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● 75 questions
● 15 identification
● 10 T/F
● 50 MC

I. GLOBAL DIVIDE (10 questions of sir ralphy)

● What Latin America is
○ Countries that were colonized by the Spaniards in the southern part of the American continent
● Characteristics of Global North and South (2 questions)


● Interstate inequality and a product of Western ● Global North: home of Group of Eight: Canada,
imagination, Latin America, socio-economic divide France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom,
focused on southern hemisphere Russia, and the United States of America
● Includes the developed countries in Asia, Australia,
● Global South consists of Africa, Latin America,
and New Zealand
Asia, and Middle East ● The Global North is also relatively experienced
● Global South includes developing countries within the geographical boundaries of the Global
● Global South: “continues to be imagined and South.
re-imagined by those who dominate it” - Claudio, ● Abode of the 4 powerful permanent members of
2014 the United Nations Security Council

● Three world model (identify which category they belong)

○ First world: capitalist
○ Second world: socialism
○ Third world: neither
■ India, Philippines, SEA countries
● Treaty of Tordesillas
○ In 1494, newly discovered lands outside Europe were divided into 2: West (Crown of Castile which is now part of
Spain) and East (Portugese Empire)
○ Split in labor: core, semi-periphery, peripheries
● 5 permanent members of the UN security council (FRUUC)
○ France
○ Russia
○ UK
○ China
● Qualities of the third world and global south
○ Conceptually the same; both refer to conditions usually found in developing countries
○ Third world: antecedent of term Global South
■ This term ceased to exist when Cold War ended
● Economic principles and ideologies of countries and of cold war
○ Capitalism: consumer choice, private property, economic freedom
■ First world countries
○ Socialism: state control of means of production, distribution, and exchange
■ Second world countries
○ Third world: neither of the 2 and referred to former colonies of European countries
■ India WAS a third world country since it was colonized by UK
■ Philippines is Third world
II. ASIAN REGIONALISM (10 questions of sir ralphy)
● Characteristics of Asia as a region
○ Asia was a term originated from the West, particularly from Ancient Greece
○ Asia has the biggest population of at least ⅔ of the world’s inhabitants
○ The continent comprises ⅓ of the world’s land mass
○ Emerging developing Asian countries has 6.3% growth in GDP; ASEAN 5 (Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Philippines,
Thailand) has 5.1% GDP growth
● What country has taken over USA (exports)
○ In 2016 China was world’s leading exporter of goods valued at $1.99 trillion followed by US ($1.45 trillion)
● Economic grants
○ Japanese International Cooperation Agency: aim to work on human security and quality growth
● Understand the consensus rule (ASEAN)
○ What makes Asian nations stronger than ever is establishment of collaborations and cooperation based on respect
○ ASEAN pays full respect for sovereignty and independence of its members through consensus and consultation
● Institutions and organizations
○ East Asia Economic Group: failed
○ ASEAN+3: ASEAN partnered with 3 East Asian countries (China, Japan, South Korea)
○ North American Free Trade Agreement: free trade pact between Canada and US (now including Mexico) to help
reduce trading costs, increase business investment, and help North America be more competitive in global
○ European Union (EU) is a political and economic established to ensure free movement of people, goods, services,
and capital within EU’s single market
○ Asian Development Bank: promotes social and economic development in Asia
■ 67 members, 48 of which from Asia-Pacific Region
○ Chiang Mai Initiative and Asian Bond Markets Initiative
● Kind of relationship we have (ASEAN)
○ Collaboration and cooperation based on respect (NOT SURE)
● Regionalization and regionalism

Regionalization Regionalism

● Growth of societal integration within a region and to the ● Regional concentration of economic flows
undirected processes of social and economic ● Process of intergovernmental collaborations between 2
interaction or more states
● Political process by economic policy if cooperation and
coordination are present among countries

○ Islamic State of Iraq and Syria
○ Spread to Muslim communities in Southern Philippines, Indonesia, and Malaysia
● One reaction to globalization (term)
○ Bilateral or multilateral agreements
○ Important regional players (China, India, Japan) - initiate concrete dialogue in formulating visions
○ Terror groups
● Difference of regionalization and globalization

