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The Effects of School Climate to the Academic Rating of the Students

School climate refers to the prevailing atmosphere, culture, and values of a school,
including the relationships among students, teachers, and administrators, the physical
environment, and the overall sense of safety and belonging. The school climate can have
a significant impact on the academic rating of students.

A positive school climate has been linked to improved academic outcomes for students.
When students feel safe, supported, and respected, they are more likely to engage in
their learning, participate in class, and form positive relationships with teachers and
peers. A positive school climate can also foster a sense of community and belonging,
which can enhance students' motivation and desire to succeed academically.

On the other hand, a negative school climate can have detrimental effects on students'
academic performance. Students who experience bullying, harassment, discrimination,
or a lack of support from their teachers or peers are more likely to disengage from their
learning, experience higher levels of stress, and have lower academic achievement.
Negative school climates can also contribute to higher rates of absenteeism, truancy,
and dropouts.

Therefore, it is essential for schools to prioritize creating a positive school climate to

support students' academic success. This can include implementing policies and
practices to prevent bullying and harassment, promoting inclusion and diversity,
providing adequate support services, creating a safe and welcoming physical
environment, and promoting positive relationships among all members of the school
community. By prioritizing the school climate, educators and administrators can help
ensure that students have the support they need to thrive academically and beyond

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