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I want to talk about my favorite type of video to watch.

What is your favorite

type? Mine would have to be videos about dogs and baseball! Nowadays
YouTube and Instagram have this sort of video type called shorts. And these
videos shown follow this mechanism called algorithm. After I watched some
videos about dogs and baseball it started to show short videos about those.
The reason why I like them is because it is short. The longest the video can
show is 1 minute. And we go to the next one.

I’m just a student who is bored every day and I can’t really think of anything to
do when I’m in this situation. The shorts have the perfect mix of time and
entertainment to help out in this boring situation, whether as a animal or
baseball or even documentary videos. when watching these shorts time passes
by so quickly so when I checked my screen time in the phone about 3hours a
day averagely have I used my time to watch these shorts.

Shorts is also comfortable and doesn’t seem to have a hard time using it.
Whenever I watch dog videos in them shorts make the category of dogs. I
don’t know how the mechanism does it, but I am sure that it gives enough
entertainment and good videos I could satisfy

I love that “shorts” is spreading in the community so vastly. Day by day it

makes more people watch and more and more people start to make these
types of videos. I believe if it gains more fame eventually unknown good
videos will eventually come out and it would make a lot of people entertained.

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