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Index Primary
S.No Content Pages

Readiness Programme of I - V Classes iv

1 Class - I 01-52

2 Class - II 53-96

3 Class - III 97-139

4 Class - IV 140-191

5 Class - V 192-234


Week Activities (Academics) Source

1. Varadhi Books (for all classes) 1. Varadhi Books
First to Fourth
2. Base line test analysis (Previous knowledge testing) 2. Base line Analysis test
(1-4) 3. Remedial classes 3. Previous class minimum levels of learning

4. To bring out: Minimum Academic Statndards for thr current class 4. Perious textbooks

5. Primary: Perious year workbooks

6. Terminology / Language skills

7. Activities related to Academics

8. Projects

9. Students self assessment

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1.¹¹>jáT+ n_óqjáT+ÔÃ
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ÔásÁ>·Ü: 1 bÍsÄÁ\y¯ ç|ŸD²[¿£ - 2021-22 dŸu¿É̈ :¼ù Ôî\T>·T

¿£Ô«\T eqsÁT\T
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ÔásÁ>·Ü: 1 bÍsÄÁ\y¯ ç|ŸD²[¿£ - 2021-22 dŸuÉ̈¿ù¼: Ôî\T>·T
¿£Ô«\T eqsÁT\T
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24-25 Xø—uó<„ ‘sTT“ |¾\\¢ T... 1.bÍsĐ«+Xø ºçÔá+,dŸ“•yûXø 1.kÍ<óŠq |ŸÚdŸï¿£+ýË 1.Ôá*¢<Š+ç&ƒT\ 1.bÍsÄÁ« |ŸÚdŸï¿£+. B¿Œ± jáÖ|t
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ºçÔá+ >·T]+º #á<eŠ +&, dŸVäŸ jáT+Ôà (82-86) A4P4L2
bÍ&ƒ>·\sÁT. eÖ{²¢&+#áT³. sjáT+&. $$<óŠ sÁ¿±\ 2.kÍ<óŠq |ŸÚdŸï¿£+.
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ÔásÁ>·Ü: 1 bÍsÄÁ\y¯ ç|ŸD²[¿£ - 2021-22 dŸu¿É̈ :¼ù Ôî\T>·T

¿£Ô«\T eqsÁT\T
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26 >·\>·\ |¾\\¢ T... 1.bÍsĐ«+Xø ºçÔá+,dŸ“•yûXø 1.kÍ<óŠq |ŸÚdŸï¿£+ýË 1.$<‘«sÁT\œ qT 4 1.bÍsÄÁ« |ŸÚdŸï¿£+. B¿Œ± jáÖ|t
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ÔásÁ>·Ü: 1 bÍsÄÁ\y¯ ç|ŸD²[¿£ - 2021-22 dŸuÉ̈¿ù¼: Ôî\T>·T
¿£Ô«\T eqsÁT\T
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>·TsÁT\ï qT #áT¿£Ø\Ôà yûjTá &ƒ+. ¿£<¸Š\T, #ósÁT¼
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ÔásÁ>·Ü: 1 bÍsÄÁ\y¯ ç|ŸD²[¿£ - 2021-22 dŸu¿É̈ :¼ù Ôî\T>·T

¿£Ô«\T eqsÁT\T
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30-31 dŸ+ç>·V²Ÿ D²Ôሿ£ -- -- -- -- --

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Class: 1 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group

1-4 Readiness Programme

5-6 I am Warm up time: say his/her name as 1. Makes the 1. Listens to 1. Whole Textbook Diksha
Speical “I am…” students to the teacher’s class, Pg. no: 1 to 9 https://youtu.be/
Sharing time: play the instruction individual, W.B.13 to21 j3n3NFsjMVQ
*talk about himself/herself by using game & and Says group or
guides and his/her pair activity
the structure “I am …” DIKSHA
practiceguish name “I am
Action time: …” https://youtu.be/
the them to
*scribble tick (3) to the 2. Practices nZQ3BQsZv8
Appropriate picture; Uses the phrase the dialogue
“I am” in a sentence and be able to 2. Asks some and DIKSHA
be able to distinguish the boy or girl. questions responds to https://
(identify) Circle time: introduces himself/ related to the www.liveworksheets.com/
herself by using the structure “I am questions. pi2041582tc
the given
… I live in … I like…” 3. Does the
Fun time: recognize letters and activity in https://youtu.be/
3. Makes the T.B.
sounds of “I & i”,” L” &” l”, “T”,” t” and children to Acc36K8wF4Q
4. Introduces
write them; Articulates and reads the do the oneself (vowel song)
phoneme words. activity in using the
Practice time: Sing and enjoy the T. B. structures “I DIKSHA
“vowel family” rhyme. 4. Encourages am…,” “I https://
Story: Tell the story in mother tongue the live in...” www.youtube.com/
by using the names of the characters children to 5. Listens, watch?v=rHcv646yWfg
introduce reads,
in English.
themselves recognizes, (The Big
by playing writes and Hearted Crow
the roles of colours the story)
Raju and letters I-i,
Jaya. L-l, T-t


