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Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP)

Sekolah : PKBM Beacon Light

Kelas/Semester : 7 (Tujuh)/Sem 1 (Term 1)

Mata Pelajaran : Social Studies 1073

Kompetensi Dasar : ● Careers and Ministries

- Introduction: God’s Great Design for Man
- Art and Media
- Business, Management, and Finance
● Begin to fill in a Career and Ministry Inventory showing
student’s interests
● Do right always, according to God’s Word-to be consistent

Alokasi Waktu : 11 x 40 minutes

Character Trait : Consistent

When you know it’s right to do, And you know it’s best for you,
And the way you’ve done it has been working fine, There’s no
need to make a change or try it some way strange; Just continue
on the good consistent line.

Scipture/Bible Verse : 1 Corinthians 15:58

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable,
always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know
that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.

A. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Students will be able:
1. To learn about careers and ministries
- Introduction: God’s Great Design for Man
- Art and Media
- Business, Management, and Finance
2. To learn about filling in a Career and Ministry Inventory and showing interests.
3. To learn to do right always, according to God’s Word-to be consistent

B. Langkah-langkah (Kegiatan) Pembelajaran

Meeting Activity Source

1 a. Students memorize and recite Bible verse. Page 1 - 4

b. Students read and understand character trait and
my goal.
c. Students describe/explain on his own words of
character trait committed.

RPP Social Studies 1073 kelas 7 PKBM Beacon Light

d. Students read his goal.
e. Students learn Symbol and Sound Chart on page 1.
f. Students do exercise on page 2.
a. Students read the introduction about God’s Great
Design for a Man.
b. Students fill in the blanks with the right answers.
c. Students read and write the bible verse.
d. Students score page 2 to 4, correct mistakes, and

2 a. Students read and learn about “Man Designed to Page 5 - 8

Glorify God”.
b. Students complete the activity exercise on page 6.
c. Students read and learn about “Man Designed to
fulfil God’s Call”.
d. Students fill in the blanks with the correct answer.
e. Students score page 6 to 8, correct mistakes, and

3 a. Students do Check Up 1. Page 9 - 10

b. Students score page 9 and 10, correct mistakes,
and rescore.

4 a. Students read new vocabulary word and match each Page 11 – 14

word with its definition.
b. Students fill in the blanks with correct answers
c. Students score page 11 correct mistakes, and
d. Students read and learn about “Art and Media”.
e. Students fill in the blanks with the correct answers.
f. Students read and learn about “Designers”.
g. Students fill in the blanks with the correct answers.
h. Students score page 14 correct mistakes, and

5 a. Students read and learn about “Musicians”. Page 18-21

b. Students fill in the blanks with the correct answers.
c. Students read and learn about “Writers”.
d. Students complete the activity on page 18.
e. Students score page 16 and 18 correct mistakes,
and rescore.
f. Students read and learn about “Editors”.
g. Students fill in the blanks with the correct answers.
h. Students read and learn about “Reporters and
i. Students fill in the blanks with the correct answers.
j. Students score page 19 and 21 correct mistakes,
and rescore.

RPP Social Studies 1073 kelas 7 PKBM Beacon Light

6 a. Students do Check Up 2. Page 22 - 23
b. Students score page 22 and 23, correct mistakes,
and rescore.

7 a. Students read each new vocabulary word along with Page 24 - 28

its part of speech and pronunciation also match
each word with its definition.
b. Students fill the blanks with correct answers.
c. Students score page 24 and 25, correct mistakes,
and rescore.
d. Students read and learn about “Business,
Management, and Finance”.
e. Students fill in the blanks with the correct answers.
f. Students read and learn about “Purchasing Agent”.
g. Students fill in the blanks with the correct answers.
h. Students read and learn about “Personnel (human
Resources) Specialists”.
i. Students fill in the blanks with the correct answers.
j. Students score page 26, 27, and 28, correct
mistakes, and rescore.

8 a. Students read and learn about “Managers and Page 29 – 33

b. Students fill in the blanks with the correct answers.
c. Students read and learn about “Bank Employees”.
d. Students fill in the blanks and answer the questions
with the correct answers.
e. Students complete scripture and reference from
f. Students score page 29 and 31, correct mistakes,
and rescore.
g. Students read and learn about “Accountants”.
h. Students complete scripture and reference from
i. Students fill in the blanks with the correct answers.
j. Students score page 33, correct mistakes, and

9 a. Students do Word Check Up on page 34. Page 34 - 36

b. Students do Check Up 3.
c. Students score page 34, 35, and 36, correct
mistakes, and rescore.

10 a. Students do Self Test. Page 37 - 38

b. Students ask permission to do Self Test.
c. Students recite Bible verse.
d. Students score page 37 to 38 correct mistakes, and

RPP Social Studies 1073 kelas 7 PKBM Beacon Light

11 a. Students do Final PACE Test.
b. Students ask permission to do Final PACE Test at
Test Table.
c. Supervisor prays for students before starting the
d. When completed, students should raise flag for
permission to hand up the test.

C. Asesmen Pembelajaran
Tes tertulis/Final PACE Test (terlampir).

Tangerang Selatan, Juni 20…

Guru Kelas
Kepala Sekolah

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RPP Social Studies 1073 kelas 7 PKBM Beacon Light


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