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3 Cement Classification

3.1 European Classification

Common cements
Common cements conforming to EN 197-1: 2011 cover a range of five major types, viz., CEM I to
CEM V. The designation of cement is shortened to a notation of the form: CEM X1/X2-X3 X4 X5
X1 – I- Portland cement, II- Portland composite cement with a second constituent,
exceeding 5%, III- Blastfurnace cement, IV- Pozzolanic cement, V – Composite
X2 – Portland cement clinker content; A-High content, B- Medium, C- Low
X3 – Identification of second main constituent; S-Blastfurnace slag, D-Silica fume, P-
Natural pozzolana, Q-Natural calcined pozzolana, V- Silicious fly ash, W-Calcareous
fly ash, T-Burnt shale, L-Limestone of low purity, LL-Limestone of high purity, M-Two
or more of above types
X4 – Standard strength class, viz., 32.5, 42.5, 52.5 (Strength class should NOT be
misinterpreted as the maximum strength of concrete that can be produced.)
X5 – Strength sub-class, viz., L- Low early strength, N-Ordinary early strength, R – High
early strength
Table 3.1 – Family of common cements covered in EN 197-1 :2011
Cement type EN 197-1 Composition ( percentage by massa )
Notation Clinker S Db P Q V W T L LL
Portland cement CEM I 95-100
Portland-slag CEM II/A-S 80-94 6-20
cement CEM II/B-S 65-79 21-35
Portland-silica fume CEM II/A-D
90-94 6-10
Portland-pozzolana CEM II/A-P 80-94 6-20
cement CEM II/B-P 65-79 21-35
CEM II/A-Q 80-94 6-20
CEM II/B-Q 65-79 21-35
Portland-fly ash CEM II/A-V 80-94 6-20
cement CEM II/B-V 65-79 21-35
CEM II/A-W 80-94 6-20
CEM II/B-W 65-79 21-35
Portland-burnt CEM II/A-T 80-94 6-20
shale cement CEM II/B-T 65-79 21-35
Portland-limestone CEM II/A-L 80-94 6-20
cement CEM II/B-L 65-79 21-35
CEM II/A-LL 80-94 6-20
CEM II/B-LL 65-79 21-35
Portland-composite CEM II/A-M 80-88 12-20
cementc CEM II/B-M 65-79 21-35
Blastfurnace CEM III/A 35-64 36-65
cement CEM III/B 20-34 66-80
CEM III/C 5-19 81-95
Pozzolanic cementc CEM IV/A 65-89 11-35
CEM IV/B 45-64 36-55
Composite cementc CEM V/A 40-64 18-30 18-30
CEM V/B 20-38 31-49 31-49

Table 3.1 – Family of common cements covered in EN 197-1 :2011 ( continued.)

The values in the table refer to the sum of the main and minor additional constituents.
The proportion of silica fume is limited to 10%.
In Portland-composite cements CEM II/A – M and CEM II/B – M, in pozzolanic cements CEM IV/A and CEM
IV/B and in composite cements CEM V/A and CEM V/B the constituents other than clinker shall be declared by
designation of the cement.
Some examples for the application of designation are given below.
Example 1 - Portland cement, conforming to EN 197-1, of strength class 42.5 with high early strength
is designated by: CEM I 42.5 R
Example 2 - Portland-limestone cement, conforming to EN 197-1, containing between 6 % and 20 %
by mass of limestone (L) with a TOC (total organic content) content not exceeding 0.50 % by mass of
strength class 32.5 with an ordinary early strength is designated by: CEM IIA/L -32.5N. If the TOC of
limestone is not exceeding 0.20 %, then the designation is CEM IIA/LL-32.5N.
Example 3 - Portland-composite cement, conforming to EN 197-1, containing in total a quantity of
granulated blast furnace slag (S), siliceous fly ash (V) and limestone (L) of between 12 % and 20 % by
mass and of strength class 32.5 with high early strength is designated by: CEM II/A-M (S-V-L) 32.5 R.
Sulphate-resisting common cements
Table 3.2 – Family of sulphate resisting common cements covered in EN 197-1 :2011
Cement type EN 197-1 Composition ( percentage by massa ) Minor
Notation Main constituents additional
Clinker Blast Pozzolana Silicious
furnace slag natural fly ash
Sulfate resisting CEM I – SR 0
Portland cement CEM I – SR 3 95 - 100 0-5
CEM I – SR 5
Sulfate resisting CEM III/B - SR 20 - 34 66 - 80 — — 0-5
blast furnace
cement CEM III/C - SR 5 - 19 81 - 95 — — 0-5