Class: 1 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English

Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
5. Facili tates 6. Listens and
them how repeats the
to recognize rhyme after
letters and the teacher
their sounds and
of I-i, L-l, practices
T- t a n d the sounds
writes these of short
letters. vowels.
6. Recites the 7. Observes
rhyme: the pictures
“Vowel and
song” responds
7. Displays orally in
the pictures his/her
on the mother
textbook tongue/
and English.
initiates the
7-8 1.2 My Warm up time: tells the names of 1. Asks some 1. Responds 1. Whole TB Pg. no: 10 to DIKSHA
Body Parts the body parts in English (orally) questions orally to the class, 19 https://
Rhyme time: recites the rhyme with related to questions individual, W.B.23 to 36 www.youtube.com/
action. the given related to group or watch?v=cxfF_di6Dvc
picture. the picture pair activ- (rhyme)
Action time: identifies and label the 2. Recites the given. ity.
parts of the body in English. rhyme with 2. Recites the https://youtu.be/
action. rhyme with SyUh854yGxo

Class: 1 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
Circle time Talks about his/her body 3. Encourages 3. Identifies 1. Whole Textbook https://youtu.be/
parts using the structure “This is …” the and labels class, Pg. no: 1 to 9 1QfxsyAbVcM
responds children to the parts of
and carries simple instructions such as identify the the body in individual, W.B.13 to21
to “close your eyes, open your mouth, body parts. English group or (body parts)
etc.” 4. Guides the 4. Talks about pair activity
children to his/her body https://
Fun time: recognizes letters and touch their parts in www.youtube.com/
sounds of “H” & “h”, “F” & “f ”, “E”, body parts English
using the watch?v=BwHMMZQGFoM
“e” and write them. and repeat
the structure,
sentences “This is…” (body parts
Practice time: practices and reads
5. Listens, song)
the words related to the word family using the reads,
with the short vowel sound /a/ “This is …” recognizes, https://
5. Facilitates writes and
Story: Tell the story in mother colours the www.youtube.com/
them to
tongue by using the names of the recognize, letters H-h, watch?v=LZgCGRA3SJE
characters in English. read and F- f, E-e.
write the 6. Listens and ( The Monkey’s
letters and repeats after
the teacher Justice story)
their and
sounds of practices
H-h, F- f, the words.
E-e. 7. Observes
6. Facilitates the pictures
to read the and
phoneme responds
words. orally in his/
7. Displays her mother
the pictures tongue/
in the English.
textbook 8. Assessment
and 1
initiates the 9. Work book
interaction. pg.no: 35,36


Class: 1 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English

Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
9-11 2. My Warm up time: 1. Displays the 1. Responds 1. Whole TB Pg. no: 20 to DIKSHA
Family Responds orally to the questions picture and orally to the class, 30. https://youtu.be/
related to the picture (given). makes questions. individual, W.B. 37 to 52 0dAQu2fYd_Q
Sharing time: discussion. 2. Responds group or (My Family
Talk about his or her family in 2. Encourages orally to the pair activity lesson)
the children
English using the structure, “My questions. https://youtu.be/
to answer
father’s/ mother’s name is”. the 3. Reads the Mkyd6rpVB_0
Action time: Read the new words. questions new words.
Circle time: introduce their mother 4. Introduces https://
related to
and father using the structures” …. their family www.youtube.com/
the text.
is my father”, “….is my mother” 3. Facilitates members watch?v=0v7SovZUKkM
…etc. them to using the (The Helpful
Fun time: Listen to the instructions, read the given Crane story)
recognize the letters; Colour the new words. structures.
pictures that starts with the letters 4. Guides 5. Listens, +DIKSHA
A, Z, X, Y and K write them. them to reads,
Practice time: Practice the vowel introduce recognizes,
sound coloured in the words bet, writes and
mother and
net, hen, den etc., father. colour the
Story: Tell the story in mother 5. Facilitates letters; A-a,
tongue by using the names of the them to Z-z, X-x, Y-
characters in English. recognize, y, K-k.
read and 6. Listens and
write the repeat after
letters and the teacher
their and
sounds; A-a, practices
Z-z, X-x, Y- the words.
y, K-k.

Class: 1 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
6. Facilitates to 7. Observes
read the the pictures
phoneme and
words. responds
7. Displays the orally in his/
pictures on her mother
the tongue/
textbook English.
and initiates 8. Assessment
the 2
interaction 9. Work book
pg. no: 51-

12-13 3.1. My Warm up time: 1. Displays the 1. Responds 1. Whole TB Pg. no: 31to DIKSHA
Fun Responds orally to questions related picture and orally to the class, 38. https://youtu.be/
makes questions. individual, W.B.53 to 59 Mkyd6rpVB_0
to the picture given.
discussion. 2. Recites the group or https://
Rhyme time: recite the rhyme with rhyme with pair activity www.youtube.com/
action. 2. Recites the
action. watch?v=WxWF9_yoGoY
rhyme with 3. Identifies (Up in the air
Action time: identifies and tick the
action. and tick the rhyme)
right word related to the game.
3. Facilitates right answer https://
Circle time: Uses prepositions like
the children in the given www.youtube.com/
in, on based on the pictures given.
to identify space. watch?v=8Xi12Pq39_k
Fun time: Listens to the instructions, the right
recognizes the letters; Colour the word.
pictures that starts with the letters
N, M. and write them.


