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The Rare Disease Gazette

by James A. Levine
MD, PhD, Président, Fondation Ipsen
Rare But Not Alone

The plight of patients with rare diseases is a critical unmet need of patients in health-
care. The statistics are frightening; there are 7000 rare diseases in the world that affect
350,000,000 people. One in eleven Americans has a rare disease. Three-quarters of
patients with rare diseases are children and only half of patients receive an accurate
diagnosis. The average delay for a patient to receive a diagnosis with a rare disease is 1
1/2 years. It is deeply concerning that one in four patients with a rare disease waits four
years for an accurate diagnosis. There is an urgent need to communicate knowledge
and expertise in the field of rare disease detection.
The journal Science (American Association for the Advancement of Science) in collabo-
ration with Fondation Ipsen delivers international science webinars for the general public.
In 2021 these webinars focused on improving the detection of rare diseases. The Rare
Disease Gazette is a magazine that broadcasts these discussions.
If you would like your Association featured in future issues of The Rare Disease Gazette
please drop me a line at:

The Conversation, page 1

Experts of the month: Sean Sanders, PhD, hosts a conversation with world’s experts on the rare dieases detection
Journal Club, page 9
Article of the month: Massively Parallel Sequencing for Rare Genetic Disorders: Potential and Pitfalls
What’s up?, page 9
Highlights of the month: Selection of Fondation Ipsen’s podcasts, books and webinars
Issue #1 | April 2021 | page 1

Tiina Urv, PhD: Dr Sean Sanders (host):

Hi. Thank you for having me. I’m delight- Alright. Thank you, Durhane. Our
The Conversation ed to be here. I work at NIH, in the Of-
fice of Rare Disease Research. The Office
third guest is Dr. Peter Merkel. Peter,
of Rare Disease Research is located in welcome.
NATS, which is National Center for Ad-
Experts of the month vancing Translational Sciences. The pro-
gram that I work most closely with, and Peter A. Merkel, MD, MPH:
Flaminia Macchia, MA happily with, is the Rare Disease Clinical Hi, thanks for having me. I am Professor
Peter A. Merkel, MD, MPH Research Network, which is a network of of Medicine and Epidemiology at the Uni-
Sean Sanders, PhD consortia. We have 20 different consor- versity of Pennsylvania here in Philadel-
Tiina Urv, PhD tia that study at least three different rare phia, in the United States. For the last 25
Durhane Wong-Rieger, PhD diseases, and they work very closely with years, I’ve studied two families of rare dis-
the patient advocacy groups, the research eases, scleroderma, and even more so,
community, and NIH staff. Thanks. vasculitis, which a whole series of differ-
ent disorders. I have privilege taking care
Sean Sanders, PhD: of patients with these rare diseases and
Dr Sean Sanders (host): I’ve studied the science of actually how to
Hello, everyone and a warm welcome study rare diseases. I am the international
Wonderful. Thank you so much, Tiina.
to this brand new Science and Life We- director of the Vasculitis Clinical Research
Next, we’ll go to Durhane Wong-Rieg-
binar Series on “Rare Diseases: Their Consortium, which is actually a member
er. Durhane. of the Rare Diseases Clinical Research
Basis and Burden.” I’m Sean Sanders,
Network that Dr. Urv spoke about, an
Director and Senior Editor for Cus-
NIH-sponsored international research en-
tom Publishing at Science. In this new Durhane Wong-Rieger, PhD: terprise. And we do clinical trials and other
nine-part series that will run through Thank you very much, and I’m so pleased types of translational research and train-
to be here. Durhane Wong-Rieger. I am
the remainder of 2021, we will focus ing. I also co-direct with an online patient
first and foremost, a parent of two children research portal, and I work very close-
in on a topic that is often ignored, but growing with rare conditions. My daugh- ly with patient advocates, such as we
is critically important, that of rare dis- ter, in fact, has never gotten a diagnosis, have on our panel today, to advance rare
eases. The term is something of a misno- so it’s always been a matter of trying to disease research. I’m sure I’ll talk about
mer since collectively the approximately kinda decide what to do and certain- that important partnership. So, I’ve been
ly having no road map in terms of what studying rare diseases for a long time, and
7000 disorders that come under the rare prognosis might be, though she’s doing I’m happy to be here. Thank you.
diseases banner, in total affect about great. My son was actually diagnosed on
300 million people globally, including birth, and actually had a pretty established
one in 11 Americans and over 30 mil- plan in terms of what his follow up in treat- Dr Sean Sanders (host):
ment should be. I’m also a psychologist Alright. Thank you, Peter. And finally
lion people in Europe.
by training and profession, though for the
we have Flaminia Macchia. Flaminia,
last, oh good gosh, the last 20 or so years
Our discussion today will be inten- welcome.
I’ve been working full time as a patient ad-
tionally broad as we introduce you to vocate.
the most critical challenges for patients, I am president and CEO of Canadian Or- Flaminia Macchia, MA:
doctors, and families facing rare diseas- ganization for Rare Disorders, which is a Thank you for inviting me today. So I’m
es. These include limited testing, lack of national umbrella group for rare diseas- Flaminia Macchia. I’m the Executive Di-
diagnosis or inaccurate diagnosis, lack es. I also serve as chair of the Council for rector of Rare Diseases International. I’ve
Rare Diseases International. I am lead on
of research coordination, and limited the Patient Advocacy Constituent for the
been active in the rare disease space for
availability of treatment, to name just the past 20 years. I was for 15 years at
International Research Consortium for EURORDIS, which is the European Orga-
a few. In subsequent webinars, we will Rare Diseases, where in fact the patient nization for Rare Diseases, and then for
delve more deeply into these individual community works alongside of funders, five years in the pharma company, and
alongside of researchers, in directions for
topics, so please look out for those events. now I’m back to the patient advocacy
diagnosis and new treatments. I also have side. Thank you.
If you’d like to sign up to be alerted about a number of other international groups. I
future webinars, you can follow the link work with the Asia-Pacific Alliance of Rare
in the resources tab just to the right of Diseases Organization, where I’m pres- Dr Sean Sanders (host):
the video. I am delighted to bring you ident, and also I am the patient advisor Great. Thank you, Flaminia. So, let’s
into the APEC, the Asian-Pacific Econom-
a wonderful group of experts who will get started with our discussion. I’m go-
ic Cooperation, on the rare disease frame-
help us understand this topic. work. So, have a lot of roles international- ing to start with a very basic question.
ly, but really work a lot also with patients When I started looking into rare diseas-
Now I’d like to give our guests a chance on the ground here, especially in Canada. es, it’s not an area that I knew about.
to introduce themselves. Perhaps we can My background is microbiology and
start with Dr. Tiina Erv from NIH. cancer research.
Over to you, Tiina.
The Rare Disease Gazette | page 2

