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Chapter 20

Incorporating all amendments up to 30th September, 2014

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Date Passed by Dewan Undangan 7th May, 1996

Negeri ... ... ... ... ... ...

Date of Assent ... ... ... ... 15th May, 1996

Date of Publication in Gazette ... 30th May, 1996

1st Reprint in 2007
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Chapter 20





Short title and commencement


3. Declaration and determination of status of local authority
4. Body corporate
5. General powers of local authority
6. Powers of a local authority may be curtailed
7. Merger of two or more local authorities

8. Transfer of functions
9. Power of the Yang di-Petua Negeri to issue directions


10. Administration of Kuching City

10A. Administration of Miri City Council
11. Municipal Council
12. District Council
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13. Qualification for appointment
14. Tenure of office

15. Allowances for Councillors

16. Declaration by Councillors before assuming office
17. Councillor exempt from service as assessor
18. Common seal
19. Authentication and execution of documents
20. Local authority office
Chairman of meetings
Vote of majority decisive
Minutes to be kept of all proceedings
26. Appointment of Committees
27. Standing orders for regulating proceedings of local authorities
28. Validity of acts of local authority officers
29. Disability of Councillors for voting on account of interests in contracts, etc.
30. Restriction
31. Contracts
32. Mode of executing contracts exceeding fifty thousand ringgit

33. Employees not to be interested in contracts

34. Restriction on privatization of functions and services



35. Chief Administrative Officer

36. List of offices
37. Power of Yang di-Petua Negeri to make regulations relating to staff of local
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38. Transferability of local authority staff



39. Local authority revenue
40. Local Authority Fund and Local Treasury
41. Borrowing powers
42. Borrowing powers for special purposes
Loans by Government
Advances by way of overdraft
Sinking fund
Renewal and insurance funds
Power to enter into contracts
48. Expenditure of local authority
49. Local authority to conform with regulations

50. Financial year


51. Accounts to be kept

52. Annual statement of accounts
53. Annual estimates to be passed and approved
54. Supplementary estimates
55. No expenditure to be incurred unless included in the estimates

56. Virement
57. Form of estimates
58. Audit of accounts
59. Power to take evidence
60. Right of State Financial Secretary to inspection
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61. Rates

62. Rateable holdings
63. Preparation of Valuation List
64. Designation if name of owner unknown
65. Returns may be required
66. Notice of new Valuation List to be published

Amendments to Valuation List

Confirmation of new Valuation List

Power of local authority to levy cess

72. Division of area and holdings for rates and cesses
73. Rates and other charges to be paid by the owner and until so paid shall be a
first charge
74. Proceedings in default and surcharge
75. Proceedings for recovery of an arrear
76. Sale of property attached
77. Application of proceeds of sale

78. Attachment and sale of rateable holdings

79. Recovery of costs
80. Power to stop sale
81. Objection to attachment
82. Recovery of rates paid by occupier

83. Arrear may be sued as debt

84. Evidence of rates
85. Assessment, etc., not to be impeached for want of form
86. Liability of owner on subdivision or amalgamation of rateable holdings
87. Notice of transfer of rateable holdings
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87A. Rateable holding not to be transferred, etc., while rates and other charges
88. Rating Appeals Tribunal

89. Decision of Tribunal to be recorded on objection notice

90. Appeal from the Tribunal
90A. Provision for rating buildings on untitled land or reserved land
90B. Existing Valuation List to be used as basis for rating of holdings


General power to make bylaws

Bylaws to be approved by Yang di-Petua Negeri

Yang di-Petua Negeri’s power to make bylaws
94. Penalties for breaches of bylaws
95. Power to demand monetary deposit from applicant for licence or permit
96. Publication of bylaws in the Gazette constitutes notice


97. Restriction on exercise of powers, etc.

98. General duties


99. Vesting of public places in a local authority

100. Power temporarily to close public places
101. Power to erect public buildings in open public places
102. Conditions and restrictions in regard to closure of public place
103. Naming of public places, etc.
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104. Powers

105. Power to make bylaws on sanitation and cleanliness

106. [Repealed by Cap. 30.]
107. Power to enter and cleanse houses or buildings
108. Destruction of rats and mice
109. Closing and demolition, etc., of insanitary dwellings
Overcrowding of houses
Nuisances to be abated
Nuisances liable to be dealt with summarily under this Ordinance
Notice requiring abatement of nuisance
Order for demolition of house unfit for habitation
115. Power to proceed where cause of nuisance arises outside local authority
116. Committing nuisance in streams, etc.
117. Pollution of streams with trade refuse, etc.
118. Local authority may recover for work done



119. Control over public roads

120. Powers with respect to private roads and premises
121. Public car parks
122. Control of public car parks
123. Power to impose fees for nonmechanical vehicles


124. [Repealed by Cap. 30]

125. [Repealed by Cap. 30]
126. [Repealed by Cap. 30]
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127. [Repealed by Cap. 30]
128. [Repealed by Cap. 30]

129. [Repealed by Cap. 30]

130. [Repealed by Cap. 30]


131. Further powers of local authority


Power to undertake sewerage and drainage works

Vesting of sewers in the local authority, and right to access thereto
Sewage farms
Notice before commencing sewerage works outside the local authority area
136. Provision for protection of sewers and drains
137. Charges for use of sewers and drains
138. Power to execute drainage works on private property

139. Duty to maintain public parks and greens



140. Appointment of Headmen

141. Duties of Headmen

142. Power of Headman to give orders

143. Power to require pledge
144. Duty of persons to obey and assist local authorities and Headmen
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145. Grant, renewal or revocation of licence

146. Charges and fees
147. Charges for specific services
148. Fee when payment demanded


General penalties

Conduct of prosecutions and appearance in civil proceedings

152. Powers of arrest
153. Contraventions of orders and notices
154. Evidence may be given in writing
155. Liability for acts and omissions
156. Powers to compound
157. Validity of acts of the local authority and officers
158. Liability of Councillors, etc., for negligence or dereliction of duty

159. Protection of Councillors, etc., from liability in certain circumstances

160. Service of notices, etc.
161. Powers of entry and investigation
161A. Powers of seizure
161B. Powers of closure

162. Obstruction of officers

163. Public Authorities Protection Act 1948
164. Public servants
165. Minister may delegate powers
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166. Officer may demand names and addresses
167. Recovery of expenses

168. Expenses and costs payable by owners

169. Recovery of expenses or costs from persons in default
170. Recovery of monies due to a local authority
171. Recovery by instalments
171A. Local authority may delegate powers
172. Regulations
Removal of difficulties

Part I — City Administration

Part II — Municipal Councils
Part III — District Councils
SECOND SCHEDULE — Limits of the Council of the City of Kuching
THIRD SCHEDULE — Declaration of acceptance of office by a
FOURTH SCHEDULE — Form A — Form of notice of objection
to the Valuation List
Form A(1) Warrant of attachment of

rateable holding
Form B — Warrant of attachment
Form C — Notice to pay arrears of rate
Form D — Inventory and notice
Form E — [Deleted Cap. A114.]
Form F — Notice of sale or transfer
Form G — Notice of transmission

Form G(1) — Certificate of clearance of

Form H — Notice requiring abatement
of nuisance
Form I — Abatement order
Form J — Closing order
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Chapter 20


An Ordinance to consolidate the laws on local authorities in
Sarawak and to make better provisions relating thereto.

[1st January, 1998]

Enacted by the Legislature of Sarawak—

*(Swk. L.G. 66/97)

Short title and commencement

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Local Authorities
Ordinance, 1996, and shall come into force on such date as the
Minister may, by notification in the *Gazette, appoint.


2.—(1) In this Ordinance—

“annual rateable value” means the estimated gross annual
rent at which the holding might reasonably be expected to let
from year to year the landlord paying the expenses of repair,
insurance, maintenance or upkeep and all rates and taxes:

Provided that—
(a) in estimating the annual rateable value no account
shall be taken of any restrictions or control on rent in so far
as it limits the rent which may be required by a landlord or
recovered from a tenant of a holding;
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(b) in estimating the annual rateable value of any

holding in or upon which there is any machinery used for any
or all of the following purposes:

(i) the making of any article or part of an article;

(ii) the altering, repairing, ornamenting or
finishing of any article;

(iii) the adapting for sale of any article,

the enhanced value given to the holding from the presence of

such machinery shall not be taken into consideration, and for
the purposes of this paragraph “machinery” includes steam
engines, boilers or other motive power belonging to such

(c) in the case of any land—

(i) which is partially occupied or partially built


(ii) which is vacant, unoccupied or not built


(iii) with an incomplete building;

(iv) with a building which has been certified by


the local authority to be abandoned or dilapidated or

unfit for human habitation; or

(v) which is used for plantation, aquaculture,

livestock farming and cultivation of crops for
commercial purpose,
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the annual rateable value shall be, in the case of

subparagraphs (i) and (v), either the annual rateable value as
hereinbefore defined or ten per centum of the open market
value thereof at the absolute discretion of the Valuation

Officer, and in the case of subparagraphs (ii), (iii) and (iv)

the annual rateable value shall be ten per centum of the open
market value thereof as if, in relation to subparagraphs (iii)
and (iv), it were vacant land with no buildings thereon and in
all cases the local authority may, with the approval of the
Minister, reduce such percentage to a minimum of five per

(d) where in respect of any particular holding, in the
opinion of the Valuation Officer, there is insufficient evidence to
base a valuation of annual rateable value upon, the Valuation
Officer may apply such methods of valuation as in his opinion
appears appropriate to arrive at the annual rateable value;

[Am. Cap. A114.]

“Bintulu Development Authority” means the Lembaga

Kemajuan Bintulu (Bintulu Development Authority) established
under section 3(1) of the Lembaga Kemajuan Bintulu (Bintulu
Development Authority) Ordinance, 1978 [Ord. No. 1/78];

“building” includes any house, hut, shed or roofed enclosure,

whether used for the purpose of human habitation or otherwise,

and also any wall, fence, platform, septic tank, underground tank,
staging, gate, post, pillar, paling, frame, hoarding, slip, dock,
wharf, pier, jetty, landing stage, swimming pool, bridge, railway
lines, transmission lines, cables, rediffusion lines, overhead or
underground pipelines, or any other structure, support or

“bylaws”, in relation to any local authority, means any

bylaws made by the local authority under any power in that behalf
conferred upon such local authority by this Ordinance or in force
by virtue of this Ordinance, and includes any bylaws made by a
local authority under any laws repealed by this Ordinance or
pursuant to any other written laws;
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“Chairman”, in relation to a local authority, means—

(a) the Commissioner of the City of Kuching North
appointed under section 5(1) of the City of Kuching North

Ordinance, 1988 [Cap. 49], and includes any person
appointed to exercise the functions of the Commissioner

[Am. Cap. A85.]

(b) the Mayor of the City of Kuching South appointed

under section 10(1)(b), and includes the Deputy Mayor

(b) the Mayor of the Miri City Council appointed
under section 10A, and includes the Deputy Mayor thereof;

(c) the Chairman or Deputy Chairman of a Municipal


(d) the Chairman or Deputy Chairman of a District

and including a person to whom the functions of a local authority
has been transferred under section 8(1);
[Am. Cap. A85; Am. Cap. A114.]

“Councillor”, in relation to any local authority, means any


person appointed under this Ordinance to serve on the local

authority, and includes the Chairman thereof;

“District Officer” includes any person for the time being in

charge of an administrative District;

“document of titles” means—

(a) a grant, lease of State land, occupation ticket or

other document evidencing title to land issued under the
Land Code [Cap. 81 (1958 Ed.)];
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(b) subsidiary title or provisional subsidiary title

issued under the Strata Titles Ordinance, 1995 [Cap. 18]; and

(c) mining leases and mining certificates issued under

the Minerals Ordinance, 2004 [Cap. 56];

*“Headman” means any Headman appointed under section

“Health Officer” means a Medical Officer of Health or any

health inspector of the Ministry of Health or of a local authority,

and includes an authorized officer appointed under section 3 of
the Food Act 1983 [Act 281];
“holding” means any land, with or without buildings thereon,
which is held or to be held under separate document of title, and
in the case of subdivided buildings, the common property and any
parcel thereof, and includes any building constructed on:
(a) a Native Communal Reserve declared under
section 6 of the Land Code [Cap. 81 (1958 Ed.)]; and
(b) a Resettlement Scheme Area as defined in the
Buildings (Exemption) Order, 1996 [Swk. L.N. 7/96];

[Am. Cap. A69; Am. Cap. A114.]

“improvements”, in relation to a holding, means all work

done, material used at any time on or for the benefit of the

holding by the expenditure of capital or labour by the owner or
occupier thereof in so far as the effect of the work done or
material used is to enhance the value of the holding;
“land” shall have the same meaning as assigned to it in the
Land Code [Cap. 81 (1958 Ed.)];

* This definition will be repealed when the Community Chiefs and Headmen Ordinance, 2004
[Cap. 60] is brought into force.
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“local authority” means—

(a) a City Administration named in Part I of the First


(b) a Municipal Council named in Part II of the First
Schedule; and

(c) a District Council named in Part III of the First


“local authority area” means the area of jurisdiction of a local
authority, and includes any area in which any person exercises
powers under this Ordinance;

“market” means any public place ordinarily used for the sale
of animals or of meat, fish, fruit, vegetables or other perishable
articles of food for human consumption and for the sale of any
clothing or other merchandise and includes all land and premises
in any way used in conjunction or connection therewith or
appurtenant thereto;
“Minister” means in the case of the Bintulu Development
Authority, the Commission of the City of Kuching North and the
Council of the City of Kuching South, the Chief Minister, and for
other local authorities, the Minister in the State Government

charged with the responsibility for local government;

[Sub. Cap. A94.]

“nuisance” means any act, omission or thing occasioning or

likely to occasion injury, annoyance, offence, harm, danger or
damage to the sense of sight, smell, or hearing, or which is or is

likely to be injurious or dangerous to health or property;

“occupier” means the person in occupation of a holding or

having the charge, management or control thereof either on his
own account or as agent of another person, but does not include a
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“owner” means—
(a) in relation to any holding—

(i) the registered proprietor of the land as

defined in the Land Code [Cap. 81 (1958 Ed.)]; or

(ii) the occupier; or

(iii) the person for the time being receiving the

rent of the premises in connection with which the word is
used whether on his own account or as agent or trustee for

any other person or as receiver or who would receive the
same if such premises were let to a tenant; or
(iv) where the land has been subdivided, any
person who pursuant to any agreement or instrument has
acquired a beneficial interest in any subdivided lot;
(b) in relation to a subdivided building

(i) in the case of the common property, the

management corporation;
(ii) in the case of any parcel issued with a
subsidiary title, the subsidiary proprietor;

(iii) where no subsidiary title has been issued,

any person who, by virtue of any agreement or instrument,

has acquired a beneficial interest in any individual parcel

within the subdivided building:

the expressions “common property”, “management corporation”,

“parcel” and “subsidiary title” shall have the meanings assigned to

them in the Strata Titles Ordinance, 1995 [Cap. 18];

[Sub. Cap. A114.]
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“Permanent Secretary” means the Permanent Secretary to the

Ministry charged with the responsibility for local government in

“private road” means any road which is not a public road;

“public place” means any public road, street, square, alley,
lane, footway, wharf, jetty, quay, bridge, parking place, garden,
and any open space, public park, or special areas for greens
constituted under the Public Parks and Greens Ordinance, 1993
[Cap. 3], and any place within the area of jurisdiction of a local

authority, whether enclosed or not, set apart or appropriated for
the use of the public or to which the public shall at any time have
access, with or without payment of any fee, charge or

“public road” means any road or street over which the public
have a right of way;

“rateable holding” means a holding which is subject to the

payment of rates assessed and levied by a local authority under
this Ordinance;

“regulate” includes control by a system of registration or


“Resident” means, whether preceded by a definite or

indefinite article, the officer for the time being holding or acting
in the office of Resident of the administrative Division in
connection with which the word is used;

“road” shall have the same meaning as assigned to it in the


Road Transport Act 1987 [Act 333];

“State financial authority” shall have the same meaning as
assigned to it in the Financial Procedure Act 1957 [Act 61];
“temporary building” shall have the same meaning as
assigned to it in the Buildings Ordinance, 1994 [Cap. 8];
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“Valuation List” means a Valuation List of the rateable

holdings prepared and certified by a Valuation Officer of a local
authority pursuant to this Ordinance;
“Valuation Officer” means any Valuation Officer appointed

by a local authority in consultation with the State Secretary in the

case of the Commission of the City of Kuching North, Council of
the City of Kuching South or the Permanent Secretary in the case
of other local authorities.
[Am. Cap. A8; Am. Cap. A114.]
(2) In this Ordinance, a reference to the Yang di-Petua Negeri

shall be construed as a reference to the Yang di-Petua Negeri acting in
accordance with the advice of the Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri
or of a member thereof acting under the general authority of the

Declaration and determination of status of local authority

3.—(1) For the administration of the local authority affairs and
to facilitate the provisions of services by local authorities under this
Ordinance, the Yang di-Petua Negeri may, by Order published in the

(a) declare any area in the State to be a local authority area,


possessing jurisdiction over all persons within that area in the

discharge of any powers or duties conferred by this Ordinance;
(b) constitute a local authority to administer that local
authority area;
(c) assign a name to such local authority area;

(d) define the boundaries of such local authority area; and

(e) determine the status of the local authority for such local
authority area and such status shall be that of a City
Administration, a Municipal Council or a District Council.
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(2) Any local authority named in the First Schedule shall be

deemed to be a local authority constituted under subsection (1) and
shall have the status specified in that Schedule.

(3) The Yang di-Petua Negeri may, by Order published in the

(a) change the name of any local authority area;
(b) alter by extending or reducing the area of jurisdiction
of a local authority to any specified area;
(c) change the status of a local authority;
replace any local authority by another; or
(e) amend, alter, replace or substitute the First and Second

Body corporate
4. Every local authority named in the First Schedule or
established under this Part shall be a body corporate with perpetual
succession and a common seal and may sue and be sued in its
corporate name.
General powers of local authority
5. A local authority shall have and shall exercise only such
powers within its area of jurisdiction as may be expressly conferred by

this Ordinance and under any other written laws, and the exercise
thereof shall be subject to the provisions of, and the restrictions
contained in this Ordinance or such other written laws.

Powers of a local authority may be curtailed

6. When establishing a local authority under section 3, or at

any time thereafter, the Minister, with the approval of the Yang di-
Petua Negeri, may direct that such local authority shall exercise only
such of the powers conferred on a local authority by this Ordinance
orany other written laws as the Minister may specify, and, when any
such direction shall have been given, this Ordinance or such other
written laws, as the case may be, shall be deemed to confer upon such
local authority only such powers as the Minister shall have specified.
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Merger of two or more local authorities

7.—(1) The Yang di-Petua Negeri may, by Order published in
the Gazette, declare that as from the date specified therein, two or
more local authorities named in the Order shall be merged into a

single local authority (in this Ordinance referred to as the “enlarged

local authority”).

(2) The Order referred to in subsection (1) may—

(a) provide for the following matters concerning the

enlarged local authority:


the name for the enlarged local authority;

its area of jurisdiction;

(iii) the number of Councillors to be appointed for

the enlarged local authority;

(iv) the vesting of properties or assets, both

movable and immovable, of the local authorities named in
the Order, on the enlarged authority; and
(v) such other matters as the Yang di-Petua Negeri
may deem fit or necessary to facilitate the merger of the
local authorities concerned

(b) transfer or reassign any functions or responsibilities of

any local authority named in the Order, to another local authority
which is not intended to be incorporated into the enlarged local

(c) transfer any part of the areas under the jurisdiction of

the said local authorities but not included in the area of
jurisdiction of the enlarged local authority, to another authority;

(d) provide for amendment of the First Schedule.

[Sub. Cap. A94.]
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Transfer of functions
8.—(1) If it appears to the Yang di-Petua Negeri to be
necessary or desirable in the public interest that any function of a local

authority or of an employee of such local authority should be forthwith
transferred from such local authority or such employee, the Yang di-

Petua Negeri may, by Order published in the Gazette, transfer such
function to any public officer or officers; and if the Yang di-Petua
Negeri is of the opinion that any investigation should be held, he may
in the same Order or in a subsequent Order direct that an enquiry be
held into the matter and may make such further Order as may be
necessary or expedient.

(2) Where under subsection (1) any function is transferred, the
Minister may make such Order as may be necessary or expedient
relating to the expenses required by such transfer of functions and
such Order shall be binding on the local authority notwithstanding any
provisions of this Ordinance relating to expenditure from the Local
Authority Fund, and the payment of such expenses as may be
authorized by the Order shall be a purpose for which the local
authority may borrow in accordance with this Ordinance.
(3) Any Order made under subsection (1) shall be laid before
the Dewan Undangan Negeri at its next meeting and shall, unless
sooner revoked by the Yang di-Petua Negeri, continue to be in force
until annulled by a resolution of the Dewan Undangan Negeri.