Regionalization Globalization

● Growth of societal integration within a region and to the ● Expansion and intensification of social relations and
undirected processes of social and economic consciousness across world-time and world-space
● Political process by economic policy if cooperation and
coordination are present among countries
More on terms
● Culture refers to the unified style of human knowledge, beliefs, and behavior from which people learn, and the ability to
communicate knowledge to the next generations. Its development has been mainly influenced by media.
● Media carrier of culture. It is a tool for the interaction of people with different cultures.
● Cultural hybridity suggests that globalization spawns an increasing and ongoing mixing of cultures.
○ An example of this is the Chabacano, a Spanish-based creole language of the Zamboanga City and of some parts
of Cavite, which exemplifies hybridity in language prompted by the-merging of two cultures.
● Glocalization, coined\from globalization and localization, is a rather new concept brought about by the increased frequency of
contact among cultures. This reinforces the|fact that local cultures are not weak, static, or fixed; they are built and understood
anew each day in a globalized world (Lule, 2014).


1. oral communication. Language allowed humans to communicate and share information. Moreover, language became
the most important tool for exploring the world and the different cultures. It helped people move
and settle down. Oral communication led to markets, trade, and cross-continental trade routes.

2. script Script allowed humans to communicate over a larger space and for a much longer duration. It
allowed the permanent codification of economic, cultural, religious, and political practice.
Knowledge, beliefs, and behaviors were written and made available for transmission to the next
generation and to other nations and cultures.

3. printing press. allowed the continuous production, reproduction, and circulation of print materials. Written
documents were mass produced which gave everyone access to information that was once
available to only the rich, powerful, and religious. This period of media development was affected.
globalization by transforming various institutions such as schools, markets, businesses, churches,
governments, and armies, among others.

4. electronic media by its use of electricity. Electronic media includes the telegraph, telephone, radio, film, and
television. The wide reach of these media continues to open up new perspectives in the
economic, political, and cultural processes of globalization, Radio was the avenue for global
products to be advertised like Marlboro andCoca-Cola. Television, the analogue type, was
primarily used so countries could watch US Presidents’ delivery of speeches and UN Security
Council meetings. Both radio and television became medium to observe international events.

5. digital media which relies on digital codes. It can be created, modified, and stored in any digital electronic

Cultural differentialism Cultural convergence

views cultural difference as immutable. As the West and suggests that globalization engenders a growing sameness of
non-Western civilizations interact or are brought in contact cultures. However, the culture of powerful and progressive
through globalization, clash of civilizations such as that of the countries becomes culture. Take the example of K-pop culture.
West and Islam logically follows. Some teenage Filipinos prefer to dress up like their South
Korean idols. A lot of them have also joined fan clubs in support
of Koreanovelas

● Global products (where advertised)

