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In our lives sometimes we maybe feel sad and discourage because of terrible things that

happen in our live. There are several ways to overcome that problem and become a happy person.
Firstly you have to smile even you do not feel like smiling. Just make a big fake smile and believe me
it will eventually turn into a real smile. Another ways to be happy is to look yourself at the mirror
and say I love myself and I am the best. Other than that you have to think and talk about what you
want in your life and stop talking about things that you do not want. You surely will be excited with
you own life. Futhermore, you have to say no to negativity. Stop watching negative news, hearing
negative music and hanging with negative friends. Another ways to be happy is exercise and
meditate. Exercise will make you feel good and meditate will help you give your mind chance to rest
and heal. You also have to be grateful for what you have. Lastly ways to be happy is you have to be a
giver, for example do something nice for someone. With all the tips you surely will be happy.

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