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Characteristic of street sidewalks that makes a certain sidewalk safe

 Has public surveillance.
 Circulation to the proper working cities.
 Citizens or users should not feel menaced by barbarism.
 Police are present and enforcing streets and sidewalks to maintain safety.
 A well-used street is appropriately to be safe.
 It must have a clear demarcation on private and public space.
 There must always be eyes on the streets, those are natural proprietors
of the street.
 Sidewalks must have users fairly continuously.
 People should be entertained by watching street activities.
 There must be substantial number of stores.
 Stores should be placed on sidewalks to encourage people to use

II. The street and sidewalk on my neighborhood in which people feel safe.

During the duration of this activity, I’ve gathered information through interviewing
ten (10) peoples around our neighborhood on what are the traits or characteristics
of our streets and sidewalks that made them feel safe. Their primary answers are
that there’s always surveillance due to what we call people of the streets or in
Filipino language “Tambay”, they keep the streets safe because there’s always eyes
that looks out in the streets, keeping it almost 24 hours surveillance.

Some people said that they feel safe because CCTVs are present to some houses,
surveilling our streets 24/7 ensuring that if anything happens, they have footages
that they can rely on to as a proof for whatever may happens. CCTVs are small things
that makes our neighborhood feel safer even though it can’t stop threats, it still
delivers important information to the law.

The rest of the people said that due to the school on our neighborhood it provides
guards that may contribute to the safety of our street. This is important because
many students always walk and uses our street, so guards are important for
protecting not only the student but providing peace on our street.
III. Venn Diagram:


 Has public surveillance.

 Circulation to the proper  They both have public  Has public surveillance by
working cities. surveillance. means of stores and street
 Citizens or users should not  Police or security guards people or “Tambay”.
feel menaced by barbarism. are present.  Has CCTVs.
 Police are present and  Natural proprietors or  Has security guards due to
enforcing streets and eyes on the streets. schools.
sidewalks to maintain safety.  They have substantial  Stores and eatery are
 A well-used street is
number of stores and present.
appropriately to be safe.
 It must have a clear
demarcation on private and  Stores and eatery are
public space. placed near sidewalks.
 There must always be eyes
on the streets, those are
natural proprietors of the
 Sidewalks must have users
fairly continuously.
 People should be
entertained by watching
street activities.
 There must be substantial
number of stores.
 Stores should be placed on
sidewalks to encourage

IV. What can we learn From the Author’s ideas and how can we apply those ideas in the
streets and sidewalks in Metro Manila?
Metro manila has always had busy streets, with a lot of stores, eateries, and other
shops where people can go for sidewalk attractions, but why is Metro Manila still
feels unsafe? In my observation and on what I’ve learned on Jane Jacob’s ideas. The
reason why Metro Manila still feels unsafe is because of barbarism. We can’t totally
remove barbarism but there’s one factor that stick to me to lessen barbarism on
Metro Manilas streets and that is the lack of Security surveillance or police in the
area. A substantial number of police can lessen this the menace that the streets give
because people would feel much safer. Other things that I’ve observed is that
sidewalks are used by bicycles and motor cycles. This tends to pedestrians feel
unsafe and clustered to the already small sidewalks present in Metro Manila.
Children’s might be in danger to the cyclist and riders if not careful when riding on a

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