What I found interesting is there are across countries. And I think from a pa- the chromosomes. In some cases, genet-
many different definitions of rare dis- tient community, we’ve kind of convinced ic changes that cause the diseases, they
people it isn’t worth worrying about what’s come from one generation to the next, but
ease, depending essentially on which the definition of a rare disease. some are spontaneous so you don’t know
country you’re in. So Peter, maybe we A rare disease is as Peter says, is some- if and when. All of a sudden you have a
can start with you. Could you help us thing that will affect a few number of peo- child with rare disease or you yourself de-
understand what defines the rare dis- ple. It’s a commercial term if you know, it velop a rare disease. It can come out of
originally came from the US who basically the blue and I think that sometimes those
said, “These are a number of diseases for are the cases that are the hardest to iden-
which we cannot get drugs developed tify and diagnose. In other cases, it can
because it’s not commercially viable.”, just be random. Many rare diseases in-
Dr Peter Merkel:
and they were called “orphan drugs”. Dis- clude infections, some are cancers, some
Yes, so a rare disease actually is interest-
eases aren’t orphan, it’s the drugs that are related to autoimmune diseases that
ingly defined by different countries or re-
are because companies would get them aren’t inherited, and every day we’re look-
gions. Rare disease in the United States
to a certain point of development then ing for more causes and different ways
is defined as a disease with a prevalence
they leave them on the shelf, they orphan to understand where these disorders are
of 200,000 people or less, or it’s a dis-
them. So I think that’s the challenge. And coming from and what causes them.
ease that is relatively rare and understud-
ied, of which we need more therapy. Rare so in different countries, it does mean
diseases are also referred to as “orphan different things. Even within one country, Dr Peter Merkel:
diseases” in some countries, and the term you will not find from a policy level to a I would add, rare diseases are dispropor-
is often used interchangeably, but it’s not clinical level to an access level that the tionately represented by genetic disorders
necessarily exactly the same, and I think same definition is used. Knowing always because even one small mutation can
different countries do it. I would say this it’s difficult to diagnose, difficulty to treat, cause these. But it is by far not the full
about a rare disease. A disease is rare un- and definitely deserving a whole lot more story, and I think it’s important to... As I
til you or someone you love gets it, and in terms of every spectrum, from diagno- agree with Tiina, there are a lot of genetic
then all of a sudden you know a lot about sis, to access, to care, and support. rare diseases, but there are a lot of rare
it and you’re looking around. But it can diseases that do not have a genetic ba-
be difficult, and so that’s why rare diseas- sis or do not have a solidly genetic basis.
Dr Sean Sanders (host):
es have been singled out for study, both And I think that often put... People sort of
because we need to advocate for those Flaminia, could I ask you to jump in wondered, “Why? Why did I get it? Why
patients, and scientifically, it is extremely with your perspective from the Europe- did my family have it?”, and sometimes
helpful. an side of the world? there are other reasons. And just like
with common diseases, there is a mix of
a genetic component and environmental
Dr Sean Sanders (host): Flaminia Macchia: component and infection component and
Durhane, let me come to you. I remem- Well, it’s not a European side, it’s more various things that cause disease. And
ber watching your YouTube talk that international one for sure. The impact of that is the definition of what a disease is.
a rare disease is very much linked to the We keep slicing them up by saying this
you gave about rare diseases and you’re
rarity, which means that there is generally subgroup might have this genetics and
work in Canada, and I saw you shak- speaking, a lack of understanding, a lack combined with this environment. And so
ing your head a little bit when Peter of knowledge, a lack of expertise, and it’s it gets pretty complicated. Genetics have
mentioned “orphan...”, the term “or- really the impact on people’s life that are of been a tremendously powerful tool for us
phan diseases”. I know you have some most interest to us. Thank you. to understand and diagnose disease and
actually help lead towards treatment. But
thoughts on that. it is one of the many components, and I
Dr Sean Sanders (host): think it’s important for people realizing that
Dr Durhane Wong-Rieger:
Alright. So Tiina, I’m going to come to we study it across because the treatment
you with the next question about how benefits may come in a variety of ways.
Yes, and it’s not a disagreement necessar-
ily, but there are no such things as orphan rare diseases arise. I think... It seems
diseases, and rare diseases that Peter I to me that a lot of what I’ve found in Dr Tiina Urv:
think has indicated means a whole host of And... Oh, I’m sorry. And Peter, that kind
the research is about genetic rare dis- of jumps off on to when you’re counting
different things. And when we work glob-
ally, we know every country will have its eases, but there’s also non-genetic rare how many rare diseases there are, is are
own definition. In fact, you go to Taiwan, diseases. So I wonder if you could talk you lumping or are you splitting the dis-
you go to China, rare diseases, whatever about the types of rare diseases we have. eases? Because some disorders have
the country designates as a rare disease. I mentioned at the start, there are about a spectrum that you can have the same
It does have the commonalities as Peter disease, it’s on a spectrum, and some
says, is that they are... They affect usually
7000 of them. people will count that as one disorder, and
small numbers of people, they are noto- others will split each different gene defect
riously difficult to diagnose, they may be into a new disorder. So that’s where it also
Dr Tiina Urv: becomes complicated. In the counting,
severe, they may be progressive, which is
So there are a lot of different types of rare
built into the European definition, but they the identification of the disease, and the
diseases, and there are also many differ-
are also under treated and oftentimes training of the disease.
ent causes of rare diseases. The majority
neglected. The commonalities, again are
are thought to be genetic and these are
greater than the differences when we go
directly caused by changes in the genes of
Issue #1 | April 2021 | page 3

Dr Durhane Wong-Rieger: Dr Sean Sanders (host): Dr Durhane Wong-Rieger:

If I can just jump in, I think those are amaz- Mm-hm. Great. Flaminia, did you We can look at them as real successes
ing... Really important aspect as well. I right? And the goal is to keep them very
have anything you wanted to add?
think they’ll recognize that. As you say, rare.
it depends on how you want to define it.
How do knowingly specific you’re going Flaminia Macchia: Dr Peter Merkel:
to get. That’s going to make a difference. No, just to say that indeed, if we focus We you sometimes forget that lesson. Po-
And some of the more common diseases only on the genetic rare diseases, then lio is just about... Was close to being erad-
as everybody knows, we’re now getting we would leave aside a good 30% of the icated and still not, and we could do that.
these sub-groups that in some respects, population, which because a good 30% And so we have... Small pox has been
they actually become like rare diseases of rare diseases are rare cancers, rare in- eradicated. We can do this if we work on
for all the reasons that we talked about. fections, rare poisoning from food, from a worldwide basis.
So that also complicates it, especially in medicines, drugs, chemicals... So just to
cancers as we’re starting to talk about underline. Yes, it’s rather...
more precision medicines. I think there Dr Tiina Urv:
is an inordinate bias towards genetically And I will say, in relation to the autism
causative rare diseases because we can Dr Sean Sanders (host): question, Is there a lot of rare diseas-
now with the genetics... The way they es that fall under the umbrella of autism
Yes, great. So just to sort of bring this
are... We can actually begin to diagnose where you have disorders like Fragile X
them, we can define them. Whereas the
down to earth as well, and to give some Syndrome, where autism, it co-occurs
others are still much more difficult to get examples, so diseases like Zika and Eb- with a rare condition?
to a diagnosis. And we do have patients ola, autism... Are these regarded as rare
who come to us, and our organizations diseases? Flaminia Macchia:
is, “How come you’re forgetting us? We Yes. A lot of autisms have underlying
do not have a genetic disease and no- cause. A rare disease, Rhett’s Syn-
body’s talking about us anymore.” And I Dr Peter Merkel: drome... And you name it, many... Yes. It
think that is a very, very important case. Well, I think we wish... We wish that these can be a symptom.
And I think, as Peter says, many of these diseases become rare diseases, let’s put
genetic diseases are also very much influ- it that way. I think emerging infection, as
enced by the environment, so that makes we have all seen in the past 12 months,
Dr Durhane Wong-Rieger:
it also very complicated in terms of rare Yes. We’re very excited by some of the
can go from one person to a worldwide
diseases. work that’s actually... I think is going into
pandemic. And so I think Zika was cer-
autism to begin to actually identify many
So I think we risk being very reductionist if tainly not rare when it was raging through
of the sub-groups within autism. We kind
we just start to look at what are genomic the world, and hopefully it’ll now become
of lump them all together. Another com-
definitions... And we just focus all of our rare again, as there’s immunity. But I don’t
mon one that we kinda lump together is
attention in terms of being able to do ge- think we necessarily know that. Ebola is
epilepsy. Epilepsy is not... Epilepsy is not
nomic sequencing and getting finer and a very disturbing and worrisome disease
epilepsy, is not epilepsy... There are many
finer definitions based on just genotyping, that is rare on a global scale, but there is
specifics there.
and we’ll miss some of the bigger things actually a mini-outbreak happening now
that I think we’re all concerned about. And in parts of Africa, and we have to be very
that is what’s the impact in terms of pa- concerned in that area, it’s not rare. And Dr Sean Sanders (host):
tients, what else do we need to do? So so rare is your perspective. And it’s rare in
So this has been a great discussion be-
I think all of those things are important. Philadelphia because we haven’t seen a
The other thing to say is that, two import- case, but it’s not rare in the world, and so cause you’ve really touched on some of
ant things... That about 95% of persons I’d be worried about it. I think infectious the major challenges that I did want
with rare diseases will have already been diseases, John, is really a separate issue. to talk about. The one that we haven’t
identified within the most common rare And I would almost take it out from that really spoken a lot about is testing and
diseases. So that’s important to know. idea. There are rare infectious diseases,
but they sometimes... Some of our more
the role that doctors play, primary care
Many of the other diseases... We have a
ultra rare... The other thing is that we’re common diseases have... Were once doctors in identifying potential rare
missing a lot of rare diseases because thought to be rare, so we need to be vigi- diseases. So Flaminia maybe I’ll come
we’re not looking at it. Most of the work lant to how we address this. to you with this one. What are your
has been done in North America, West- thoughts on education of doctors and
ern Europe... Rare diseases in Africa, rare Dr Durhane Wong-Rieger:
diseases in Asia, rare diseases in Latin
also improvements in testing for rare
But then its..., Oh sorry... Is that we’ve got
America... We’re missing many of those diseases? Where do we need to do the
diseases that were once common, that
because nobody’s looking at them. So we have now become rare, polio... work?
also have patients who are saying, “What
about us?” So I think as researchers, as
patient advocates, as whatever we’re Dr Sean Sanders (host): Flaminia Macchia:
trying to do here... We I think are being Yes, Right. Well, this is actually one of the initiatives
increasingly pressed to say, help about of Rare Diseases International, partnering
the equity in terms of identifying more rare with WHO, is to create, to develop the
diseases. We have very rare and neglected concept of a collaborative global network
diseases, even among the rare diseases.
The Rare Disease Gazette | page 4