○ Marlboro and Coca-Cola - radio
● What humans used to explore the world
○ Media??
● Global Local Religions
○ The interaction of religion and culture resulted in a global-local religion. It is a global religion with a local mix.
● Vernacularization (3-4 questions)
○ refers to the blending of universal religions with local languages. For instance, Arabic is used as Islam's sacred
language even outside the Arab world, while Greek and Latin remains to be the primary languages of Christianity.
This vernacularization of religion also results in the creation of new branches of religion such as that of Orthodox
Christianity which stems from Christianity.
● Indigenization
○ transforms a universal religion to suit the specifics of a particular ethnic group. An example is the practice of Islam by
various ethnic groups in the Zamboanga peninsula. Another example is the blending of African traditional forms of
religiosity and Christianity in Brazil and the Caribbean.
● Nationalization
○ constructs a link between the nation and church. Religious institutions relate to national identities and the realities of
that nation. Being part of the nation means belonging to its national church. The Philippine Independent Church, an
independent Christian denomination, is an example of a national church in the Philippines. People also tend to add
national modifiers to their religious identification (e.g., Greek Orthodox Christianity).
● Transnationalization
○ has complemented religious nationalization by focusing groups on identifying specific religious traditions of real or
imagined national homelands. Iglesia ni Cristo is one good example of this. This Christian organization is national in
scope but it has an international reach that is easily identified as Filipino in its roots and central authority.
● ISIS (2 questions)
○ The Marawi City siege, in which the ISIS-Maute group alliance was responsible, was the small group’s quest for
Bangsamoro identity and power over its exclusive jurisdiction.
● Languages used in religion
○ Arabic for Islam
○ Greek and Latin for Christianity
● 3 Groups of believers (Nationalist, Fundamentalists, Extremists) - can cause conflict
○ Extremist: believe that radical measures are necessary in achieving will of God
○ Fundamentalist: men ought to return to very passages of sacred books to legitimize actions
○ Nationalists: tie their traditions with their nation or homeland. Any threat is a threat to their identity, power, privilege,
and rights
● 5 stages of Religious Rebellion
○ Revolt against secularism: localized uprisings go up against the state’s less moral authority to govern
○ Internationalization of religious rebellion: warfare comes between religious and secular politics
○ Invention of global enemies: anti-american and anti-european sentiments are growing
○ Global war: expansion of range and depth of conflict between secular and religious forces
○ Religious dimensions of post-Arab spring: jihadist strategy is proven to be not the way to end struggle but with
use of nonviolent means as demonstrated in Tahrir Square in Egypt
● 4 Forms of Glocalization - indigenization, vernacularization, nationalization, and transnationalization
● 2 Effects of Deterritorialization
○ Because of migration, globalization has forced the appearance of “religious traditions in places where these
previously had been largely unknown or considered a minority” (Roudometof, 2014). This is called the
deterritorialization of religion.
○ Deterritorialization is a cultural feature that blurs the lines between culture and place and thus transcends territorial
boundaries. This is highly characteristic of migration amidst globalization.
○ Effects of deterritorialization
■ the presence of Islam in Europe and of Catholicism-Christianity in Arab nations due to the influx of overseas
workers coming from different parts of the world carrying their own faith and belief systems is a form of
deterritorialization. These workers, however, create a sense of attachment or criticism towards the religious
tradition in their home state.
■ For instance, the overseas movement of Indians has created a network of finances and religious
identifications, whereby the problem of cultural reproduction of Hindus abroad is linked to the politics of
Hindu fundamentalism in India (Appadurni, 1990).
● Easternization of the West
Global migration also resulted in what Campbell (2007) called the Fasternization of the West. The West, which is the starting
point for the spread of world religions, is now the recipient of a new system of beliefs from the East. There is also a rise in the
number of believers of Asian religions like Zoroastrianism, Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism.

● Hard power and soft power (study what it means) (2 questions)
○ Hard power: uses tactics of force as a primary strategy to maintain influence
○ Soft power: “arises from the attractiveness of a country’s culture, political ideals, and policies.” - according to Joseph
Nye (2004)
● People involved: Friedman, Joseph, political scientists
○ Soft power, according to Joseph Nye (2004), uses a different method to establish cooperation - attraction
○ Gore (2013) explained that the world is changing dramatically and there are six driving forces in this global change.
○ Sassen (2005) outlined the different characteristics of globality that maintain its link to globalization.
■ 1) the cultural diversity of the people
■ 2) existence of a center of economy
■ 3) geographic dispersal of economic activities that marks globalization
■ 4) global reach performance.
(These characteristics are observed in famous global cities such as New York, Tokyo, Singapore, and Seoul.)
○ According to Thomas Friedman in the book The World Is Flat (2005), there are three (3) stages of globalization.
● 2Q related to the 3 stages of globalization according to friedman. No need to study characteristics. Clue: Remember the
names. (2 questions)

Globalization 1.0 ● 1492-1800

● Shrank the world from a size large to a size medium
● Age of mercantilism and colonialism
● Driving forces: workforce, horsepower, wind power, steam power

Globalization 2.0 or Pax ● When Great Britain was the hegemonic power in terms of trade and economy;
Britannica ● Driving force: new institutions (global markets and multinational corporations)

Globalization 3.0 or Pax ● Happened during the 2nd half of 20th century
Americana ● After fall of Soviet Union in 1980s, The United States of America became the sole
superpower in the so-called Unipolar World.
● System developed by reigning hegemonic (dominant) state by defeating other great

● 4 types of multinational corporations (p.120) not in the book.

○ Decentralized corporation
○ Global centralized corporation
○ International division
○ Transnational enterprise
● Challenges in the global city (simple q, no need to study hard. dont memorize, just imagine what are the challenges of the
global city) not in the book
○ Environmental threats
○ Inequality
○ Technology
○ Struggle with resources
○ Governance
● top 3 global cities. read and remember (2 questions).
○ New York
○ London
○ Paris
● names on p. 119 (just familiarize)
○ Thomas Friedman
○ Joseph Nyre
○ Gore
○ Sassen
● Global cities
○ New York
○ Singapore
○ Seoul
○ Tokyo


● Definition and meaning:
○ Global demography is about the trends and practices in world politics.
○ It is the study of the issues and developments of the global population,
○ Basically, it lays out the present condition of the world and its population.
○ To understand this concept, citing an example of current world issues and humanitarian crises can be done. In
addition, this idea is also a tool in understanding migration and global citizenship.
● Countries with high populations: (remember rank of countries; 2 questions.)