Class: 1 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English

Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
Practice time: Practice the vowel 4. Guides 4. Reads the (My Fun lesson)
sound coloured in the wordskid, lid, them to sentences https://
bin, tin etc., make use of using www.youtube.com/
Story: Tell the story in their mother prepositions prepositions watch?v=us9DwpOtsoI
tongue by using the names of the like ‘in, on’ like in, on (use of in/on)
characters by using English. and read the based on https://
sentences. the given www.youtube.com/
5. Facilitates pictures. watch?v=a_i6IGJBFps
them to 5. Listens, (Monkey’s Neat
recognize, reads, Trick story)
read and recognizes, +DIKSHA
write the writes and
letters and colour the
their sounds letters N- n,
of N-n, M- M-m.
m. 6. Listens and
6. Facilitates to repeat after
read the the teacher
phoneme and
words. practices
7. Displays the the words.
pictures on 7. Observes
the the pictures
textbook and
and initiates responds
the orally in his/
interaction. her mother

Class: 1 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
14-15 3.2 My Warm up time: 1. Displays the 1. Responds 1. Whole TB Pg. no: 39to DIKSHA
Actions Respond orally to the questions picture and orally to the class, 45. https://youtu.be/
related to the picture given. makes questions. individual, W.B.60 to 67 9OzugRZAT8U
Rhyme time: recite the rhyme with discussion. 2. Recites the group or ( My Actions
action. 2. Recites the rhyme with pair activity lessons)
Action time: identifies and tick the rhyme with action
right action word related to the action 3. Identifies https://
and tick the
picture. 3. Facilitates www.youtube.com/
right answer
Circle time: play a game to learn the children watch?v=HGAw9ZhA6dw
in the given
action words and their miming. to identify space. (rhyme)
Fun time: Listens to the the right 4. Plays the
instructions, recognizes the letters; word. game and https://
Colour the pictures that starts with 4. Facilitates says the www.youtube.com/
the letters V, W. and write them. them to say action watch?v=hzo9me2fdzg
Practice time: Practice the vowel action words with (actions)
sound ‘i’ words in sentences. words along mimic.
Story: Tell the story in mother with mimic. 5. Listens, https://
tongue by using the names of the 5. Facilitates reads, www.youtube.com/
characters in English. them to recognizes, watch?v=Wp5QtAgsjuY
recognize, writes and (story)
read and colour the +DIKSHA
write the letters V-v,
letters and
6. Listens and
their sounds
repeats after
of V-v, W- the teacher
w. and
6. Facilitates to practices
repeat the the
sentences. sentences.


Class: 1 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English

Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
7. Displays the 7. Observes
pictures on the pictures
the and
textbook responds
and initiates orally in his/
her mother
interaction. English.
8. Assessment
9. Workbook
pg. no: 66 to

16 Summative Assessment - I -- -- -- -- --

17-18 4.1. Warm up time: 1. Displays the 1. Responds 1. Whole TB Pg. no: 46to DIKSHA
Numbers Respond orally to questions related picture and orally to the class, 53. https://
to the picture given. makes questions. individual, W.B.68 to 74 www.youtube.com/
Sharing time: Identifies characters and discussion. 2. Listens, group or watch?v=r615Eu6B2eg
sequence of the story and respond. 2. Reads the identifies the pair activity (numbers)
Action time: identify and match the story and characters https://
numbers with correct pictures. encourages and www.youtube.com/
Circle time: uses singular and the children sequence of watch?v=Mb3oTJ6aWS4
plurals to the words given. to talk about the story (numbers
Fun time: Listen to the instructions, the pictures. and rhyme)
recognize the letters; Colour the respond.
pictures that starts with the letters
C, G. and write them

Class: 1 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
Practice time: Practice the vowel 3. Facilitates 3. Identifies https://
sound ‘o’ words dog, log, cop, top the children and match www.youtube.com/
etc. to identify the right watch?v=tRsRnKOT2jQ
Story: Tell the story in mother the right number with (singular,
tongue by using the names of the number to the picture. plurals)
characters in English. the picture. 4. Says
4. Facilitates singular and https://
them to say plurals. www.youtube.com/
singular and 5. Listens, watch?v=uwzViw-
plurals. reads, T0-A
recognizes, (Thirsty Crow
5. Facilitates writes and
them to story)
colour the +DIKSHA
recognize, letters C-c,
read and G- g.
write the 6. Listens and
letters and repeats after
their sounds the teacher
of C-c, G- g. and
6. Facilitates to practices
repeat the the words.
words. 7. Observes
7. Displays the the pictures
pictures on and
the responds
textbook orally in his/
and initiates her mother
the tongue/
interaction English


