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By Michelle Fonseca
What is the ratio of
introduced flowers
to wildflowers in
Peterson Creek?
Bigleaf periwinkle
★ Flowers that are not native to an
★ Were introduced into a new region
★ Grow wild into the new region
★ Some grow quickly and cause harm to
the environment
★ Native to where they grow
★ Require less water and fertilization
★ Less prone to diseases and more tolerant
to pests
★ Provide critical habitat for pollinators
★ Improve soil health
★ Many have been lost to development
and the spread of invasive plants

Water Speedwell
★ Two completely separate areas to do
tests, about 3 meters wide
○ One at the beginning of the creek, one near
the bridge
○ These areas were divided into two, one on
each side of the creek
Area 1
Side A

Side B
Area 2

Side A Side B
Area 1 Data
Area 2 Data
Both Areas
Wildflowers Introduced
Area 1- 19.67% (36/183) Area 1- 80.33% (147/183)
Area 2- 1.79% (2/112) Area 2- 98.21% (110/112)

Rose clover Watercress

Total Data
Area 1 - 147/183 Area 1 - 36/183
Area 2 - 110/112 Area 2 - 2/112

257 38
Introduced 295 Wildflowers
"Wildflowers provide a lot of benefits, even
when there's not a flower present,"
-Clay Bolt
★ Wildflowers are very important for the
health of the environment
★ Lack of wildflowers can be unhealthy for
Peterson Creek
★ Solution
★ Benjamin, Jocelyn. “Wildflowers Benefit Agricultural Operations,
Ecosystems.” Natural Resources Conservation Service, United
States Department of Agriculture, 1 May 2017. Accessed 19 May
★ Nunez, Christina. “Why planting Wildflowers Makes a Difference.”
National Geographic, 27 April 2021. Accessed 19 May 2022.

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