Guidelines For Performance Specifications - Published-Version

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The Ministry of Public Works, Housing and Water Resources (MOPHRH) in Mozambique is
responsible for the National Road Administration of Mozambique, Administração Nacional
de Estradas (ANE) and custodian of the standards and specifications for roads in the
Mozambique Road Sector. This manual provides guidance to all practitioners in the
provision of appropriately designed performance specifications for use in Output and
Performance Based Maintenance Contracts and Concessions under Public Private
Partnerships for paved roads in Mozambique. The content adequately covers all relevant
technical areas and where more details are required users may consult other documents
referenced by the author. This manual is tailor-made for Mozambique and ANE will apply
it as mandated by the Ministry.

© Copyright Administração Nacional de Estradas(ANE) 2019

This manual covers the provision of appropriately designed performance specifications for
use in Output and Performance Based Maintenance Contracts and Concessions under
Public Private Partnerships for paved roads. It is tailor-made for the road sector in
Mozambique though it can be used in other countries in the region and elsewhere where
similar conditions apply. The manual should be particularly helpful for use in conjunction
with the World Bank Standard Procurement Document for Output- and Performance-Based
Road Contracts (OPBRC).

The manual is targeted at ANE practitioners, consultants and contractors, Road Fund,
academia, the laboratories and other users involved in the provision of roads in
Mozambique and beyond. It provides a background of performance-based contracts and
details and processes involved in drafting performance specifications for paved roads
regarding (a) road user service and comfort, (b) road durability, and (c) managing
performance measures. It also addresses the issue of overload control on roads under
performance-based contracts. While the manual covers visual inspection of bridges, the
structural evaluation of bridges is not included in this manual and users should refer to
the relevant bridge design manual. References are provided in this manual and include
other internationally recognised documents and manuals.

While this manual provides adequate guidance on developing appropriate performance

specifications for paved roads, users should use their knowledge and experience to apply
the manual to their particular situations, which may be unique in many respects. This
manual is developed for conditions prevailing in Mozambique but may also be helpful in
other countries with similar conditions.

Users are encouraged to contribute to future editions noting any necessary improvements
through feedback from practice.

This manual was prepared through the concerted effort from many stakeholders within
and outside Mozambique. The immense contributions from ANE, the Technical Working
Group (WG) members, the World Bank Expert Reviewer, the MOPHRH and other key
stakeholders which included academia, consultants, municipal engineers, Instituto
Superior de Transportes e Comunicações (ISUTC), etc. are acknowledged and greatly
appreciated. ANE provided leadership and guidance including overall management of the
project. They also provided information and support required for the successful delivery of
the manual. The WG members, World Bank reviewer, academia, consultants and municipal
engineers reviewed the manual in its different stages of development and provided
invaluable inputs through technical deliberations, comments, edits and additions. ANE’s
Maintenance Directorate and Emergency Works Directorate provided invaluable
information on current performance-based contracts being implemented in Mozambique.

The production of this manual was financed by the Government of Mozambique through
the Ministry of Finance and the Road Fund with support from the World Bank.


Eng. César Macuacua General Director

Eng. Luis Fernandes Director of Emergency Works and Project
Eng. Irene Simeos Director of Maintenance
Eng. Migel Coanai Director of Planning
Eng. Rubina Normahomed Head of Maintenance
Eng. Anibal Nuvunga Head of Planning
Technical Working Group ANE Engineers, MOPHRH Engineers, Municipal
Engineers, Consultants, Academia,
Eng. Marcos Vaz Dos Anjos Technical Engineer

TRL Consortium – Research Consultant

Dr. Cesar Queiroz Lead Author/Project Coordinator TRL

Eng. Piouslin Samuel Assist Author/Team Leader


Gov. of Mozambique MOPHRH, Min of Finance, Road Fund

World Bank Representative Kulwinder S. Rao
World Bank Reviewer Eng. Carlos Matias Ramos


AADT Average Annual Daily Traffic

AASHO American Association of State Highway Officials (previous designation)

AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
AC Asphalt Concrete
ACV Aggregate Crushing Value – a measure of aggregate strength
ASTM American Society for Testing Materials
BS British Standard
CBR California Bearing Ratio (as described in AASHTO T 193)

Cv Commercial vehicles defined as those over 15 kN unladen weight

DBMOT Design Build Maintain Operate Transfer

Equivalent standard axles. A measure of the damaging effect of vehicle


HMA Hot Mixed Asphalt

IRI International Roughness Index (m/km)

NDT Non-destructive test

NDT Non-destructive testing

OPBRC Output and Performance-Based Road Contract
PBC Performance-Based Contract

PMS Pavement management system

PPP or P3 Public Private Partnership

RRD Representative rebound deflection

SN, MSN Structural Number and Modified Structural Number. An index of overall
pavement strength based on the thicknesses and strengths of each
pavement layer.

SNeff, MSNeff Effective Structural Number of an existing pavement.

T1 to T10 Traffic classes used to characterize the anticipated traffic in terms of ESA
for flexible pavement design purposes.

h1, h2, h3 Thicknesses of pavement surface, base and sub-base layers (existing or

TRL Transport Research Laboratory, UK (formerly TRRL)

TRRL Transport and Road Research Laboratory, UK

VOC Vehicle Operating Cost

Glossary of Terms

Asphalt In American literature asphalt is another term for bitumen. The

term is also commonly used in this way in Mozambique. In other
countries, asphalt is commonly used as shorthand for asphaltic
concrete or, indeed, any design of high quality bitumen/aggregate
Asphalt Concrete A mixture to predetermined proportions of aggregate, filler and
(AC) bituminous binder material plant mixed and usually placed by
means of a paving machine. This term is used for all mixtures of
this type including AC and DBM.
Asphalt The layer or layers of asphalt concrete constructed on top of the
Surfacing roadbase, and, in some cases, the shoulders.

Average Annual The total yearly traffic volume in both directions divided by the
Daily Traffic number of days in the year.

Average Daily The total traffic volume during a given period in whole days greater
Traffic (ADT) than one day and less than one year divided by the number of days
in that period.
Base Course This is the main pavement layer contributing to the spreading of
the traffic loads. In many cases, it will consist of crushed stone or
gravel, or of good quality gravelly soils or decomposed rock.
Bituminous base courses may also be used (for higher classes of
traffic). Materials stabilised with cement or lime may also be
Binder Course The lower course of an asphalt surfacing laid in more than one
Bound Pavement Pavement materials held together by an adhesive bond between the
Materials materials and another binding material such as bitumen.

Camber or Crown The convexity given to the curved cross-section of a roadway.

Carriageway That portion of the roadway including the various traffic lanes and
auxiliary lanes but excluding shoulders.
Composite Pavement in which the structure combines a hydraulically
pavement stabilised layer and bituminous layers in the base and/or surface
Cross-Section A vertical section showing the elevation of the existing ground,
ground data and recommended works, usually at right angles to
the centreline.
Crossfall The difference in level measured transversely across the surface of
the roadway.
Chippings Stones used for surface dressing (treatment).
Dense Bitumen A type of AC that is normally made using a recipe formula.

Design Period The period that an initially constructed or rehabilitated pavement
structure will perform before reaching a level of deterioration
requiring more than routine or periodic maintenance.
Diverted Traffic Traffic that changes from another route (or mode of transport) to
the project road because of the improved pavement, but still
travels between the same origin and destination.
Equivalent A measure of a pavement vehicle axle loading expressed as the
Standard Axles number of equivalent 8.2 metric tonnes single axle loads. The ESA
(ESAs) values of all the traffic are combined to determine the total design
traffic for the design period.
Equivalency Used to convert traffic volumes into equivalent standard axle loads.
Equivalent Summation of equivalent 8.2 ton single axle loads to define the
Single Axle Load design traffic loading for the design period.
Flexible Pavement with a bituminous surfacing, such as surface dressing or
Pavements asphalt concrete. The terms "flexible and rigid" are somewhat
arbitrary and were primarily established to differentiate between
asphalt and Portland cement concrete pavements.
Formation Level Level at top of subgrade.
Generated Additional traffic which occurs in response to the provision of
Traffic improvement of the road.
Heavy Vehicles Those having an unloaded weight of 3000 kg or more.
Hot Mix Asphalt This is a generic name for all high-quality mixtures of aggregates
(AC) and bitumen that use the grades of bitumen that must be heated
in order to flow sufficiently to coat the aggregates. It includes
Asphaltic Concrete, Dense Bitumen Macadam and Hot Rolled
Maintenance Routine work performed to keep a pavement as nearly as possible
in its as-constructed condition under normal conditions of traffic and
forces of nature.

Method Based
In traditional method-based contracts, the road agency as a client
normally specifies techniques, technologies, materials and
quantities of materials to be used, together with the period during
which the maintenance works should be executed. The payment to
the contractor is based on the amount of inputs (e.g., cubic meters
of asphalt concrete, number of working hours).
Normal Traffic Traffic which would pass along the existing road or track even if no
new pavement were provided.
Overlay One or more courses of asphalt construction on an existing
pavement. The overlay often includes a levelling course, to correct
the contour of the old pavement, followed by a uniform course or
courses to provide needed thickness.
Outcome Where payment is made on the basis of the quality of the asset
Contract provided (e.g., for keeping the road within a specified roughness
Limit). The Contractor takes the risk on the resources, quality and
quantity of work.

Output Contract Where payment is made on the basis of the outputs delivered (e.g.,
for resurfacing a certain length of road). The Contractor takes the
risk on the resources involved and the quality of work, but not the
quantity of work.
Pavement Layers The layers of different materials which comprise the pavement
PBC is a type of contract in which payments for the management
and maintenance of road assets are linked to the contractor
Based Contract
successfully meeting or exceeding certain clearly defined minimum
performance indicators.
Performance of Assessed based on the degree of compliance with the minimum
the Contractor required road conditions and Service Levels.
Project The specifications relating to a specific project, which form part of
Specifications the contract documents for such project, and which contain
supplementary and/or amending specifications to the standard
Reconstruction The process by which a new pavement is constructed, utilizing
mostly new materials, to replace an existing pavement.
Recycling The reuse, usually after some processing, of a material that has
already served its first-intended purpose.
Rehabilitation Work undertaken to substantially extend the service life of an
existing pavement. This may include overlays and pre overlay
repairs, and may include complete removal and reconstruction of
the existing pavement, or recycling of part of the existing materials.
Roadbase A layer of material of defined thickness and width constructed on
top of the sub-base, or in the absence thereof, the subgrade. A
roadbase may extend to outside the carriageway.
Roadway The area normally travelled by vehicles and consisting of one or a
number of contiguous traffic lanes, including auxiliary lanes and

Rolling (Terrain) Terrain with low hills introducing moderate levels of rise and fall with
some restrictions on vertical alignment. Defined as terrain with 11-
25 five-metre contours per km. The transverse ground slopes
perpendicular to the ground contours are generally between 3 and
Semi-rigid Pavement with a bituminous surfacing and one or more courses
that are treated with cementitious binders and which make a
substantial structural contribution (or courses treated with
hydrocarbon binders and which by their stiffness or thickness
cannot be considered as structurally flexible).
Side Drain Open longitudinal drain situated adjacent to and at the bottom of
cut or fill slopes.
Stabilisation The treatment of the materials used in the construction of the road
bed material, fill or pavement layers by the addition of a cemen-
titious binder such as lime or Portland Cement or the mechanical
modification of the material through the addition of a soil binder or
a bituminous binder. Concrete and asphalt shall not be considered
as materials that have been stabilised.

