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Pure Appl. Geophys.

 2018 Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature Pure and Applied Geophysics

Seismic Site Classification and Empirical Correlation Between Standard Penetration Test N
Value and Shear Wave Velocity for Guwahati Based on Thorough Subsoil Investigation Data

Abstract—Guwahati, the Gateway of India in the northeast, is a 1. Introduction

large business and development center. Past seismic scenarios
suggest moderate to significant effects of regional earthquakes
(EQs) in Guwahati in terms of liquefaction as well as building The seismicity of northeast India is the combined
damages. Considering the role of local soil in amplifying EQ- effect of Indian–Eurasian Plate boundary in the north
generated ground motions and controlling surface damages, present
and the Burmese arc in the east. This region is
study attempts seismic site classification of subsoil of Guwahati.
Subsoil is explored based on 43 geophysical tests and 244 borelogs amongst the most seismically active regions of the
gathered from different resources. Based on the borehole data, 4 world. Other regions with similar seismicity include
numbers of 2D cross-sections are developed from different parts of San Andreas in the United States, Guerrero region in
Guwahati, clearly indicating that a majority of the locations are
composed of clay of intermediate to high plasticity while at specific Mexico and regions of Japan, Taiwan and Turkey. As
locations only, layers of sand are found at selective depths. Further, per the report by United Nations, published under
seismic site classification based on 30 m average SPT-N suggests International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction
that a major part of Guwahati falls under seismic site class (SSC) D
such as Balaji Temple and Airport. However, Assam Zoo, Pan
(INDNDR) for the year 1991–2001, more than 18
Bazaar, IIT campus, Dhol Gobinda and Maligaon show SSC E earthquakes (EQ) of magnitude greater than 7 have
clearly indicating the presence of soft soil deposits at these loca- occurred in the northeast India in the last century
tions. Similar site classification is also attempted from MASW test-
(Kayal 1998). Some of these significant EQs include
based 30 m average shear wave velocity (VS30). VS30-based site
classification also categorizes most of Guwahati under SSC D. 1869 Cachar EQ (M-7.8), 1897 Shillong EQ (M-8.1),
However, there are locations in the southern part of Guwahati 1918 Srimangal EQ (M-7.6), 1931 Assam EQ (M-
which belong to SSC C as well. Mismatch in SSC based on two 7.6), 1950 North Assam EQ (M-8.7), etc., with
different test findings for Indian soil found here are consistent with
previous studies. Further, three empirical correlations based on reported large-scale damages across the north-eastern
both SPT-N and VS profiles at 22 test locations are developed for: region. Oldham (1882) reported that the 1869 Cachar
(1) clayey; (2) sandy and (3) all soil types. Proposed correlation for EQ caused moderate to severe damages to public
all soil types is validated graphically and is found closely matching
with similar correlations for Turkey and Lucknow.
buildings in Khasi Hills of the Shillong Plateau. This
EQ had also triggered ground fissures and sand vents
Key words: Seismic site classification, SPT-N, shear wave at various places across northeast India (Oldham
velocity, lithological cross-section, empirical correlation.
1882). The 1897 Assam EQ has been one of the great
EQs of India, which prompted landslides, ground
fissures and turned infrastructure to rubble at
numerous locations (Bilham and England 2001).
Shaking during this EQ was also felt at several other
locations across the Indian subcontinent (CNDM
2002; Baro and Kumar 2015; Kumar and Baro 2016;
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this
article ( contains sup-
Baro and Kumar 2017). As a result, 18- to 30-m-wide
plementary material, which is available to authorized users. fissures came into existence, parallel to the banks of
1 the River Brahmaputra. The Dhubri Bazaar in Assam
Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of
Technology, Guwahati, India. E-mail:; was severely affected by these fissures. Further east
A. Kumar et al. Pure Appl. Geophys.

of Dhubri at Rowmari in Assam, sand vents were regional site response analysis, ground motion
formed which ejected sand and mud up to a height of recorded by seismic recording station should be
1 m above the ground level (Oldham 1899). selected appropriately considering its SSC. Thus,
According to Bilham and England (2001), energy SSC of a site plays a vital role in understanding the
released during the 1897 Assam EQ was so strong overall seismic activity of the site in addition to
that it caused the northern edge of the Shillong Pla- providing qualitative information whether the selec-
teau to rise by 11 m. Above examples give a clear ted site belongs to a soft deposit, stiff deposit or a
picture of catastrophes that were caused during dif- hard rock medium.
ferent EQs in the northeast region. Empirical correlations between N-SPT and VS at
Damage scenario during an EQ is a combined regional level are required for determination of low
effect of the size of EQ as well as the characteristics strain dynamic soil properties in equivalent linear
of subsoil present beneath the building. Further, ground response modeling as well as for homoge-
induced effects of EQ at a site are functions of EQ- nization of subsoil information obtained from
generated ground motions and their modification by different test types.
subsoil. The characteristics of EQ-generated ground
motion completely changes. Available subsoil below
the ground alters the ground motion generated during 2. Study Area
an EQ at the bedrock level once it reaches the sur-
face. This phenomenon is known as the local site Present study area of Guwahati lies adjacent to the
effect and has considerable influence in changing the River Brahmaputra in the state of Assam in northeast
ground motion characteristics between the bedrock India. As per the recent Government plans, Guwahati
and the surface (Anbazhagan et al. 2010, 2011; is considered at number 18 in the list of 59 cities in
Kumar et al. 2012, 2015, 2016, 2017a, b; Mondal and India to be developed further as smart cities. Thus,
Kumar 2016, Kumar and Mondal 2017). Depending tremendous growth in infrastructure can be seen in
upon the subsoil characteristics, the amount of dam- the coming years in Guwahati. The city covers an
age induced during an EQ may vary from epicentral area of approximately 600 km2 with its center at
region to distant locations as reported worldwide. 26080 N and 91400 E. As per census 2011, the city
Thus, determination of subsoil characteristics is holds a population of approximately 1 million. The
equally important in understanding the ongoing plain area of Guwahati has an average elevation of
seismic activity in a region. 54.17 m above the mean sea level. Further, there are
Seismic site class (SSC) is the characterization of a number of hills and hillocks in Guwahati including;
subsoil based on the average shear strength proper- the Buragosain Parbat (426 m), the Fatasil hill
ties. Most of the classification systems proposed till (292 m), Nilachal hills (293 m), Khurguli hill
date (BSSC 2003; Eurocode 8; IBC, 2009) use top (216 m), Sila Pahar (220 m), Chunsali Pahar
30-m-based average N-SPT (N30) or shear wave (215 m), Japorigog hill (277 m), Narangi hill
velocity (Vs30) or Cu values for site classification. (240 m), Amchang Pahar (202 m), Narakasur hill
Vs30 is popular because it is comparatively a simple (267 m), Sonaiguli hill (102 m), Jalukbari hill
parameter and the data acquisition is faster (Martin (168 m), etc. Besides the above hills, there are sev-
and Diehl 2004). SSC of a site is important mainly eral low-lying areas and small lakes within the city
from three aspects. Firstly, for the selection of suit- including the Deepar Beel in the southwestern part of
able attenuation relation for seismic hazard analysis Guwahati, the Ghuguli Beel, Raja Beel, Hahsara
by comparing ground motion recorded at a recording Beel, Susuki Beel, Pata Beel and Pitni Beel in the
station and ground motion proposed using suit- extreme north Guwahati. Further, the Silsako Beel,
able attenuation relation for same SSC condition. the Damal Beel, and the Tepar Beel in the eastern
Secondly, for development of regional attenuation part while the Borsola beel and the Sarusola beel lie
relation, a large set of recorded ground motions in a in the central part of Guwahati.
region for different SSCs are needed. Thirdly, for
Seismic Site Classification and Empirical Correlation Between Standard Penetration Test…

