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Life At MICA

Life in MICA can be defined as Refreshing. Located in Shela Ahmedabad, the college is n hour away
from the airport and a close to 10 kms away from the city. Nevertheless everything is available at a
close distance of 5 kms.

This college strategically focuses on including extracurricular developments and projects into the life
of the students aiming at holistic development. Diversity at it’s core, each person here comes with
different walks of life and with so much to teach each other. MICA lives in harmony. The community
helps everyone grow in ways we never anticipated. Each person shines in its own way, every
discussion has multiple perspectives to it. And like how I put it, there is nothing to lose here.

The red brick walls all come together to tell you stories for all our previous batches. Every graffiti has
a story, every story has a reason. In the first few weeks of joining MICA, one admires all the walls as
a piece of art as well as heritage. During the MICANVA’s – Asia’s biggest Marketing fest hosted by
MICA the chotta wall gets painted afresh. Every person has the chance to leave a mark on the wall
and tell their stories for their experiences in mica via the paintings. Taking days and nights to paint,
wall painting is an event of the year that brings all MICAN’s together.

Chotta Canteen

Open to college students 24*7 you expect to get a taste of a lot of cuisine. A little of everything is
what I like to call it. The best part is Anand bhai and Amar bhai who are the most welcoming people
on campus. Oh, and you can ask them to let you curate your dish! Under the warm sun on a chilly
day sitting at chotta machan is something every aspirant looks forward to. Some of the legendary
dishes here have been named by the seniors who helped developed them and they are a must TRY.

Academic Blocks

The entire faculty sits at the academic blocks which are close by to the student classroom area. The
academic walls have brick walls with are special to mica with new hour infrastructure. The rooms are
easily accessible and at an arm’s length for students to reach. Usually, students are free to ask for
meetings during office hours. The faculty is close knitted with the students which allows an open
communication for academic purposes.


With a basketball court, football ground and a cricket ground, MICAN’s are obsessed with their
competitive sports. With groups practicing and playing daily, MICA in all way cherishes their sports
endeavours. With the diversity of students who come here at MICA, enjoying even the old games
becomes such a profound learning. Playing table tennis or badminton till dawn is a very common site
at MICA. Sports also brings students together by helping them invoke feelings of teamplay. Teams
are formed in between seniors and juniors also to help the community play together.


With a very popular mess committee on campus, one of the favourite past times for students is
getting together for food. With an elaborate menu the mess folks cook nutritious meals for students
every day. With breakfast, lunch dinner there is an added hour of snacks which are usually served
after classes. After a daylong hustle, mess food is something that brings all students together. MICA
Mess also is open to faculty and the staff, so it is common for us to see students with faculty
enjoying stimulating conversations. This two-floor mess also opens its terrace doors during winters
to enjoy the food in an open setting under the warm sunshine.

Classes usually run from 8.30-9 am in the morning till evening with lunch breaks and breathers
between each class. One thing that you hear from every MICA student is the importance the
institute places on being punctual. Faculty and students follow this principle to the core and
encourage each other to do that. Respecting each other’s time is a valuable principle at mica which
is of paramount importance. After classes is a mix of assignment discussions, playtime, time to
complete your projects etc. The curriculum is set such that focuses on doing projects relevant to the
industry is a must. The learnings have a mix of theory and practicality. One never gets bored of the
assignments shared as they always have a way of getting the students out of their comfort zone.
Projects are also fun and encourage group learning and individual contribution. To give you a sneak
peak, a project recently shared required film making skills, acting, scripting etc.

MICA is also one of the only B-schools who have events, cultural or marketing planned every now
and then. The events help you connect with alums, industry experts and a find mentor. Every festival
is celebrated with zeal and enthusiasm here with our flagship, Navratri events being the highlight.
Student come together with sweets and special menus as well. Festivals at MICA do feel like a taste
of every part of India.

Hostels at MICA are every special which each building having its own little community and way of life
to it. Junior hostels and senior hostels are different and far from each other. The junior hostels have
co living room where you share your room with another student. The allocation of the rooms is at
random. Senior hostels have single rooms. Each Junior hostel has the capacity of almost 60 students.
Hostels are usually buzzing all the time with important announcements moving like waves, songs
and guitar sound being very common to our ears. Even hostels have their own traditions and special
events. The rules are very simple, help each other and love each other.

Life at MICA is not something you can read or learn about but only experience it. To every aspirant
who reads this I would encourage them to come in here, ready to live, well slept and rested because
MICA is hustle but a beautiful one.

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