Sub-base The layer of material of specified dimensions on top of the subgrade
and below the roadbase. The secondary load-spreading layer
underlying the base course. Usually consisting of a material of
lower quality than that used in the base course and particularly of
lower bearing strength. Materials may be unprocessed natural
gravel, gravel-sand, or gravel-sand-clay, with controlled gradation
and plasticity characteristics. The sub-base also serves as a
separating layer preventing contamination of the base course by
the subgrade material and may play a role in the internal drainage
of the pavement.
Subgrade The surface upon which the pavement structure and shoulders are
constructed. It is the top portion of the natural soil, either
undisturbed (but re-compacted) local material in cut sections, or
soil excavated in cut or borrow areas and placed as compacted
Subsurface Drain Covered drain constructed to intercept and remove subsoil water,
including any pipes and permeable material in the drains.
Surface The sealing or resealing of the carriageway or shoulders by means
Treatment of one or more successive applications of bituminous binder and
crushed stone chippings.
Surfacing This comprises the top layers(s) of the pavement and consists of a
bituminous surface dressing or one or two layers of premixed
bituminous material (generally asphalt concrete). Where premixed
materials are laid in two layers, these are known as the wearing
course and the binder course.
Traffic Lane Part of a travelled way intended for a single stream of traffic in one
direction, which has normally been demarcated as such by road
Traffic Volume Volume of traffic usually expressed in terms of average annual
daily traffic (AADT).
Typical Cross- A cross-section of a road showing standard dimensional details and
Section features of construction.
Unbound Naturally occurring or processed granular material which is not held
Pavement together by the addition of a binder such as cement, lime or
Materials bitumen.

Wearing Course The top course of an asphalt surfacing or, for gravel roads, the
uppermost layer of construction of the roadway made of specified

Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................1
1.1 SCOPE ............................................................................................. 1
1.2 ROAD CROSS-SECTION ......................................................................... 2
1.3 TYPES OF PAVEMENT ............................................................................ 3
1.4 ECONOMIC CONSIDERATIONS .................................................................. 3
1.5 CONTRACT LIFE .................................................................................. 3
2 PRINCIPLES AND RATIONALE OF OPBRC ...........................................5
2.1 PERFORMANCE BASED CONTRACTING......................................................... 5
2.2 TRADITIONAL VS PERFORMANCE BASED CONTRACTING .................................... 5
2.3 THE ISSUE OF INADEQUATE INCENTIVES ..................................................... 6
2.4 ADEQUATE FINANCIAL INCENTIVES ........................................................... 6
2.5 EFFICIENCY AND INNOVATION UNDER PBC .................................................. 7
2.6 THE WORLD BANK OPBRC .................................................................... 7
2.7 PAYMENT MODELS AND PAYMENT REDUCTIONS ............................................. 8
3.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................... 9
3.2 ROAD ROUGHNESS .............................................................................. 9
3.3 RUTTING ........................................................................................ 12
3.4 EDGE BREAK .................................................................................... 14
3.5 SKID RESISTANCE ............................................................................. 14
3.6 ROAD SIGNS.................................................................................... 16
3.7 VEGETATION CONTROL ........................................................................ 17
3.8 ROAD MARKINGS .............................................................................. 19
3.9 ATTENDANCE AT ROAD ACCIDENTS ......................................................... 20
3.11 ANCILLARIES ................................................................................... 22
4 ROAD DURABILITY SPECIFICATIONS............................................... 24
4.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................. 24
4.2 PAVEMENT STRENGTH ......................................................................... 24
4.3 PAVEMENT CRACKING ......................................................................... 26
4.4 POTHOLES ....................................................................................... 28
4.5 PATCHING ....................................................................................... 29
4.6 EDGE DROP ..................................................................................... 30
4.7 SEDIMENTATION IN DRAINS.................................................................. 32
4.8 EROSION IN DRAINS .......................................................................... 33
4.9 TRIGGERS FOR PERIODIC MAINTENANCE ................................................... 34
5 OVERLOAD CONTROL REQUIREMENTS ............................................. 36
5.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................. 36
5.3 TECHNICAL ASPECTS .......................................................................... 38
6 MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE MEASURES ........................................ 40
6.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................. 40
6.2 REPORT REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................... 40
6.3 INVENTORY UPDATES AND DATA SHARING ................................................ 41
6.4 MAINTENANCE HISTORY ...................................................................... 41
6.5 SELF-CONTROL UNIT OF CONTRACTOR ..................................................... 42
6.6 CONTRACTOR’S QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN ............................................... 42

6.7 HEALTH AND SAFETY MANAGEMENT PLAN .................................................. 42
6.8 TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PLAN ................................................................. 43
6.10 UPDATING OF ROAD ADMINISTRATION DATABASES ...................................... 45
7 REFERENCES .................................................................................... 46
A.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................. 49
A.2 HDM-4 AND RONET ......................................................................... 49
A.3 ROAD ROUGHNESS AND SERVICE LEVEL ................................................... 50

List of Tables
Table 3-1 Road Roughness Specification .............................................................................................. 11
Table 3-2 Rutting Specification ............................................................................................................. 13
Table 3-3 Edge Break Specification ....................................................................................................... 14
Table 3-4 Skid Resistance Specification ................................................................................................ 15
Table 3-5 Road Signs Specification ....................................................................................................... 16
Table 3-6 Vegetation Control Specification .......................................................................................... 17
Table 3-7 Road Markings Specification ................................................................................................. 19
Table 3-8 Attendance at Road Accidents Specification ........................................................................ 20
Table 3-9 Cleanliness of the Pavement Surface and Shoulders Specification ...................................... 21
Table 3-10 Ancillaries ............................................................................................................................ 22
Table 4-1 Pavement Strength Specification .......................................................................................... 25
Table 4-2 Pavement Cracking Specification .......................................................................................... 27
Table 4-3 Potholes Specification ........................................................................................................... 28
Table 4-4 Patch Specification ................................................................................................................ 29
Table 4-5 Edge Drop Specification ........................................................................................................ 31
Table 4-6 Sedimentation in Drains Specification .................................................................................. 32
Table 4-7 Erosion Control Specification ................................................................................................ 33
Table 5-1 Weighbridge Types and Methods of Weighing..................................................................... 38
Table 6-1 Reporting format................................................................................................................... 41

List of Figures
Figure 1-1 Typical Cross Section.............................................................................................................. 2
Figure 3-1 Rutting ................................................................................................................................. 12
Figure 3-2 Grip Tester ........................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 3-3 Extent and Type of Vegetation Control ............................................................................... 18
Figure 4-1 Measuring Crack Width ....................................................................................................... 26
Figure 4-2 A Moderate Severity Pothole .............................................................................................. 28
Figure 4-3 Moderate Severity Patch ..................................................................................................... 29
Figure 4-4 Edge Drop ............................................................................................................................ 30
Figure 4-5 Increase of IRI with Age of Roads ........................................................................................ 35

1 Introduction
Performance-based contracts (PBC) differ substantially from method-based contracts
that have been traditionally used to maintain roads. PBC is a type of contract in which
payments for the management and maintenance of road assets are explicitly linked to
the contractor successfully meeting or exceeding certain clearly defined minimum
performance indicators.
In traditional method-based contracts, the road agency as a client normally specifies
techniques, technologies, materials and quantities of materials to be used, together with
the time during which the maintenance works should be executed. The payment to the
contractor is based on the amount of inputs (e.g., cubic meters of asphalt concrete,
number of working hours).
In performance-based contracting the client does not specify any method or material
requirements (provided the country’s standards are met). Instead he specifies
performance indicators that the contractor is required to meet when delivering
maintenance services.
In recent decades, there has been increased interest by road agencies, including ANE,
to implement performance-based contracts and road concessions, to increase the
efficiency and effectiveness of road asset management and maintenance. The
performance-based approach helps ensure that the physical condition of the roads under
contract is adequate for the need of the road users, over the entire period of the contract,
which is normally several years (typically 3 to 10 years for PBC; more than 10 years for
concessions). This type of contract substantially expands the role of the private sector,
from the simple execution of works to the management and conservation of road assets.
ANE and other road agencies and decision-makers interested in implementing PBC and
road concessions need to specify the minimum service level to be complied with by the
contractor or concessionaire. Service levels are defined through performance
specifications (or indicators), which are used to assess the contractor or concessionaire
compliance with the relevant contractual obligations. These Guidelines are designed to
facilitate ANE and other decision-makers to define performance specifications to be
applied in PBC and concessions in Mozambique.
Both PBC and concessions may cover all the activities needed to achieve and maintain
a certain Service Level for road users, starting from design, construction, operation and
maintenance, as well as activities related to the Management (including periodic
evaluation) of the road or road network under contract.

1.1 Scope
These guidelines give a brief introduction to performance specifications and related
contracts, describes the principles and rationale of Output and Performance-based Road
Contracts (OPBRC), and provides recommendations on the most suitable performance
measures to be included in such contracts.
The recommendations herein are appropriate for roads with typical Average Annual
Daily Traffic (AADT) counts of more than 300 vpd and a cumulative design traffic loading
exceeding 1 million equivalent standard axles (mesa).
If the AADT is less than 300 vpd or the cumulative axle loadings are less than 1 mesa
over the design life, then the Manual for the Provision of Low Volume Roads shall be
Minimum road conditions and Service Levels are defined through output and
performance measures, and these are used under the OPBRC to define and measure
the desired performance of the Contractor. In the OPBRC, the defined performance

measures are the accepted minimum thresholds for the quality levels of the roads for
which the Contractor is responsible.
The performance criteria recommended in the Guidelines cover all aspects of typical
contracts and can be defined at three levels:
• Road User Service and Comfort specifications including road roughness, road and lane
width, rutting, skid resistance, vegetation control, road signs and markings, availability
of lane-km for use by traffic, defect response times, attendance at road accidents,
drainage of the pavement, etc.
• Road Durability specifications including pavement strength, triggers for periodic
maintenance treatment, sedimentation or erosion in drains, etc.
• Management Performance Measures including reporting requirements, inventory
updates and data sharing, maintenance history, etc.
Additionally, a separate section on Overload control requirements is provided.
Although these Guidelines are appropriate for both rural and urban areas, some of the
special requirements of urban roads, such as the consideration of kerbing and
pavements at bus stops, may justify the use of additional performance indicators for
such areas. Furthermore, these Guidelines are limited to flexible pavements; they do
not include performance indicators for rigid pavements. The Guidelines also do not
include specific indicators for bridge structures. Bridges, undoubtedly essential for the
good performance of a road, were outside the scope of the current Guidelines. The
reader should refer to the ANE Bridge Inspection Manual.1

1.2 Road Cross-Section

Performance measures may refer to different components of a road or pavement. Such
components are illustrated in Figure 1-1, which shows a typical road cross section.

Figure 1-1 Typical Cross Section

A cross-section normally consists of the carriageway, shoulders and/or kerbs, drainage
features, and earthwork profiles. The carriageway is the part of the road used by moving
traffic, including traffic lanes, auxiliary lanes such as acceleration and deceleration lanes,
climbing lanes, passing lanes, and bus bays and lay-bys.

1 ANE Bridge Inspection Manual

1.3 Types of Pavement
A flexible pavement is a pavement with a bituminous surfacing, while rigid pavements
have a cement concrete surfacing. Flexible pavements, as used in these Guidelines,
include pavements with unbound granular aggregate layers and pavements with
aggregate layers that are bound together with bitumen. It also includes pavements that
may contain layers of aggregate that are bound together (or stabilised) with hydraulic
binders such as cement and lime, but with relatively low levels of binder. The latter are
usually called semi-rigid pavements.
Pavements which include a layer of high strength Portland cement concrete are called
‘rigid’ pavements. These Guidelines do not include performance specifications for rigid
Gravel or ‘unpaved’ roads are also a form of flexible construction. Their design is similar
to that of other flexible structures but the gravel itself wears away, depending on traffic,
rainfall and terrain, hence additional material is required to make sure that the gravel
is always thick enough. Gravel road specifications are dealt with in the Manual for the
Provision of Low Volume Roads.