of centers of expertise around the world in Dr Durhane Wong-Rieger: that diagnosis I think is so essential. And
order to pull together the existing scarce Can I add to what Peter’s just saying be- then after that, you need to have all of the
and scattered knowledge into one glob- cause I think what he says is so important other things that Flaminia and Peter were
al network, so to collaborate in order for in terms of getting to the right specialist talking about, but if we can’t get over that
doctors to be educated everywhere in the and having those kinds of sites, and cer- first hurdle and if parents keep falling into
world in a more equal way, so that we can tainly the unidentified rare diseases cen- the pit of nobody wanting to believe them
develop also the diagnostic capabilities ters in the US have been a real example or to take it up, then we can’t get them
everywhere. of what could be done, but very limited into where all of these resources could be
in terms of the accessibility. One of the... available.
Obviously the biggest challenge for pa-
Dr Peter Merkel:
tients and parents as well, is just getting
I agree with that. I think this brings up a Dr Sean Sanders (host):
some money to recognize the fact that
lot of important issues of education and Great. Tiina, could I have you talk
there is something that is not ordinary. I
access to proper care. We range from
wealthy countries with big infrastructure,
mean, we go back to... And this is why a little bit about what is happening
we use the zebra so much in rare dis- at NIH? And then maybe I can come
access to lots of specialists to countries
eases, because it’s the old training, you
where you can’t get basic care, unfortu-
look for what is common. And sometimes
to Flaminia about the funding that’s
nately. And so I think it’s actually unlikely available in international agencies.
it can be very frustrating for parents, and
that we’re going to be able to educate
especially her trying to get a diagnosis for And I’m thinking particularly of basic
all primary care physicians to understand
rare diseases, but one of the biggest rules
her child when the physician says, “I don’t research, how is basic research being
think so, I don’t think so. Just go home”, funded at NIH and how is it being
as a practicing physician is know what you
and we have so any examples of that. We
don’t know. And when you identify some-
found, in our own surveys, it can take up funded globally, and is enough being
thing that I don’t know what this is, you done? So, Tiina let’s start with you.
to seven years to get a diagnosis with up
get help, you go to a specialist, you go to
to 14 misdiagnoses along the way, be-
one of your colleagues. I think that’s what
cause you can’t get to the right person.
we really want. And we need to make Dr Tiina Urv:
So, a lot of things are being done, I think,
sure patients have the ability to get that The NIH is doing a lot of basic research
to help bridge that.
help and to go to a specialist. And that in the area of rare diseases. I think that if
can be a cardiologist, a rheumatologist, a We have a global commission to end the
you look at the NIH as a whole, and you
surgeon, it depends. It can get more and diagnostic odyssey for children with rare
look at what they do is... One thing that
more specialized depending on the prob- diseases, which is really first and foremost
people forget is there are 27 different insti-
lem and people tend to keep hunting till educating patients and parents to actually
tutes and centers at NIH, and all of these
they find an answer. It’s very frustrating be aware, but it doesn’t do any good if the
centers are looking at multiple different
not to have one. Although sometimes that healthcare professionals, the front line are
diseases. So, it’s not just one center or
is the answer for now. not also... It’s not just the education and
one office, like the office I work in is the
awareness, and I think, Peter, you would
And it goes everywhere from the prima- office of rare disease research. We’re not
know it’s that it’s very frustrating for these
ry care to highly specialized centers such the only place that rare disease research
physicians if they got nowhere to go. You
as ours, which are centers of excellence takes place at NIH, every institute at the
have a parent that keeps banging on your
for various, many, many different rare NIH is doing basic research in the rare dis-
door and says, “I really think something’s
diseases, to an even more specialized, eases to gain better understanding in rare
wrong”, you’re kinda going like, “I got no-
I want to mention, which is that the NIH diseases.
where to go”.
sponsored something called the Undiag- The different types may fall into, if it’s a
nosed Disease Network. Actually here in blood disease, it would go to Heart, Lung
the University of Pennsylvania, we’re now Dr Durhane Wong-Rieger: and Blood, if it’s happening in childhood,
a site for that, and I’m part of that pro- We need to get better tools to them as the National NICHD Child Health Institute
gram. And that’s patients are sponsored. well. And the AI is doing a great deal, would be looking at aging, would look at
They get a letter from a physician and he there’s a whole lot more that’s being de- aging. So, the rare diseases are scattered
looked to see, “Can you help me under- veloped in that area, not fast enough, all across the NIH. So, one thing that’s im-
stand my disease?” Unfortunately, not all not available enough, but that’s actually portant to remember is there’s a group of
of the patients who apply can be seen happening. Scleroderma is one of those people that are very interested in rare dis-
by any means, but that program is trying examples that we think is so amazing ease to come together to discuss where
to say, “Okay, even when you’ve seen in terms of the kind of work that’s be- are we going, what’s happening, how is
specialists, maybe we’re missing some- ing done to educate frontline physicians this happening, is there good communi-
thing, so we screened for it and maybe around Scleroderma, which is difficult. I cation. So, it may be difficult to search the
we can bring some very specialized sci- don’t know why I’m telling you this, you NIH and say, “What are we doing specif-
entific tools, genetic, metabolomic, other know this a whole lot better than I do. ically in rare diseases?” and find it. If you
things, to identify either your disease or But we work with the patients, they tell search under specific areas, you’ll able to
a new one that we can identify, but that us these are multi-systemic issues that find it because there are 7,000 diseas-
is very specialized, a few people in a very will show up in different ways, and so es and we are looking at very many of
wealthy country such as ours. I think the trying to get my physicians the tools so them. From the clinical aspect, there’s a
spectrum is there, what we’d like to make they can actually intervene I think is so lot of coordination with the clinical trials.
sure is that people have the opportunity to important. So, it’s that empowering, and We’re encouraging the basic scientist to
have additional evaluations when it’s not, again the Scleroderma community is a big work with the clinical scientist and have
if something’s not working right, is some- one, empowering the patient to be part-
thing wrong? ners with the physicians to help improve
Issue #1 | April 2021 | page 5

