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UNIT 6 Worksheet 10: Past tenses

Twenty past-tense verbs have been removed from the text. Complete gaps 1–20 with the
correct form of the verbs in brackets.
• The verbs must agree with the subject.
• Some verbs are in the continuous form, and some are in the passive voice.
• Some verbs have an irregular past tense form, or a spelling change when ed is added.

The messenger
The kingdom of Vijaynagar (1) had not been enjoying (not

enjoy) good relations with its neighbouring state for a very long time. Jealous

opponents of Tenali Rama, one of the king’s ministers and the most able of them,

(2) found (find) it the perfect opportunity to

damage his reputation. So they (3) went (go)

about poisoning Krishnadeva Rai’s mind against him.

One day, when the king (4) was sitting (sit) in his

chamber pondering over the affairs of the state, one of his courtiers came up and

whispered into his ear, ‘Your Majesty, (5)

(hear) the latest?’

The king was surprised and exclaimed, ‘No, I have not! What’s going on?’
‘Your Majesty, Tenali is in the pay of the neighbouring king. He

(6) (spy) on us for them.’

‘What are you talking about?’ asked the king angrily.

‘This has been going on for a long time, your Majesty. But you

(7) (not listen) to a word against Tenali.

He (8) (cast) such a spell on you that you

refuse to even think that he might betray you.’

‘Tenali Rama is faithful to the kingdom. It is impossible that he would do such

a thing. You (9) (misinform),’ the king

(10) (reply) with confidence.

© Cambridge University Press 2013 Cambridge Checkpoint English 7: My World 1

UNIT 6 Worksheet 10: Past tenses

But the courtier convinced the king to take his accusation seriously in those

times of great intrigue. The king (11)

(promise) to investigate the matter and agreed that if Tenali Rama

(12) (find) guilty, he

(13) (punish). But his heart was heavy and

he hoped that Tenali Rama (14) (deny)

the charge.

The king sent for Tenali Rama the following day. Without wasting time he

immediately asked the minister whether he

(15)  (be) in league with the neighbouring state.

The question shocked Tenali Rama so much that he could not say anything.

When Krishnadeva Rai found he had nothing to say, he

(16) (become) angry and thundered, ‘Your

silence shows your guilt.’

Deeply hurt that the king could doubt his loyalty, Tenali Rama said that he

(17) (refuse) to answer such a

preposterous charge. This made the king even more angry. He ordered Tenali Rama

to leave his kingdom. He (18) (can order)

him to be put to death for the crime of treachery, but the king respected Tenali

Rama’s high status and their previous good relationship.

Tenali Rama did not say a single word in his defence and went away with

his head bowed in misery. When his enemies heard that Tenali Rama

(19) (expel) from the kingdom, their joy

(20) (know) no bounds.

© Cambridge University Press 2013 Cambridge Checkpoint English 7: My World 2

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