidance,
objects –– Practice moulding moulding. moulding : clay, plaster and learners practice moulding
–– Imitate people doing moulding –– to make different others of different simple objects
simple objects with –– Manipulate the tools
assistance –– Imitate people moulding
–– Practice moulding.
Links to other learning areas: Physical education, ADL
Assessment criteria: Ability to make simple objects by moulding with guidance
Materials: clay, plaster and others

Grade 2: Unit 4: Decorating Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Identify tools used in decoration with less assistance
Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding Skills Attitudes and values Content Learning activities

–– Name and identify materials –– Show materials for –– Self-confidence in –– Decorating materials: –– Assisted by teacher, learners
for decoration. decoration. selecting and showing flowers, clothes, papers, practice
–– Select colours for materials for decoration markers, colours, –– Decoration of different events
decoration from others. flower pots, etc. using different materials.
Links to other learning areas: Pre numeracy, Physical education, ADL
Assessment criteria: Ability to make simple decoration with less assistance.
Materials: flowers, clothes, colours, flower pots, markers, papers, etc.

Unit 5 : Able to practice needle work with
Grade 2: Number of periods
imitation with assistance
Key Unit Competence: Making needle work with imitation
Learning objectives
Knowledge and understanding Skills Attitudes and values Content Learning activities
–– Identify needle work tools to –– Handle needle work –– Show carefulness –– Names of tools used in needle work –– With teacher guidance,
make objects tools –– while doing needle such as needles, wools, threads, etc. learners practice needle
–– Imitate people doing needle –– Practice needle work work. –– Manipulate the tools work with imitation
work –– Imitate people doing needle work
–– Practice needle work
Links to other learning areas: Pre numeracy, Physical education, ADL
Assessment criteria: Ability to imitate people doing needle work with assistance.
Materials: needles, wools, threads, etc.

Grade 2 Unit 6: Gardening tools Number of periods
Key Unit Competence: Use farming tools with assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and
Skills Attitudes and values Content Learning activities
–– Name a range of –– Select proper tools –– Show the sense of taking care Tools used in gardening: –– With assistance of teacher learners select
farming/gardening for gardening/ of farming/ gardening tools hoe, machete, forked hoe, tools used in farming/gardening
tools used at home farming from others wheelbarrow, watering can, –– Learners sort the gardening tools from
–– Identify farming tools –– Use gardening tools spade, spraying pump etc. other tools in a store (with assistance)
–– Learners use gardening tools with
Links to other learning areas: ADL, Physical education, pre numeracy
Assessment criteria: Ability to use tools used in farming/gardening with assistance
Materials: hoe, machete, forked hoe, wheelbarrow, watering can, spade, spraying pump etc.


Grade 2 Unit 7: Domestic animals Number of periods
Key Unit Competence: Take care of domestic animals with less assistance
Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding Skills Attitudes and values Content Learning activities

–– Identify domestic animals –– Select which animal to –– Show the sense of taking –– Domestic animals like cows, With assistance of teacher learners
–– Name domestic animals take care of care animals goats, sheep, chicken, etc select animal to take care of

Learners take care of domestic

animals(with assistance)
Links to other learning areas: ADL, Physical education, pre numeracy
Assessment criteria: Ability to take care of domestic animals with assistance
Materials: domestic animals, food for animals, grass, etc

TOPIC AREA: Entrepreneurship SUB TOPIC AREA: Handling money
Grade 2 Unit 8: Rwandan currency Number of periods
Key Unit Competence: Recognise different types of currency with assistance
Learning objectives
Attitudes and
Knowledge and understanding Skills Content Learning activities
–– Recognise different types of –– Show different types of Rwandan –– Show carefulness –– Rwandan –– With assistance of teacher
Rwandan currency currency in handling currency such as learners identify notes and
–– Distinguish notes from ordinary paper money notes and coins coins
Links to other learning areas: ADL
Assessment criteria: Ability to recognise Rwandan currency with assistance
Materials: notes and coins

Competences to be achieved at the end of grade two
Learner will be able to:
• Recognize and name human body parts with assistance
• Maintain proper hygiene of human body parts with assistance
• Recognise own reproductive parts with assistance
TOPIC AREA: Human body SUB-TOPIC AREA : Parts of the body
Grade 2 Unit 1: Human body parts Number of periods:
Key unit competency: Recognize and name human body parts with assistance
Learning objectives
Content Learning Activities
Knowledge and understanding Skills Attitudes and values
–– Name, touch, point at some –– Differentiate human –– Carefulness –– Different parts of the –– In groups learners observe
of his\her body parts with less body parts –– Appreciate body: head, eyes, ears, illustrations/charts showing
guidance mouth, nose.... body parts
the importance of human –– Helped by the teacher learners
body parts Chest , breasts (girls), The
show different parts of their
limbs: arms and legs
–– Cleanliness body
Link to other subjects: Activity for Daily Living (body hygiene)
Assessment criteria: ability to name body parts, practice hygiene and care of the body parts with assistance
Materials: Wall charts showing body parts, health foods, etc.

TOPIC AREA: Human body SUB-TOPIC AREA : Personal hygiene
Grade 2 Unit 2: Hygiene of the human body parts Number of periods:
Key unit competency: Maintain proper hygiene of human body parts with assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Content Learning Activities
Skills Attitudes and values
–– Name ways of –– Maintain hygiene of human –– Always –– •Health of body –– In groups learners observe
cleaning human body, private parts .e.g. nose, Demonstrate body parts: illustrations/charts showing body
body parts mouth, face and limbs hygiene –– Avoiding parts cleanliness
–– Use handkerchief with guidance accidents: hurt, –– Helped by the teacher learners name
–– Avoid accidents: hurt, breaking, breaking, burns, all things around the school and at
burns, –– Avoiding disease: home ( activities and tools) that can
hygiene, health harm their bodies
–– Avoid disease: hygiene, health
eating, .... eating, etc. –– Helped by the teacher, learners
identify different ways in cleaning
body parts
Link to other subjects: Activity for daily living (hygiene)
Assessment criteria: ability to maintain hygiene and care of the body parts with assistance
Materials: wall charts showing human body parts and ways of cleaning, chart of different body accidents, etc

TOPIC AREA: Human body SUB-TOPIC AREA : Reproduction
Grade 2 Unit 3: Body changes Number of periods:
Key unit competency: Recognise own reproductive parts with less assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Content Learning Activities
Skills Attitudes and values
–– Identify a male –– Identify his/her gender –– Respect of each other –– Gender :Male, Female –– Learners observe
and a female –– Maintain body hygiene irrespective of gender –– Reproductive parts: illustrations of boys and
–– Name body parts especially reproductive –– Cleanness and orderly girls and tell difference.
–– Health and hygiene
–– Show girls’ and parts –– Self confidence –– Girls with the appropriate
–– Gender based violence:
boys’ toilets and –– For girls: Use age: practice how
–– Avoid or report violence –– Avoid tendency
dormitories sanitary pads during sanitary pads are used
menstruation period –– Report in case of changes in boys and –– Practice washing under
girls body: wears
–– Appropriate behaviour
Link to other subjects: ADL (Hygiene)
Assessment criteria: Ability to identify gender and manage body changes with less assistance
Materials: Male and female illustrations, hygienic materials, etc.

Competences to be achieved at the end of grade two
Learner will be able to:
• Interact with known family members/ guardians
• Introduce her /himself and show family members with less assistance.
• Participate in group activities
• Recognise and avoid dangerous places and objects, animals, plants and harmful people at home, school and the community with
• Greet and respond to simple greetings and farewells appropriately according to different times of the day with less guidance
• Use non-verbal communication ways such as objects, images, symbols, pictures, signs, signals and gestures with assistance
• Sing and dance traditional, gospel and modern with assistance.
TOPIC AREA: Social skills
Grade 2 Unit 1: Family members, guardians and care takers Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Recognise and name family members/ guardians with assistance.
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Attitudes and
Skills Content Learning activities
understanding values
–– Name family –– Recognize family members while present or on –– Demonstrate –– Family members: –– Learners show and name family members while
members/ photographs: father, mother, sister, brother with attachment –– Parents/ present or with photographs with assistance
–– caregivers assistance to family guardian: father, –– Learners are encouraged to greet family
with –– Greet family members with assistance members mother members/guardians and care takers and
assistance –– Initiate communication with family members –– Respect family –– Siblings: sister, demonstrate attachment and respect to them
–– to solve everyday life problems with assistance members. brother, with assistance
Links to other learning areas: Literacy
Assessment criteria: Name and interact with family members (Mother, father, siblings ), guardians and care takers with assistance.
Materials: photographs of family members. Chart of family members

SUB-TOPIC AREA: Oneself, family and surrounding
Grade 2 Unit 2: My class Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Introduce her /himself and recognise his/her class, classmates, teachers and caregivers with assistance.
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Content Learning activities
Skills Attitudes and values
–– Introduce him/ –– Identify him or herself –– Develop self esteem, –– Myself: Names –– From a mix up of photographs, learners
herself by name on a photograph confidence and –– My class: individually show their own photos and tell their
–– Name the –– Identify own classroom interaction names,
–– location of my
classmates with –– Recognize and name classroom –– Individually or in groups and in different
less assistance classmates and teacher situations, learners are given opportunities
–– Classmates
and encouraged to recognize/show/name their
–– Teachers /Caregivers classroom, classmates, teachers and caregivers.
Links to other learning areas: Literacy
Assessment criteria: Ability to recognize him or herself her, his/her class, classmates, teachers, caregivers with assistance.
Materials: Real classrooms and classroom objects, learner’s photographs on a wall chart

TOPIC AREA: Social skills development SUB-TOPIC AREA: Classroom environment

Grade 2 Unit 3: Interaction with educators and peers Number of periods:

Key Unit Competence: Learners will be able to interact, cooperate/ socialize with other children through plays and games with assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Content Learning activities
Skills Attitudes and values
–– Show/distinguish –– Play with others in small groups –– Demonstrate –– Interaction with family –– Teachers provide learners with
peers and educators –– Share materials as needed in positive members, educators opportunities to:
everyday life situations. interaction and peers. –– work in small groups
with peers and
–– Express his/her needs to play with –– Share materials.
family members, educators and –– Take turns
–– Learners are encouraged /engaged
in different games with peers.
Links to other learning areas: Language and Physical education
Assessment criteria: Ability to freely interact, cooperate/ socialize with other children through plays and organized games with less assistance
Materials: Materials needed in different games and plays

TOPIC AREA: Social skills SUB TOPIC AREA: Safety

Grade 2 Unit 4: Dangerous places/situations, people, objects, plants Number of periods:

Key Unit Competence: Recognise and avoid dangerous places and objects, animals, plants and harmful people at home, school and the community with
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Content Learning activities
Skills Attitudes and values
–– Name dangerous –– Identify harmful people –– Take care by –– Dangerous people –– The dangerous places, objects,
objects, plants and –– Identify dangerous –– avoiding risky places, –– Dangerous animals and insects animals or plants are shown using
harmful people animals and insects situations, dangerous signs such as a red cross in X
–– Dangerous places: fire in the
people, animals, objects form.
–– Identify dangerous kitchen, toilet, road, holes
places at home, school and plants electrical installations and –– Learners observe dangerous
and community devices places, objects or plants, etc.
–– Identify dangerous –– Dangerous objects: sharp knives, –– The teacher takes security
objects at home, school irritable chemicals, medicines, measures to protect learners and
and community nails, needles, pins, multi-socket, reminds them as much as needed
bottle tops, etc. depending on situations.
–– Identify dangerous
plants at home, school –– Dangerous plants such as plants –– Given a set of objects, learners sort
and community with spines, milky plants, etc. out and group dangerous objects
Links to other learning areas: Science and Environment
Assessment criteria: Ability to identify dangerous places and objects at home, school and the community with assistance.
Materials: Real material related to dangerous items, chart of dangerous objects, pictures and photos of dangerous objects

TOPIC AREA: Social skills SUB-TOPIC AREA: Culture and religion
Grade 2 Unit 5: Response to simple greetings Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Greet and respond to simple greetings and farewells appropriately according to different times of the day with less guidance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Attitudes and Content Learning activities
understanding values
–– Distinguish expressions –– Use appropriate –– Demonstrate –– Good morning (Jane/Mum/ –– Learners observe and listen to the teacher as
used to greet and expressions affectionate teacher/visitor ) s/he says the greetings to individual children
respond to greetings at to greet and gestures and –– Good afternoon (Peter), and they will repeat.
different times of the respond to friendliness as –– In small groups the learners say “good
–– Good evening (James)
day. greetings and they greet and morning”, “good afternoon”;” good evening”
farewells bid farewells –– Goodbye
–– They say “goodbye” to each other as they wave
their hands
–– They can also respond to greetings through
songs” good morning, good morning, good
morning to you.............”.
–– Learners greet their peers
–– Puppet game: make the puppets talk to each
Links to other learning areas: Literacy
Assessment criteria: Ability to greet and respond to simple greetings and farewells according to different times of the day with assistance
Materials: Puppets, chart of people greeting each other, chart showing time of day

TOPIC AREA: Communication development SUB-TOPIC AREA: Total communication
Grade 2 Unit 6: Non-verbal communication Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: use non-verbal communication ways such as objects ,images, symbols, pictures, signs, signals and gestures with assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Attitudes and Content Learning activities
understanding values
–– Identify forms of non- –– Communicate with –– Interaction –– Non-verbal communication –– Learners observe real objects used in non-verbal
verbal communication peers, parents and –– Love/affection –– Objects, Images, Symbols, communication to express their needs or feelings
with assistance educators Signs, Signals, Gestures –– Learners are provided opportunities to use signs, symbols,
–– Friendship
–– Distinguish signs or –– Express his/ signals, gestures and images to communicate
any other form of non- her needs using –– Learners are initiated to play with peers
verbal communication non-verbal
with assistance communication
Links to other learning areas: Literacy
Assessment criteria: : Ability to use non-verbal communication with assistance
Materials: Real objects, charts, flash cards with different pictures, images and photos

TOPIC AREA: Music SUB-TOPIC AREA: Traditional, religious and modern songs
Grade 2 Unit 7: Traditional, gospel and modern music Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Sing and dance traditional, gospel and modern with assistance
Use musical instruments with assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Attitudes and Content Learning activities
understanding values
–– Name familiar –– Follow the rhythm of the –– Demonstrate –– Names of musical instruments: –– Learners observe musical
musical song enthusiasm, drums, guitar, pendo, pianos, etc instruments.
instruments –– Clap according to the joy, friendship –– Different songs and dances –– Learners are provided
available in their rhythm with guidance ,interaction and opportunities to use some
environment with peace values musical instruments
–– Use musical instruments
with assistance –– Learners are initiated to clap
–– Recognize and their hands according to the
–– Sing and dance different
name musical rhythm
instruments with
–– Express their feelings –– Learners are provided
opportunities to sing and dance
Links to other learning areas: Literacy
Assessment criteria: :Ability to sing, dance and play musical instruments with assistance
Materials: Musical instruments (piano, guitar, pendo, drums, etc), chart of musical instruments

Competences to be achieved at the end of grade two
Learners will be able to:
• Exercise different body postures with assistance.
• Imitate basic physical exercises (jumping, walking, running and catching, etc.) with assistance.
• Hold, catch, send and mould concrete objects with assistance.
TOPIC AREA: Motor skills development SUB-TOPIC AREA : Fine Motor Skills Development
Grade 2 Unit 1: Manipulation of simple concrete objects Number of periods:
Key unit competence: Manipulate concrete objects and perform simple activities with assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Attitudes and Content Suggested learning Activities
understanding values
–– Name and manipulate –– Recognize –– Show Self –– Manipulation of simple objects –– Helped by the teacher, learners play and
concrete objects concrete objects confidence in (pens, candle, stones, balls, interact with different concrete objects,
–– Handle /hold handling/dealing –– Handle door knobs, bottle tops, –– Helped by the teacher, learners participate
objects in hands, with objects, etc in activities to handle objects.
–– Develop eye-hand –– Show carefulness –– Activities that involve handling –– Helped by the teacher, learners participate
coordination in handling eye-hand coordination in activities involving eye-hand
objects coordination:
–– Helped by the teacher, learners practice
finger painting activities, making paper
dolls, colouring, poking straws into holes,
thread through a needle, etc.
Link to other subjects: ADL
Assessment criteria: Ability to hold/handle different objects, developed dexterity and eyes and hand coordination with assistance.
Materials: Straws, sponge, colours, buttons, papers, buckets, bottle tops, pens, candles.