good communication back and forth. So, like to underline that it’s not only about the ence and proper studies. And I think what
there’s a great deal. Peter has benefited costs. It’s really about how do we develop we have seen in fields ahemen and others,
greatly from the NIH in his great work. specific strategies for the needs and the those fields that have advanced the most
specificities in the local countries, local re- have had the most international collabo-
gions, local markets, if we want to call it ration. I was involved in helping, honored
Dr Peter Merkel:
this way. So this is really an appeal, and in with others to direct some international
NIH generously funded a variety of differ-
we try to promote this type of dialogue. studies, and we have had studies with up
ent rare disease initiatives and trials. And
to 100 sites in four or five continents, and
I would say, you ask about funding and I’ll
it is only with international can you often
jump over to, I’ll let Flaminia say interna- Dr Durhane Wong-Rieger:
get enough patients to study properly to
tionally. You know, in the US and abroad, I Can I just add again on the internation-
do this. So there is both... It’s both sci-
work with lots of people around the world, al level though? And RDI is a member of
entifically enriching, and it is practical to
and I think there’s government-sponsored the International Rare Disease Research
work collaboratively in... Especially in the
science like the NIH to investigators at Consortium, of which NIH, of course, is a
clinical research space.
individual centers. There’s a lot of rare huge partner. Chris Austin was just a for-
disease research hiding complain site, mer chair of that consortium. And the goal
because people are looking at a particular with the consortium is to bring together, Dr Sean Sanders (host):
pathway, a particular thing, any rare dis- internationally, all of the researchers in rare
Great, thank you. There’s a few things
ease as a model for that. It’s not always, diseases. So there are certain countries
I’m going to find these patients to study that are investing in rare diseases, there that we’ve just covered in the last few
that, it’s sometimes something else that’s is industry that is investing in rare diseas- minutes that I’d like to dig into a little
going on, and then linking that is what’s es, and there are other kinds of research bit more, and Flaminia, I’m going to
important. From an international, there’s a foundations, etcetera, that are investing in come back to you. What are some of the
lot of funding in other countries that are rare diseases coming together to do col-
done. There’s also an increasing amount laborative programs. And that actually has unique challenges in low income coun-
of funding from the bio-medical and bio- a huge value obviously, because it makes tries with getting... Identifying these
pharmaceutical industry, and there’s a sure that people that are working in sim- rare diseases, as Durhane talked about
reason for that. ilar areas are actually able to coordinate, earlier, doing research, getting resources
It’s an incredibly lucrative at an industry and collaborate, and work together. It also
to them? Could you talk to those chal-
that’s made a lot of money, and they have means that there’s that kind of sharing in
terms of the actual resources that are lenges?
found that it is in fact profitable to make
drugs for rare diseases because they’re there and a real focus in terms of what the
able to charge a good amount of money goals are. And there are some very specif-
ic projects within there, some of that Fla- Flaminia Macchia:
in a variety of countries to make it back, Yes, well, I can be very brief, because it’s
and there is a market, people want. We’re minia and others have alluded to.
really a matter of the overall healthcare
in desperate need for proper treatments And it’s been hugely important that major systems. It’s not only... Actually, it’s about
in rare diseases. We can talk about the countries and major institutes like the NIH the healthcare system, but also about the
economics of this and the fairness of this, have also taken a huge role in it. So it’s social system, so there is a lot of improve-
but the fact is it was driven research that’s probably one-third, maybe, is coming out ment that we need to happen in order for
being done in these rare diseases. And I of North America, and a third coming out countries everywhere, low and middle in-
think it’s important to remember research- of Europe, and a third coming out of other come countries, to be able to integrate all
ing rare diseases can have a benefit for countries, Japan, China, other countries what can be offered. So this is... I know
many common diseases and vice versa, that are doing the research in rare dis- that Durhane, you’re very active in that as
researching common diseases can have eases as well, coming together. So I think well. I mean, the focus on low and middle
great benefit for research in rare diseases. the more we can encourage that collab- income countries is something we really
There’s not a dividing line, a wall at our... oration, the more we will be able to see need to promote. I cannot tell you now
Down the hall here, and so we do it. But some of the benefits coming out of it. And how exactly we will do that, but we need
I think internationally it varies, but there is I think... And recently, over the last five to start to put the problem of rare diseas-
increasing interest in being able to spon- years, they’ve introduced, as we said, a es at a level which is truly global. We need
sor researching rare disease, and maybe specific patient consortium in there recog- to integrate all different stakeholders, we
Flaminia can speak to that as well. nizing the importance of having patients need to discuss together, and we need
involved in many of these collaborative to define some strategies that are more
projects. So this I think is hopefully a way
Flaminia Macchia: specific to low and middle income coun-
that we can bring some of that pooling, try that we have done till now. So I don’t
Yes, so very briefly, what I can say is that
or also not just the knowledge, but of re- know, Durhane, you want to add some-
as RDI’s, or at international level, what
sources together. thing maybe in this.
we can try to do we are trying to do it, is
to provide a platform for discussion with
pharmaceutical companies to develop Dr Peter Merkel: Dr Durhane Wong-Rieger:
specific strategies for low and middle in- Sean, I just want to add, I think from a True, I don’t mind. I mean, we’ve seen the
come countries. Because if pharmaceuti- clinical research standpoint, when you’re book top-down and bottom-up strategies,
cal companies directly apply their access trying to bring therapies in diagnostic test- right? Flaminia will know that we’re work-
strategies everywhere in contexts that are ing, it is almost essential in many diseases ing with the United Nations to produce a
extremely diverse, we will not get to a po- to work internationally. Rare diseases are resolution on rare diseases. We hope that
sition where we leave no one behind. We in fact rare, and therefore it’s hard to recruit at a policy level that would actually get
will certainly leave, many, many persons to get enough patients to study it properly, governments to think about rare diseases
living with rare disease behind. And I’d because you still need to do proper sci- as part and parcel of not just healthcare,
The Rare Disease Gazette | page 6

