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Presentation of a project

Roberto: Good morning ladies and gentlemen, my name is Roberto Álvarez and I am
the junior graphic designer in charge of your project. Before we start I’d like to thank
you for trusting us to design your company’s new website.
First, I will talk about the options we considered and why we decided to develop this
one, second, I will show you the sketches and we will discuss them. Finally, I will
explain how your new image should be implemented in different areas. Please, feel
free to interrupt me at any time with any questions you might have.

Roberto: …and I think it is really convenient to contact your clients and inform them
about the new website and how it works.
Mr. Jones: Excuse me, Mr. Álvarez, do you mean that we have to provide training to
our clients so that they can use the new system? It sounds complicated…
Roberto: Well, no training is necessary, but people tend to get a bit lost when
websites change. Sending an email explaining all the new features and preparing a
tutorial is inexpensive, but effective.

Roberto: Good morning Mr. Jones, I’m happy to see you again.
Mr. Jones: Thank you Mr. Álvarez, I did like the ideas you proposed on your
presentation and I’d like to discuss the quote you sent us.
Roberto: That is great news. Please, take a seat.
Mr Jones: Thank you. I have been going through the quote and there are a couple of
things I need you to clarify. First of all, I’d like to know if your prices include VAT.
Roberto: No, we never include the VAT until we send the definitive invoice, I’m sorry
about that.
M Jones: It’s ok, that’s what I expected, but is is not clear in the quote. It means that
the final price will be slightly higher than we expected. I’m ready to sign the quote
today if you can get me a discount.
Roberto: Well, given that it is quite a big project, I guess we could try… but it doesn’t
depend on me…
Let’s do something, I will go and talk to the department manager. It won’t take long.
Mr. Jones: I understand that, I’ll wait here.

Roberto: I have good news, Mr. Jones I have achieved a 5% discount for you if you
sign today. Actually, it can be a 10% if you agree to pay in advance.
Mr. Jones: Mmm…that sounds reasonable.

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