TOPIC AREA: Gross motor skills development SUB TOPIC AREA: Body posture
Grade 2 Unit 2: Basic body posture Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Be able to do exercises related to basic body postures with assistance
Learning objectives

Knowledge and Attitudes and Content

Skills Learning activities
understanding values

–– Do exercises related to –– Shift from one body –– Develop a sense Activities related to body –– Learners are assisted to carry out exercises
different postures. position to another. of autonomy posture: related to each body position using
–– Improve physical –– Sitting on chairs, on mats different materials where applicable.
fitness. –– Standing up –– Learners are assisted to carry out various
exercises aiming at improving their ability
–– Lifting
to shift from one posture to another taking
–– Lying down on a bed, on into consideration individual challenges.
a mat
Links to other learning areas: ADL when dressing and undressing.
Assessment criteria: Ability to carry out basic body postures with close assistance.
Materials: Mats, chairs, beds,

TOPIC AREA: Motor skills development SUB-TOPIC AREA : Body movements
Grade 2 Unit 3: Imitation of basic movements Number of periods:
Key unit competence: Perform body movements and other activities through games with assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Content Suggested learning Activities
Skills Attitudes and values
–– Show knowledge –– Show different –– Maintaining body –– Body movement: sitting, –– Helped by teacher, each learner carry out
in playing games body movement. health through body standing, running, jumping different physical exercises (rotation of the
using different –– Develop muscles parts movements. , skipping, hoping twirl, neck, shoulders, backbone, jumping, turning
body parts. and body balance –– Respect instructions. climbing; etc around, etc
–– Other different physical –– The teacher gives instructions of each
exercises:Arms up/down, line exercise and learners respond.
rows, circles/semi circles, etc –– In groups learners exercise different body
Link to other subjects: ADL, Pre- numeracy, health and body awareness
Assessment criteria: Can show ability to perform different body movements and exercise with assistance.
Materials: Balls, sticks, skipping ropes, videos, dances, etc.

TOPIC AREA: Sports and culture SUB-TOPIC AREA : Games
Grade 2 Unit 4: Traditional and modern games Number of periods:
Key unit competence: Participate in traditional and modern games with assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Content Suggested learning Activities
Skills Attitudes and values
–– Name and play –– Perform different –– Develop fair play spirit, –– Traditional games: –– Helped by teacher, learners form
traditional and exercises. –– Develop self confidence –– Hide and seek, baby handkerchief groups or teams, and play different
modern games. –– Develop body in games games (Agatambarok’umwana), traditional and modern games
–– Show equipment balance and control. –– Develop mutual respect running with a stick(agakoni), flag –– In pairs and facilitated by their
used for a –– Use equipment game (drapeau), causes and effect/ teachers, learners name different
specific game. appropriately. future wheels, skipping rope, etc. equipment used in traditional and
–– Modern games: football, basketball, modern games at their schools.
volley ball, etc.
Link to other learning area: Health and body awareness and Numeracy
Assessment criteria: Ability to participate in different games with assistance, ability to endure and respect games rule and regulations
Materials: Balls for different games, sticks, handkerchiefs, skipping ropes, etc.

Competences to be achieved at the end of grade 2
Learner will be able to:
• Assemble toys and building blocks following designed shapes with assistance
• Recognize and show directions and positions of objects with assistance
• Count and read numbers from 1 to 5 with assistance
• Sort and group objects according to a given criteria with assistance.
• Compare at least two objects according to their weight, size, length and capacity with assistance
• Recognise daily school routines by responding to signals with assistance
• Differentiate money coins and note used in Rwanda with assistance
• Identify patterns with assistance

TOPIC AREA: Pre- numbers SUB TOPIC AREA: Sorting and Matching
Grade 2 Unit 1: Sorting and matching concrete objects Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Be able to sort and match concrete objects with assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Attitudes & Content Learning activities
understanding values
–– Recognize that objects –– To identify items –– Demonstrate –– Colours: red, –– Learners observe as the teacher/caregiver shows
have different colours, /objects with a orderliness by green, yellow, blue, different objects of the same colour: example for
shapes, size and texture given colour and putting together black the red colour: “this is a white cup; this is a green
match similar similar objects. –– Grouping objects bucket, a black shirt, a yellow ball, these are red
objects shapes according to their tomatoes, blue pens, etc.
–– Sort and group colours and shapes: –– Learners carry out exercises that help them to
similar objects rectangles/square, identify red objects among others.
based on a given circle. –– Learners sort out and make group of red objects.
colour, shape
–– Game: Matching gap and related shapes with
–– Their shape and colour with close assistance.
Links to other learning areas: PE: Fine motor skills development
Assessment criteria: Ability to group objects according to a given colour or shape
Materials: Concrete materials: clothes, plates, toys, school materials, etc.

TOPIC AREA: Pre-numbers SUB-TOPIC AREA : Directions and positions
Grade 2 Unit 2: Position and directions Number of periods:
Key unit competency: Recognize and show directions and positions of objects with assistance
Learning objectives
Content Learning Activities
Knowledge and understanding Skills Attitudes and values
–– Mention location of objects –– Indicate positions of –– Put objects in right Positions and –– With assistance, learners locate
objects places according to directions: where he/she is, what is in front
–– Use correct given instructions. –– Front and back, or behind him/her.
prepositions to –– Follow instructions –– Top and bottom, –– With assistance, learners put
describe positions of related to directions objects following instructions.
–– Up and down
objects and positions E.g. put a book on a table, etc,
–– Above and below learners do physical exercise:
–– On/over and under arms up/down, jumping forward
–– Left and right and backward, turn right and left
–– Inside and outside –– Hide and seek game
–– Between –– Line-up according to the teacher’s
instructions related to positions
and directions (front, behind
between, inside, outside).
Link to other subjects: PE, Health and body awareness
Assessment criteria: Recognize and show directions and positions of objects with assistance
Materials: Tables, chairs, bottles, toys, etc

TOPIC AREA: Pre-numbers SUB-TOPIC AREA : Shapes
Grade 2 Unit 3: Shapes Number of periods:
Key unit competency: Assemble toys and building blocks following designed shapes with assistance
Learning objectives
Content Learning Activities
Knowledge and understanding Skills Attitudes and values
–– Distinguish between different –– Manipulate –– Follow –– Handle/touch toys Assisted by teachers learners are asked
toys and shapes. different toys. instructions. –– Assemble toys/building blocks to:
–– Make desired –– Share toys with in the different shapes: Circle, –– Pick and handle a certain toy
shapes using peers. Square,Rectangle, and Triangle. –– Join the toys to make a desired shape
toys. –– Collaborate with –– Painting the shapes: use different colours and then make a given shape.
peers. –– Mould the shapes from clay –– Mould shapes they like from clay and
–– Cut desired shapes in papers, leaves, etc tell the class what he/she has done.
–– Cut shapes from papers, leaves, etc
Link to other subjects: PE
Assessment criteria: Ability to assemble toys and building blocks following designed shapes with assistance
Materials: Papers, boxes, wooden cut outs, pair of scissors, moulding clay, colours, different paints, banana leaves, etc


Grade 2 Unit 4: Counting Number of periods:
Key unit competency: Count and read numbers from 1 to 5 with assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Content Learning Activities
Skills Attitudes and values
–– Count numbers staring –– Count concrete/real –– Use counting in –– Counting numbers –– Assisted by the teacher count 1-5 using different
from 1 to 5 objects her/his daily life from 1-5 concrete object.
–– Read numbers from 1-5 –– Read the numbers –– Reading and counting –– Reads 1-5 from 1-5
numbers 1-5 –– Play a game of counting
Link to other subjects: ADL, PE
Assessment criteria: Ability to count and read number from 1-5 with assistance
Materials: Toys, bottle tops, different objects, etc

Grade 2 Unit 5: Identifying patterns Number of periods:
Key unit competency: Identify patterns with assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Content Learning Activities
Skills Attitudes and values
–– Explain how things –– Repeat given –– Orderly Different patterns: –– With help, learners observe how objects
are arranged patterns –– Respect the given –– Arranging according to a certain are arranged and imitate the order. This
–– Arrange objects pattern orders, pattern can be according to colour, shape, size or
imitating a arrangement and number of objects
given pattern nature
Link to other subjects: ADL, PE
Assessment criteria: Identify patterns with assistance
Materials: Different objects(bottles/tops, crayons/pencils, water colours, papers)

TOPIC AREA: Measurement SUB-TOPIC AREA : Weight,lenght,size &capacity
Grade2 Unit 6: Comparing Number of Periods
Key unit competency: Compare at least two objects according to their weight, size ,length and capacity with assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Content Learning Activities
Skills Attitudes and values
–– Use appropriate –– Recognise that –– Appreciate diversity Comparing concrete/ With close assistance:
words for objects differ in –– Be neat/orderly at observable objects according –– Learners lift two objects of different weight
comparison size, weight and school and home to: and finds out which one is heavy and which
length. –– Weight: light and heavy on is light
–– Follow instructions
–– Arranging objects –– Length: short and tall –– Learners order at least two objects according
–– Respect programs/
according to to their length from short to tall, light and
timetable –– Size : small and big
weight, size, heavy, small and big, few and many, etc
length and –– Capacity: fewer and more.
–– Whole class line-up according to their
capacity –– Put in order objects
height (short-tall)
according to their size,
length and weight –– In a group of same objects learners arrange
them according to their length
–– Learners put in order objects according to
size, length, weight and capacity.

Note: objects should be the same type but with

different length, size.
Link to other subjects: ADL, PE
Assessment criteria: Arrange and compare objects of different length, size, weight and capacity with assistance
Materials: Water, stones, blocks, ropes, bottles of different capacities, different containers, etc

TOPIC AREA: Measurement SUB-TOPIC Area : time
Grade 2 Unit 7: Child’s daily activities Number of periods:
Key unit competency: Recognise daily school routines by responding to signals with assistance
Learning objectives
Content Learning Activities
Knowledge and understanding Skills Attitudes and values
–– Mention daily –– Respond to signals –– Respect time Daily activities at home/in dormitory: –– With assistance, learners tell
activities by participating and school’s –– Waking-up, Praying , Washing/ bathing their daily activities through a
–– Name the activity in schools/class program/ song or a poem
–– Putting on clothes/uniforms
on the timetable activity at a given timetable –– With assistance, learners match
time. –– Taking breakfast & Brushing
–– Tell time of the class routines/ activities with
–– Match an –– Going to school/class corresponding signal through
illustration with –– Daily school /class routines at different times games.
–– Tell days of the
activity done of the day with corresponding signals e.g. Bell –– With assistance, learners
ringing, whistle, pictures, symbols etc). observe illustrations/pictures
–– Daily school /class routines at different times of showing time of the day and
the day: say what they do at that time
–– School time table (beginning lessons, break time, (match an illustration with an
lunch, time to go home) activity) in groups
–– Time of the day: morning, noon, evening and –– Match days of the week and
night an activity done at school and
home e.g. going to school, to
–– Weekly activities: week days and weekends with
market, church/mosque/etc
corresponding activities done
with close help.
–– Days of the week
Link to other subjects:
Assessment criteria: Recognize important daily school routines and show respect of time with assistance
Materials: Calendar, school time table, cards of different colours, bottles, paints, different illustrations

TOPIC AREA: Measurement SUB-TOPIC AREA : Money
Grade 2 Unit 8: Recognising money Number of periods:
Key unit competency: Differentiate money coins and note used in Rwanda with assistance
Learning objectives
Content Learning Activities
Knowledge and understanding Skills Attitudes and values
–– Recognise /identify different –– Distinguish money –– Recognise that money is Coins from 5-100 –– With assistance, learners
money coins to notes used in coins from other important. –– Coin of 5Frw sort money coins and notes
Rwanda. items/objects. –– Use money appropriately. from other objects like
–– Coin of 10 Frw
–– Distinguish coins bottle tops, stones, papers,
–– Keep money carefully. –– Coin of 20 Frw
from notes. etc.
–– Coin of 50 Frw
–– Coin of 100 Frw
–– Money notes: 500, 1000,
2000 and 5000
–– Importance of money
–– Keeping money
Link to other subjects: ADL, PE
Assessment criteria: Ability to identify and distinguish coins from notes with assistance
Materials: All coins, notes and other concrete objects

Ubushobozi bw’ingenzi bugamijwe nyuma yo kurangiza ikiciro cya 2
Umunyeshuri araba ashobora:
• Gutandukanya amajwi y’abantu, akomoka ku bintu n’amajwi y’inyamaswa afashijwe gake.
• Kugaragaza ko ateze amatwi ibyo asomewe/abwiwe asubiza ibibazo, ashyira mu bikorwa amabwiriza ahawe, byibuze basubiyemo
inshuro zirenze ebyiri afashijwe gake.
• Gufata igitabo mu buryo buboneye afashijwe gake
IMBUMBANYIGISHO: Guteza imbere kumva no kuvuga INYIGISHO : Gutega amatwi no kuvuga
Ubumuga bukomeye: Ikiciro 2 UMUTWE 1: Gutandukanya amajwi Igihe:
Ubushobozi bw’ingenzi bugamijwe: Gutandukanya amajwi y’abantu, akomoka ku bintu n’amajwi y’inyamaswa afashijwe gake
Icyigwa Ibikorwa by’abanyeshuri
Ubumenyi Ubumenyi ngiro ubukesha
–– Gutandukanya –– Gutahura amajwi –– Gutega amatwi –– Gutandukanya amajwi y’ibintu: –– Bahawe ubufasha buke na mwarimu,
amajwi y’abantu, atandukanye yitonze, Ibikoresho bya muzika abana bafashwa gutega amatwi ibintu
ay’ibintu harimo ay’abantu, –– Kwishimira amajwi bitandukanye babireba cg batabireba
inzogera, ifirimbi, imodoka,
n’ay’inyamaswa ibintu ndetse n’ y’ibikoresho –– Mu matsinda, bafashijwe na
inyamaswa Amajwi/imvugo z’inyamaswa,
bitandukanye mwarimu wabo abana bakina
by’umuziki urusaku rwa telefoni, rw’imodoka, umukino wo kwigana inyamaswa
indege, moto, n’ibindi bazi uko zivuga
Ihuriro n’ibindi byigwa: Muzika, icyongereza, imyitozo ngororamubiri
Ingingo ngenderwaho mu isuzuma: ubushobozi bwo gutahura amajwi atandukanye ari ay’abantu, ibintu ndetse n’inyamaswa ahawe ubufasha buke na mwarimu
Imfashanyigisho: ibinyuguri, gitari, piyano, iningiri, ingoma, ifirimbi, inzogera, telefoni, amashushomvugo, zimenyerewe mu bidukikije n’ amajwi y’inyamaswa
zo mu rugo.

IMBUMBANYIGISHO: Kwandika no gusoma INYIGISHO : Gusoma
Ubumuga bukomeye: Ikiciro 2 UMUTWE 2: Kwimenyereza kwandika no gusoma Igihe:
Ubushobozi bw’ingenzi bugamijwe: Gufata igitabo mu buryo buboneye no gusoma amashusho afashijwe gake.
icyigwa Ibikorwa by’abanyeshuri
Ubumenyi Ubumenyi ngiro ubukesha
–– Kurambura igitabo –– Gufata igitabo atagicuritse –– Gufata neza ibitabo –– Ibigize igitabo: –– Abana mu matsinda:
ahereye imbere ajya –– Gufata igitabo uko bikwiye (atabica) –– igifuniko, impapuro, –– Bitoza gufata ibitabo neza
inyuma –– Gukurikiza amabwiriza umugongo, batabicuritse, batabica/
–– Kurambura neza impapuro
–– Kukirambura neza ahawe –– inyandiko n’amashusho, badahinahina impapuro no
atagiciye kubikoresha
–– Abana bafashijwe na mwarimu
wabo, barambura neza impapuro
zigize igitabo
Ihuriro n’ibindi byigwa: Gushushanya, icyongereza,imyitozo ngororamubiri
Ingingo ngenderwaho mu isuzuma: Ubushobozi bwo gufata igitabo atagicuritse, akakirambura neza atagica atanasimbuka impapuro abifashijwe na mwarimu
Imfashanyigisho: ibitabo byinshi bitandukanye

Competence to be achieved at the end of Grade 2
Learner will be able to:
• Manipulate common ICT devices with assistance
• Put on/off light, call/end call and put on/off TV and radio with assistance
TOPIC AREA: ICT & Technology devices SUB-TOPIC AREA : Familiar/common ict devices
SEVERE: Grade 3 Unit 1: ICT devices used at home Number of periods:
Key unit competency: Manipulate ICT and other technology devices used at home with less assistance
Learning objectives
Content Learning Activities
Knowledge and understanding Skills Attitudes and values
–– Name ICT or electronic –– Put on/ off a candle or –– Proper manipulation –– ICT, electronic tools –– In groups and assisted by the
devices used at home/ a lamp of common ICT used at home: teacher, learners manipulate each
community –– Switch on/off light devices used at home –– Radio tool:
–– Identify devices used for –– Turn on and off water –– TV, Computer, Cell –– Lighting a candle, lamp and
light at home emitting light tap while fetching water phone, Other tools : switching on/off light
used at home –– Cell phone: Use a cell phone to
–– Call/ receive a call using –– Light: torch, candles,
a cell phone lamps, bulbs call and end a call. Manipulate yes
and no buttons on the cell phone
–– Turn a radio on and off –– Water taps, water tanks
–– TV, Radio and computer:
connect, turn on a radio, TV
search for a certain channel/
change channel as desired and
Link to other subjects: ADL, Social Economic Activities
Assessment criteria: Put on/off light, call/end call and put on/off TV and radio with assistance
Materials: Candles, touch, spirit lamps, water taps, radio, cell phone, TV, computer, etc.

3.4. GRADE 3

Competences to be achieved at the end grade three:
Learner will be able to:
• Use toilet with on his/her own
• Feed him/ herself and show table manners with less guidance
• Dress/undress on his/her own
• Maintain his/her body hygiene with less guidance
• Launder/wash simple clothes with less guidance
• Carryout some mastered domestic activities with guidance
TOPIC AREA: Autonomy SUB-TOPIC AREA : Self-help skills
Grade 3 Unit 1: Use toilet Number of periods
Key unit competency: Use toilet on his/her own
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Skills Attitudes and Content Learning Activities
understanding values
–– Show the location of toilets –– Use the toilet on –– Express her/his –– Location of washrooms –– Learners walk to toilet to familiarise
(girls/boys toilets) his/her own needs. (toilet) themselves with the location ( helped by
–– Name materials needed for –– Wash hands after –– Keep sanitary –– Using toilet the teacher/care giver) and are shown
washing hands using toilet on his/ rules. –– Using toilet paper how the toilet is used
her own –– Self confidence –– Washing hands after using –– They are shown the toilet paper as well
–– Self help toilet –– Learners practice washing hands using
clean water and soap.
Link to other subjects: Health and body awareness
Assessment criteria: Ability to use the toilet appropriately with less guidance
Materials: water, soap, basins/buckets, toilet papers, toilets.