○ Top1: China (18.5%)
○ Top 2: India (17.9 %)
○ Top 3: US (4.6%)

● Global Demographic Transition (pg 132); citations/ quotes from RONALD LEE
○ Note: (the 3 paragraphs are important). 3-4 questions are found here.
○ According to Ronald Lee (2003), demography is currently in transition; the mortality rate declined followed by
fertility, causing population growth rates to accelerate and then to slow down again. This demographic transition leads
to low fertility, long life, and an old population.
○ The global demographic transition all began in the 19th century when Europeans were declining in mortality rate
(Lee, 2003) and there were some rising societies in Asian and Latin American regions. The ongoing transition in
global demography is caused by formal migration and some historical events, such as colonialism, inter-war
reduction, and post-world war migration. The development from pre-industrial to industrialized economy also caused
this transition from high to low mortality and fertility. It is observed that most developed nations have completed this
transition and thus have low birth rates and high income; developing nations, however, are still in transition. It is
debatable whether higher income results in lower population growth, or whether lower population leads to higher
○ Lee (2003) explains that the transition to low mortality rate was influenced by the reduction of contagious and
infectious diseases caused by advancements in medicine and improved nutrition because of the presence of local
and international markets due to better transportation of goods. Meanwhile, the factors that led to low fertility rate are
the preference over child survival than number of child births and the assumption that raising children is more
constantly than the consumption of goods, as children render less economic contributions due to ears spent on
○ Additional info:
■ Global demography is a series of events in population growth, fertility, and mortality rate for the past
years, decades, and centuries. This demographic transition is an ongoing event in history; it will end in 2100
(lee, 2003).
● TRENDS in International Relations (pg 30; 1st para; 1 question here)
○ Technological innovation,
○ economic cooperation, and
○ political alliance in the international arena are some of the examples of the new trends in international relations.



● Demography is a field in statistics that is ● Global demography is about the trends and
concerned with births, deaths, income, or the practices in world politics.
incidence of disease, which later illustrates the ● It is the study of the issues and developments
changing structure of human populations. of the global population,
● In the context of political science, demography ● Basically, it lays out the present condition of
is a statistical study to determine world the world and its population.
population that can be used as a tool to identify ● To understand this concept, citing an example
certain phenomenon in geopolitics, public of current world issues and humanitarian crises
administration, and others. can be done. In addition, this idea is also a tool
● The changing perspective on technology and in understanding migration and global
technological advancements and the movement citizenship.
of international organizations (IOs) have made
the world a global civil society.
● The constant evolution of economic production,
development of political agreement of states,
and the factors affecting local growth were
adopted in the world stage.

● Issues and trends on global demography (2 question)

○ Trends in global demography:
■ The economic bubble in some parts of the world,
■ wars in different states of every region,
■ the existence of transnational crimes,
■ climate change,
■ and migration
○ ADDITIONAL INFO (from book):
■ Since globalization has something to do with the population demand of a state, its effect on demography
in terms of overpopulation must be noted.
■ Aside from increasing birth rate, excessive movements of people from one place to another are also a
factor in overpopulation.
■ International migration is becoming more tremendous.
■ Population is part of human demography and since the world is shrinking, this condition develops a concept
of a globalized world wherein a state population transcends into global population.
■ In the Philippine context, overpopulation did not manifest. However, some experts in local or internal
migration suggest that due to the promise of a good quality of living, Filipinos from rural areas move to cities
thus causing overpopulation. Internal migration may cause overpopulation in some areas of the country.