Entire Guwahati lies in seismic zone V (IS 1893 Kalapahar-Fatasil hill range (GSI 2000; Raghukanth
2002) indicating region of highest seismicity in the and Dash 2010; Kumar et al. 2014). It is clearly
country, with a seismic zonation factor of 0.36. evidenced from the above discussion that in addition
Guwahati lies in between the river Brahmaputra and to the seismicity of nearby regions, active faults exist
the Shillong Plateau. Baro and Kumar (2017) found on local scale as well for Guwahati city. In addition,
that the entire seismotectonic province of 500 km damages during past EQs highlight that Guwahati is
radial distance around Shillong Plateau is composed vulnerable to induced effects causing building dam-
of four different seismic source zones having differ- ages and failure of other utilities as discussed in detail
ent seismic activity namely: (1) the Shillong Plateau– by Baro and Kumar (2016). A close observation of
Assam Valley Zone (SP-AVZ); (2) the Indo-Burma reported damages clearly indicates building damages
Ranges Zone (IBRZ); (3) the Bengal Basin Zone at many locations such as Pan Bazaar during 1869
(BBZ) and (4) the Eastern Himalaya Zone (EHZ). As Cachar EQ (M-7.8). In addition, at several locations
shown in Fig. 1, the study area of Guwahati lies the ground water rose to the ground surface, which is
adjacent to the Shillong Plateau. Figure 1 also pre- a possible case of liquefaction at Guwahati as
sents a summary of past EQ events that occurred reported by the Geological Survey of India (CNDM
within 500 km radial distance clearly highlighting the 2002). Colonel Davis, Chief Engineer of Guwahati
seismic potential of the study area. In addition to reported that the walls of the jail in Guwahati were
active faults in the Shillong Plateau, the city of cracked; brick buildings, church piers and graveyards
Guwahati also consists of local faults running across had undergone partial to complete collapse (Oldham
the city. These include; (1) 5-km-long fault running 1882). Similar observations of damages were made
between Nilachal and Fatasil hills; (2) 10 km fault during 1897 Shillong EQ (M-8.7) at Guwahati. As
running NE–SW between the Kalapahar and Fatasil reported by Oldham, 1897 Shillong EQ caused
hills; (3) 20 km fault running between the southern ground subsidence along the banks of the River
foothills and the river Brahmaputra; and (4) another Brahmaputra in Guwahati. In addition, ground fis-
fault existing between the southern foothills and the suring in a small stream located at the western end of

30 EHZ

28 26.25
Latitude ( N)

Latitude (N) (Degree)

25 2 3’
23 BBZ
Legend 1’
4 3
22 6.1<=Mw<=7.0
Shillong Plateau
Tectonic features
Zone boundary 26.1 BH4
86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 BH3
Longitude ( E)
MASW test locations
0 2 4 6 8
Borehole location
91.55 91.6 91.65 91.7 91.75 91.8 91.85
Longitude (E) (Degree)

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2

Figure 1
Seismic activity of surrounding region around Guwahati and important places of Guwahati (modified after Baro and Kumar 2017) along with
the distribution of boreholes and MASW test locations across Guwahati
A. Kumar et al. Pure Appl. Geophys.

