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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University

New Delhi


Ginish Sharma

Roll No:09318403920

Batch 2020-22

Under the Supervision of

Dr. Ruchi Verma




April 2022


This dissertation has been a great learning experience in valuable source of knowledge and
information for me, which was only possible through the guidance and help of some eminent
people especially Prof. Ruchi Verma, to whom I would like to, render my deepest
appreciation and regards..

Last but not the least I present my heartfelt thanks to my family, Friends and well-wishers for
their help and support.

Student’s Name & Signature)


I, Ginish Sharma Roll No. 09318403920 of MBA 20-22, a full time bonafide student of Second
year of Master of Business Administration (MBA) Programme of Army Institute of Management
& Technology, Greater Noida. I hereby certify that this project work was carried out by me
under the supervision of Dr.Ruchi Verma and the report submitted in partial fulfillment of the
requirements of the programme is an original work of mine. The work is “How equality,
diversity and inclusion affects the human resource management” not based or reproduced from
any existing work of any other person or on any earlier work undertaken at any other time or for
any other purpose, and has not been submitted anywhere else at any time.

(Faculty Mentor's Name &

(Student's Name & Signature) Signature)

Date: Date:


This is to certify that Mr. Ginish Sharma, a student of Master of Business Administration, Batch
MBA 20-22, Army Institute Management & Technology, Greater Noida, has successfully
completed his/her project under my supervision.

During this period, he/she worked on the project titled “How equality, diversity and inclusion
affects the human resource management” in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of
Master of Business Administration of GGSIP University, Delhi

To the best of my knowledge the project work done by the candidate has not been submitted to
any university for award of any degree. His performance and conduct has been good.

(Signature Name of the faculty mentor)

Date: April, 2022



1. Introduction 9

2. Research objectives 18

3. Literature Review 21

4. Research Methodology 30

5. Data Analysis 33

6. Findings 41

7. Suggestions & conclusion 42

8. Questionnaire 44


I ................... faculty Mentor of Mr. Ginish Sharma certifies that Mr. Ginish Sharma of MBA 20-
22 Batch completed the dissertation under my supervision and the report is complete in all
aspects. I also confirm the receipt of a spirally bound copy of the dissertation to be submitted to
the Programme coordinator.

(Dr. Ruchi Verma)

Date: April, 2022


The diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) function deals with the qualities, experiences and
work styles that make individuals unique (e.g., age, race, religion, disabilities, ethnicity) as well
as how organizations can leverage those qualities in support of business objectives. It also
includes matters that focus on diversity-related careers, communications, legal and regulatory
issues, technology, metrics, outsourcing, effective diversity practices, and global diversity
issues. It touches on but doesnot primarily deal with federal, state and local equal employment
opportunity (EEO) laws. These areencompassed under the EEO topic within both the staffing
management function (for EEO matters arising in the pre-employment context) and the
employee relations function (for EEO matters arising within the employer-employee




"Variety and consideration in the work environment are fundamental business apparatuses

At the point when social variety is recognized and regarded, supervisors track down better
approaches to amplify and gain by the various abilities, styles and sensibilities of workers from
various societies. Whenever representatives are perceived and acknowledged for their different
social foundations and convictions of their associates, they are more equipped for working
agreeably with their kindred staff and participating in useful movement. By regarding variety and
consideration you can:

Perceive, appreciate and use the special experiences, points of view and foundations of others
Keep away from segregation and insolent way of behaving

Establish a climate of trust, regard and resistance

Like the business case for variety as it influences your organization's main concern

At the point when representatives feel esteemed and regarded, they are significantly more liable
to be locked in and accordingly set forth their best amounts of energy for the organization's sake.
Authority that moves, instead of rules, inspires representatives. Workers can rapidly separate a
culture of consideration from one of prohibition. This is exactly why it is essential to embrace an
assorted working environment.