but their social and their economic devel- Flaminia Macchia: person, you can learn.
opment. So that’s really important, hav- If I may add, what is very important to un- I think it’s horrible to say, to make things
ing rare diseases in there, as we did two derline here is that universal health cov- cost-effective, we need to work together,
years ago with Universal Health Cover- erage means three things that need to and it’s rare disease groups coming to-
age. Again, as Flaminia says, it’s not just a be combined together. So, it’s more ser- gether and maybe using the same infra-
matter of... Are we doing anything for rare vices covered, and in this case it’s more structure to build a registry together, so
diseases? In many countries, what are we services for persons living with a rare dis- they can be tracking the natural history
doing about healthcare, and how much of ease. It’s a bigger population so it’s more of a disorder, so the cost isn’t so much.
that is a priority? So Universal Health Cov- people covered, and it’s less out of pocket The burden isn’t on just one group, but
erage, really, again, pushes the countries by patients and families. So, it’s three ele- on multiple groups together, to let a larger
to say, “You cannot have the economic ments that need to be combined in order group let a smaller group dovetail and ride
development, you can not develop on to get to universal health coverage. And the coattails of the work that they’re do-
the social development goals of the UN as Durhane was saying, we are promoting ing and collect their data. It’s not an easy
unless you’re actually taking care of the rare diseases as a human right priority to- question, but I think that we have to work
health of people.” So urging countries to wards the United Nations, because it’s the together, we need to come up with new
bring in Universal Health Coverage, and whole aspect of the life of people with rare models of working collaboratively rather
within that we asked for and we got a diseases that is impacted. than separating each disease and going
special line to recognize rare diseases in disease by disease, because that’s... It’s
there as a neglected population. So, it’s not sustainable.
making sure that as countries are doing Dr Sean Sanders (host):
more in terms of their health and econom- Great. So, Peter, I want to come to you
ic and social development that they don’t in a minute just to talk about the Or- Dr Sean Sanders (host):
forget the rare diseases, we can’t wait
phan Drug Program, but before I do, Great, thank you very much for that.
until you’ve come, you’ve got everything So, Peter, let me come to you. Many
in place. So, that’s been really important. Tiina, I wanted to bring you back into
the conversation. So, according to the years ago, the US Congress instituted
I think beyond that, of course, there are
a lot of bottom-up strategies. It’s working statistics that I’ve read, about 390 of the Orphan Drug Program, and I think
with countries and empowering coun- the 7,000 diseases that are categorized this is possibly where the term Orphan
tries to actually do things on their own. I as rare diseases affect about 98% of the Drug and Orphan Diseases originally
heard the most amazing story about the came from, and this was administered
rare disease population. So, I think Du-
geneticist in the Philippines who had intro-
rane might have mentioned this before, through the FDA. What are your feel-
duced newborn screening, talking about
diagnostic programs, you know. That’s a fairly small number of diseases impact ings about the success of this program?
so important, one drop of blood, you can a large part of the rare disease popula- Maybe you could briefly describe it for
identify up to 60 genetic diseases. And in tion. How do we best allocate resources the audience, and then talk about the
the Philippines, they introduce the pro- success or failures of the program.
gram on newborn screening for a number for optimal benefit? We talked a little
of metabolic diseases. It was in the middle bit earlier about leaving people behind,
of a typhoon, and she’s saying, “Oh my with 7,000 diseases to cover how can Dr Peter Merkel:
gosh, I’ve got these samples and I have you possibly do that, and should we be So, that was 40 years... I think it was 1983,
to get them to a lab in a certain amount
looking at focusing our attention on Congress first passed the Orphan Drug
of time”. She got the Coast Guard, she Act. And so, it’s important to remember
got the police, she got the people there, these 390 diseases, and then what hap-
that the Food and Drug Administration is
and she says, “We have 400 islands”, pens to those that have the really rare directed by acts of Congress, and that’s
they went from island to island picking up rare diseases? giving their charge for how to do things.
the samples to get them to her laboratory The Orphan Drug Act, which has been
in time to have them test it in the middle amended since then, was really a funda-
of a typhoon. This was the commitment Dr Tiina Urv: mental change in thinking about studying
to having these then. Support those local I think that we need to think different- rare diseases, they used the term Orphan
initiatives, making sure that local clinics, ly about how we’re working on things. I Drug. And what it has allowed is it basical-
local specialists, local GPs, pediatricians think that the focus has always been on ly creates a easier pathway for drug ap-
are also brought into it. one disease at a time, and that’s been proval and review by the Food and Drug
So, I think it’s working, you know, top very problematic. I think that what we real- Administration. The Food and Drug Ad-
down, it’s working bottom up. And be- ly need to do is think of groups of diseas- ministration does an extraordinarily com-
yond that, it’s also we we’re looking at es that can be studied together, clinical prehensive review of new drugs, there’s
strategies that, as we’re investing in these, trial designs that can be done so multiple a complex process, and to be honest,
we’re asking for investments that will be diseases could go through a trial at the many countries look to the FDA for guid-
global. The same as can do for vaccines, same time. I think that groups just need ance because of the resources that we
the same as we do for infectious diseas- to work more together. I think picking and have put into the FDA. So, it has a very
es, right, the same as we do for some of choosing who gets to go first is not going disproportionate impact on world health,
the cancers. Let us have those kinds of to work. The science won’t be there, be- and it’s not alone, the EMA does a very
multilateral, multi-stakeholder consortia cause sometimes science might be there similar approach, as do PMDA in Japan
that can help us think about what do we for one disease that one person has and and other places, and they’ve done some
do in terms of not leaving behind those we can have a treatment and a cure, and similar work on orphan drugs since then.
low maintenances. are you going to say no because it’s one
But in the past nearly 40 years, what has
person? Of course not, but for that one
Issue #1 | April 2021 | page 7