Class: 1 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English

Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
19-20 4.2. Warm up time: 1. Displays the 1. Responds 1. Whole TB Pg. no: 54to DIKSHA
Colours picture and orally to the class, 61. https://
Respond orally to questions related
makes questions. individual, W.B.75 to 86 www.youtube.com/
to the picture given. 2. Recites the group or watch?v=wriZ08YbTt0
Rhyme time: recite the rhyme with rhyme with pair activity (lesson)
2. Recites the
action. rhyme with action.
3. Identifies https://youtu.be/
Action time: identify and match the action.
and match IKieFu-XOq4
colours with correct pictures. 3. Facilitates
the right
Circle time: Listen and repeat the the children colour with (rhyme)
to identify the picture.
phrases after teacher. https://
the right 4. Listens and
Fun time: Listen to the www.youtube.com/
colour to repeats the
instructions, recognizes the letters; watch?v=ghUeENJ2Dv0
the picture. phrases.
Colour the pictures that starts with 4. Facilitates 5. Listens, (Tit for Tat
the letters O, Q and write them. them to reads, story)
Practice time: Practice the vowel listen and recognizes,
writes and +DIKSHA
sound ‘o’ sentences. repeat the
phrases. colours the
Story: Tell the story in mother letters O- o,
5. Facilitates
tongue by using the names of the Q-q.
them to
characters in English. 6. Listens and
repeats after
read and the teacher
write the and
letters and practices
their sounds the
of O-o, Q- sentences.

Class: 1 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
6. Facilitates to 7. Observes
repeat the the pictures
sentences. and
7. Displays the responds
pictures on orally in his/
the her mother
textbook tongue/
and initiates English.
the 8. Assessment
interaction. -4
9. Workbook
page no: 85
to 86
21-22 5.1. Fruits Warm up time: 1. Displays the 1. Responds 1. Whole TB Pg. no: 62to DIKSHA
picture and orally to the class, 69. https://
Respond orally to questions related
makes questions. individual, W.B.87 to 95 www.youtube.com/
to the picture given. group or watch?v=F5RNFiT1GNY
discussion. 2. Recites the
Rhyme time: recite the rhyme with pair activity (rhyme)
2. Recites the rhyme with
action. https://
rhyme with action. www.youtube.com/
Action time: identifies and says the action. 3. Identifies watch?v=cT_sMWI97PY
name of the fruits after teacher. 3. Facilitates and says the (fruits)
Circle time: play a game to say the children name of the https://
which fruit they like/dislike. to Identify fruit. www.youtube.com/
and say the 4. Listens and watch?v=BOKrHOLZ9hk
Fun time: Listens to the
name of the says the (The Smart
instructions, recognizes the letters; Lamb story)
fruit. structure;
Colour the pictures that starts with +DIKSHA
the letters P, R and write them.


Class: 1 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English

Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
Practice time: Practice the vowel 4. Facilitates 5. eg. ‘I like
sound ‘u’ words. them to mangoes. I
Story: Tell the story in mother listen and to don’t like
say which oranges.’
tongue by using the names of the
fruit they 6. Listens,
characters in English.
like/dislike. reads,
5. Facilitates recognizes,
them to writes and
recognize, colours the
read and letters P-p,
write the R-r
letters and 7. Listens and
their sounds repeats after
of P-p, R- r the teacher
6. Facilitates to and
repeat the practices
words. the words.
7. Displays the 8. Observes
pictures on the pictures
the and
textbook responds
and initiates orally in his/
the her mother
interaction tongue/

Class: 1 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group

23-24 5.2. Warm up time: 1. Displays the 1. Responds 1. Whole TB Pg. no: 70to DIKSHA
Vegetables picture and orally to the class, 76. https://
Respond orally to questions related
questions. individual, W.B.96 to 105 www.youtube.com/
to the picture given. makes group or watch?v=RWir7ueMV1o
discussion. 2. Identifies
Sharing time: Identify and say the pair activity (vegetables)
and says the
names of vegetables from the picture. 2. Reads aloud https://
names of the www.youtube.com/
Action time: Tick the vegetables the names of
vegetables. watch?v=UJ8ggW2UB1Q
they like most. vegetables
3. Ticks their (story)
Circle time: pick a card and say the and make favorite https://
name of the vegetable. children to vegetable. www.youtube.com/
Fun time: Listen to the instructions, identify. 4. Says the
3. Facilitates names of (vowel ‘u’
recognize the letters; Colour the words)
the children the
pictures that starts with the letters +DIKSHA
to tick their vegetables
P, R and write them.
favorite and to match
Practice time: Practice the vowel with the
sound ‘u’ sentences. word.
4. Facilitates
Story: Tell the story in mother 6. Listens,
them to
tongue by using the names of the reads,
pick a card recognizes,
characters in English.
and to say writes and
the names of colours the
vegetables. letters D-d,


