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⚫ A vector refers to any physical quantities, which has both

magnitude and direction.

⚫ It is represented by an arrow whose length corresponds to the

magnitude of the quantity and whose arrow head corresponds
to its direction.

⚫ It is represented y an arrows ( ) and letter ( A)

⚫ The magnitude are drawn to scale to enlarge or to reduce the

vector and the choice of scale is arbitrary

⚫ The direction would be up, down, right,left ; y, -y, x, -x : north,

south, east, west…..
⚫ Vectors of the same quantity can be added:
- if they act along parallel and the same direction, they are simply

- if they are parallel and opposite directions, they are being


- two or more vectors which are not acting exactly in the same or
opposite directions,
they can be added in several ways:
Graphical method – parallelogram and polygon
Analytical method – trigonometric (Pythagorean)
- cosine and sine law
- component method – two dimension
- three dimension
Definition of Terms
⚫ Resultant vector ( R ) – a single vector which represents the
combined effects of the given individual vectors

⚫ Equilibrant ( E) – a single vector that is equa; and opposite

to the resultant

⚫ Vector addition – the process of finding the vector sum or

the resultant

⚫ Vector resolution – the process of finding the components

of a given vector
Component Method
Cosine Law and Sine Law

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