Guwahati Bazaar was observed during 1897 Shillong locations across the city followed by alluvial deposits
EQ. As a result, about 18-in. shortening of a three- in the altitude range between 200 and 400 m above
girder bridge was reported in Guwahati (CNDM mean sea level. Rock outcrop can be evidenced at
2002). Further, all the temples which were located at several locations such as Kalapahad, Guwahati zoo,
the hilltop were completely shattered during this Guwahati University, Phatasil, etc., as per Raghu-
event. Rise in the level of water up to 7.6 m along kanth and Dash (2010). Similarly, there are subsoil
with the reversal in the direction of flow was reported deposits in the thickness range of less than 100 m to
in the river Brahmaputra during this event (CNDM greater than 300 m. Based on borehole reports
2002). Another damage scenario includes fall of available from different geotechnical firms, Raghu-
rocks from the hill top into the River Brahmaputra kanth and Dash (2010) as well as Ayothiraman et al.
causing blockage in the flow as well as liquefaction (2012) found that the subsoil at Guwahati is com-
and ground subsidence at various places during 1950 posed of silty sand, sandy silt and silty clay. Out of
Assam EQ. The above discussion clearly highlights 100 boreholes considered by Ayothiraman et al.
the seismic potential of Guwahati and the kind of (2012), it was found that more than 92 borehole
damage scenario experienced during various EQs. In locations fall under SSC E, 7 boreholes correspond to
case of occurrence of a similar EQ in the nearby SSC D and one borehole correspond to SSC C. Fur-
future, damage will be manifold due to increase in ther, borehole reports suggest N-SPT variation in the
population density. range of 8–15 at 2 m depth to a value of 12–50 at
20 m depth as per Ayothiraman et al. (2012). In
addition, a majority of the locations show N-SPT
3. Subsoil Information of Guwahati variation in the range of 12–16 in the top 10 m.
In the present work, in order to understand subsoil
Surface seismic scenario evidenced during an EQ characteristics, subsoil information is collected based
is a collected effect of ground motions transferred at on two different types of tests in accordance with
the site during an EQ and amplification of this ground NDMA (2011) including N-SPT based on 244
motion by local soil (Kumar et al. 2016, 2017, b) as borelogs as well as 45 Multichannel Analysis of
discussed earlier. Thus, for the better assessment of Surface Waves (MASW) tests across Guwahati, as
surface damage scenario towards minimizing the shown in Fig. 1. It can be clearly seen in Fig. 1 that
same during future EQs, subsoil information at the collected borelogs as well as MASW test loca-
Guwahati is explored in this work. As per Sharma tions are well distributed across Guwahati. Detailed
and Rahman (2016), the city is mostly composed of discussion on subsoil information based on borehole
alluvial soil deposits and sediments fill, surrounded data as well as MASW tests can be found in subse-
by Precambrian residual hills. These alluvial deposits quent subsections.
are brown to grey in color, silty clays, which can be
found in valleys and other low-lying areas of the city
3.1. Boreholes-Based Subsurface Investigation
and are overlain by artificially transported soils.
Further, the hills surrounding the city are primarily For the present work, collected borehole data
composed of porphyritic granites. While sandy soils consists of the N-SPT measurement at 244 locations
are produced by weathering and can be found in across Guwahati city as shown in Fig. 1 up to 30 m at
many parts of the city, areas underlain by quartz- a regular intervals of 1.5 m. Out of 244 boreholes,
feldspar are covered by red soils and are rich in clay 175 borehole information up to 30 m depth are taken
minerals. from one source while additional 69 borelogs were
In order to assess the subsoil properties of collected from GMDA (Guwahati Metropolitan
Guwahati, a large number of borelogs were collected Development Authority) drilled under Guwahati
by Raghukanth and Dash (2010). As per Raghukanth Metro Rail project (personal communication). Both
and Dash (2010), the city consists of a mixed geology the databases provide soil type and N-SPT value with
comprising granitic rocks as outcrop at different depth up to 30 m, depth of water table, etc. The
Seismic Site Classification and Empirical Correlation Between Standard Penetration Test…

above collected borehole data are used in the present N-SPT ranging from 12 to 68 with the depth of water
work for: (1) development of 4 numbers of two- table as 1.5 m. Collectively, based on the above four
dimensional (2D) cross-sections highlighting subsoil borelogs taken from different parts of the city, it can
lithology variation across Guwahati till 30 m depth be clearly observed that at a majority of locations,
referring to the work of Anbazhagan et al. (2013) subsurface is composed of clayey layers with varying
and; (2) development of seismic site classification plasticity followed by silty to sandy layers at certain
map based on N30 values based on above 244 depths only. Further, the depth of water table is
boreholes. Four typical borelogs from north-eastern, shallower across Guwahati. The above discussion on
north-western, south-western and south-eastern parts subsoil information is based on point information and
of Guwahati in accordance with Fig. 1 are shown in thus variation in lithology of different soil types
Figure A, B, C and D, respectively, in the Online across the city cannot be understood from point
Appendix A. It can be observed in Figure A that the information. Thus, based on these point locations
Uzaan Bazaar area has filled-up material in the top across the city, 4 randomly selected 2D cross-sections
1.5 m having N-SPT of 5 followed by silty to clayey of subsoil lithology are developed in this work.
soil having low plasticity clay (CL) to intermediate Subsoil information at borehole locations is taken
plasticity clay (CI) with no traces of sand till 30 m from borelogs while intermediate information is
depth. N-SPT for this location ranges from 5 to 37 as interpolated. Anbazhagan et al. (2013) developed
shown in Figure A. Depth of water table for this similar cross-sections for Lucknow. Work by
location is 1 m below the ground level. Thus, even Anbazhagan et al. (2013) is referred here for the
though the water table is near the ground level, development of these 4 number of lithological 2D
chances of liquefaction for this location are rare in the cross-sections. All the four cross-sections are marked
absence of sandy soil. Another borelog from north- in Fig. 1 as 1-10 , 2-20 , 3-30 and 4-40 and the
western part adjacent to the River Brahmaputra in corresponding lithological cross-sections are pre-
Amingaon is presented in Figure B indicating the sented in Fig. 2a–d, respectively. Figure 2a
presence of silty clay to silty sand followed by the represents subsoil lithological profile along 1-10 (see
presence of gravel beyond 24 m depth. Collectively, Fig. 1) in the eastern part of Guwahati showing the
this location consists of a surface layer having high presence of CI along with a combination of CL and
plasticity clay (CH) followed by silty, sandy and traces of CH in major half of the cross-section
gravely layers. N-SPT variation for these layers vary extending up to 30 m depth. At certain locations,
from 7 at the topmost layer to 50 beyond 15 m depth traces of filled-up soil are observed near the surface
till 30 m. Since at shallower depths, N-SPT is low extending up to a depth of 2–10 m. At a deeper depth
with presence of silty clay and silty sandy soil along ([ 15 m), clayey sand (SC) is observed with the local
with water depth at 1 m adjacent to the river course, pockets of silty sand (SM) and poorly graded sand
there are chances that this location may undergo (SP) and bands of clayey soil. Gravel is also observed
liquefaction due to significant ground shaking during in the form of local pockets at the depth of 25 m.
future EQs. Another typical borelog from Dharapur Further, Fig. 2b represents subsoil lithological
in southwestern part of Guwahati is presented in profile along 2-20 (refer to Fig. 1) in the northeastern
Figure C indicating CI in top layers followed by CH part of Guwahati. It shows the presence of CI and CL
till 12 m depth having N-SPT ranging between 10 dominating the cross-sectional area. Local pockets of
and 16. The water table for this borelog is found at gravel and SM are observed at shallower as well as
0.8 m below ground surface. Further, beyond 15 m deeper depths. Further, bands of CH, SM and SP are
depth, silty sand is encountered till 30 m depth observed only at specific locations at deeper depths.
having N-SPT in the range of 65–100. Borelog from Similarly, Fig. 2c represents subsoil lithological
Beltola Bazaar is presented as a typical one from profile along 3-30 in the central part of Guwahati
south-eastern part of Guwahati as shown in Figure D. (as per Fig. 1) showing the presence of CI soil at
Stratification observed from Figure D indicates that shallow depth and pocket of CL surrounded by the
the entire depth is composed of CI to CH having bands and pockets of CI and CH. Traces of filled-up
A. Kumar et al. Pure Appl. Geophys.