"Comprehensiveness is superior to critical polarization." - John Brummett

● Throughout the long term, studies on authoritative citizenship conduct (OCB) has turned
into a peculiarity in hierarchical conduct research as it was talked about broadly in brain
science and the board fields and got a lot of consideration in the writing (Bateman and
Organ, 1983; Niehoff and Moorman, 1993; Organ and Ryan, 1995; Podsakoff,
MacKenzie, Paine, and Bachrach, 2000). The idea of OCB was first presented by
Bateman and Organ (1983), which depended on the ideas of eagerness to coordinate
(Barnard, 1938) and unconstrained or extra-job ways of behaving (Katz, 1964; Katz and

Kahn, 1978). From that point forward, the advancement of OCB build has been
accounted for to get tremendous interests from both practice and the scholarly community
(Triana, Kim, and Garcia, 2011). Initially characterized, OCB is "individual way of
behaving that is optional, not straightforwardly or unequivocally perceived by the proper
prize framework and that in the total advances the successful working of the association"
(Organ, 1988, p. 4). Furthermore, Organ (1988) additionally noticed that the word
optional is the way of behaving that isn't a prerequisite of a conventional expected set of
responsibilities and involves staff decision, and inability to exhibit such willful way of
behaving isn't generally considered as a reason for discipline.Exactly, specialists noticed
that OCB is fundamental and crucial to authoritative working (Bateman and Organ, 1983;
Organ, 1988) and furthermore gainful to associations (Bolino and Turnley, 2003). Organ
(1988) brought up that the endurance of association is vigorously relying upon OCB on
the grounds that it has possibly contributed in expanding a scope of authoritative results,
for example, the colleague, administrative and group efficiency and furthermore
hierarchical execution (Podsakoff, et al., 2000). Considering its significant results to the
associations, most examinations have explored different forerunners of OCB (for
example Organ, Podsakoff, and MacKenzie, 2006; Podsakoff, et al., 2000; Smith, Organ,
and Near, 1983). Thus, Podsakoff and partners (2000) ordered OCB forerunners into four
classifications that are individual attributes, task qualities, authoritative attributes and
administration ways of behaving. Notwithstanding many investigations in regards to
OCB forerunners have been accounted for in the writing, OCB is continually being
conceptualized by utilizing social trade structure to show people's citizenship ways of
behaving in response to fair treatment by the association (Zellars and Tepper, 2003).
Consequently, further explanation and refinement of OCB predecessors for sure rouse
representatives to show such ways of behaving are required. Besides, as labor forces
comprise of individuals who are assorted and share various perspectives, needs, wants,
values and work ways of behaving (D'Netto and Sohal, 1999; Morrison, 1992), the
execution of HRM practices could change their mentalities, ways of behaving and
furthermore can expand their degree of OCB. As indicated by Shen, Chanda, D'Netto and
Monga (2009), HRDM rehearses allude to authoritative exertion which intend to oversee
HR similarly and decently. In this way, representatives' discernments and assumptions for

their manager's responsibility and backing towards them (appeared through HRDM)
could shape their sentiments about the association.

● While there are numerous endeavors to name an organization as assorted, the "variety
employs" may end up impeded from advancements and in an awful and tragically normal
pattern of high turnover in organizations with bombing variety maintenance drives.
Senior administration really should be focused on variety and carry out variety and social
ability preparing. In addition, in day to day connections between representatives, there
are generally workable minutes to further concrete the standards of consideration and
resistance in the working environment.

● With understanding contrasts, recognizing shared traits and when everybody feels
included, they are undeniably bound to connect completely, foster reliability and
appreciate work fulfillment. It takes attention to various foundations, societies, and
character qualities while overseeing variety which is a significant key to fostering a
viable group the board procedure and augmenting the commitment of each representative
in the work environment.

● In spite of the fact that it requires an enormous responsibility by the board and workers,
variety pays off. By putting time into overseeing variety in the working environment, you
are making the stride you want to carry your association into the 21st century and spot it
in a situation to out-perform and out-contend those whose variety mindfulness misses the
mark and challenges people's progress.
● One sure method for further developing resolve in an organization is to approach every
worker with deference. This implies remembering them for who they are as people,
esteeming their feedback and causing them to feel appreciated in the hierarchical family.
A blend of crisp reasoning and experience is the most remarkable ammo an association
can have in its weapons store to take down the opposition. The more associations center

around making a comprehensive culture, the better open door they need to exhibit
spryness in defeating the present monetary obstructions.

