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eview of Underlying Technology- -Wireless LAN “Token Ring sFDDI Wireless. LAN + Wireless computer network suse high frequency radio waves instead of cables for connecting the devices « Users connected by WLANs can move around within the area of network coverage * based upon the standard IFEE 802.11 or WiFi 4/18/2022 Components of WLANs + Stations (STA): comprises of all devices and equipment that are connected to the wireless LAN « wireless network interface controller * Astation can be of two types — 1. Wireless Access Point (WAP or AP) 2. Client Components of WLANs « Basic Service Set (BSS) — a group of stations communicating at the physical layer level. « BSS can be of two categories — 1. Infrastructure BSS 2. Independent BSS + Extended Service Set (ESS) ~ It is a set of all connected BSS. « Distribution System (DS) ~ It connects access points in ESS. Types of WLANs Standardized by IEEE 802.11, operates in two basic modes 1. Infrastructure Mode — Mobile devices or clients connect to an access point (AP) that in turn connects via a bridge to the LAN or Internet. The client transmits frames to other clients via the AP. 2. Ad Hoc Mode — Clients transmit frames directly to each other in a peer-to-peer fashion. Advantages of WLANs * Provide clutter-free homes, offices and other networked places * LANs are scalable in nature, i.e. devices may be added or removed from the network at greater ease than wired LANs « System is portable within the network coverage. Access to the network is not bounded by the length of the cables * Installation and setup are much easier than wired counterparts « Equipment and setup costs are reduced ap dop even Disadvantages of WLANs * Radio waves are used for communications, the signals are noisier with more interference from nearby systems. «Greater care is needed for encrypting information. Also, they are more prone to errors. So, they require greater bandwidth than the wired LANs. * WLANs are slower than wired LANs. Token Ring LAN * Token ring (IEEE 802.5) is a communication protocol in a local area network (LAN) « All stations are connected in a ring topology «Pass one or more tokens for channel acquisition « Token is a special frame of 3 bytes © Circulates along the ring of stations * Station can send data frames only if it holds a token « Tokens are released on successful receipt of the data frame 4/18/2022 Token Passing Mechanism in =| Token Ring ef ° Eau + Token Bus (IBBE, 802 is popular standard for token passing LANs. Ina token bus LAN, the physical media is a bus or a tree, and a logical ring is created using a coaxial cable. The token is passed ffom one user to another in a sequence (clockwise or Inticlockwise). Each station knows the address of the station to its ‘eft and “right” as per the sequence in the logical ring. A station can only transmit data when it has the token. ‘The working of a token bus is somewhat similar to Token Ring. * The Token Bus (IEEE 802.4) is a standard for deploying token rings in LANs over a virtual ring. The physical medium uses coaxial cables and has a bus or tree architecture, The nodes/stations form a virtual ring, and the token is transmitted from one node to the next jn a sequence along the virtual ring. Each node knows the address of the station before it and the station after it. When a station has the token, it can only broadcast data. The token bus works in a similar way as the Token Ring. Token Bus & * Token Bus (IEEE 802.4) is a standard for implementing token ring over virtual ring in LANs + Physical media has a bus or a tree topology and uses coaxial cables « Virtual ring created with the nodes/stations + Token passed from one node to the next in a sequence along this virtual ring * Each node knows the address of its preceding station and its succeeding station * Station can only transmit data when it has the token * Working principle of token bus is similar to Token Ring. Token Passing Mechanism in Token Bus Token Ring Frame Format Data Frame Fo) Ac | Fe | BA [SA | bata | RC eo | FS rrame control (FC) estination address (DA) jource address (SA) ata Jie redundaney check (CRC) End delimiter (ED) ame status (FS) «start frame delimiter (SFD) ~ Alerts each station for the arrival of foken(or data frame) or stat ofthe frame, Its used to synchronize clocks. + Access Control- «Priority Bits and reservation bits help in implementing priory Priority Cae ervation bits ~ 3. Eg server is given priority = 7 and client is given priority = 0. «Token Dit is used to indicate presence of token frame. If token bit = > token frame and if token bit = 0 —> not a token frame. «Monitor bit helps in solving orphan packet problem. It is covered by cRC wremonitor are powerful machines which can recalculate CRC when modifying monitor bt. If monitor bit = 1 —> stamped by monitor and if it = 0 > not yet stamped by monitor. Access Control (AC) monitor bit Priority bits Token bit Frame Control (FC) 00 - data frame Type of control 14 - control frame First 2 bits indicates whether the frame contains data or control information. In control frames, this byte specifies the type of control information. 4/18/2022 Festung (4 ud Save nit A cn oe Hew Deatratantltat atts i i +t gem a ee ivan eet tte CS dy ante + at ume aoa el te he a a ‘atl ar gent sven = {Ges sit ee CRE NE eek mmc es ol ae ala ithe te «vygentnt 18) yt ld uti a ag hey wee copies aan fe an a una CS dos a Difference between Token Bus and Token Ring ‘Fokon Ring “Token Bus “the token Is pased over the pysleal ‘The token is passed song the virtua ring formed by to stations and tho ring stations connected 0 @ LAN. coax! eablo network. ‘Th sttlons are comected by rng The underlying topology that connects {opolog, or sometimes sta topology, the stations is ther bus ote ‘topology. r ts defined by IEEE 802.6 standard, “The maximum thne fora token to 1 snot fesibe o calculate the ime reach a sition eat be calculated here. for token transfer, FDDI » Fiber Distributed Data Interconnect »* Provides data rate of 100 Mbps * Uses Optical fiber cable. « Data is encoded in pulses of light * Used as network backbone * Support upto 500 stations + Expensive to implement « Highly reliable + Two counter rotating rings I FDDI Features High transmission rates * Throughput + Large extensions * Great node-to-node distance « Fiber and copper media + Easier to maintain. FDDI Frame Format | ston oetiitee FDDI Frame “The fields of an FDDI frame are ~ + Preamble: 1 byte for synchronization. 1 Start Delimiter: 1 byte that marks the beginning of the frame. «Frame Control: 1 byte that specifies whether this is a data ‘frame or control frame. « Destination Address: 2-6 bytes that specifies address of destination station. « Souree Address: 2-6 bytes that specifies address of souree station. « Payload: A variable length field that carries the data from the network layer. « Checksum: 4 bytes frame check sequence for error detection. 2 End Delimiter: | byte that marks the end ofthe frame, anspeo22 a Vo Bose 5 ape “ite phyead Dandande - ES el ourtr sae cobbed 10 as Se \aBAL abet oie Rees ee Qoathand SOO iw | VO Base 2s Thin hurnak bein “clk tena tin fe St ae by FERRED me Ts uth Pan eck a LAN : omibuddas i554, ton, ae asian — DR beeper eke ike of pithye od hae ieee Largs a Po Usk pwn) Yad 0 TP = : Unpaid Ti ed Pam ele ral 7 oO 45 Tab Nealimerk oo ape eRe ae Pein oe - \0 Base=T tape Joo Bos -Ty [ootane-#X | i Pesnd of OFF vipa a Fak tthe de opocta 2 19° Hope 100 Box~TY en oa wth ct “ony or? ref Neisecae oboat-TY = TWh ba WL as jooe Hhpe alan bes - ee, oak hanit ndnedly

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