(a) 1 1' (b) 2 2'

0 0

Depth below GL (m)

Depth below GL (m)

05 05
10 10
15 15
20 20
25 25
30 30






(c) 3 3' 0
4 4'

Depth below GL (m)

Depth below GL (m)

25 25






Figure 2
Lithology cross-section up to 30 m depth below ground level (GL) through: a section 1-10 ; b section 2-20 ; c section 3-30 and d section 4-40 as
per Fig. 1

material can also observed at the surface extending gravel are also observed at the depth of 25 m.
up to 2 m depth. At deeper depth ([ 10 m), a major Collectively, based on the above discussion, it can be
part of the cross-section is composed of SP along concluded that a majority of subsoil in Guwahati is
with the local pockets and the bands of SM. In dominated by CH and CI and at certain locations
addition, gravel is observed at the depth of 25 m at only, traces of SM, SP and SC can be found. Thus,
some places in the form of local pockets. Figure 2d presence of sandy soil for Guwahati cannot be
represents subsoil lithological profile along 4-40 in the generalized.
western part of Guwahati as per Fig. 1 which shows
the presence of CI at shallow depth followed by CL at
3.2. N-SPT-Based Seismic Site Classification
further depth. Traces of filled-up material are
of Guwahati
observed at the surface which is surrounded by bands
of gravel, SM and clay with CI and CH. At deeper Borehole provides information about soil type at
depth ([ 10 m), cross-section is dominated by SM testing locations while cross-section provides the
extending up to 30 m depth. Further, local pockets variation in subsoil lithology across Guwahati. Fur-
and bands of SC can be observed. Local pockets of ther, in order to understand the average strength
Seismic Site Classification and Empirical Correlation Between Standard Penetration Test…

characteristics of subsoil, seismic site classification N30

based on N30 is attempted here. N-SPT variation with 26.25
depth at each test location is used to determine the

Latitude (Degree) (N)

value of N30 at that location using the following 26.2
Pn 26.15
N30 ¼ P i¼1  ; ð1Þ
n di 15
i¼1 Ni

where N30 is 30 m average N-SPT, di is the thickness 26.05

of ‘‘ith’’ layer, n is the total number of layers up to 0

91.55 91.6 91.65 91.7 91.75 91.8 91.85
30 m depth as obtained during borehole drilling and
Longitude (Degree) (E)
Ni is the N-SPT of each layer ‘‘i’’. In order to develop
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
SSC-based map based on N-SPT, value of N30 at each
of the above 244 borehole locations is determined Figure 3
using Eq. (1) while N30 values in between the bore- N30 -based seismic site classification map of Guwahati
hole locations are interpolated using Kriging
interpolation technique after referring to the work by highlighted here that this SSC-based map has been
Anbazhagan et al. (2013) and Kumar et al. (2013). developed based on point information from borehole
Based on obtained N30 values, seismic site classifi- sites. There are boreholes on either side of the River
cation map following NEHRP (National Earthquake Brahmaputra and for this reason, in spite of no
Hazard Reduction program) site classification borehole report from the River Brahmaputra, site
scheme (BSSC 2003) in accordance with Table 1 is classification contours are presented in Fig. 3.
developed for Guwahati as shown in Fig. 3. NEHRP Authors recommend additional information to be
classification scheme categorizes subsoil into three collected in addition to the present work before
SSC namely C, D and E based on N30 as seen in concluding site classification within the River
Table 1. From Fig. 3, it can be observed that the Brahmaputra alignment.
entire Guwahati city belongs to SSC D and E. Major In order to further explore changes in subsoil
locations in Guwahati belong to SSC D including strength with respect to depth, average N-SPT
Balaji temple and Guwahati airport. Similarly, there contours (similar to Fig. 3) for 5, 10, 15, 20 and
are a number of locations in eastern, northern and 25 m are developed using Eq. (1) as shown in
central parts such as Assam zoo, Pan Bazaar, IIT Fig. 4a–e, respectively. It can be observed form
Guwahati, Dhol Gobinda, Maligaon and Amingaon Fig. 4a that a majority of locations in the city consist
which belong to SSC E indicating soft soil deposits of soft soil deposits (SSC E) while certain locations
and thus extra caution has to be taken at these soft in the central part and western parts of Guwahati exist
soil sites before any construction. It has to be which belong to SSC D based on 5 m average N-SPT
(N5 ) values. Further, Fig. 4b presents 10 m average
N-SPT (N10 Þ contours across Guwahati. It can be
Table 1 clearly observed that in comparison to Fig. 4a, a
NEHRP site classification (BSSC 2003) larger portion of city is changed from SSC E to SSC
D, which clearly indicates increase in average N-SPT
Site class General description VS30 (m/s) N30
values in these locations between 5 and 10 m depth.
A Hard rock [ 1500 – Similar increase in average N-SPT with depth can be
B Rock 760–1500 c –
observed at major locations in Guwahati as can be
C Very dense soil and soft rock 360–760 [ 50
D Stiff soil 180–360 15–50 observed from Fig. 4c–e which are based on average
E Soft soil \ 180 \ 15 N-SPT for 15 m (N15 Þ, 20 m (N20 Þ and 25 m (N25 Þ
depths, respectively. However, collectively based on
A. Kumar et al. Pure Appl. Geophys.

