ACTIVITY 1 Midterm Prenatal Devt

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Pretend you are a “Junior”, 4 months old in the womb. Your mother is concentrating on doing abortion.
Write her a letter convincing her that you are a human being developing contrary to what she and other pro-
abortionists are thinking. Describe to her the development that has already taken place in 4 months. Reflect
what you learned on pre- natal development. Give your letter this title “Letter From Junior” (or you may
want to write your name).

A Letter From Your Beautiful Daughter

Hi mom! How are you? Thank you for doing me fine here in your tummy.

Only a few days have gone by since I was conceived and I am now growing in your tummy. To tell
you the truth I can’t explain how happy I am to know that you are my mom. It also makes me proud to know
that I was conceived out of love. And I am pretty sure I am going to be the happiest baby alive.

Mommy, a month has gone past and I have started to notice how my body is forming. I know I am
not much look at now but just wait and see I’ll make you so proud! Even though I am feeling happy I sense
something wrong! You seem to be having strange thoughts that leave me restless and worried, but I am
sure everything is going to be ok! Don’t despair.

Two and a half months gone by mom, I now have hands that I can use to play with. Oh! I am so
happy. Mommy, please tell me what’s wrong? why are you crying so much lately? Why do you and dad
argue every time you meet up with one another? Don’t you guys want me anymore? I’m going to do
everything I can to make you want me.

3 months have now past mom, but you still seem to be sad. I am not sure what is going on, I am so
confused. Today we went to see the doctor and he booked an appointment for you tomorrow. I don’t
understand why I am feeling so good and you aren’t mom!

Mommy, where are we going? What’s happening? Mommy this is not a normally the time you take
your afternoon nap, don’t lie down. Besides I am not tired I still want to play.

Uh!!! What is this doing inside of my house mommy? Is it a new toy? Hey! It’s sucking up my house.
Please… I’m begging you mommy, don’t tug at me! No…. don’t hit me you hurting me mommy!!! Can’t you
see I’m still small, I can’t defend myself! Mommy ! stop them, that’s my hand!!! Mommy, my leg, they
ripping it out! Defend me mom!!! Help me mom!!! Tell them to stop, I promise I’ll stop kicking them if they
do. How is it possible that a human being can be doing this to me?? Oh! Mommy I can’t go on, help me

34 years have gone by since you made me that fateful decision. How you still suffer over the very thought
of it. Please don’t cry mommy, remember that I love you and I’ll be waiting for you with open arms.

Love you lots,

Flo your beautiful daughter from heaven

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