● As organizations and organizations are learning, variety consideration is attached to and

connected with the primary concern of the association. On the off chance that workers
feel remembered for the association, they will need to remain there and continue to
deliver at undeniable levels. Along these lines, the organization costs for enlistment and
direction stages of preparation are held down. Organizations that join a predictable
variety program and supporter variety in the work environment experience important
advantages, for example,

● A comprehensive climate limits an insider versus outcast culture to build up forward

● Individuals feel that they add to everyone's benefit and they are probably going to put in
any amount of work.
● Further develops efficiency, confidence, advancement, and the absolute nature of your
● Decreased provocation frequencies, charges, and segregation.
● Variety enrollment further develops work environment staffing and consistency standards
are higher.

“Education is the key to developing an attitude of inclusion. The practice of inclusion provides
the model of acceptance, belonging, participation, worth and dignity.”

The advantages of racial awareness coaching in the working environment are clear: people of
various social, ethnic, financial, and strict foundations cooperate and establish an agreeable

Organization is colossally centered around variety and consideration in their labor force since
they consider variety and incorporation to be a serious objective. A comprehensive culture and
an assorted labor force that is enabled to add to the business implies lower selecting and
maintenance costs, better commitment that prompts expanded usefulness, better reasoning that
keeps them enhancing, and expanded piece of the pie because of a superior comprehension of
their clients and shoppers.

It is prominent by different distinctions given by various external associations for endeavors to

make an assorted and comprehensive corporate culture. The it were gotten in 2012 and mid 2013
to follow acknowledgments:

l Dark Enterprise - "40 Best Companies for Diversity"

l Variety Inc - "Top 50 Companies for Diversity"

l Variety Inc - "Top Companies for Diversity - Management Progress"

l Manager Support of the Guard and Reserve - "Nationalist Award"

l Hispanic Business - "Best Companies for Diversity Practices"

l Basic freedoms Campaign (HRC) - 100 percent score on the yearly Corporate
Equality Index

l Ladies' Foodservice Forum - "Jackie B. Trujillo SOAR Award"Analysis of the

diversity strategy

The upsides of racial mindfulness training in the work space are clear individuals of different
social, ethnic, monetary, and severe establishments coordinate and lay out a pleasing working

Association is enormously based on assortment and thought in their workforce since they
believe assortment and fuse to be a not kidding objective. A complete culture and a various
workforce that is empowered to add to the business infers lower choosing and support costs,
better responsibility that prompts extended convenience, better thinking that keeps them
improving, and extended slice of the pie in light of a predominant perception of their clients and

It is noticeable by various differentiations given by different outside relationships for tries to

make a varying and thorough corporate culture. The it were gotten in 2012 and mid 2013 to
follow affirmations:

Dim Enterprise - "40 Best Companies for Diversity"

Assortment Inc - "Top 50 Companies for Diversity"

Assortment Inc - "Top Companies for Diversity - Management Progress"

Director Support of the Guard and Reserve - "Patriot Award"

Hispanic Business - "Best Companies for Diversity Practices"

Fundamental opportunities Campaign (HRC) - 100% score on the yearly Corporate

Equality Index

Women's Foodservice Forum - "Jackie B. Trujillo SOAR Award"


Orientation Diversity" is a term, which accentuates on giving equivalent significance to all

kinds of people in the work environment. Additionally alluded to as "Orientation Equality",
fusing this work culture in associations will be an extra to the organization's main concern
results. Numerous associations however embrace most recent innovation and imaginative cycles
to oversee groups, yet one region that might be ignored by them, is making the orientation
imbalance. Zeroing in on this particular viewpoint is somewhat very fundamental, as the
usefulness and adequacy depends on treatment which the organization provides for their

People are generally unique in relation to one another based on various properties and abilities.
Dealing with the people is likewise a craft. Variety is a growing idea. Variety is that individuals
are different because of race, orientation, physical and mental abilities, religion, work and
family guidelines, appearances, starting points, sexual direction and social direction. Each
individual is made extraordinarily and he/she is perceived by various traits. Overseeing variety
is really difficult for associations, particularly overseeing orientation variety in top supervisory
group of association. Heterogeneous gatherings give variety benefits like development and
forming novel thoughts

Primary dimensions Secondary dimensions

Age Religious beliefs

Gender Education

Ethnicity and origin Geographic location

Sexual orientation Income

Race Work background

Working environment variety doesn't mean just to carry the different labor force to an
association. It is to carry expanded ability to the association. Because of social and orientation,

bunch individuals will have assumption and conviction that various individuals have alternate
points of view among the gathering and through this individuals will figure out how to change
their ways of behaving with Other individuals from the bunch/group. Allies of a gathering
which is homogenous will have the guarantee somewhat that they will agree with one another,
they will effectively comprehend the convictions and viewpoints of each other and it will lead
them to one single choice.