26.25 26.25 (d)

Latitude (Degree) (N)

26.2 26.2
Latitude (Degree) (N)

26.15 26.15

26.1 26.1 15

26.05 26.05

0 0
91.5 91.55 91.6 91.65 91.7 91.75 91.8 91.85 91.5 91.55 91.6 91.65 91.7 91.75 91.8 91.85
Longitude (Degree) (E) Longitude (Degree) (E)
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2

N10 N25
26.25 (b) 26.25 (e)
Latitude (Degree) (N)


Latitude (Degree) (N)

50 26.2

26.1 15
26.1 15

91.5 91.55 91.6 91.65 91.7 91.75 91.8 91.85 0
91.5 91.55 91.6 91.65 91.7 91.75 91.8 91.85
Longitude (Degree) (E)
Longitude (degree) (E)
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
26.25 (c)
Latitude (Degree) (N)




91.5 91.55 91.6 91.65 91.7 91.75 91.8 91.85
Longitude (Degree) (E)
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2

Figure 4
Average N-SPT contours for a 5 m, b 10 m, c 15 m, d 20 m and e 25 m for Guwahati

Fig. 4a–e, it can be observed that certain locations in properties for 244 boreholes. In addition to the
the northern and central parts of Guwahati are borehole reports, geophysical tests using MASW are
completely composed of soft soil deposits throughout carried out across the city as discussed in the next
the depth. Above observations are based on 30 m soil section.
Seismic Site Classification and Empirical Correlation Between Standard Penetration Test…

3.3. VS-Based Seismic Site Classification selected for seismic site classification as well as
of Guwahati development of empirical correlations as
explained later. If the test is done in market area
In addition to the borehole information, geophys-
or adjacent to the road, either the test is done in
ical tests using MASW are carried out at 43 locations
early hours of the day with no disturbance due to
across Guwahati (see Fig. 1) as an additional method
traffic movement or the traffic movement is
of subsoil exploration in accordance with NDMA
restricted during the testing.
(2011). Based on MASW tests, VS variation with
(2) Dispersion curve Rayleigh waves in a heteroge-
depth as characteristics of subsoil is obtained at 43
neous media persists dispersive characteristics,
locations across Guwahati. Findings from MASW
i.e., waves with different frequencies will prop-
tests are used in two ways namely: (1) for develop-
agate with different wave lengths (Xia et al.
ment of VS30 -based SSC contour map for Guwahati
1999). In other words, depending upon the
and (2) for development of empirical correlation
subsoil characteristics, frequency content Ray-
between VS and N-SPT values by comparing these
leigh waves, which are generated from impact
two values at test locations with both N-SPT as well
loading are received at known distant geophones
as VS profiles available.
after getting refracted from different depths.
3.3.1 Geophysical Testing Using MASW Thus, at all the geophones, traces of wide range
of frequency content (C 4.5 Hz) are swept.
MASW is a geophysical method that records vibra- Based on the slope between travel time versus
tions caused by active and passive sources. Recorded geophone distance traced from linear component
data consists of first arriving body waves, surface of record, phase velocity are each frequency are
waves and noises which are vibrations from other estimated. Summarizing all the phase velocities
sources. With major portion of seismic energy is in versus frequencies from a multichannel record
form of ground rolls (Rayleigh waves) while rest generates a typical dispersion curve from a field
energy is available in form of body waves (Everett recording at a test site.
2013). In MASW survey, Rayleigh wave which was For the present work, phase shift method by Park
earlier considered as noise is used for subsoil et al. (1998) is used in SurfSeisTM 5.0 software for
investigation. The dispersive property of Rayleigh developing dispersion curve at each of the 43 test
wave in heterogeneous medium is the key to overall sites. It has to be highlighted here that at each test
analysis. Entire analysis using MASW can be divided site, a number of analyses based on single stacking
into three parts namely: (1) field recording, (2) are done and the dispersion curve with signal to noise
dispersion and (3) inversion. (S/N) ratio greater than 0.70 in coherence with the
(1) Field recording For present work, field testing existing literature are used for further analysis.
consists of an impact source where 10 kg sledge Figure 5 presents a typical dispersion curve for
hammer is struck against a metal plate, 24 Guwahati obtained during present work.
numbers of 4.5 Hz geophones which sense (3) Inversion MASW is a not destructive test in
ground vibrations on multichannel record using which subsoil properties are obtained in form of
a geode mounted with a control unit and neces- Vs variation with depth which is a measure of
sary connecting cables. During field testing, shot variation in shear strength of subsoil layers with
coordinates of 4, 8 and 12 m at each test depth. Since subsoil properties show variation,
locations along with geophone interval of 1 m such subsoil persists dispersive characteristics. In
and 1.5 m are attempted. Further, for each of other words, for above Vs profile there will be a
these configurations, recordings are done for dispersion curve. Since Vs profile at test site is not
2000, 3750 and 7500 ms sampling frequencies. known in advance and is the objective of MASW
Overall, that field configuration which provides test which is achieved by inversion. Initially an
maximum depth of VS profile at test location is earth model with known VP, VS (P-wave and
A. Kumar et al. Pure Appl. Geophys.