Power of the Yang di-Petua Negeri to issue directions

9.—(1) The Yang di-Petua Negeri may from time to time give
the local authority directions of a general character, and not
inconsistent with this Ordinance, on the policy to be followed in the
exercise of the powers conferred and the duties imposed on the local
authority by or under this Ordinance in relation to matters which

appear to the Yang di-Petua Negeri to affect the interests of the local
authority area, and the local authority shall as soon as possible give
effect to all such directions.
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(2) The local authority shall furnish the Minister with such
returns, accounts and other information with respect to the property
and activities of the local authority as the Minister may from time to
time require.


Administration of Kuching City

10.—(1) The City of Kuching shall be administered by—

[Cap. 49]; and

(a) the Commission of the City of Kuching North
appointed under the City of Kuching North Ordinance, 1988

the Council of the City of Kuching South consisting of:

(i) a Mayor;

(ii) a Deputy Mayor; and

(iii) not less than eight and not more than thirty
other Councillors,

to be appointed by the Yang di-Petua Negeri.


[Am. Cap. A69; Am. Cap. A85; Sub.Cap. A160/2013.]

(2) (a) The Commission of the City of Kuching North shall

have jurisdiction over the area of the City of Kuching North described
in the Schedule to the City of Kuching North Ordinance, 1988 [Cap.

(b) The Council of the City of Kuching South shall have

jurisdiction over the area described and defined in the Second
[Am. Cap. A85.]
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Administration of Miri City Council

10A.—(1) The Miri City Council shall be administered by—

(a) a Mayor

(b) a Deputy Mayor; and

(c) not less than eight and not more than thirty other

to be appointed by the Yang di-Petua Negeri.

Law [Sub. Cap. A160/2013.]

(2) The Miri City Council shall have jurisdiction over the area
described and defined in paragraph (8)(a) under the Schedule to the
Administrative Areas Order, 1987 [Swk. L.N. 19/87].
[Ins. Cap. A114.]

Municipal Council
11. A Municipal Council (except in the case of the Bintulu
Development Authority) shall consist of—
(a) a Chairman;
(b) a Deputy Chairman; and

(c) not less than eight and not more than thirty other
to be appointed by the Yang di-Petua Negeri.
[Am. Cap. A69; Sub. Cap. A160/2013.]

District Council
12.—(1) A District Council shall consist of—
(a) a Chairman;
(b) a Deputy Chairman; and
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(c) not less than six and not more than thirty other
to be appointed by the Yang di-Pertua Negeri.

[Sub. Cap. A160/2013.]

(2) A District Officer, unless he is appointed Chairman or
Deputy Chairman of a District Council, shall be an ex officio member
of the District Council for the District in which he is serving.

(3) An ex officio member of a District Council shall be entitled

to attend meetings thereof and give his views on any issue or question
under deliberation, but shall not have any voting rights and shall not
be counted for the purposes of determining whether there is a quorum
for the meeting.

Qualification for appointment

13. Councillors of a local authority shall be appointed from

amongst Malaysian citizens who are ordinarily resident in Sarawak
and who in the opinion of the Yang di-Petua Negeri have wide
experience in local government affairs or who have achieved
distinction in any profession, commerce or industry, or are otherwise
capable of representing the interests of their communities in the local
authority area.

Tenure of office
14.—(1) The term of office of each Councillor shall not exceed
three years.

(2) A Councillor may at any time resign his office by letter


addressed to the Minister through the Chairman.

(3) The appointment of any Councillor may at any time be

revoked by the Yang di-Petua Negeri without assigning any reason
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(4) The seat of a Councillor shall become vacant—

(a) if he dies;

(b) if there has been proved against him, or he has been
convicted on, a charge in respect of—

(i) an offence under any law relating to corruption
or dishonesty; or
(ii) any other offence punishable with
imprisonment (in itself only or in addition to or in lieu of a
fine) for more than two years;
if he becomes a bankrupt;
(d) if he is of unsound mind or is otherwise incapable of
performing his duties;
(e) if he absents himself from three consecutive meetings
without leave of the Chairman;
(f) in the event of his resignation being accepted by the
Minister; or
(g) if his appointment is revoked.

(5) On a vacancy occurring in the seat of a Councillor, the

Chairman shall immediately notify the Minister who, with the
approval of the Yang di-Petua Negeri, may fill such vacancy.

(6) A Councillor shall be eligible for reappointment upon the

expiry of his term of office.

(7) Councillors may be granted leave of absence for such

period and upon such terms as the Minister may approve.

Allowances for Councillors

15. Every Councillor and every person appointed to any
committee constituted by a local authority may be paid such salaries,
allowances or other expenses as the Minister may determine.
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Declaration by Councillors before assuming office

16.—(1) Every Councillor shall make and subscribe a

declaration of acceptance of office in the Form prescribed in the Third

Schedule at the first meeting of the local authority at which he attends,
and the fact of such making and subscribing shall be recorded in the

minutes of such meeting.
(2) A Councillor shall not act in the office of Councillor unless
he has made and subscribed such a declaration.

Councillor exempt from service as assessor


Common seal
No Councillor shall be liable to serve as assessor.

18.—(1) The common seal of a local authority shall be in the

custody of the Secretary and shall be authenticated by the signature of
the Chairman or his Deputy and the Secretary.
(2) Such seal shall be officially and judicially noticed.
Authentication and execution of documents
19.—(1) Every notice, order, warrant, licence, permit, receipt or
other similar document issued or requiring authentication by a local
authority shall be deemed to be sufficiently authenticated without the

common seal of the local authority if signed by the Chairman or

Secretary or any officer of the local authority duly authorized by the
Chairman or by any bylaw of the local authority.
(2) Subject to section 47, every contract and every instrument
and document which a local authority is lawfully empowered to
execute shall be deemed to be duly executed by or on behalf of the

local authority if signed by the Chairman, or by the Secretary, or by

any one or more Councillors duly authorized thereto by any
resolutions or bylaws of the local authority.
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28 CAP. 20

Local authority office

20. Every local authority shall provide an office within the
local authority area for the transaction of business.

21.—(1) Every local authority named in Parts I and II of the
First Schedule shall hold an ordinary meeting for the despatch of
business on such days and at such hours as it may from time to time
appoint but not less than once in every month.

(2) Every local authority named in Part III of the First
Schedule shall hold an ordinary meeting for the despatch of business
on such days and at such hours as it may from time to time appoint but
not less than four times in a year.
(3) The Chairman may at any time and shall, at the request in
writing of not less than one third of the Councillors, call a special
meeting of the local authority, and the day fixed for such meeting shall
be within fourteen days of the presentation of such request.
(4) The notice of any special meetings shall specify the object
of the meeting, and no other subjects than those specified in the notice
shall be discussed at the meeting.
(5) Notice of the time, date and place of every meeting of the
local authority shall be served on every Councillor either personally or

by leaving the same at his usual place of residence or at his business

address not less than thirty six hours before the meeting:
Provided that the accidental omission to serve a notice on any
Councillor shall not affect the validity of any meeting.
(6) All meetings of the local authority shall be open to the

public and to representatives of the press unless the local authority by

resolution at the meeting otherwise decides:
Provided that this subsection shall not apply to any committee of
the local authority unless such committee by resolution otherwise
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22.—(1) The quorum necessary for the transaction of business
at a special meeting of the local authority shall be one half of the full
number of its Councillors excluding any vacant seat and where the

number of Councillors is not divisible by two then one half of the next

lower number.
(2) The quorum necessary for the transaction of business at an
ordinary meeting of the local authority shall be one third of the full
number of its Councillors excluding any vacant seat and where the
number of Councillors is not divisible by three then one third of the

next lower number divisible by three.
(3) If at any special or ordinary meeting of the local authority a
quorum is not present, the meeting shall stand adjourned to such other
day as the Chairman fixes, and the business which would have been
brought before the original meeting, if there has been a quorum
present, shall be brought before and transacted at the adjourned
meeting whether there is a quorum thereat or not.

Chairman of meetings
23.—(1) At every meeting of the local authority, the Chairman
of the local authority or in his absence the Deputy Chairman of the
local authority if present shall preside.
(2) If the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman of the local

authority are absent from the meeting, the Councillors present shall
elect one of their number to be Chairman of the meeting.

Vote of majority decisive

24.—(1) Except as otherwise prescribed, all questions or issues
coming before any meeting of the local authority shall be decided by a

majority of the votes of the Councillors present.

(2) In case of an equality of votes the Chairman at the meeting
shall have a second or casting vote.
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30 CAP. 20

(3) Ex officio and coopted members of any local authority shall

not be entitled to vote on any question or issue at the meeting.

Minutes to be kept of all proceedings

25.—(1) Every local authority shall cause to be duly made from
time to time minutes of all proceedings of the local authority and of
every committee appointed by it, including the names of the
Councillors present, and the names of all Councillors voting on any
question for the decision of which a division is called.

Minister. Law
(2) All minutes shall be confirmed and signed by the Chairman
of the meeting, and a copy of such minutes shall be transmitted to the

(3) The minutes of all proceedings of the local authority shall

be kept at the office of the local authority and shall at all reasonable
times be open to the inspection of the Minister or the Permanent
Secretary or any Councillor or rate payer of the local authority area
and of any officer of the Government, any of whom may at all
reasonable times make a copy of any part thereof without fee:
Provided that the minutes of the proceedings of any committee
shall not be open to inspection by a rate payer unless the Minister
otherwise directs.

(4) The minutes of proceedings at a meeting of the local

authority or of a committee duly signed by the Chairman of the
meeting at which the minutes are signed shall be received in evidence
without further proof and, subject to all just exceptions, shall be
evidence of the matters stated therein.
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Appointment of Committees
26. Every local authority may from time to time appoint
Committees, either of a general or special nature, consisting of a
Chairman and such number of Councillors and such other persons as

the local authority may think fit, for the purpose of examining and

reporting upon any matter or performing any act which in the opinion
of the local authority would be more conveniently performed by
means of a Committee, and may delegate to any Committee such
powers, other than the power to raise money by rates or loans, as it
may think fit, and may fix the quorum of any such Committee.

Standing orders for regulating proceedings of local authorities
27. Every local authority may, subject to this Ordinance, from
time to time make standing orders for regulating its proceedings and
those of any Committee thereof, for preserving order at its meetings or
at the meetings of any Committee thereof and for regulating the duties
of the Councillors and the transaction of its affairs.

Validity of acts of local authority officers

28.—(1) All acts of the local authority or of any person acting as
Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Councillor, Secretary or any other
officer of the local authority shall, notwithstanding that it be
discovered that there was some defect in the appointment of any such
person or that he was disqualified, be valid and effectual as if such

person had been duly appointed and qualified.

(2) Nothing done under this Ordinance shall be invalid by
reason only that the number of Councillors in a local authority is less
than the number prescribed.
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32 CAP. 20

Disability of Councillors for voting on account of interests in

contracts, etc.

29.—(1) If a Councillor has any pecuniary interest, direct or

indirect, in any contract or proposed contract or other matter, and is

present at a meeting of the local authority or of any Committee thereof
at which the contract or proposed contract or other matter is the
subject of consideration, he shall, as soon as possible after the
commencement thereof, disclose the fact, and shall withdraw from the
meeting while the contract or proposed contract or other matter is
under consideration:

Provided that this section shall not apply to an interest in a
contract or proposed contract or other matter which a Councillor may
have as a rate-payer or inhabitant of the local authority area, or as an
ordinary consumer of water, gas, electricity or other local authority
services or to an interest in any matter relating to the terms on which
the right to participate in any local authority service, including the
supply of goods, is offered to the public.
(2) For the purposes of this section, a Councillor shall be
treated as having indirectly a pecuniary interest in a contract or
proposed contract or other matter, if—

(a) he or any nominee of his is a member of a company or

other body with which the contract is made or is proposed to be

made or which has a direct pecuniary interest in the other matter

under consideration; or

(b) he is a partner, or is in the employment, of a person

with whom the contract is made or is proposed to be made or who
has a direct pecuniary interest in the other matter under

Provided that this subsection shall not apply to membership of, or
employment under, any public body.
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(3) In the case of married persons the interest of one spouse

shall, if known to the other, be deemed for the purpose of this section
to be also an interest of that other spouse.

(4) A general notice given in writing to the Secretary by a
Councillor to the effect that he or his spouse or a member of his

family is a member or is in the employment of a specified company or
other body, or that he or his spouse or a member of his family is a
partner or in the employment of a specified person shall, unless the
notice is withdrawn, be deemed to be a sufficient disclosure of his
interest in any contract, proposed contract, or other matter relating to

that company or other body or to that person which may be the subject
of consideration after the date of the notice.

(5) The Secretary shall record in a book to be kept for the

purpose particulars of any disclosure made under subsection (1) and of
any notice given under subsection (4), and the book shall be open at
all reasonable hours to the inspection of any Councillor.

(6) If any Councillor fails to comply with subsection (1), he

shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine
not exceeding ten thousand ringgit or to a term of imprisonment not
exceeding one year or to both such fine and imprisonment and in
addition the Court shall make an order of forfeiture in respect of any
profit which have accrued or may accrue to him as a result of such

(7) Any Councillor convicted of an offence under this section

shall thereupon become disqualified from continuing to be a

(8) Any Councillor disqualified under subsection (7) shall not

be eligible of being appointed a Councillor for any local authority.

(9) A prosecution for an offence under this section shall not be

instituted except with the sanction of the Public Prosecutor.

(10) For the purpose of this section, “Councillor” includes a

person appointed to any Committee of the local authority.
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34 CAP. 20

30. No Councillor shall by himself or his partner or agent act
in any professional capacity for or against the local authority of which

he is a Councillor.

31.—(1) A local authority may enter into contracts necessary
for the discharge of any of its functions provided that such contracts
do not involve any expenditure in that year in excess of the sums
provided in the approved annual estimates for the discharge of such

functions unless such expenditure in that year is authorized under this
(2) All contracts made by the local authority or by a
Committee thereof on behalf of the local authority shall be made in
accordance with any regulations which may be made under this
Ordinance and in the case of contracts for the supply of goods or
materials or services or the execution of works the regulations shall
require that—
(a) except as otherwise provided therein tenders shall be
called for in such manner as may in such regulations be
prescribed; and
(b) no contract enduring for a longer period than the time
elapsing between the making of such contract and the end of the
financial year shall be made without the prior written consent of

the Minister.

Mode of executing contracts exceeding fifty thousand ringgit

32. Every contract which involves the expenditure by the local
authority of more than fifty thousand ringgit shall specify—

(a) the work or duty to be done;

(b) the materials to be used;
(c) the price to be paid for such work, duty or materials;
(d) the time or times within which the work or duty is to be
done or the materials are to be furnished; and
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(e) the damages for breaches of the contract by the


and shall be sealed by the common seal of the local authority.

Employees not to be interested in contracts
33. No officer or employee of a local authority shall in any way
be concerned or interested in any contract or work made with or
executed for the local authority without the prior knowledge and
written consent of the local authority.

Restriction on privatization of functions and services
34. A local authority shall not, except with the prior written
approval of the Minister, appoint or entrust the undertaking or
performance of any of its functions or the provision of any services
which that local authority is empowered to provide to any person or
body to the intent that the person or body so appointed or entrusted
can impose and collect any charges, fees or other levies from members
of the public.

Chief Administrative Officer


35.—(1) (a) The Chief Administrative Officer of the City of

Kuching North shall be the Director of the City of Kuching North
appointed under section 8 of the City of Kuching North Ordinance,
1988 [Cap. 49].

(b) The Chief Administrative Officer of the Bintulu


Development Authority shall be the General Manager of that

Authority appointed under section 18 of the Lembaga Kemajuan
Bintulu (Bintulu Development Authority) Ordinance, 1978 [Ord. No.
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36 CAP. 20

(c) The Chief Administrative Officer of all other local

authorities shall be the Secretary of the local authority concerned who
shall be appointed in accordance with the regulations made under
section 37 and after consultation with the State Secretary.

[Am. Cap. A69; Am. Cap. A85.]

(2) Subject to any direction given by the Minister and the
Chairman, the Secretary appointed under subsection (1)(c) shall be
responsible for the general administration of the affairs of the local
authority, and for the implementation of all decisions of the local
authority and of the Minister.

(3) All communications between a local authority and the
Minister, the State Secretary and other departments of the Government
shall be conducted through the Secretary or an appropriate officer of
the local authority generally or specially authorized by him.

List of offices
36.—(1) The local authority shall, once in every year before or
at the time of submission of its annual estimates under section 53(5),

(a) in the case of the Commission of the City of Kuching
North, the Council of the City of Kuching South and Miri City
Council, submit to the Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri for its

approval; and
(b) in the case of all other local authorities, submit to the
Minister for his approval,
a list of offices which the local authority thinks necessary for the
purpose of this Ordinance with the salaries and allowances, if any,

proposed to be attached to such offices respectively.

[Am. Cap. A85; Am. Cap. A114.]

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(2) Such list shall, when approved by the Majlis Mesyuarat

Kerajaan Negeri or by the Minister, as the case may be, continue in
force until a new list is approved in like manner.
(3) The local authority may at any time submit for approval of

the appropriate authority specified in subsection (1) any alterations

and additions in and to such list, and such alterations and additions
when approved shall have the same force as if they had been included
in such list.

Power of Yang di-Petua Negeri to make regulations relating to

staff of local authorities

37.—(1) The Yang di-Petua Negeri may make regulations to
provide for the appointment, confirmation, promotion, transfer,
posting, duties, tenure of office and terms and conditions of service
including maternity benefits, duty allowances, leave, rest days, hours
of work, overtime, privileges and other benefits of officers and
employees of all local authorities.

(2) The Yang di-Petua Negeri may make regulations for the
purpose of maintaining good conduct and discipline among officers
and employees of local authorities, and may prescribe punishments
upon any such officer or employee who is guilty of misconduct or
breach of discipline in the exercise of his official functions and duties.

(2A) No officer or employee of a local authority shall be


reduced in rank or dismissed without being given a reasonable

opportunity of being heard:
Provided that this subsection shall not apply to the following
(a) where an officer or employee of a local authority is

dismissed or reduced in rank on the ground that a criminal charge

has been proved against him;
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38 CAP. 20

(b) where the Yang di-Petua Negeri is satisfied that in the

public interest or any other sufficient reason, the service of an
officer or employee of a local authority should be terminated in
accordance with any law relating to pensions applicable to that

officer or employee; or

(c) where there has been made against any officer or
employee of a local authority any order of detention, restricted
residence, banishment or deportation, or where there has been
imposed on such an officer or employee any form of restriction or
supervision by bond or otherwise, under any law relating to the

women and girls. Law

security of the Federation or any part thereof, prevention of rime,
preventive detention, banishment, immigration or protection of

[Sub. Cap. A69.]

(3) Until and unless regulations are made under this section,
the State Public Service General Orders, 1996 [Swk. L.N. 1/96],
which are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Ordinance shall
apply, with such modifications as the Minister may direct, to all
officers and employees of a local authority.
(4) The Local Authority (Terms of Service) Regulations, 1955,
are revoked as from the date of commencement of this Ordinance.

Transferability of local authority staff


38. Officers and employees of a local authority may be

transferred, posted or seconded to another local authority in
accordance with the regulations made under section 37: Provided that
such transfer, posting, secondment shall not result in a reduction of
rank of the officer or employee and would not result in any loss of

seniority, privileges or benefits.

[Am. Cap. A69.]
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Local authority revenue

39. The revenue of a local authority shall consist of—
(a) all taxes, rates, levies, rents, licence fees, dues and
other sums or charges payable to the local authority by virtue of
this Ordinance or of any written law;
(b) all charges or profits derived from services rendered or

undertaking carried on by the local authority under the powers
vested in it;
(c) all interest accrued on any monies invested by the local
authority and all income arising from or out of the property, both
movable or immovable, of the local authority;

(d) all other revenue accruing to the local authority from

the Government of the Federation or of the State Government of
Sarawak or from any statutory body, other local authority or from
any other source, as grants, loans, contributions, endowments or
otherwise; and
(e) such other revenues as the Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan
Negeri may, with the approval of Dewan Undangan Negeri
signified by resolution, declare to be the revenue of the local


Local Authority Fund and Local Treasury

40.—(1) All moneys received by a local authority on its own
behalf by virtue of this or any other written laws shall constitute a

fund which shall be called the Local Authority Fund, and shall be
administered from an office which shall be called the Local Treasury,
and shall, together with all property which becomes vested in the local
authority, be under the direction and control of the local authority
subject to this Ordinance.
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40 CAP. 20

(2) All orders or cheques against the said Fund shall be signed
by two officers authorized in writing by the local authority.

(3) Any such moneys may be invested in any securities in
which trustees are empowered under Trustee Act 1949 [Act 208] to

invest or in such other manner as authorized by the Minister.

