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a) Topic of the problem:

Investigating the Causes of the Declining Enrolments at the University of Nairobi.

b) Four Specific objectives:

- To identify the factors contributing to the decline in enrolment at the university.
- To examine the impact of the university's academic programs on student enrolment.
- To analyze the effectiveness of the university's marketing and recruitment strategies.
- To develop recommendations to reverse the trend of declining enrolments.

c) Four Research questions:

- What are the main factors that have led to the decline in enrolment at the university?
- How have changes in the academic programs offered at the university affected student
- What marketing and recruitment strategies has the university employed, and how
effective have they been in attracting and retaining students?
- What specific measures can be taken to increase enrolment at the university?
d) Problem statement:

Enrolments at the University of Nairobi have declined at a rate of 10% per year for the past
three years. This research aims to identify the factors contributing to this decline, with a
particular focus on the impact of academic programs and marketing and recruitment
strategies. By analyzing these factors, the study will develop recommendations to help the
university reverse the trend of declining enrolments and attract more students in the future.

The problem statement outlines the main issue that the research aims to address, which is the
decline in enrolments at the University of Nairobi over the past three years. The problem is
stated as a quantitative trend, with enrolments decreasing by 10% each year. The research
will investigate the factors that have contributed to this decline, with a particular focus on the
university's academic programs and marketing and recruitment strategies.

The research aims to identify the causes of the declining enrolments at the University of
Nairobi and develop recommendations to reverse this trend. The recommendations will
include improving academic programs, enhancing marketing and recruitment strategies,
expanding outreach activities, and improving facilities and financial aid. By implementing
these recommendations, the university could potentially attract more students and regain its
enrollment numbers.

e) Describe characteristics of a scientific research

Scientific research refers to a systematic investigation conducted using the scientific method
to answer a research question or test a hypothesis.

Systematic and structured:

Scientific research follows a structured approach, from defining the research question or
problem to selecting appropriate methods for data collection and analysis.


Scientific research aims to be unbiased and objective, using systematic and rigorous methods
to minimize the influence of personal biases and opinions.


Scientific research is based on evidence and data that are collected using empirical methods,
such as experiments, surveys, or observations.


Scientific research is designed to be replicable, meaning that other researchers should be able
to replicate the study and obtain similar results.


Scientific research aims to produce results that are generalizable to a larger population
beyond the study sample.

Logical and systematic:

Scientific research follows a logical and systematic process of hypothesis development, data
collection, analysis, and interpretation.

Transparent and communicable:

Scientific research is expected to be transparent, with data and methods fully disclosed to
enable peer review and replication. It is also expected to be communicated in a clear and
understandable manner to promote wider dissemination and use.


Scientific research should adhere to ethical principles and guidelines, such as obtaining
informed consent from participants, protecting their privacy and confidentiality, and
minimizing any potential harm or risk to participants.

In other words, scientific research aims to use rigorous and systematic methods to produce
reliable and valid knowledge that contributes to advancing scientific understanding and
promoting evidence-based decision making.

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