Class: 1 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English

Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
5. Facilitates 7. Listens and
them to repeats after
recognize, the teacher
read and and
write the practices
letters and the
their sounds sentences.
of D, d, S, s.
8. Observes
6. Facilitates to the pictures
repeat the and
sentences. responds
7. Displays the orally in his/
pictures on her mother
the tongue/
textbook English.
and initiates 9. Assessment
the -5
pg. no:104-

Class: 1 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
25-26 6.1. Birds Warm up time: 1. Displays the 1. Responds 1. Whole TB Pg. no: 77to DIKSHA
picture and orally to the class, 85. https://
Respond orally to questions related
makes individual, W.B.106 to 114 www.youtube.com/
to the picture given. questions.
discussion. group or watch?v=LBTt6d-
Sharing time: Listen and say the 2. Identifies pair activity
2. Reads aloud YIa0
phrases with the support of the and says the
the names of (birds)
pictures. names of the
vegetables https://
and make vegetables. www.youtube.com/
Action time: Say and recognize the
children to 3. Ticks their watch?v=xeZ5YCXd1tQ
names of the birds.
identify. favourite (birds’ actions)
Circle time: Say singular and plurals
3. Facilitates vegetable. https://
for the bird pictures.
the children 4. Says the www.youtube.com/
Fun time: Listen to the instructions, to tick their watch?v=o4BW2iZ3pfg
names of
recognize the letters; Colour the favorite the birds (story)
pictures that starts with the letters vegetables. +DIKSHA
using the
U, J and write them. 4. Facilitates
Practice time: Practice the them to say
‘This is a …’
‘This is a
sentences. 5. Listens,
Story: Tell the story in mother reads,
5. Facilitates
tongue by using the names of the them to recognizes,
characters in English. recognize, writes and
read and colours the
write the letters U-u,
letters and J-j
their sounds
of U-u, J- j


Class: 1 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English

Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
6. Facilitates to 6. Listens and
repeat the repeats after
sentences. the teacher
7. Displays the and
pictures on
and initiates sentences.
the 7. Observes
interaction the pictures
orally in his/
her mother
27 6.2. Warm up time: 1. Displays the 1. Responds 1. Whole TB Pg. no: 86to DIKSHA
Animals picture and orally to the class, 92. https://
Respond orally to the questions
Around us makes questions. individual, W.B.115 to 122 www.youtube.com/
related to the picture given. group or
discussion. 2. Observes the watch?v=Q9JJyfnbY6g
Sharing time: Observe the picture 2. Encourages pair activity (animals)
picture and
and talk about the animals. the children https://
talks about www.youtube.com/
Action time: Say and recognize the to observe
the animals. watch?v=mQA4vOqV9M8
names of the animals. the picture
and talk 3. Says the (wild/domestic
Circle time: Say singular and plurals about the names of animals)
for the bird pictures. animals. the animals.

Class: 1 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
Fun time: Listen to the alphabet 3. Facilitates 4. Recognizes https://youtu.be/
rhyme and repeat; trace the them to say and ticks the B5csN8gQY4E
alphabet. the name of domestic (rhyme)
and wild https://youtu.be/
Practice time: Practice the the animal.
animals. M9D7i1GSeXc
sentences. 4. Guides the 5. Listens, (puppetry show
children to recites the on story)
Story: Tell the story in mother recognize rhyme; +DIKSHA
tongue by using the names of the domestic trace the
characters in English. and wild alphabet.
animals. 6. Listens and
repeats after
5. Recite the
the teacher
rhyme and and
make the practices
children the
repeat. sentences.
6. Facilitates to 7. Observes
repeat the the pictures
7. Displays the orally in his/
pictures on her mother
the tongue/
textbook English.
and initiates 8. Assessment
the -6
9. Workbook
pg. no:104-


Class: 1 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English

Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group

7.1. Play Warm up time: 1. Displays the 1. Responds 1. Whole TB Pg. no: 93to DIKSHA
Time picture and orally to the class, 99. https://
Respond orally to questions related individual, W.B.123 to 128 www.youtube.com/
makes questions.
(Optional) to the picture given. discussion. group or watch?v=mmLXJESFL9s
2. Observes the pair activity (games)
Sharing time: Observe the pictures 2. Encourages picture and https://
and talk about the games. the children talks about www.youtube.com/
to observe the games. watch?v=-
Action time: Say the names of the JI0ygBHN9o
the picture
games after teacher. 3. Says the (indoor/outdoor
and talk
names of games)
Circle time: Say their favorite game about the
the games. https://youtu.be/
using “I like to play…” games.
3. Facilitates 4. Uses the (simple
Fun time: Read the small alphabet them to structure “I
from left to right and right to left. repeat the like to practice)
Practice time: Practice the name of the play…” https://
game. 5. Reads the www.youtube.com/
alphabet watch?v=t4bi7qIB7t0
4. Guides the
Story: Tell the story in mother (story)
children to from left to
tongue by using the names of the use the right and
characters in English. structure “I right to left;
like to trace the
play…” words.