(4) Notwithstanding subsection (1), the Minister may direct

that all moneys received by a local authority shall be lodged on current
or deposit account with one or more banks or financial institutions
licensed under the Banking and Financial Institutions Act 1989 [Act

372], as may be approved by the State financial authority.

Borrowing powers
41.—(1) A local authority may, with the consent of the Majlis
Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri and subject to such terms and conditions
as it may think fit to impose, borrow such sums as may be required for
any of the following purposes:

(a) for acquiring any land or other moveable assets which

the local authority has power to acquire;

(b) for erecting any building which the local authority has
power to erect;

(c) for the execution of any permanent work, the provision

of any plant or the doing of any other thing which the local
authority has power to execute, provide or do; and

(d) for paying off existing loans.

(2) Any moneys borrowed from the Government by a local


authority shall, subject to any prior charge, be a first charge upon the
revenues and assets of such local authority.
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Borrowing powers for special purposes

42.—(1) In addition to the powers of borrowing conferred upon
a local authority by section 41 and subject to any other written laws, a
local authority may, for the purpose of carrying out any development

for residential, commercial and industrial undertakings, raise by way

of loan from any person such amounts of money at such rates of
interest and upon such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon
between the local authority and that person with the approval of the
Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri.
(2) Any loan made to a local authority under this section may

be secured by a first mortgage or a first charge or by debentures upon
the assets, and the revenues derived from the assets, in respect of
which the money is borrowed but not upon any other assets or revenue
of the local authority.
(3) The local authority may, in consultation with the State
financial authority and with the approval of the Minister, make
regulations to provide the method of issue, transfer, redemption or
other dealing with shares, stock, bonds, debentures or debenture stock
issued under this Ordinance.
Loans by Government

43.—(1) Subject to any other written laws, the Government may,

out of its revenue or other moneys as may from time to time be set
aside or appropriated for the purpose, grant loans to any local

authority at such rates of interest and on such terms and conditions to

be observed by the local authority obtaining such loan, in addition to
those prescribed bylaw, as it shall think fit to impose.

(2) Where a local authority is unable to pay any money due in

respect of any loan granted under this section, the Government may, at

any time after the expiry of sixty days from the date on which such
money becomes due and payable, order that a rate or rates of such
amounts as it may fix be made and levied upon all rateable holdings
within the local authority area and such rate so ordered shall have the
same incidence as any rate imposed by the local authority and may be
enforced in like manner and the proceeds thereof shall be paid into the
Consolidated Fund of the State.
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42 CAP. 20

(3) Every loan granted under this section shall, subject to any
prior charge, be a first charge upon the revenues and assets of the local
authority obtaining such loan.

Advances by way of overdraft

44. Subject to any other written laws, a local authority may
from time to time obtain from any licensed bank advances by way of
overdraft and any such overdraft shall, unless covered by fixed
deposits with the same bank, require the written approval of the

Provided that all moneys so advanced by the bank and any
interest thereon shall constitute a debt due by the local authority and
shall be a charge on the property and revenues, present and future, of
the local authority, and section 43(2) shall apply in all respects as if
such advances were loans granted under section 43.

Sinking fund
45.—(1) The local authority shall establish a sinking fund or
funds in respect of any loan raised by or granted to it and shall cause
to be paid into such fund or funds such sums in every year to provide
for the redemption of the loan or such sums as the Minister may direct
and the local authority shall not appropriate any sum from the sinking

fund for any other purpose without the written consent of the Minister.
(2) The Minister, in consultation with the State Financial
Secretary, may from time to time give directions to the local authority
as to the manner in which the moneys in any such sinking fund shall
or may be applied, invested or transferred to any other fund or to the
general assets of the local authority.
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Renewal and insurance funds

46. A local authority may from time to time provide for the
annual setting aside of amounts to create—

(a) adequate renewal funds to provide for the entire or
partial replacement of assets of the local authority which, owing

to depreciation or other cause, need to be replaced at some future
date; and
(b) insurance funds to cover risks or to provide for
contingencies, the liability for which would otherwise have to be
met by the local authority as and when such risks or contingencies
fall due.

Power to enter into contracts Law

47. A local authority may, subject to any regulations which
may be made under the Ordinance,—
(a) make such contracts as are necessary or expedient for
the proper performance of its duties or the effective exercise of its
powers, under this Ordinance; and
(b) enter into contracts of guarantee or indemnity for the
purpose of facilitating the acquisition or erection of dwelling
houses by officers or other servants of the local authority.

Expenditure of local authority


48. A local authority may, subject to such restrictions and

limitations as may be prescribed by regulations made under this
Ordinance, expend the Local Authority Fund, in the exercise of its
powers and duties under this Ordinance or any other written laws, on
such purposes as are authorized by this Ordinance or any other written

laws, or as the Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri may approve.

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44 CAP. 20

Local authority to conform with regulations

49. Every local authority, in the control and administration of
its property and the Local Authority Fund, and with respect to the

preparation of estimates and the auditing of its accounts, shall
conform with such instructions as may be given by the Minister, and

any regulations which may be made by the Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan
Negeri in that behalf.


Financial year Law


50. Unless otherwise directed by the Majlis Mesyuarat

Kerajaan Negeri, the financial year of a local authority shall be the
twelve months ending on the 31st day of December of each calendar

Accounts to be kept
51. The local authority shall cause proper books and accounts
to be provided and true and regular records to be entered therein of all
transactions of the local authority and such books and accounts shall
be open at all reasonable times and for reasonable periods to the

inspection of any Councillor with the prior consent of the Chairman.

Annual statement of accounts

52.—(1) The accounts of the local authority shall, as soon as

may be, be balanced for the preceding financial year and an annual

statement of accounts showing the revenue and expenditure and

balance sheet of the Local Authority Fund shall be prepared.

(2) Copies of such annual statement signed by the Chairman of

the local authority shall be laid before the local authority not later than
its first ordinary meeting in the month of April following or at any
time thereafter as allowed by the Minister.
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Annual estimates to be passed and approved

53.—(1) The local authority shall, not later than the thirty-first
day of October of each year, pass detailed estimates of the revenue and
expenditure of the local authority for the next financial year.

(2) Such estimates shall be in such form as may be required by
the Minister and shall be passed at a special meeting of the local
(3) A copy of the draft estimates shall be delivered to each
Councillor not less than seven days before the date fixed for such

(4) Subject to this Ordinance, the local authority may pass,
modify, reject or add any item in such draft estimates.
(5) After the draft estimates have been passed by the local
authority, it shall be forwarded,—
(a) in the case of the Commission of the City of Kuching
North, the Council of the City of Kuching South and Miri City
Council, to the Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri for its
approval; and
(b) in the case of all other local authorities, to the Minister
for his approval,
not later than the thirtieth day of November and the Majlis Mesyuarat
Kerajaan Negeri or the Minister, as the case may be, may reduce or

reject any item of expenditure appearing therein.

[Am. Cap. A85; Am. Cap. A114.]

(6) The local authority concerned shall be bound by the

estimates approved by the Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri or by the
Minister, as the case may be.

Supplementary estimates
54.—(1) Where additional financial provision is required in any
year the local authority may from time to time pass supplementary
estimates showing the sources out of which any additional expenditure
incurred by it may be met.
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46 CAP. 20

(2) Subject to this section, section 53 shall apply to any

supplementary estimates in like manner as they apply to the annual

No expenditure to be incurred unless included in the estimates

55. No local authority shall incur any expenditure which has
not been included in the approved estimates except with the sanction
of the Minister.


56. The local authority may, subject to any regulations which
may be made under this Ordinance, transfer all or any part of the
moneys assigned to one subhead of annually recurrent expenditure to
another subhead of annually recurrent expenditure appearing under the
same head of expenditure in the summary of the estimates as approved
under section 53(5).
[Am. Cap. A69.]

Form of estimates
57. The annual and supplementary estimates and the
summaries thereof shall be prepared in such form and shall contain
such detailed information as the Minister may require.

Audit of accounts
58.—(1) The Auditor General or other auditor appointed by the
local authority on the recommendation of the Auditor General shall,
throughout the financial year, inspect and examine the accounts of the
local authority, and the local authority shall, by the Treasurer or other

officer authorized by the local authority, produce and lay before the
auditor all books and accounts of the local authority together with all
vouchers, papers, contracts and documents relating thereto.
(2) It shall be the duty of the auditor on or before the thirtieth
day of June in each year to submit to the local authority in respect of
the preceding financial year an annual report on the accounts of the
local authority for such year and to certify therein whether or not—
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(a) the accounts of the local authority were in order;

(b) separate accounts of all commercial undertaking had
been kept;

(c) the accounts presented a true and correct view of the
financial position of the local authority and of the commercial

(d) due provision had been made for redemption and
repayment of all moneys borrowed by the local authority;
(e) the amount set aside for depreciation and renewal of

with. Law
the assets of the local authority were adequate; and
all the requirements of the auditor had been complied

(3) The auditor in his annual report may state his opinions and
observations upon all questions arising out of the certificate given by
him under subsection (2), and may in such report draw attention to all
cases in which it may appear to him that the provisions of this
Ordinance or any other written laws have not been carried out or that
any acts, matters or things have been performed or carried out without
due authority.
(4) The audited accounts together with the auditor’s report
shall be laid before the local authority at its next ensuing ordinary
meeting and thereafter submitted to the Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan
Negeri for its examination and approval to be laid before the Dewan

Undangan Negeri.
(5) The auditor shall be paid by the local authority such
remuneration as may be agreed between him and the local authority.

Power to take evidence


59.—(1) For the purpose of any examination under this

Ordinance, an auditor may require by notice in writing to that effect
any officer of the local authority or any other person to produce such
records, minutes, books and documents in his possession or under his
control and to give such information or explanation as may be
necessary for the proper performance of his duties under this
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(2) Any person who, without reasonable excuse, refuses to

produce any record, minute, book or document or to give any
information or explanation shall be guilty of an offence and shall on

conviction be liable to a fine not exceeding two thousand ringgit or to
a term of imprisonment not exceeding one year or to both such fine

and imprisonment and to a further fine not exceeding one thousand
ringgit for each day during which the offence is continued after

Right of State Financial Secretary to inspection

60.—(1) The State Financial Secretary shall have access to and
may authorize, in writing, any person to inspect any accounting books
and records of a local authority and the person so authorized shall
make such report to the State Financial Secretary on the financial
affairs of the local authority as he may direct.
(2) It shall be the duty of the Secretary of a local authority
to provide access to the State Financial Secretary or to any person
authorized by him, for inspection of all accounting books and records
of the local authority or which are within its custody or possession.

61.—(1) A local authority may, subject to and in accordance

with this Ordinance, and with the approval,—
(a) in the case of the Commission of the City of Kuching
North, the Council of the City of Kuching South and Miri City
Council, of the Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri; and

(b) in the case of all other local authorities, of the Minister,

assess for rates all holdings whatsoever, or any specified class thereof,
within its local authority area, and may make and levy any separate or
consolidated rates thereon for all or any of the objects set out in
subsection (2).
[Am. Cap. A114.]
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(2) The objects for which such rates may be made are—

(a) the maintenance, repair and lighting of the public roads

and of places and buildings vested in, or belonging to or under the

control of, the local authority;

(b) the supply of utilities to the local authority area;
(c) the provision and maintenance of public parks, greens
and other amenities;
(d) the provision and maintenance of public drainage

(e) the provision and maintenance of a system of removal
of refuse, waste, or of the collection and removal of sewage, or of
nightsoil, or of both and the establishment and maintenance of a
public waste disposal facility or waste treatment or processing
plant or site;
(f) the provision of housing under a scheme approved by
the Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri;
(g) the acquisition or improvement of any area which is
insanitary or dangerous to health;
(h) the performance of any duties imposed by any written
law to the extent to which that law confers powers or duties on

the local authority;

(i) the general purposes of this Ordinance; and
(j) any other purposes approved by the Majlis Mesyuarat
Kerajaan Negeri.
[Am. Cap. A69.]

Rateable holding
62.—(1) All holdings within a local authority shall be rateable
holding within the meaning of this Ordinance save as herein excepted,
that is to say,—
(a) buildings used exclusively for religious worship;
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(b) holding duly licensed for use exclusively as a public

burial or cremation ground, and maintained in such condition as
may be required under bylaws made under this Ordinance;

(c) holding, certified in writing by the State Director of

Education to be premises used by the State or Federal
Government or any educational authority approved by the Federal
Government, exclusively as a kindergarten, school, college or
university and not being run for profit;

(d) holding belonging to a charitable institution established

under the Charitable Trusts Ordinance, 1994 [Cap. 7] or any other
written laws and used exclusively for charitable purposes as
defined in the said Charitable Trusts Ordinance, 1994 [Cap. 7];

(e) holding belonging to and occupied by the State or

Federal Government;

(f) holding belonging to and occupied by a local authority.

(g) [Deleted by Cap. A114.].

(2) The Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri may, by order
published in the Gazette,
(a) exempt any rateable holding from payment of rates
either wholly or partially; or

(b) direct that any class or particular class of rateable

holding shall in lieu of payment of rates, make an annual payment
of such amount as may be specified in such order to the
appropriate local authority upon such terms and conditions as
may be contained in such order.
[Sub. Cap. A114.]

(3) Every payment in lieu of rates payable under subsection (2)

shall become due and payable upon such dates as the local authority
may prescribe by notification in the Gazette; and thereafter shall be
recoverable under this Part in the same manner and upon the same
conditions, including payment of interest, as a rate imposed on
rateable holding.
[Am. Cap. A114.]
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(4) The annual payment provided for by subsection (2) may be

made to vary according to any one or more of the following:

(a) the locality of the holding exempted from payment of


(b) the class, description, condition or value of any such
(c) the class or description of the owners or occupiers

(5) Nothing in this section shall affect the liability of any

Preparation of Valuation List

person to pay any other charge or tax to which he may be liable.

63.—(1) The local authority shall cause a Valuation List of all

holdings not exempted from the payment of rates to be prepared
(a) the name of the street or locality in which such holding
is situated;
(b) the designation of the holding either by name or
number sufficient to identify it;
(c) the names of the owner and occupier, if known;
(d) the annual rateable value of the holding.

(2) The local authority may, with the approval of the Minister,
adopt the existing valuation list prepared under any written law
repealed by this Ordinance either wholly or partly and may make
amendments thereto for the purposes of subsection (1).

(3) The Valuation List together with the amendments made

under section 69 shall remain in force until it is superseded by a new
Valuation List.

(4) A new Valuation List which shall contain the same

particulars as in subsection (1) shall be prepared and completed once
every five years or within such extended period as the Majlis
Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri may determine.
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(5) The Valuation Officer may at his discretion value any

holding or holdings jointly or separately.

Designation if name of owner unknown

64. Where the name of the owner or occupier is not known it
shall be sufficient to designate him in the Valuation List and in any
proceedings to recover any rate as the “owner” or “occupier” of the
holding on which the rate is assessed without further description.

Returns may be required

65.—(1) In order to enable the local authority to assess the value
of holdings liable to assessment, the local authority may require the
owner or occupier thereof to furnish returns of the area, situation,
quality, use and rent thereof and to give all such information as may
be necessary for the preparation of the Valuation List or otherwise for
the purpose of such valuation, and for the like purpose the local
authority or any person appointed by it for that purpose may at any
time enter and inspect and if necessary survey the same.
(2) Any person who—
(a) refuses or fails to furnish such return or to give such
information within two weeks from the date of receipt of the
notice requiring him to do so;

(b) knowingly makes a false or incorrect return or gives

false or incorrect information;
(c) hinders, obstructs or prevents the local authority or any
person appointed by it from entering, inspecting or surveying any
such holding,

shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding two thousand

ringgit or to a term of imprisonment not exceeding one month or to
both such fine and imprisonment.
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Notice of new Valuation List to be published

66.—(1) Where any Valuation List has been prepared or

adopted under section 63, the local authority shall give notice of the

same and of the place where the Valuation List or a copy thereof may
be inspected in the Gazette and by way of advertisement in two local


(2) Any person claiming to be either the owner or occupier of

a holding included in the Valuation List or the agent of any such
person may inspect the Valuation List and make extracts therefrom
without charge.

(3) The local authority shall give notice in the same manner of
a day not being less than thirty days from the date of notification in the
Gazette when the local authority will proceed to revise the Valuation
List and in all cases in which any holding is for the first time valued or
the valuation thereon has increased the local authority shall also give
notice to the owner or occupier thereof.

67.—(1) Any person aggrieved on any of the following
(a) that any holding for which he is rateable is valued
beyond its rateable value;

(b) that any holding valued is not rateable;

(c) that any person who, or any holding which, ought to be
included in the Valuation List is omitted therefrom;
(d) that any holding is valued below its rateable value; or

(e) that any holding or holdings which have been jointly or

separately valued ought to be valued otherwise,

may make objection in writing to the local authority at any time not
less than fourteen days before the time fixed for the revision of the
Valuation List.
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(2) Every objection made under subsection (1) shall be

accompanied by a fee of twenty ringgit in respect of each holding on
the Valuation List.

[Sub. Cap. A69.]

(3) Every objection shall be enquired into by a committee duly
appointed by the local authority to hear and determine such objection.
[Ins. Cap. A69.]

(4) At the enquiry, the person making the objection shall be

allowed an opportunity of being heard either in person or by an
authorized agent or by a written request from him that the grounds of
his objection be read out to the committee.

Confirmation of new Valuation List

[Ins. Cap. A69.]

68.—(1) On or before the 31st day of December of the year

preceding the year in which any Valuation List is to come into force,
the local authority shall, with the approval of the Minister, confirm
such Valuation List with or without any amendment or revision and
the Valuation List so confirmed shall be deemed to be the Valuation
List until such time as it is superseded by another Valuation List.

(2) The confirmed Valuation List referred to in subsection (1)

shall be deposited in the office of the local authority and shall be open

during office hours to inspection by all owners and occupiers of

holdings comprised therein, and a notice that it is so open to
inspection stating the place of inspection shall forthwith be published.

(3) The local authority shall not be required to hear and

determine all objections to the Valuation List before confirming it in

accordance with subsection (1), and if any objection is not heard and
determined before the Valuation List is confirmed it shall be heard and
determined as soon as possible thereafter and with the like
consequences as if it has been heard and determined before the
Valuation List was so confirmed, and until the objection has been
heard and determined the increase in valuation or new valuation
objected to shall be deemed to be in force and be payable, provided
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that if the objection is upheld and the valuation is varied or reduced,

any excess rates paid shall be forthwith refunded to the objector.

Amendments to Valuation List

69.—(1) Where by reason of—

(a) a mistake, oversight or fraud the name of any person or
the particulars of any rateable holding which ought to have been
inserted in or omitted from the Valuation List, has been omitted
from or inserted in the Valuation List, as the case may be, or any
rateable holding has been insufficiently or excessively valued or

for any other reason whatsoever any rateable holding has not been
included in the Valuation List;

(b) any building erected, modified, altered, demolished or

rebuilt, or other improvements made upon a rateable holding the
value thereof has been increased;
(c) any building or part of a building being demolished or
any other works being carried out on the rateable holding the
value thereof has been decreased;
(d) any rateable holding which has been included in a joint
valuation and which in the opinion of the Valuation Officer ought
to have been valued separately or otherwise;
(e) the issue of any new titles in respect of any holdings; or
(f) any change to the rateable holding effected by any law

relating to planning as a result of which the value of the holding

has been increased or decreased,

the Valuation Officer may at any time amend the Valuation List
accordingly and rates shall be payable in respect of the holding in

question in accordance with the Valuation List so amended.

(2) Notice shall be given to all persons interested in the
amendment of a time, not less than twenty one days from the date of
service of such notice, at which the amendment is to be made.
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(3) Any person aggrieved by the amendment of the Valuation

List on any of the grounds specified in section 67 may make objection
in writing to the local authority not less than ten days before the time
fixed in the notice and shall be allowed an opportunity of being heard

in person or by an authorized agent.

(3A) Every objection made under subsection (3) shall be
accompanied by a fee of twenty ringgit in respect of each holding on
the Valuation List.
[Ins. Cap. A114.]

(4) Any amendment made under this section may, at the

List was prepared. Law

discretion of the local authority, have regard to the level of annual
rateable values prevailing as at or about the time the current Valuation

(5) Any amendment made in the Valuation List in accordance

with this section shall be confirmed by the local authority.

(6) Where on account of any amendment in the Valuation List

the rate payable in respect of any holding is enhanced, reduced or
extinguished, the new rate shall be payable, or the rate shall cease to
be payable, from the commencement of the next half year or such
earlier date as the local authority may determine.