Sulfate resisting CEM IV/A - SR 65 - 79 21 - 35 0-5

cement CEM IV/B - SR 45 - 64 36 - 55 0-5
The values in the table refer to the sum of the main and minor additional constituents.
In sulphate resisting pozzolanic cements, types CEM IV/A – SR and CEM IV/B – SR, the main constituents
other than clinker shall be declared by designation of the cement. (An example is given below.)
Example 4 Sulfate resisting Portland cement, conforming to EN 197-1, CEM I 42.5 N – SR 3
Example 5 Sulfate resisting Pozzolanic cement, conforming to EN 197-1, containing between 21 % and 35 %
by mass of natural pozzolana (P), of strength class 32,5 with an ordinary early strength and
sulfate resistance with C3A content of the clinker ≤ 9 % by mass and meeting the requirement
for pozzolanicity is designated by: CEM IV/A (P) 32,5 N – SR
SR 0 – C3A content of the clinker = 0%
SR 3 – C3A content of the clinker ≤ 3%
SR 5 – C3A content of the clinker ≤ 5 %
19 CE 592 – Concrete Technology

3.2 ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) Classification

Table 3.3 – A summary of some cement types given in ASTM standards
Specification Notation Applications
Type I For use when special properties specified for any other type
are not required.
Type IA Air-entraining cement for the same uses as Type I, where air-
entrainment is required.
Type II For general use, more especially when moderate sulphate
Standard Specification for Portland Cement

resistance is desired.
Type IIA Air-entraining cement for the same uses as Type II, where
air-entrainment is desired.
Type II (MH) For general use, more especially when moderate heat of
hydration and moderate sulphate resistance are desired.
Type II (MH)A Air-entraining cement for the same uses as Type II (MH),
where air-entrainment is desired.
Type III For use when high early strength is desired.
Type IIIA Air-entraining cement for the same use as Type III, where
ASTM C150-19a

air-entrainment is desired.
Type IV For use when a low heat of hydration is desired.
Type V For use when high sulphate resistance is desired.
Combined types Suitable for use when either type is desired.
e.g.,Type I/II
Type IS Portland-blast-furnace slag cement; e.g., Type IS (X)
Blended Hydraulic
Specification for
ASTM C595-19

Type IP Portland-pozzolan cement; e.g., Type IP (X)



Type IL Portland-limestone cement; e.g. Type IL (X)

Type IT Ternary blended cement; Type IT (SX)(PY);
e.g., Type IT(S20)(P10)
Type GU Hydraulic cement for general construction. Use when one or
more of the special types are not required.
(There are no restrictions on the composition of the
Standard Performance Specification for Hydraulic

Type HE High-Early Strength

Type MS Moderate Sulphate Resistance

Type HS High Sulphate Resistance
Type MH Moderate Heat of Hydration
Type LH Low Heat of Hydration
cements or its constituents)

Additional Options
Option R ( low Low heat of hydration and low reactivity with alkali-reactive
reactivity with aggregate
ASTM C 1157-17


Option A (air-
e.g.,Type LH(R)