happened is it has said, we’re going to was huge, because it really added that It also comes at the right time. There’s
make it... We’re going to facilitate study- research component to also help in the been a revolution in biopharmaceutical
ing rare diseases and getting your drugs study of rare diseases, understanding industry and the biologic drugs in these
through the process and approved, we’re causes of the rare diseases. various things. Everything comes togeth-
going to make it easier with not as large Those two together were powerful and er. More general infrastructure for clinical
trials necessary. And it’s not really a short- the EU did much of the same. There are investigation. Better drugs that are com-
cut. It’s scientifically very sound and safe, in fact huge research consortium that ing out at the right time, but you need all
but it’s recognizing some of the unique as- was funded by the EU. So again, those of these factors to come together, and it
pects of rare disease and facilitating that. are the two power houses that really fuel has. And then honestly, the success that
It also gives some protection to compa- the research into rare diseases and the some companies and diseases have had,
nies so they can keep their hands a little development treatments of rare diseases. breeds more success. People look to
longer, etcetera. So it is both scientifically, But this is where, Flaminia and I both talk somebody and say, “Look, they were able
logistically and business-wise helps stim- about a lot, is that it kind of stops, be- to do that in rare disease. We could do
ulate work in rare disease. Has it worked? cause these are expensive therapies. De- that.” And now, most companies have a
It has definitely worked. I think everybody spite the fact that the US Act or brought rare disease unit that they try to go for-
would agree. in because these drugs were meant to ward on in terms of the... But government
If you look at these graphs, the number be brought to... Given support to bring can make a difference. Look at what’s
of drugs approved for rare diseases has to market because they would never be happened with the Covid 19 vaccine,
gone up tremendously since the Act was profitable. They are in fact profitable and SARS COV2 vaccine. It is pretty obvious
started. Even more so than the number they’re very expensive in some cases be- that putting tremendous investment has
of drugs that we’re getting anyway, which cause there are so few people. stimulated that to be done. Now, on the
is quite a lot. And I think when you talk- flip side, we have the same distribution
But it means that in low and middle in-
ed... And I work with companies to help problem where we have it being given
come countries, there’s no hope in terms
to develop drugs and other things. They vaccination is going greatly in the much
of getting access. A startling statistic I
will say, having something actually labeled wealthier countries and is much slower
saw was that in fact, fewer than 10% of
as a rare disease is helpful in their devel- and problematic in less wealthy countries.
the people for whom there is a rare dis-
opment program. And so it’s this actually And we need to address that on a ethi-
ease drug actually get access to it. Even
stimulus. The government actually works. cal international scale, but it does that we
in the US and around the world, fewer
It is similar in Europe and in other parts of shouldn’t lose track of the successes, but
than 1% of people who might be eligible
the world where this has been done. So we should try to spread those successes
for rare disease treatment get access to
this is a successful government interven- more broadly.
the treatment. This is a disaster. And part
tion, recognizing a problem saying, “Let’s of it is diagnosis, part of it is having clinical
facilitate and make this work.” And it has expertise. And so for many talking about Dr Tiina Urv:
been extremely successful in the United these collaborative global networks that One of the things I think is really important,
States and around the world. And so it’s they’re better diagnostic tools. But part of Peter, is that you bring all the players to
worked well. And that’s what I’ll say. it is just because the economics of it are the table who are involved. It’s very easy
not sustainable for low or middle income to sit on an interview like this and say, “We
countries. And I’m not faulting the phar- must do this and we must do that, and
Dr Sean Sanders (host):
maceutical companies. giving directions. And you gotta do it, we
Flaminia, are there similar programs have to do it. It’s very easy, but bringing
That is not my goal here, but I think unless
that are internationally in other coun- we have better strategies or how we’re together all the players to the table, bring-
tries, or is this fairly unique to the US? going to make these therapies available, ing together the patients, bringing togeth-
we will have a continuing kind of divide er industry, bringing together the payers,
between not just rich countries that can the insurers, the medical associations, the
Flaminia Macchia: get this drug. It will be rich patients and doctors. Everyone needs to understand
No, there are other countries who have rich countries that will get these drugs, what responsibilities each group has and
a similar legislation than you were from and everybody else. That is going to not until everyone listens to all the players at
Drug Act. For sure, in Europe, there is the create a benefit. So we need to start the table, it’s not going to work because
orphan medicinal products legislation. I thinking globally about how do we make everyone’s going to be worried about their
know in Japan, there is something specif- these therapies available, and I think that’s own interest. Clinicians have their own in-
ic. Or maybe not, Durhane? a huge challenge. Some of the things are terest, industry has their own interest and
working well. The FDA has also step forth responsibilities basically, but I think it’s
in terms of being able to do things like do- important that we start bringing people
Dr Durhane Wong-Rieger: together from various areas to talk about
No other country has really done the ing regulatory approvals that other coun-
tries are picking up. Not every country how can we actually make this happen
same as the US and Europe. Obviously,
needs to do it’s own regulatory approval. rather than saying we must, but it’s the
the EU came in as well and the EU was
Those are the kind of things, but we need how that’s the problem right now.
very deliberate. They said, “Oh my gosh,
all the research is going to the US. We the deliberate strategies for getting these
need an orphan drug act because we therapies more globally accessible. Dr Peter Merkel:
need to have research investment.” It was You have an example in the not that dis-
a deliberate... The effort, right? I mean, it Dr Peter Merkel: tant past, which is, it’s not a perfect exam-
makes sense. I will say what the US did I just want to amend. I agree with all of ple, but care for patients with HIV infection
really well at the same time. They not only that. I think that it’s important to recog- was very much concentrated in certain
did the FDA or the Drug Act. They brought nize it’s not just a single act of Congress countries, there was some international
in the NIH Office of Rare Diseases. That or a single act of the European Union. effort of coming together to try to improve
The Rare Disease Gazette | page 8

access in poor nations, and it was a com- Dr Peter Merkel: just go around and each of you can talk
bination of pharmaceutical industries, sci- And the people’s voice matter, patient’s to those, so what’s the lower hanging
entists, clinicians and governments and voices really matter. Elected officials lis-
including with the US, and it really did ten sometimes to their electorate, and in
fruit that we can address right now?
make a difference. It’s not perfect, but it’s fact, it is the advocacy by patient groups And what do you see is the more per-
made a very big difference in the global that helped push all of this along, it’s not... sonal impact? So, Durhane why don’t
epidemic of HIV, in being able to get drugs Scientists do it, visualists do it. It’s a lot we start with you?
to other countries, so I agree with you, Ti- of different voices moving things forward,
ina, and it was because people worked patient advocacy groups have been very
together and said, “We should do this.” helpful, not just in partnering and research Dr Durhane Wong-Rieger:
So I think there’s a lot of good will, there’s and helping us prioritize research, but in Yes, I don’t know about low hanging fruit.
ways to do this, but it’s complicated. advocating for research and distribution in I kind of feel like we took all the low-hang-
this space. ing fruit already, I think we’re really being
Dr Tiina Urv: forced now to climb up into those trees
Yes, everyone wants to cure the patients, Dr Durhane Wong-Rieger: and really work it hard the way Tiina and
everyone wants treatment for the patients, But it’s as you say though, the both of Peter and Flaminia were talking about. I
but making that happen is challenging. you... It also has to be done in partnership. think we need to make that those big
The patient voice out there, just being a efforts now, so I think we ate up the
shrill patient voice doesn’t do anything. low-hanging fruit. So, for us in terms of
Flaminia Macchia: patients, I think the impact is still there,
But as you were saying, and we were... I We’ve got to... And I think we’ve seen
some great examples in terms of how and I have been so encouraged, I think
think we all agree on one point for sure, by the ability of patients to actually have
is that we need to bring all these different these partnerships, there’s an opening up
in the research community, opening up in a voice and part of it is very much all
stakeholders together, and this is the plat- the other consortiums, all the other sick
form we are trying to create. the clinical community, opening up in the
pharma industry where the patients can homes opening up to recognize the value
actually have an effective voice, and I think of the patient voice, this was not there 40
Dr Durhane Wong-Rieger: that’s made for real difference. So I always years ago when we first had the Orphan
There are lots of examples, there are lot say you can demonstrate on as much as drug act. So I think it’s made a huge dif-
of models, I think, as Peter says, HIV is you want outside the gates, unless you ference and I think we’ve increasingly be-
one of them. There’s also the models on can get inside the gates, it makes no dif- come partners and use enterprise, so that
the consortium around infectious dis- ference. So we have to be able to get to for me is the way forward, so really, I think
eases and neglected and infectious dis- the table, we have to have a seat at the very much so in terms of appreciation of
eases, there’s the whole vaccine Gabby table, but we’ve got to do that as a part- how much the communities have been
approach to it, there’s the hepatitis C ex- ner as well. You’ve seen how people bang able to come together.
ample of what was done when the WHO at the gates outside, otherwise nobody
stepped in to say, “you got it, are you go- listens, but... But you have to have people
ing to make it available, or are you going Dr Sean Sanders (host):
brought in as well, so, appreciate that.
to have to outsource the drugs you know Flaminia, why don’t we come to you
one way or the other right?” So I think it is next?
very much the way, I see it as, how do we Dr Sean Sanders (host):
bring people together? How do we do it? Great, well, again, you’re a fantastic
But they’re lot of models, if there’s the will panel because you’re just addressing all Flaminia Macchia:
to do it. I don’t know, sometimes it seems Yes, so for me, it’s crucial to understand
overwhelming because then you think of
of the questions I was just about to ask, that all aspects of human lives are impact-
how much this costs. so what I really wanted to talk about, ed by living with the rare disease far be-
and I think close out with is this idea yond on the health concerns. Of course,
Dr Tiina Urv: of cooperation and collaboration, which health concerns are extremely important,
but the impact really go from the very be-
I think when it gets overwhelming is when seems to be coming up again and again,
you look at there, if you look at how many ginning, from inclusion in kindergarten, in
it’s got to be global, there’s gotta be part- school, in university, that means inclusion
people have HIV and all cancers com-
nerships, so the two things that I want- in education, and this has a direct impact
bined, and if you bring that number to-
gether, there’s still more people with rare ed to just finish on is... We have just a on employment opportunities. If we don’t
diseases than have all those conditions few minutes left is, the first is, what change the working conditions, we don’t
adapt the environment, we don’t adapt
combined. So it’s a big number, it’s a di- are the... What’s the low hanging fruit, working hours, so this also impacts on the
verse group of people, how can we find where can we make easy, quick changes
commonalities so we can work together overall impoverishment of people leaving
and say we’re doing this for rare diseases that will bring more collaboration and with rare diseases, the lack of autonomy.
rather than we’re doing this for disease A, cooperation? And the other piece that So it also impacts on the opportunities
for leisure, for traveling, for social interac-
and then we’re going to do it for disease I wanted to touch on is what are the
B, and it’s never going to happen, but I tions, opportunities to develop a life’s proj-
impacts at a personal level? And Fla- ect, even as pragmatic as getting a loan.
think we need to work as a community.
minia I’m going to come to you for this And of course, there are huge aspects
and Durhane as well, you also... You that are impacted by stigma and discrim-
have family members, children who are ination. So for families worrying constant-
impacted by rare disease, so maybe we’ll ly, social isolation, most parents become
Issue #1 | April 2021 | page 9