70. Any person who having made an objection in the manner

prescribed by section 67 or 69 is dissatisfied with the decision of the
local authority thereon may within a period of thirty days from the
date of receipt of such decision appeal to a Rating Appeal Tribunal
established under section 88, by giving notice of appeal in Form A
prescribed in the Fourth Schedule and accompanied by a fee of fifty

ringgit in respect of each valuation appealed against: Provided that

upon the filing of the notice of appeal there shall be paid to the local
authority the amount of the rate appealed against.
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Power of local authority to levy cess

71. A local authority may, with the approval of the Majlis
Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri, for any of the purposes specified in
section 61(2), and either in lieu of or in addition to exercising the

powers conferred on it by that section, levy a cess or cesses on such

classes of persons as may be prescribed or, as may be determined by
the Minister, subject to the exemptions on the owners or occupiers of
such classes of holdings as may be prescribed or both.

Division of area and holdings for rates and cesses

72.—(1) For the purposes of this Part, the local authority may
divide its local authority area into two or more parts and may in
respect of such separate part or parts impose such rate or rates as may
be considered just and proper and the local authority may further
impose within such part or parts a differential rating in accordance
with the actual usage of the rateable holdings or part thereof.

(2) Any rate or cess made or levied by a local authority or

person under this Ordinance may vary as between different localities
within the local authority area, or different classes or descriptions of
holdings, or different classes or descriptions of persons.

Rates and other charges to be paid by the owner and until so paid
shall be a first charge

73.—(1)(a) All rates imposed upon any holding by a local

authority and all fees, charges and other moneys which may lawfully
be claimed by a local authority in respect of services rendered to or for
the benefit of the holding shall be paid by the owner thereof and until
so paid shall be a first charge on the holding in respect of which it is

(b) If any rate is not paid on or before the date fixed by the
local authority under subsection (2), a local authority may, without
prejudice to its rights under sections 75 and 83, issue a Warrant of
Attachment in Form A(1) of the Fourth Schedule and cause the same
to be registered with the appropriate Land Registry Office where the
holding in situated.
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(c) A Registrar or Assistant Registrar appointed under section

3 of the Land Code [Cap. 81 (1958. Ed.)] shall on presentation of the
Warrant of Attachment cause the same to be registered against the
holding described in the Warrant of Attachment and upon such

registration, the local authority shall be deemed to be a chargee of the

said holding for purposes of that Code.
[Sub. Cap. A114.]

(2) All rates imposed by a local authority shall become due

and payable on such date or dates as the local authority may fix from

time to time by notification published in the Gazette.

[Sub. Cap. A69.]

(2A) It shall be lawful for a local authority to allow such
discount on any rates paid on or before the date on which the same
become due and payable as may be approved by the Minister.

[Add. Cap. A114.]

Proceedings in default and surcharge

74.—(1) If any sum payable in respect of any rate remains
unpaid from the date upon which payment is due and payable, the
owner shall be liable to pay such sum together with a surcharge at
such rate as the local authority may fix from time to time by

notification published in the Gazette.

(2) If any amount of rate remains due and unpaid,

including the amount of any surcharge imposed under subsection (1),
it shall be deemed to be an arrear and may be recovered by the local
authority in accordance with section 75 or 83.

[Sub. Cap. A160/2013.]

Proceedings for recovery of an arrear

75.—(1) For the recovery of an arrear the local authority may
issue a warrant of attachment in Form B of the Fourth Schedule and
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may seize by virtue thereof any movable property belonging to the

owner or occupier liable to pay the same:

Provided that no warrant of attachment shall be issued by the

local authority unless it has served a notice, in Form C of the Fourth
Schedule, posted or delivered to the owner or any one of the owners, if

more than one, at the last known address, calling on him to pay the
arrear within fifteen days of the posting or delivery.

(2) The warrant shall be executed by an officer of the local

authority who shall make an inventory of the property attached

time of attachment.
thereunder, and shall at the same time give notice in Form D of the
Fourth Schedule, to the person in possession of the property at the

[Am. Cap. A114.]

(3) Such officer may break open in the daytime any house or
building for the purpose of effecting such attachment.

(4) The fee for a warrant of attachment shall be of such

amount as the local authority may fix from time to time and shall be
costs of the attachment.

Sale of property attached

76.—(1) Unless the arrear with costs be paid within seven days

from the date of the attachment, the property attached or such part
thereof as may be necessary shall be sold by public auction:
Provided that where the property seized is of a perishable nature
or where expense of keeping it in custody will exceed its value it may
be sold at once.

(2) The expenses of the maintenance of livestock and the

custody of movable property shall be costs of the attachment.

Application of proceeds of sale

77. The proceeds of sale shall be applied in satisfaction of the
arrear together with interest thereon at the rate of eight per centum per
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annum and costs, and the surplus, if any, shall be paid to the person in
possession of the property at the time of attachment.
Attachment and sale of rateable holdings

78. Upon registration of the Warrant of Attachment under

section 73(1)(b), the local authority shall have the same right as a
registered chargee to apply for the sale of the holding in accordance
with the provision of section 148(2) of the Land Code [Cap. 81 (1958
Ed.)] and the proceeds of the sale shall be paid out and distributed in
accordance to the priority of payment set out in section 151 of that

Recovery of costs Law [Sub. Cap. A114.]

79. All costs of any proceeding under this Part for the recovery
of arrears may be recovered as if they formed part of such arrears.
Power to stop sale
80. If any person having any interest in any property liable to
be sold under this Part at any time previous to such sale tenders the
arrear with interest and costs the local authority shall thereupon desist
from all further proceedings in respect thereof.

[Am. Cap. A114.]


Objection to attachment

81.—(1) If any person whose property has been attached under

this Part disputes the propriety of the attachment he may apply to the
Sessions Court in the case of the attachment of movable property, for
an order to stay the proceedings, and such Court after making such

enquiry as may be necessary shall make such order on the property as

may be just.

[Am. Cap. A114.]

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(2) No application shall be entertained by any Court unless the

applicant has deposited with the local authority the amount of the
arrear with interest and costs.
Recovery of rates paid by occupier

82. If the sum due from the owner of any rateable holding on
account of any rate or costs is paid by the occupier of such rateable
holdings such occupier may, notwithstanding anything contained in
any agreement or arrangement with the owner, deduct from the next
and following payments of his rent the amount which may have been
so paid by him.

Arrear may be sued as debt

83. Notwithstanding anything therein, an arrear may be sued
for and recovered as a debt in a court of competent jurisdiction by the
local authority in its official name from any person liable to pay the
Evidence of rates

84. The production of the books or records purporting to

contain any rate or assessment made under this Part shall, without any
other evidence whatever, be prima facie proof of the making and
validity of the rates or assessment mentioned therein.

Assessment, etc., not to be impeached for want of form

85.—(1) No valuation or rate assessed thereon, no charge or
demand of any rate and no attachment or sale shall be impeached or
affected by reason of any mistake in—

(a) the spelling of the name of any person liable to pay the


(b) the description of any rateable holding liable to such


(c) the amount of the rate assessed thereon; or

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(d) the mode of attachment or sale;

where the requirements of this Part or of any bylaw, rule or regulation

are in substance and effect complied with.

(2) No proceedings under this Part for the recovery of any rate
shall be quashed or set aside in any Court for want of form.

Liability of owner on subdivision or amalgamation of rateable


86. Whenever rateable holdings are subdivided or
amalgamated, the owner thereof shall be liable to pay until the end of
the year in which subdivision or amalgamation is effected or until the
coming into force of a new Valuation List, whichever is prior in time,
all rates, arrears, interest and costs due thereon as if such subdivision
or amalgamation had not been made.

Notice of transfer of rateable holdings

87.—(1) Whenever any rateable holding within a local
authority area is sold or transferred, it shall be the duty of the seller or
transferor and the purchaser or transferee within three months after
such sale or transfer to give notice thereof to the local authority in
Form F of the Fourth Schedule.
(2) Whenever the owner of any rateable holding within a local

authority area dies, it shall be the duty of the person becoming the
owner thereof by succession or otherwise to give notice thereof to the
local authority within a period of one year of the death in Form G of
the Fourth Schedule.
(3) On receipt of such notice the local authority may require

the production of the instrument effecting change of ownership or of a

certified copy thereof.
(4) Every person who sells or transfers any rateable holding
within a local authority area shall continue to be liable for the payment
of all rates payable in respect of such holding and for the performance
of all other obligations imposed by this Part or by any bylaw upon the
owner of such holding which become payable or are to be performed
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at any time before notice of such transfer has been given or until the
sale or transfer has been recorded in the books of the local authority.
(5) Nothing herein shall affect the liability of the purchaser or
transferee to pay the rates in respect of such holding or to perform

such obligation, or affect the right of the local authority to recover

such rate or to enforce such obligation under this Part notwithstanding
that such rates became payable or such obligations were imposed
before notice of such sale or transfer has been recorded.
(6) Every person who fails to give any notice under this
section shall be guilty of an offence.

Rateable holding not to be transferred, etc., while rates and other
charges unpaid
87A.(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Land
Code [Cap. 81 (1958 Ed.)] or any rules made thereunder, the Registrar
or Assistant Registrar appointed under section 3 thereof shall not
register any documents or instruments evidencing a dealing affecting
any rateable holding the registration of which is required to be or may
be registered under that Code unless the application for such
registration is accompanied by the original certificate having a validity
period of not more than thirty days from the date of its issue and
signed by the Chief Administrative Officer of the local authority
having jurisdiction in respect of such holding to the effect that
(a) all amounts due to the local authority by the owner or

occupier of such holding in respect of rates or other charges for

services rendered in relation to such holding have been paid; and

(b) all amounts due by the owner or occupier of such

holding on account of expenses incurred by the local authority in
relation to such holding under the provisions of this Ordinance

have been paid.

[Sub. Cap. A160/2013.]

(2) A certificate as in Form G(1) of the Fourth Schedule

stating whether or not such rates, charges or expenses are due may be
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issued to the applicant for such registration or to his advocate or agent

on demand.

[Add. Cap. A114.]

Rating Appeals Tribunal

88.—(1) A local authority shall appoint a Rating Appeals

Tribunal consisting of a Chairman who shall not be a member of the
local authority, and not more than four other members.

(2) Each member of the Tribunal shall hold office for such
period not exceeding three years as the local authority may direct:
Provided that when any Councillor appointed to be a member of
the Tribunal ceases to hold office as a Councillor he shall thereupon
cease to be a member of the Tribunal.
(3) Three members of the Tribunal shall form a quorum.

(4) The Chairman and each member of the Tribunal shall be

paid a sitting allowance of not more than one hundred and fifty ringgit
for each day or any part thereof when the Tribunal meets to hear any
appeal or case or for any deliberation thereon.
(5) The Chairman of the Tribunal shall, in addition to his
deliberative vote as a member of the Tribunal, have a casting vote.

(6) The procedure of the Tribunal shall be as determined by

the Tribunal with the concurrence of the local authority.

(7) At the time and place specified in the notice given by the
local authority, the Tribunal shall hear all objections which may be
urged against any valuation by or on behalf of any person by whom

due notice thereof has been given under section 70, and shall inquire
into the merits of such objections, and shall confirm, alter, increase or
reduce any valuation objected to, and shall make such additions and
alterations to the Valuation List as are necessary to give effect to its
decision, and the Chairman shall sign and certify such additions and
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Provided that the Tribunal may adjourn from time to time upon
the application of any person objecting, who shall show reasonable
grounds for not being ready with proofs, or for the purpose of
obtaining further evidence in regard to any case which shall have been

partly heard.

(8) The Chief Administrative Officer of the local authority and
the person objecting may appear and be heard before the Tribunal
either personally or by agent.

(9) The Tribunal shall have the powers of a Sessions Court in

regard to compelling attendance of witnesses and production of
documents and maintaining order at the hearing. Any person interested
shall be entitled to a copy of the record and report of the Tribunal on
paying the appropriate fees chargeable for copies of records in the
Sessions Court.

(10) The Tribunal may order any person to pay the costs of any
hearing or proceeding before the Tribunal. Such costs may include the
expenses of the Tribunal and the allowances paid under subsection
Decision of Tribunal to be recorded on objection notice
89. The decision of the Tribunal shall be signed by the
Chairman, and shall be noted in writing upon the notice given in
section 70, and such notice shall be kept on record in the office of the

Secretary and shall during office hours be open to inspection by any

person affected by such decision.

Appeal from the Tribunal

90.—(1) The local authority, or any person aggrieved by any

decision of the Tribunal, may, within a period of three months from

the date of such decision, appeal to the High Court and such appeal
shall be conducted, as nearly as may be, in conformity with the law
and practice for the time being in force relating to appeals in civil
cases from a subordinate court to the High Court.
(2) The Chairman of the Tribunal may, on his own volition or
on the application of any party, state a case for the opinion of a Judge
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of the High Court or a Sessions Court on any question of law arising

out of any objection to the Valuation List, or any entry therein, which
may be brought before him.

Provision for rating buildings on untitled land or reserved land

90A.—(1) In the case of buildings erected on any land which is
not held under a separate document of title or on land reserved for a
public purpose and not occupied by the Federal or State Governmens
or a public authority, the local authority may impose the rates referred
to in section 61 upon the annual rateable value of all or any of such

buildings, and the occupiers of such buildings shall be liable to pay the
said rates.
(2) This Part shall apply to any rates imposed under subsection
(1) except that in the application thereof references to a “holding”
shall be deemed to be references to a “building”, and references to the
“owner” of a holding shall be deemed to be references to the
“occupier” of a building.

[Ins. Cap. A69.]

Existing Valuation List to be used as basis for rating of holdings
90B. Notwithstanding the provisions of this Ordinance, until
such time as a new Valuation List is prepared and certified in
accordance with this Part, the Valuation List furnished or prepared by
a local authority under any written law repealed by this Ordinance

shall notwithstanding such repeal be the basis of the rates to be levied

in respect of rateable holdings contained in such Valuation List and
such Valuation List shall be deemed to be the Valuation List for the
time being in force in the local authority area concerned.
[Ins. Cap. A69.]


General power to make bylaws

91. In addition to the powers of making bylaws expressly or
impliedly conferred upon it by any other provisions of this Ordinance,
For Reference Only


and subject to sections 92 and 93, every local authority may from time
to time make, amend and revoke bylaws in respect of all such matters
as are necessary or desirable for the maintenance of the health, safety,
quality of life and well being of the inhabitants or for the good order

and government of the local authority area and in particular in respect

of all or any of the following purposes:

(a) to regulate the repairing, cleaning, watering and

lighting of streets, roads, canals and bridges;

(b) to regulate, license, restrict, prohibit or remove the

exhibition of advertisements;

(c) to regulate the planting, preservation and removal of

trees, flowers and shrubs in public places;

(d) to provide for the protection from damage or

interference of any local authority works or property situated or
being in, under or over any public or private place within the local
authority area;

(e) to provide for the establishment, regulation and

management of any public park, walk, recreation and pleasure
ground, garden, swimming pool, lake, stadium, library, art
gallery, museum, theater, restaurant, hall, assembly room, or
aquarium under the control of the local authority by virtue of this

Ordinance and any other written laws;

(f) to regulate within the local authority area the landing
and temporary storage of goods upon public quays, wharves and
streets, adjacent to any port, or any waterway connected
therewith, and to fix the fees to be charged in respect of such
temporary storage;

(g) to regulate any public sales held in any public place;

(h) to designate or regulate the streets or areas within
which specified trades, businesses or callings may or may not be
established or carried on;
[Am. Cap. A160/2013.]
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68 CAP. 20

(i) [Repealed by Cap. 33];

(j) to regulate the provision and standard of public

transport services;

(k) to regulate the maintenance and upkeep of private
gardens, property or land and for the clearance of rank vegetation
in any property;

(l) (i) to regulate, supervise and license trishaws,

rickshaws, carriages and carts and to prescribe the rates or fares,

whether by distance or time within or without the local authority
area to be charged for such services, the number of passengers
and the weights, dimensions, and nature of the loads to be carried
and the mode of construction thereof;
(ii) to prescribe standards of medical and physical fitness
and efficiency for the riders, drivers or haulers or trishaws or
carts, as the case may be;
(m) to provide for the registration or licensing of bicycles
and tricycles;
(n) [Repealed by Cap. 33];
(o) to regulate laundries and places for the cleaning or
washing of vehicles;

(p) to regulate the maintenance and cleanliness of building,

including the whitewashing thereof;
(q) to control and supervise, by registration, licensing or
otherwise, including in proper cases by prohibition, a trade,
business or industry which is of an obnoxious nature or which
could be a source of nuisance to the public or a class of the

(r) to control and regulate land or building used for the
keeping or rearing of livestocks and animals;

(s) to regulate the use and enjoyment of all public

amenities or facilities under the control of the local authority;
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(t) to provide for the offences under this Ordinance and

any bylaw which may be compounded by the local authority, the
persons who may compound, the limit of the sum of money to be
collected by such local authority for compounding such offences

and the procedure and forms to be complied with in


(u) to provide and maintain a system for the collection,

removal, handling, treatment, processing and disposal of all types
of waste generated within its area of jurisdiction, and to regulate
and control the establishment and maintenance of waste disposal

facilities including waste treatment or processing plant,
incinerators, landfill sites and the like, and to regulate the manner,
process or method for the collection, removal, handling,
treatment, processing and disposal of waste, and to determine the
ownership of and rights to all waste materials and substances after
their collection, removal, treatment or processing by a local
authority or any person or agent appointed by a local authority for
the collection, removal, handling, treatment, processing or
disposal of waste;
[Sub. Cap. A69.]

(v) to establish and regulate public car parks including the

provision and limitation of any fees chargeable for the parking of
vehicles therein;

(w) to control or regulate the removal of earth, sand, stone

or rock and the conveyance, transport and removal of earth, sand,
stone or rocks along or through any public road;

(x) to provide for the burial of paupers in accordance with


the religion and custom of the deceased; and

(y) in so far as they do not fall within any of the preceding

paragraphs, to provide for all procedural and other matters which
by this Ordinance are required or permitted to be prescribed, or
which are necessary or convenient to be prescribed for carrying
out or giving effect to the provisions of this Ordinance.
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70 CAP. 20

Bylaws to be approved by Yang di-Petua Negeri

92. Every bylaw under this Ordinance shall not have effect
until it is approved by the Yang di-Petua Negeri and published in the


Yang di-Petua Negeri’s power to make bylaws

93. The Yang di-Petua Negeri may make, amend or revoke any
bylaw for any local authority, and such bylaw, amendment or
revocation shall come into effect on such date or dates as may be

specified or provided for in such bylaws.

Penalties for breaches of bylaws

[Am. Cap. A69.]

94. A local authority may, by bylaw, prescribe for the breach

of any bylaw a fine not exceeding five hundred thousand ringgit or a
term of imprisonment not exceeding five years or both such fine and
imprisonment and in the case of a continuing offence a sum not
exceeding two thousand ringgit for each day during which such
offence is continued after conviction.
[Am. Cap. A160/2013.]

Power to demand monetary deposit from applicant for licence or


95. Where the local authority is empowered to make bylaws

prohibiting, restricting or regulating the doing of any act and such
bylaws require any person to obtain a licence or a permit before the
doing of such act, such bylaws may provide for a deposit of such sum,
or the execution of a bond with or without sureties in such sum, as

may be prescribed in such bylaws, such sum to be refunded or such

bond to be void, as the case may be, if the person to whom such
licence or permit is granted complies with all the conditions of the
licence or permit.
For Reference Only


Publication of bylaws in the Gazette constitutes notice

96. The publication in the Gazette of any bylaw shall constitute
sufficient notice of the bylaw and of the due approval by the Yang di-
Petua Negeri.




Restriction on exercise of powers, etc.
97.—(1) No local authority shall exercise any power or perform
any duties not expressly provided for under this Ordinance or under
any other written laws.
(2) Where a local authority is in doubt as to whether it should
exercise any power or perform any duty, the local authority shall seek
a ruling from the Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri, through the
Minister, relating to the intended exercise of such power or the
performance of any such duty.
(3) The ruling of the Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri given
under subsection (2) shall be final and binding on the local authority

General duties
98. A local authority shall—

(a) carry out and implement, or assist in the

implementation or execution of any works, project and scheme

which the State Government has decided to carry out or

implement in the area within the jurisdiction of the local
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72 CAP. 20

(b) assist generally the officers of the Federal and State

Governments in the execution of their official duties and in
particular, to maintain and upkeep public roads, buildings and
other facilities, and to maintain public health and assist to prevent

and suppress diseases;

(c) aid in the collection of revenue due to the Federal and
State Governments;

(d) keep the area within its jurisdiction clean and hygienic;

(e) keep and maintain such official records as may be
required by the Minister;

(f) take such steps as may be necessary and expedient

generally to improve and maintain a good and healthy standard of
living for people within its area of jurisdiction; and

(g) take such steps as may be required to enhance the

environment and to prevent pollution of the areas within its

Vesting of public places in a local authority


99.—(1) The Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri may, by Order

signified in the Gazette, vest in a local authority any public place
within the local authority area upon the conditions and restrictions, if
any, specified therein.