TOPIC AREA: Autonomy SUB-TOPIC AREA : Self help skills
Number of
Grade 3 Unit 2:Table manners
Key unit competency: Feed him/herself and show table manners with less guidance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and understand- Skills Attitudes and values Content Learning Activities
–– Show where the dining –– Use the dining tools –– Show table manners –– Location of the dining room –– In small groups learners sort
room is located –– Choose food to eat and –– Cleanness –– Eating utensils such as: spoon, dinning tools from others
–– Name items /tools used in tools to use and eat using –– Self -help in eating fork, knife, plate, cup, jug, etc. –– Each learner practices using
the dining room hands/ spoon/fork and sharing meal –– Expression of feelings: table tools
–– Identify meals –– Clean the table after eating –– Politely express his/ satisfied, hungry , need more –– learners wash their hands
–– serving him/her self and her eating/drinking food, before and after eating
others needs. –– Good behaviour /manners –– In groups learners practice
while eating; serving food and cleaning
–– Washing hands up after eating.
Link to other subjects: Physical Education, Social Skills Development
Assessment criteria: Ability to feed him/herself and ability to show appropriate table manners, ability to clean up after eating and correctly dispose leftovers with
less guidance .
Materials: all the utensils, water, soap, basin, bucket, dining table, etc.

TOPIC AREA: Autonomy SUB-TOPIC AREA : Self help skills
Grade 3 Unit 3: Dressing Number of periods
Key unit competency: Dress/undress with less guidance
Learning objectives
Attitudes and Content Learning Activities
Knowledge and understanding Skills
–– Distinguish his/her own clothes –– Wear and undress –– Self confidence –– Different clothes: Shirts, –– Under teacher’s guidance
from others. clothes him/herself –– Look decent in skirts , Shorts/trousers, learners dress and undress,
–– Name different clothes/garments –– Choose clothes from public –– Underwear, Socks, uniform, button and unbutton up and zip
others with different Night dresses, dress and and unzip up.
–– Differentiate clothes as per –– Show ability to
colours colours make a choice undress, button unbutton up –– Learners practice dressing
and zip and unzip up, different clothes of different
–– Different colours of clothes: colours
Red, yellow, green, etc. –– The assistance is systematically
reduced as learners can make
Link to other subjects: Physical education
Assessment criteria: Ability to dress, undress appropriately with less guidance
Materials: different types of clothes

TOPIC AREA: Self grooming SUB-TOPIC AREA : Personal hygiene
Grade 3 Unit 4: Body hygiene Number of periods
Key unit competency: Maintain his/her body hygiene on his/her own with guidance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Attitudes and Content Learning Activities
understanding values
–– Name body parts –– Brush his/her teeth –– Cleanness –– Body parts: Head, neck, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, limbs: –– Learners are
–– Identify hygiene –– Wash his/her body –– Self confidence arms and legs, Reproductive parts. Own gender : continuously assisted
materials Male/female /guided and practice
–– Comb her/his hair
–– locate bathrooms according to gender their entire body
–– Recognize the use –– Cut/ his/her nails ask hygiene until they can
of each material in for assistance –– Hygiene of each body part and materials used: body/
do it themselves.
body hygiene. skin bathing: (soap, towel, water, basin or bucket)
–– Recognise own tooth
brush –– Brushing teeth: tooth paste, tooth brush and water
Nail cutting: nail cuter or blade
–– Hair combing: combs
Link to other subjects: Health and body awareness, Physical education
Assessment criteria: Ability to brush their teeth, wash their bodies with less guidance
Materials: Tooth brushes, tooth paste, water, soap, towels, basins, nail cutters, hair combs, etc.

TOPIC AREA: Self grooming SUB-TOPIC AREA : Personal Hygiene
Grade 3 Unit 5: Washing clothes Number of periods
Key unit competency: Wash simple clothes with less guidance
Learning objectives
Content Learning Activities
Knowledge and understanding Skills Attitudes and values
–– Name materials necessary for –– Sort dirty clothes with the –– Self-confidence, –– Washing materials : –– In small groups
laundry same colour –– Cleanliness, each child/learner
Soap, water, buckets/basins points/shows the
–– Identify dirty clothes –– Wash simple clothes –– Hard-working spirit.
following correct procedures –– Washing process : materials they use
at home.
–– Wash clothes with less Sorting out & Soaking
guidance –– Learners wash
Washing & Rinsing clothes with less
Wringing, drying, ironing
Link to other subjects: Physical education
Assessment criteria: Ability to distinguish dirty and clean clothes and ability to wash simple clothes with less guidance
Materials: Washing soap, water, bucket/basin, dirty simple clothes for washing, etc.

TOPIC AREA: Self grooming SUB-TOPIC AREA : Personal Hygiene
Grade 3 Unit 6: Domestic work Number of periods:
Key unit competency: Carryout some mastered domestic activities with less guidance
Learning objectives
Content Learning Activities
Knowledge and understanding Skills Attitudes and values
–– Identify and name tools used for –– Perform some of the –– Hard-working spirit –– Cleaning: a table, dining area In groups learners
each domestic activity house works –– Cooperation –– Sweeping, mopping, practice domestic/
–– Participate in house house work.
–– Orderly
works watering flowers, making a bed,
–– Cleanliness
–– Kitchen activities:
–– Self-confidence
–– wash dishes
–– Setting a table
–– Collect litter
–– Disposal of rubbish
Link to other subjects: Physical education
Assessment criteria: Ability to clean, make a bed, water flowers and prepare a table for a meal with less guidance.
Materials: Brooms, mopes, water, soap, basins and buckets, kitchen tools/utensils, dustbins

Competences to be achieved by the end of grade three
Learner will be able to:
• Draw and paint different pictures with improved autonomy
• Make simple objects with improved autonomy
• Make simple object by moulding with improved autonomy
• Make simple decoration with less assistance
• Practice needle work with less assistance
• Work in garden with assistance and guidance
• Take care of domestic animals with less assistance
• Recognize different types of Rwandan currency with improved autonomy
TOPIC AREA: Arts and crafts SUB TOPIC AREA: Draw and painting
Grade 3 Unit 1: Drawing and painting different pictures Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Draw and paint different pictures with improved autonomy
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Attitudes and
Skills Content Learning activities
understanding values
–– Draw and paint simple –– Handle appropriately materials/ –– Show team –– Drawing and painting tools –– With teacher guidance,
pictures by using tools to be used while drawing work spirit :Pencils, learners draw and paint
different materials and painting with less assistance, –– Show self- –– markers, different pictures
–– Draw a given object/picture confidence –– Paint of different colours.
–– Paint pictures with less assistance –– Drawing and painting pictures
Links to other learning areas: Physical Education and Science and technology, ADL
Assessment criteria: Ability to draw and paint different pictures with improved autonomy
Materials: Pencils, markers, paint, colours and papers.

TOPIC AREA: Arts and crafts SUB TOPIC AREA: Making objects
Grade 3 Unit 2: Making simple objects Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Make simple objects with improved autonomy
Learning objectives
Knowledge and
Skills Attitudes and values Content Learning activities
• Make simple • Produce simple • Develop self-confidence while • Cutting and pasting tools • Teacher show leaners how to
object with object with less making simple objects • Scissors, paper glue, papers, leave make simple objects by using
less assistance assistance bananas, scotch,etc. different materials
Links to other learning areas: Pre-numeracy, ADL, Physical Education
Assessment criteria: Ability to make simple objects with less assistance
Materials: Scissors, papers, paper glue, leave bananas, scotch,etc

TOPIC AREA: Arts and crafts SUB TOPIC AREA: Moulding

Grade 3: Unit 3: Simple moulding Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Make simple object by moulding with less assistance.
Learning objectives
Knowledge and
Skills Attitudes and values Content Learning activities
–– Make simple –– Practice moulding –– Show carefulness when –– Manipulate the tools of –– With teacher guidance,
objects and –– to make different simple objects performing the task, moulding learners practice moulding
shapes and shapes with less assistance –– Appreciate moulding made –– Imitate people moulding of different simple objects
objects and shapes
–– Practice moulding.

Links to other learning areas: Physical education, ADL

Assessment criteria: Ability to make simple objects and shapes by moulding with improved autonomy
Materials: clay, plaster and others

Grade 3: Unit 4: Decorating Number of periods
Key Unit Competence: Make simple decoration with less assistance.
Learning objectives
Knowledge and
Skills Attitudes and values Content Learning activities
–– Make decoration of –– Prepare materials –– Manifest self-confidence –– Decorating materials: flowers, clothes, –– The teacher gives learners
simple events used for decorating while doing decoration, papers, makers, colours, arts and crafts instructions regarding decoration;
different styles –– Appreciate decoration in products, balloons, stickers, hammers, –– Assisted by teacher, learners
–– Decorate simple culture and society nails, vase lower pots, etc. practice decorating for different
event with less events using different materials.
Links to other learning areas: Pre numeracy, Physical education, ADL
Assessment criteria: Ability to make simple decoration with less assistance.
Materials: flowers, clothes, papers, makers, colours, arts and crafts products, balloons, stickers, hammers, nails, vase lower pots

Unit 5 : Practice needle work with imitation with less
Grade 3: Number of periods
Key Unit Competence: Making needle work with imitation
Learning objectives
Knowledge and
Skills Attitudes and values Content Learning activities
–– Identify needle work –– Handle needle work tools –– Show carefulness –– Names of tools used in needle work –– With teacher guidance,
tools to make objects –– Practice needle work while doing needle such as needles, wools, threads, etc. learners practice needle
–– Prictice needle work work. –– Manipulate the tools work
–– Practice needle work
Links to other learning areas: Pre numeracy, Physical education, ADL
Assessment criteria: Ability to imitate people doing needle work with assistance.
Materials: needles, wools, threads, etc.

Grade 3 Unit 6: Gardening tools Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Working in the garden with assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Attitudes and
Skills Content Learning activities
understanding values
–– Recognize –– Select proper tools for a –– Appreciate the –– Tools used in gardening: –– With assistance of teacher learners
appropriate given task, importance of hoe, machete, forked hoe, select tools for performing a specific
tools used while –– Use appropriate tools to garden, wheelbarrow, watering can, task in gardening
gardening carry out a specific task –– Grow confidence spade, spraying pump, –– Learners handle and use appropriately
–– Work in the –– Handle gardening tools in gardening –– Handling and using gardening tools
garden appropriately gardening tools
Links to other learning areas: ADL, pre numeracy
Assessment criteria: Ability to use appropriately gardening tools with less assistance
Materials: hoe, machete, forked hoe, wheelbarrow, watering can, spade, spraying pump.


Grade 3 Unit 7: Domestic animals Number of periods
Key Unit Competence: Take care of domestic animals with improved autonomy
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Attitudes and
Skills Content Learning activities
understanding values
–– Identify domestic –– Select which animal –– Show the sense –– Domestic animals like –– With assistance of teacher learners select
animals to take care of of taking care cows, goats, sheep, animal to take care of
–– Name domestic animals chicken, etc –– Learners take care of domestic animals(with
animals assistance)
Links to other learning areas: ADL, Physical education, pre numeracy
Assessment criteria: Ability to take care of domestic animals with improved autonomy
Materials: domestic animals, food for animals, grass, etc

TOPIC AREA: Entrepreneurship SUB TOPIC AREA: Handling money
Grade 2 Unit 8: Rwandan currency Number of periods
Key Unit Competence: Recognise different types of currency with improved autonomy
Learning objectives
Knowledge and
Skills Attitudes and values Content Learning activities
–– Recognise different types of –– Show different types of –– Show carefulness in –– Rwandan currency such as –– With assistance of teacher
Rwandan currency Rwandan currency handling money notes and coins learners identify notes and
–– Distinguish notes from coins
ordinary paper
Links to other learning areas: ADL
Assessment criteria: Ability to recognise Rwandan currency with improved autonomy
Materials: notes and coins

Competences to be achieved at the end of grade three
Learner will be able to:
• Recognize and name human body parts with less assistance
• Maintain proper hygiene of human body parts with less assistance
• Manage body changes with less assistance
TOPIC AREA: Human body SUB-TOPIC AREA : Parts of the body
Grade 3 Unit 1: Human body parts Number of periods:
Key unit competency: Recognize and name human body parts with less assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Attitudes and Content Learning Activities
understanding values
–– Name, touch, point at –– Differentiate human –– Carefulness –– Different parts of the body: –– In groups learners observe illustrations/
some of his\her body parts body parts –– Appreciate the head, eyes, ears, mouth, charts showing body parts
without guidance importance of nose, etc. –– Helped by the teacher learners show
human body different parts of their body
Chest , breasts (girls)
–– Cleanliness The limbs: arms and legs
Link to other subjects: Activity for Daily Living (body hygiene)
Assessment criteria: ability to name body parts, practice hygiene and care of the body parts with less assistance
Materials: Wall charts showing body parts, health foods, etc.

TOPIC AREA: Human body SUB-TOPIC AREA : Personal hygiene
Grade 3 Unit 2: Hygiene of the human body parts Number of periods:
Key unit competency: Maintain proper hygiene of human body parts with less assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Content Learning Activities
Skills Attitudes and values
–– Name ways –– Maintain hygiene of human –– Always –– Health of body parts: –– In groups learners observe
of cleaning body, private parts .e.g. nose, Demonstrate body –– Avoiding accidents: hurt, illustrations/charts showing body parts
human body mouth, face and limbs hygiene breaking, burns, cleanliness.
parts without –– Use handkerchief with –– Helped by the teacher learners name all
–– Avoiding disease: hygiene,
assistance guidance things around the school and at home
health eating, etc.
–– Avoid accidents: hurt, (activities and tools) that can harm
breaking, burns, their bodies.
–– Avoid disease: hygiene, health –– Helped by the teacher, learners identify
eating, etc. different ways in cleaning body parts.
Link to other subjects: Activity for daily living (hygiene)
Assessment criteria: ability to maintain hygiene and care of the body parts with less assistance
Materials: wall charts showing human body parts and ways of cleaning, chart of different body accidents, etc.

TOPIC AREA: Human body SUB-TOPIC AREA : Reproduction
Grade 3 Unit 3: Body changes Number of periods:
Key unit competency: Manage body changes with less assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Content Learning Activities
Skills Attitudes and values
–– Tell the difference –– Identify his/her –– Respect of each other –– Gender : Male, Female –– Learners observe
between a male and gender irrespective of gender –– Reproductive parts: illustrations of boys and
a female –– Maintain body –– Cleanness and orderly girls and tell difference.
–– Health and hygiene
–– Name body parts hygiene especially –– Self confidence –– Girls with the appropriate
–– Gender based violence:
–– Show girls’ and reproductive parts age: practice how sanitary
–– Avoid/Report violence –– Avoid tendency
boys’ toilets and –– For girls: Use pads are used.
dormitories sanitary pads during –– Report in case –– Practice washing under
menstruation period –– Body changes in boys and girls: wears.
–– Appropriate behaviour during
Link to other subjects: ADL (Hygiene)
Assessment criteria: Ability to manage body changes with less assistance
Materials: Male and female illustrations, hygienic materials, etc.