1.4 Economic Considerations

Several major empirical studies have shown how the costs of operating vehicles depend
on the surface condition of the road. The studies have also improved our knowledge of
how the deterioration of roads depends on the nature of the traffic, the properties of
the road-making materials, the environment, and the maintenance strategy adopted.
In many circumstances it is now possible to design, build and maintain a road in such a
way that the total cost of the transport facility, i.e. the sum of construction costs,
maintenance costs and road user costs, can be minimised. The selection of what Service
Level (defined by the specified performance measures or indicators) should be adopted
for each road should consider, to the extent possible, the objective of minimizing the
total cost of road transport. Modern pavement management tools, such as the Highway
Development and Management (HDM-4) 2 model, and the Road Network Evaluation
Tools (RONET)3 and HIMs can facilitate the definition of “optimum” service levels for
different roads or road networks. Conversely, once the service level (including, for
example, the maximum acceptable level or roughness) has been defined, such models
can be used to estimate the medium to long term budget requirements for the entire
road network, together with forecasts of pavement condition and road user costs.
The performance measures and thresholds recommended by these Guidelines, as
experience has shown, tend to lead to service levels close to the minimum total cost of
road transport. Depending on the relative importance of a proposed road project,
specific studies may be justified to come up with more appropriate service levels for the
project. Also based on economic principles, different service levels may be adopted for
different road classes or categories, such as primary, secondary and tertiary road

1.5 Contract Life

Several considerations can be made regarding the best OPBRC contract life to be
adopted in Mozambique. Different countries have adopted different contract lives, and
it seems that there is no consensus on the optimum life to be adopted. But experience
shows that most currently adopted OPBRC lives fall between 4 and 10 years, including
(a) a capital investment phase, e.g., rehabilitation, reconstruction, improvement,

usually 1 to 3 years; and (b) an operation and maintenance (O&M) phase, usually 3 to
9 years. More developed countries, where roads are in generally better conditions, may
not require the capital investment phase on some contracts. As to developing countries,
such as Mozambique, it has become common practice to include such phase in OPBRC,
as roads to be contracted tend to be in fair and poor condition and require rehabilitation
before starting the O&M phase. As examples, an OPBRC being implemented in Laos
includes an initial capital investment phase of 3 years and a 7-year O&M phase, while
the Sustainable Maintenance Program in Colombia includes a capital investment phase
of 2 years and an 8-year long O&M phase. The CREMA (Contracts of Rehabilitation and
Maintenance) in Brazil and Argentina usually include a 2-year capital investment phase
and a 3-year O&M phase. Longer contract life is a means to provide the Contractor with
the right incentive to do the best possible job during the rehabilitation/reconstruction

2 Principles and Rationale of OPBRC
The method of delivering road maintenance has progressively evolved. Historically, road
agencies have moved from using in-house force account to traditional method-based
maintenance contracting. Many countries are now heading towards PBC, an approach
that has been deployed rapidly in the road sector. There are several aspects that need
careful consideration to ensure that the goals of PBCs are fully achieved (Stankevich,
Quresh and Queiroz 2005)
Reviews of the worldwide experience with the PBC approach (Gericke, Greenwood,
Henning and Phillip 2014; World Bank 2006) highlight the main advantages, the steps
involved and the results generated. Such reviews help provide a better understanding
of the benefits, and risks, of applying the PBC approach. More details pertaining to
performance-based contracting are given in the next sections of this chapter. 4

2.1 Performance Based Contracting

A PBC covers the activities needed to achieve and maintain a certain Service Level for
road users, starting from design, construction, operation and maintenance, as well as
activities related to the Management (including periodic evaluation) of the road or road
network under contract.
A PBC may include carrying out rehabilitation works to bring the road up to pre-defined
standards (which define the required level of service at the end of the construction
phase), improvement works specified by the road agency (the Employer) aiming at
adding new characteristics to the road, safety or other conditions, and emergency works
needed to reinstate the road after damage has occurred as a result of natural
phenomena (such as strong storms, flooding and earthquakes).
Performance-based contracting for roads is designed to increase the efficiency and
effectiveness of road asset management and maintenance. It should ensure that the
physical condition of the roads under contract is adequate for the need of the road users,
over the entire period of the contract, which is normally several years (typically 3 to 10
years). This type of contract substantially expands the role of the private sector, from
the simple execution of works to the management and conservation of road assets.

2.2 Traditional vs Performance Based Contracting

In traditional road construction and maintenance contracts, the Contractor is responsible
for the execution of works which are normally defined by the Employer (e.g., the Road
Agency), and the Contractor is paid on the basis of unit prices for different work items,
i.e. a contract based on “inputs” or the amount of works carried out by the Contractor.
The results of traditional road contracts are in many cases less-than-optimal. The
problem is that the Contractor has the wrong incentive, which is to carry out the
maximum amount of works, in order to maximize its turnover and profits. Even if the
work is carried out according to plan and much money is spent, the overall service
quality for the road users depends, inter alia, on the quality of the design given to the
Contractor, who is not accountable for it. In many cases the roads do not last as long
as they should because of deficiencies in the original design, aggravated by faulty
workmanship or materials, or inadequate maintenance.
Performance-based contracts seek to correct such inadequate incentives.

2.3 The Issue of Inadequate Incentives
Performance Based Contracting addresses the issue of inadequate incentives. During
the bidding process (i.e., the competitive selection of contractors), contractors compete
among each other by essentially proposing lump-sum prices for bringing the road to a
certain service level and then maintaining it at that level for a relatively long period.
Under PBC, the contractors are not paid directly for “inputs” or physical works (which
they will undoubtedly have to carry out), but for: (a) achieving a specified Service Level
(or pre-defined standards) at completion of the rehabilitation and/or improvement of
the road; and (b) the maintenance services to ensure compliance with the Service Level
required during the operation and maintenance (O&M) phase of the contract. Both
represent outputs or outcomes.
During the O&M phase of the contract, a periodic (e.g., monthly or quarterly) lump-sum
remuneration paid to the Contractor will cover all physical and non-physical services
provided by the Contractor, except for unforeseen emergency works which are
remunerated separately.
The Rehabilitation and Improvement Works included in the contract may be quoted on
the basis of measurable output quantities and usually paid in one of two forms: (a) as
performed, for example, through milestone payments (for example, upon completion of
a certain length of road); or (b) included in the periodic payments during the O&M phase
of the contract period. Some recent contracts have used both forms, that is, a part of
the Rehabilitation and Improvement Works is paid as performed (through milestone
payments during the construction phase of the contract) and the remaining payment
for such works is made together with the periodic (e.g., monthly) payments during the
O&M phase of the contract.
To be entitled to the milestone payments during the construction phase of the contract,
the Contractor must ensure that the works included in the milestone payment fully
comply with the Service Level (or standards) specified in the bidding document.
To be entitled to the periodic O&M payments, the Contractor must ensure that the roads
under contract comply with the O&M Service Level which has been specified in the
bidding document. It is possible that during some periods (e.g., months or quarters),
the contractor will have to carry out a rather large amount of physical works to comply
with the required Service Level and very little work during other periods. However, the
periodic (e.g., monthly, quarterly) payments remain the same as long as the required
Service Levels are complied with.
A fundamental feature of performance-based contracts is that the Contractor must not
necessarily be a traditional works contractor but can be a firm or business venture
having the necessary technical, managerial and financial capacity to fulfil the contract.
The contractor is responsible for designing and carrying out the works, services and
actions he believes are necessary to achieve and maintain the Service Level stated in
the contract. The Service Level (which is defined by a set of performance indicators)
mostly reflects the road user’s perspective and include factors such as roughness and
safety features. If the Service Level is not achieved in any given period (e.g., month,
quarter), the payment for that period should be reduced (through payment reductions
for non-compliance), or even suspended if deficiencies are not timely fixed.

2.4 Adequate Financial Incentives

Under performance-based contracts, the Contractor has a strong financial incentive to
be both efficient and effective whenever he undertakes work. To maximize profits, he
must reduce his activities to the smallest possible volume of intelligently designed
interventions, which nevertheless ensure that pre-specified indicators, which define the
Service Level, are achieved and maintained over time.

This type of contract makes it necessary for the Contractor to have a good management
capacity. Here, “management” means the capability to define, optimize and carry out
on a timely basis the physical interventions which are needed in the short, medium and
long term, to guarantee that the project road (or road network) remains at or above
the agreed Service Levels.
Within the contract limitations and those required to comply with local legislation,
technical and performance specifications and environmental and social regulations, the
Contractor is entitled to independently define: (i) what to do, (ii) where to do it, (iii)
how to do it, and (iv) when to do it. The role of the Road Administration (e.g., ANE) is
to enforce the contract by verifying compliance with the agreed Service Level and with
all applicable legislation and regulations.

2.5 Efficiency and Innovation under PBC

Maintaining a road network includes both routine and periodic tasks. Routine
maintenance consists of many different tasks frequently necessary to maintain the
function of the road (such as pothole repairs, cleaning of drainage, sealing of cracks,
cutting of vegetation).
Periodic maintenance consists of predictable and more costly measures of a less
frequent nature designed to avoid (or correct) road degradation (such as grading,
drainage work, resurfacing, asphaltic concrete overlays).
Intelligent management, the timeliness of interventions and the adequacy of technical
solutions by private specialized firms under output-and performance-based contracts
are expected to lead to substantial efficiency gains and stimulate innovation in
comparison with traditional contracts.

2.6 The World Bank OPBRC

The World Bank (2017) has issued a Standard Procurement Document (SPD) for Output-
and Performance-based Road Contracts (OPBRC), which has a general structure similar
to the World Bank’s Standard Procurement Document for Works.
Given the specific characteristics of OPBRC (a type of performance-based contract),
modifications were however made including the use of several aspects of the World
Bank’s Standard Procurement Document for Design, Supply and Installation of Plant and
In particular, the Conditions of Contract consider the specific nature of the services to
be provided by the Contractor, which go much beyond the mere execution of pre-defined
physical works and to include the “output” basis in the contract. The OPBRC document
can be downloaded, free of charge, from the World Bank website. It is available in
English, Spanish and French.
ANE has acquired experience in applying the OPBRC approach through the World Bank-
supported Roads and Bridges Management and Maintenance Program. Works
implemented under this program chiefly involve design and construction of flexible
pavements with single/double seal bituminous surfacing, culverts, bridges, slope
protection works, scour protection measures, river training works, pavement marking,
and road signage.
The specifications for OPBRC, or performance-based contracts in general, should ideally
cover all aspects of the contract and different roads may require different Service Levels.
For example, while a relatively low roughness level should be specified for a main, highly
trafficked road, higher roughness levels might be accepted for a lower-volume road.

2.7 Payment Models and Payment Reductions
The two main components of the specifications are given in Chapters 3 and 4,
respectively on Road User Services and Comfort Specifications (e.g., road roughness,
edge break, rutting, and skid resistance) and Road Durability Specifications (e.g.,
pavement strength, pavement cracking, potholes, and edge drop).
Specifications, to be effective, require appropriate supervision and payment reductions
for non-compliance. As payment reductions are usually applied as a percentage of
quarterly (or monthly) operation and maintenance lump sum payments, it is important
to understand how payments are made under performance-based contracts. There are
two different payment models under PBC for:
(a) Improvement and Rehabilitation Phase; and
(b) Operation and Maintenance Phase (O&M)

For the Improvement and Rehabilitation Phase, usually payments are made on the basis
of completing “milestones”, with each milestone reflecting a road subsection (e.g.
1/10th of the total road length under the contract). Milestones (including any bridges
within the section) for completion of a section includes requirement for all the previously
completed sections to be fully compliant with the O&M specifications. Bridges and other
structures (if not contracted separately) are included in the milestones, with no separate
The minimum lengths to be completed (improvement and rehabilitation phase) per year
are to be included into the Request for Bids (RFB), with a payment reduction if not
achieved. For example, for a three-year construction period, the minimums could be 25%
by end of year 1; 75% by end of year 2; and 100% by the end of year 3. The payment
reduction for late delivery of the milestones could be set, for example, at 0.1% of the
payment for each month of delay.
During the O&M period, lumpsum payments are made to the contractor on a periodic
(e.g., monthly or quarterly) basis, following certification by the supervising consultant.
Failure to comply with or exceed the specified performance indicators (or to rectify
deficiencies) affects the contractor’s payment through payment reductions. For example,
if a criterion is maximum 10% cracking, and 12% cracking is observed, then an
immediate payment reduction is imposed; if the deficiency is not fixed within the
specified time, the payment reduction is repeated. In addition to payment reductions
for not achieving the specified performance standards, payments shall also be adjusted
for deductions for advance payments and retention (if any).

