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Quiz 5 Revision Task

Name: _________________
RegNo: __________________
1. Select all offices.
2. Select all customers whose customerName starts with a word “MINI”. i.e. Mini Classics.
3. Select all customers whose customerName contains at least 2 dashes (-) or dots (.).
4. Select all customers who belongs to USA and have creditLimit greater than 100000
5. Select all payments of the year “2004”.
6. Show customer number, order number, status of all orders made by customer whose
customernumber is 103.
7. Show customer number, order number, and status of all orders.
8. Show all customers who were not serviced by a Sales Representative.
9. Show customernumber, and phone number of the customers serviced by a Sales
Representative whose employeeNumber is 115.
10. Show orderNumber, and orderDate of orders those are not yet shipped. (Hint: where shipped
date is NULL).
11. Add 5000 to creditLimit to customers belonging to USA.
12. Add the Payment record against about all new customer you can added
13. Delete all payments of the year 2004 of a customer whose customerNumber is 1.
14. List all customer names in descending order and their phone numbers.
15. Show customerNumber and amount for top 3 payments;
16. Insert atleast 5 orders in the order table with required attribut
17. Select first 3 orders those are not shipped yet.
18. Update query 6, to show next 2 orders those are not shipped yet.
19. Show the names of employees who salary are between 50 thousands to 1 lac and its office
code between 1 to 4.
20. Show customerNumber of top 3 customers.
21. Show all the products ordered by product name and quantity of products
22. Show all the products whose half price is greater than 500
23. Show product names, quantity, and total price of all products ordered by customer “Asim
24. Show product name, quantity, and total price of all products ordered in order number
25. Show order number, total products ordered, and total price for order number “10103”
26. Show name, and job title of all employees who reports directly to President.
27. What is the minimum payment received?
28. Which orders have a value greater than 5,000?
29. List the product lines that contain 'Cars' and concatenation with product code.
30. List the products in each product line.
31. Show product name and Price for Products having max price.
32. Show employee name and number of employees who reports to him/her.
33. Show the number of employees working under any manager who is managing more than 3
34. Show product name, product line, quantity in stock, and buy price of products whose
quantity in stock is greater than 7000.
35. Show product name and Price for Products having price more than average price of all
36. Show country name, and number of offices in each country.
37. How many orders have been placed by any employee?
38. How many products in each product line?
39. List all payments greater than twice the average payment.
40. Which orders have a value greater than 5,000?

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