Yet, when individuals from a gathering notice that they are socially not the same as each other,
they change their assumptions. They expect contrasts of assessment and viewpoint. They expect
they should work harder to come to an agreement. This rationale assists with making sense of
both the potential gain and the disadvantage of social variety, People work harder in different
conditions both intellectually and socially. They probably won't care for it, however the difficult
work can prompt better results.




● To study how diversity and inclusion is important to the organization

● To know the vision for diversity and inclusion in the workforce of glamour mattress


The scope of the study of this project is to study current diversity and Inclusion is practiced in
the organization's main focus is.

1. The project will enable research to thoroughly study gender diversity in the company.
2. This project will help in better evaluation of diversity & identify strength & weakness of
employee mapping.
3. To prove that women are just as valuable in the workplace as men are.




As of late, present day business patterns of globalization and expanding labor force variety have
urged association to oversee variety (Richard and Johnson, 2001). As contended by Kirton
(2003), HRM as an authoritative capacity assume a significant part in overseeing variety through
its proactive arrangement in diminishing imbalances as well as to draw in, create, hold and rouse
different labor forces. In that capacity, when association upholds value and reasonableness, their
workers are anticipated to turn out to be more dedicated in their work. In comparative vein,
representatives are accounted for to help their association's variety drives when they see
reasonableness strategies and systems (Pfau and Kay, 2002; Richard and Johnson, 2001).
Moreover, Colquitt et al. (2001) likewise detailed that apparent reasonableness or hierarchical
equity firmly influence representatives' mentalities (for example work fulfillment, turnover aims,
hierarchical responsibility) and ways of behaving like OCB.

Ongoing concentrate on HRDM rehearsals by Shen et al. (2010) on 530 Chinese specialists from
various enterprises, for the most part observed that there is a connection between specific HRDM
rehearsals and OCB. In anticipating OCB as a reliable variable, concentrate by Shen et al. (2010)
zeroed in on four notable HRDM rehearses in the Chinese setting, that is enlistment and choice
variety the board, preparing and advancement variety the executives, execution evaluation
variety the board and remuneration variety the board. As per them, HRDM rehearses are
intended to use variety and are liberated from predisposition in all human asset capacities and
furthermore to see the value in the commitments of the minorities. As per Shen et al. (2009),
these methodologies will assist with expanding the cohesiveness level among assorted workers
inside the association as HRDM rehearses targets treating representatives decently and similarly
(Shen, et al., 2010). Interestingly, the current review zeroed in on five HRM practices to examine
whether representatives' impression of association's HRDM rehearses influences their mentalities
and their citizenship ways of behaving (OCBI and OCBO). Current review was correlational in
nature since the fundamental goal was to distinguish factors that could impact two sorts of
representatives' OCB (OCBI and OCBO).

Truth be told, when representatives saw equity from the fair treatment they have gotten from the
association, they could respond to it by connecting more on OCB (Organ, 1988, 1990). In light

of the conversation, it was normal that, all in all, representatives' insights on association's HRDM
practices will be decidedly connected with OCB (OCBI and OCBO). In particular, it was normal
that every individual HRDM works on, including enlistment and determination variety the
executives, preparing and improvement variety the board, execution examination variety the
board, pay variety the board and professional success variety the executives to be emphatically
associated with OCB (OCBI and OCBO).

The South African legitimate and best practice system of board obligations and the King III
Report ("Duties of chiefs," 2011) agree with Adams, Hermalin and Weisbach (2010) that chiefs'
obligations are essentially: to fill in as counselors to the CEO and top administration; set
procedure; evaluate the board execution; guide the arrangement and conservation of leader
administrators and advance the interests of investors. Inside this order, we analyze the hypothesis
and existing writing to figure out which aspects of variety could add to compelling board activity
and prevalent Dairy's monetary execution.