3.3 Specified Requirements Based on Properties

3.3.1 European Standards
Table 3.4 gives the mechanical and physical requirements in terms of characteristic values calculated
using statistical methods for a series of tests conducted over a period. Requirements on results from
a single set are different.
Table 3.4 – Mechanical and physical requirements given as characteristic values
Strength Compressive strength (MPa) Initial setting Soundness
class Early strength Standard strength time (Expansion)
2 days 7 days 28 days (minutes) (mm)
32.5 L - ≥ 12.0
32.5 N - ≥ 16.0 ≥ 32.5 ≤ 52.5 ≥ 75
32.5 R ≥ 10.0
42.5 La - ≥16.0
42.5 N ≥ 10.0 - ≥ 42.5 ≤ 62.5 ≥ 60 ≤ 10
42.5 R ≥ 20.0 -
52.5 L ≥ 10.0 -
52.5 N ≥ 20.0 - ≥ 52.5 - ≥ 45
52.5 R ≥ 30.0 -
Strength class only defined for CEM III cements
The chemical requirements for different types of cement are given in Table 3.5.
Table 3.5 – Chemical requirements given as characteristic values
1 2 3 4 5
Property Test reference Cement type Strength class Requirementsa
Loss on ignition EN 196 – 2 All ≤ 5.0 %
Insoluble residue EN 196 – 2 b All ≤ 5.0 %
32.5 N
CEM I 32.5 R ≤ 3.5 %
CEM IIC 42.5 N
Sulphate content
EN 196 – 2 CEM IV 42.5 R
(as SO3)
CEM V 52.5 N
≤ 4.0 %
52.5 R
Chloride content EN 196 – 2 All All ≤ 0.10 % f
Pozzolanicity EN 196 – 5 CEM IV All Satisfies the test
Requirements are given as percentage by mass of the final cement.
Determination of residue insoluble in hydrochloric acid and sodium carbonate.
Cement types CEM II/B – T and CEM II/B – M with a T content > 20 % may contain up to 4.5 %
sulphate (as SO3) for all strength classes.
Cement type CEM III/C may contain up to 4.5 % sulphate.
Cement type CEM III may contain more than 0.10 % chloride, but in that case, the maximum
chloride content shall be stated on the packaging and/or the delivery note.
For prestressing applications, cements may be produced according to a lower requirement. If
so, the value of 0.10 % shall be replaced by this lower value which shall be stated in the
delivery note.
21 CE 592 – Concrete Technology

Additional chemical requirements for sulphate resisting common cements are given in Table 3.6.
There it can be seen the effects of SO3 and C3A on the degree of sulphate resistance and strength
Table 3.6 – Additional requirements for sulphate resisting common cements
1 2 3 4 5
Property Test reference Cement type Strength class Requirementsa
32.5 N
CEM I – SR 0 32.5 R ≤ 3.0 %
CEM I – SR 3 42.5 N
Sulphate content
EN 196 – 2 CEM I – SR 5b
(as SO3) 42.5 R
52.5 N ≤ 3.5 %
52.5 R
CEM I – SR 0 =0%f
EN 196 – 2 CEM I – SR 3 ≤3%
C3A in clinker CEM I – SR 5 All ≤5%
-e ≤9%
CEM IV/A – SR Satisfies the test
Pozzolanicity EN 196 – 5 All
CEM IV/B - SR at 8 days
Requirements are given as percentage by mass of the final cement or clinker as defined in the
For specific applications, cements CEM I – SR 5 may be produced according to a higher
sulphate content. If so, the numerical value of this requirement for higher sulphate content
shall be declared on the delivery note.
The test method for the determination of C3A content of clinker from an analysis of the final
cement is under development in CEN/TC51.
In the specific case of CEM I, it is permissible to calculate the C3A content of clinker from the
chemical analysis of the cement. The C3A content shall be calculated by the formula:
C3A = 2.65 A – 1.69 F
Until the test method is finalised the C3A content of clinker shall be determined on the basis
of the analysis of clinker as part of the manufacturer’s Factory Production Control
(EN 1972:2000,
Low heat common cements
The heat of hydration of low heat common cements shall not exceed the characteristic value of
270 J/g, determined in accordance with either EN 196-8 (solution method) at 7 days or in accordance
with EN 196-9 (semi-adiabatic method) at 41 h. Low heat common cements shall be identified by the
notation "LH".
Example 6 - Blast furnace cement, conforming to EN 197-1, containing between 66 % and 80 % by
mass of granulated blast furnace slag (S), of strength class 32,5 with an ordinary early strength and a
low heat of hydration and sulfate resisting is designated by: CEM III/B 32,5 N – LH/SR
Other types of cements
There are some other types of hydraulic cements used for special applications. High alumina cement
(HAC) or calcium aluminate cement (CAC) – EN 14647: 2005 , supersulphated cement (SSC) –
EN 15743: 2010, very low heat special cement (VLH) with 7 –day characteristic heat of hydration of
220 kJ/kg – EN 14216:2004 are a few of such materials.