(2) A local authority shall, as from the date of vesting, have


the general control and care of all places within the local authority
area which have been vested in the local authority for the use of the
public or for the protection and preservation of the greens therein
under the Public Parks and Greens Ordinance, 1993 [Cap. 3].
For Reference Only


Power temporarily to close public places

100. A local authority may temporarily close any public place
vested in it or under its control.

Power to erect public buildings in open public places

101. A local authority may erect and maintain in any open
public place buildings for public purposes and may set apart any such
public place or any portion thereof for any purposes which the local
authority may from time to time think fit.

Conditions and restrictions in regard to closure of public place
102. A local authority may, with the approval of the Majlis
Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri, permanently close any public place or
alter the boundaries thereof.

Naming of public places, etc.

103.—(1) A local authority may, with the approval of the Majlis
Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri, determine the name by which any public
place or public road or housing estate or housing scheme shall be
known and may, with such approval, from time to time alter the name
of any public place or public road or housing estate or housing scheme
or of any part thereof whether or not such name was applied to such
place, road, estate or scheme before the commencement of this


[Am. Cap. A94.]

(2) A local authority may from time to time cause the

buildings or other structures fronting upon any road or other public
place, to be allocated or assigned with such numbers as it may think

fit, and may further at its discretion, change or vary any such number.

(3) Any person who destroys, pulls down, covers, conceals or

defaces any such name or number or, without the written permission
of the local authority, puts up any name or number different from the
name or number put up, assigned or allocated by the local authority,
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74 CAP. 20

shall be guilty of an offence: Penalty, a fine not exceeding one

thousand ringgit.
[Ins. Cap. A94.]


104. A local authority shall have power to do all or any of the
following things:
(a) to establish, maintain and carry out such sanitary
services for the removal and destruction of, or otherwise dealing

with, night-soil, slops, rubbish, litter, dead animals and all kinds
of refuse, waste and effluent;
(b) to establish, erect, maintain, let, control and license
markets and market buildings, lodging houses, houses, rooms or
buildings kept for public refreshment, shops, stalls and stands,
and to control the occupation and use thereof;
(c) to license temporary buildings, stalls, tables,
showboards, barrows, carts, tricycles or other receptacles,
whether stationary or otherwise, set up or used for the sale or
exposing for sale of—
(i) any food or drink in streets, public places or
places of public resort or on private premises;

(ii) goods other than food or drink in streets,

public places or places of public resort, and to seize,
destroy or dispose of the same if they are not so licensed;
(d) to establish, erect and maintain public lavatories,
closets and urinals, either above or below ground, in any public
place and to impose such fees or charges for the use thereof;

(e) to establish, erect and maintain abattoirs, whether

within or without the local authority area;
(f) to safeguard and promote the public health and to take
all necessary and reasonably practicable measures—
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(i) for preventing the occurrence of any infectious,

communicable or preventable disease;
(ii) for maintaining its area in a clean and sanitary

(iii) for preventing the occurrence of, or for

remedying or causing to be remedied, any nuisance or
condition likely to be injurious or dangerous to health; and
(iv) for ensuring that any food is sold or exposed or
offered for sale is safe and fit for human consumption;

(g) to establish, erect, equip, maintain, control and operate
cold storage works and depots for the inspection of meat;
(h) to establish, erect, equip, maintain, control and operate
depots for the inspection, treatment, distribution, purchase and
sale of milk or milk products;
(i) to provide or designate places and facilities for the
taking of baths and washing of clothes in areas which are not
served or adequately served with water supply; and
(j) to establish, erect, maintain, control and operate
disinfecting stations.

Powers to make bylaws on sanitation and cleanliness

105. A local authority may from time to time make, amend or
revoke bylaws for the better carrying out of the provisions of this

Ordinance and in particular—

(a) (i) to establish, maintain and compel the use of any
service for the removal or destruction of, or dealing with, night-
soil, slops, rubbish, litter, dead animals and all kinds of waste,
refuse and effluent and to require the owners or occupiers of any

premises to effect such removal, destruction or dealing and to

regulate and control the manner thereof;
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76 CAP. 20

(ii) to keep public places clean and free from filth, rubbish,
litter or refuse and to prohibit the throwing, dropping or
depositing of any filth, rubbish, litter, glass, tins or other
containers, papers, dead animals, waste or flushing water or other

refuse, liquid or solid, on or in any stream, channel or other water

course, and prevent any such liquid from flowing into any such
place, and to regulate or prohibit the bathing or washing of
persons, animals or things in any such place;
(iii) to prohibit, remove, abate and prevent the occurrence
of nuisances:

Provided that in any case where it appears that a nuisance
existing within the local authority area is wholly or partly caused
by some act or default outside the local authority area,
proceedings may be taken against any person in respect of such
act or default in the same manner and with the same incidence
and consequences as if the act or default were wholly within the
local authority area;
(iv) to secure the proper construction and maintenance of
stables, goat-pens, cattle sheds, pigstyes and poultry houses, and
to prevent the keeping of birds or animals on premises which are
not constructed in accordance with the bylaws or are so
constructed or situated that birds or animals if kept therein are
likely to cause a nuisance, or pollution to any stream, river or
water catchment area, and to prohibit the keeping of birds or

animals on any premises which the Health Officer certifies to be

so situated as to be unfit for the purpose;
(v) to prohibit the feeding or grazing of any animals in any
place other than those set apart for such purpose;
(b) (i) to preserve the public health;
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(ii) to prevent the outbreak and spread of diseases, to

declare what diseases are notifiable, and to provide for the
compulsory removal of persons suffering from any such disease
to suitable hospitals or places of isolation and their detention and

treatment therein where, in the opinion of the Health Officer, such

removal, detention and treatment are necessary either for the
protection of the public health or by reason of the insufficiency or
unsuitability of the patient’s lodging or accommodation;
(iii) to regulate and enforce quarantine, the disinfection of
persons, the disinfection of places and things, and to authorize the
seizure and detention and to ensure the destruction, when in the

opinion of the Health Officer such destruction is necessary, of
articles which are infected or which have been exposed to
infection, upon payment of compensation to the owner thereof,
such amount to be settled by agreement or arbitration;

(iv) to provide for penalties for failing to give on demand

by the Health Officer any information or to produce any
documentary or other evidence required by the Health Office for
the purpose of tracing the source and preventing the spread of
(v) to require the closing of schools or trade premises
which are suspected of being or are likely to become sources of
infection, and to prohibit persons who are or are suspected of
being or are likely to become infected from carrying on any trade

or business or engaging in any occupation which may cause the

spread of any disease;
(vi) to require persons arriving in the local authority area
from places infected, or suspected of being infected, with any
notifiable disease, or by any vessel, aircraft or other means of

conveyance so infected or suspected of being infected, to report to

the Health Officer and to communicate to him such information
as may be prescribed;
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78 CAP. 20

(c) (i) to provide for the inspection and examination of

any article of food or drink or of ice which is for sale or exposed
for sale;

(ii) to regulate, control, inspect and supervise the

manufacture, preparation, storage, handling, transmission and
conveyance of any article of food or drink or of ice which is for
sale or exposed for sale;

(iii) to prohibit the introduction into the local authority area,

the possession, sale or offering for sale for the purpose of human

consumption or the handling, other than for the purpose of
destruction, of diseased animals, birds, meat or fish or of fruits,
vegetables or other articles of food or drink which are unsound,
unwholesome or otherwise unfit for human consumption;
(iv) to authorize the seizure, inspection and examination
and to ensure the destruction, when in the opinion of the Health
Officer such destruction is necessary, of any diseased animals,
birds, meat or fish or of fruits, vegetables or other articles of food
or drink which are unsound, unwholesome or otherwise unfit for
human consumption;
(v) to provide for the detention pending examination or
inquiry of animals, birds or other articles of food or drink or of

(d) (i) for regulating the control and use of markets and
the buildings, shops, sheds, stalls, pens and any other erections
therein and for preventing nuisances or obstructions therein or in
the immediate approaches thereto;
(ii) for providing standard weights, scales and measures for

use in markets and for preventing the use therein of false or

defective weights, scales or measures.
(iii) for ensuring that markets are kept in a clean and proper
state and that filth and refuse are removed therefrom;
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(iv) for licensing or otherwise controlling persons selling or

offering for sale any article whatsoever in markets;
(v) for prescribing the fees to be paid for licences for

operating markets and for offering articles for sale therein;

(vi) for regulating the days upon and the hours during
which markets may be held;
(vii) for prohibiting the establishment of any market within
a local authority area without the permission of the local authority
and for prescribing the conditions and restrictions subject to

which such permission may be granted;
(e) to regulate the slaughtering of animals and to provide
for the establishment, control, supervision and inspection of
abattoirs within the local authority area and for—

(i) the inspection of animals before being

slaughtered and of their carcasses;
(ii) the detention for observation and treatment of
animals brought for slaughter and suspected of being
(iii) the slaughtering of animals brought to be
slaughtered which are diseased or by reason of emaciation
or otherwise are in the opinion of the Health Officer unfit
for human consumption;

(iv) the disposal of the carcasses of diseased

(v) the marking of the carcasses of animals
slaughtered in abattoirs to denote that such animals have
been so slaughtered;

(vi) the prohibition of the slaughtering of animals

within the limits of the local authority area otherwise than
in an authorized abattoir or place;
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80 CAP. 20

(vii) the prohibition, except with a permit granted

by the local authority, of the introduction into the local
authority area for human consumption of the meat of any

animal slaughtered outside the local authority area;

(viii) the entry by any authorized officer of the local
authority by day or night into any premises in which he has
reason to believe that any animal is likely to be, is being or
has been slaughtered in contravention of any bylaws;

(f) to regulate, inspect, supervise and license temporary

when not so licensed; Law

buildings, stalls, tables, showboards, barrows, carts, tricycles and
other receptacles and to seize, destroy or dispose of the same

(g) to regulate, supervise and license pedlars, hawkers and

street traders and to prescribe streets or areas in which peddling,
hawking or street trading shall be prohibited;
(h) to regulate and control the use of public baths, wash-
houses, laundries and places for washing clothes, established by
the local authority;
(i) to regulate, inspect and license swimming places and
bathing establishments and to prohibit or regulate bathing in any
open water in the local authority area;

(j) to regulate, inspect and license the use of public

lavatories, closets, urinals and subways;
(k) to regulate the types and specifications of temporary
sanitary conveniences to be used or installed on any site or
premises where construction or building works are undertaken

and in progress, and the type, condition or standard of

accommodation for workers and employees staying, occupying or
temporarily residing on such site or premises;
[Am. Cap. A69.]
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(l) to prescribe conditions for the conveyance of animals,

birds or fish, whether dead or alive, and of meat, vegetables or
fruits in any street or public place;
[Am. Cap. A69.]

(m) to prohibit or regulate any method of cultivation, the

use of any kind of manure or fertilizer or any method of irrigation
which in the opinion of the local authority is offensive or
injurious to health;
[Am. Cap. A69.]

(n) to prohibit, regulate, inspect, supervise and license the
keeping of, and to seize, destroy and dispose of, animals, birds or
fish within the local authority area; and
[Am. Cap. A69.]
(o) to provide for and to regulate the exercise of the
powers, authority and functions of officers and employees of a
local authority, to investigate or arrest any person suspected of
committing any offence against any bylaws or regulations made
under this Ordinance, and to seize, detain or arrest anything,
equipment, tool, vehicle or vessel suspected to have been used in
the commission of such offence, and to deal with sell or
otherwise dispose of such thing, equipment tool, vehicle or
vessel, upon the seizure or detention thereof.
[Am. Cap. A69.]

106. [Repealed by Cap. 30.]

Power to enter and cleanse houses or buildings

107.—(1) The Health Officer, or any officer authorized by the

local authority in that behalf in writing, may at any time enter and

inspect all houses and buildings and by an order in writing direct the
owner or occupier to cause within a time to be specified in such order
all or any part thereof to be internally and externally colour washed or
distempered or otherwise cleansed for sanitary reasons and if
necessary disinfected and all dirt or rubbish to be removed or
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82 CAP. 20

(2) If such order is not complied with within the time

specified, the owner or occupier shall be guilty of an offence and shall
on conviction be liable to a fine not exceeding one thousand ringgit or
to a term of imprisonment not exceeding six months or to both such

fine and imprisonment and to a further fine not exceeding one hundred

ringgit for each day after conviction until the order is complied with.

(3) No entry shall be made into any dwelling house in actual

occupation, not being a common lodging house, without six hours’
previous notice to the occupier unless with his consent.

Destruction of rats and mice

108.—(1) Where the Health Officer is of the opinion that any
premises are so infested with rats, mice, insects or other vermin as to
be a danger to the health of the persons in the house or of the
community, he may serve notice on the owner or occupier of such
premises, calling upon him to take such measures as the local
authority considers necessary for the destruction of such rats, mice,
insects or other vermin and for the removal of their breeding places
and for preventing their reappearance.
(2) Any owner or occupier who does not comply with such
notice within seven days of the service thereof shall be guilty of an
offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine not exceeding two
thousand ringgit or to a term of imprisonment not exceeding six

months or to both such fine and imprisonment and to a further fine not
exceeding one hundred ringgit for each day after conviction during
which the work is not carried out, and the local authority may enter
upon the premises and take such measures as it considers necessary
for carrying out the purposes of this section.

Closing and demolition, etc., of insanitary dwellings

109.—(1) Where the Health Officer has certified in writing that
in his opinion any building or part of a building or anything attached
to a building used or occupied as a dwelling is unfit for human
habitation and cannot be rendered fit therefor without the removal,
alteration or demolition in whole or in part of any partition,
compartment, loft, gallery, pentroof, out house or other structure or
For Reference Only


erection or without the execution of such alterations or structural

operations as he specifies, he may by notice in writing require the
owner thereof to carry into effect all or any of the following things:
(a) the removal, alteration or demolition of the whole or

part of the partitions or other erections or obstructions

complained of; and
(b) the execution of such alterations or structural
operations as are necessary to render the premises fit for human
habitation and to guard against danger of disease.
(2) The notice shall specify the period, which shall not be less

than seven days, within which the work is to be completed.
(3) If the notice has not been complied with, a Magistrate’s
Court may, on the application of the local authority, make a mandatory
order requiring the owner to carry into effect all or any of the things
specified in the said notice.
(4) Any person who without the express sanction in writing of
the local authority replaces any partition, erection or obstruction
removed under subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence and shall
on conviction be liable to a fine not exceeding one thousand ringgit or
to a term of imprisonment not exceeding six months or to both such
fine and imprisonment and to a further fine not exceeding one hundred
ringgit for each day after conviction during which the work is not
carried out, and the local authority may enter upon such premises and
remove such partition, erection or obstruction.

(5) The local authority may for the purpose of carrying out the
provisions of subsection (1), by notice to be posted in a conspicuous
position upon the building, require the owner or occupier, as the case
may be, to cease to inhabit the building and to remove all goods,
furniture and effects from the building within forty-eight hours from

the posting of the notice, or within such extended period as the local
authority may allow.

(6) The owner and every occupying tenant shall thereupon

comply with the requirements of the notice.
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84 CAP. 20

(7) Any owner or occupier in default shall be guilty of an

offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine not exceeding one
thousand ringgit for each day during the period in which he has failed
to comply with the requirements of the notice.

(8) Notwithstanding subsection (7), at the expiration of

fortyeight hours from the posting of the notice or such extended period
under subsection (5), the local authority may remove all goods,
furniture and effects from the building.

Overcrowding of houses

110.—(1) Any person who permits a house to be so
overcrowded as to be injurious or dangerous to the health of the
inhabitants shall be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be
liable to a fine not exceeding three thousand ringgit or to a term of
imprisonment not exceeding one year or to both such fine and
imprisonment and to a further fine not exceeding two hundred ringgit
for each day during which the offence is continued after conviction.

(2) For the purpose of this Ordinance, a house shall be deemed

to be so overcrowded as to be injurious or dangerous to the health of
the inhabitants thereof if it or any room therein is found to be
inhabited in excess of the proportion of one adult to every ten cubic
metres of clear internal space, and in such calculation every person
over ten years of age shall be deemed an adult and two children not
exceeding ten years of age shall be counted as an adult.

Nuisances to be abated
111. The local authority shall take steps to remove, put down
and abate all nuisances of a public nature within the local authority
area on public or private premises and may proceed at law against any

person committing any such nuisances for the abatement thereof and
for damages.

Nuisances liable to be dealt with summarily under this Ordinance

112. For the purpose of this Ordinance—

For Reference Only


(a) any premises or part thereof of such a construction or

in such a state as to be a nuisance;
(b) any animal kept in such place or manner or in such
numbers as to be a nuisance;

(c) any accumulation or deposit which is a nuisance or is
or is likely to become a breeding place for mosquitoes or flies or
any vermin;
(d) any factory, workshop or work place which is so
overcrowded while work is carried on as to be a nuisance;

(e) any huts or sheds, whether used as dwellings or as
stables or for any other purpose, which are by reason of the
manner in which the huts or sheds are crowded together or the
want of drainage or the impracticability of scavenging or for any
other reason a nuisance;
(f) any pool or ditch the water from which is used or likely
to be used by man for drinking or domestic purpose or for
manufacturing drink for the use of man and which is so polluted
or is likely to become a nuisance;
(g) any tank, well, pool, watercourse, ditch or low marshy
ground which is injurious to health or offensive to the
neighbourhood or is likely to become a breeding place for

(h) any fireplace or furnace and any chimney sending off

smoke or other unconsumed combustible matter in such quantity
as to be a nuisance;
(i) any brickfield, sandpit or any other kind of excavation
which is injurious to health or offensive to the neighbourhood or
used for any purpose likely to become a nuisance;

(j) any dust or effluvia caused by any trade, business,

manufacture or process which is prejudicial to health or offensive
to the neighbourhood;
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86 CAP. 20

(k) any activity, including the playing of any musical

instrument and equipment, that would generate or cause to
generate noise to a level which disturbs or affects the peace and
tranquillity of, or is likely to be offensive to, the neighbourhood;


(l) any other matter declared by the Minister to be a

shall be liable to be dealt with summarily under this Ordinance.

Notice requiring abatement of nuisance

113.—(1) On the receipt of any information respecting the
existence of a nuisance liable to be dealt with summarily under this
Ordinance, the local authority shall, if satisfied of the existence of a
nuisance, serve a notice on the person by whose act, default or
sufferance the nuisance arose or, if such person cannot be found, on
the occupier or owner of the premises on which the nuisance exists,
requiring him to abate the same within the time specified in the notice
and to execute such works and do such things as are necessary for that
purpose and, if the local authority thinks it desirable, specifying any
works to be executed.
(2) The local authority may also by the same or another notice
serve on such occupier, owner or person requiring him to do what is
necessary for preventing the recurrence of the nuisance and, if it thinks
it desirable, specifying any works to be executed for that purpose, and

may serve that notice notwithstanding that the nuisance had for the
time being been abated if the local authority considers that it is likely
to recur on the same premises.

(3) Where the nuisance arises from any want or defect of a

structural character or where the premises are unoccupied, the notice

shall be served on the owner.

(4) Where the person causing the nuisance cannot be found the
local authority may itself abate the same and may recover the expenses
thereof from the owner.
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(5) Where a notice has been served on a person and such

person makes default in complying with any of the requirements of the
notice within the time specified, he shall be guilty of an offence and
shall on conviction be liable to a fine not exceeding two thousand

ringgit or to a term of imprisonment not exceeding six months or to

both such fine and imprisonment and in addition the Magistrate’s
Court may issue a nuisance order.

(6) A nuisance order may be an abatement order or a closing

order or a combination of both.

(7) An abatement order shall require a person to comply with
all or any of the requirements of the notice, or to abate the nuisance
within a time specified in the order.
(8) An abatement order shall specify the works to be executed
by such person for the purpose of abating the nuisance.
(9) A closing order shall prohibit a dwelling house from being
used for human habitation and shall be cancelled on the application of
the local authority when it has been subsequently rendered fit for
human habitation.
(10) Any person who fails to comply with the provisions of a
nuisance order shall be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be
liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred and fifty ringgit for each
day during the period of his default.

(11) Notwithstanding subsections (5) and (10), the local

authority may itself abate the nuisance and recover all expenses
thereof from the person in default.
(12) Where a closing order has been made with respect to any
dwelling house, the local authority shall serve a copy of the order on

every occupier of the dwelling house and if he fails to comply with

such order the local authority may, with the assistance of the police,
eject the occupier therefrom.
(13) A notice, an abatement order and a closing order under this
section shall be in Forms H, I and J respectively of the Fourth
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88 CAP. 20

Order for demolition of house unfit for habitation

114.—(1) Where a closing order has been made in respect of
any dwelling house and the local authority is of the opinion that the

continued existence of such dwelling house is dangerous or injurious
to the health of the public or of the inhabitants of the neighbouring

dwelling house it may make a complaint to a Magistrate’s Court, and
such Court after hearing the complaint may make on the owner a
summary order for the demolition of such dwelling house within a
time specified in such order.
(2) Any person who fails to comply with the summary order

his default. Law

shall be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine
not exceeding one hundred ringgit for each day during the period of

(3) Where a person fails to comply with the provisions of a

summary order the local authority may execute the order and may
recover the cost of such work from the owner.