Competences to be achieved at the end of grade three
Learner will be able to:
• Recognise, interact with and show respect for family members/ guardians with less assistance
• Introduce her /himself and recognise his/her class, classmates, teachers, and caregivers with less assistance Learners will be able to interact, cooperate/ socialize with other
children through plays and games with less assistance
• Recognise and avoid dangerous places and objects, animals, plants and harmful people at home, school and the community with less
• Greet and respond to simple greetings and farewells according to different times of the day with less assistance
• Learners will be able to use non-verbal communication ways such as objects, images, symbols, pictures, signs, signals and gestures
with less assistance
• Sing and dance traditional, gospel and modern with less assistance; use musical instruments with less assistance

TOPIC AREA: Social skills development SUB-TOPIC AREA: My family
Grade 3 Unit 1: Family members, guardians and care takers Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Interact and develop relationship with familiar people
Learning objectives
Knowledge and
Skills Attitudes and values Content Learning activities
–– Name family members/ –– Recognize family members –– Demonstrate ( –– Family members: –– Learners show and name family
caregivers with less while present or on photographs: attachment to –– Parents/ guardian: members while present or with
guidance father, mother, sister, brother family members father, mother photographs with less guidance
–– Greet family members –– Respect family –– Siblings: sister, –– Learners are encouraged to greet
–– Initiate communication with members with less brother, family members/guardians and
family members, to solve guidance care takers and demonstrate
everyday life problems. attachment and respect to them
with less assistance
Links to other learning areas: Literacy
Assessment criteria: Interact and develop relationship with familiar people (Mother, father, siblings ), guardians and care takers with less assistance
Materials: photographs of family members, Chart of family members

SUB-TOPIC AREA: Oneself, family and surrounding
TOPIC AREA: Social skills
Grade 3 Unit 2: My class Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Introduce her /himself and recognise his/her class, classmates, teachers, and caregivers with less assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Attitudes and Content Learning activities
understanding values
–– Introduce him/ –– Identify him or herself –– Develop –– Myself: Names –– From a mix up of photographs, learners
herself by name on a photograph –– self - esteem, –– My class: individually show their own photos and tell their
–– Name the –– Identify own classroom confidence names,
–– location of my
classmates –– Recognize and name and classroom –– Individually or in groups and in different
without classmates and teacher interaction situations, learners are given opportunities
–– Classmates
assistance and encouraged to recognize/show/name their
–– Teachers /Caregivers classroom, classmates, teachers and caregivers.
Links to other learning areas: Literacy
Assessment criteria: Ability to recognize him or herself her, his/her class, classmates, teachers, caregivers
Materials: Real classrooms and classroom objects, learner’s photographs on a wall chart

TOPIC AREA: Social skills SUB-TOPIC AREA: Classroom environment
Grade 3 Unit 3: Interaction with educators and peers Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence :Learners will be able to interact, cooperate/ socialize with other children through plays and games with less assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Content Learning activities
Skills Attitudes and values
–– Show/distinguish peers and –– Play with others in small –– Demonstrate positive –– Interaction –– Teachers provide learners with
educators with improved groups interaction with with family opportunities to:
autonomy –– Share materials as needed peers and educators members, –– work in small groups
in everyday life situations. educators and
–– Share materials.
–– Express his/her needs to –– Take turns
play with family members,
–– Learners are encouraged /engaged
educators and peers
in different games with peers.
Links to other learning areas: Language and Physical education
Assessment criteria: Ability to freely interact, cooperate/ socialize with other children through plays and organized games with less assistance.
Materials: Materials needed in different games and plays

TOPIC AREA: Social skills SUB TOPIC AREA: Safety
Grade 3 Unit 4: Dangerous places/situations, people, objects, plants Number of periods:

Key Unit Competence: Recognise and avoid dangerous places and objects, animals, plants and harmful people at home, school and the community with less assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Attitudes and Content Learning activities
understanding values
–– Name dangerous –– Identify harmful people –– Take care by –– Dangerous people –– The dangerous places, objects,
objects, plants –– Identify dangerous –– avoiding –– Dangerous animals and insects animals or plants are shown
and harmful animals and insects risky places, using signs such as a red cross
–– Dangerous places: fire in the kitchen, toilet,
people with situations, in X form.
–– Identify dangerous road, holes electrical installations and devices
improved dangerous –– Learners observe dangerous
places at home, school –– Dangerous objects: sharp knives, irritable
autonomy people , places, objects or plants, etc.
and community chemicals, medicines, nails, needles, pins,
animals, –– The teacher takes security
–– Identify dangerous multi-socket, bottle tops, etc.
objects and measures to protect learners
objects at home, school –– Dangerous plants such as plants with spines,
plants and reminds them as much as
and community milky plants, etc.
needed depending on situations.
–– Identify dangerous plants
at home, school and –– Given a set of objects, learners
community sort out and group dangerous
Links to other learning areas: Science and Environment
Assessment criteria: Ability to identify dangerous places and objects at home, school and the community with less assistance
Materials: Real material related to dangerous items, chart of dangerous objects, pictures and photos of dangerous objects

TOPIC AREA: Social skills SUB-TOPIC AREA: Culture and religion
Grade 3 Unit 5: Response to simple greetings Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence : Greet and respond to simple greetings and farewells according to different times of the day with less assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Content Learning activities
Skills Attitudes and values
–– Distinguish –– Use appropriate –– Demonstrate –– Good morning (Jane/Mum/ –– Learners observe and listen to the
expressions used to expressions to affectionate gestures teacher/visitor ) teacher as s/he says the greetings to
greet and respond to greet and respond and friendliness as –– Good afternoon (Peter), individual children and they will
greetings at different to greetings and they greet and bid repeat.
–– Good evening (James)
times of the day. farewells farewells –– In small groups the learners say
–– Goodbye
“good morning”, “good afternoon”;”
good evening”
–– They say “goodbye” to each other as
they wave their hands
–– They can also respond to greetings
through songs” good morning,
good morning, good morning to
–– Learners greet their peers
–– Puppet game: make the puppets talk
to each other.
Links to other learning areas: Literacy
Assessment criteria: Ability to greet and respond to simple greetings and farewells according to different times of the day with less assistance
Materials: Puppets, chart of people greeting each other, chart showing time of day

TOPIC AREA: Communication development SUB-TOPIC AREA: Total communication
Grade 3 Unit 6: Non-verbal communication Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Learners will be able to use non-verbal communication ways such as objects ,images, symbols, pictures, signs, signals and gestures with less
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Attitudes and Content Learning activities
understanding values
–– Identify forms –– Communicate –– Interaction –– Non-verbal communication –– Learners observe real objects used in non-
of non-verbal with peers, parents –– Love/affection –– Objects, Images, Symbols, verbal communication to express their needs or
communication with and educators Signs, Signals, Gestures feelings
–– Friendship
less assistance –– Express his/ –– Learners are provided opportunities to use
–– Distinguish signs her needs using signs, symbols, signals, gestures and images to
or any other form non-verbal communicate
of non-verbal communication –– Learners are initiated to play with peers
communication with
less assistance
Links to other learning areas: Literacy
Assessment criteria: : Ability to use non-verbal communication with less assistance
Materials: Real objects, charts, flash cards with different pictures, images and photos

TOPIC AREA: Music SUB-TOPIC AREA: Traditional, religious and modern songs
Grade 3 Unit 7: Traditional, gospel and modern music Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence : Sing and dance traditional, gospel and modern with less assistance
Use musical instruments with closed assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Content Learning activities
Skills Attitudes and values
–– Name familiar –– Follow the rhythm of the song –– Demonstrate enthusiasm, –– Names of musical –– Learners observe musical
musical instruments –– Clap according to the rhythm joy, friendship instruments: instruments.
available in their with guidance ,interaction and peace drums, guitar, –– Learners are provided opportunities
environment with values pendo, pianos, etc to use some musical instruments
–– Use musical instruments with
less assistance –– Different songs
assistance –– Learners are initiated to clap their
–– Recognize and name and dances hands according to the rhythm.
–– Sing and dance different songs
musical instruments
–– Express their feelings –– Learners are provided opportunities
with less assistance
to sing and dance
Links to other learning areas: Literacy
Assessment criteria: :Ability to sing, dance and play musical instruments with less assistance
Materials: Musical instruments (piano, guitar, pendo, drums, etc.), chart of musical instruments

Competences to be achieved at the end of grade three
Learners will be able to:
• Exercises different body postures with less assistance
• Imitate basic physical exercises (jumping, walking, running and catching, etc.) with less assistance.
• Hold, catch, send and mould concrete objects with less assistance

SUB TOPIC AREA: Fine motor skills
TOPIC AREA: Motor skills development
Grade 3 Unit 1: Manipulation of concrete objects Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Be able to hold, catch, send and mould concrete objects with less assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Content Learning activities
Skills Attitudes and values
–– Handle different –– Ability to –– Demonstrate ability Exercises different activities: For every exercise:
materials/tools used in manipulate to manipulate –– Holding a ball, spoon, pen, etc. –– The teacher/ caregiver
everyday life. different concrete different concrete demonstrate to learners how to do
–– Catching a ball, etc.
objects. objects. the activities several times.
–– Sending concrete objects( balls)
–– Learners are individually assisted
–– Moulding clay, modelling dough,
to do the activities.
–– Playing with clay, stick or stones
to form different shapes
–– Make free drawings using a pencil
with large diameter
–– Hold a book and turn pages
–– Thread beads
–– Picking objects such as toys and
other objects/materials.
Links to other learning areas: ADL , Pre Numeracy
Assessment criteria: Ability to manipulate different concrete objects with close assistance
Materials: Spoon, ball, writing materials, clay, modelling dough etc.

SUB TOPIC AREA: Body posture
Grade 3 Unit 2: Basic body posture Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Exercises different body postures with less assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Attitudes and
Skills Content Learning activities
understanding values
–– Carry out exercises –– Shift from one –– Develop a sense of –– Activities related to body –– Learners are assisted to do exercises related
related to different body position autonomy posture: to each body position using different
postures with close to another, –– Improve Physical –– Sitting on chairs, on mats materials where applicable.
assistance with close fitness –– Learners are assisted to carry out various
–– Standing up
assistance exercises aiming at improving their ability
–– Lifting
to shift from one posture to another taking
–– Laying down on a bed, on a mat. into consideration individual challenges.
Links to other learning areas: ADL when dressing and undressing
Assessment criteria: Ability to carry out basic body postures with close assistance
Materials: Mats, chairs, beds, etc.

Unit 3: Imitate different basic
Grade 3 Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Imitate basic movements with less assistance.
Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding Skills Attitudes and values Content Learning activities

–– Develop improved ability to –– Carry out basic –– Develop a sense of –– Keeping a rhythm by For every exercise:
walk, jump, run and catch. mobility and autonomy. clapping, stamping feet, etc. –– The teacher/caregiver
coordination –– Improve physical –– Dancing according to a demonstrates several times
exercises. fitness. rhythm produced through –– Learners are individually assisted
clapping and drumming to do the exercise.
–– Throwing and catching a ball –– Using the available adapted
–– Walking with close materials, teacher/caregiver assist
assistance( using adapted learners with mobility problem
advices) to do different exercises.
Links to other learning areas: Pre numeracy when sorting and matching objects.
Assessment criteria: Ability to carry out exercises aiming at developing mobility and coordination skills.
Materials: Drum, safe playground, ball, walkers, crutches, music instruments, etc.

TOPIC AREA: Sports and culture SUB-TOPIC AREA : Games
Grade 3 Unit 4: Traditional and modern games Number of periods:
Key unit competence: Participate in traditional and modern games with less assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Content Suggested learning Activities
Skills Attitudes and values
–– Name and play –– Perform different –– Develop fair play –– Traditional games: –– Helped by teacher, learners form
traditional and exercises. spirit, –– Hide and seek, baby handkerchief groups or teams, and play different
modern games. –– Develop body –– Develop self games (Agatambarok’umwana), traditional and modern games
–– Show equipment balance and confidence in games running with a stick (agakoni), flag –– In pairs and facilitated by their
used for a control. –– Develop mutual game (drapeau), causes and effect/ teachers, learners name different
specific game. –– Use equipment respect future wheels, skipping rope, etc. equipment used in traditional and
appropriately. –– Modern games: football, basketball, modern games at their schools.
volley ball, etc.

Link to other learning area: Health and body awareness and Numeracy
Assessment criteria: Ability to participate in different games with assistance, ability to endure and respect games rule and regulations
Materials: Balls for different games, sticks, handkerchiefs, skipping ropes, etc.

Competences to be achieved at the end of grade 3
• Assemble and disassemble toys and building block with less assistance
• Show directions and positions of objects with less assistance
• Count and read numbers from 1 to 5 and match numbers with objects they represent with less assistance
• Sort and classify objects with improved autonomy.
• Arrange different objects according to their size, weight, length and capacity with improved autonomy.
• Recognize important daily school routines and show respect of time and program with less assistance
• Differentiate money coins and notes used in Rwanda with improved autonomy
• Identify patterns with improved autonomy

TOPIC AREA: Pre- Numbers SUB TOPIC AREA: Sorting and Matching
Grade 3 Unit 1: Sorting and matching concrete objects Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Be able to sort and match concrete objects with less assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Content Learning activities
Skills Attitudes & values
–– Differentiate and –– To identify items /objects –– Demonstrate orderliness –– Colours: red, green, yellow, –– Learners observe as the teacher/
associate colours with a given colour and by putting together blue, black caregiver shows different objects
match similar objects similar objects. –– Grouping of objects of the same colour: example for
shapes with assistance according to their colours the red colour: “this is a white
–– Sort and group similar and shapes: rectangles/ cup; this is a green bucket, a
objects based on a square, circle. black shirt, a yellow ball, these
given colour, shape with are red tomatoes, blue pens, etc.
assistance –– Learners do exercises that help
them to identify red objects
among others.
–– Learners sort out and make
group of red objects.
–– Game: Matching gap and related
shapes with assistance
–– Make group of similar objects
according to their shape and
colour with close assistance.
Links to other learning areas: P.E: Fine motor skills development.
Assessment criteria: Ability to group objects according to a given colour or shape.
Materials: Concrete materials: clothes, plates, toys, school materials, etc.

TOPIC AREA: Pre-numbers SUB-TOPIC AREA : Directions and positions
Grade 3 Unit 2: Position and directions Number of periods:
Key unit competency: Show directions and positions of objects with less assistance
Learning objectives
Content Learning Activities
Knowledge and understanding Skills Attitudes and values
–– Mention location of objects –– Indicate –– Put objects in right Positions and directions: –– With less assistance, learners locate
positions of places according to –– Front and back, where he/she is, what is in front or
objects given instructions. behind him/her.
–– Top and bottom,
–– Use correct –– Follow instructions –– With less assistance, learners put
–– Up and down
prepositions related to objects following instructions. E.g.
to describe directions and –– Above and below put a book on a table, etc
positions of positions –– On/over and under –– With less assistance, learners do
objects –– Left and right physical exercise: arms up/down,
–– Inside and out side jumping forward and backward,
turn right and left
–– Between
–– Hide and seek game
–– Line-up according to the teacher’s
instructions related to positions
and directions (front, behind
between, inside, outside).
Link to other subjects: PE, Health and body awareness
Assessment criteria: Show directions and positions of objects with less assistance
Materials: Tables, chairs, bottles, toys, etc

Grade 3 Unit 3: Shapes Number of periods:
Key unit competency: Assemble toys and building blocks following designed shapes with less assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Content Learning Activities
Skills Attitudes and values
–– Distinguish between –– Manipulate different toys –– Follow instructions –– Handle/touch toys Assisted by teachers learners
different toys and –– Make desired shapes –– Share toys with peers –– Assemble toys/building are asked to:
shapes using toys blocks in the different –– Pick and handle a certain
–– Collaborate with peers
shapes: toy
–– Circle , Square, –– Join the toys to make a
–– Rectangle, Triangle desired shape and then
make a given shape.
–– Painting the shapes: use
different colours –– Mould shapes they like
from clay and tell the class
–– Mould the shapes from
what he/she has done.
–– Cut shapes from papers,
–– Cut desired shapes in
leaves, etc
papers, leaves, etc
Link to other subjects: PE, ADL
Assessment criteria: Ability to assemble toys and building blocks following designed shapes with less assistance
Materials: Papers, boxes, wooden cut outs, pair of scissors, moulding clay, colours, different paints, banana leaves, etc

Grade 3 Unit 4: Counting Number of periods:
Key unit competency: Count and read numbers from 1 to 5 with less assistance
Learning objectives
Content Learning Activities
Knowledge and understanding Skills Attitudes and values
–– Count numbers staring from –– Count concrete/real –– Use counting in her/ –– Counting numbers –– Assisted by the teacher count 1-5
1 to 5 objects his daily life from 1-5 using different concrete object.
–– Read numbers from 1-5 –– Read the numbers –– Reading and counting –– Reads 1-5 from 1-5
numbers 1-5 –– Play a game of counting
Link to other subjects: ADL, PE
Assessment criteria: Ability to count and read number from 1-5 with less assistance
Materials: Toys, bottle tops, different objects, etc
Grade 3 Unit 5: Identifying patterns Number of periods:
Key unit competency: Identify patterns with less assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Content Learning Activities
Skills Attitudes and values
–– Explain how things –– Repeat given patterns –– Orderly Different patterns: –– With help, learners observe how
are arranged. –– Arrange objects imitating a –– Respect the given pattern –– Arranging according to a objects are arranged and imitate the
given pattern. orders, arrangement and certain pattern. order. This can be according to colour,
nature. shape, size or number of objects
Link to other subjects: ADL, PE
Assessment criteria: Identify patterns with less assistance
Materials: Different objects(bottles/tops, crayons/pencils, water colours, papers)

TOPIC AREA: Measurements SUB TOPIC AREA: Comparing
Grade 3 Unit 6 : Compare objects based on their size and length Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Compare objects based on their size and length with less assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Attitudes and Content Learning activities
understanding values
–– Compare objects (big –– Group –– Habit to make a –– Comparing and –– Learners observe the teacher/caregiver’s demonstration using
vs. small, Long vs. objects choice between grouping different available materials.
short) according to long/ short items in terms of size –– Assisted by the teacher, learners carry out exercises that help them
their length and big/ small and length: big and to distinguish the big objects from small objects; and later on long
and size with objects small, long and short objects from short ones.
–– Learners sort out and group objects according their size or length.
Links to other learning areas: PE: Fine motor development
Assessment criteria: Ability to compare and group objects based on their size and length with assistance.
Materials: Concrete materials: school materials, domestic items, foods, etc.