3.3.2 ASTM Standards

ASTM standards have their own requirements, based on their recommended test procedures. It is to
be noted that the ASTM test procedures and EN test procedures differ in many instances. For
example, compressive strength given in Euro Norms (EN) is based on performing 40 mm indirect
cube testing of fractured mortar prism halves, whereas in ASTM that is based testing 50 mm cubes.
The compositions of the mixes are also different. Consequently, the resulting values remain
different. Also, for the requirements of the EN, soundness is measured by the Le Chatelier Test,
whereas for ASTM, that is by autoclave test, which involves steam at high temperature (216 °C) and
pressure (2 MPa). The standard physical requirements as given in Table 3 of ASTM C150/150M – 19a
are shown in Table 3.7.
Table 3.7 – Standard physical requirements (Adapted from Table 3 of ASTM C150/150M)
Cement TypeA Applicable I IA II IIA II(MH) II(MH)A III IIIA IV V
Test Method
Air content of mortar B C185
volume %
max 12 22 12 22 12 22 12 22 12 12
min 16 16 16 16
Fineness, specific C204
surface, m2/kg
Air permeability test
min 260 260 260 260 260 260 - - 260 260
max - - - - 430C 430C - - 430 -
Autoclave expansion, C151/C151M 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80
max, %
Strength, not less than C109/C109M
the values shown for
the ages indicated as
strength, MPa [psi]:
1 day - - - - - - 12.0 10.0 - -
[1740] [1450]
3 days 12.0 10.0 10.0 8.0 10.0 8.0 24.0 - 19.0 8.0
7 days 19.0 16.0 17.0 14.0 17.0 14.0 - 7.0- 15.0
28 days - - - - - - - -
17.0 21.0
Time of setting; Vicat C191
test E
Time of setting, 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45
minutes, not less
Time of setting, 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375
minutes, not more
A See Note 2.[ Note 2 - Cement conforming to the requirements for all types are not carried in stock in some areas. In

advance of specifying the use of cement other than Type I, determine whether the proposed type of, or can be
made, available.]
B Compliance with the requirements of this specification does not necessarily ensure that the desired air content will be

obtained in concrete.
C Maximum fineness limits do not apply if the sum of C S + 4.75C A is less than or equal to 90, or the cement complies with
3 3
the heat of hydration limit in Table 4.
D The strength at any specified test age shall be not less than that attained any previous specified test age.
E The time of setting is that described as initial setting time in Test Method C191.

Optional requirements (Table 3.8) may be specified, to suit the requirements of the application.
23 CE 592 – Concrete Technology

Table 3.8 – Optional physical requirements (Table 4 of ASTM C150/150M – 19aA)

Cement Type Applicable I and IA and II(MH) II(MH)A III IIIA IV V
False set, final penetration, C451 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
min, %
Heat of hydration:
Isothermal conduction
3 days, max kJ/kg C1702 - - 335 B 335 B† - - 200 C -
7 days, max, kJ/kg - - - - - - 225 C -
Strength, not less than the C109/C109M
values shown:
Compressive strength, MPa
28 days 28.0 22.0 28.0 22.0 - - - -
Sulfate resistance, D 14 days, C452 -E -E -E E - - - 0.040
max, % expansion
Gillmore test: C266
Initial set, min, not less than 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60
Final set, min, not more than 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600
† Editorially corrected
A These optional requirements apply only when specifically requested. Verify availability before ordering. See Note 2.
B The limit for the sum of C S + 4.75C A in Table 1 shall not apply when the cement complies with this limit.
3 3
C The limits of C S, C S, C A and Fe O listed in Table 1 shall not apply when the cement complies with this limit.
3 2 3 2 3
D When the sulphate resistance is specified, it shall be instead of the limits of C3A, C4AF + 2 C3A, and Fe2O3 listed in Table 1.
E Cement meeting the high sulphate resistance limit for Type V is deemed to meet the moderate sulphate resistance

requirement of Type II and Type II(MH).