Power to proceed where cause of nuisance arises outside local

authority area
115. Where a nuisance within, or affecting any part of, a local
authority area appears to be wholly or partly caused by some act or
default committed or being committed outside the local authority area,
the local authority may take, or cause to be taken, against any person
in respect of that act or default any proceedings in relation to

nuisances by this Ordinance authorized in the like cases, and with like
incidence and consequences, as if the act or default was committed or
took place wholly within the local authority area.

Committing nuisance in streams, etc.

116. Any person who commits a nuisance or deposits any filth

in or upon the bank of any stream, channel, public drain or other

watercourse within the local authority area shall be guilty of an
offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine not exceeding two
thousand ringgit or to a term of imprisonment not exceeding one year
or to both such fine and imprisonment and to a further fine not
exceeding five hundred ringgit for each day during which the offence
is continued after conviction.
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Pollution of streams with trade refuse, etc.

117. Any person who, within or without the limits of a local
authority area,—

(a) puts or causes to be put or to fall or to flow or

knowingly permits to be put or to fall or to flow or to be carried
into any stream, so as either singly or in combination with other
acts of the same or any other person to interfere with its due flow
or to pollute its waters, the solid or liquid refuse of any
manufactory, manufacturing process or quarry or any rubbish or
cinders or any other waste or any putrid matter;

matter; or Law
(b) cause to fall or flow or knowingly permits to fall or
flow or to be carried into any stream any solid or liquid sewage

(c) uses, for the purpose of carrying on any laundary trade,

any stream, channel, public drain or other watercourse or pool,
pond or tank,

shall be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine

not exceeding five thousand ringgit or to a term of imprisonment not
exceeding two years or to both such fine and imprisonment and to a
further fine not exceeding five hundred ringgit for each day during
which the offence is continued after conviction.

Local authority may recover for work done


118.—(1) Where any expenses are incurred by the local

authority in carrying out any work as a result of any offence
committed by any person under this Ordinance, the local authority
shall certify the cost thereof to the person in default and the certificate
of the local authority shall be conclusive proof of the sum due.

(2) Such sum shall be deemed to be a debt due to the local

authority and may be recovered by the same means and in manner
provided by this Ordinance for the recovery of an arrear of rates.
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Control over public roads

119. A local authority which has been declared as an
appropriate authority by the Federal Minister charged with the

responsibility for local government under section 67 of the Road
Transport Act, 1987 [Act 333] shall have the following powers and
exercise the following functions in respect of public roads, other than
a Federal road, within its local authority area,:
(a) such functions and duties as are conferred by Part III of

the Road Transport Act, 1987 [Act 333] on an appropriate
maintain, repair, upkeep, improve or upgrade such

(c) subject to the State Roads Ordinance, 1994 [Cap. 9], to

require any person responsible for causing damage to any public
road under the control of a local authority, to pay for the costs and
expenses required to remedy and repair such damage;
(d) such functions and duties as may be conferred on a
local authority by the State Roads Ordinance, 1994 [Cap. 9];
(e) provide lighting for any public road, footpath,
backlanes, bridge or pedestrian walks;

(f) maintain road shoulders or verges, pavements and

public drains;
(g) provide landscaping for the beautification of public
(h) install traffic lights, signals and other directional signs;

(i) designate places for parking of vehicles;

(j) control and regulate the siting, erection and
maintenance of bus stops, shelters, stations, terminals and other
related amenities set up for the convenience of commuters and to
co-operate or work with other departments or agencies of
Government to maintain an efficient and affordable public
transportation system;
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(k) order closure of any public roads temporarily for the

due performance of its functions under paragraph (b) or for the
holding of any public function or procession or event, or the
celebration of any religious festivals or events;

(l) regulating or diverting any traffic along any public

(m) do any act or take any such action as may be necessary
to ensure the safety and convenience of the public on any public
road in a local authority area.

Powers with respect to private roads and premises

120.—(1) All private roads shall be laid, maintained and repaired
by the owners or occupiers of the premises abutting thereon, and all
dust, dirt, rubbish and filth of every sort shall be collected and
removed therefrom by such owners or occupiers.

(2) If any private road be not laid, levelled, paved, maintained

or cleansed to the satisfaction of the local authority, the local authority
may, by notice in writing, order the owner or occupier of any premises
abutting thereon to lay, level, pave, repair or cleanse, within a time to
be stated in the notice, such part thereof as abuts on his premises.

(3) A local authority may, by notice in writing, order the

owner or occupier of any premises, within a time to be stated in the
notice and to such extent as may be prescribed in the notice,—

(a) to trim or prune the hedges thereof bordering any

public road;

(b) to cut and trim all trees which overhang any public
road or which are likely to cause damage to telephone or electric

(c) to cut down any tree which stands so close to a public

road or existing building that it constitutes, in the opinion of the
local authority, a source of danger; and
(d) to clear any portion of the premises which in the
opinion of the local authority is dangerous to traffic on account of
obstructing the view of drivers of motor vehicles.
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Public car parks

121.—(1) A local authority shall have overall control of any
public car park situated within its area of jurisdiction.

(2) For the purpose of this Part, a public car park shall include

any car park in a subdivided building under the Strata Titles
Ordinance, 1995 [Cap. 18], or any car park in any property which the
public has access or is entitled to park their vehicles upon payment of
a fee, charge or any other consideration.

Control of public car parks

pursuant to section 91(v).

122.—(1) All public car parks shall be operated, managed and
maintained in accordance with bylaws made by the local authority

(2) No person shall operate or maintain a public car park

which is not situated on a public road, without a licence issued by a
local authority.

Power to impose fees for non mechanical vehicles

123.—(1) A local authority may, subject to any bylaw made
under Part VIII, require the owner or user of any non mechanical
vehicle on a public road to pay such fees or taxes as it may be
empowered by bylaws, to impose.

(2) For the purpose of this section, nonmechanical vehicle

shall include bicycle, tricycle, trishaw, rickshaw and hand cart, not
owned or belonging to the State or Federal Government.


124. [Repealed by Cap. 30.]

125. [Repealed by Cap. 30.]

126. [Repealed by Cap. 30.]

127. [Repealed by Cap. 30.]

128. [Repealed by Cap. 30.]

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129. [Repealed by Cap. 30.]

130. [Repealed by Cap. 30.]


Further powers of local authority

131. In addition to any other powers conferred upon it by this

Ordinance or by any other written laws, a local authority shall have
power to do all or any of the following things:

(a) to erect, maintain and keep in repair buildings as may
be required for local authority purposes and for the
accommodation of local authority staff;

(b) to plant, trim or remove trees;

(c) (i) to construct, maintain, supervise and control

public parks, gardens, esplanades, recreation grounds, playing
fields, children’s playgrounds, open spaces, holiday sites,
swimming pools, stadia, aquaria, gymnasia, community centres
and refreshment rooms;
(ii) to sublease, acquire, let, layout, plant, improve, equip
and maintain land for the purpose of being used as public parks,
gardens, esplanades, recreation grounds, playing fields, children’s
playgrounds, open spaces, holiday sites, swimming pools, stadia,

aquaria, gymnasia and community centres and to erect thereon

any pavilion, recreation room or refreshment room or other
(iii) to support or contribute to the support of public parks,
gardens, esplanades, recreation grounds, playing fields, children’s

playgrounds, open spaces, holiday sites, swimming pools, stadia,

aquaria, gymnasia, community centres and charitable, religious,
educational, social or welfare organisations or institutions;
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94 CAP. 20

(iv) to maintain or contribute or provide assistance to the

maintenance of historical buildings or sites and, with the approval
of the Minister, acquire any land, with or without buildings, for
the purpose of or in connection with the establishment of public

parks, gardens, esplanades, recreation grounds, playing fields,

children’s playgrounds, open spaces, holiday sites, swimming
pools, stadia, aquaria, gymnasia and community centres or for the
purpose of or in connection with the maintenance of historical
buildings or sites;
(d) to execute works of such general advantage to the

inhabitants of the local authority area;
(e) to layout and construct any square or open space the
property of the local authority by any architectural scheme or
ornamentation including the erection of statues, fountains or other
(f) to establish, erect and maintain public monuments and
memorials and to make and receive grants of money towards the
establishment or maintenance thereof;
(g) to establish, acquire, erect, construct, maintain, assist,
promote, control and make or receive grants of money in respect
(i) public libraries, art galleries and museums;
(ii) botanical and zoological gardens and aquaria;

(iii) plant or flower nurseries and tree banks,
within or without the local authority area limits:
Provided that the local authority may decide that the general

management, regulation and control of any such institution

established or acquired by the local authority shall be vested in
and exercised by such person whether or not members of the local
authority as the local authority may from time to time appoint for
that purpose;
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(h) to sponsor, establish, maintain, control, hire and

contribute to bands for musical and theatrical performances in
public places and at local authority or public functions and
generally to provide public entertainment in such places and at

such functions;

(i) to establish, erect, maintain, supervise and control
public baths, bathing-places, washing-places, and drinking-
(j) to arrange for the lighting of public places;

to establish, erect and maintain animal infirmaries;
(l) subject to the provisions of any law relating to road
traffic, to establish, acquire, maintain and carry on within or
without the local authority area public transport services;
(m) (i) to erect and maintain shops and dwelling houses
and flats and to sell, let or otherwise dispose of the same;
(ii) to convert the use of buildings and to alter, enlarge,
repair and improve the same;
(iii) to make advances of money for the purpose of enabling
residents in the local authority area and officers and employees of
the local authority to acquire or to erect dwelling houses or flats
and to recover such advances with interest thereon by
installments or otherwise as the local authority may in its

discretion arrange, within or without the local authority area;

(n) to sell, sublease or otherwise dispose of any movable or
immovable property of the local authority:
Provided that—

(i) no sale or other alienation of immovable

property shall take place without the consent of the Majlis
Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri; and
(ii) all moneys received by the local authority from
the sale or other alienation of property shall be credited to
the Local Authority Fund;
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96 CAP. 20

(o) with the approval of the Minister, to acquire, purchase

or sublease any land, or any other property, right or interest
within or without the local authority area which may be necessary
for the purposes of this Ordinance;

(p) to provide and maintain either within or without the
local authority area housing accommodation, including
convalescence or holiday houses, clubs and playing fields for
officers and employees of the local authority;
(q) to provide assistance financially or otherwise to

Councillors, officers, employees and other persons for the pursuit
of courses of study or practical training approved by the Minister
upon such terms and conditions as the local authority may decide
to impose;
(r) to do all things necessary for or conducive to the public
safety, health and convenience;
(s) to pay any salaries, allowances and gratuities and to
make any contributions to any Superannuation or Provident Fund;
(t) to grant loans to officers and employees for the purpose
of purchasing motor vehicles, refrigerators, computers, other
household appliances, boats or bicycles at such rates and upon
such conditions as may be approved by the local authority;
(u) to pay to Councillors, officers and employees on duty

or for attending meetings, conferences and seminars organized for

local government administration such travelling, subsistence and
other allowances at such rates as may from time to time be
decided by the local authority with the approval of the Minister;
(v) to pay the medical expenses incurred by any

Councillor, officer or employee at such rates and upon such

conditions as may be approved by the local authority;
(w) to advertise and give publicity to the attractions,
amenities and advantages of the local authority area and its
environs and to contribute to and receive grants and donations for
the purpose of the encouragement of tourism;
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(x) to require the owner or occupier of any premises to do

any of the following acts:
(i) to remove, lower or trim to the satisfaction of
the local authority any tree, shrub or hedge overhanging or

interfering in any way with the traffic on any road or street

or with any wires or works of the local authority or which
in the opinion of the local authority is likely to endanger
the public safety or convenience and in the event of any
tree situated in private premises falling across any public
road or street the local authority may remove the fallen tree
and the expenses incurred shall be charged on and

recoverable from the owner or occupier thereof;
(ii) to remove any dilapidated fence or structure
abutting upon any public place and if such owner or
occupier fails to comply with any such request any
authorized officer of the local authority may enter upon the
said premises and carry out such work and section 170
shall apply to the expenses incurred thereby;
(y) to enter into any contract with any other local authority
or with any person to secure or further the carrying on without the
local authority area of any work or undertaking which the local
authority is authorized to carry on;
(z) to do all things necessary for carrying out all the
provisions for and in regard to which the local authority is
empowered from time to time to make bylaws, standing orders,

rules and regulations, and for carrying out all such bylaws,
standing orders, rules and regulations into effect;
(A) to carry out any development, either by itself or with
any other local authority or person, for residential, commercial,
industrial or any other undertaking which the local authority may

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98 CAP. 20

(B) to incur all expenditure necessary for civic receptions

authorized by the local authority or for the carrying out of any
purpose of this Ordinance or of any purpose not specifically
provided for in this Ordinance which the local authority may

determine to be a purpose calculated to facilitate or is conducive

to or incidental to the exercise by the local authority of its powers
and duties under this Ordinance; and
(C) with the prior approval of the Majlis Mesyuarat
Kerajaan Negeri, to establish or incorporate a company or to
acquire or subscribe to shares or stocks in any company, for the

purpose of undertaking or performing or executing any functions
or duties or providing any services which a local authority is
empowered or authorized or bound to undertake or to provide
under this Ordinance or any other written law.

[Ins. Cap. A69.]


Power to undertake sewerage and drainage works

132.—(1) Unless otherwise directed by the Minister, a local
authority may erect, construct, equip and carry on sewerage or
drainage works within or without the local authority area:
Provided that the local authority shall not—

(a) commence to erect or construct or maintain sewerage

works without the prior consent of the Permanent Secretary; and
(b) proceed with the implementation of any drainage works
without prior consultation with the Director of Irrigation and

(2) For the purpose of carrying out any sewerage or drainage

works the local authority may—
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(a) cause such sewers, drains and pipes to be made, laid,

altered, deepened, covered over, and maintained as may be
necessary for effectively disposing of the sewage or drainage of
the local authority area, or any portion thereof, and from time to

time cause to be made and maintained all such reservoirs, sluices,

engines, ventilating shafts and other works as may be necessary
for cleansing and ventilating such sewers, drains and pipes;
(b) carry such sewers, drains or pipes through, across or
under any public road, street, square or open space, or any place
laid out as or intended for a public road, street, square or open
space, whether within or without the local authority area, without

paying compensation, and, after giving reasonable notice in
writing to the owner or occupier of its intention to do so, perform
the same acts in respect of private land within or, subject to
section 135(1), without the local authority area upon making
compensation for any damage done, the amount whereof shall be
determined, in default of agreement, by arbitration;
(c) from time to time alter, enlarge, divert, discontinue,
close or destroy any sewers, drains or pipes under the control of
the local authority;
(d) construct any works within or, subject to section 135
(1), without the local authority area for the purpose of receiving,
storing, disinfecting, purifying, distributing or otherwise
disposing of any sewage or drainage;

(e) in any case where, owing to the contour of the ground

or for other reasons, it is difficult to connect, for sewerage
purposes, any property within the local authority direct with a
public sewer maintained by the local authority, the local authority
may, subject to paragraph (b), make connections with and utilize
any private drain on private ground so as to connect such property

with any public sewer:

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100 CAP. 20

Provided that, upon such connection being made, the drain

with which connection is so made shall, from the point of such
connection to the point of junction with the public sewer, be
considered and used as a combined or joint drain, and the cost of

construction, repair and maintenance of such combined or joint

drain shall, as far as the same shall not fall to be borne by the
local authority, be paid and borne by the owners of properties
respectively served thereby, in such proportion as the local
authority shall from time to time determine.

Vesting of sewers in the local authority, and right to access thereto
133. All sewers, drains, pipes, ventilating shafts or other
conveniences for the disposal of sewage or drainage constructed by, or
which are under the control of, the local authority shall be vested in
the local authority, and the local authority, its officers and servants,
shall at all reasonable times, have a right of access to private property
for the purpose of inspection, maintenance, alteration or repair of such
sewers, drains, pipes, ventilating, shafts or other conveniences, and
may do all things necessary to uncover and expose such sewers,
drains, pipes, ventilating, shafts or other conveniences for the purpose
of inspection, maintenance, alteration or repair:

Provided that the local authority shall repair all damage caused by
the exercise of the powers conferred by this section.

Sewage farms
134. A local authority may establish, maintain and carry on any
such sewage farms or sewage disposal works within its local authority
area as may be necessary or advisable for the requirements of the area,
and may farm the same and dispose of the produce thereof; and neither

the local authority nor any person employed in the operation or

construction of such farm shall be liable for any nuisance or damage
which is caused by the proper and ordinary conduct of any sewage
farm or sewage disposal works established, maintained or carried on
under this section.
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Notice before commencing sewerage works outside the local

authority area

135.—(1) The local authority shall, at least thirty days before

commencing outside its area of jurisdiction the construction or
extension of any sewer or any work for sewerage purposes, give notice

of the intended work by advertisement in the Gazette and in one or
more newspapers circulating in the area within which the work is to be
done or, if there is no such newspaper, then in one or more
newspapers, if any, circulating in the State. Such notice shall describe
the nature of the intended work, and shall state the intended termini

thereof and particulars of the roads, streets, squares, open spaces and
other land, if any, through, across, under or on which the work is to be
done and shall name a place where a plan of the intended work is open
for inspection at all reasonable times. A copy of such notice shall be
served upon the owners, or reputed owners, sublessees, or reputed
sublessees, and the occupiers of the land and on the local authority, if
any, having the care of such roads, streets, squares or open spaces.

(2) If any owner, sublessee or occupier, or any such local

authority, or any person who would be affected by the intended work,
objects to such work and serves written notice of objection to the
Chief Administrative Officer at any time within a period of thirty days
after the date of service of the copy of the said notice, then the
intended work shall not be commenced without the consent of the
Minister, unless such objection is withdrawn.

(3) The Minister may appoint such person or persons as he

shall think fit to make inquiry on the spot into the propriety of the
intended work and the objections thereto, and to report to him on the
matter. On receiving such report, the Minister may make an order
disallowing the intended work or allowing it with such modifications,

if any, as he may deem necessary, and such compensation shall be

payable as may be agreed upon by the parties or, in default of
agreement, as may be determined by arbitration.
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102 CAP. 20

Provision for protection of sewers and drains

136.—(1) Any person who, without the prior consent in
writing of the local authority, shall—

(a) erect, or cause to be erected any building or other

structure over any sewer, drain or pipe vested in or constructed
under the authority of the local authority;
(b) excavate, open up or remove, or cause to be excavated,
opened up or removed, the ground under or near to any such
sewer, drain or pipe;

(c) make or cause to be made any opening into any such
sewer, drain or pipe for the purpose of discharging sewerage or
drainage into or from the same; or
(d) injure or destroy, or cause to be injured or destroyed,
any such sewer, drain or pipe, or any works or things in
connection therewith,
shall be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine
not exceeding two thousand ringgit or to a term of imprisonment not
exceeding one year or both to such fine and imprisonment.
(2) A local authority may alter, demolish or otherwise deal
with any building or structure so erected as it may think fit, or may
make good any such damage, or may close any such opening, and the
expense so incurred shall be recoverable from the offender.

Charges for use of sewers and drains

137. Any charges which the local authority may fix by bylaws
for the use of the local authority’s drains, sewers or sewerage works
shall for all purposes be deemed to be charges for sanitary services,

and shall be recoverable from the owner of any property, which is

connected with such drains, sewers or sewerage works, in accordance
with this Ordinance.
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Power to execute drainage works on private property

138.—(1) A local authority may—
(a) carry out either by its own servants or by contractors

any work in connection with the installation or improvement of a
drainage or sewerage system on any property after giving

reasonable notice to the owner and occupier thereof, and may
connect any such system with the local authority’s drains or
sewers, and may recover from the owner of such property the
expenses incurred in such work, including a reasonable charge for
supervision, and, if the work is undertaken without the aid of a

contractor, for the use of tools and plant; or
(b) advance to the owner of any property the amount of any
expenses incurred or to be incurred by him in the execution of
any such drainage or sewerage work on such property.

(2) The local authority may agree to accept payment of such

expenses and repayment of such advances in such installments, at such
times, upon such rate of interest, and upon such conditions as the local
authority may determine.

(3) Such expenses and advances, together with the interest

thereon, shall be a charge upon the property in respect of which the
same are incurred made, and shall be paid to the local authority by the
owner thereof for the time being, and the installments thereof as they
fall due shall be recoverable from the present or future owner of the

property in any court of competent jurisdiction.