Class: 1 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
5. Make them 5. Reads the
read the alphabet
alphabet from left to
from left to right and
right and right to left;
right to left.
trace the
6. Facilitates to words.
repeat the
sentences. 6. Listens and
repeats after
7. Displays the
pictures on the teacher
the and
textbook practices
and initiates the
the sentences.
interaction 7. Observes
the pictures
orally in his/
her mother


Class: 1 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English

Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
Dancing Warm up time: 1. Displays the 1. Responds 1. Whole TB Pg. no: 100 DIKSHA
Time Respond orally to questions related picture and orally to the class, to 106. https://
to the picture given. individual, W.B.129 to 136. www.youtube.com/
makes questions.
(Optional) group or watch?v=TWcZOmqjYUo
Sharing time: Recite the rhyme discussion. pair activity (rhyme)
2. Recites the
with action and gestures. https://youtu.be/
2. Encourages rhyme with
Action time: Talk about the the children actions and pjWOL-KQEUg
pictures. (simple
to recite the gestures. sentences
Circle time: Speak and write about rhyme with practice)
their name and class. 3. Talks about
actions and https://
the objects
Fun time: Read the capital alphabet gestures. www.youtube.com/
using “This
from left to right and right to left. watch?v=d18m71p-
3. Facilitates is a …” Y6Q&t=72s
Practice time: Practice the
them to talk (self
sentences. 4. Speaks and
about the introduction)
Story: Tell the story in mother writes about
pictures https://
tongue by using the names of the their name www.youtube.com/
characters in English. using “This
and class. watch?v=D7xNOprmIi4
is a …” (The Proud
5. Read the
4. Guides the Peacock story)
alphabet +DIKSHA
children to
from left to
speak and
right and
write about
right to left;
their name
trace the
and class.

Class: 1 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
5. Make them 6. Listens and
read the repeats after
alphabet the teacher
from left to and
right and practices
right to left. the
6. Facilitates to sentences.
repeat the 7. Observes
sentences. the pictures
7. Displays the and
pictures on responds
the orally in his/
textbook her mother
and initiates tongue/
the English.
interaction 8. Assessment
9. Workbook
pg. no:135-
8.1. Days Warm up time: 1. Displays the 1. Responds 1. Whole TB Pg. no: 107 DIKSHA
of the Respond orally to questions related picture and orally to the class, to 112. https://
Week to the picture given. questions. individual, W.B.137 to 140. www.youtube.com/
makes group or
Sharing time: Recite the rhyme discussion. 2. Recites the watch?v=Oiisv7EhG98
(Optional) pair activity
with action and gestures and rhyme with (rhyme)
respond to the questions. actions and


Class: 1 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English

Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
Action time: Repeat the days of the 2. Encourages 3. Listens and 1. Whole TB Pg. no: 107 https://
week. the children repeats the class, to 112. www.youtube.com/
Circle time: Speak about the day to recite the days of the individual, W.B.137 to 140. watch?v=F-
using “Today is…” rhyme with week. group or 8KYJpBZTg
4. Speak about pair activity
Fun time: Write the alphabet by actions and (weeks)
gestures. the days of https://
tracing along.
the week
3. Facilitates www.youtube.com/
Practice time: Practice the using
sentences. them to watch?v=0gk-
“Today is ...”
repeat the eB88-ps
Story: Tell the story in mother 5. Write the
days of the alphabet (The Saintly
tongue by using the names of the
characters in English. week. tracing Tiger)
4. Guides the along. +DIKSHA
children to · Listens and
Speak about repeats after
the days of the teacher
the week and
using practices
“Today is…” the
5. Make them sentences.
write the 6. Observes
alphabet the pictures
orally in his/
6. Facilitates to
her mother
repeat the tongue/
sentences. English.

Class: 1 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
7. Displays the
pictures on
and initiates

8.2. Warm up time: 1. Displays the 1. Responds 1. Whole TB Pg. no: 113 DIKSHA
Months of Respond orally to questions related picture and orally to the class, to 120. https://
the Year to the picture given. makes questions. individual, W.B.141 to 151 www.youtube.com/
discussion. 2. Listens the group or watch?v=Fe9bnYRzFvk
(Optional) Sharing time: Listen to the story story and pair activity
and respond to the questions. 2. Encourages (rhyme)
respond to
Action time: Repeat the months of the children the https://
the Year. to listens questions. www.youtube.com/
the story 3. Listens and watch?v=FDzhh9qEyTU
Circle time: Write the name of the
and respond repeats the (story)
month that they born; Match the months of
month with the given event. to the +DIKSHA
the Year.
Fun time: Say and trace the questions. 4. Writes the
Numbers, days in week, Months. 3. Facilitates name of the
them to month that
Practice time: Practice the given
repeat the they born;
months of Matches the
Story: Tell the story in mother month with
tongue by using the names of the the Year. the given
characters in English. event.