Grade 3 Unit 7: Child’s daily activities Number of periods:
Key unit competency: Recognise important daily school routines and show respect of time and program with less assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Attitudes and Content Learning Activities
understanding values
–– Mention daily activities –– Respond to signals –– Respect time Daily activities at home/in dormitory : –– With less assistance, learners
–– Name the activity on the by participating and school’s –– Waking-up, Praying , Washing/ bathing tell their daily activities
timetable in schools/class program/ through a song or a poem
–– Putting on clothes/uniforms
activity at a given timetable –– With less assistance, learners
–– Tell time of the day –– Taking breakfast & Brushing
time. match class routines/ activities
–– Tell days of the week –– Going to school/class
–– Match an with corresponding signal
–– Tell time of the week illustration with –– Daily school /class routines at different through games.
activity done times of the day with corresponding –– With less assistance, learners
signals e.g. Bell ringing, whistle, observe illustrations/pictures
pictures, symbols etc). Daily school /class showing time of the day and
routines at different times of the day: say what they do at that time
–– School time table (beginning lessons, (match an illustration with an
break time, lunch, time to go home) activity) in groups
–– Time of the day: morning, noon, evening –– With assistance learners
and night match days of the week and
–– Weekly activities: week days and an activity done at school and
weekends with corresponding activities home e.g going to school, to
done market, church/mosque/etc
with close help
–– Days of the week
Link to other subjects: Pre- numeracy, Pre- literacy
Assessment criteria: Recognize important daily school routines and show respect of time with less assistance
Materials: Calendar, school time table, cards of different colours, bottles, paints, different illustrations

TOPIC AREA: Measurement SUB-TOPIC AREA : Money
Grade 3 Unit 8: Recognising money Number of periods:
Key unit competency: Differentiate money coins and notes used in Rwanda with improved autonomy
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Skills Attitudes and values Content Learning Activities
–– Recognise /identify different –– Distinguish money coins –– Recognise that money is Coins from 5-100 –– Learners sort money
money coins to notes used from other items/objects important –– Coin of 5Frw coins and notes from
in Rwanda –– Distinguish coins from –– Use money appropriately other objects like bottle
–– Coin of 10 Frw
–– Tells types of money used notes tops, stones, papers, on
–– Keep money carefully –– Coin of 20 Frw
at home their own, etc
–– Coin of 50 Frw
–– Coin of 100 Frw
–– Money notes: 500, 1000,
2000 and 5000
–– Importance of money
–– Keeping money
Link to other subjects: ADL, PE
Assessment criteria: Ability to identify and distinguish coins from notes with improved autonomy

Materials: All coins, notes and other concrete objects

Ubushobozi bw’ingenzi bugamijwe nyuma yo kurangiza ikiciro cya gatatu
Umunyeshuri araba ashobora:
• Gutandukanya amajwi y’abantu, akomoka ku bintu n’amajwi y’inyamaswa we ubwe.
• Kugaragaza ko ateze amatwi ibyo asomewe/abwiwe asubiza ibibazo, ashyira mu bikorwa amabwiriza ahawe, byibuze basubiyemo
ishuro zitarenze ebyiri.
• Gufata igitabo mu buryo buboneye no gusoma amashusho adategwa.
IMBUMBANYIGISHO: Guteza imbere kumva no kuvuga INYIGISHO : Gutega amatwi no kuvuga
Ubumuga bukomeye: Ikiciro 3 UMUTWE 1: Gutandukanya amajwi Igihe:
Ubushobozi bw’ingenzi bugamijwe: Gutandukanya amajwi y’abantu, akomoka ku bintu n’amajwi y’inyamaswa we ubwe
Icyigwa Ibikorwa by’abanyeshuri
Ubumenyi Ubumenyi ngiro ubukesha
–– Gutandukanya –– Gutahura amajwi –– Gutega amatwi yitonze, –– Gutandukanya amajwi y’ibintu: –– Abana bagerageza gutega
amajwi y’abantu, atandukanye –– Kwishimira amajwi –– Ibikoresho bya muzika amatwi bagatandukanya
ay’ibintu harimo ay’abantu, y’ibikoresho amajwi atandukanye babireba
–– inzogera, ifirimbi, imodoka,
n’ay’inyamaswa ibintu ndetse n’ bitandukanye by’umuziki cg batabireba
inyamaswa –– Amajwi/imvugo z’inyamaswa,
–– Mu matsinda, abana
–– urusaku rwa telefoni, rw’imodoka, bagerageza kwigana inyamaswa
indege, moto, n’ibindi bazi uko zivuga bo ubwabo
Ihuriro n’ibindi byigwa: Muzika, icyongereza, imyitozo ngororamubiri
Ingingo ngenderwaho mu isuzuma: ubushobozi bwo gutahura amajwi atandukanye ari ay’abantu, ibintu ndetse n’inyamaswa we ubwe
Imfashanyigisho: ibinyuguri, gitari, piyano, iningiri, ingoma, ifirimbi, inzogera, telefoni, amashushomvugo y’inyamaswa zimenyerewe mu bidukikije n’ amajwi
y’inyamaswa zo mu rugo.

IMBUMBANYIGISHO: Kwandika no gusoma INYIGISHO : Gusoma
Ubumuga bukomeye: Ikiciro 3 UMUTWE 2: Kwimenyereza kwandika no gusoma Igihe:
Ubushobozi bw’ingenzi bugamijwe: Gufata igitabo mu buryo buboneye no gusoma amashusho adategwa
icyigwa Ibikorwa by’abanyeshuri
Ubumenyi Ubumenyi ngiro ubukesha
–– Kurambura igitabo –– Gufata igitabo –– Gufata neza ibitabo (atabica) –– Ibigize igitabo: –– Abana mu matsinda:
ahereye imbere ajya atagicuritse –– Gukurikiza amabwiriza ahawe –– igifuniko, impapuro , –– Bitoza gufata ibitabo neza
inyuma umugongo, inyandiko n’ batabicuritse, batabica/
–– Kukirambura neza amashusho, badahinahina impapuro no
atagiciye –– Gufata igitabo uko bikwiye kubikoresha
–– Kurambura neza impapuro –– Abana barambura neza
impapuro zigize igitabo
Ihuriro n’ibindi byigwa: Gushushanya, icyongereza
Ingingo ngenderwaho mu isuzuma: ubushobozi bwo gufata igitabo atagicuritse, akakirambura neza atagica atanasimbuka impapuro we ubwe
Imfashanyigisho: ibitabo byinshi bitandukanye

Competence to be achieved at the end of Grade 3
Learner will be able to:
• Manipulate common ICT materials on his/her own or with less assistance
• Put on/off light, call/end call and put on/off TV and radio with improved autonomy
TOPIC AREA: ICT & Technology devices SUB-TOPIC AREA : Familiar/common ICT devices
SEVERE: Grade 3 Unit 1: ICT devices used at home Number of periods:
Key unit competency: Manipulate ICT and other technology devices used at home with improved autonomy
Learning objectives
Content Learning Activities
Knowledge and understanding Skills Attitudes and values
–– Name ICT devices used at –– Put on/ off a candle –– Proper –– ICT, electronic devices –– In groups and assisted by the teacher,
home/community or a lamp manipulation of used at home: learners manipulate each devices l:
–– Identify tools emitting light –– Switch on/off light common ICT –– Radio –– Lighting a candle, lamp and
used at home devices switching on/off light
–– Turn on and off –– TV, Computer, Cell
water tap while –– used at home phone, Other tools –– Cell phone: Use a cell phone to call
fetching water –– Self confidence –– Light: torch, candles, and end a call. Manipulate yes and
–– Call/ receive a call lamps, bulbs no buttons on the cell phone
using a cell phone –– Water taps, water tanks –– TV, Radio and computer: connect,
–– Turn a radio on and turn on a radio, TV search for a
off certain channel/ change channel as
desired and turn off the radio, TV
Link to other subjects: ADL, Social Economic Activities
Assessment criteria: Put on/off light, call/end call and put on/off TV and radio with less assistance
Materials: Candles, touch, spirit lamps, water taps, radio, cell phone, TV, computer, switches, etc.


4.1. Syllabus overview
Competences per grade
Learning areas/ Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3
Topic area Sub topic
Aim: Improving independent living and autonomy for learner of profound level of
intellectual disability.
1.Activity of 1. Human Body Identification of gender Identify his/her gender (boy/ Identify image of boys Differentiate images of
Daily Living characteristics girl) with close assistance. versus girls; man versus boy versus girl; man
(ADL) woman with close versus woman with close
assistance. assistance.
Parts of the body Identify different parts of Recognize different Show different parts of
human body with close parts of human body human body with close
assistance. with close assistance. assistance
2. Personal Development of personal Wash his/her hands and face, Wash his/her hands and Wash his/her body with
Hygiene cleanliness. brush teeth, wipe nose, with close face, brush teeth, wipe close assistance.
assistance. nose, comb his/her hair
with close assistance.
3. Self Feeding Development of good Sit properly while eating with Use of table materials with Feeding him/herself with
manners to feed him/ close assistance. close assistance. close assistance.
4.Dressing Development of personal Dress and undress; with close Button and zip up with Dress and undress, button
capacity to dress and undress; assistance. close assistance. and zip up with less
to button and zip up assistance.
5.Toilet Use Optimal use of a toilet and Use a toilet, hygienic accessories Use a toilet, hygienic Use a toilet, hygienic
accessories. and other sanitation facilities with accessories and other accessories and other
close assistance. sanitation facilities with sanitation facilities with less
assistance. assistance.
6.Personal Safety Identification and Identify dangerous places and Recognize dangerous Avoid dangerous places
avoidance of dangerous objects with close assistance. places and objects with and objects with close
places and objects close assistance. assistance.

Learning areas/ Topic area Sub topic Competences per grade
Subjects Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3
Aims: Developing social interaction and relationship
2. Social Skills 1.Moral and Identification of family Identify family members Recognize all family Recognize all family
family life members, guardians and (mother, Father) with close members (nuclear members (nuclear
education caregivers. assistance. family) with close family), caregivers and
assistance. guardians with close
2.Social Relationships Interact with his/her siblings Interact with his/ Interact with his/her
Interaction (brother, sister), peers and her siblings, peers siblings, peers and
educators with close assistance. and educators with educators with less
assistance. assistance.
Learning areas/ Topic area Sub topic Competences per grade
Subjects Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3
Aims : Stimulating communication ability for learners with profound level of disability
3. Language, 1. Listening, Names and sounds Respond to his/her names with Respond to his/her names Respond to his/her names
Speech and attention and close assistance. with assistance. with less assistance.
Communication communication
Development skills
2. Pre-reading Recognition of visual, Recognize simple coloured, Differentiate coloured Arrange coloured image /
skills coloured images/pictures concrete image with close image / concrete objects concrete objects with close
and concrete objects. assistance. with close assistance. assistance.

3. Stimulation Babble sequences of sounds Repeat basic vowels and bilabials Repeat basic vowels, Make simple sounds/ words
of capacity to or have a few basic functional (/m/ & /p/) with close assistance. bilabials (/m/ & /p/) and with close assistance.
produce sounds words. consonants with less
4.Development Response to verbal and Recognize and respond to Respond to commands Respond to commands
of capacity to non-verbal commands and commonly used verbal and non- through using most through using most
respond to Instructions. verbal commands and instructions appropriate form of appropriate form of
commands and with close assistance. communication with close communication with less
instructions assistance. assistance.

Learning areas/ Topic area Sub topic Competences per grade
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3
Aims : Developing fine and gross motor skills
4.Physical 1. Development of Sitting Exercise him/herself to basic body Exercise him/herself to basic Exercise him/herself to basic
Education body posture Standing postures such as Sitting, Standing body postures such as Sitting, body postures such as Sitting,
up, movement, etc, with much Standing up, movement, Standing up, movement, etc.
stimulation /initiation and assistance. etc. with less stimulation / without much stimulation /
Lying initiation and assistance. initiation and assistance.
2. Body parts Imitating different basic Imitate different movements such as: Imitate different movements Imitate different movements
movement (jumping, walking, walking, jumping, running, catching, such as: walking, jumping, such as: walking, jumping,
running, catching, etc according to physical abilities running, catching, etc, running, catching, etc,
with close assistance. according to physical abilities according to physical abilities
(with assistance). with less assistance).

3. Manipulation of Holding, catching, sending and Hold and manipulate objects to Catch and send objects to Mould objects to develop
object moulding objects develop fine motor skills with close develop fine motor skills fine motor skills with less
assistance. with assistance. assistance.
Learning areas/ Topic area Sub topic Competences per grade
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3
Aims : Developing elementary numeracy skills
5. Pre-Numeracy 1. Pre-numbers Manipulation exercises Practice fingers and hand exercises. Practice fingers and hand Practice fingers and hand
exercises. exercises.
Sorting and Matching Match concrete objects with close Match objects with close Match objects less assistance
assistance. assistance.
Group similar objects with close Group similar objects with Group similar objects less
assistance. assistance. assistance.
2. Comparing Comparing objects based on Compare objects (long & short; Big Compare objects (long & Compare objects (colour, long
size and length & small) with close assistance. short; Big & small) with & short; Big & small) with less
assistance. assistance.
3. Timing Timing on daily routine Use pictograms/ Use pictograms/ pictures and Use pictograms/ pictures and
activities Pictures and objects for time objects for time management object for time management
management. (With close assistance). (with assistance). (with less assistance).

4.2. GRADE 1

Competences to be achieved at the end of grade one
Learners will be able to:
• Identify his/her own gender with close assistance. Show different parts of the body with close assistance. Practice personal cleanliness
(wash hands and face) with close assistance.
• Dress and undress with close assistance.
• Feed him/herself with close assistance.
• Use a toilet and accessories with close assistance.
• Identify and avoid dangerous places and objects with close assistance

TOPIC AREA: Human body Sub topic area: Gender characteristics
Grade 1 Unit 1: Identification of his/her own gender Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Able to talk about his/her own gender with close assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and under- Content Learning activities
Skills Attitudes and values
–– Identify him/herself self –– Make groups of –– Develop self-esteem –– I am a boy –– The Teacher/caregiver provides girls with a
as boy/as girl girls or boys using and confidence –– I am a girl same object such as a gender representing
pictures image. The same is done for boys.
–– Identify him or –– He/she forms groups of learners based on
herself as boy or their gender.
girl respectively –– He/she associates each group with the gender
using image identifying them: these are boys;
these are girls.
–– He/she provides separately, pictures of boys
and girls and have children to make 2 groups
based on gender.
–– Game: The Teacher/caregiver puts the images
used before on a wall to have boys and girls
in 2 groups based on their gender
–– The Teacher/caregiver helps each learner to
identify his/her self as boy or girl.
Links to other learning areas: Numeracy when making groups based on gender and using the concept of images.
Assessment criteria: Ability to talk about him/her as a girl or as a boy
Materials: Photographs/pictures and images.

TOPIC AREA: Human body Sub topic area: Parts of the body
Grade 1 Unit 2: Identification of different parts of the body
Key Unit Competence: Show the main parts of the body with close assistance
Learning objectives Content Learning activities
Knowledge and understanding Skills Attitudes and values
–– Recognize the main parts of the –– Show a given main part –– Demonstrate good Main parts of the body: –– Learners show a given part
body on his/her own body or habits of cleanliness –– Head of the body as the Teacher/
on pictures/ wall charts caregiver shows that part and
–– Trunk
–– Distinguish the main says its name.
–– Limbs (Arms and legs)
parts of the body.
Links to other learning areas: Numeracy while developing learners capacity to make groups/classifying
Assessment criteria: Ability to show the main parts of the body.
Materials: Pictures, wall charts.

TOPIC AREA: Personal Hygiene Sub topic area: Development of personal cleanliness
Grade 1 Unit 3: Personal cleanliness
Key Unit Competence: Practice personal cleanliness with close assistance
Learning objectives Content Suggested Learning activities
Knowledge and Skills Attitudes and
understanding values
–– Wash different –– Wash hand and face, Brush teeth Wipe –– Demonstrates Clean parts of –– Learners observe the teacher/caregivers as he / she
parts of the body, his/her nose with close assistance good habits of the head washes hands and face, brush teeth and wipe nose.
brush teeth and –– Request for assistance cleanliness –– Eyes –– The Teacher/caregiver provides opportunities to
wipe nose allow learners to clean their hands and face, brush
–– Keep his/her ears clean –– Ears
teeth and wipe nose with their personal cleaning
–– keep their personal cleaning materials –– Nose materials.
(brush teeth, handkerchief , ...) –– Mouth
Links to other learning areas: Physical Education while developing eye-hand coordination and fine motor development.
Assessment criteria: Ability to practice hygiene of these parts with close assistance.
Materials: soap, basin, towel, toothpaste, toothbrush, handkerchief, etc.

Sub topic area: Development of good manners to feed him/ her self
Grade 1 Unit 4: Good manner to feed him/her self Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Be able to feed him/ herself with close assistance.
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Attitudes and
Skills Content Suggested learning activities
understanding values
–– Develop good –– Feeding –– Demonstrate –– Table manners –– Learners are assisted to observe good manner on table,
manners to feed him/ him/ herself ability to eat –– Table tools thereafter, they will imitate
herself appropriately
–– Table’s hygiene –– Learners are trained how to eat appropriately. Ag: How to
using table hold the spoon, fork, cup, plate, etc.
materials (spoons,
–– Learners are assisted to use different table’s tools, e.g.:
cup and plates
spoon, plates, cups, etc.
–– Learners are assisted to clean table after meals
Links to other learning areas: PE: development of fine motor skills
Assessment criteria: Ability to feed him/ her self
Materials: Spoons, cup and plates

TOPIC AREA: Dressing Sub topic area: Capacity to dress and undress
Grade 1 Unit 5: Dressing and undressing Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Be able to dress and undress with close assistance.
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Content Suggested Learning activities
Skills Attitudes and values
–– Dress and undress –– Develop capacity to dress –– Demonstrate Habit Dress and undress –– Learners observe teachers/ caregivers
and undress to Dress and undress –– T- shirt practices while dressing and undressing.
properly –– Pullover –– Teachers/ caregivers provide learners with
–– Skirt opportunity to imitate him/her individually.
–– Dress
–– Socks
–– etc
Links to other learning areas: Physical Education when manipulating concrete objects
Assessment criteria: Ability to dress and undress different types of clothes.
Materials: clothes of different types and colours.