That's what hafsi and Turgut express "the exact it is as yet hazy" (2013:463 to mean meeting
room variety). They characterize two developments of board variety; specifically underlying
variety among various sheets; and segment variety inside sheets. Variety among sheets alludes to
dissimilarities in board qualities; for instance "size, administration structure (duality of executive
and CEO), organizer pioneer as chief, the presence and number of worldwide chiefs, nature and
activities of board councils, board freedom, chief proprietorship, chief tenure,and chief
remuneration" (Hafsi and Turgut, 2013:464). Variety inside sheets alludes to dissimilarities
among chiefs and has been arranged between straightforwardly discernible (segment) and less
noticeable (mental) aspects (Erhardt, Werbel and Shrader, 2003; Mahadeo Soobaroyen and
Hanuman, 2012; Marimuthu, 2008). Meanings of segment aspects incorporate

Orientation , age and identity for instance, while mental aspects incorporate instructive
Background and political philosophy.

Theory Referenced in

Agency theory linked to board:

2.1. Agency theory

A new paper remarked on the worth of variety among chiefs and showed that "the positive
connection between board variety and monetary execution is anticipated by both office
hypothesis and asset reliance hypothesis" (Nguyen, Locke and Reddy 2012:5). Hafsi and Turgut
(2013:464) express that "Organization hypothesis has underlined the board's control work, and
recommended specifically both freedom of the board from the executives and initiative
construction duality or division of the elements of CEO and administrator of the board". Bryant
and Davis (2012) portray office hypothesis along the accompanying lines: on the grounds that
an association's delegates or specialists, for example its administration, follow up for the
association, and in light of the fact that specialists' advantages are never completely lined up
with those of the association, specialists would encounter irreconcilable circumstances in certain
circumstances and would keep their best interests in mind except if controlled or boosted to act
in accordance with those of the association. Guardian capacities have been acquainted with
associations to counter the impacts of skewed interests. Organization hypothesis proves the
contention for board autonomy to "diminish the probability that the plan and drives will be
overwhelmed by the CEO" (Kim et al., 2013:223). Variety inside sheets should be visible as an
approach to expanding board freedom and guaranteeing a wide base of adjusted interests,
bringing about better control and arrangement of interests.

2.2 Resource dependency theory

Nguyen et al. (2012) depict asset reliance hypothesis as a relationship between board develops
(like size and variety) and the "security of firms' imperative assets", including angles like the
organizations' "distinction and authenticity" (Nguyen et al., 2012:5). Bryant and Davis (2012)
call attention to that asset reliance hypothesis affirms that associations act in manners pertinent
to their reliance on specific assets. Associations answer prompts from their outside climate I n
request to diminish their reliance on, and keep up with autonomy over significant assets.
Associations that adapt better to vulnerability and can diminish vulnerability for their partners

and which have command over scant assets and the substitutability of their controlled assets,
enjoy a cutthroat benefit. Extending this view, Hafsi and Turgut (2013:464) express that with
regards to board Composition , "variety is wanted by clients and different partners for whom it is
an exhibition of the executives aversion to partners' inclinations, yearnings, and Concerns".
Bryant and Davis (2012) demonstrate that more assorted sheets would have better admittance to
data and organizations to help with accomplishing authoritative objectives as far as the asset
reliance hypothesis by expanding "the capacity to adapt to vulnerability and limit vulnerability"

2.3 Human capital theory

Carter et al. (2010) sum up human resources hypothesis as an association's view and usage of
representatives' insight, abilities and training for its advantage. Whenever variety inside sheets
Increases, chiefs ``having novel human resources' ' (Carter et al., 2010:398) increment, on the
grounds that various people have different human resources ascribes. Expanded variety inside
sheets is in this manner considered a method for expanding the scope of interesting human
resources angles addressed, leading to improved dynamic capacities and more prominent
development (Hafsi and Turgut, 2013).