(4) The local authority shall keep at its offices a register of all
expenses incurred and advances made under this section, and shall
show in such register the total amount thereof, the installments in
which the same are payable, the property in respect of which the same
have been incurred or made and the balances for the time being

outstanding; and shall keep such register open at all reasonable times
to the inspection of any person, free of charge. Such register and any
extract therefrom, certified by the Secretary or by any other person
authorized by the local authority, shall, in any proceedings for the
recovery of such expenses, advances or interest thereon, or any
installments thereof, be prima facie evidence of the matters contained
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104 CAP. 20

(5) Nothing in this section shall limit or affect the power of the
local authority to execute any work which the local authority is, by any
enactment in force in the local authority area, empowered to execute
or to recover the cost of executing such work from any person who is

liable therefor.

Duty to maintain public parks and greens
139.—(1) Subject to any order or direction issued by the
Natural Resources and Environment Board or any rules made under

the Natural Resources and Environment Ordinance [Cap. 84 (1958
Ed.)], a local authority shall assist the said Board in maintaining the
environment in its local authority area, and shall landscape and
beautify all public places under its control.
(2) A local authority shall be responsible for the maintenance
and preservation of greens in any open space within its area of
jurisdiction established under the Public Parks and Greens Ordinance,
1993 [Cap. 3].
(3) In the discharge of the functions under subsections (1) and
(2), a local authority may appoint wardens and other officers to
prevent vandalism or destruction of plants, trees and other facilities
grown or placed by a local authority in any public place for the
beautification thereof or the convenience and enjoyment of the public.


Appointment of Headmen
140. The Yang di-Petua Negeri may appoint for any local

authority area any number of Headmen holding the rank of Tuai

Rumah, Tua Kampung, Penghulu, Pemanca or Temenggong for such
period and upon such terms and conditions as he may deem fit.

*This Part will be repealed when the Community Chiefs and Headmen Ordinance, 2004, [Cap. 60] is
brought into force.
For Reference Only


Duties of Headmen
141. In addition to the duties which may be imposed on him by
any other laws for the time being in force, a Headman shall assist a
local authority in the exercise of its powers and the performance of its

duties, including the provision of services and amenities to or for the

benefit of the inhabitants of the local authority area.

Power of Headman to give orders

142. A Headman may give such written or verbal orders as are

reasonably necessary for the execution of his duties under this

Ordinance, and which are not inconsistent with any bylaw or
regulation made by a local authority or other person, to any person
belonging to the race or races in respect of which he is appointed or
recognized as a Headman and who is for the time being within the
area of such Headman’s jurisdiction.

Power to require pledge

143.—(1) A Resident may require any person to whom any
order has been given by—
(a) a local authority; or
(b) a person lawfully exercising the powers of a local
authority or Headman under this Ordinance,

to deposit, at such place as the Resident may direct, such pledge or

cash, or of such other movable property as may be specified by the
Resident, as a guarantee that the order will be obeyed within the time
prescribed thereby, or, if no such time is prescribed, within a time to
be prescribed by the Resident, and, if such order is not obeyed within
the prescribed time, the pledge shall be forfeited to the Government:

Provided that the Resident may at his discretion reduce the

amount of such pledge, or extend the time prescribed, or may return
the whole or part of such pledge to the depositor thereof, whether or
not the order has been obeyed.
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(2) Any person aggrieved by an order made by a Resident

under this section may appeal to the Minister whose decision shall be

Provided that the Minister may refuse to entertain such appeal

until any pledge which has been required by the Resident has been
duly deposited.

(3) The fact that a person has deposited a pledge in accordance

with a requirement under this section shall be no bar to his being
prosecuted for disobedience to the order in respect of which the
deposit was made.

Duty of persons to obey and assist local authorities and Headmen
144.—(1) Every person on whom an order is made under this
Ordinance shall be legally bound to obey such order.

(2) It shall be the duty of every person, subject to the

jurisdiction of a local authority or Headman, when so required by such
local authority or Headman, to—
(a) assist such local authority or Headman in carrying out
its or his duties; and

(b) attend before such local authority or Headman or any

officer of the Federal or State Government.

(3) Any person who fails to attend before a local authority, a

Headman or an officer of the Federal or State Government in
contravention of subsection (2) may be arrested by order of the local
authority or Headman concerned and taken before the local authority
or person before whom his attendance is required.
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Grant, renewal or revocation of licence

145.—(1) A local authority may grant or renew a licence under

this Ordinance or any bylaw made hereunder, subject to such
conditions and restrictions as the local authority thinks fit.

[Am. Cap. A69.]

(2) A licence granted under this Ordinance or any bylaw made

hereunder may be issued jointly with any other licence.
(3) The revocation of any particular licence issued jointly with
any other licence under subsection (2) shall not affect the validity of
any other licence with which it had been jointly issued.
(4) Every person to whom a licence has been granted shall
exhibit his licence at all times in some prominent place on the licensed
premises and shall produce such licence if required to do so by any
officer of the local authority.
(5) Any person who fails to exhibit or to produce such licence
as required under subsection (4) shall be guilty of an offence.
(6) A local authority may suspend or revoke any licence upon
being satisfied that the licensee has breached—

(a) any provision of this Ordinance or any bylaws made

hereunder; or
(b) any condition or restriction imposed on the licence.

[Ins. Cap. A69.]


Charges and fees

146. A local authority may by bylaw impose charges or fees in
respect of any trade, occupation or premises which it is empowered
under this Ordinance to inspect or supervise and license.
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Charges for specific services

147. A local authority may by bylaw impose charges in respect

of services rendered by the local authority in the exercise of its powers

under Part VIII:

Provided that no such bylaw shall impose upon the owner or
occupier of any holding any liability to pay such a charge for a service,
if a rate is payable for such service in respect of such holding.

Fee when payment demanded

148. If any sum payable under this Ordinance or any bylaw or
regulation made hereunder (other than a sum payable in respect of
rates) remains unpaid after the expiration of the period prescribed for
payment, a surcharge of not exceeding such amount as may be fixed
by regulations made under section 172, shall be payable by the person
liable to pay the said sum, and shall be recoverable in the same
manner as the said sum.



149. Where any matter is by this Ordinance directed to be

determined by arbitration such matter shall, except as may be
otherwise expressly provided, be determined by the law relating to
arbitration for the time being in force in Sarawak.
General penalties

150. Every person who is guilty of an offence against this

Ordinance shall for every such offence be liable to the penalty
expressly prescribed by this Ordinance and, if no such penalty is
prescribed, then to a fine of not exceeding ten thousand ringgit.

[Sub. Cap. A160/2013.]

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Conduct of prosecutions and appearance in civil proceedings

151.—(1) Prosecutions in respect of offences committed under
this Ordinance or any bylaws or regulations in force within a local

authority area may be conducted by the Public Prosecutor or any
person authorized in writing by him under section 377 of the Criminal

Procedure Code [Act 593].

(2) (a) In respect of any civil proceedings by or against a

local authority—
(i) the State Attorney General or any legal officer

authorized in writing by him; or
(ii) an Advocate appointed by the local authority; or
(iii) any officer of the local authority authorized in writing
by its Chief Administrative Officer,
may appear and represent the local authority in any Court before
which such proceedings are instituted or filed.

(b) For the purposes of this section, “civil proceedings”

includes an arbitration conducted under the Arbitration Act 2005 [Act
646] or any other written law relating to arbitration applicable in

[Sub. Cap. A69.]

Powers of arrest

152. Any police officer may arrest without warrant any person
who commits any offence against this Ordinance or any bylaw or
regulation in force within the local authority area and any officer of
the local authority in uniform, or wearing a visible badge of office and
authorized thereto in writing by the local authority, may arrest without

warrant any person who in his presence commits any such offence and
may detain such person until he can be delivered into the custody of a
police officer to be dealt with according to law:
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Provided that no person shall be arrested or detained without

warrant unless reasonable grounds exist for believing that, except by
the arrest of the person offending, he could not be found or made
answerable to justice without undue delay, trouble or expense.

Contraventions of orders and notices
153. When any matter or thing is by this Ordinance, or by any
order or notice made and published under authority thereof, directed or
prohibited to be done, or where any authority is given by this
Ordinance to any person to direct or prohibit any matter or thing to be

done, and such act so directed to be done remains undone or such act
so prohibited to be done is done, then, in every such case, every
person offending against such direction or prohibition shall be deemed
to be guilty of an offence.

Evidence may be given in writing

154.—(1) The books and registers of the local authority and
any extracts therefrom purporting to be certified by the Secretary or
other officer authorized thereto by the local authority shall, in any
proceedings under this Ordinance or any bylaw or regulation made
hereunder, be prima facie evidence of the things and matters contained
in such books and registers.

(2) Any document purporting to be a report under the hand of

the Health Officer or engineer of the local authority upon any matter

or thing he has examined or analyzed shall, until the contrary is

proved, be evidence of the state or condition of such matter or thing at
the time of such examination or analysis.

Liability for acts and omissions


155. For the purposes of any prosecution for an offence under

this Ordinance or under any bylaw or regulation—
(a) whenever any agent or employee in the course of his
employment does or omits to do an act the doing or omission to
do which by his principal or employer would be an offence, such
agent or employee shall be guilty of that offence, and his principal
or employer and any person who at the time of the act or omission
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was in charge of the business in respect of which the act or

omission occurred shall also be guilty of that offence unless such
principal or employer or other person, as the case may be, proves
to the satisfaction of the Court that having regard to all the

circumstances he took all reasonable means and precautions to

prevent such act or omission;
(b) where any offence has been committed by any body
corporate, any person who at the time of the commission of such
offence was a director, general manager, secretary or other similar
officer of the body corporate or was purporting to act in any such
capacity, shall be deemed to be guilty of that offence unless he

proves that the offence was committed without his consent or
connivance and that having regard to the nature of his functions
in that capacity and to all the circumstances he took all reasonable
means and precautions to prevent the commission of the offence.

Powers to compound
156.—(1) Any police officer not below the rank of Inspector or
any officer of the local authority specially authorized in writing in that
behalf by the local authority may compound any offence, which is
prescribed to be a compoundable offence, by accepting from the
person reasonably suspected of having committed such offence a sum
of money not exceeding one half of the maximum fine prescribed for
the offence.

[Sub. Cap. A160/2013.]

(2) No licence shall be endorsed, suspended or cancelled by

reason of any offence compounded under this section.
(3) The local authority may, in accordance with Part VIII,
make bylaws to prescribe the offences which may be compounded and

the method and procedure thereof.

Validity of acts of the local authority and officers

157. All acts of a local authority or of any person acting as
Chairman, Councillor, Secretary or any other official, as the case may
be, shall, notwithstanding that it be discovered that there was some
defect in the appointment of any such person or that he was
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disqualified, as the case may be, be as valid and effectual as if such

person had been duly appointed and qualified.

Liability of Councillors, etc., for negligence or dereliction of duty

158.—(1) Every Councillor and every officer or servant of the
local authority, shall, on a resolution of the local authority or on the
direction of the Permanent Secretary to that effect, be liable to refund
to the revenues of the local authority all or any part of any loss or
deficiency of cash, valuable consideration, goods or property,
attributable in whole or in part to the negligence of, or dereliction of

duty by, such Councillor, officer or servant.
(2) Whenever any Councillor, officer or servant of the local
authority is made liable to refund to the revenues of the local authority
all or any part of any loss or deficiency under subsection (1), he may
appeal to the Minister, who may affirm, rescind or vary the resolution
or direction, as the case may be, and whose decision shall be final.
Protection of Councillors, etc., from liability in certain
159. No matter or thing done or omitted, and no contract
entered into, in good faith and for the purposes of this Ordinance, or of
any bylaw or regulation in force within the local authority area, by any
Councillor, officer or servant of the local authority or other person,
acting under the direction of the local authority, shall subject any such

person personally to any action, liability, claim or demand whatsoever;

and any expense incurred by any such person as aforesaid shall be paid
by the local authority out of its revenues:

Provided that nothing in this section shall exempt any Councillor,

officer or servant of the local authority from liability under section


Service of notices, etc.

160.—(1) Every notice, order, demand or document required
or authorized by this Ordinance, or by any regulation or bylaw made
hereunder, to be served on any person may be served—
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(a) by delivering the same to such person or by delivering

the same at the last known place of abode of such person to some
adult member or servant of his family;
(b) by leaving the same at the usual or last known place of

abode or business of such person in a cover addressed to such


(c) by forwarding the same by post in a prepaid letter

addressed to such person at his usual or last known place of
residence or business; or

(d) by transmitting the same by facsimile transmission to
the last known telefax number of that person and posting a copy
thereof to the person’s last known place of residence or business.

(2) If the document is served by post, it shall be deemed to

have been served at the time when the letter containing the document
would be delivered in the ordinary course of post and, in proving such
service, it shall be sufficient to prove that the letter containing the
document was properly addressed and put in the post.
(3) A notice, order, demand or document required or
authorized by this Ordinance, or by any regulation or bylaw made
hereunder, to be served on the owner or occupier of any premises shall
be deemed to be properly addressed if addressed by the description of
the “owner” or “occupier” of such premises, without further name or


(4) A notice, order, demand, summons or document required

or authorized by this Ordinance, or by any regulation or bylaw made
hereunder, to be served on the owner or occupier of any premises may
be served by delivering the same, or a true copy thereof, to some adult

person on the premises or, if there is no such person on the premises to

whom the same can with reasonable diligence be delivered, by fixing
the notice on some conspicuous part of the premises.

Powers of entry and investigation

161.—(1) Any officer of a local authority authorized by its
Chief Administrative Officer may without warrant enter any premises
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for the purpose of ascertaining whether the provisions of this

Ordinance or any bylaws or regulations in force in the local authority
area or the conditions of any licence issued thereunder are being
complied with, and may make such investigation and inspection of the

premises and call any person to produce such articles, books, accounts

or other documents or things and to furnish any information as that
officer may consider necessary for the purpose:
Provided that any officer not in uniform purporting to exercise
any powers under this section shall on demand produce his written
authority to the owner or occupier of the premises demanding the

(2) Any person entering any premises in exercise of the powers
conferred by this section may be accompanied by a police officer.

Powers of seizure
[Sub. Cap. A69.]

161A.—(1) Any officer authorized to exercise the powers of

entry or investigation under section 161 may seize, remove or detain
any vehicle, goods, tool, equipment, document, material or any other
thing which is used or employed in the conduct of any trade or
business in respect of which he reasonably believes to be or has been
used in the commission of an offence under this Ordinance or any
bylaws or regulations in force in the local authority area or to contain
evidence relating to such an offence.

[Am. Cap. A94.]

(2) No claim or action shall lie against any officer authorized

by the Chief Administrative Officer of a local authority in respect of
the seizure, removal or detention of any such vehicle, goods, tool,
equipment, document, material or other thing under subsection (1).

[Am. Cap. A94.]

(3) Any vehicle, goods, tool, equipment, document, material or
other thing seized, removed or detained under subsection (1) may be

(a) dealt with, disposed of or sold in accordance with any
bylaws made under section 91 or 105; or
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(b) sold by the local authority by public auction or tender;

(c) disposed of or dealt with in such manner as the court
may order,

and the proceeds thereof shall, after being applied to cover the costs of

such seizure, removal or detention and sale, as the case may be, be
returned to the rightful owner or dealt with in such manner as the
Court may order.

[Ins. Cap. A69; Am. Cap. A94.]

Powers of closure

161B. —(1) Law

Any officer authorized to exercise the powers of
entry or investigation under section 161 may, without prejudice to the
exercise of the powers conferred on him by that section or section
161A, forthwith take such steps as he may consider necessary to close
or seal off any premises which he is satisfied is being used for any
trade or business or activity in contravention of this Ordinance or any
bylaws or regulations in force in the local authority area or of any of
the conditions of a licence issued thereunder.
(2) Any person who fails to comply with any closing order or
notice issued under subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence and
shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding five hundred
thousand ringgit or to a term of imprisonment not exceeding five years

or to both.

[Ins. Cap. A69; Ins. Cap. A160/2013.]

Obstruction of officers

162. The following persons shall be guilty of an offence and

shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding five thousand
ringgit or to a term of imprisonment not exceeding six months or to
both such fine and imprisonment:

[Sub. Cap. A160/2013.]

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(a) any person who wilfully obstructs any Councillor, or

any officer or servant of a local authority, in the execution of his
duty as such;

(b) any occupier of property who prevents the owner of

such property from complying with any of the requirements of
this Ordinance, or of any regulation or bylaw made hereunder;

(c) any person who refuses to answer to the best of his

ability, or knowingly makes false answers to, inquiries made by
the Health Officer or any health inspector specifically authorized

diseases; Law
by him in writing for the purpose of discovering cases of any
infectious disease or possible sources of infection of any such

(d) any occupier of property who, on demand, by any

officer or servant of the local authority, in the execution of his
duty as such, refuses, wilfully omits to disclose or wilfully
misstate or wilfully provides wrong information on the name and
address of the owner of such property.

Public Authorities Protection Act 1948

163. The Public Authorities Protection Act 1948 [Act 198] shall
apply to any suit, action, or prosecution or other proceedings against
any local authority or against any Councillor, officer, servant,
employee or agent of a local authority in respect of any act, neglect,

default done or committed.

Public servants
164. All Councillors, officers and servants of a local authority
while discharging their duties as such shall be deemed to be public
servants within the meaning of the Penal Code [Act 574].

Minister may delegate powers

165. The Minister, with the approval of the Majlis Mesyuarat

Kerajaan Negeri, may delegate all or any of the powers conferred upon
him by this Ordinance to the Permanent Secretary or any other public
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officer, subject to such conditions or restrictions, if any, he may see fit

to impose, and may revoke such delegation:
Provided that no such delegation of powers shall in any way
prejudice the right of the Minister to exercise such powers himself.

Officer may demand names and addresses

166.—(1) The occupier of any premises within the local
authority area shall, if required by any officer of a local authority, give
his name and identity card number and the name and address of the
owner of the premises, if known.

(2) Any person who refuses to give or wilfully mis-states his
name and identity card number or the name and address of the owner
of the premises shall be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be
liable to a fine not exceeding five hundred ringgit or to a term of
imprisonment not exceeding six months or to both such fine and

Recovery of expenses
167. Whenever default is made by the owner of any premises in
the execution of any work required to be executed by him, the
occupier of such premises may, with the approval of the local
authority, cause such work to be executed and the expense thereof
shall be paid to him by the owner and the amount may be deducted out
of the rent from time to time becoming due from him to such owner

and such occupier may, in the absence of any special agreement to the
contrary, retain possession until such expense has been fully
reimbursed to him.

Expenses and costs payable by owners


168.—(1) Any sums payable by or recoverable from the owner

in respect of expenses or costs incurred by the local authority in the
execution of any work shall, subject and without prejudice to the
rights of the State, be a first charge on the premises in respect of
which such expenses or costs have been incurred.
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(2) In addition to any other remedies conferred by this

Ordinance, any such sum may be recovered by the same means and in
like manner as an arrear of rates.

(3) The charge shall attach and the powers and remedies shall

become exercisable as from the date of completion of the work and
thereafter such powers and remedies may be exercised against the
premises or against any movable property or crops for the time being
found thereon, notwithstanding any change in the ownership or
occupation of the premises subsequent to the said date.

Recovery of expenses or costs from persons in default
169. Where the local authority has incurred expenses or costs in
the execution of any work, it may recover such expenses or costs from
the person in default and if such person is not the owner of the
premises from the owner thereof in the manner provided under section

Recovery of moneys due to a local authority

170.—(1) All moneys due to a local authority for local

authority services or under any bylaws or regulations made hereunder
shall be recoverable by the local authority jointly and severally from
the owner and occupier of the premises concerned:
Provided that—

(a) the owner shall, in the absence of any agreement to the

contrary, be entitled to recover from the occupier of the said
premises any such charges paid by him in respect of the
occupation by such occupier; and
(b) the occupier shall be entitled to deduct from any rent or

other amount payable by him to the owner of the premises any

portion of such charges paid by or recovered from him which the
owner could not lawfully have required him to pay.
[Am. Cap. A69.]
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(2) A local authority may charge and recover interest on

unpaid charges for services at a rate not exceeding one per centum per
month or part of a month.
Recovery by instalments

171.—(1) Where any sum is payable by any person to the local

authority for any purpose under this Ordinance or any bylaws or
regulations made hereunder, the local authority may permit such
person to pay the said sum in instalments with interest thereon at such
rate as the Minister may determine.
[Am. Cap. A69.]

(2) Upon default in payment of any instalment or interest upon
the date appointed for payment thereof, the whole of the balance then
outstanding of such amount, together with any interest in arrear, shall
immediately become due and payable and, notwithstanding any
change in the ownership or occupation of the premises, may be
recovered by the same means and in like manner as an arrear of rates.

Local authority may delegate powers

171A. A local authority may, with the approval of the Minister,
delegate any of the powers conferred by this Ordinance or any by-laws
made under it, other than the power to raise money by rates or loans or
the power to make by-laws, to the Chairman or any officer of the local
authority concerned, subject to such conditions or restrictions as may

be imposed.

[Ins. Cap. A160/2013.]

