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Air pollution has been a very bad problem for us people.

It is the
contamination of the indoor or outdoor environment by any
chemical, physical or biological agent that modifies the natural
characteristics of the atmosphere. Air pollution consists of
chemicals or particles in the air that can harm the health of
humans, animals, and plants. It also damages buildings.
Pollutants in the air take many forms. They can be gases, solid
particles, or liquid droplets. We often hate how polluted our
places are, but most people don’t realize that we humans pollute
our homes. The gaseous criteria air pollutants of primary
concern in urban settings include sulfur dioxide, nitrogen
dioxide, and carbon monoxide; these are emitted directly into
the air from fossil fuels such as fuel oil, gasoline, and natural gas
that are burned in power plants, automobiles, and other
combustion sources which we humans have created to ease our
ways of living.
Sulfur dioxide released by the burning of fossil fuels like coal,
and petroleum is the major cause of air pollution. Gases emitted
from vehicles including trucks, jeeps, cars, trains, and airplanes
cause an immense amount of pollution. Energy-related fossil-
fuel combustion in high- and middle-income countries and
biomass burning in low-income countries account for most of
the global air pollution, generating 85% of airborne respirable
particulate pollution and almost all sulfur dioxide and nitrogen
oxide emissions to the atmosphere.
There are many ways where we humans can lessen air pollution.
Since we are responsible for it, it’s our job to clean the mess we
made in our environment. We can lessen air pollution by
reducing the number of trips you take in your car. Reduce or
eliminate fireplace and wood stove use. Avoid burning leaves,
trash, and other materials. Avoid using gas-powered lawn and
garden equipment. This is one of the simplest ways of helping in
reducing air pollution. Other ways are the following Using
public transports. ...
Turn off the lights when not in use. ...
Recycle and Reuse. ...
No to plastic bags. ...
Reduction of forest fires and smoking. ...
Use of fans instead of Air Conditioner. ...
Use filters for chimneys. ...
Avoid usage of crackers.

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