Recruitment and Selection Diversity Management

Enrollment and choice are two significant exercises in human asset the board field. The two
cycles ought to be thought of and remembered for the association of the human asset plan.
Moreover, labor forces are the center hierarchical assets and should be overseen and ought to be
utilized appropriately. As per Shen et al. (2010), association should be fair in enrollment and
choice interaction. To exploit variety, association necessities to guarantee that enlistment and
choice interaction are liberated from such generalizing and segregation issues. As thus, a positive
way to deal with variety could empower associations to pick and choose the most ideal skilled
individual for the gig. For instance, age, orientation, handicap and race have no influence in the
enrollment and determination process. Moreover, these drives will make association seen to be
as a fair, positive and moderate work environment by assorted labor forces (Resources, 2012).
D'Netto and Sohal (1999) obviously expressed that labor force variety helps the association by

establishing and offering a hierarchical climate which draws in individuals from assorted work
markets. They likewise added that associations can be more amicable when labor force variety is

Training and Development Diversity Management

Representative preparation and advancement processes included systems, instruments, and

furthermore strategies intended to upgrade the capacity and ability of authoritative labor forces
(Delery and Doty, 1996). As per Amirtharaj, Cross and Vembar (2011), when actually made due,
these exercises can add to the outcome of the association. Further, they demand that preparing
can be used to defeat authoritative issues like turnover and others departmental issues. Likewise,
such exercises additionally affect representatives' perspectives and exhibitions (Amirtharaj, et al.,
2011). On account of different labor forces, preparing programs are then used to adapt to the
gathering distinctions issues and help on upgrading regard for individual contrasts concerning
mentalities, values and conduct (D'Netto and Sohal, 1999). Association is supposed to be
powerful in dealing with its assorted labor forces in the wake of enrolling processes by holding
them through satisfactory preparation and advancement amazing chances to its labor forces
(D'Netto and Sohal, 1999). Concurring D'Netto, Monga, Shen and Chelliah (2008). Variety
mindfulness preparing then again, may upgrade different gathering coordination among minority
and standard representatives. Such preparation will assist with working on the comprehension of
the worth of variety, social attachment and furthermore contribute in working on individual and
hierarchical execution (Rynes and Rosen, 1995).

Performance Appraisal Diversity Management

As Schuler, Dowling and Cieri (1993) brought up, the successful execution examination in the
space of variety the executives rehearses should be objective not emotional, work re lated, fair
and without unique treatment to all labor forces. The incorporation of multicultural agents on the
evaluation board of trustees for instance, will make variety concerns more appreciated too as it
can help in making goals and a fair execution examination process (D'Netto and Sohal, 1999).
Also, the consideration of minorities, for example, transient workers in the execution
examination cycle might decrease apparent separation among the standard and non-standard
representatives (D'Netto, et al., 2008). As indicated by D'Netto et al. (2008), inability to involve

great HRDM rehearses in the evaluation cycle might bring about an inability to foster the
exhibition and efficiency of the representatives. Henceforth, a fair and fair-minded execution
examination cycle can work on a worker's presentation (D'Netto and Sohal, 1999).

Compensation Diversity Management

In hierarchical setting, the term pay is frequently characterized as compensation, pay, as well as
remuneration framework used to spur workers (Milkovich and Newman, 2008). Pay is a pivotal
section of HRM that underscores arranging, putting together, and controlling assortment of
installment frameworks for compensating representatives who perform occupations or
administrations. Furthermore, remuneration likewise is frequently considered to be the different
kinds of pay frameworks including money related and non financial prizes (Henderson, 2006).
Past exploration recommends that pay value might prompt compelling variety in the board and
authoritative execution (D'Netto, et al., 2008). Besides, the utilization of guideline fair
compensation and execution based pay frameworks is significant in compensation variety the
board. As indicated by D'Netto et al. (2008), individual contrasts (for example capacity,
information, and expertise) ought to be viewed as while planning the pay structure, wage
determinants and furthermore benefit plans. As recommended by Sturman (2001), great
remuneration practices would help the hoteliers in drawing in and holding their best
representatives since the cordiality business vigorously depends on their workers in conveying
quality administrations.