172.—(1) The Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri may make

regulations generally for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of

this Ordinance and in particular—

(a) to regulate and control the conduct and administration

of local authorities finances, and for all matters connected
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(b) to provide for the auditing of the accounts of local

(c) to provide for the preparation and publication by local

authorities of estimates of revenue and expenditure;

(d) to regulate and control the keeping of accounts by local
(e) to regulate and control the collection of revenue and the
expenditure of money by local authorities;

(f) to regulate and control the acquisition, holding,
charging and disposal of property by local authorities;
(g) to regulate and control the administration of any
property in the ownership, possession or control of a local
(h) to regulate and control the making of contracts of all
descriptions by local authorities;
(i) to provide for the payment of allowances to members
of a local authority;
(j) to prescribe the conditions subject to which, and the
terms on which, a person may be required to perform work or
render services under this Ordinance or any bylaw or order made

(k) to provide for the privatisation of any of the services

which a local authority is obliged to provide under this Ordinance
within its area of jurisdiction;
(l) [Deleted by Cap. A114.]

(m) to provide for the assessment of holdings for rates, the

basis of assessment, the preparation and publication of provision
and revised valuation lists, the prescribing of powers to obtain
information for the purposes of valuation (including powers of
entry and inspection), appeals against and revision of
assessments, the payment and recovery of rates (including
interest), the remission of rates and any other matters concerning
the levying, collection and remission of rates;
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(n) to provide for appeals to the Minister in cases where no

appeal is provided by this Ordinance, against orders and decisions
of local authorities, or any specified local authority, made under
any provision of this Ordinance, or under any bylaw made

hereunder, specified in the regulations;

(o) to establish, regulate and control a provident fund for
the benefit of persons employed by local authorities, and to
provide for and prescribe all matters incidental thereto, including
the prohibition of any assignment, attachment or sequestration of,
or levy upon, any sum in the Fund; and

(p) to amend, alter, replace or substitute the Third and
Fourth Schedules.

(2) Regulations made under subsection (1)(a) to (i) inclusive

shall be sufficiently published if made available to local authorities
and kept in some place at the offices of the local authorities where
they are available for inspection by members of the public.

173.—(1) The Kuching Municipal Ordinance [Cap. 116 (1958
Ed.)], and the Local Authority Ordinance [Cap. 117 (1958 Ed.)] are
(2) Section 4 of the City of Kuching Ordinance, 1988 [Cap.
48], is repealed.

[Am. Cap. A69.]

174.—(1) Nothing in this Ordinance shall affect the past
operation of, or anything done under, any of the laws repealed
pursuant to section 173 provided that any right, privilege, licence,
proceeding or liability existing at the date of commencement of this

Ordinance by virtue of the repealed laws, shall be subject to this

(2) Any bylaw, regulation, rule, order, direction, notice or
notification made, issued or given before the commencement of this
Ordinance, under any of the repealed Ordinances shall, if it could have
been made, issued or given under any corresponding provision of this
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122 CAP. 20

Ordinance, continue in force, and have the like effect, as if it had been
so made, issued or given, as the case may be.
(3) Any person who, immediately before the commencement

of this Ordinance, was appointed Chairman, Councillor or was
holding any office in any local authority shall continue in that office

and be deemed for the purpose of this Ordinance to have been so
(4) Any proceeding, action, claim or liability made, instituted,
filed, commenced or incurred under any of the laws repealed pursuant
to section 173 prior to the date of commencement of this Ordinance,

shall be deemed to be continued or have been incurred as if this
Ordinance has not been enacted.
(5) In the application of this Ordinance to the Bintulu
Development Authority or to the Commission of the City of Kuching
North, where any conflict arises between any of the provisions of this
Ordinance and any of the provisions of the Lembaga Kemajuan
Bintulu (Bintulu Development Authority) Ordinance, 1978 [Ord. No.
1/78], or the City of Kuching North Ordinance, 1988 [Cap. 49], the
relevant provisions of either of the latter Ordinances shall prevail.
Removal of difficulties
175. The Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri may, by Order
published in the Gazette, make such provisions as it considers

necessary or expedient for the purpose of removing any difficulties

occasioned by the coming into force of this Ordinance, and such Order
may be made so as to have effect as from the date of commencement
of this Ordinance.
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(Sections 3(2) and (3))


(1) Commission of the City of Kuching North

(2) Council of the City of Kuching South
(3) Miri City Council

Law [Am. Swk. L.G. 24/2005; Am. Cap. A130.]


Sibu Municipal Council

(2) [Deleted by Swk. L.G. 24/2005]
(3) Bintulu Development Authority
(4) Padawan Municipal Council
[Am. Swk. L.G. 76/1997; Am. Swk. L.G. 24/2005.]


(1) [Deleted by Swk. L.G. 76/1997]

(2) Bau District Council
(3) Lundu District Council
(4) Sri Aman District Council
(5) Lubok Antu District Council

(6) Betong District Council

(7) Saratok District Council
(8) Sibu Rural District Council
(9) Kanowit District Council
(10) Dalat and Mukah District Council
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(11) Marudi District Council

(12) Subis District Council
(13) Limbang District Council
(14) Lawas District Council

(15) Sarikei District Council

(16) Maradong and Julau District Council
(17) Matu and Daro District Council
(18) Kapit District Council
(19) Serian District Council
(20) Simunjan District Council
(21) Samarahan District Council




(Section 10(2) (b))

All that area in the Kuching District containing an area approximately 61.53
square kilometres and bounded by lines commencing from a point north-east of
survey mark No. 89, on the true right bank of Sungai Kuap, the boundary runs
upstream along the true right bank of Sungai Kuap to a point approximately 700
metres north of Sungai Langir; thence with bearing approximately 288° 00' and
crossing Sungai Kuap to a point approximately 20 metres east of survey mark No.
35; thence upstream along the true left bank of Sungai Stampin and crossing one of
its tributaries to a point south-east of survey mark No. 17; thence in westward

direction and joining successively survey mark Nos. 17, 64, 63, 62, 61, 60, 59, 58,
57, 7, 5, 101, 6, 5, 32, 4, 8, 120, 3, 2, 1, 1/3286, 20, 18, 1/3212, 1/3211, 33, 34,
1/3100, 1/3099, 35, 1, 19, 20, 3, 4, 505, 5, 1, 177, 160, 161, 162, 163, 1/5039, 1, 2,
3, 4, 153, 154, 1, 155, 139, 140, 66, 67, 8, 14, 10, 4, 9, 63, 62, 1/5034, 61, 2, 83,
701, 82, 1, 2, 81, 80, 102, 16, 101, 34, 99, 18, 1/5029, 8, 17, 16, 1, 2 nail, 15, 20,
14, 13, 12, 11, 6, 10, 8, 14, 9, 10, 11, 12, 5, 103, 102, 1, 50, 11, 3, 51, 4, 30, 4, 1,

106, 105, 21, 22, 23, 2, 1, 80, 86, 81, 78, 30, 55, 11, 50, 13, 207, 15, 18, 93, 1,
1/3490, 6, 3, 72, 505, 70, 68, 66, 65, 67, 66, 60, 58, 56, 54, 8, 513, 52, 50, 210, 72,
26, 1, 60, 101, 102, 300, 301, 6, 93, 27, 80, 82, 52, 2, 81, 84, 83, 124, 123, 125,
121, 120, 1/3531, 11, 116, 117, 331, 330, 118, 201, 113, 15, 6, 1, 105, 2, 104, 19,
235, 107, 18, 15, 14, 13, 103, 23, 166, 169, 31, 100, 111, 110, 109, 104, 124, 119,
115, 116, 114, 113, 316, 3, 315, 314, 381, 384, 311, 310, 309, 308, 301, 123, 124,
125, 7, 5, 201, 202, 6, 100, 16, 17, 102, 62, 61, 63, 18, 429, 1, 2, 13, 50, 51 and 52;
thence in northerly direction following the right hand side of the Jalan Kereta Api
Road Reserve to survey mark No. 15; thence in easterly direction joining
For Reference Only


successively survey mark Nos. 15 to 2, 84, 22, 8, 15, 2, 3, 82, 80, 81, 210, 1/3756,
211 and 401, crossing Jalan Rock to peg 43; thence along Jalan Batu Lintang joining
successively survey mark Nos. 43, 7, 6, 5, 7, 69, 14, 13, 4, 105, 11, 113, 105, 106,
55, 56, 100, 115, 7, 10, 8, 5, 61, 63, 1, 3, 37, 35, 175, 1001, 86, 27, 28, 29, 22, 30,
15, 31, 53, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 293, 294, 13, 33, 6, 87, 33, 32, 50, 51, 29,

28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 66, 67, 16, 15, 14, 96, 94, 93, 92 and 91;

thence crossing Jalan Batu Lintang/Jalan Simpang Tiga/Jalan Mendu/Jalan Tabuan
roundabout to survey mark No. 54; thence joining successively survey mark Nos. 54,
52, 91, 90, 89, 103, 132, 134, 133, 107, 47, 46, 43, 28, 31, 30, 21, 12, 11, 27, 26,
87, 28, 2, 70, 68, 5, 8, 4, 1, 44, 40, 42, 35, 43, 45, 44, 22, 21, 20, 30, 31, 320, 33,
50, 49, 48, 3, 26, 204, 203, 202, 195, 194, 20, 19, 25, 27, 28, 52, 31, 32, 33, 2, 42,
43, 25, 16, 3, 4, 17, 15, 18, 7, 102, 8, 43, 38, 37, 36, 35, 34, 33, 32, 14, 30, 103,
110, 109, 108, 107, 106, 105 and 122; thence along Jalan Tabuan joining

successively survey mark Nos. 122, 121, 113, 123, 125, 6, 7, 307, 306, 51, 27, 125,
112, 19, 113, 105, 109, 5 and 106; thence swinging to Jalan Mathie’s joining
successively survey mark Nos. 106, 80, 6, 10, 111, 102, 103, 101, 2, 24, 25 and 107
nail; thence crossing Jalan Padungan to survey mark Nos. 132 screw, 133, 134 and
135 screw; thence crossing Jalan Abell to survey mark No. 54; thence joining
successively survey mark Nos. 54, 45, 47, 52, 51 and IR 111; thence in easterly
direction along the true right bank of Sungai Sarawak to the point of commencement.

Provided that in any case in which the boundary of the Council of the City of
Kuching South passes through any lot then, if—
(a) one half or more of the lot lies within the limits of the Council of
the City of Kuching South, the whole of such lot shall be deemed to lie within
the Council of the City of Kuching South; or

(b) less than one half of the lot lies within the Council of the City of
Kuching South, the whole of such lot shall be deemed to lie outside the

Council of the City of Kuching South.

(The boundaries of the land described above are particularly delineated on the
Land and Survey Department Miscellaneous Plan No. 60371/1, deposited in the
office of the Director of Lands and Surveys, Sarawak.)
For Reference Only

126 CAP. 20




(Section 16(1))

I, ...................................................................................................................... of
having been appointed a Councillor of
the .................................................................. .............................................................
..... declare that I accept the said office and undertake to serve well and truly as a

Councillor and duly and faithfully to fulfil the duties thereof.

Declared in the presence of the ...........................................................................

........................................, this ........... day of ..........................20........

Signature of Councillor
For Reference Only


(Section 70)

To the Rating Appeals Tribunal at .......................................................................


of ..........................................................................................................................

HEREBY OBJECT to the following entry in the Valuation List:

No. Owner of
Situation of
*[Insert name and address of objector]

Occupier Rateable

Land District
Section/ Lot

on the following grounds: †

and I request that the following amount be substituted for the rateable value

shown therein—
† [Insert nature and grounds of objection, and particulars thereof.]

Rateable value
For Reference Only

128 CAP. 20

2. I enclose herewith the fee of fifty ringgit.

Dated this .................................. day of ........................................... 20...................

Signature of Objector

(Section 89)



Dated this of ....................................... 20 ........

Signature of Chairman
For Reference Only



(Section 73(1)(b))

The Registrar,
Land Registry Office
at ………

Whereas the *owner/occupier of the rateable holding on Lot:

……….Section/Block:……………………..Land District: ……………………

………………………… has failed to pay the *rates/fees/charges/other moneys in
the sum of ……………………….which had become due and payable to the
………………………..(name of local authority) on…….. and until the said sum is
paid it shall be a first charge on the above mentioned rateable holding.
Accordingly, I apply for a Warrant of Attachment to be registered against the
above mentioned holding in accordance with section 73(1)(c) of the Local
Authorities Ordinance, 1996 [Cap. 20].

Dated this …………… day of ……………..

Chief Administrative Officer,
………………(name of local authority)
*Delete where inapplicable.

Registered at the …………………………………………….. Land Registry

Office this …………… day of ……………… ………….o’clock……………...

Registrar/Assistant Registrar,
Land and Survey Department

[Add. Cap. A114.]

For Reference Only

130 CAP. 20


(Section 75(1))


Whereas by a Notice bearing No. ...................................................................
posted/delivered on the ......................... day of ..................................., 20 ..............
the owner/occupier was required to pay at the office of ...........................................
........................................................ the sum of RM .................................................
being arrears of rates and whereas the said sum of RM ...........................................
...................................... has not been paid:
This is to command you to attach the movable property of the said
owner/occupier found on the holding ............................................................ (here
describe holding) and wherever the same may be found within the
said ................................................................................................. (local authority
area) and unless the said sum of RM ....................................................... together
with RM .............................................., the cost of this attachment, be paid to hold

the same until further order.

You are further commanded to return this Warrant on or before the
......................... day of ......................................., 20............ with an endorsement
certifying the date and manner in which it has been executed or why it has not be

Given under my hand this.......................... day of .........................,


Name and Signature
For Reference Only



RM sen

Current rates for…………. half year ending...............….20…

Arrears for.............................. years, viz. 20………… to 20 …
Fees under section 74 … … … … … … … … … … …
Attachment Fee … … … … … … … … … … … …

Total ...

For Reference Only

132 CAP. 20


(Section 75(1))




Take notice that you are required to pay the arrears of rates due for the
period ending ...........................................................................................................
amounting to RM ......................................................... together with the fee of
RM ........................................................................... payable under section 74(1)
of the Local Authorities Ordinance, 1996 [Cap. 20], at the office of....................…
.............................................................. within 15 days of the posting/delivery of
this notice; in default of payment within the period specified, the amount of arrears
due together with the costs of process will be recovered under the powers
contained in Part VII of the Local Authorities Ordinance, 1996 [Cap. 20].

Dated this.......................... day of.....................................20.......................


RM sen

Assessment on................... Arrears of rates…

Fee … … … …

Total arrears… …

Lot: ......................................

Section / Block:......................

Land District:.........................

Name and Signature
For Reference Only




(Section 75(2))

.............................................................. of ..............................................................
Lot .......... Section / Block................. Land District...............................................
(or other identifiable description).

Take notice that I have this day attached the property specified in the
undermentioned inventory for the sum of RM ……………………………………...
………………….. being arrears and costs recoverable under Part VII of the Local
Authorities Ordinance, 1996 [Cap. 20], as detailed below and that unless you pay
into the office of the amount due together with the costs of this attachment within
7 days of the date of this notice the property will be sold.

Dated this.......................... day of.....................................20.........

Name and Signature

No. of Articles Description of Property
RM sen
Current rates for........... half year ending..................., 20.....

Arrears for.............................. years, viz. 19.......... to 20.....

Fee under section 74 … … … … … … … … …
Attachment Fee … … … … … … … … … …
Total …
For Reference Only

134 CAP. 20

[Deleted Cap. A114.]



(Section 87(1))

Ordinance, 1996 [Cap. 20], of the following:


I/We, ..............................................................................................................
of ..............................................................................................................................
hereby give notice as required under section 87(1) of the Local Authorities

Title of rateable holding...........................................................................

Description and
situation of
rateable holding Lot.................... Section/Block..........................
Land District........................................................

3. Name of seller/transferor..........................................................................
Name of purchaser/transferee...................................................................

4. Number of Symbol
of Instrument Ref............. Transfer Vol.......... Folio..........................
Date of Registration
of Instrument ...........................................................................................

5. Remarks:
Purchase price...................... Date of purchase...................


Dated this ............................ day of ..................................... 20 ......................

For Reference Only


(Section 87(2))


I/We, ..................................................................................................................
hereby give notice as required under section 87(2) of the Local Authorities
Ordinance, 1996 [Cap. 20], of the following:


Title of rateable holding

Description and
situation of
rateable holding

Lot …………… Section/Block ……………

Land District ………………………………..
Address …………………………………….
3. Name of owner
prior to
transmission ………………………………………………………………
Name of present owner …………………………………………….

Address …………………………………………………………………...

4. Number of Symbol

of Instrument Ref. …………. Transfer Vol……… Folio …………

Date of Registration
of Instrument ...........................................................................................

5. Remarks:


Dated this ............................ day of ..................................... 20 ......................

For Reference Only

136 CAP. 20

(Section 87A)

I certify that

(a) all amounts (if any) due to the …………….. (name of local
authority), being the local authority having *current jurisdiction/ jurisdiction
prior to the delineation of administrative boundaries over the holding
described as Lot: ……………………….Section/Block:………………..
Land District: ……… and situated at……………………………………….
by the *owner/occupier of the said holding preceding the date of this

Certificate in respect of *rates/fees/charges/other moneys for services
rendered in relation to such holding; and

(b) all amounts (if any) due by the *owner/occupier of the above-
mentioned holding on account of expenses incurred by the……………..
(name of local authority) in relation to such holding preceding the date of this

under the provisions of the Local Authorities Ordinance, 1996 [Cap. 20] and
bylaws made thereunder had been paid.
2. This Certificate is not valid after thirty days from the date of its issue.
Dated this ……. day of ………………

Chief Administrative Officer,
(name of local authority)
*Delete where inapplicable.
[Ins. Cap. A114.]
For Reference Only




(Section 113(13))



Take notice that under section 113 of the Local Authorities Ordinance,
1996 [Cap. 20], the ............................................................................. being
satisfied of the existence at ...................................................................... of a
nuisance being ......................................................................... (describe the

nuisance) hereby requires you within ........................................ (specify the time)
from the service of this notice to abate the same and to execute such
works and do such things as may be necessary for that

............................................................................. (specify any works to be


Take notice that if you make default in complying with any of the
i.e. .............................................................................................................................

requirements of this notice within the time specified, you shall be guilty of an
offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine not exceeding two thousand
ringgit or to a term of imprisonment not exceeding six months or to both such fine
and imprisonment under section 113(5) of the Local Authorities Ordinance, 1996
[Cap. 20].

Dated this…………………………….day of ………………….. 20……


Name and Signature
For Reference Only

138 CAP. 20


(Section 113(13))



Whereas you have on the ......................... day of .................... 20 .................. appeared before
me for failing to comply with the requirements of the Notice in Form H of the Fourth Schedule to the
Local Authorities Ordinance, 1996 [Cap. 20], dated the ................................ day of ..........................,
20 ..... and whereas you have been convicted of the offence under section 113(5) of the said Ordinance
the Court hereby requires you to comply with all the requirements of the said Notice or to abate the
nuisance within ……………………… (specify the time).

Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this ……………………….. day of
.............................................................20 ..........................................................

For Reference Only



(Section 113(13))



Whereas you have on the .................................... day of .............................................................

19............. appeared before me for failing to comply with the requirements of the Notice in
Form H of the Fourth Schedule to the Local Authorities Ordinance, 1996, dated
the ......................................... day of ............, ......................................., 20 .......... ....and whereas you
have been convicted of the offence under section 113(5) of the said Ordinance the Court hereby


Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this

………………………………. day of ……………………….. 20………..
prohibits you from using the................................................ (describe the dwellinghouse) for human

For Reference Only

[List of Amendments]

140 CAP. 20


Chapter 20



Amending Law Short Title In force from

Swk. L.G. 76/97 … The Local Authorities (Amendment

of First Schedule) (Padawan
Municipal Council) Order, 1997 1.1.1998
Cap. A69/99

Cap. 30/99

Cap. 33/2000
Cap. A85/2001


Local Authorities (Amendment)
Ordinance, 1999
Protection of Public Health
Ordinance, 1999
Entertainment Ordinance, 2000
City of Kuching North (Amendment)


Ordinance, 2001 1.1.2002

Cap. A94/2002 ... Local Authorities (Amendment)
Ordinance, 2002 1.1.2005
Cap. 60/2004 … Community Chief and Headmen
Ordinance, 2004 Not yet in force
Cap. A114/2004 ... Local Authorities (Amendment) 20.5.2005/
Ordinance, 2004 1.1.2005–
(Swk. L.G.
23/2005; 9/2006)

Swk. L.G. 24/2004 … Local Authorities (Miri City

Council) Order, 2005 20.5.2005
Cap. A130 City of Kuching North (Amendment)
Ordinance, 2007 30.5.2007
Cap. A160/2013 ... Local Authorities (Amendment)
Ordinance, 2013 1.1.2014



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