Figure 5
A typical dispersion curve for Guwahati based on present MASW test

S-wave velocities, respectively), density (q) and di
the layer thickness (h) are assumed and the VS30 ¼ P i¼1  ; ð2Þ
n di
i¼1 Vi
corresponding dispersion curve known as theo-
retical dispersion curve is developed for the earth where VS30 is 30 m average VS, di is the thickness of
model (Schwab et al. 1972). Further, above earth layer ‘‘i’’, n is the total number of layers up to 30 m
model is modified iteratively till the theoretical depth as obtained during borehole drilling and Vi is
dispersion curve matches with the experimental the VS of each layer ‘‘i’’ obtained after MASW test.
dispersion curve obtained from field record as As discussed earlier, out of 45 MASW test locations,
discussed earlier (Ryden and Park 2006). Model VS profiles at 22 locations reach 30 m depth while
properties corresponding to final iteration are other 21 locations show VS profile up to shallower
then considered as actual VS profile at the test depths (\ 15 m). For developing seismic site classi-
location. In the present work, inversion of fication map, values of VS30 at these 22 locations are
theoretical earth model is done based on bisec- used directly in Eq. (3). However, for 21 locations
tion method in accordance with Press et al. with VS profile up to shallower depths, VS30 are
(1992); Xia et al. (1999) in SurfSeisTM 5.0 estimated at per Boore (2004) and used for seismic
software. Root Mean Square (RMS) between site classification. Once VS30 at MASW test locations
theoretical and experimental dispersion curve is are estimated, intermediate values are interpolated
considered to be lesser than 2.5 in the entire based on Kriging interpolation method referring to
analyses. Figure 6 presents a typical Vs profile for the work by Anbazhagan et al. (2013) for Lucknow.
Guwahati obtained from the present work. Figure 7 presents SSC contour map for Guwahati
based on VS30 . It can be observed from Fig. 7 that
3.3.2 Seismic Site Classification and Subsoil major locations in Guwahati belong to SSC D while
Characteristics of Guwahati Based on MASW southern parts of Guwahati belong to SSC C with
VS30 in the range of 360–760 m/s. Presence of SSC D
Once VS profiles are obtained as per the above in major portions of Guwahati is similar to the find-
discussed MASW tests, seismic site classification ings based on N30 as discussed above. However,
map for Guwahati is developed considering VS30 as certain locations show a mismatch in the SSC
per following equation: obtained based on N30 and VS30 . Such a mismatch in
Seismic Site Classification and Empirical Correlation Between Standard Penetration Test…

Figure 6
A typical shear wave velocity profile for Guwahati based on present MASW test

VS30 certain locations in southern parts of Guwahati,

between 5 and 10 m. This can be observed by com-
26.25 paring Fig. 8a, b where a shift from SSC C to D can
Latitude (Degree) (N)

760 m/s
be observed. With further increase in depth, average
VS increases as can be observed collectively from
360 m/s
26.15 Fig. 8a–e.
180 m/s
3.3.3 Empirical Correlations Between VS and N-SPT
for Guwahati
0 m/s
91.55 91.6 91.65 91.7 91.75 91.8 91.85 91.9
Longitude (Degree) (E) Borehole drilling is an expensive and time consuming
method of subsoil exploration. Thus, in most of the
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
studies keeping limited funds in mind, limited
Figure 7 boreholes are drilled. In addition, most of the earlier
VS30 -based seismic site classification map of Guwahati
subsoil explorations were done based on borehole
the SSC in NEHRP classification system was also drilling followed by N-SPT measurement. In recent
mentioned by Anbazhagan et al. (2013) which again times, however, geophysical tests such as MASW are
raises questions on suitability of NEHRP site classi- becoming popular for subsoil exploration as such
fication system to Indian soils and needs further tests are quick, accurate and can provide subsoil
study. In order to understand the change in average information even at deeper depths. Empirical corre-
strength characteristics based on VS, contour maps are lations between N-SPT and VS are very important so
developed considering average VS in 5, 10, 15, 20 and that a homogenous database about subsoil character-
25 m (VS5 ; VS10 ; VS15 ; VS20 and VS25 , respectively) as istics can be developed for a region based on N-SPT
shown in Fig. 8a–e, respectively. It can be clearly and VS using both set of tests. In addition, NDMA
observed from Fig. 8a that in top 5 m, other than (2011) recommends more than one test to be
central and southern Guwahati, other locations show performed while exploring subsoil information for
soft soil deposits (SSC E). With increase in depth, SSC. Thus, summarizing findings from two different
average VS increases at majority of locations except tests, empirical correlations will be very useful. Such
A. Kumar et al. Pure Appl. Geophys.

VS5 26.3
26.3 (c)

Latitude (Degree) (N)

760 m/s
Latitude (Degree) (N)

760 m/s

360 m/s 26.15 360 m/s


26.1 26.1
180 m/s 180 m/s

26.05 26.05

0 m/s 0 m/s
91.5 91.55 91.6 91.65 91.7 91.75 91.8 91.85 91.55 91.6 91.65 91.7 91.75 91.8 91.85
Longitude (Degree) (E) Longitude (Degree) (E)

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2

VS10 VS20
(b) 26.25
Latitude (Degree) (N)

Latitude (Degree) (N)

760 m/s 26.2 760 m/s
26.15 360 m/s 360 m/s

180 m/s 180 m/s
26.05 26.05

0 m/s 0 m/s
91.55 91.6 91.65 91.7 91.75 91.8 91.85 91.9 91.55 91.6 91.65 91.7 91.75 91.8 91.85
Longitude (degree) (E) Longitude (Degree) (E)
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2

26.25 (e)
Latitude (Degree) (N)

26.2 760 m/s

360 m/s

180 m/s


0 m/s
91.55 91.6 91.65 91.7 91.75 91.8 91.85
Longitude (Degree (E)

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2

Figure 8
Average VS contours for a 5 m, b 10 m, c 15 m, d 20 m and e 25 m for Guwahati

correlations also provide parameters for ground attempted in this work. While summarizing MASW
response analysis. Table 2 provides a summary of test locations with borehole locations, 22 locations
correlations between N-SPT and VS developed across are found in this work with both VS variation with
the globe. Such correlations are the functions of soil depth and N-SPT variation with depth. Based on
type and are region specific. For Guwahati, so far no these dataset, three sets of empirical correlations are
such correlation has been developed and is thus developed by comparing VS and N-SPT at same depth
Seismic Site Classification and Empirical Correlation Between Standard Penetration Test…