Career Advancement Diversity Management Practices

Professional success alludes to authoritative instruments used to help hierarchical individuals to

accomplish their vocation objectives (Delery and Doty, 1996). Professional success the board
can be characterized as the plan and execution of hierarchical cycles which empower the
vocations to be arranged and overseen in a manner that improves both the requirements of the
association and the inclinations and capacities of individual (Burke, Divinagracia, and Mamo,
1998). Inside the association, the consideration of decency and equivalent business open doors in
it are additionally vital to oversee its assorted labor forces. As indicated by Ruggless (2003), the
association ought to perceive the abilities of minority workers and foster professional success
and open doors to those certified non standard representatives. Accordingly, negative

generalizations suspicion on minority representatives ought to be survived. As proposed by
Fernandez (2006), positive endeavors should be finished by association to draw in more different
labor forces gifts including minority representatives and furthermore considered to be a down to
earth profession inclination. For the most part, labor force variety builds the chance of
segregation issues among workers. As per Richard and Kirby (1999), human asset work with
respect to professional success should reflect a variety of issues to conquer negative insights
from different representatives. Subsequently, such disappointment in giving a professional
advancement plan to assorted representatives would contrarily influence their inspiration,
confidence, innovativeness, development and execution (Loveman and Gabarro, 1991; Morrison,
1992; Ragins and Scandura, 1994).





Research is an academic activity and such the term should be used in technical problems,
formulating hypotheses or suggested solutions, collecting, organizing, evaluating data, making
deductions and reaching conclusions and at the last careful testing the conclusion to determine
whether they fit the formulating hypothesis.


Preparing a “research design” is an important stage in the process of conducting research.

Research design is a plan, structure, and strategy of investigation conceived so as to obtain
answers to research questions and to control variance.


For the study ―convenience sampling‖ method has been used.


For the study Glamour mattress Pvt Ltd sample unit has been taken for detailedanalysis.


Primary data


A well-structured questionnaire is used for collecting data.


● The respondents were less interested in answering the questions, as they felt that it was
an interruption to their regular work.
● The survey was limited to a particular organization only.
● The chance of error in this type of study is based only on the information received from
the questionnaire and as other techniques of evaluating the employee’s satisfaction are
used, it is also insufficient to draw a valid conclusion.
● In-ability to cover large samples due to increase in expense


TABLE 1 : Table showing age of respondents

Sr. Range No. of %

No. Respondents
A Below 25 140 50

B 26 - 30 60 21.4
C 31 – 35 20 7.1
D 36 – 40 40 14.2
E Above 40 20 7.1

Total 280 100

Interpretation :
The chart depicts that :50% respondents
tend to age below 25,
21.4% respondents tend to age between 26-30,
7.1% respondents tend to age between 31-35,
14.2% respondents tend to age between 36-40 and;
7.1% respondents tend to age above 40.

Majority of the respondents tend to age below 25

TABLE 2 : Table showing the Experience (in years) of the respondents

Sr. Range No. of Respondents %

A Below 5 130 46.42

B 6 - 10 70 25

C 11 – 30 10.71
D 16 – 20 30 10.71

E Above 20 20 7.14

Total 280 100


In the table above, 46.42% of respondents have less than 5 years of experience, 25% of respondents
have 6-10 years of work experience, and 10.71% of respondents have 11-15,10.71% work experience.
have 16-20 years of work experience, and 7.14% of respondents have more than20 years of work

Most employees in the organization have below 5 years experience

TABLE 3 : Table showing the awareness and importance of female oriented policies in organization
(Toilets,Maternity leave,Shift timings etc)

Sr. Range No. of %

No. Respondents
A YES 224 80

B NO 56 20

Total 280 100

In this study, 80% of respondents were aware of the importance of female oriented policies while 20% of the
workforce have opposite point of view

Table showing the effective arrangements for communicating inclusive policies of
organization to workforce

Sr. Range No. of %

No. Respondents
A YES 252 90

B NO 28 10

Total 280 100

Interpretation : In this study,90% of respondents said that they have effective

communication with the company about company’s inclusive policies but about 10% of
respondents say that they do not have.

