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Peter: Do you remember fohn - my cousin?

We're having lunch with

ow him on the l-4m.
e ekend
Vanessa: (20) What about after that?
Peter: I'm not sure. We're going to look around and see what's
available. (21)
Vanessa: How are you going to get there?
We'll probably get the bus. (22)
't have to
Vanessa: Shall I look on the Internet? There might be a timetable or something.
jn our area.
Peter: That's a good idea.
Vanessa: OK. I'll borrow my father's computer.
IV. Read the following passage and choose the word or phrase in the
box that best fits each of the blanks.
extinct alien plants unchecked destroyed
agricultural balance die out vegetation

u rnatching
Human activity is a primary reason why many species are now
(2 3) and many more are endangered. The problem is that
tvhen you actiolls. One example is when people introduce [2 5] 0r animals
to a new environment where they have no natural predators. This risks
or d.inner
disturbing the ecological (26) in the area and kills native species.
Humans also damage the Earth by cutting down forests for development
and (27) purposes. If this trend continues [28) the
I.n___? future of the planet will be a grim one indeed.
(adaptedfrom Reading for the Real Wortd 1)

V. Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each
of the questions.
The tiny Middle Eastern nation of Qatar has a soccer team, but it has
never played in soccerls greatest tournament, the World Cup. However,
"'- :n.
something amazing will happen in 2022, when Qatar will become the first
nation in the Middle East to host the men's Soccer World Cup games.

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