Table 2 a result, total number of points available for the

Worldwide proposed correlations between VS and SPT-N (N) used regression also reduced in comparison to actual data
for comparison in the recent work available. A total of 212 data points are used to
S. Authors Existing correlation for all
developed empirical correlation for clayey soil as
no. types of soil shown in Fig. 9a. Values of regression coefficients
for clayey soil are a = 47.84 and b = 0.60 with RMS
1 Ohba and Toriuma (1970) Vs = 84 N0.31
2 Fujiwara (1972) Vs = 92.1 N0.337
value of 0.76. For sandy soil as well, similar
3 Ohsaki and Iwasaki (1973) Vs = 81.4 N0.39 correlation is developed based on 89 data points of
4 Imai and Yoshimura (1970) Vs = 76 N0.33
5 Imai et al. (1975) Vs = 89.9 N0.341
6 Imai (1977) Vs = 91 N0.337 600
7 Ohta and Goto (1978) Vs = 85.35 N0.348 (a)
8 JRA-Sand (1980) Vs = 80 N(1/3) 500
9 JRA-Clay (1980) Vs = 100 N(1/3)
10 Seed and Idriss (1981) Vs = 61.4 N0.5 400
11 Imai (1982) Vs = 97 N0.314
107.6 N0.36

Vs (m/s)
12 Athanasopoulos (1995) Vs = 300 VS = 47.84N 0.60
13 Iyisan (1996) Vs = 51.5 N0.516 R² = 0.76
14 Hasancebi and Ulusay Vs = 90 N0.309 200
15 Hanumantharao and Vs = 82.6 N 100
Ramana (2008)
16 Maheshwari et al. (2010) Vs = 95.641 N
17 Anbazhagan et al. (2013) Vs = 68.96 N0.51 0 10 20 30 40 50

from each of the 22 above test location. Based on 600

literature, following function form between N-SPT 500
(N) and VS is considered for regression analysis:
Vs (m/s)


VS ¼ aN b ; ð3Þ 300 Vs = 58.66N 0.57

R² = 0.80
where a and b are the regression coefficients and as 200

per Ohsaki and Iwasaki (1973), Imai (1977), Ohta 100

and Goto (1978), Imai (1982), Iyisan (1996), Jafari 0

0 10 20 30 40 50
et al. (1997), values of coefficients ‘‘a’’ and ‘‘b’’ are N
inversely proportional to each other.
As observed from the borelogs (Fig. A–D, Online (c)
Appendix A) and lithological cross-sections (Fig. 2a–
d), a majority of subsoil is clayey in nature. For this
reason, a major portion of N and VS dataset belongs 500
Vs (m/s)

to clayey soil. Further, borelogs based on first source, 400

which covers major part of the borehole data, have 300

VS = 46.56N 0.62
N-SPT measurement up to 50 while borelogs 200
R² = 0.84

obtained from GMDA which cover almost 26% of

database, have N-SPT measurement up to 100. In
order to obtain a homogeneous combined database 0 10 20 30 40 50
for the regression with comparable N-SPT values N
throughout the range for developing empirical corre- Figure 9
lation, N-SPT from GMDA is considered up to 50. As Proposed empirical correlations between N-SPT and VS for
Guwahati for a clayey soils; b sandy soils and c all soil types
A. Kumar et al. Pure Appl. Geophys.

N and VS datasets as shown in Fig. 9b. It has to be 600

mentioned here that borelogs as well as various cross-

sections are clearly indicating that sandy soil is not

Predicted SWV (m/s)

present in abundance in comparison to clayey soil. 400

For this reason, a number of points in dataset for

sandy soil are relatively less as seen in Fig. 9b in
comparison to clayey soil (Fig. 9a). Considering 200
functional form mentioned in Eq. (4), the values of Predicted SWV
a and b are found to be 58.66 and 0.57, respectively,
with RMS value of 0.80. In case soil type is not 0
known during field testing, another empirical corre- 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Measured SWV (m/s)
lation is developed collectively based on 301 data
points of N–VS dataset as developed in Fig. 9c where Figure 10
Comparison between measured and predicted VS based on
a and b are found to be 46.56 and 0.62, respectively,
proposed correlation for all soil types
with RMS value of 0.84. Further, proposed correla-
tion in this work can also be used to identify the  
lithology and compared with observed lithology Cd ¼ Vsm  Vsp SPT  N ; ð4Þ
based on VS. It has to be mentioned here that since where Vsm is the measured VS, Vsp is the predicted VS
the database used for developing correlation has measured on correlation for all soil types and N-SPT
N-SPT up to 50 from both sources of borelogs,
proposed correlations are applicable up to N-SPT of
50 only.
30 (a)
Normal Consistency Ratio (Cd)

3.3.4 Graphical Validation of the Proposed

Empirical correlations proposed in this work are
based on field records. In order to validate proposed
correlation, its comparison with the dataset that was
used to develop correlation is done in terms of
predicted versus measured VS. It has to be mentioned
here that measured VS is the one obtained during 0 10 20 30 40 50

MASW testing adjacent to the borehole location SPT-N Value

while predicted VS values are the ones obtained that 100

are based on proposed correlation for all soil types. 90

For validation, correlation proposed for all soil type is
Cumulative Frequency

used in this work. Figure 10 presents comparison
between measured and predicted VS. It can be
observed from Fig. 10 that for VS range up to
700 m/s, almost all the predicted values are within
a range of 1:0.7 and 1:1.5 lines which clearly 20
indicates that predictions are within ? 50%, - 30% 10
of the actual dataset. Further, to validate proposed 0
-80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80
correlation, comparison in terms of normal consis-
Er Scaled Error Percent (%)
tency ratio ‘‘Cd ’’ as well as scaled percent error ‘‘Er ’’
has been done in here. The value of Cd is defined as: Figure 11
Graphical validation of proposed correlation for all soil types based
on a normalized consistency ratio ‘Cd’; b scaled error percent ‘Er’
Seismic Site Classification and Empirical Correlation Between Standard Penetration Test…

