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Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP)

Sekolah : PKBM Beacon Light

Kelas/Semester : 7 (Tujuh)/Sem 1 (Term 1)

Mata Pelajaran : Social Studies 1075

Kompetensi Dasar : ● Careers and Ministries

- Seeking the Vocation God Has for Me
- Agriculture
- Education
- Government and Law
● Fill in a Career and Ministry Inventory
● Have understanding in making the right decision about any
about any situation-to be discerning

Alokasi Waktu : 11 x 40 minutes

Character Trait : Discerning

Are you daily learning to be discerning? Someday your discerning

may be earning you a living. Therefore, studies demanding take
understanding; For preparing and discerning the life’s work God
has for you.

Scipture/Bible Verse : Ezekiel 44:23

And they shall teach my people the difference between the holy
and profane, and cause them to discern between the unclean and
the clean.

A. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Students will be able:
1. To learn about Careers and Ministries
- Seeking the Vocation God Has for Me
- Agriculture
- Education
- Government and Law
2. To learn about filling in a Career and Ministry
3. To learn to understanding in making the right decision about any about any situation-to
be discerning

RPP Social Studies 1075 kelas 7 PKBM Beacon Light

B. Langkah-langkah (Kegiatan) Pembelajaran
Meeting Activity Source

1 a. Students memorize and recite Bible verse. Page 1 - 7

b. Students read and understand character trait and
my goal.
c. Students describe/explain on his own words of
character trait committed.
d. Students read his goal.
e. Student read each vocabulary word along with its
part of speech and pronunciation.
f. Student fill in the puzzle with the vocabulary words
that match the clues.
g. Students read and learn about “Seeking the
Vocation God Has for Me”.
h. Students complete the activity exercise on page 5.
i. Students read and learn about “Position”, “Benefit”,
and “Service”.
j. Students complete the activity exercise on page 7.
a. Students score page 5, and 7, correct mistakes, and

2 a. Students continue reading about “Agriculture”. Page 8 - 10

b. Students fill in the blanks with the correct answer.
c. Students read and learn about “Other Agricultural
d. Students fill in the blanks with the correct answer.
e. Students score page 9 and 10, correct mistakes,
and rescore.

3 a. Students do Check Up 1. Page 11 - 12

b. Students score page 11 and 12, correct mistakes,
and rescore.

4 a. Students read each sentence, and underline the Page 13 – 21

correct definition.
b. Students add four of the following suffixes to each of
the base words.
c. Students score page 13 and 14 correct mistakes,
and rescore.
a. Students read and learn about “Education”
b. Students fill in the blanks with the correct answers.
c. Students read and learn about “Church-school
Professionals (supervisors) and Paraprofessionals
d. Students fill in the blanks with the correct answers.
e. Students score page 15 and 17 correct mistakes,
and rescore.
f. Students read and learn about “College and

RPP Social Studies 1075 kelas 7 PKBM Beacon Light

University Professors”.
g. Students fill in the blanks with the correct answers.
h. Students read and learn about “Specialty Area
i. Students fill in the blanks with the correct answers.
j. Students read and learn about “Sports Coaches”.
k. Students fill in the blanks with the correct answers.
l. Students score page 19, 20, and 21 correct
mistakes, and rescore.

5 a. Students read and learn about “English as Second Page 22 - 27

Language Instructors”.
b. Students fill in the blanks with the correct answers.
c. Students read and learn about “Special Education
d. Students fill in the blanks with the correct answers.
e. Students read and learn about “Librarians”.
f. Students fill in the blanks with the correct answers.
g. Students score page 23, 25 and 26 correct
mistakes, and rescore.
h. Students match Bible characters with their
i. Students score page 27 correct mistakes, and

6 a. Students do Check Up 2. Page 28 – 29

b. Students score page 28 and 29, correct mistakes,
and rescore.

7 a. Students read each new vocabulary word along with Page 30 - 34

its part of speech and pronunciation.
b. Students read while fill in the blanks from the Bible.
c. Students score page 30 and 31 correct mistakes,
and rescore.
d. Students read and learn about “Government and
e. Students fill in the blanks with the correct answers.
f. Students read and learn about “Paralegals”.
g. Students fill in the blanks with the correct answers.
h. Students score page 33, and 34, correct mistakes,
and rescore.

8 a. Students read and learn about “Judges”. Page 35 – 37

b. Students fill in the blanks with the correct answers.
c. Students read and learn about “Elected Officials”.
d. Students fill in the blanks with the correct answers.
e. Students score page 35, and 37, correct mistakes,
and rescore.

RPP Social Studies 1075 kelas 7 PKBM Beacon Light

9 a. Students do Word Check Up on page 38. Page 38 – 40
b. Students do Check Up 3.
c. Students score page 38, 39, and 40, correct
mistakes, and rescore.

10 a. Students do Self Test. Page 41 – 42

b. Students ask permission to do Self Test.
c. Students recite Bible verse.
d. Students score page 41 to 42 correct mistakes, and

11 a. Students do Final PACE Test.

b. Students ask permission to do Final PACE Test at
Test Table.
c. Supervisor prays for students before starting the
d. When completed, students should raise flag for
permission to hand up the test.

C. Asesmen Pembelajaran
Tes tertulis/Final PACE Test (terlampir).

Tangerang Selatan, Juni 20…

Guru Kelas
Kepala Sekolah

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RPP Social Studies 1075 kelas 7 PKBM Beacon Light


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