Adobe Scan 30 Sep 2021

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Ans nekI Was succesSTunly reated and vell taken

care of by the Surge
Sat. MB PUmpnreY was dog ina
with he results
hapPy t0d when she met her
neuy sae arer ne
reurned, e was napPy to go his state
ICKed her 1ace. But T DelieveDCK
since he has returned wilangnOneast

ots of food
L a c K Of exercise will lead to him sinin
PurmphreyS excessive love and Care might end him back into saurgery again in
no tme,

Do his is a real-life episo or mere fictuon? or s t
mixture of both

The story Is a suble
mix of both
reality and fiction. We ca
M S Pumpnrey in our lives who love to spend lavishly or
e g nErog n , n tnat splrit, ended up over feeding
caused him serious healh
issDes and
he started
section to
of 100K
Tor him and the br Hke
wine and brandy for the vEy sending
* y a l e consioered as fiction.

alk about it
s episoo Oscibes tne sly DenaviOur or a Ncn womän who Is
TOOISniy Induigent, PernapsDecause Sne is oney Do you ink
AnsMrs P r e tons cause harm to other?
required fed him ith Dgent she spent
more than on her dog and
e narmtul for the dog's health. Her love for her don wa
e r eoed nm Deing overwegnt and sick. she was not aware af the
repercussions her actions were Dearing just to salisty her inoulgent heart. Hr
3cuons caused a lot of body harm to the
2.Do you think there are also parents like Mrs
Ases. there are a few parents like Mrs Pumphrey out there. She
n e r pet og Sne got hima whole rack of tweed coats, separate
0OwIS and TE co0-Iver o dd
Chocolates. Her overinougence Was no
g0od 1or
une dog, and ne enoed
p gaining more man required ediny werg
wriich restrICtea his moVement and he ended
up requiring medical help.

3. What would you have done if you were:

meimber of the sta in Mrs Pumphrey's household
A S uld be disturbing as a member of the staff in Mrs Pumphrey's
housEOC,O See tne oog Suter so much becaise of her indulgences. I

Class X English

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