TOPIC AREA: Toilet use Sub topic area: Optimal use of toilet and accessories
Grade 1 Unit 6: Use of toilet and accessories Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Be able to use toilet and accessories with close assistance.
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Attitudes
Skills Content Suggested learning activities
understanding and values
––Use a toilet, ––Use a toilet ––Demonstrate sense ––Use of Traditional (squat toilet/deep hole in the ––Learners observe the caregivers demonstrating
hygienic hygienic of autonomy while floor proper toilet use manners and WASH facilities.
accessories and accessories and using a toilet and ––Modern (with a bowl and a seat), - Use of a towel, ––Learners are individually assisted by the
other sanitation other sanitation improve hygiene water taps, hand driers, cleansing chemicals and caregiver/teachers when practicing.
facilities facilities. behaviour soaps, hygienic and sanitary pads, dust bin. ––Learners are encouraged and assisted.
Links to other learning areas: PE: Development of fine motor skills
Assessment criteria: Ability to use a toilet and WASH facilities.
Materials: Materials needed in the toilet: toilet paper, basin, water, towel, cleansing chemicals and soaps, hygienic and sanitary pads, dust bin, etc.

Sub topic area: Dangerous places and objects
Personal safety
Grade 1 Unit 7: Identification and avoidance of dangerous places and objects Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Identify and avoid dangerous places and objects
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Attitudes and Content Learning activities
understanding values
–– Identify and –– Develop capacity to –– Demonstrate –– Identify and avoid harmful objects –– Learners observe how the teacher/
avoid dangerous identify and avoid ability to identify in classroom and surrounding caregivers demonstrate the avoidance
places and dangerous places and and avoid environment e.g.: Stairs, doors, of dangerous objects.
objects. objects. dangerous places chairs, knives, poles, holes, stones, –– Learners are assisted and coached on
and objects. pens, pencils, power tools, staples. avoidance of dangerous places and
Links to other learning areas: Physical Education: Body postures and body parts
Assessment criteria: Ability to sit and walk in safe places.
Materials: doors, chairs, knives, poles, holes, stones, pens, pencils, power tools, staples, etc.

Competences to be achieved at the end of grade one
Learners will be able to:
• Recognize their mother and father using verbal and nonverbal signs with close assistance
• Interact with siblings using verbal and nonverbal signs with close assistance
TOPIC AREA: Moral and family life education Sub-topic area: Family members and caregivers
Grade 1 Unit 1: Identification of mother and father Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Identify their mother and father with close assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and
Skills Attitudes and values Content Learning activities
–– Identify their –– Recognize their –– Demonstrate ability to express –– This is my mother –– Assisted by the teacher /caregiver learners
mother and mother and father. recognition of mother and father by –– This is my father are invited one by one to point at/ touch
father. touching, pointing at or smiling to. and smile to his/ her mom and daddy.
Links to other learning areas: ADL while learning gender characteristics.
Assessment criteria: Ability to recognize his or her mom or daddy with close assistance.
Materials: Pictures of mom and daddy, video, mom and daddy at home.

TOPIC AREA: Social interaction Sub-topic area: Relationship
Grade 1 Unit 2: Interaction with siblings Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Interact with siblings with close assistance.
Learning objectives Content Learning activities
Knowledge and Skills Attitudes and values
–– Interact with –– Identify and demonstrate –– Demonstrate ability to express –– Play with siblings –– Teachers/ caregivers
siblings (sister, positive relationship with recognition of siblings by greeting, –– Interact with siblings in assist the learner to
brothers, etc.) siblings touching, pointing at or smiling to different situations (inside point at, greet, touch
them. and outside the school). and play with siblings.

Links to other learning areas: Language and communication.

Assessment criteria: Ability to interact with siblings by playing, greeting or smiling to them.
Materials: Pictures of mom and daddy, video, mom and daddy at home.

Competences to be achieved at the end of grade one
Learners will be able to:
• Recognize their names with close assistance.
• Recognize simple, visual, coloured images and concrete objects with close assistance.
• Babble basic vowels and bilabials with close assistance.
• Respond to verbal and nonverbal commands and simple instructions with close assistance.
TOPIC AREA: Listening, attention and communication skills SUB TOPIC AREA: Names and sounds
Grade 1 Unit 1: Names Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Listen and respond to his/her name when called, with close assistance.
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Attitudes and
Skills Content Learning activities
understanding values
–– Recognize his / –– Respond to his / her –– Develop a sense –– His/her names. –– Teacher/caregiver introduce learners’ names
her name. name by any sign. of responding to –– Learners will be engaged in different games based on their
his /her name. names, sign names, or pictures, with teacher’s / care giver’s
–– Learners will be exposed to different audio devices, such as
radio, TV, mobile phone, etc.

Links to other learning areas: ADL: Human body.

Assessment criteria: Ability to recognize her/his names, sign names and/or pictures.
Materials: Pictograms, pictures, audio devices, etc.

TOPIC AREA: Pre- reading skills SUB TOPIC AREA: Images and pictures
Grade 1 Unit 2: Simple, visual , colored images and pictures Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Recognize simple, visual , coloured images, pictures and concrete objects with close assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Skills Attitudes and values Content Learning activities
–– Identify the –– Develop ability to recognize –– Express recognition of –– Simple, visual, –– With teachers’/caregivers’ close
representation of an images or pictures of real simple, visual, coloured coloured images, assistance, learners will recognize
image or a picture. objects. images, pictures and pictures and images or pictures of real objects.
concrete objects. concrete objects.
Links to other learning areas: ADL
Assessment criteria: Ability to recognize images, pictures and objects with assistance.
Materials: Simple images, simple pictures, etc.

TOPIC AREA: Stimulation of capacity to

SUB TOPIC AREA: Babble sequences of sounds and basic functional words
produce sounds
Grade 1 Unit 3: Basic vowels and bilabials Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Be able to babble basic vowels and, bilabials with close assistance.
Learning objectives
Knowledge and
Skills Attitudes and values Content Learning activities
–– Manifest ideas, –– Develop bubbling –– Express his/her ideas, –– Ideas, feelings, –– With teachers’/caregivers’ close assistance, learners will
feeling and performance. feelings and emotions emotions observe and imitate the teacher’s lips movements (lip
emotions. through bubbles. expression reading) to produce bubble sound.
–– Learners will be exposed to exciting situations to
stimulate the expression of their feelings and emotions.
Links to other learning areas: ADL
Assessment criteria: Capacity to communicate or to interact with surrounding people through bubbles.
Materials: Videos, images, scenario, games, etc.

TOPIC AREA: Develop capacity to respond to commands and SUB TOPIC AREA: Response to verbal and non-verbal commands ( simple
simple instructions instructions)
Unit 4: Use of appropriate form of communication to
Grade 1 Number of periods:
respond to commands ( simple instructions)
Key Unit Competence: Respond to verbal and non-verbal commands (simple instructions) with close assistance.
Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding Skills Attitudes and values Content Learning activities

–– Recognize appropriate form of –– Respond appropriately to verbal –– Develop habit to –– Simple verbal and –– With teachers’/care givers’ close
communication to verbal and and non-verbal commands respond appropriately non-verbal commands assistance, learners are invited to
non-verbal commands (simple (simple instructions). to commands. commonly used. respond to simple commands.
Links to other learning areas: ADL , social skills
Assessment criteria: The ability to respond appropriately to simple commands.
Materials: Images, games, flash cards, etc.


Competences to be achieved at the end of grade one

Learners will be able to:
• Do exercises related to basic body postures with close assistance.
• Imitate basic movement (jumping, walking, running and catching with close assistance.
• To hold, catch, send and mould concrete objects with close assistance.
TOPIC AREA: Body posture SUB TOPIC AREA: - Sitting, Standing, Lifting, Lying
Grade 1 Unit 1: Basic body posture Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Be able to do exercises related to basic body postures with close assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Attitudes and
Skills Content Learning activities
understanding values
–– Do exercises related –– Shift from one –– Develop a sense –– Activities related to –– Learners are assisted to carry out exercises related to
to different postures bodily position of autonomy body posture: Sitting each bodily position using different materials where
with close assistance to another with –– Improve down on chairs, on applicable.
close assistance Physical fitness mats, Standing up, –– Learners are assisted to carry out various exercises aiming
Lifting, Lying down on at improving their ability to shift from one posture to
a bed, on a mat another taking into consideration individual challenges.
Links to other learning areas: ADL when dressing and undressing
Assessment criteria: Ability to carry out basic body postures with close assistance
Materials: Mats, chairs, beds,

SUB TOPIC AREA: Imitate different basic movement (jumping, walking, running, catching, etc.
Body parts
Grade 1 Unit 2: Imitation of movements Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Imitate basic movement (jumping, walking, running and catching with close assistance.
Learning objectives
Knowledge and
Skills Attitudes and values Content Learning activities
–– Develop –– Carry out basic –– Develop a sense of –– Keeping a rhythm by clapping, –– For every exercise: the teacher/caregiver
improved ability mobility and autonomy stamping feet, etc. demonstrates several times learners are
to walk, jump, coordination –– Improve Physical –– Dancing according to a rhythm individually assisted to carry out the
run and catch. exercises. fitness produced through clapping and exercise.
drumming –– Using the available adapted materials,
–– Throwing and catching a ball teacher/caregiver assist learners with
mobility problem to carry out different
–– Walking with close assistance( using
adapted advices)
Links to other learning areas: Pre numeracy when sorting and matching objects.
Assessment criteria: Ability to carry out exercises aiming at developing mobility and coordination skills.
Materials: drum, safe playground, ball, walkers, crutches, music instruments.

TOPIC AREA: Manipulation of
SUB TOPIC AREA: Holding, catching, sending and moulding objects
concrete objects
Grade 1 Unit 3: Fine motor development Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Be able to hold, catch, send and mould concrete objects with close assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Content Learning activities
Skills Attitudes and values
–– Handle –– Demonstrate –– Demonstrate ability to Exercises different activities: For every exercise:
different ability to manipulate different –– Holding a ball, spoon, pen, etc. –– The teacher/ caregiver
materials/ manipulate concrete objects. demonstrates several
–– Catching a ball, etc.
tools used in different times
everyday life concrete objects. –– Sending concrete objects( balls) moulding clay,
modelling dough, playing with clay, stick or stones to –– Learners are individually
with close
form different shapes assisted to do the exercise.
–– Make free drawings using a pencil with large
–– Hold a book and turn pages
–– Thread beads, picking objects such as toys and other
Links to other learning areas: ADL , Pre Numeracy
Assessment criteria: Ability to manipulate different concrete objects with close assistance
Materials: Spoon, ball, writing materials, clay, modelling dough etc.

Competences to be achieved at the end of grade one
Learners will be able to:
• Manipulate concrete objects using fingers and hands with close assistance.
• Sort and match concrete objects with close assistance.
• Compare objects based on their size and length with close assistance.
TOPIC AREA: Numbers SUB TOPIC AREA: Manipulation
Grade 1 Unit 1: Practice fingers and hand exercises Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Manipulate concrete objects using fingers and hands with close assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and
Skills Attitudes and values Content Learning activities
–– Manipulate –– Practice –– Demonstrate ability –– Open and close hands –– The Teacher/caregiver demonstrates
concrete objects fingers to develop fine –– Finger bends how to practice a given exercise/
using fingers and and hand motor skills activity
–– Thumb bend
hands exercises –– Learners to carry out a given exercise
–– Fingers bend to make an “O”
under the teacher/caregiver’s individual
–– Thumb up with other finger bends close assistance.
–– Pick objects by opposing the thumb to –– Learners model things using clay
index finger
–– Learners manipulate/handle different
–– Catch firmly an object objects/toys
Links to other learning areas: Physical Education: Fine motor skills development
Assessment criteria: Ability to practice finger and hand exercises to improve fine motor and hand coordination skills.
Materials: Concrete materials such as toys, clay, toothpaste, toothbrush, clothes, school materials, ropes, etc.

TOPIC AREA: Numbers SUB TOPIC AREA: Sorting and Matching
Grade 1 Unit 2: Sorting and matching concrete objects Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Sorting and matching concrete objects with close assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Attitudes &
Skills Content Learning activities
understanding values
–– Differentiate and –– To identify items –– Acquire –– Colours: red, green, –– Learners observe as the teacher/caregiver shows different
associate colours /objects with a orderliness by yellow, blue, black objects of the same colour: example for the red colour:
given colour and putting together –– Grouping of objects “this is a yellow cup; this is a red bucket, a white shirt, a
match similar similar objects. according to their green ball, these are red tomatoes, blue pens, red T-shirt
objects shapes colours and shapes: etc.
with assistance rectangles/square, –– Learners carry out exercises that help them to identify
–– Sort and group circle. objects of different colours among others.
similar objects –– Learners sort out and make group of red objects.
based on a given
–– Game: Matching gap and related shapes with close
colour, shape with
–– Make group of similar objects according to their shape and
colour with close assistance.
Links to other learning areas: PE: Fine motor skills development.
Assessment criteria: Ability to group objects according to a given colour or shape.
Materials: Concrete materials: clothes, plates, toys, school materials, etc.

Grade 1 Unit 3: Compare objects based on their size and length Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Compare objects based on their size and length with close assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Attitudes and
Skills Content Learning activities
understanding values
–– Compare big and –– Group objects –– Demonstrate –– Comparing and grouping –– Learners observe the teacher/caregiver’s
small objects according to their ability to make a different items in terms of demonstration using available materials.
–– Compare long and length and size choice between size and length: big and –– Assisted by the teacher, learners carry out
short objects with assistance long/ short small, long and short (eg. exercises that help them to distinguish the big
and big/ small pen, pencil, ruler, chalk, objects from small objects; and later on long
objects banana, empty bottles, etc.) objects from short ones.
–– Learners sort out and group objects according
their size or length.
Links to other learning areas: PE: Fine motor development
Assessment criteria: Ability to compare and group objects based on their size and length with assistance.
Materials: Concrete materials: school materials, domestic items, foods, etc.

4.3. GRADE 2

Competences to be achieved at the end of grade two
Learners will be able to:
• Differentiate male and female with close assistance.
• Recognize the main parts of the body with assistance.
• Practice personal cleanliness (brush teeth and wipe nose) with assistance.
• Button and zip up with assistance.
• Use table tools/utensils with assistance.
• Use a toilet and accessories with assistance.
• Identify and avoid dangerous places and objects with assistance.
TOPIC AREA: Human body Sub topic area: Gender characteristics
Grade 2 Unit 1: Identification of his/her own gender Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Differentiate male and female with assistance.
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Attitudes and Content Learning activities
understanding values
–– Identify –– Make groups of girls or –– Develop self- –– This is a boy/man –– The Teacher/caregiver provides separately, pictures/
images of boys using pictures esteem and –– This is a girl/ image of boys and girls.
boys versus –– Identify images of boy/ confidence woman –– Leaners are assisted to point at / say who is a girl/women
girls man and girls / women and who is a boy.
Links to other learning areas: Pre numeracy when sorting and matching concrete objects
Assessment criteria: Ability to identify images of boys/ girls. Men and women
Materials: Photographs/pictures of boys/ girls/men and women

TOPIC AREA: Human body Sub topic area: Parts of the body
Grade 2 Unit 2: Different parts of the body
Key Unit Competence: Recognize the main parts of the body with assistance.
Learning objectives Content Learning activities
Knowledge and Skills Attitudes and
understanding values
–– Recognize the main –– Show a given main part on his/her own body –– Demonstrate Main parts of the body: –– Learners show a given part
parts of the body or on pictures/ wall charts. good habits of –– Head of the body as the Teacher/
–– Distinguish the main parts of the body. cleanliness. caregiver shows that part and
–– Trunk
says its name.
–– Limbs (Arms and legs).
Links to other learning areas: Numeracy while developing learners capacity to make groups/classifying
Assessment criteria: Ability to show the main parts of the body
Materials: Pictures, wall charts, etc.

TOPIC AREA: Personal Hygiene Sub topic area: Development of personal cleanliness
Grade 2 Unit 3: Personal cleanliness
Key Unit Competence: Able to practice personal cleanliness with assistance.
Learning objectives Content Learning objectives
Knowledge and Skills Attitudes and
Skills Knowledge and understanding
understanding values
–– Brush teeth and wipe nose –– Brush teeth and wipe his/her –– Brush teeth –– Brush teeth and wipe his/her –– Brush teeth and wipe nose.
nose. and wipe nose.
–– Request for assistance nose –– Request for assistance
–– Keep his/her teeth using –– Keep his/her teeth clean using
(brush teeth, handkerchief , ...) (brush teeth, handkerchief , ...)

Links to other learning areas: Physical Education while developing eye-hand coordination and fine motor development.
Assessment criteria: Ability to brush and wipe noses with assistance.
Materials: soap, basin, towel, toothpaste, brush teeth, handkerchief, etc.