Class: 1 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English

Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
4. Guides the 5. Says simple
children to sentences
write the and traces
name of the the
month that Numbers,
they born; days in
Match the week,
month with
6. Listens and
the given
repeats after
the teacher
5. Make them and
to say simple practices
sentences the
and trace sentences.
the 7. Observes
Numbers, the pictures
days in and
week, responds
Months. orally in his/
6. Shows the her mother
flash cards tongue/
and English.
8. Assessment
them to
9. Workbook
repeat the
pg. no:150-
words. 151

Class: 1 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
7. Displays the
pictures on
and initiates

28-29 Revision -- -- -- -- --

30-31 Summative Assement - 2 -- -- -- -- --


Class: 1 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: Mathematics

Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
Children will be able to 1. Face sheet activity 1. Colour the BIG DO AND https://
School 1. talk about near-far and SMALL ENJOY (PRE youtu.be/
1-4 2. Big- Small objects.
readiness colouring, MATHEM fBcYFp6u5nw
2. identify the Big – Small 2. Colour the
matching activity ATICAL
things SMALLEST and
3. Smallest – biggest BOOK)
3. identify the Biggest – objects.
Smallest things. colouring, activity 3. Identifies and
4. Top – Bottom colour the TOP
4. identify the inside and colouring activity. and BOTTOM
out side things. objects.
5. Inside – Outside 4. Identifies and
5. talk about the near and colouring activity colour INSIDE
far objects. and OUTSIDE
6. Near – far objects.
6. identify the rolling and colouring activity. 5. Identifies and
sliding objects colour NEAR
7. Rolling – Sliding
and FAR objects
7. understand the colouring activity. 6. Identifies and
concept of above and colour
under 8. Above – below
colouring activity. ROLLING and
SLIDING objects.
8. identify the shape 3d 9. Shapes- colouring 7. Identifies and
around us colour ABOVE
and matching
activities and BELOW
9. understand the nature objects.
of the objects (Rolling 10.Before Between, 8. Identifies and
– Sliding)
After colouring match same
10. match with the activity shapes.
shapes. 9. Identifies
11. Assessment BEFORE,
11.recognize the similar BETWEEN and
objects AFTER objects.

Class: 1 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: Mathematics
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
Numbers Children will be able to 1. Face sheet count and read, Whole class Textbook (pg. no https://
5-9 diksha.gov.in/
activity look and read, 1 to 29)
( 0 – 9) 1. count things in groups.
Workbook dial/W8G2S3
2. Matching ONE to number writing
2. compare the objects. ONE activity. activities
Worksheet no 1 https://
3. Picture reading Worksheet no 2 diksha.gov.in/
3. count objects up to 3.
activities from 1 Worksheet dial/Z7L9Y2
4. count objects up to 9. to 3 Numbers. no 3 to 7
4. Identification of
5. separate similar things 1. Try these diksha.gov.in/
from group, count them 2. Exercise dial/W8G2S3
and write the symbols up 5. Bigger and smaller 3. Worksheet https://
to 9. number no 8 - 25 diksha.gov.in/
identification dial/Z7L9Y2
6. identify the equal activity.
numbers, before, in
6. Number strip
between and after
7. identify the bigger and BITWEEN –
smaller numbers. AFTER activity.


Class: 1 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: Mathematics

Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
Addition Children will be able to 1. Count and write
10-11 1. Face sheet activity
activities. Whole classes Textbook page https://
1. say the number which 2. Addition with no 30 - 36 diksha.gov.in/
is one more than the objects 2. Try these dial/X6W9H5
given number (after 3. Introduction of Worksheet no https://
number) Symbol ‘ +‘ 1-8 diksha.gov.in/
2. additions whose sum is
4. vertically and dial/U7R2B6
less than or equal to 9
3. additions vertically and
4. identify and use the 5. Additions with
symbol of addition ‘ + ’ Zero (0)
6. Life related
7. Addition facts

12-13 Subtraction 1. do one less to number 1. face sheet activity 1. Count and write Whole Textbook page https://
2. subtraction up to 9 ( not 2. Subtraction with activities. classes no 37 - 44 diksha.gov.in/
regrouping) objects ( take away) dial/X6W9H5
3. vertically and 2. Try these
3. Introduction of https://
Horizontally sums Symbol ‘ - ‘ 3. Worksheet
4. identify and use the 4. vertically and no 1 - 8
symbol of Subtraction ‘ dial/U7R2B6
- ‘ 5. Subtraction
Subtraction with
Zero (0)6.Life
related problems

Class: 1 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: Mathematics
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group

14-15 Numbers 1. Pupils can able Count 1. Face sheet activity 1. Count the __ Textbook page https://
from 10 - 99 things in groups (rhyme) bundle of sticks no 49 to 54. diksha.gov.in/
and the loose dial/R7T6Z9
2. Pupils can able to 2. Tens and Ones sticks.
compare the objectives activity https://
2. Count and write
3. Pupils can able to 3. 10 to 20 counting the number in
the box. dial/B9Y2Q8
count objectives up to activity.
20 3. Worksheet no 1
to 5
16 Summative Assessment-I -- -- -- -- --