primary caregivers. And so this they also Dr Sean Sanders (host):

have to stop working or having less work- Right, well, thank you so much, Tiina,
ing hours. And in this very often, it’s even
worse for women, that often become the
and also to all of the other participants. What’s up?
primary or even only caregiver. So we talk We are out of time, so we are going to
a lot about the impact, and I think there is have to end our discussion here. Thank
an increasing understanding of the impact you once again to our fantastic panel Highlights of the month
on people’s life when it comes to their pa- and to Fondation Ipsen for enabling
tient aspect being their health concerns,
but the overall impact is very often under- this conversation through their kind
estimated. And in terms of society, we talk sponsorship. Goodbye everyone and
a lot about the burden on society, but of thanks again. The History of Acromegaly
treating, but did we really think enough
about the burden on society of not treat- Listen to our pocasts series
ing? So I would finish like that. on the history of science
(podcast in French - verbatim in English)
Dr Peter Merkel:
I agree with all of my colleagues. It’s been
a terrific conversation. I’ve really enjoyed
it, stimulating. I think it’s important to keep
working on respecting the scientific and Journal Club
societal impact of studying rare diseases
as well as encourage the collaboration in-
ternationally. But really it’s about keeping
rare disease in the conversation, in the Article of the month
conversation about healthcare, about so- McInerney-Leo AM, Duncan EL. Massively The Adventures of Jonas
ciety, about science and just keeping it in Parallel Sequencing for Rare Genetic Dis-
the conversation overall, as all of these is- Listen to our children podcasts
orders: Potential and Pitfalls. Front Endo-
sues are designed. There are some unique series on rare diseases
crinol (Lausanne). 2021 Feb 19;11:628946.
aspects that really are just very nicely put doi: 10.3389/fendo.2020.628946. PMID:
forward. And then there are some com- 33679611; PMCID: PMC7933540.
mon aspects as well in the study of rare
diseases. So as a physician scientist face It’s free at: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.
rare diseases, keeping it... I learn from all gov/33679611/
of these aspects, but keep these diseases
in the conversation as we create scientific Take home:
programs, as we create legislation, as we 1. 
There have been two major eras in
create new avenues for healthcare. the history of gene discovery. The first
was linkage analysis, where 1,300 dis-
Dr Tiina Urv: ease-related genes were identified by
I think a low-hanging fruit in my mind is positional cloning before the Year 2000. Humanity Inclusion Handbook
getting people to come to the table and The second era has been powered by
two major breakthroughs: the human
More details
talk to each other, What is simpler than...
genome project and development of and download
Well, maybe not during COVID, but we
can always Zoom, but bringing people massively parallel sequencing.
and starting the dialogue between all the 2. 
Massively parallel sequencing has
players. And that is not difficult because hugely accelerated disease gene iden-
I believe that everyone agrees at the end tification. In the past it took years to
of the day, we all want the same thing. map genes associated with disease.
We want treatments, we want cures. We Massively parallel sequencing lets
want the patients to have better quality of genes be determined in weeks.
life and to get the players to start talking 3. 
Massively parallel sequencing has
to each other, to start making inroads of ethical, legal and social implications.
making that happen to get the treatments These concerns exist in common to all
to the patients easier, to get the patients genetic testing but are especially rele-
7,000 Challenges: The Basis
diagnosed faster. Until we all come to- vant to massively parallel sequencing and Burden of Rare Diseases
gether, it’s going to be very challenging. because of the amount of data gen- Listen to our webinars
And so I think that is my final word.w erated. Examples include, relationship AAAS/ Science_Fondation Ipsen
misattribution, finding genetic variants
of uncertain significance, and issues
surrounding genetic discrimination.
4. Massively parallel sequencing is rapidly
transforming clinical practice and help-
ing patients.



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© Fondation Ipsen, 2021 – Fondation Ipsen operates under the aegis of Fondation de France –
Legal deposit: April 2021 – Graphic design: Céline Colombier-Maffre

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