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Kim Andrei M.



Art Appreciation

Module 3

 Artist is what you call someone who creates an art with their creative imagination.

 An artisan is what you call a person who crafts an art with their hands and produce an art with

functional value.

 Studio is what you call an artist’s or worker’s workroom. It’s where the art is made. It’s where

the artists are able to fully express their creative imaginations. It’s also where negotiations with

certain people happens.

 Dealers are the ones who promotes an artists work. They are the types of people who

supports and promote an artist’s work through advertising and public promoting, with


 Curators are the ones who handle different artworks commonly in museum. They are

knowledgeable in different art aspects.

 Critics analyze, evaluate, and interpret an artwork. They share their point of view with

accuracy and pass judgement on the different features of an art work with precision.

 Collectors. As the name implies, they are the ones who collect various artworks that suits their


 Medium is the mode of expression or what the artist used to make their artworks. There are

two types of medium;Concrete and Ephemeral.

 Concrete kind of medium are objects that physically manifested for prolonged or lasting

period. Example of these are; paintings or sculpture.

 Ephemeral kind of medium are objects that has duration like a video clips or films.

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