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How to make a fable?

Start with

1. The moral – what kind of moral that you want to show in the story
2. The characters – it can be a human, animal, or even inanimate (wind, sun, ocean, anything that
is an object or not a living being)
3. The conflict and resolution
4. Write
5. Proofread – check the typos and grammatical errors


Nosy Rooster

1. Moral: Be careful with what you touch

2. Character(s): Cat, Pig, and a Rooster
a. Conflict: A nosy rooster, that touches everything as it wants.
b. Resolution: No matter how curious you are, always be careful.

At a farm in the countryside, there lived a chubby grey cat, a spotted pig, and a cocky cock.
The cat was well known for being curious among the three, the pig was the gluttonous one on
the farm, and the rooster was the cockiest of all the farm animals. One evening there was a
strong wind that blew and tossed the farm into a huge mess. With that strong wind, all the farm
animals were put into the barn. The cat was by the top snoozing, the pig was by the corner
munching, and the rooster was by the door peeping and messing around. But it was the first
time the rooster was in that barn. It saw a red cable on the wooden wall and was tempted to
touch it. “You better stay away from that chicken.” said the pig. “Are you telling me what to do
you disgusting pig?” said the rooster. “No one can tell me what not to do, I do what I want!” as
the rooster started to peck on the cable and kill the electricity by the barn while at the same
time, it electrocuted the rooster as well. Both the cat and the pig jumped out of shock. The cat
started meowing and the pig squealing because they all were in dark that night. Then the next
morning came, and the cat said “Why are we eating roasted chicken in the morning?” “Beats
me, it's tasty” replied the pig.

The White Fox

1. Moral: Appreciate your own beauty

2. Character(s): A white fox and humans
a. Conflict: The white fox wanted to be the same like the other foxes
b. Resolution: The fox was made into a coat and was warn as a symbol of great fortune
In a quiet and peaceful forest lived a white fox. It was the only white fox there. It was unique
and was most valued by the humans. It was even told that the white fox would bring great
fortune to those who would possess the white fox. But different from the humans, the fox itself
always thinks otherwise. “Why am I the way I am?” Said the fox. “I have no color and I can’t
seem to fit in with any other foxes around me” As it walks closer to a tent. That evening the fox
stumbled upon a fox fur that had been taken from its friend. Without any second thoughts, the
white fox took the fur and used it as if it was its own, hoping that it might be able to blend in
with the other foxes. But as it was about to leave the tent it got caught by a snare. As the vixen
cried throughout the night, the humans came in and took the fox and celebrated that they
caught another fox. But the humans were even more overjoyed to know what they actually
caught. They noticed the fox had white fur on its head and tail. And by the morning the white
fox was made into a white coat and was worn as a symbol of good fortune by the humans.

D. M. – Feb 2023

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