● 3 world model page 142 paragraph 1

First world Second world Third world

States which have high-income and are Former communist-socialist and industrial Nations not aligned with first or second
capital-rich states world
Called developing countries

● Meaning of migration
○ Ongoing movement of people from one country to another
● Types of migration

Internal migration International migration

Movement from one place to another in the same country Movement from one country to ANOTHER

● Factors why people move from one place to another

○ Social inequality
○ Economic depression
○ Freedom deprivation
● Terminologies (2 questions)
○ Cosmopolitanism: means the adherence or belief in the world state
■ Ideology that all human beings belong to a single community
○ Individualism: believes that a human being is ultimate unit of moral concern
○ Universality asserts that ALL human beings are of equal moral worth
○ Gernality implies that human beings have necessary concern for each other
● Rise of the rest page 142 paragraph 3
○ Gives other states the power to play roles in the world’s economic and political arena
○ Fareed Zakaria said that post-american world is illustrated by diffusion of power from states to other actors
● Forced displacement
○ Refer to how people are forced to migrate
○ Traced to factors of state tyranny or corruption or the fear of violence such as civil war
● Voluntary economic migration
○ Rooted in the pursuit of economic stability
○ Seen in condition of people in global south such as in regions of Asia and Africa
● Refugee crisis
○ Refer to how people are forced to migrate
● Developed and developing countries (page 142 paragraph 4) (1 question)
○ Developed: countries that have progressive economies and advanced technological infrastructures
○ Developing countries are low-income countries with less developed industrial bases
Local and national traditions being That
interpreted in global contexts show(1 globalization is a
Point) cultural process Gold standard was developed as an False
that globalization is also a answer to the very relaxed trading
cultural process. nature of mercantilism.(2 Points)
that globalization is also an True
economic process. False
that globalization is also a
political process.
Globalization is also defined as the true
increasing integration and
__________ contend that existing Modifiers interdependence of economies around
concepts of globalization are incorrect the world.(1 Point)
and unclear.(2 Points) False
sceptics True
Economic development is identified as True
Globalization is the expansion and ideas, principles, both the primary aspect of globalization
intensification of social relations and and shared and the engine behind its rapid
consciousness. Consciousness in this concerns of development.(1 Point)
definition refers to-(2 Points) different cultures False
ideas, principles, and shared of the world. True
concerns of different cultures
of the world.
economic power and The fast growing cultural false
potential of different countries interconnectedness has been
that have remain untapped. considered the engine behind
the state of being awake after globalization.(1 Point)
slumber. True

When social networks sprawl even Intensification

further and at a faster rate, (2 Points) occurs The fiat currencies that we use True
acceleration occurs. nowadays do not have any intrinsic
expansion occurs. value.(2 Points)
intensification occurs. False
How are countries in the world affected Globalization
by globalization according to the World does not benefit
Bank?(2 Points) all nations What hindered the Silk Road from Absence of
Globalization does not benefit becoming truly global?(2 Points) maritime trade
all nations. The absence of maritime
Poorer economies usually trade
benefit more than richer The lack of silk trade in richer
economies. countries like the USA
They all equally receive the China's inability to keep up
benefits brought about by with the demand of Silk in the
globalization. entire European region

The trading system that started the Galleon trade

economic trade between Asia and the
Americas-(1 Point)
Spice Route
Asia-America Economic
Silk Road
Galleon Trade

Globalization may lessen production True

expenses and allows consumers to have
access to a wider variety of goods.(1
Which is not a characteristic of a state- Its people come
from the same India
ethnic heritage
Its people come from the same ethnic and sharing the
heritage and sharing the same history same history Which is not a function of the World Trade
Organization? trading with
It occupies a specific geographical countries with
location. facilitating smooth global trade closed-border
It has its own jurisdiction that is free from implementing free trade policies for more
external control. cross-border trading

It has a law-making body. trading with countries with closed-border


The method or practice of maintaining diplomacy

peaceful and friendly relations with other

The US cannot make and pass laws for The Philippines

the Philippines. This is an example of exercising external
The Philippines exercising internal

The Philippines exercising external


The Philippines exercising


.In 2016, the Permanent Court of Globalization has

Arbitration under the United Nations resulted to the
Convention on the Law of the Sea establishment of
(UNCLOS) ruled in favor of the Philippines international laws
concerning certain issues in the South and principles.
China Sea including the legality of China's
claimed Nine-dash line. What does this

Globalization has resulted to the

establishment of international laws and

Globalization is the establishment of

economic and political organizations.

Globalization imposes a forced choice

among nation states.

What is meant by "nation is an organic and It is socially

imagined community"? constructed.

It is politically constructed.

It is socially constructed.

It is geographically constructed.

Which of the following is not an ASEAN India

member state?

becomes the resulting

Asian integration is basically False Glocalization sees culture as no

polticial in nature firm and permanent.