3 Road User Service and Comfort Specifications

3.1 Introduction
This Chapter provides recommended service level criteria for road user service and
comfort. The sample set of specifications may be used as a basis for the actual table to
be included in the Request for Bids (RFB). Modifications, additions, and deletions may
be needed to consider the specific conditions of the road (or roads) to be included in the
performance-based contract.
In particular, sample specifications are provided in this chapter for:
1. Road Roughness
2. Rutting
3. Edge break
4. Skid resistance
5. Road signs
6. Vegetation control
7. Road markings
8. Attendance at road accidents
9. Cleanliness of the pavement surface and shoulders

3.2 Road Roughness

Roughness is an indicator of road condition that is useful for making objective decisions
related to the management of road networks. It is a property of the longitudinal profile
of the travelled wheel tracks of the road, measured through the International Roughness
Index (IRI), which is based on the quarter-car analysis method, with standardized
parameter values and a reference simulation speed of 80 km/h. Roughness (IRI) is
closely related to users’ comfort and is a major determinant of road user costs.
A range of devices are available to measure road roughness, which can broadly be
categorised into one of the following two types:
1. Response type meters
2. Profilometers
The former of the two yields estimates of the road roughness from the movement of a
vehicle along the road. These need to be calibrated against the reference IRI. An
example of this approach is the Bump Integrator.
The second group of devices record the elevation profile of the road surface that is used
to establish the roughness, in terms of IRI. Within this class of devices are rod and level,
hand operated devices, through to vehicle mounted systems. Outputs, directly or
processed (e.g., through correlation), should be expressed in terms of the International
Roughness Index (IRI in m/km).
The reporting interval for the roughness data should be such that it is both sufficiently
long to include all the wavelengths of road profile that make up roughness, but also
sufficiently short that the maintenance contractor can identify the discrete defects that
are adding to the overall roughness. Often these two competing demands will result in
values summarised at 50m or 100m intervals.
In deciding what method to use to record roughness, a number of factors should be
considered, including:

1. The required accuracy of measurements. Typically, if there are financial
consequences (e.g. payment reductions) involved, then more accurate
information is required.
2. The robustness of the equipment in comparison to the operating conditions
likely to be experienced. While often of a lower accuracy, the response type
meters are usually more robust than the higher technology devices.
3. The technology to be used in maintaining and rehabilitating the road network.
There is little point in measuring the roughness to a high degree of accuracy,
if the work is then undertaken to a relatively low standard using low
technology methods.
Typically, response-type meters are used when the IRI is higher than about
6 m/km or the roads are unsealed. Profilometers are used when high
precision is required.
Regardless of what device is used, it must be calibrated/validated over the
range of road conditions and vehicle speeds reasonably expected during the
surveys. Such calibration/validation should be undertaken during the data
collection phase based on the manufacturer’s recommendations and from
observations during previous use.
These Guidelines, applicable to paved roads, recommend that roughness be
assessed according to ASTM E950 / E950M – 09 (2018) Standard Test Method
for Measuring the Longitudinal Profile of Travelled Surfaces with an
Accelerometer-Established Inertial Profiling Reference.
Table 3-1 presents the service level, method of measurement, time before
repeat payment reductions for non-compliance, and payment reduction rates
for non-compliance with maximum allowable road roughness.
The service level is provided for a typical average to highly trafficked paved
road in Mozambique. Such service level may have to be adjusted for very low
or very high traffic volume roads. Upon completion of construction,
reconstruction or rehabilitation works (i.e., achievement of milestone
payment), and for the first year of operation, the maximum average
roughness value for any 100-m road section is specified at an IRI≤ 3.0 m/km;
after 12 months of achievement of milestone payment, the maximum
average value for any 100-m road section is IRI≤ 4.0 m/km.
For lower traffic volume roads, these might be relaxed, for example, to an
IRI≤ 5.0 m/km within 12 months of achievement of milestone payment, and
to a maximum IRI≤ 6.0 m/km afterwards (until the end of the contract).
In a performance-based contract, the contractor is expected to keep the road
at or above the specified service level. During any assessment period (e.g.,
monthly or quarterly), the specified payment reduction rate would be applied
for any non-compliance. The time before repeat payment reductions for non-
compliance is also specified. For example, if the contractor takes more than
two months to comply with the required roughness level, the payment
reduction would be repeated.

3.2.1 Method of Roughness Measurement

IRI must be measured with calibrated equipment (Class 1 precision and bias
specifications as defined by ASTM E950 / E950M – 09 (2018), Standard Test Method for
Measuring the Longitudinal Profile of Travelled Surfaces with an Accelerometer-

Established Inertial Profiling Reference. Average applies to values in each traffic lane
(e.g. there will be two averages per km for a 2- lane road that must meet the criterion).
Testing must be conducted under similar temperature conditions, i.e. between 25º C
and 35º C and it is to be measured at least once a year.
Table 3-1 Road Roughness Specification
Time before Rates for non-compliance as
repeat payment percentage of quarterly (or
Service Level IRI (m/km) *
reductions for monthly) O&M lump sum
non-compliance payment
Within 12 months of ≤ 3.0 2 months 1% for each km of road (in
achievement of terms of 2-lane equivalent),
milestone payment, which includes at least one non-
the maximum average compliance
value for any 100-m
road section

After 12 months of ≤ 4.0

achievement of
milestone payment,
the maximum average
value for any 100-m
road section:

* Compliance to be assessed at least once per year (additional testing of all or part of
the road may occur for any reason and results used to determine compliance).

3.3 Rutting
A rut is a longitudinal surface depression in the wheel path. It may have associated
transverse displacement. The maximum rut depth, to the nearest millimetre, should be
recorded, as measured with a 2 m or 3 m straight edge. Figure 3-1 illustrates rutting in
an asphalt pavement.

Source: Distress Identification Manual for the LTPP. U.S. Federal Highway
Figure 3-1 Rutting
Table 3-2 presents the service level, method of measurement, time before repeat
payment reductions for non-compliance, and payment reduction rates for road rutting.
The service level is provided for a typical average to highly trafficked paved road in
Mozambique. Such service level may have to be adjusted for very low or very high traffic
volume roads.

Table 3-2 Rutting Specification
Service Level Method of measurement Time before Rates for non-
repeat compliance as
payment percentage of
reductions quarterly (or
for non- monthly) O&M
compliance lump sum
Assessment at least once Test is based on the 2 months 1% for each
per year (additional maximum depth when km of road (in
testing of all or part of the measured under a 1.2m terms of 2-
road may occur for any straight-edge. lane
reason and results used to equivalent),
determine compliance) which includes
The straightedge should be at least one
positioned centrally across non-
Maximum 10 mm with the each wheel path to compliance
straightedge laid determine the maximum
perpendicular to the rutting. At least one
centreline measurement every 100 m

To be measured at least
twice a year.

3.4 Edge Break
Providing road users with minimum adequate road and lane widths is essential for safety
and comfort. Pavement width, which can be reduced by edge break, is a key
requirement specified in any road construction and maintenance contract.
Table 3-3 presents the service level, time before repeat payment reductions for non-
compliance, and payment reduction rates for edge break and lane width.
The service level is provided for a typical average to highly trafficked paved road in
Mozambique. Such service level may have to be adjusted for very low or very high traffic
volume roads.
Visual inspection or manual measurement using an appropriate measuring tape is
recommended. Both the lane width and length of edge break should be measured.
Moreover, edge break has to be measured at least twice a year.

Table 3-3 Edge Break Specification

Service Level Time before Rates for non-compliance as
repeat percentage of quarterly (or
payment monthly) O&M lump sum
reductions payment
for non-
The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that 28 days 1% for each km of road (in terms
the pavement width is at least as wide as of 2-lane equivalent), which
specified in the contract, without loose includes at least one non-
pavement edges, or pieces of pavement compliance
breaking off at the edges.
The maximum permitted length of edge break
is 20 m in each km of road, with no more than
2 m of continuous edge break

3.5 Skid Resistance

Skid resistance is the force developed when a tyre that is prevented from rotating slides
on a pavement surface. Poor skid resistance can lead to skidding accidents and
inadequate braking distance during emergency braking.
Poor skid-resistance can occur when the road surface becomes worn (aggregate
becomes polished) under the action of traffic, or temporarily if there is a build-up of oil
or debris on the road or if road drainage is poor.
The GripTester, shown in Figure 3-2, is recommended to assess skid resistance. It
provides results known as the grip number or GN. The GripTester is a trailer-based
surface friction measuring device, which consists of two drive wheels and a single
smooth test wheel. In operation, a geared mechanism between the drive wheels and
the test wheel, maintains a relative slip of just over 15% of the tow vehicle speed. This
causes the test wheel to rotate at a slower rate than the other two wheels thereby
generating a braking force. Two strain gauges continuously measure the induced stress
in the axle which is then used to calculate drag and load. The ratio of these forces is
used to calculate the GN. Usually a GN higher than 0.40 is considered satisfactory.

Source: Griptester MK2
Figure 3-2 Grip Tester
Table 3-4 presents the service level, method of measurement, time before repeat
payment reductions for non-compliance, and payment reduction rates for skid
resistance. The service level is provided for a typical average to highly trafficked paved
road in Mozambique. Such service level may have to be adjusted for very low or very
high traffic volume roads.

Table 3-4 Skid Resistance Specification

Service Level for Skid resistance Method of Time before repeat Rates for non-
measurement payment compliance as
reductions for non- percentage of
compliance quarterly (or
monthly) O&M
lump sum
Following ≥0.45 GN BS 7941-2:2000 2 months 1% for each
completion of Surface friction of km of road (in
pavement pavements Part2: terms of 2-
resurfacing or test method for lane
rehabilitation measurement of equivalent),
surface skid which includes
Any time during ≥ 0.40 GN resistance using at least one
the contract the GripTester non-
period, the skid braked wheel compliance
resistance Compliance to fixed slip device
be evaluated at
least once per Along both wheel
year paths on each
traffic lane
Each 100m of
road length
Testing within two
months after the
rainy season

3.6 Road Signs
The functions of signs are to provide regulations, warnings, and guidance information
for road users. Words, symbols, and arrows are used to convey the messages.
Table 3-5 presents the service level, method of measurement, time before repeat
payment reductions for non-compliance, and payment reduction rates for road signs.
The service level is provided for a typical average to highly trafficked paved road in
Mozambique. Such service level may have to be adjusted for very low or very high traffic
volume roads.

Table 3-5 Road Signs Specification

Service Level Method of Time before Rates for non-
measurement repeat compliance as
payment percentage of
reductions quarterly (or
for non- monthly) O&M
compliance lump sum
100% of Information Signs shall be in Visual 4 weeks 2% for each km
position, complete, clean, legible, inspection at of road, which
adjusted and structurally sound. least once a includes at least
quarter one non-
100% of Warning Signs shall be in
position, complete, clean, legible,
adjusted and structurally sound; and
clearly visible at night

100% of Traffic Ruling Signs (Regulatory

Signs) shall be present, complete, clean,
legible, adjusted and structurally sound;
and clearly visible at night.

3.7 Vegetation Control
Vegetation, if not controlled, can present a safety hazard for several reasons. Trees
close to the road can present a fixed object hazard. Tall grass, weeds brush and tree
limbs obscure or limit a driver’s view of the road ahead, traffic control devices,
approaching vehicles, wildlife and livestock, and pedestrians and bicycles.
Table 3-6 presents the service level, method of measurement, time before repeat
payment reductions for non-compliance, and payment reduction rates for vegetation
control along the road. The service level is provided for a typical average to highly
trafficked paved road in Mozambique. Such service level may have to be adjusted for
very low or very high traffic volume roads.
Where the contractor reasonably believes vegetation should be retained (e.g.
ornamental trees near the roadway or on traffic islands; trees providing erosion
protection on embankments; trees providing delineation of horizontal curves), the
contractor shall seek clarification from the Engineer as to the requirement to trim or
remove such vegetation. No payment reduction will apply for the non-removal of any
vegetation approved for retention.
The shaded zone in Figure 3-3 shall be free of vegetation, including overhanging trees.
No payment reduction will apply for the non-removal of any vegetation approved for
retention by the Engineer (e.g. ornamental trees near the roadway or on traffic islands;
trees providing erosion protection on embankments; trees providing delineation of
horizontal curves).