TABLE 5 : Table showing is langauage a barrier while working with people having different

Sr. Range No. of %

No. Respondents
A YES 130 46.42

B NO 150 53.57

Total 280 100

Interpretation :

In the survey, 46.42% of respondents asserted that language is barrier while working but
53.57% of respondents don’t found language a barrier while working

Table showing the response of workforce that whether they are comfortable working with
people having different language,ethnicity etc

Sr. No. Range No. of Respondents %

A Strongly agree 240 85.7

B Agree 20 7.1

C Neutral 10- 3-

D Disagree -10 -3

E Strongly disagree

TOTAL 280 100

Interpretation :
In this study, 85.7% of respondents strongly admitted that they are comfortable working with
people from diverse backgrounds while 7.1% people are moderate about this while 3.5% people
are neutral and 3.5% are totally not comfortable

TABLE 7: Table showing the regional representation of people at glamour mattress

Sr. Range No. of %

No. Respondents
A North-Indian 190 67.28

B Cental India 20 7.14

C South India 15 5.3

D Western India 25 8.92

E Other parts of 30 10.71

Total 280 100

Interpretation : In the survey, it is evident that although the major and highest representation

is from north india but taking the total strength of the organisation into consideration we can
say that there is significant share of representation from people from other parts of india also

TABLE 8: Table showing the satisfactory level of female employees towards policies that
are female oriented like shift timings,maternity leave etc

Sr. Range No. of %

No. Respondents
A Very much 25 50-
B Satisfied 10 20

C Neutral 15 30

D Dissatisfied - -

E Highly dissatisfied - -

Total 50 100

Interpretation :
In the survey, 50% of the respondents are very much satisfied while 20% strength is
moderately satisfied and 30% of the respondendts are neutral

TABLE 9: Table showing the point of view of the people from management section whether
the diversity,equity,inclusion is important for the growth of organisation or not

Sr. Range No. of %

No. Respondents
A Strongly agree -10 50-

B Agree 2 10

C Neutral 5 25

D Disagree 3 15

E Strongly disagree - -

Total 20 100

Interpretation :
In the survey 50% strength is strongly agree that diversity equity and inclusion is important
for the organistion while 10% and 25% of workforce is agree and neutral respectively and
15% strength think that these points are not that important for the growth of organisation




Around 60% of the management strongly asserted that diversity,inclusion

and equity is important for the growth of organisation

80% of the strength(including males) strongly asserted that the organisation

must have female oriented policies so their female counterparts can work with
ease and comfort.

90% of the strength is well aware about the vision of organisation for inclusion
and diversity and its policies set for achieving them.

Around half of the workforce admitted that they found language a barrier while
communicating with their counterparts.

Although they found language a barrier but 85.7% strength asserted that they are
comfortable while working with people from diverse backgrounds.

Highest representation is from north india but still there is significant share of
people from other parts of india also.

Around 70% of the female workforce is broadly satisfied with the female oriented
policy designed by the organisation for them.


As evident from the acquired data the company is doing great in creating awareness among the
workforce about the major role of diversity and inclusion in both their growth and company’s well
being. Although there is always a scope for development in every arena so glamour mattress can
also implement some more programs to create more awareness specially in case of female
representation in company beacause the female representation is mere 17% in the organisation so
glamour mattress must take some effective steps to counter this problem.


It is revealed from the study that the company is well aware about its diversity enhancement
goals and to make a platform in which every member of organizaton can work efficiently but
it is also emerged from the study that the communication among the workforce is not up to
the mark although they are still comfortable and coping well with each other but company
must implement some communication training programs because communication plays a very
vital role in efficient and effective working of the organization.



Respected Sir/ Madam,

I will grateful to you if you spare your valuable time & efforts with yourvaluable views on the
subject of the research study.

1) Name (Optional) :

2) Age :

3) Experience (in years):

(a) Below 5 (b) 6-10 (c) 11-15 (d) 16-20 (e) Above 20

4) Are you aware of the importance of female oriented policies in organization such as toilets,maternity
leave,shift timings etc
(a) Yes (b) No

5) Do you face difficulty while communicating with your counterparts

(a) Yes (b) No

6) Are you comfortable while working with people who have different ethnicity,language from yours?
(a) Yes (b) No

7) From which part of India you belong to

(a) North India (b) South India (c) Central India (d) Western India (e) Other parts

8) Are you satisfied with the female centred policies?(for female employees only)
(a) Yes (b) No

9) Do you think DE&I is important for the growth of organisation? (for management only)

(a) Always (b) Sometimes (c) Often (d) Rarely (e) Not at all

Thank you for your time and attention


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