Regionalization and Scope In the stage of oral Language

globalization are different in communication, what
terms of allowed humans to
communication and share
The Santi Suk village in Disengagement from information?
thailand forming its own globalization
currency is a case of What stage of media Picture of sara duterte video
development does the Picture of vincentiments
The Philippines is one of the Yes picture best represent?
ASEAN 5 - Digital media

ASEAN +3 is a partnership Japan South Korea China The development of culture true
forged between the ASEAN in the contemporary world
countries and has been mainly influenced
by media
The world’s leading exporter China
of goods in the Considered as the conduit or media
contemporary world carrier of culture.

The home of all members of Global North

the Group of 8-
Easternization of the West the West becoming the
The sole member of the UN China refers to- recipient of new belief
security council’s p5 in the systems from the East
global south

The growth of societal regionalization .For nationalists, the state is No

integration with a region independent from the
A treaty that divided all lands Treaty of tordesillas
outside europe between
spain and portugal People in conservative fundamentalists
religious movements
characterized by the
advocacy of strict conformity
GLOBAL CULTURE AND MEDIA (SEC A) to sacred texts who can be
potential sources of religious
People who want to provoke Trolls conflicts
and upset others online for
their own amusement The blurring and dissolving deterritorialization
of geographical boundaries
Which of the following Clash of civilizations usually making the world a small
statements supports cultural follows as cultures are village and religion identified
differentialism brought in contact through not only in their indigenous
globalization places

Which best describes the Permanent codification of The use of Latin in some vernacularization
second stage of media information prayers among the Christian
development? communities in the
Philippines highlights what
form of glocalization?
A phenomenon in which
dominant values and Cultural Imperialism
cultures dominate the A series of pro-democracy Arab Spring
others- uprisings that enveloped the
Arab World-
Cultural convergence is the The culture of the powerful
theory that two cultures will and the progressive The growing anti-West invention of global enemies
be more and more like each countries sentiments is an example of-
other as their interactions
increase. What usually Islamic law is the law of the rise to religious nationalism
land in Malaysia. The
Islamic law legal system in An aspect of generality
Malaysia operates in parallel cosmopolitanism that implies
with the common law legal human being's concern for
system. This shows- one another

For religious extremists, it glorifies one's faith. Countries that have developed
violence may be permitted progressive economies and
by the Supreme Being if- advanced technological
People tend to add national nationalization
modifiers to their religious OFWs leaving the voluntary economic
identities. This shows- Philippines for better work migration
opportunity is an example of

Which of the following terms Wealth-motivated Migration

is different from the group?
Which is true in globalization US was the sole economic
3.0? and political power in this
stage Migrations may be rooted in True
both economic and political
In the contemporary global false aspirations.
market, nation states are
regarded than MNCs US becoming the sole
The bipolarity of the world's superpower.
Considered as the hub for Global City hegemonic power ended
production, finance, and with -

In your own words, explain Soft power is the ability of a An effect of migration in the brain drain
what soft power means and country to have an influence Philippines which refers to
discuss how countries may or international relations by the loss of human capital
use it to their advantage attracting other countries from one area to another
with their own uniqueness
and identity, rather than
paying, coercing, or
persuading these countries
to get positive outcomes.

In order for this to be an

advantage, the country
using soft power can market
the country’s own resources,
they can showcase their
cultural uniqueness, political
values, and their own
national/ foreign policies to
attract other countries into
investments, tourism, etc.


Refers to the former Second World

industrial states

The post-American world Other states are gaining

paves the way for the rise of important roles to play in
the rest. What does this world economy and politics

The ideology that all human

beings belong to a single Cosmopolitanism
community is called-
Quiz: The Global Divides, Asian Regionalism, Global Culture 7.
& Religion, Global City -50pts Japan colonized some parts of Asia.

Correct1/1 Points True

1. Correct1/1 Points
VERNACULARIZATION refers to the blending of universal 8.
religions with local languages. TRANSNATIONAL RELATIONS exists in the present world
because countries trade with one another, and populations
True move across state boundaries.
Correct1/1 Points
2. True
ASIA has the biggest population of at least two-thirds of Incorrect0/1 Points
the world's inhabitants. 9.
Russia is part of Asia.
Correct1/1 Points True

False- correct answer but russia is part of

BOTH asia and europe
Correct1/1 Points
Correct1/1 Points
DEMOGRAPHY is a field in statistics that is concerned with
REGIONALIZATION is the growth of societal integration
births, deaths, income , or the incidence of diseases
within a region and to the often undirected processes of
changing the structure of human population
societal and economic interaction.