Table 3-6 Vegetation Control Specification

Service Level Method of Time before Rates for non-
measurement repeat compliance as
payment percentage of
reductions quarterly (or
for non- monthly) O&M
compliance lump sum payment
On all traffic islands, grass shall Visual inspection 28 days 1% for each km of
be maintained at between: using ruler on road, which
maximum vegetation includes at least
•25-75mm in height in urban
growth relative to one non-
ground height compliance
•25-150mm in height in rural
To be measured at
least every month
With reference to Figure 3-3, the
maximum heights of grass in each
zone are:
•Type 2 < 300mm
•Type 3 < 150mm
•Type 4 < 150mm
•Type 5 shall be vegetation free

Source: Sample Specifications for Output and Performance Based Road Contracts. World Bank. 2017.

Figure 3-3 Extent and Type of Vegetation Control

3.8 Road Markings
Markings on roads have important functions in providing guidance and information for
the road user. Major marking types include pavement and curb markings, delineators,
coloured pavements, channelizing devices, and islands. In some cases, markings are
used to supplement other traffic control devices such as signs, signals, and other
markings. In other instances, markings are used alone to effectively convey regulations,
guidance, or warnings in ways not obtainable by the use of other devices.
Markings have limitations. Visibility of the markings can be limited by debris and water
on or adjacent to the markings. Marking durability is affected by material characteristics,
traffic volumes, weather, and location. However, under most highway conditions,
markings provide important information while allowing minimal diversion of attention
from the roadway.
Table 3-7 presents the service level, method of measurement, time before repeat
payment reductions for non-compliance, and payment reduction rates for road markings.
The service level is provided for a typical average to highly trafficked paved road in
Mozambique. Such service level may have to be adjusted for very low or very high traffic
volume roads.

Table 3-7 Road Markings Specification

Service Level Method of Time before Rates for non-
measurement repeat compliance as
payment percentage of
reductions quarterly (or
for non- monthly) O&M
compliance lump sum
Maximum extent of defective line Visual inspection 2 weeks 2% for each
markings is: to confirm km of road,
markings are which includes
20% of any single transverse line
legible and firmly at least one
marking, painted wording, lane arrows
attached to non-
or similar.
pavement. Micro compliance
spheres (Glass
Beads) shall be
No more than 20m of continuous firm and visible.
defective centreline or lane line
marking. To be measured at
least every
No more than 10% of any centreline or
lane line to be defective in any 1 km

3.9 Attendance at Road Accidents
The Contractor should ensure that the road is open to traffic and free of interruptions
at all times, including within a few hours after severe road accidents. Prompt attendance
should be provided at any road crash;
Table 3-8 presents the service level, method of measurement, time before repeat
payment reductions for non-compliance, and payment reduction rates for attendance at
road accidents. The service level is provided for a typical average to highly trafficked
paved road in Mozambique. Such service level may have to be adjusted for very low or
very high traffic volume roads.

Table 3-8 Attendance at Road Accidents Specification

Item Service Level Method of Time before Rates for non-
measurement repeat payment compliance as
reductions for percentage of
non-compliance quarterly (or
monthly) O&M
lump sum
Accident/ Attendance within 1 Quarterly (or 1 week 1.5% for each
hour of being monthly) reports km of road,
informed of which includes
incident. at least one
Any ‘make safe’
actions to restore
the network for safe
usage following the
incident to be
completed within 1
hour of police
departing the site.
If police are not
involved, then
‘make safe’ actions
to be completed
within 1 hour of
arriving on site.

3.10 Cleanliness of the Pavement Surface and Shoulders

Cleanliness of the pavement surface and shoulders includes the absence of sand, soil,
debris, spillage, trash and other objects, such as vegetation or accident debris.
Table 3-9 presents the service level, method of measurement, time before repeat
payment reductions for non-compliance, and payment reduction rates for non-
compliance with the cleanliness of the pavement surface and shoulders. The service
level is provided for a typical average to highly trafficked paved road in Mozambique.
Such service level may have to be adjusted for very low or very high traffic volume

Table 3-9 Cleanliness of the Pavement Surface and Shoulders Specification

Service Level Method of Time before Rates for non-
measurement repeat compliance as
payment percentage of
reductions quarterly (or
for non- monthly) O&M
compliance lump sum payment
Within the main traffic lanes, Visual Inspection: 1 day 2% for each km of
or on bridges, maximum road (in terms of 2-
Loose debris to be
tolerance: lane equivalent),
greater than 2
which includes at
1 per km, and 0 per km of litres in volume
least one non-
dangerous5 items within an area of
1m2 to qualify.

On the hard shoulder or within Trash includes all 3 days

1m of the edge of paved cans, bottles or
surface where no hard items of paper
shoulder exists, maximum that are at least
tolerance: A4 in size.
2 items per km

Spillage is any
volume that has
an appreciable
negative impact
on road safety or
the environment.

3.11 Ancillaries
Road features such as guardrails, parapets, retaining walls, kerbs, bus stops, lay-bys
(rest areas), street lights and traffic signals have important functions regarding road
operations, including road safety.
Table 3-10 presents the service level, method of measurement, time before repeat
payment reductions for non-compliance, and payment reduction rates for non-
compliance with the requirements related to the several features listed.

Table 3-10 Ancillaries

Service Level Method of Time before Rates for non-compliance
measurement repeat as percentage of
payment quarterly (or monthly)
reductions O&M lump sum payment
for non-

Guardrail: No defective Visual inspection to 1 week 1% for each km of road,

guardrails, on both road confirm they are which includes at least
sections and bridges present, complete, one non-compliance
structurally sound,
No more than 20m of
not deformed or
defective or missing guardrail
per km

Parapets: No defective Visual inspection to 1 week 1% for each 20m of

parapets on bridges confirm they are bridge, which includes at
present, complete, least one non-compliance
No more than 1m of defective
not deformed or
or missing parapets per 20m
broken, structurally
of bridge

Retaining walls: Superficial Visual inspection 4 weeks 3% for each km of road,

defects to retaining walls: which includes at least
(a single defect shall
one non-compliance
Maximum of 5/km include all similar
defects within an
Structural defects to retaining
area of 1m2)
Street lighting: Lights Visual inspection 1 week 2% for each km of road,
operating properly. which includes at least
one non-compliance
Maximum failure of 3
lights/km, with no 2 adjacent
lights failing.

Traffic signals: Signals Visual inspection 2 weeks 2% for each km of road,

operating properly which includes at least
one non-compliance

Kerbs, Bus Stops, Lay-bys: Visual inspection 2 weeks 1% for each km of road,
Operating properly, which includes at least
structurally sound one non-compliance

4 Road Durability Specifications

4.1 Introduction
Maximizing the durability of road pavements has several benefits, such as (a) reducing
the delays to road users caused by maintenance and rehabilitation (M&R), (b) reducing
the M&R costs to the road authority, and (c) improving the sustainability of pavement
construction. In fact, improving durability is generally regarded as the best long-term
means of improving sustainability.
This Chapter provides the service level criteria for road durability. The sample provided
may be used as a basis for the actual table to be included in the Request for Bids (RFB).
Modifications and additions may be needed to consider the specific conditions of the
road (or roads) to be included in the PBC contract.
In particular, sample specifications are provided in this chapter for:
1. Pavement strength,
2. Pavement cracking,
3. Potholes,
4. Patching,
5. Edge drop
6. Erosion in drains, and
7. Sedimentation in drains
Additionally, this chapter includes a section on triggers for periodic maintenance, which
illustrates how a key threshold specified in the Guidelines, namely for roughness, can
be used to estimate when the OPBRC contractor should plan to carry out periodic
maintenance of the road.

4.2 Pavement Strength

Deflection is a common means to assess pavement strength, as it provides an indication
of a pavement load carrying capacity. Several methods exist to determine pavement
deflection, with the more common being the Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) and
the Benkelman Beam (BB). With both devices, a weight is applied to the road and then
the resulting deflection of the road surface measured. The magnitude and shape of the
deflections, at various distances from the centre of the applied load, are then used to
infer the structural capacity.
The interval of testing for network management is generally lesser than that required
for pavement design. While results at 10m or 20m intervals may be required for
pavement design purposes, for network management intervals of several hundred
meters are quite common. The more uniform the construction methods and subgrade
conditions, then the greater the interval of testing can be without a substantial loss in
confidence in the results.
Moisture and other factors can play a significant part in the deflections measured and
hence in determining the remaining life of the pavement. It is necessary to document
what methodology will be utilized to normalize results from one survey to the next. This
is particularly relevant when payment reductions are at risk based on the estimated
remaining life of the pavement.
There is a strong body of evidence that indicates deflections do not change greatly from
one year to the next, until nearing the time of pavement structural failure. On this basis,
a rolling programme of testing may well provide sufficient results for the management

of the assets. The Contractor is required to guarantee that the pavement deflection of
the roads under contract is below the threshold values indicated in the Technical
Table 4-1 presents the service level, method of measurement, time before repeat
payment reductions for non-compliance, and payment reduction rates for pavement
strength, using Benkelman Beam deflection as a reference. The service level is provided
for a typical average to highly trafficked paved road in Mozambique. Such service level
may have to be adjusted for very low or very high traffic volume roads.
Table 4-1 Pavement Strength Specification
Service Level Method of Time before Rates for non-
measurement repeat compliance as
payment percentage of
reductions quarterly (or
for non- monthly) O&M
compliance lump sum
Average of any 1km section Measured with 6 months 1% for each
must be below the following Benkelman beam every km of road (in
threshold value: 50 meters. Threshold terms of 2-
value is average for lane
Maximum Benkelman Beam
1km section. equivalent),
deflection: 0.40 mm (or FWD
which does
equivalent) To be measured at
not comply
least once a year,
within 2 months of the
rainy season end

4.3 Pavement Cracking
A crack is a linear opening in pavement with a width of more than 3 mm. Figure 4-1
illustrates the way to measure crack widths in asphalt concrete-surfaced pavements.

Source: Distress Identification Manual for the LTPP. U.S. Federal Highway
Figure 4-1 Measuring Crack Width

Table 4-2 presents the service level, method of measurement, time before repeat
payment reductions for non-compliance, and payment reduction rates for pavement
cracking. The service level is provided for a typical average to highly trafficked paved
road in Mozambique. Such service level may have to be adjusted for very low or very
high traffic volume roads.

Table 4-2 Pavement Cracking Specification
Item Service Level Method of Time before Rates for
measurement repeat non-
payment compliance
reductions as
for non- percentage of
compliance quarterly (or
O&M lump
sum payment
Linear For any 50m section of the Crack widths 4 weeks 1% for each
cracking in pavement, the cracked measured with small km of road
pavement area, including linear transparent ruler. (in terms of
cracks wider than 3mm, 2-lane
For isolated cracks,
should not be more than 5 equivalent),
the “cracked area”
percent of the pavement which
includes 0.5 m on
surface. includes at
each side of the
least one
crack, multiplied by
50m section
the length of the
in non-
crack plus 0.5 m at
each end.
Multiple For any 50m section of the For multiple cracks 4 weeks 1% for each
cracks in pavement, the cracked and cracks crossing km of road
the area, including linear each other, wider (in terms of
pavement cracks wider than 3mm, than 3mm, the 2-lane
should not be more than 5 “cracked area” is equivalent),
percent of the pavement equivalent to a which
surface. rectangle area (with includes at
one side parallel, and least one
the other 50m section
perpendicular to the in non-
centreline), which compliance
fully encloses the
cracks, and where
the closest crack is at
least 0.25 m away
from the sides of the

4.4 Potholes
Potholes are bowl-shaped holes of various sizes in the pavement surface, with a
minimum plan dimension of 150 mm. Figure 4-2 illustrates a moderate severity pothole.

Source: Distress Identification Manual for the LTPP. U.S. Federal Highway
Figure 4-2 A Moderate Severity Pothole
Table 4-3 presents the service level, method of measurement, time before repeat
payment reductions for non-compliance, and payment reduction rates for potholes. The
service level is provided for a typical average to highly trafficked paved road in
Mozambique. Such service level may have to be adjusted for very low or very high traffic
volume roads.
Table 4-3 Potholes Specification
Item Service Level Method of Time before Rates for non-
measurement repeat compliance as
payment percentage of
reductions quarterly (or
for non- monthly) O&M
compliance lump sum
Potholes There should be no Record number of 2 days 1% for each
potholes with a potholes in each 1km km of road (in
maximum section of the road terms of 2-
dimension above lane
To be measured at
150mm. equivalent), in
least once a day

4.5 Patching
Patch is the portion of pavement surface, greater than 0.1 m², that has been removed
and replaced or additional material applied to the pavement after original construction.
Figure 4-3 illustrates a moderate severity patch.