TOPIC AREA: Dressing Sub topic area: Capacity to button and zip up
Grade 2 Unit 4: Button and zip up Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Able to button and zip up with assistance.
Learning objectives Content Suggested Learning activities
Knowledge and Skills Attitudes and values
–– Button and zip up –– Develop capacity –– Demonstrate capacity –– Button shirts, t-shirt and zip up –– Learners observe teachers/ caregivers’ practices while
to button and zip to button and zip up Pullover, skirt, trousers, dress, etc. buttoning and zipping up.
up properly –– Teachers/ caregivers provide opportunity to imitate
Links to other learning areas: Physical Education when manipulating concrete objects
Assessment criteria: Ability to button and zip up different types of clothes.
Suggested materials: Clothes of different types and colours.

TOPIC AREA: Self feeding Sub topic area: Development of good manners to feed him/ her self
Grade 2 Unit 5: Use of table materials with assistance
Key Unit Competence: Use table materials with assistance.
Learning objectives Content Learning objectives
Knowledge and Knowledge and
Skills Skills Knowledge and understanding
understanding understanding
–– Use of table –– Feeding –– Demonstrate –– Table manners –– Learners are taught how to eat appropriately. Ag: How to hold the spoon, fork,
materials with him/ ability to use –– Table tools cup, plate, etc.
assistance herself appropriately –– Learners are assisted to observe good manner on table, thereafter, they will
–– Table’s hygiene
using table table materials imitate
materials (spoons, cup
–– Learners are assisted to use different table’s tools, e.g: spoon, plates, cups, etc.
and plates
–– Learners are assisted to clean table after meals.
Links to other learning areas: PE: development of fine motor skills
Assessment criteria: ability to use table materials
Materials: Spoons, cup, plates, etc.

TOPIC AREA: Toilet use Sub topic area: Optimal use of toilet and accessories
Grade 2 Unit 6: Use of toilet and accessories Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Use toilet and accessories with assistance.
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Skills Attitudes and Content Suggested learning activities
understanding values
–– Use a toilet, hygienic –– Use a toilet –– Demonstrate –– Use of Traditional (squat toilet/deep –– Learners observe the caregivers
accessories and other hygienic sense of hole in the floor demonstrating proper toilet use manners
sanitation facilities accessories and autonomy while –– Modern (with a bowl and a seat), and WASH facilities.
other sanitation using a toilet –– Use of a towel, water taps, hand –– Learners are individually assisted by the
facilities. and improve driers, cleansing chemicals and caregiver/teachers when practicing.
and hygiene soaps, hygienic and sanitary pads, –– Learners are encouraged and assisted.
behaviour. dust bin
Links to other learning areas: PE: development of fine motor skills
Assessment criteria: Ability to use a toilet and WASH facilities.
Materials: Materials needed in the toilet: toilet paper, basin, water, towel, cleansing chemicals and soaps, hygienic and sanitary pads, dust bin, etc.

TOPIC AREA: Personal safety Sub topic area: Dangerous places and objects
Grade 2 Unit 7: Surrounding dangerous places and objects Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Able to recognize surrounding dangerous places and objects with assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Content Learning activities
Skills Attitudes and values
–– Recognize –– Develop capacity –– Habit to pay –– Recognize harmful objects in –– Learners observe how the teacher/
surrounding to recognize attention to classroom and surrounding caregivers demonstrate the avoidance of
dangerous places surrounding surrounding environment e.g.: Stairs, doors, chairs, dangerous objects.
and objects. dangerous places dangerous places knives, poles, holes, stones, pens, –– Learners are assisted and coached on
and objects. and objects. pencils, power tools, staples. avoidance of dangerous places and objects.
Links to other learning areas: Physical Education: Body postures and body parts
Assessment criteria: Ability to sit and walk in safe places
Materials: Doors, chairs, knives, poles, holes, stones, pens, pencils, power tools, staples, etc

Competences to be achieved at the end of grade two
Learners will be able to:
• Recognize their family members using verbal and nonverbal signs with assistance.
• Interact with peers and educators using verbal and nonverbal signs with assistance.
TOPIC AREA: Moral and family life education Sub-topic area: Family members
Unit 1: Recognition of family members( nuclear
Grade 2 Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Recognize family members with assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and
Skills Attitudes and values Content Learning activities
–– Distinguish family –– Point at family –– Demonstrate ability to express –– This is brother. –– Assisted by the Teacher/caregiver
members (nuclear family) members. recognition family members. –– This is my sister. learners are invited one by one to point
among others. at/ touch and smile to his/brother and
Links to other learning areas: ADL while learning gender characteristics
Assessment criteria: Ability to recognize his or her mom or daddy with close assistance.
Materials: Pictures of mom and daddy, video, mom and daddy at home

TOPIC AREA: Social interaction Sub-topic area: Relationship
Grade 2 Unit 2: Interaction with siblings, peers and educators Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Interact with siblings, peers and educators with assistance.
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Content Learning activities
Skills Attitudes and values
–– Interact with –– Identify and –– Demonstrate ability –– Play with siblings, peers and –– Teachers/ caregivers assist
siblings (sister, demonstrate positive to express recognition educators. the learner to point at, greet,
brothers, etc.), peers relationship with of siblings, peers and –– Interact with siblings in different touch and play with siblings,
and educators siblings, peers and educators by greeting, situations (inside and outside the peers and educators.
educators touching, pointing at or school), with peers and educators at
smiling to them. school.

Links to other learning areas: Language and communication.

Assessment criteria: Ability to interact with siblings, peers and educators by playing, greeting, or smiling to them.
Materials: Pictures of mom and daddy, video, mom and daddy at home, pictures of siblings and educators.

Competences to be achieved at the end of grade two
Learners will be able to:
• Recognize routine sound and voices with assistance.
• Differentiate simple, visual, coloured images and concrete objects with assistance.
• Repeat basic vowels, bilabials and consonants with assistance.
• Respond to verbal and nonverbal commands and simple instructions with assistance.
TOPIC AREA: Listening, attention and communication skills SUB TOPIC AREA: Routine sounds/voices
Grade2 Unit 1: Routine sounds and voices Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Recognize routine sounds and voices around him/her with assistance.
Learning objectives
Knowledge and
Skills Attitudes and values Content Learning activities
–– Recognize routine –– Respond to stimulus and –– Develop a sense of –– Routine sounds –– Teachers/caregivers introduce to learners
sounds and voices sounds by moving eyes. responding to any and voices. routine sounds and voices.
around him/herself. –– Respond to stimulus by turning routine sound or –– Learners will be exposed to different audio
his / her head. stimulus. devices, such as radio, TV, mobile phone,
–– Responding to stimulus by etc.
moving her body, crapping –– Learners will be encouraged to play
hands, smiling, etc different music instruments(drums, bells,
Links to other learning areas: Social skills
Assessment criteria: Ability to recognize routine sounds and voices around him/her.
Materials: Radio, TV, mobile phone, etc.

TOPIC AREA: Pre- reading skills SUB TOPIC AREA: Images and pictures
Grade 2 Unit 2: Simple, visual , coloured images and pictures Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Differentiate simple visual, coloured images, pictures and concrete objects with assistance.
Learning objectives
Knowledge and
Skills Attitudes and values Content Learning activities
–– Differentiate the –– Develop ability to –– Appreciation of simple, –– Simple, visual, –– With teachers’/caregivers’
representation of an image differentiate images or visual, coloured images, coloured images, assistance, learners will
or a picture of real objects. pictures of real objects. pictures and concrete pictures and concrete differentiate images or
objects. objects. pictures of real objects.
Links to other learning areas: Social skills
Assessment criteria: Ability to recognize images, picture, and objects with assistance.
Materials: Simple images, simple pictures of real objects, etc.

TOPIC AREA: Stimulation of capacity to produce

SUB TOPIC AREA: Babble sequences of sounds and basic functional words
Grade 2 Unit 3: Basic vowels and bilabials Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Repeat basic vowels, bilabials and consonants with assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and under-
Skills Attitudes and values Content Learning activities
–– Repeat basic vowels, –– Develop capacity to –– Demonstrate habit to –– Basic vowels bilabials –– With teachers’/care givers’ assistance, learners
bilabials and consonants. imitate and repeat basic obey and interact with and consonants. will observe and later on imitate the teacher’s
vowels, bilabials and surrounding people. lips movements (lip reading) to repeat basic
consonants. vowels bilabials and consonants.
Links to other learning areas: Social skills
Assessment criteria: Capacity to communicate or to interact with surrounding people.
Materials: Videos, images, scenario, games, etc.

TOPIC AREA: Development of capacity to respond to
SUB TOPIC AREA: Response to verbal and non-verbal commands ( simple instructions)
commands and simple instructions
Unit 4: Use of appropriate form of communication to respond to
Grade 2 Number of periods:
commands ( simple instructions)
Key Unit Competence: Respond to verbal and non-verbal commands (simple instructions) with assistance.
Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding Skills Attitudes and values Content Learning activities

–– Recognize appropriate form to –– Respond appropriately –– Develop habit –– Simple verbal –– With teachers’/caregivers’ assistance, learners
respond to verbal and non-verbal to verbal and non- to respond and non-verbal are invited to respond to simple commands.
commands (simple instructions). verbal commands appropriately to commands
(simple instructions). commands commonly used.
Links to other learning areas: Social skills (social interactions).
Assessment criteria: The ability to respond appropriately to simple commands and simple instructions.
Materials: Images, games, flash cards, etc.

Competences to be achieved at the end of grade two
Learners will be able to:
• Do exercises related to basic body postures with assistance.
• Imitate basic movement (jumping, walking, running and catching with assistance.
• To hold, catch, send and mould concrete objects with assistance.
TOPIC AREA: Body posture SUB TOPIC AREA: - Sitting, Standing, Lifting, Lying
Grade 2: Unit 1: Basic body posture Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Be able to do exercises related to basic body postures with assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Skills Attitudes and Content Learning activities
understanding values
–– Carry out exercises –– Shift from one –– Develop –– Activities related to body posture: –– Learners are assisted to do exercises related
related to different bodily position a sense of –– Sitting down on chairs, on mats, to each body position using different
postures with to another with autonomy materials where applicable.
–– Standing up
assistance. assistance –– Improve –– Learners are assisted to do various
–– Lifting
Physical fitness exercises aiming at improving their ability
–– Lying down on a bed, on a mat. to shift from one posture to another taking
into consideration individual challenges.
Links to other learning areas: ADL when dressing and undressing
Assessment criteria: Ability to carry out basic body postures with close assistance
Materials: Mats, chairs, beds,

TOPIC AREA: Body parts SUB TOPIC AREA: Imitate different basic movement (jumping, walking, running, catching, etc.

Unit 2: Imitation of
Grade 2 Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Imitate basic movement (jumping, walking, running and catching with assistance.
Learning objectives
Knowledge and
Skills Attitudes and values Content Learning activities
–– Develop ability –– Carry –– Develop a sense of –– Keeping a rhythm by clapping, –– For every exercise:
to walk, jump, out basic autonomy stamping feet, etc. –– The teacher/caregiver demonstrates several
run and catch. mobility and –– Improve Physical –– Dancing according to a rhythm times
coordination fitness produced through clapping and –– Learners are individually assisted to do the
exercises. drumming exercise.
–– Throwing and catching a ball –– Using the available adapted materials,
–– Walking with close assistance( teacher/caregiver assist learners with mobility
using adapted advices) problem to carry out different exercises.
Links to other learning areas: Pre numeracy when sorting and matching objects
Assessment criteria: Ability to carry out exercises aiming at developing mobility and coordination skills
Materials: drum, safe playground, ball, walkers, crutches, music instruments

TOPIC AREA: Manipulation of concrete
SUB TOPIC AREA: Holding, catching, sending and moulding objects
Grade 2 Unit 3: Fine motor development Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Be able to hold, catch, send and mould concrete objects with assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Content Learning activities
Skills Attitudes and values
–– Handle different –– Ability to –– Demonstrate ability to –– Exercises different activities: –– For every exercise:
materials/tools manipulate different manipulate different –– Holding a ball, spoon, pen, etc. –– The teacher/ caregiver
used in everyday concrete objects concrete objects demonstrates several times
–– Catching a ball, etc.
life with close
–– Sending concrete objects( balls) –– Learners are individually
assisted to do the exercise.
–– Moulding clay, modelling dough,
–– Playing with clay, stick or stones to form
different shapes
–– Make free drawings using a pencil with
large diameter,
–– Hold a book and turn pages
–– Thread beads (enfiler des perles)
–– Picking objects such as toys and other
Links to other learning areas: ADL , Pre Numeracy
Assessment criteria: Ability to manipulate different concrete objects with close assistance
Materials: Spoon, ball, writing materials, clay, modelling dough etc.

Competences to be achieved at the end of grade two
Learners will be able to:
• Manipulate concrete objects using fingers and hands with assistance.
• Sort and match concrete objects with assistance.
• Compare objects based on their size and length with assistance.
TOPIC AREA: Numbers SUB TOPIC AREA: Manipulation
Grade 2 Unit 1: Practice fingers and hand exercises Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Manipulate concrete objects using fingers and hands with assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and
Skills Attitudes and values Content Learning activities
–– Manipulate –– Practice fingers and –– Demonstrate ability to –– Open and close hands –– The Teacher/caregiver
concrete objects hand exercises develop fine motor skills –– Finger bends demonstrates how to practice a
using fingers and given exercise/activity.
–– Thumb bend
hands –– Learners to carry out a given
–– Finger bends to make
exercise under the teacher/
an “O”
caregiver’s individual assistance.
–– Thumb up with other
–– Learners model things using clay.
finger bends
–– Learners manipulate/handle
–– Pick objects by
different objects/toys.
opposing the thumb to
index finger.
–– Catch firmly an object.
Links to other learning areas: Physical Education: Fine motor skills development
Assessment criteria: Ability to practice finger and hand exercises to improve fine motor and hand coordination skills.
Materials: Concrete materials such as toys, clay, toothpaste, toothbrush, clothes, school materials, ropes, etc.

TOPIC AREA: Numbers SUB TOPIC AREA: Sorting and Matching
Grade 2: Pre
Unit 2: Sorting and matching concrete objects Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Sorting and matching concrete objects with assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge Content Learning activities
Attitudes &
and Skills
–– Differentiate –– To identify items /objects –– Demonstrate –– Colours: red, –– Learners observe as the teacher/caregiver shows different
and associate with a given colour and orderliness green, yellow, blue, objects of the same colour: example for the red colour: “this
colours match similar objects, by putting black is a yellow cup; this is a red bucket, a white shirt, a green ball,
shapes with assistance together –– Grouping of these are red tomatoes, blue pens, red T-shirt etc.
–– Sort and group similar similar objects according –– Learners carry out exercises that help them to identify red
objects based on a objects. to their colours and objects among others.
given colour, shape with shapes: rectangles/ –– Learners sort out and make group of red objects.
assistance square, circle.
–– Game: Matching gap and related shapes with assistance
–– Make group of similar objects according to their shape and
colour with close assistance.
Links to other learning areas: PE: Fine motor skills development
Assessment criteria: Ability to group objects according to a given colour or shape
Materials: Concrete materials: clothes, plates, toys, school materials, etc.

Grade 2 Unit 3: Compare objects based on their size and length Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Compare objects based on their size and length with assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Skills Attitudes and values Content Learning activities
–– Compare big and –– Group objects according –– Demonstrate ability –– Comparing and grouping –– Learners observe the teacher/caregiver’s
small objects to their length and size to develop fine different items in terms of demonstration using available materials.
–– Compare long with assistance motor skills size and length: big and –– Assisted by the teacher, learners carry out
and short objects –– To make a choice small, long and short (eg. exercises that help them to distinguish the
between long/ short pen, pencil, ruler, chalk, big objects from small objects; and later on
and big/ small banana, empty bottles, etc.) long objects from short ones.
objects –– Learners sort out and group objects
according their size or length.
Links to other learning areas: PE: Fine motor development
Assessment criteria: ability to compare and group objects based on their size and length with assistance.
Materials: Concrete materials: school materials, domestic items, foods, etc.

4.4. GRADE 3

Learners will be able to:
• Differentiate images of boys vs girls; men vs women with less assistance.
• Show the main parts of the body with less assistance.
• Practice personal cleanliness (wash hands and face; brush teeth and wipe nose) with less assistance.
• Button and zip up with less assistance.
• Feed him/herself with less assistance.
• Use a toilet and accessories with less assistance.
• Identify and avoid surrounding dangerous places and objects with less assistance.
TOPIC AREA: Human body Sub topic area: Gender characteristics
Grade 3 Unit 1: Differentiation of images of boys vs girls ; man vs woman Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Differentiate images of boys vs girls ; man vs woman with less assistance
Learning objectives Content Learning activities
Knowledge and Skills Attitudes and values
–– Differentiate –– Make groups of girls or –– Develop self-esteem and –– This is a boy/man –– The Teacher/caregiver provides separately,
images of boy’s boys using picture confidence. –– This is a girl/woman. pictures/ image of boys and girls.
vs girls; man vs –– Identify images of boy/ –– Leaners are assisted to point at / say who
woman. man and girls / women. is a girl/woman and who is a boy/ man.
Links to other learning areas: Pre- numeracy when sorting and matching concrete objects.
Assessment criteria: Ability to differentiate images of boys/ girls, men and women.
Materials: Photographs/pictures of boys/ girls/men and women.

TOPIC AREA: Human body Sub topic area: Parts of the body
Grade 3 Unit 2: Different parts of the body
Key Unit Competence: Show different parts of the body with less assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Content Learning activities
Skills Attitudes and values
–– Show different –– Show a given part on his/her own –– Develop a sense of –– Different parts of the –– Learners show a given part of the body
parts of the body body or on pictures/ wall charts self-awareness body: Head, Trunk, as the teacher/caregiver shows that part
–– Distinguish different parts of the Limbs (Arms and and says its name.
body. legs)

Links to other learning areas: Numeracy while developing learners’ capacity to make groups/classifying.
Assessment criteria: Ability to show different parts of the body.
Materials: Pictures, wall charts, toys, etc.