In addition to physical requirements, composition requirements are specified for cements covered
by C150/C150M (Table 3.9). However, according to the concept of performance specification given
in ASTM C1157-17, only the performance is specified without giving composition requirements.
Table 3.9 – Standard composition requirements (Table 1 of ASTM C150/150M – 19a)
Cement Type A Applicable Test I and II and II(MH) and III and IV V
Aluminium oxide (Al2O3), max, % C114 - 6.0 6.0 - - -
Ferric oxide (Fe2O3), max, % C114 - 6.0B 6.0B,C - 6.5 -
Magnesium oxide (MgO), max, % C114 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0
Sulfur trioxide (SO3),D max, % C114
When (C3A)E is 8% or less 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.5 2.3 2.3
When (C3A)E is more than 8% 3.5 F F 4.5 F F

Loss on ignition, max, % C114

When limestone is not an ingredient 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.5 3.0
When limestone is an ingredient 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5
Insoluble residue, max, % C114 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
Equivalent alkalis (Na2O+0.658K2O), %† C114 G G G G G G

Tricalcium silicate (C3S)E, max, % See Annex A1 - - - - 35C -

Dicalcium silicate (C2S)E, min, % See Annex A1 - - - - 40C -
Tricalcium aluminate (C3 A)E, max, % See Annex A1 - 8 8 15 7C 5B
Sum of C3S + 4.75C3AH, max, % See Annex A1 - - 100c,I - - -
Tetracalcium aluminoferrite plus
twice the tricalcium aluminate
See Annex A1 - - - - - 25B
(C4AF + 2(C3A)), or solid solution
(C4AF + C2F), as applicable, max, %

Table 3.9 – Standard composition requirements (Table 1 of ASTM C150/150M – 19a) (continued.)
† Editorially corrected.
A See Note 2. [ Note 2 - Cement conforming to the requirements for all types are not carried in stock in some areas. In
advance of specifying the use of cement other than Type I, determine whether the proposed type of, or can be
made, available.]
B Does not apply when the sulphate resistance limit Table 4 is specified.

C Does not apply when the heat of hydration limit in Table 4 is specified.

D It is permissible to exceed the values in the table for SO content, provided it has been demonstrated by Test Method
C1038/C1038M that the cement with the increased SO3 will not develop expansion exceeding 0.020 % at 14 days. When
the manufacturer supplies cement under this provision, supporting data shall be supplied to the purchaser. See Note 7.
E See Annex A1 for calculation.

F Not applicable.

G Report equivalent alkalis as part of the manufacturer’s certification, See Note 5. [ Note 5 – The limit on the sum, C S +
4.75C3A, in Table 1 provides control on the heat of hydration of the cement and is consistent with a Test Method C186,
7-day heat of hydration limit of 335 kJ/kg.]
H See Note 6 [Note 6 – The limit on the sum, C S + 4.75 C A in Table 1 provides control on the heat of hydration of the
3 3
cement and is consistent with a Test Method C 1702 three-day heat of hydration limit of 315 kJ/kg.]
I In addition, three-day heat of hydration testing by Test Method C1702 shall be conducted at least once every six

months. Such testing shall not be used for acceptance or rejection of the cement, but results shall be reported for
informational purposes.

Table 3.10 – Optional composition requirements (Table 2 of ASTM C150/150M -19a)
Cement Type Applicable I and II II(MH) III and IV V Remarks
Test IA and and IIIA
Method IIA II(MH)A
Tricalcium aluminate See Annex - - - 8 - - For moderate sulphate
(C3A)B, max, % A1 resistance
Tricalcium aluminate See Annex - - - 5 - - For high sulphate
(C3A)B, max, % A1 resistance
A These optional requirements apply only when specifically requested. Verify availability before ordering. See Note 2.
B See Annex A1 for calculation.

The above tables extracted from the Euro and ASTM standard specifications give some information
on links between composition and the behaviour of cements.
3.3.3 Sri Lankan Standards
Sri Lankan Standards cover limited types of cements commonly available in Sri Lanka. SLS 107 covers
ordinary Portland cement (OPC); SLS 1247 covers blended hydraulic cement (BHC); and SLS 1253
covers Portland limestone cement (PLC). For every type there are two strength classes, viz., 32.5 N
and 42.5 N. Sri Lankan Standards are not as extensive as the international standards.

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