Source: Distress Identification Manual for the LTPP. U.S. Federal Highway
Figure 4-3 Moderate Severity Patch
Table 4-4 presents the service level, method of measurement, time before repeat
payment reductions for non-compliance, and payment reduction rates for patch. The
service level is provided for a typical average to highly trafficked paved road in
Mozambique. Such service level may have to be adjusted for very low or very high traffic
volume roads.
Table 4-4 Patch Specification
Service Level Method of measurement Time before Rates for non-
repeat compliance as
payment percentage of
reductions quarterly (or
for non- monthly) O&M lump
compliance sum payment
Patches 1. Visual inspection (for 4 weeks 1% for each km of
detection of shape and road (in terms of 2-
(i) shall be square or
material used lane equivalent),
rectangular, with one side
which includes at
parallel to the centreline, (ii) 2. Ruler (to check if patch
least one non-
shall be level with surrounding is level with surrounding
pavement, pavement
(iii) shall be made using 3. Small transparent
materials similar to those used ruler (for cracks)
for the surrounding pavement,
To be measured at least
once a week
(iv) shall not have cracks wider
than 3 mm.

4.6 Edge Drop
Height of Shoulders vs. Height of Pavement, also called lane-to-shoulder drop-off or
edge drop, is the difference in elevation between the travelled surface and the outside
shoulder. It typically occurs when the outside shoulder settles as a result of pavement
layer material differences. Figure 4-4 illustrates edge drop.

Source: Distress Identification Manual for the LTPP. U.S. Federal Highway
Figure 4-4 Edge Drop
Table 4-5 presents the service level, method of measurement, time before repeat
payment reductions for non-compliance, and payment reduction rates for edge drop.
The service level is provided for a typical average to highly trafficked paved road in
Mozambique. Such service level may have to be adjusted for very low or very high traffic
volume roads.

Table 4-5 Edge Drop Specification
Service Level Method of Time before Rates for non-
measurement repeat compliance as
payment percentage of
reductions quarterly (or
for non- monthly) O&M
compliance lump sum
Severity Levels: How to Count—To be 28 days 1% for each
measured by ruler at km of road (in
L—The difference between the
intervals not terms of 2-
pavement edge and shoulder
exceeding 10m. Any lane
is>25 mm and ≤50 mm
single failure shall be equivalent),
counted as a minimum which includes
of 10m in length. at least one
M—The difference in elevation non-
is >50 mm and≤100 mm compliance
To be measured at
least once a month
H—The difference in elevation
is >100 mm

Maximum of:
•0m/km to have shoulder higher
than the pavement (i.e. water
must always have a free path from
the road surface to the nearest
drainage facility)
•100m/km to have the shoulder
between 50-100mm below the
pavement height
•0m/km to have the shoulder more
than 100mm below the pavement

4.7 Sedimentation in Drains
Erosion occurs when soil particles are dislodged and transported by the action of water
and/or wind. Sediment is the material produced by erosion. Long-term erosion and
sedimentation may be inevitable. However, effective management can minimise erosion
and sedimentation and in turn reduce the overall financial cost of maintenance, potential
public safety risks and environmental impacts.
The contractor must ensure that all drainage elements and structures are without any
obstructions which may reduce their normal cross-section and impede the free flow of
Table 4-6 presents the service level, method of measurement, time before repeat
payment reductions for non-compliance, and payment reduction rates for sedimentation
in drains. The service level is provided for a typical average to highly trafficked paved
road in Mozambique. Such service level may have to be adjusted for very low or very
high traffic volume roads.
Table 4-6 Sedimentation in Drains Specification
Item Service Level Method of Time before Rates for
measurement repeat non-
payment compliance
reductions as
for non- percentage
compliance of quarterly
(or monthly)
O&M lump
Sedimentation Drains must be clean and Visual 1 week 1% for each
in drains free of obstacles and lining Inspection. km of road,
without any significant For long which
damage. Blockages blockages (e.g. includes at
impacting cross-sectional an extended least one
area by 10-30%: length of silted non-
up drain), compliance
Maximum of 2 blockages
every 10m
per km
shall count as a
Blockages impacting cross-
sectional area by more To be
than 30%: measured at
least once a
0 per km week

Any blockage of drainage

assets causing water to
pond on bridges or onto the
traffic lanes
0 per km

4.8 Erosion in Drains
Erosion occurs when soil particles are dislodged and transported by the action of water
and/or wind. Table 4-7 presents the service level, method of measurement, time before
repeat payment reductions for non-compliance, and reduction rates for non-compliance.
The service level is provided for a typical average to highly trafficked paved road in
Mozambique. Such service level may have to be adjusted for very low or very high traffic
volume roads.
Table 4-7 Erosion Control Specification
Service Level Method of Time before Rates for
measurement repeat non-
payment compliance
reductions as
for non- percentage
compliance of quarterly
(or monthly)
O&M lump
On cut slopes, the maximum extent of Visual inspection and 4 weeks 1% for each
erosion shall be the equivalent of 2m3 per estimation against km of road,
km. Slides of slope material onto the road surrounding ground/ which
are considered an Emergency if the embankment profile includes at
quantity of the material is above 500 m3, least one
or if the slide blocks all lanes and the road non-
traffic is completely interrupted, and the To be inspected at compliance
quantity is above 50 m3. least once a week

On embankments, the maximum extent of

erosion shall be the equivalent of 1m3 per

Under Bridges: The Contractor must

maintain design clearance under bridge.
The Contractor shall take all reasonable
measures to control erosion around bridge
abutments and piers.

4.9 Triggers for Periodic Maintenance
The purpose of this section is to illustrate how a key threshold specified in the Guidelines,
namely roughness, can be used to estimate when the OPBRC contractor should plan to
carry out periodic maintenance of the road. This is also the basic methodology used by
road management models, such as HDM-4 and RONET, to schedule interventions on the
road, as well as to run economic analysis for a project road.
Periodic maintenance includes activities undertaken at intervals of several years to
restore serviceability, preserve the structural integrity of the road, or to enable the road
to carry increased axle loadings. Such maintenance normally excludes those works that
change the geometry of a road by widening or realignment. Works can be grouped into
the works types of preventive, resurfacing, overlay and pavement reconstruction.
Examples are resealing and overlay works, which are carried out in response to
measured deterioration in road conditions. Periodic works are expected at regular, but
relatively long, intervals. As such, they can be budgeted for on a regular basis and can
be included in the recurrent budget. However, many countries consider these activities
as discrete projects and fund them from the capital budget.
Several service level criteria for road durability, provided in this chapter, are used to
trigger a periodic maintenance intervention, including pavement strength and cracking.
Also used to trigger periodic maintenance are several road user service and comfort
parameters discussed in Chapter 3, such as road roughness, rutting and skid resistance.
The periodic maintenance triggering process consists in setting threshold levels for the
above criteria and estimating when such threshold will occur. For example, if a threshold
(or maximum acceptable level) of International Roughness Index of IRR = 5 m/km is
adopted, then a periodic maintenance intervention, such as an asphalt concrete overlay,
should be scheduled prior to the time the road roughness is estimated to reach 5 m/km.
This process is illustrated in Figure 4-5, using basic assumptions given below and the
roughness progression model from the Road Network Evaluation Tools (RONET).
dIRI = Kgp*(a0*Exp(Kgm*m*AGE3)*[(1+SNC*a1)]-5*YE4+a2*AGE3)+(Kgm*m*IRIa)
dIRI = increment in roughness during one year (m/km)
Kgp = 1, calibration factor of roughness progression
a0 = 134, which is the original a0 coefficient of the HDM-4 model6
Kgm = 1, calibration factor for environmental coefficient
m = 0.025, environmental coefficient (humid, sub-tropical)
AGE3 = pavement age since last overlay, reconstruction or new construction (years)
SNC = 4, modified structural number of pavement at construction, reconstruction, or
last rehabilitation (modified structural number as defined on the HDM-III documentation
equal to the structural number computed following AASHTO guidelines, plus adding the
strength contribution of the sub-grade)
YE4 = 1, annual number of equivalent standard axles (million ESA/lane-year)
IRI0 = 2.0 m/km, roughness immediately after construction or the latest overlay
IRIa = roughness at the start of the analysis year (m/km)
IRIb = roughness at the end of the analysis year (IRI, m/km)
IRIb = minimum (IRIa + dIRI, 16)

a1 = 0.7947, which is a coefficient derived from the RONET study to reflect the reduction
of the strength of the pavement due to the presence of surface distress
a2 = 0.0054, which is a coefficient derived from the RONET study to reflect the increase
in roughness progression of the pavement due to the presence of cracking, rutting, and
Assuming a maximum acceptable roughness of IRI = 5.0 m/km, it can be concluded
from Figure 4-5 that an overlay (or reconstruction) should be scheduled for 12 years
(or earlier) after construction (or last rehabilitation).

Road Roughness

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Figure 4-5 Increase of IRI with Age of Roads

5 Overload Control Requirements

5.1 Introduction

Control of vehicle overloading has received increasing attention over the last decade,
owing to its notable impact on road conditions, road safety and road transportation costs.
Enforcing vehicle weight compliance is in the interest of infrastructure preservation, as
it helps prevent exceeding the structural strength of the existing infrastructure.
Typically, only a subset of the newly constructed or rehabilitated roads reach their
design life. Truck overloading generally is one of the main causes of such rapid
deterioration. As indicated by Heggie (1995), axle-weight regulations are “the most
important, but the most difficult to enforce”. Nevertheless, there have been relevant
success stories in Africa, an example of which being the enforcement of axle load
regulations on the Douala-N’Djamena international road, the main transport corridor in
Central Africa. A study has shown that axle-load regulations have been reasonably well
applied on the road and have contributed to maintaining the corridor in fair condition,
with substantial savings in road user costs and in road maintenance and rehabilitation.
Weighing commercial vehicles, in addition to overload control, can also provide essential
weight information for planning future maintenance and rehabilitation activities. Such
information is required, for example, to run models such as the Highway Development
and Management (HDM-4) and the Road Network Evaluation Tools (RONET).
This Chapter provides recommendations for controlling vehicle overloading considering
lessons learned from a variety of countries.

5.2 Institutional and Legal Arrangements for Overload Control

Under performance-based contracts and road concessions, formal measures to address
vehicle overloading is of interest to both the Employer and the Contractor (or
Concessionaire). By including, in the Request for Bids, requirements for axle load control,
the government avoids excessive bid costs, as otherwise the bidders may increase their
prices to compensate for the additional works required to keep a road in good condition
under an overloading scenario. The degree of uncertainties by the Contractors can be
reduced, leading to lower bids, if they are granted the right and obligation to enforce
axle load limits.
Accordingly, the World Bank, in its foreword to the Standard Procurement Document for
OPBRC, states that the Contractor should be entitled to implement an axle load control
system, based on the legislation and in cooperation with local police authorities. Another
option would be for the Road Agency to entrust the operations and maintenance of the
equipment, facilities and premises of the weighing stations to independent private sector
firms. In Cameroon, for example, weight control enterprises are recruited under three-
year contracts awarded through national competitive bidding. As soon as operations
were privatized, stations offered high performances and were operational more than 90%
of the days per year, a substantial improvement over the previous public-sector
Nevertheless, when private enterprises operate weight control systems, the availability
and presence of law enforcement officers (traffic or police officers) on a continuous basis
is essential. If law enforcement officers are called away for other duties by higher
authority, weighing operations may have to be interrupted. It is preferable that law
enforcement officers are dedicated exclusively to the specific overload control operation.
The selection, placement, replacement and number of law enforcement officers should
be agreed upon.

