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Peace education topics

Good morning/afternoon everyone.

My name is (member)
My name is (other member)
My name is (other member)
My name is (other member)
My name is (other member)

We are the Group 4 and today, we present to everyone the lesson 11: Peace Education Topics.

Besmar: What are the Peace Education Topics?

Peace Education Topics provides the different topics such as Human Dignity and Peace
Education, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, The Convention on the
Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, Convention on the Rights
of the Child, Rights and Responsibilities, and lastly, the Teaching-Learning Ideas.

Bautista: There are different topics within Peace Education. The first one is Human Dignity and Peace Education

Human Dignity and Peace

(Bautista) After explaining his part, he will then introduce “the universal declaration of human rights”. Similar to what he said
previously ”The next one is../Next is…” . Ganoon rin ang gagawin ng mga susunod.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Throughout the years existence, humanity learned how important it is to have rules that regulate peace and fairness for
everyone. Hence, the human rights.Human rights dictates what an individual has power over to. Human rights give freedom for
those who are oppressed. Human rights are necessary to achieve peace. There are the: right to life, freedom, safety, own a
property, right to education and etc.
(Kylo Rubico)

The Convention on the

Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women
As we all know, large portion of women experience discrimination, domestic abuse or sexism. These are also happening, not just
to women, but also to other people like children, men or the LGBT. But it primarily affects women and girls.
(Allyssa Velasco)

Convention on the Rights

of the Child,

Rights and Responsibilities

We all have our rights and it’s our responsibility to use it in the right way. To use our rights for the sake of achieving peace and
not unfairness. To use rights for a good cause. Rights are there to promote peace and give proper justice for everyone. It is our
responsibility to use it wisely and correctly.

(Nathaniel Navarro)

Teaching-Learning Ideas.

After I finished explaining…

And that’s the entirety of lesson 11 Peace education topics.

We hope that we’re able to deliver the lesson accurately and with enthusiasm. We also hope that everyone learned something
from this lesson. Again, we’re Group 4 and this is Lesson 11 Peace Education Topics. Thank you for listening.
The word peace is a much broader word than what it looks like. It can be the state of tranquility or harmony. It could
also be the absence of noise. Peace is something that is difficult to achieve nowadays. There’s always the presence of
difficulties which kept us away from peace. Like what Albert Einstein once said, Peace cannot be kept by force. It can
only be achieved by understanding. Understanding what makes a person happy. Understanding what gives a person
the harmony of life. Understanding the true essence of peace by each individual’s own perspective, is what make
peace achievable. We’re now all in our adulthood and responsibilities are now piling up. Peace of mind or peace
within the surrounding while having an online class, these are just one of the kinds of peace that we need. Peace
education is a great help in so many ways. It introduce the types of prejudices and how it divides the humanity.
Peace education can also be the way to promote non-violence. To confront and resolve wars or conflicts within
individuals or countries. There are different ways to showcase peace; have a gentle manner, being polite or have a
proper dialogue. Most importantly, show respect to everyone. Peace education also revolves around our
environment. To care for the Earth. To preserve the nature. Peace can be found all around us. It takes an
understanding in order to fully achieve it. And, we must cultivate our inner peace to achieve a culture of peace.

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