Full Report Format Template

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International Borneo Innovation Exhibition and Competition 2022 (IBIEC 2022)

Full report Format (English) :

1. Report Format
• Please Use The Template Provided And Send It In .Docx Format As Per The
• The Writing of The Innovation Report can be written in English or Malay.

2. Abstract
• Refer to Abstract Preparation Format

3. Content
• Writing Format
The Number of Pages Does Not Exceed 7 Pages. Font 12 and font style is Times New

• Problem Statement
Describes the Problems Encountered While Implementing Pdp/Management/Relevant

• Product/Invention/Idea Objectives
Describes the Objectives of The Product/Invention/Idea Produced.

• Product/Invention/Idea Description
1. Describe the Product/Invention/Idea in Detail.
2. Explain How Products/Inventions/Ideas Are Implemented/ Used/
Handled In Relevant Pdp/Management/Field Activities

• Product Impact/Invention/Idea
Describes the Impact/Advantages/Benefits of The Product/Invention/Idea.

• Product Diagram/Invention/Invention/Idea
Present Product Diagram/Illustration/Invention/Idea.

4. Reference
• Submit Relevant References in Developing Innovation Projects / Ideas.
International Borneo Innovation Exhibition and Competition 2022 (IBIEC 2022)

Full report Format (Bahasa Melayu) :

1. Format Laporan
• Sila gunakan Template yang disediakan dan hantar dalam format .docx seperti di
• Penulisan laporan inovasi boleh menggunakan Bahasa Inggeris atau Bahasa Melayu.

2. Abstrak
• Rujuk format penyediaan abstrak

3. Kandungan
• Format Tulisan
Bilangan muka surat tidak melebihi 7 muka surat. font 12 dan tulisan Times New

• Penyataan Masalah
Menerangkan masalah yang dihadapi semasa melaksanakan pdp/pengurusan/bidang
yang berkaitan.

• Objektif Produk/Rekacipta/Idea
Menerangkan objektif produk/rekacipta/idea yang dihasilkan.

• Diskripsi Produk/Rekacipta/Idea
1. Menerangkan produk/rekacipta/idea secara terperinci.
2. Menerangkan bagaimana produk/rekacipta/idea dilaksanakan/
digunakan/ dikendalikan dalam aktiviti pdp/pengurusan/bidang yang

• Impak Produk/Rekacipta/Idea
Menerangkan impak/kelebihan/kebaikan produk/rekacipta/idea tersebut.

• Gambarajah/Ilutrasi Produk/Rekacipta/Idea
Kemukakan gambarajah/ilutrasi produk/ rekacipta/idea.

4. Rujukan
International Borneo Innovation Exhibition and Competition 2022 (IBIEC 2022)

• Kemukakan rujukan yang berkaitan dalam membangunkan projek / idea inovasi.

Content :

• Problem Statement

• Product/Invention/Idea Objectives

• Product/Invention/Idea Description

• Product Impact/Invention/Idea
International Borneo Innovation Exhibition and Competition 2022 (IBIEC 2022)

• Product Diagram/Invention/Invention/Idea


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