In addition to the installation and operation of weighing stations, vehicle overloading
control also requires the involvement of all the sector stakeholders responsible for truck
overloading, especially transport companies, shippers and logistic operators. It is also
essential that the problem be tackled at the regional level, because fighting overloading
in some countries and corridors and not in the others may cause distortions in
competition and traffic diversions.
Such regional approach has been strengthened by a Memorandum of Understanding on
Vehicle Load Management Parties issued by the Common Market for East and Southern
Africa (COMESA), East African Community (EAC) and the Southern African Development
Community (SADC), with specific reference to “the control of vehicle loads,
harmonisation of enforcement and institutional arrangements for regional co-operation
in vehicle load management”. The MOU also endorses the conversion of the offence of
overloading a vehicle from a criminal offence to an administrative offence.
Prior to launching a vehicle overloading control, it is recommended that the roads
agency addresses the following critical aspects:
(a) National strategy: a comprehensive strategy that deals, as a minimum, with matters
of policy and regulation, operational approach and in this context provides some
guidance on available budget.
(b) Operational strategy: this includes a discussion of what is expected from the vehicle
weighing program, such as reduction/elimination of vehicle overloading and statistical
data for road design and maintenance. The design of a weighbridge facility is the direct
result of the intended operational strategy.
c) Prioritization: Within the overall national strategy, prioritization can be undertaken
with regard to the deployment of weighbridges across the country’s road network.
Generally, it is recommended that weighbridges be located on roads with the highest
heavy traffic volumes and where the greatest impact can be achieved with the least cost
and effort.
In summary, the following recommendations are offered regarding the institutional and
legal arrangements for overload control:
(a) Review (or enact) relevant legislation that is consistent with that of neighbour
countries or within the same economic region;
(b) Recruit weight control enterprises through contracts awarded through
competitive bidding (e.g., for a three-year period), under the supervision of a
dedicated unit of the agency responsible for roads. ANE

5.3 Technical Aspects

There are several weighbridge types and related methods of weighing that can be used
for overload control purposes, which, in general, can be classified as:
• Types of weighbridge: Fixed versus mobile scales
• Methods of weighing: Static versus dynamic

The relative characteristics of the types of weighbridges and methods of weighing are
illustrated in Table 5-1. Fixed weighbridges include (a) Single axle weighbridge, (b) Axle
unit weighbridges, and (c) Multi-deck scales. Mobile weighbridges include portable
weighing equipment (static or dynamic weighing of vehicles). Pinard (2010) provides a
good summary of equipment to measure vehicle weight, including the two types of
Weigh-in-Motion (WIM) scales:
(a) High speed weigh in motion scales (HSWIM): axle load scales that are placed in
the road surface and designed to weigh the axles of heavy (and other) vehicles
travelling at normal operating speeds. The two primary uses of a HSWIM system
are screening and data collection.
(b) Low speed weigh in motion (LSWIM) scales: operates optimally at constant
speeds of about 5 km/h. The weighing algorithms are similar to those of a HSWIM
as all axle loads are recorded and the vehicle’s dimensions are derived from the
movement across the scale. LSWIMs are purported to be more accurate than
HSWIMs but less accurate than fixed scales, due to the dynamic loads induced
by the moving vehicle.
Under toll road concessions, a HSWIM system may be integrated with the toll system
for more effective operation. Vehicles found to be overloaded would be directed to a
LSWIM or static scale. Such screening would avoid potential long truck queues and

Table 5-1 Weighbridge Types and Methods of Weighing

Source: Africa Transport Policy Program (SSATP) Working Paper No. 90

The combined use of HSWIM and a more precise scale (for vehicle weight enforcement)
would have several benefits, including the following:7
• Improved delivery of enforcement services by enhancing effectiveness and
• Improved commercial motor vehicle productivity (i.e., supply chain velocity) by
reducing the total number of vehicles required to stop for enforcement purposes
• Fewer emissions by reducing unnecessary deceleration, idling, and acceleration
of compliant vehicles
• Higher commercial and general motor vehicle safety levels by controlling the
operation of non-permitted, noncompliant (i.e., overweight or oversize) vehicles
• Better data quantity and quality to support pavement design, bridge/structural
design, traffic engineering, and transportation planning efforts

Ultimately, the choice of vehicle weighing equipment should consider several factors:
• Traffic volume of heavy commercial vehicles
• Experience with equipment already in use
• Manufacturer’s guarantee
• Maintenance, calibration and operation complexity
For future consideration, there is a trend, in more developed countries, to greater use
of mobile enforcement activities and few fixed roadside weigh facilities. This strategy
results in a lower volume of trucks being processed and geographically and
geometrically constrained inspection and offloading areas. It also provides more
flexibility to respond to industry loading and routing patterns and more efficient and
effective enforcement action.
Mozambique has issued regulations for vehicle weight and dimension control through
two decrees:
(a) Decree No. 14/2008, of 25 June 2008, by the Council of Ministers, which
regulates weights, dimensions, combinations, and weight distribution in road
vehicles and trailers; and
(b) Decree No. 30/2018, of 15 March 2018, by the Ministry of Transport,
Communications, Public Works, Housing and Water Resources, which regulates
the conditions for awarding special authorization for the use of public roads by
vehicles exceeding the legal weight or dimension limits.

A preliminary review of the above decrees shows that there is no inconsistency between
them and the recommendations above, or those under Section 5.2 of these Guidelines.

6 Management Performance Measures

6.1 Introduction
Management Performance Measures define the information that ANE requires from the
Contractor to (a) monitor the asset during the term of the contract, and (b) facilitate the
next tender round. Requirements should include:
1. Delivery of regular progress reports to the Road Controlling Authority
2. Inventory updates and other data sharing requirements
3. Maintenance history (so subsequent tenderers can price the work)

Other management performance measures to be considered, particularly in the case of

more complex contracts, may include:
1. Self-Control Unit of Contractor
2. Contractor’s Quality Assurance Plan
3. Health and Safety Management Plan
4. Traffic Management Plan
5. Updating of Road Administration Databases
This Chapter provides recommended service level criteria for Management Performance
Measures. The sample set of specifications may be used as a basis for the actual
requirements to be included in the Request for Bids (RFB) and in the contract,
subsequently. Modifications, additions, and deletions may be needed to consider the
specific conditions of the performance-based contract under preparation.

6.2 Report Requirements

Under performance-based contracts, the Contractor is expected to monitor progress of all
the activities included in the contract. Monthly or quarterly reports describing progress
should be provided to the project manager, together with periodic (e.g., monthly or
quarterly) requests for payment. Such periodic reports should include a performance
measure conformance report, eventual road asset damage and emergency works, road
safety, quality management system, structure inspections and cash flow. Results
contained in the periodic reports will be the key information required to prepare, for each
evaluation period, the summary report on compliance with the key performance
specifications (see Table 6-1).
The report for performance measure conformance shall include the Contractor’s self-
assessed report containing a self-recorded compliance with the road usability and road
user service levels as described in Chapter 3 and 4.
For the road asset damage and emergency report, the Contractor shall report all incidences
of asset damage from emergency events, road crashes, vandalism or theft, or accelerated
natural deterioration. The report should include any problems in the right-of-way (ROW)
or adjacent properties which may affect the road assets or traffic safety.
The road safety report should contain all road crashes where deaths, serious injuries or
material losses have occurred. The report should include relevant details where possible
including location (GPS coordinates), weather, date and time, police and ambulance
The Contractor should also report on compliance with traffic management, health and site
safety, and environmental and social management plans.

A structure inspection report should include the results of annual detailed inspections of
bridge, culverts, drains and other structures.
A summary of the reporting format with key performance indicators are given in Table 6-1
for compliance. The total assessment of payment reductions for the evaluation period (e.g.
quarter) will be the sum of all values in column 6 of Table 6-1. All service level indicators
included in the contract should be reflected in column 1.

Table 6-1 Reporting format

Contract Number: Evaluation Period: O&M Lump sum payment (LSP):
Service Level Number of km Rates for non- Number of Sum of Payment
Indicator of contract compliance as repeat payment reduction
road with at percentage of payment reduction amount for
least one non- periodic O&M reductions for rates (%) the evaluation
compliance lump sum non- period
(show list of payment (%) compliance

Edge break
Road signs
and markings
… … … … … …
Total N/A N/A N/A N/A

6.3 Inventory Updates and Data Sharing

Performance-based contractors, as well as PPP concessionaires, should be required to
provide inventory reports including the updating of the information stored at ANE asset
management database. The report shall be submitted every year. This report includes
traffic counts and other relevant information for ANE asset management database.

6.4 Maintenance History

The performance-based contractor should report on the completion of any improvement
or periodic maintenance works. As a minimum, such report should include:
•Site location and details of works
•Construction start and end dates
•As-built drawings and photographs

•Database of all road assets to enable the Employer to update the road asset management
•Copies of quality assurance test records
•Environmental and social management compliance

6.5 Self-Control Unit of Contractor

Performance-based contracts usually require the Contractor to establish, within his
organizational structure, a specific Unit staffed with qualified personnel, whose task is to
verify continuously the degree of compliance by the Contractor with the required Service
Levels. The Self Control Unit should also be responsible for undertaking the quality control
testing required for Rehabilitation Works, Improvement Works and Emergency Works.
The Unit is responsible for the generation and presentation of the information needed by
the Contractor for the documentation required for the periodic statement. The Unit should
maintain at all times a detailed and complete knowledge of the condition of the road or
road sections included in the contract and be able to provide all the information needed to
efficiently manage and maintain the roads included in the contract. The Self-Control Unit
is also required to carry out, in close collaboration with the Project Manager, the
inspections of Service Levels.
The compliance (or non-compliance) of the Contractor with service level requirements
should be periodically reported by the Self-Control Unit to the Project Manager.

6.6 Contractor’s Quality Assurance Plan

The purpose of the Contractor’s Quality Assurance Plan is to integrate the requirements of
the contract and the Contractor’s quality assurance systems to deliver the Services.
The Contractor’s Quality Assurance Plan describes the methods and procedures which the
Contractor should apply for the execution of the Contract, including how the contractor
1. identify the quality requirements specific to the contract;
2. plan and execute the work to satisfy those requirements;
3. inspect and/or test the work to ensure compliance with the quality requirements;
4. record and monitor the results as evidence of compliance; and
5. ensure that prompt action is taken to correct non-compliance.
The Contractor’s Quality Assurance Plan must clearly describe the systems, procedures
and methods that will be used to deliver and monitor compliance of the Services.

6.7 Health and Safety Management Plan

Performance-based contracts usually require the Contractor to prepare a Health and Safety
Management Plan, with the purpose of fostering a responsible attitude towards
occupational health and safety and to comply with the provisions of relevant regulations.
Because of the nature of the Services, the Contractor may occasionally be exposed to
hazardous situations which could involve risk of various degrees of harm, to the
contracting staff and/or the public.
Situations will arise when it is not practical to eliminate or isolate significant hazards. In
these situations, the hazards must be minimized by ensuring planned protection systems
(e.g. equipment, clothing) are used.

The Health and Safety Management Plan must be complied with by the Contractor’s
personnel and all subcontractors at all times, and shall:8
1. Ensure the systematic identification of existing and new hazards on the work site;
2. Ensure the minimization of significant hazards, where elimination and isolation are
both impractical;
3. Ensure the provision and use of appropriate protective measures;
4. Include emergency procedures for dealing with accidental spillage, pollution or
imminent danger;
5. Ensure regular review and assessment of each hazard identified and monitor
employees’ exposure to these hazards;
6. Ensure reporting and recording of work site safety incidents so health and safety
problems can be addressed quickly and regularly. It is a usual requirement of
performance-based contracts that any such incident be advised promptly to the
Project Manager.
7. Provide training for project workers and maintain/keep records on given training.

6.8 Traffic Management Plan

Performance-based contracts should include a Traffic Management Plan, which establishes
the practices for traffic management at work sites. The Traffic Management Plan must be
developed by the Contractor and agreed with the Project Manager. Its objectives are to:
1. Define and document the responsibilities and chain of command for the
development, implementation and management of traffic control measures and
2. Establish the minimum requirements for temporary traffic control;
3. Establish the minimum geometric, cross section and surfacing standards for
temporary works;
4. Provide appropriate transitions and enable safe and efficient traffic flow into,
through and out of work sites;
5. Protect the Contractor’s personnel at all times;
6. Protect the Assets and the Contractor’s resources at all times; and
7. Meet the operational requirements for the road.
The Traffic Management Plan must include:
1. A documented process for preparation, review and approval of the Traffic
Management Plan;
2. A document tracking and control system to ensure that only the latest operative
copy of the Traffic Management Plan is in circulation;
3. Contact details for Contractor, emergency services and other stakeholders;
4. Layout diagrams and method statements for implementation of traffic control while
undertaking each aspect of the Services, including site specific layout diagrams and
method statements.