600 Present Study

Ohba and Toriuma

Fujiwara (1972)
Ohsaki and Iwasaki
Imai and Yoshimura
400 Imai et al. (1975)

Imai (1977)
SWV (m/s)

Ohta and Goto (1978)

300 JRA-Sand (1980)

JRA-Clay (1980)

Seed et al. (1981)

Imai and Tonouchi
Athanasopopulos (1995)

100 Iyisan (1996)

Hasancebi and Ulusay

Hanumantharao and
0 Ramana (2008)
Maheshwari et al. (2010)
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Calculated SPT-N Value Anbazhagan et al. (2013)

Figure 12
Comparison of proposed correlation for all soil types with other worldwide correlation

is the measured SPT value corresponding to Vsm . As mentioned earlier, the above empirical corre-
Figure 11a presents Cd variation for SPT-N values up lation is not available for Guwahati. Thus, proposed
to 50. It can be clearly observed from Fig. 11a that on correlations will be very useful in regional ground
an average, the value of Cd is zero clearly indicating, response analysis. Comparison of proposed correla-
a significant number of predicted VS values are tion for all soil types with worldwide correlation is
matching with measured VS for the entire range of (listed in Table 2) made in Fig. 12. These worldwide
SPT-N. Further, more than 96% of SPT-N values fall correlations include the ones by Japan Road Associ-
within ± 10% error range. Further, proposed corre- ation (JRA 1980), Ohba and Tourima (1970),
lation validated in terms of Er defined as (Dikmen Fujiwara (1972), Ohta and Goto (1978), Seed and
2009): Idriss (1981), Imai (1982), Athanasopoulous (1995),
etc. In addition, the proposed correlation for all soil
100ðVsp  Vsm Þ
Er ¼ ; ð5Þ types is compared to correlations given by Hanu-
manthrao and Ramana (2008), Maheswari et al.
where Vsm is the measured VS, Vsp is the predicted VS (2010), Anbazhagan and Sitharam (2008), Anbazha-
measured on correlation for all soil types. Plot of Er gan et al. (2013) for different parts of the Indian
versus cumulative frequency is presented in Fig. 11b. subcontinent. It has to be highlighted here that in
It can be observed form Fig. 11b that more than 92% India, correlations developed by Hanumanthrao and
dataset falls within ± 40% error band. Further, more Ramana (2008), Maheshwari et al. (2010) and
than 67% dataset falls within ± 20% error band. Anbazhagan et al. (2013) were based on field
Such an error band may be attributed to variation in measurement of both SP-N and VS till 30 m depth
in situ stress condition and soil characteristics as per while correlations developed by JRA (1980) and
Anbazhagan et al. (2013). Anbazhagan and Sitharam (2008) were based on field
A. Kumar et al. Pure Appl. Geophys.

records for shallower deposits (\ 25 m). Comparison Guwahati. While a majority of the locations are found
of proposed correlations with all the correlations in belonging to SSC D both based on N30 and VS30,
Fig. 12 clearly indicates a wide range of variation in mismatch in SSC obtained based on N30 and VS30 is
N–Vs correlations which might be the attribute to also found. Such mismatch coincides with the exist-
regional soil characteristics as well as in situ condi- ing literature clearly raising question about suitability
tion of the soil varying from one region to the other. of NEHRP-based SSC for Indian subcontinent.
For the proposed correlation, it can be observed that Further, on comparing VS and N-SPT profiles with
up to SPT-N of 15, proposed correlation lies within depth at 22 locations across Guwahati, empirical
the variation pattern of numerous worldwide corre- correlations between VS and N-SPT are proposed up
lations. Further, from SPT-N ranging between 15 and to 30 m depth and up to SPT-N of 50. In total three
30, proposed correlation matches very well with the empirical correlations namely for: (1) clayey soils;
correlation by Hasancebi and Ulusay (2007) devel- (2) sandy soils and (3) for all soil types are proposed
oped for Turkey. Beyond SPT-N of 30 and up to in this work. Proposed correlations are also validated
SPT-N of 50, proposed correlation closely matches using bootstrapping method using random sample of
with the correlation proposed by Anbazhagan et al. 200 data. Further, proposed correlation for all soil
(2013) as can be observed in Fig. 12. Thus, collec- types is also validated graphically clearly indicating
tively it can be concluded here that proposed low range of error bands. In addition, proposed cor-
correlation is found matching very well with different relation for all soil type is found matching with
correlations for entire range of SPT-N. similar correlation for Turkey and Lucknow. Pro-
posed correlations are first attempt for study area of
Guwahati, which will be very helpful in ground
4. Conclusion response analysis as well as in assessing the lique-
faction potential.
Assessment of subsoil lithology is important in
assessing actual damage scenario as well as for city
planning. Present work attempts to understand subsoil Acknowledgements
lithological details of Guwahati city in northeast
India. As a first attempt, assessment of soil type and Authors would like to thank start-up project titled
its strength characteristics based on 244 boreholes ‘‘Seismic site classification of Guwahati city and
with SPT-N variation up to 30 m depth is attempted. development of design response spectra considering
Based on borehole information, 4 numbers of 2D detailed in situ geotechnical and geophysical studies’’
cross-sections are developed clearly indicating that in from IIT Guwahati for necessary motivation and
a major portion of Guwahati, subsoil is composed of financial support for this work. Further, authors ate
CL to CH while the presence of sandy soil can be thankful to Guwahati Metropolitan Development
witnessed at specific locations only in form of local Authority (GMDA) for sharing necessary borehole
pockets or thin layers. Further, seismic site classifi- reports and for permitting MASW tests across
cation based on N30 suggests that a major areas of Guwahati without which present work would not
Guwahati comes under to SSC D and E. Locations have been possible.
like Balaji temple, Airport, a number of locations in
eastern, northern and central parts such as Assam zoo,
Pan Bazaar, IIT Guwahati, Dhol Gobinda, Maligaon REFERENCES
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