Correct1/1 Points
Correct1/1 Points
The following are member countries of the Asian Nations 5
According to Thomas Friedman in his book THE WORLD IS
or ASEAN 5, except for:
FLAT, there are 3 stages of globalization.

Correct1/1 Points
Malaysia Asian countries established their own ASIAN
DEVELOPMENT BANK (ADB) that is more focused on Asia
and the Pacific as a reaction to global economic
Singapore integration.

Correct1/1 Points
Correct1/1 Points
6. The following are obvious characteristics of global city,
except for:
The Philippines is a THIRD WORLD country.

cultural diversity of people

Correct1/1 Points
existence of center of economy China

geographical dispersal of economy Japan

national reach performance South Korea

Correct1/1 Points
Cultures are static and fixed. Singapore
Correct1/1 Points
False EXTREMIST believe that radical measures are necessary in
Correct1/1 Points achieving the will of God.
The ASEAN community is comprised of FIVE PILLARS. True
Correct1/1 Points
False GLOBAL SOUTH is a metephor for interstate inequality and
Correct1/1 Points a product of Western imagination
REGIONALISM refers to regional concentration of True
economic flows while regionalization refers to a political Correct1/1 Points
process by economic policy if cooperation and 23.
coordination are present among countries. Global cities house industries that promote the
globalization of markets.
Correct1/1 Points True
17. Correct1/1 Points
MIGRATION plays a vital role in the social, economic and 24.
political aspects of the Philippines. SECOND WORLD countries include the United States of
Correct1/1 Points
18. False
East Timor is the youngest state in Asia. Correct1/1 Points
True NATIONALIZATION, has complemented religious
Correct1/1 Points nationalization by focusing groups on identifying specific
19. religious traditions of real or imagined national
INDIGENIZATION constructs a link between the nation and homelands.

False Correct1/1 Points
Correct1/1 Points 26.
20. THIRD WORLD was initially used to refer to socialist
The following are members of the ASEAN +3, except for: economies.
False WORLD VISION is an example of a Christian humanitarian
27. organization helping children, families, and communities
Globalization of culture will not happen WITHOUT media. overcome poverty and injustice.

True True
Correct1/1 Points Correct1/1 Points
28. 36.
Cultures are never erased nor forgotten, Countries classified in GLOBAL SOUTH though still some of
their citizens experience the GLOBAL NORTH within their
True territories.
Correct1/1 Points
29. True
GLOBAL NORTH is home of all members of the G8 Correct1/1 Points
countries. 37.
TRANSNATIONALIZATION, transforms a universal religion to
True suit the specifics of a particular ethnic group.
Correct1/1 Points
GLOBAL SOUTH is usually associated with developing False
nations. Correct1/1 Points
True GLOBAL demography is about the trends and practices in
Correct1/1 Points world politics. It is the study of the issues and
31. developments of the global population.
The REAL MEDIA is the people.
True Correct1/1 Points
Correct1/1 Points 39.
32. Globalization gave rise to RELIGIOUS NATIONALISM that
Lebanon is in Asia. came about after the Second World War.

True True
Correct1/1 Points Correct1/1 Points
33. 40.
A GLOBAL NORTH country is characterized as a poor The pillars of the ASEAN community are the following,
country. except for:

political security community

Correct1/1 Points
34. economic community
The Philippines is an example of GLOBAL SOUTH

True socio-cultural community

Correct1/1 Points
socio-economic community
Correct1/1 Points
41. True
RELIGION is affected by globalization at the same time, it Correct1/1 Points
has contributed to the rise of global conflicts and the 47.
achievement of world peace. The terms GLOBAL SOUTH and THIRD WORLD are
conceptually the same.
Correct1/1 Points True
42. Correct1/1 Points
The following are the stages of globalization according to 48.
Thomas Freidman, except for: The 21st century brought the countries together into
global competition.
Age of mercantilism and colonialism
Correct1/1 Points
Pax Britannica
Television is a form of MEDIA.

Pax Americana
Correct1/1 Points
CHINA is becoming one of the economic super giants of
Pax Hallyu the world.
Correct1/1 Points
FIRST WORLD countries are communist nation-states.

Correct1/1 Points
The term ASIA was coined by Asians themselves.

Will be reviewed
INTERNAL MIGRATION is any movement from one place to
another in the same country.


Correct1/1 Points
ISIS - MAUTE GROUP ALLIANCE was responsible in the
Marawi City siege.

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