6.9 Environmental and Climate Adaptation Management Plan
The purpose of the Environmental and Climate Adaptation Management Plan (ECAMP) is
to describe in detail what is needed to protect the roads from negative climate impacts
such as floods and erosion, and how to minimize the consequences of these unavoidable
hazards. The ECAMP must be developed by the Contractor and agreed with the Project
The Contractor must ensure that all drainage and erosion protection elements and
structures are in good condition and operating properly. Environmental protection must
be integrated with the Contractor’s other services, monitoring (visual inspections) and
reporting processes. The Contractor must take reasonable measures to control flooding as
well as erosion of slopes and embankments.
The cleanliness and condition of drainage structures (including ditches, Irish crossings,
and all other types of drainage devices) is part of the criteria for the “Road Durability
Specifications” presented in Chapter 4. Visual inspections of all drainage structures should
be carried out on a regular basis, including before and during the rainy season. For each
km section of the road, compliance with this criterion requires that (i) all drainage
structures are clean in the sense defined above; (ii) all structures and devices are
structurally sound, based on the judgment of the Project Manager.
The Contractor is responsible for the maintenance of all embankment and cut slopes along
the road sections included in the contract. He is responsible for ensuring they are stable,
without deformations and erosions. Nevertheless, the reconstruction and major
improvements to retaining structures and slope stabilization is excluded from the
Contractor’s obligations, unless specified elsewhere in the Technical Specifications.
Special attention must, however, be made to the road sections which are identified by the
Client to have high flood, erosion or landslide risk. The Contractor must estimate the needs
to increase the existing capacity of drainages, ditches and culverts, and the detailed design
shall be based on a 20-year forecast of precipitation including intensive daily maximum
rainfall. The Contractor must maintain positive cross slope to facilitate flow of water from
the surface and to ensure that all embankments are seeded to help increase stability. Such
seeds shall be resilient to forecasted reoccurring weather events including increased
flooding, higher temperatures, and prolonged periods of drought. The Contractor is
required to estimate the need for other water management (harvesting) options such as
ponds (retention/detention) or irrigation dams. The contractor must also estimate if
additional erosion protection measures such as retaining walls, gabions, rip-rap protection,
groynes (stream or longitudinal erosion conditions) are needed.
The Contractor’s action plan should include also what actions, materials, equipment,
emergency procedures management processes etc. should be available for minimizing the
consequences of the events beyond the reasonable control of the Contractor and which
are unavoidable notwithstanding the reasonable care of the Contractor.
The Environmental and Climate Adaptation Management Plan should also include
provisions for enhanced project resilience. In this respect, operational improvements
should be made to improve detour routes around flood-prone areas. The ECAMP should
also include well-designed emergency response plans, which can increase resilience by
quickly providing information and travel alternatives when roads are closed and by
facilitating rapid restoration of damaged structures. By increasing system resilience, even
though a facility might be disrupted, the entire road network still functions.

6.10 Updating of Road Administration Databases
The Contractor shall supply all information necessary to maintain the Employer`s database
in a condition of accuracy, currency and completeness appropriate to ANE and other
decision-makers in Mozambique.
The Contractor shall provide hard and/or electronic copies of the information to the Road
Administrator as reasonably requested.
The delivery times and updating frequencies shall be quarterly.

7 References

1. Stankevich, Natalya, Navaid Qureshi and Cesar Queiroz. 2009. Performance-based

Contracting for Preservation and Improvement of Road Assets. Transport Note TN-27, World

2. World Bank Standard Procurement Document for Output- and Performance-based Road
Contracts (OPBRC), October 2017.

3. Watanatada, T, C G Harral, W D O Paterson, A M Dhareshwar, A Bhandari and K Tsunokawa

(1987). Highway Design and Maintenance Standards Series (2 Volumes). John Hopkins
University Press. Baltimore, Maryland, USA.

4. Mozambique-Additional Financing for Roads and Bridges Management and Maintenance

Program - Phase-2. Report No: PAD1249, March 10, 2015, World Bank.

5. Sayers, M, T. Gillespie and C. Queiroz. 1986. "The International Road Roughness Experiment:
A Basis for Establishing a Standard Scale for Road Roughness Measurements." TRB
Transportation Research Record No.1084, Pavement Roughness and Skid Resistance, p. 76-
85. Washington, D.C., USA.

6. ASTM E950 / E950M-09(2018), Standard Test Method for Measuring the Longitudinal Profile
of Traveled Surfaces with an Accelerometer-Established Inertial Profiling Reference, ASTM
International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2018,

7. Distress Identification Manual for the LTPP. U.S. Federal Highway Administration.

8. Skid resistance determination for pavement management and wet-weather road safety.
International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology

9. Road Safety Toolkit. International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP).

10. A procedure for justifying aggregate use based on in-service skid performance. M J McHale, L
A Martin and J Scott. 2017. Transport Research Laboratory (TRL). DRAFT PROJECT REPORT

11. Vegetation Control for Safety: A Guide for Local Highway and Street Maintenance Personnel.
Ronald W. Eck, and Hugh W. McGee. 2008. U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal
Highway Administration.

12. Mozambique: Agencia Nacional de Estradas (ANE). Work Standards Manual (Normas de
Execucao), 2018.

13. “Sample Specifications for Output and Performance Based Road Contracts.” World Bank
Standard Procurement Document for Output- and Performance-based Road Contracts
(OPBRC), October 2017 version, which is available at:

14. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways. 2009 Edition. U.S.
Federal Highway Administration.

15. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways. 2009 Edition. U.S.
Federal Highway Administration.

16. Best Practice Guide for Durability of Asphalt Pavements. J C Nicholls, M J McHale and R D
Griffiths. TRL Road Note 42.

17. Distress Identification Manual for the LTPP. U.S. Federal Highway Administration.

18. Distress Identification Manual for the LTPP. U.S. Federal Highway Administration.

19. Distress Identification Manual for the LTPP. U.S. Federal Highway Administration.

20. Distress Identification Manual for the LTPP. U.S. Federal Highway Administration.

21. Erosion and sediment control on unsealed roads: A field guide for erosion and sediment control
maintenance practices. Office of Environment and Heritage. New South Wales, Australia, 2012.

22. “Sample Specifications for Output and Performance Based Road Contracts.” World Bank
Standard Procurement Document for Output- and Performance-based Road Contracts
(OPBRC), October 2017 version, which is available at:

23. Construction and Maintenance. World Bank. 2016.

24. RONET User Guide. 2009. Rodrigo Archondo-Callao. Africa Transport Policy Program
(SSATP) Working Paper No. 89-A.

25. Study on Road Transport Market Liberalisation in the COMESA-EAC-SADC Tripartite Region,
Lot 1: Vehicle Overload Controls. Document prepared by Aurecon South Africa for Trademark
Southern Africa, Revised 10 December 2013.

26. Heggie, I.G., 1995. Management and financing of roads: An Agenda for Reform. World Bank
Technical Paper Number 275, Africa Technical Series, World Bank.

27. A. J. T. Martínez et al. 2018. Cost-effectiveness of enforcing axle-load regulations: The Douala-
N’Djamena corridor in Sub-Saharan Africa. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and
Practice, Volume 107, January 2018, Pages 216-228.

28. Road Network Evaluation Tools (RONET). Africa Transport Policy Program (SSATP).

29. Request for Bids - Output and Performance Based Road Contracts (OPBRC). Standard
Procurement Document, Foreword and Notes to the Users of this SPD, paragraph 18, World
Bank, October 2017.

30. M. I. Pinard. 2010. Guidelines on Vehicle Overload Control in Eastern and Southern Africa.
Africa Transport Policy Program (SSATP), Working Paper No. 90.

31. Common Market for East and Southern Africa (COMESA), East African Community (EAC) and
the Southern African Development Community (SADC). 2017. Memorandum of Understanding
on Vehicle Load Management Parties.

32. Jeff Honefanger et al. 2007. Commercial Motor Vehicle Size and Weight Enforcement in
Europe. U.S. Federal Highway Administration Report No. FHWA-PL-07-002.

33. Request for Bids - Output and Performance Based Road Contracts (OPBRC). Standard
Procurement Document, World Bank, October 2017.

Appendix A: HDM-4, RONET and Road Service Levels

A.1 Introduction
Both the Highway Design and Management (HDM-4) model and the Road Network
Evaluation Tools (RONET) are models to assist road agencies and decision-makers to
better manage roads. While performance specifications, which define road service levels,
have generally being defined by consensus, with a high degree of subjectivity, models
such as HDM-4 and RONET can be used to provide a more rational way to define certain
“optimum” performance indicators, including the maximum acceptable roughness level, in
terms of the International Roughness Index (IRI).
This Appendix includes a brief review of the above models and proposes a methodology
that can be considered by road agencies in defining the “optimum” maximum acceptable
IRI on (a) a given road (for example, a road proposed for a performance-based contract
or road concession), or (b) a road network, for example the country’s main trunk road

A.2 HDM-4 and RONET

RONET is a tool for road management at the network level, while HDM-4 was originally
developed for application at the project level. HDM-4 has been used worldwide; RONET
has been applied to a diversity of countries, including Russia, Brazil, Saudi Arabia,
Colombia, Ecuador, Serbia, Laos, and several African countries.
RONET is currently available in English, Spanish, French and Russian. While RONET can be
downloaded, free of charge, from the World Bank website,9 HDM-4 is commercialized by
HDMGlobal.10 RONET uses a more modern programming technology that makes it more
user friendly than HDM-4. Its input parameters are less detailed than what is required by
HDM-4. Nevertheless, both the road deterioration and vehicle operating cost models used
by RONET are based on the related HDM-4 modules.

Both RONET and HDM-4 can be calibrated for use in developing and developed countries.
RONET is particularly helpful to carry out strategic analyses to define an optimal
maintenance and rehabilitation program to clear existing maintenance backlogs and
thereafter keep the road network in adequate condition on a sustainable basis.

A.3 Road Roughness and Service Level
Roughness is an indicator of road condition that is useful for making objective decisions
related to the management of road networks. It is a property of the longitudinal profile of
the travelled wheel tracks of the road, measured through the International Roughness
Index (IRI), which is based on the quarter-car analysis method, with standardized
parameter values and a reference simulation speed of 80 km/h. 11 Roughness (in terms of
IRI) is closely related to users’ comfort and is a major determinant of road user costs.
If a very low IRI, say 1.5 m/km, is specified as the maximum acceptable level on a road
or road network, road user costs, ceteris paribus, would be very low. Conversely, if a very
high IRI, say 8 m/km, is specified as the maximum acceptable level on a paved road or
paved road network, road user costs, ceteris paribus, would be very high.
On the other hand, to keep a road or road network at a very low IRI requires very high
expenditures by the roads agency (or concessionaire). Such expenditures would be much
lower if a very high maximum IRI is specified.
The total road transportation cost (i.e., cost to society) can be considered as the sum of
road user costs and road agency costs. Practical applications of models such as HDM-4
and RONET show that there is a specified level of IRI for which the total road transportation
cost is minimum, all other factors kept constant. Such value of IRI is called “optimum”.

A.4 Procedure to Define Optimum Road Roughness Level

Based on the above discussion, the following procedure could be followed for a road agency
to estimate the optimum maximum road roughness (in terms of IRI) that could be specified
for a road or road network:
(a) Obtain input data describing the road section or road network, to be used with
HDM-4 or RONET, such as traffic volumes and weight, pavement strength, and
environmental parameters.
(b) Define a range of IRI standards, that is, a set of maximum IRI values to be used
in the analysis, such as IRI values ranging from 2.0 m/km to 8.0 m/km for paved
(c) Using one of the tools discussed above (HDM-4 or RONET), generate an
unconstrained work program for, say, a 20-year analysis period, for each IRI level
defined in (b).
(d) Compare the total cost to society of the different work programs developed in (c).
The IRI level leading to the lowest cost for society would be the “optimum” IRI to
be specified for the road or road network under analysis.


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