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Semnopithecus schistaceus was found by Captain Hutton at an

A.D. 642, when Alexandria was destroyed by the Arabs. The

Red Sea to the Atlantic and carried the Crescent into Spain.

Asia Minor; rather perhaps, it may be intended to represent

Intussusception.---This is a terribly fatal disease of

alpinus) is restricted to the Alps. Of the Cheiroptera

entitled: Gedachtnissrede auf Johannes Alzog (Freiburg, 1879).

was not extinguished, in spite of the wholesale massacres of

Passo di Verva (Bormio to Grosio), foot path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7,592

to in Isa. li. 3, Ezek. xxxvi, 35. Joel ii. 5; cp. Ezek.

was not improper for her sex. By her thirteenth year she

1626), his health gave way, and he contemplated removal

away, yet the British pressed on in spite of their losses,

m. N.E. of Pensacola. Pop. (1890) 4008; (1900) 4606 (2903

region is rich in magnetic iron ores, which though mined for

corporation owns the water (derived from the Dee at a spot 21

was the Cnossian. After that date the evidence goes strongly

3, which is rather greater than that of many other fossil

+2 deg. 0.070 0.070 0.00244 0.489 0.489 +0.0170 +0.008

time of Caesar to that of Diocletian are considered, together with

basic copper acetates are known as verdigris (q.v.).

the people, and the dry fruit is largely exported. In the valleys

made the infamous boast that during the course of six years,

fraud which characterizes many forms of food adulteration

however, are not unknown. The sporangia may be terminal or

bursting charge of pebble and fine grain powder gradually poured

mineral. On exposure to heat, amethyst generally becomes

hills, in which most of the Band-i-Turkestan drainage is

in Italy will be found under ITALIAN WARS (1848-1870); the

Dei, 18, 23), thus constituting another kind of acrostic.

on the other hand, a shrapnel bursting just in front of may

by a leathery separable coat in the almond. The tree appears

the Greeks it was not very well fitted to represent the sounds

radiation exerts mechanical force on a material system, on

the gateway to the mining country of the Klondike and Upper

be due to mechanical stresses. In consequence of this composite

productive organizations, without commerce and profit-mongery.

crystallization of bismuth and tin respectively; these areas

hour, and the inflation at Cremorne did not occupy more than an

Aeschin. Socrat. relig. (Gott. 1850). The genuine dialogues

was given to certain commissioners of the Cinque Ports.

soft-hearted, liberal minded father, and still less to his

TABLE VII.--Estimated Annual Total Produce of Corn Crops in

of the atrium are produced forwards into the dorsal coelom.

The solubility of the various alums in water varies greatly,

finding a general unity in all things, by the aid of which a

Mendoza, a Portuguese Jesuit, who died in 1626 at the age of

Georgia and the two Carolinas. In a few weeks, however, he

surgeon. He had before that time been appointed lecturer in

which formerly bore an Arabic name pregnant with its history

E.P.S. cell.

Swiss Travel and Swiss Guide-Books (1889) and The Alps

especially the argument from the relation of the Roman state

of the aesthetic consciousness; but because the embryonic stages

Chatillon in February 1814, and in the same capacity was

total area is 51,998 sq. m., of which 719 are water surface.

recording the physical phenomena which are observed to accompany

extremity of the body. The animal lives mostly underground,

properly treated, it Very closely resembles true marble, and

funeral games in his honour, which were celebrated by artists

and the keepership is also held upon the same terms; while

glanced aside and he received the assassin's dagger in his

In the Lavoisierian nomenclature acids were regarded as

casts a certain amount of responsibility upon the father.

Memoirs of John Abernethy, by George Macilwain, appeared in 1853.

Ed. Meyer, and works quoted under GREECE, Ancient

criminal with the murder of an adult, and the barbarian hordes

falling to freezing-point even in winter. The coldest month

Great, printed by Alexander Arbuthnot (d. 1585) about 1580,

of the named consignee or of the shipper. If the goods are

Versification which had been so assiduously cultivated by his

tubular yellow or red flowers are borne on simple or branched

Lysjoch (Zermatt to Gressoney), snow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,033

Amharic, which differs in several features from the dialects

seen rising over the roof to the north, and reflected in the pond.

Esarhaddon of Assyria (668 B.C.). It certainly maintained

a Buddhist monastery (vihara.) In this temple, however,

hit. A few bullet-holes in the fabric of a balloon make but

30 m. north of Kandahar. Sulphur is said to be found at

part the population of the few towns. Their chief occupation

the experiment and the documents relating to the investigation.

abortively. He was installed at Franeker on the 7th of May

under Leo X.(1513- 1521) in the proceedings in connexion

be accumulated for any longer term than either (1) the life

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