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Intern First & Last Name

Brianna Chombo Soto

Course Name, Period, Date

TLC Interning, Period 1 and 2, December 8, 2022

Q2 Lesson Plan Project

Lesson Goals or Learning Targets (Word these as measurable student outcomes.)

Students will be able to understand how to add single digit numbers.

Lesson Objectives or Success Criteria (Word these as student actions, use verbs.)
Students will be able to count out the objects and answer the
question. Students will grasp the main idea of adding numbers.

CSTP Rationale (Describe the ways your lesson aligns with California Standards for the
Teaching Profession.)

CSTP 1 Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning

All students will be given turns to answer and participate.

CSTP 2 Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for

Student Learning
Every student will be given a turn.

CSTP 3 Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student

They will be given a worksheet that has simple directions and I will
guide them along.

CSTP 4 Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences

for All Students
I will be guiding them along through the questions.
CSTP 5 Assessing Students for Learning
Students will show their effort and skills by the effort they give.

CSTP 6 Developing as a Professional Educator

I will make sure that I keep them engaged and explain directions
and guide them well so that they understand.

Lesson Plan Content (Written narrative paragraph about the lesson content.)
Students will be given a worksheet that focuses on single digit
addition. Students will have the count the objects to guide
themselves through the answer.

Instructional Procedures
• Focusing Event (Describe how you will get students to focus attention on your teaching.)
I will politely call the students name to bring their attention to
me, or in the beginning I will start by explaining what they are
going to do.

• Instructional Strategies (Describe all instructional methods you will employ during the
A method I will use is independent strategy since they will
figure out the answer but I will also use interactive strategy
because we will all work together.

• Student Participation (How will you engage students and get them on board to
I will ask them a question like, “how did you get this?” Or
“what will you do next?”. Or I will help the individuals that
need help one on one.
• Formative Check (How will you check that all students are involved and engaged in the
I will observe and constantly check their papers toes if
everyone is on the same page. I will ask them how they got
their answers.

• Closure (How will you end the lesson purposefully, with intentionality?)
I will ask them how they felt about the material and ask if it
helped them understand better.

• Assessment (How will you assess that students achieved the lesson goals or learning
I will constantly check their answers and help students one-on-
one for a better understanding.

Lesson Plan Materials (Include everything needed to successfully complete the lesson with the
full class. Remember to include all supplies, as well as technology, whiteboard space, classroom
space, etc.)
-small tables
Optional Notes:
(Mrs. Quesada signed it one paper!)

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