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Standard XII

Christeeya Viswasam

Model Questions

Chapter 5 – Humanity

I. Give one word for:

1. Name the renowned Philospher dear to Youth.
2. Name the Pope who reminds “Christians remember your dignity”.
3. What makes the human being a moral subject?
4. The source from which passions spring.
5. ….. is a person’s most secret core and his or her sanctuary
6. The visible adaptations of human nature.
7. The primary cell of social life.
8. The sign and image of the communion of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
9. The source of human parenthood.
10. The pillar and bulwark of truth in the world.
11. What is the special virtue that has to grow in us?
12. …. is the guardian and performer of moral laws.
13. What it the greatest communal law?

II. General Knowledge:

14. Name the Pope who said “Mary I am fully, wholly yours”.
Ans. St. Pope John Paul II
15. Who called Mary the Spouse of the Holy Spirit?
Ans. St. Francis of Assisi
16. When was the Marian period born?
Ans. 1858

III. Write the Bible Verse:

17. Psalm 84:2
18. Rom 6:17
19. 2 Sam 12:9
20. Rom 1:17
21. Prov 13:1
22. Prov 6:20-22

IV. Prayer:
23. Act of Contrition

24. How is the Church Catholic?

Ans. The Church is Catholic because the Church has existed from the time of
Jesus and will exist until the end of the world. The Church has spread all over
the earth and she teaches all people every Christian faith
25. How is the Church Apostolic?
Ans. The Church is Apostolic because the origin of the Church and her
teachings are from the time of the Apostles and the Church has been governed
without interruption by Popes and Bishops who are their rightful successors.
26. Is it enough to know the scriptures to attain heavenly bliss?
Ans. No. If you desire to attain heavenly bliss, Christ has said to keep the
27. Can the Church err in what she teaches?
Ans. The Church cannot err in what she teaches as to faith or morals, for she
is our infallible guide in both, because the Holy Spirit shall teach her all things
and Christ Himself will be with her all the days even to the consummation of
the world.

V. Answer in two or three sentences:

28. What is the dignity of the human person?
29. What is the meaning of ‘Call to Salvation’?
30. What are Cardinal Virtues?
31. What are the Human Virtues needed for creating Society?
32. What are the obligations of a citizen?
33. The Christian Family is a communion of individuals. Give reasons.
34. Give the witness of John the Baptist.
35. Give the different names of God according to his attributes.
36. What are the things to be kept in mind while using the Holy Bible?

VI. Write a paragraph on:

37. What are the responsibilities that freedom entrusts us with?
38. What are the Theological Virtues for creating Society?
39. What is the difference between a citizen’s rights and obligations?

VII. Answer in not less than two pages:

40. What is the responsibility of the Civil Authorities to save families? Explain.
41. What is the relationship between Human Acts and Human Passions? Explain.
42. Human beings and conscience. What is the relationship? Elaborate.

VIII. Questions from Chapter 1

43. What is the unity between Old Testament and New Testament?
44. What is necessary for correct interpretation of the Bible?
45. What are the different levels of meaning of the Bible?
46. What are the literary forms in the Old Testament?
47. What are the literary forms in the New Testament?
48. What is Lectio Divina?
49. What are the preparations for Lectio Divina?
50. What are the various steps for Lectio Divina?
51. Is it necessary to give the Holy Bible as much importance as the Sacraments?
52. What must you bear in mind when using the Bible?
53. Two important services: ‘Table of the Eucharist’ $ ‘Table of the Word’
What do you mean?


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