TOPIC AREA: Personal Hygiene Sub topic area: Personal cleanliness

Grade 3 Unit 3: Development of personal cleanliness
Key Unit Competence: Practice personal cleanliness with less assistance
Learning objectives Content Suggested Learning activities
Knowledge and Skills Attitudes and
understanding values
–– Brush teeth –– Brush teeth and wipe his/her nose –– Demonstrate –– Clean teeth and –– Learners observe the teacher/caregivers as he / she
and wipe –– Request for assistance good habits of wipe nose. brushes her/his teeth and wipe her/ his noses.
nose. cleanliness. –– The Teacher/caregiver provides opportunities for
–– Keep clean his/her teeth using (brush
teeth, handkerchief , ...) learners to brush their teeth and wipe their noses.
Links to other learning areas: Physical Education while developing eye-hand coordination and fine motor development.
Assessment criteria: Ability to brush and wipe noses with less assistance.
Materials: Soap, basin, towel, toothpaste, brush teeth, handkerchief, etc

TOPIC AREA: Dressing Sub topic area: Capacity to button and zip up
Grade 3 Unit 4: Button and zip up Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Be able to button and zip up with less assistance.
Learning objectives Content Suggested Learning activities
Knowledge and Skills Attitudes and
understanding values
–– Button and zip up –– Develop capacity –– Demonstrate –– Button shirt , t-shirt and –– Learners observe teachers/ caregivers’ practices while buttoning
to button and zip habit of smartness zip up Pullover,, skirt, and zipping up.
up trousers, dress, etc –– Teachers/ caregivers provide opportunity to imitate individually.
Links to other learning areas: Physical Education when manipulating concrete objects.
Assessment criteria: Ability to button and zip up different types of clothes.
Suggested materials: Clothes of different types and colours.

TOPIC AREA: Self feeding Sub topic area: Development of good manners to feed him/ her self
Grade 3 Unit 5: Self Feeding Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Be able to feed him/herself with less assistance.
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Attitudes and
Skills Content Suggested learning activities
understanding values
–– Feed him/herself –– Develop the –– Demonstrate table –– Table’s manners –– Learners are taught how to eat appropriately. Ag: How to hold
with less assistance. ability to feed manners –– Table tools the spoon, fork, cup, plate, etc.
him/ herself with –– Demonstrate –– Learners are assisted to observe good manner on table,
–– Table’s hygiene
less assistance. sense of autonomy thereafter, they will imitate.
while eating –– Learners are assisted to use different table tools, ag: spoon,
plates, cups, etc.
–– Learners are assisted to clean table after meals.
Links to other learning areas: PE: development of fine motor skills
Assessment criteria: Ability to use table materials
Materials: Spoons, cup and plates

TOPIC AREA: Toilet use Sub topic area: Optimal use of toilet and accessories
Grade 3 Unit 6: Use of toilet and accessories Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Use toilet and accessories with less assistance.
Learning objectives
Knowledge and
Skills Attitudes and values Content Suggested learning activities
–– Use a toilet, –– Use a toilet –– Demonstrate sense of –– Use of Traditional (squat toilet/deep –– Learners observe the caregivers demonstrating
hygienic hygienic autonomy while using hole in the floor, modern (with a bowl proper toilet use manners and WASH (water and
accessories and accessories and a toilet and improve and a seat), sanitation hygiene) facilities.
other sanitation other sanitation hygiene behaviour –– Use of a towel, water taps, hand –– Learners are individually assisted by the caregiver/
facilities facilities, driers, cleansing chemicals and soaps, teachers when practicing.
hygienic and sanitary pads, dust bin –– Learners are encouraged and assisted.
Links to other learning areas: PE: development of fine motor skills
Assessment criteria: Ability to use a toilet and WASH facilities.
Materials: Materials needed in the toilet like toilet paper, basin, water, towel, cleansing chemicals and soaps, hygienic and sanitary pads, dust bin, etc

Sub topic area: Dangerous places and objects
Personal Safety
Grade 3 Unit 7: Surrounding dangerous places and objects Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Avoid surrounding dangerous places and objects with assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Attitudes and Content Learning activities
understanding values
–– Avoid –– Develop capacity –– Habit to pay –– Recognize harmful objects in classroom –– Learners observe how the teacher/caregivers
surrounding to recognize attention to and surrounding environment e.g.: Stairs, demonstrate the avoidance of dangerous objects.
dangerous places dangerous places dangerous places doors, chairs, knives, poles, holes, stones, –– Learners are assisted and coached on avoidance
and objects. and objects. and objects. pens, pencils, power tools, staples. of dangerous places and objects.
Links to other learning areas: Physical Education: Body postures and body parts
Assessment criteria: Ability to avoid surrounding dangerous places and objects
Materials: doors, chairs, knives, poles, holes, stones, pens, pencils, power tools, staples

Competences to be achieved at the end of grade three
Learners will be able to:
• Recognize their family members, caregivers and guardians using verbal and nonverbal signs with less assistance
• Interact with family members, peers and educators using verbal and nonverbal signs with less assistance
TOPIC AREA: Moral and family life
Sub-topic area: Family members, guardians and caregivers
Unit 1: Recognition of family members( nuclear family),
Grade 3 Number of periods:
guardians and caregivers
Key Unit Competence: Recognize family members, guardians and caregivers with less assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and
Skills Attitudes and values Content Learning activities
–– Distinguish family –– Point at family –– Demonstrate ability –– This is my mom, dad, this is –– Learners will be assisted to
members, guardians members, to express recognition my sister, my brother. distinguish their family members
and caregivers from guardians and of family, members, –– This is my teacher/ and caregivers from others by
others. caregivers. guardians and caregivers. caregiver. pointing at them.
Links to other learning areas: ADL while learning gender characteristics
Assessment criteria: Ability to recognize his or her mom or dad, brother and sister, teacher/ caregiver with less assistance.
Materials: Pictures of mom and dad, video, brother and sister, caregiver

TOPIC AREA: Social interaction Sub-topic area: Relationship
Grade 3 Unit 2: Interaction with siblings, peers and educators Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Interact with siblings, peers and educators with less assistance.
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Content Learning activities
Skills Attitudes and values
–– Interact with –– Identify and demonstrate –– Demonstrate ability –– Play with siblings, peers and –– Teachers/ caregivers
siblings (sister, positive relationship to express recognition educators assist the learner to point
brothers, etc.), peers with siblings, peers and of siblings, peers and –– Interact with siblings in different at, greet, touch and play
and educators educators. educators by greeting, situations (inside and outside with siblings, peers and
touching, pointing at or the school), with peers and educators
smiling to them educators at school
Links to other learning areas: Language and communication
Assessment criteria: Ability to interact with siblings, peers and educators by playing, greeting, or smiling to them
Materials: Pictures of mom and daddy, video, mom and daddy at home, pictures of siblings and educators

Competences to be achieved at the end of grade three
Learners will be able to:
• Respond to sounds, stimulus and voices around him/her with less assistance.
• Differentiate simple, visual, coloured images and concrete objects with less assistance.
• Repeat basic vowels, bilabials and consonants with less assistance.
• Respond to verbal and nonverbal commands and simple instructions with less assistance.
TOPIC AREA: Listening, attention and
SUB TOPIC AREA: Routine sounds/voices
communication skills
Grade 3 Unit 1: Names Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Respond sounds, stimulus and voices around him/her with less assistance.
Learning objectives
Knowledge and
Skills Attitudes and values Content Learning activities
–– Recognize –– Respond to –– Develop a sense of responding –– Sounds, stimulus and –– Teachers/caregivers introduce to learners
routine sounds stimulus and to stimulus and any other voices. sounds and voices.
stimulus and any other sound. –– Learners will be exposed to different audio
voices around sound. devices, such as radio, TV, mobile phone,
him/her. etc.
–– Learners will be taught to play with drum

Links to other learning areas: Social skills

Assessment criteria: Ability to recognize sounds and voices around him/her.
Materials: Pictograms, pictures, radio, TV, mobile phone, etc.

TOPIC AREA: Pre-reading skills SUB TOPIC AREA: Pictures and concrete objects
Grade 3 Unit 2: Simple, visual , coloured images and pictures Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Differentiate simple visual , coloured images, pictures and concrete objects with less assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and
Skills Attitudes and values Content Learning activities
–– Differentiate the –– Develop ability to –– Appreciation of simple, –– Simple, visual, –– With teachers’/caregivers’
representation of an differentiate images or visual, coloured images, coloured images, assistance, learners will
image or a picture of pictures of real objects. pictures and concrete objects. pictures and concrete differentiate images or pictures
real objects. objects. of real objects.
Links to other learning areas: ADL
Assessment criteria: Ability to recognize images, picture, and real objects with less assistance.
Materials: Simple images, simple pictures of real objects, etc.

TOPIC AREA: Stimulation of capacity to produce

SUB TOPIC AREA: Babble sequences of sounds and basic functional words
Grade 3 Unit 3: Basic vowels and bilabials Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Repeat basic vowels, bilabials and consonants with less assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Attitudes and
Skills Content Learning activities
understanding values
–– Repeat basic vowels, –– Develop capacity to imitate –– Demonstrate –– Basic vowels bilabials –– With teachers’/care givers’ assistance, learners
bilabials and consonants. and repeat basic vowels, habit to obey and consonants. will observe and later on imitate the teacher’s
bilabials and consonants. and interact with lips movements (lip reading) to repeat basic
surrounding vowels bilabials and consonants.
Links to other learning areas: Social skills
Assessment criteria: Capacity to communicate or to interact with surrounding people.
Materials: Videos, images, scenario, games, etc.

TOPIC AREA: Develop capacity to respond to commands and SUB TOPIC AREA: Response to verbal and non-verbal commands ( simple
simple instructions instructions)
Unit 4: Use of appropriate form of communication to
Grade 3 Number of periods:
respond to commands ( simple instructions)
Key Unit Competence: Respond to verbal and non-verbal commands (simple instructions) with less assistance.
Learning objectives
Attitudes and
Knowledge and understanding Skills Content Learning activities
–– Recognize appropriate form to –– Respond appropriately –– Develop habit –– Simple verbal and –– With teachers’/care givers’
respond to verbal and non- to verbal and non-verbal to respond non-verbal commands assistance, learners are
verbal commands (simple commands (simple appropriately to commonly used. invited to respond to simple
instructions). instructions). commands. commands.
Links to other learning areas: Social skills (social interactions).
Assessment criteria: The ability to respond appropriately to simple commands and simple instructions.
Materials: Images, games, flash cards, etc.

Competences to be achieved at the end of grade three
Learners will be able to:
• Do exercises related to basic body postures with less assistance
• Imitate basic movement (jumping, walking, running and catching) with less assistance
• To hold, catch, send and mould concrete objects with less assistance
TOPIC AREA: Body posture SUB TOPIC AREA: - Sitting, Standing, Lifting, Lying
Grade 3: Unit 1: Basic body posture Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Be able to do exercises related to basic body postures with less assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and
Skills Attitudes and values Content Learning activities
–– Carry out exercises –– Shift from one body –– Develop a sense of Activities related to body –– Learners are assisted to do
related to different position to another with less autonomy posture: exercises related to each body
postures with less assistance –– Improve Physical fitness –– Sitting on chairs or mats position using different materials
assistance where applicable.
–– Standing up
–– Learners are assisted to carry
–– Lifting
out various exercises aiming at
–– Laying down on a bed, improving their ability to shift
on a mat. from one posture to another
taking into consideration
individual challenges.
Links to other learning areas: ADL when dressing and undressing
Assessment criteria: Ability to carry out basic body postures with close assistance
Materials: Mats, chairs, beds, etc.

TOPIC AREA: Body parts SUB TOPIC AREA: Imitate different basic movement (jumping, walking, running, catching, etc.
Grade 3 Unit 2: Imitation of movements Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Imitate basic movement (jumping, walking, running and catching with less assistance).
Learning objectives
Knowledge and
Skills Attitudes and values Content Learning activities
–– Develop ability to –– Carry out basic –– Develop a sense of –– Keeping a rhythm by clapping, For every exercise:
walk, jump, run mobility and autonomy stamping feet, etc. –– The teacher/caregiver demonstrates several times
and catch coordination –– Improve Physical –– Throwing and catching a ball –– Learners are individually assisted to do the
exercises fitness –– Walking with close assistance exercises.
(using adapted advices) –– Using the available adapted materials, teacher/
caregiver assist learners with mobility problem to
do different exercises.
Links to other learning areas: Pre numeracy when sorting and matching objects.
Assessment criteria: Ability to carry out exercises aiming at developing mobility and coordination skills.
Materials: drum, safe playground, ball, walkers, crutches, music instruments.

TOPIC AREA: Manipulation of concrete
SUB TOPIC AREA: Holding, catching, sending and moulding objects
Grade 3 Unit 3: Fine motor development Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Be able to hold, catch, send and mould concrete objects with less assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and Attitudes and Content Learning activities
understanding values
–– Handle different –– Ability to –– Demonstrate Exercises different activities: For every exercise:
materials/ tools used manipulate ability to –– Holding a ball, spoon, pen, etc. –– The teacher/ caregiver
in everyday life with different manipulate demonstrates several
–– Catching a ball, etc.
less assistance concrete objects different times.
concrete objects –– Sending concrete objects( balls)
–– Learners are
–– Moulding clay, modelling dough,
individually assisted
–– Playing with clay, stick or stones to form different shapes to do the exercise.
–– Make free drawings using a pencil with large diameter
–– Hold a book and turn pages
–– Thread beads
–– Picking objects such as toys and other objects/materials.
Links to other learning areas: ADL , Pre Numeracy
Assessment criteria: Ability to manipulate different concrete objects with close assistance
Materials: Spoon, ball, writing materials, clay, modelling dough, etc.

Competences to be achieved at the end of grade three
Learners will be able to:
• Manipulate concrete objects using fingers and hands with less assistance.
• Sort and match concrete objects with less assistance.
• Compare objects based on their size and length with less assistance.
TOPIC AREA: Numbers SUB TOPIC AREA: Manipulation
Grade 3 Unit 1: Practice fingers and hand exercises Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Manipulate concrete objects using fingers and hands with less assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and
Skills Attitudes and values Content Learning activities
–– Manipulate –– Practice fingers –– Demonstrate ability –– Open and close hands –– The Teacher/caregiver
concrete objects and hand to develop fine motor –– Finger bends demonstrates how to practice a
using fingers and exercises skills given exercise/activity.
–– Thumb bend
hands –– Learners carry out a given exercise
–– Finger bends to make an “O”
under the teacher/caregiver’s
–– Thumb up with other finger bends individual less assistance.
–– Pick objects by opposing the thumb to –– Learners model things using clay.
index finger
–– Learners manipulate/handle
–– Catch firmly an object. different objects/toys.
Links to other learning areas: Physical Education: Fine motor skills development
Assessment criteria: Ability to practice finger and hand exercises to improve fine motor and hand coordination skills.
Materials: Concrete materials such as toys, clay, toothpaste, toothbrush, clothes, school materials, ropes, etc.

TOPIC AREA: Numbers SUB TOPIC AREA: Sorting and Matching
Grade 3 Unit 2: Sorting and matching concrete objects Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Sorting and matching concrete objects with less assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and
Skills Attitudes & values Content Learning activities
–– Differentiate and associate –– To identify items / –– Demonstrate orderliness –– Colours: Red, Green, –– Learners observe as the teacher/
colours objects with a given by putting together Yellow, Blue, Black caregiver shows different objects of
colour and match similar objects. –– Grouping of objects the same colour: example for the
similar objects shapes –– according to their red colour: “this is a yellow cup;
with assistance colours and shapes: this is a red bucket, a white shirt, a
–– Sort and group rectangles/square, circle. green ball, these are red tomatoes,
similar objects based blue pens, red T-shirt etc.
on a given colour, –– Learners do exercises that help
shape with assistance them to identify red objects
among others.
–– Learners sort out and make group
of red objects.
–– Game: Matching gap and related
shapes with assistance
–– Make group of similar objects
according to their shape and
colour with close assistance.
Links to other learning areas: PE: Fine motor skills development.
Assessment criteria: Ability to group objects according to a given colour or shape.
Materials: Concrete materials: clothes, plates, toys, school materials, etc.

Grade 3 Unit 3: Compare objects based on their size and length Number of periods:
Key Unit Competence: Compare objects based on their size and length with less assistance
Learning objectives
Knowledge and
Skills Attitudes and values Content Learning activities
–– Compare big and –– Group –– Habit to make a choice –– Comparing and grouping –– Learners observe the teacher/caregiver’s
small objects objects between long/ short different items in terms of demonstration using available materials.
–– Compare long and according to and big/ small objects size and length: big and –– Assisted by the teacher, learners carry out
short objects their length small, long and short (e.g. exercises that help them to distinguish the big
and size with pen, pencil, ruler, chalk, objects from small objects; and later on long
assistance banana, empty bottles, etc.) objects from short ones.
–– Learners sort out and group objects according
their size or length.
Links to other learning areas: PE: Fine motor development
Assessment criteria: Ability to compare and group objects based on their size and length with assistance.
Materials: Concrete materials: school materials, domestic items, foods, etc.


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