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Instruction: Answer each question and construct an argument for or against and support with
evidence. Pass your answer in PDF form.

1. Do you agree that protection of the natural environment, biodiversity is one of the greatest
civilization challenges of the 21st century? Explain your answer.

I agree that caring for the natural environment, biodiversity is one of the biggest challenges
of civilization in the 21st century because it is a challenge and it starts with us as
consumers: For example, the consumption of products from our continent, avoiding the use
of plastic wrapping, traveling as little by car as possible and using public transportation. We
don’t need any new law, just common sense in the beginning.

2. Would the world be a better place without human? Explain your answer.

For me, the world would not be better place without people because people are important
in the world and we cannot say world if no one lives in it and the purpose of having
human in the world is to handle the situation or solve the problem we face today.

3. Is a zero-waste society achievable? Explain your answer.

Yes, it is very possible if you can still do your part to reduce the amount of waste.
Whether you’re recycling in your home, planning an event, or looking to reduce waste in
your business, you’ve certainly played a big role in improving the Philippines waste

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