17-19 Numbers 1.Pupils can able to 1. Before, Between, Work sheets Number bonds Textbook page no https://
from 10 - 99 count objectives up to After activity. 6 to 27 for10(Game) 55 to 74 diksha.gov.in/
99 2. Count in tens. dial/R7T6Z9
2. Pupil can able to Tens from 10 https://
separate similar things to100. diksha.gov.in/
from group, count dial/B9Y2Q8
them and write the 3. Number forming,
symbol up to 99 counting and
3. Pupils can able to naming 21 to 99
identify the equal 4. Count in
numbers, before, 100s.Numbers
between and after from100 to 1000.
5. Ordinal numbers.
4. Pupil can able to
identify the bigger and 6. Number bonds


Class: 1 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: Mathematics

Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
5. Children should be able
to identify the numbers
in terms of10’s from 10
– 100 numbers
6. Children should be able
to identify the numbers
in terms of100’s from
100 – 1000 numbers
Money 1. Children should be 1. Face sheet activity Work sheet 1 to 4 Textbook page https://
able to Identify paise no 45 to 48 diksha.gov.in/
2. Dummy currency
(Optiona) and rupees(coins and dial/T8I7G6
notes) https://
2. Children should be 3. Tendaring activity diksha.gov.in/
able to apply money to
buy things
3. Children should be
able to tendering up to
20 Rupees

20-21 Measurements 1. Children should be able to 1. Face sheet 1. Tick the lighter, --- Textbook page https://
Identify the non stranded activity. heavier objects no 75 to 79 diksha.gov.in/
units of measurements. dial/Q1D8G2
2. length activity 2. Worksheet 1to 4
2. Children should be able to
3. weight activity 3. try these https://
compare the objectives
heavier, lighter, more and 4. capacity activity
less dial/M4B3N9
3. Children should be able to
estimate length, Wight
and volume

Class: 1 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: Mathematics
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group

Time Children will be able to 1. Bujji’s activities 1.Tick activities --- Textbook page https://
1. identify the Morning, during a day 2. Worksheet 1 to no 80 to 82 diksha.gov.in/
(Optional) Afternoon, Evening, activity dial/A5L6K7
Night https://
3. try these

22-23 Patterns 1. identifies the Patterns 1.Introduction and 1.Encircling --- Textbook page https://
(Shapes) identifying the activity no 83 to 86 diksha.gov.in/
2. identify the Growing patterns activity 2. Colouring dial/N5S9A6
Patterns (Shapes) activity
2. Repeating https://
Patterns activity 3. Worksheet 1to 3 diksha.gov.in/

24-27 How many? 1. additions up to the total 1. Addition: 1. Fill in the blanks Game Textbook page https://
of 20 Through adding activity no 96 diksha.gov.in/
the pictures sum 2. try these dial/P9G4Y6
2. additions vertically and
in 20. activity 3. exercise
horizontally https://
2. Subtraction by 4. colouring
3. subtraction up to 9 (not activity diksha.gov.in/
crossing out dial/J2A5Y6
regrouping) 5. Worksheet 1to 8
3. Subtraction by
backward activity


Class: 1 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: Mathematics

Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
4. subtractions vertically 4. Colour according
and horizo- ntally to the colour
5. identify the equal code
numbers, before, bet-
5. Before, Between,
ween and after numbers
6. identify the bigger and After, Bigger -
smaller numbers. Smaller, Number
7. identify the numbers in bond activity
terms of 10’s from 10 -
8. identify the numbers in
terms of 100’s from100
- 1000

28-29 Revision -- -- -- -- --
30-31 Summative Assessment-II -- -- -- -- --

ÔásÁ>·Ü: 2 bÍsÄÁ\y¯ ç|ŸD²[¿£ - 2021-22 dŸuÉ̈¿ù¼: Ôî\T>·T
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2.¹>já֓• kõ+Ôá+>± s>·jáTT¿£ï+>± 2.bÍsĐ«+Xø bÍ&ƒ>\· T>·TԐsÁT. yq bÍsĐ«+Xø+
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¿£Ô«\T eqsÁT\T
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ÔásÁ>·Ü: 2 bÍsÄÁ\y¯ ç|ŸD²[¿£ - 2021-22 dŸu¿É̈ :¼ù Ôî\T>·T

¿£Ô«\T eqsÁT\T
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1. »|ŸPºq |ŸP\Tµ >¹ já֓• #ûjáT&ƒ+. ºçÔá+, dŸ“•yûXø ¹>jáT+qT ȳ¢ýË (10-13) –bÍ<ó‘«jáTT\T
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sjáT>·\sÁT. ¿£Ԑ«\T ÔájáÖsÁT #ûkÍïsÁT.

ÔásÁ>·Ü: 2 bÍsÄÁ\y¯ ç|ŸD²[¿£ - 2021-22 dŸuÉ̈¿ù¼: Ôî\T>·T
¿£Ô«\T eqsÁT\T
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¿£Ô«\T $<‘«]œ ‹+<Š+ uó…Ü¿£+ n+Ôás¨\+
8-9 |ŸsÁT>·T |¾\ý¢ Ë¢ ...... 1.ºçԐ“• #áÖd¾ $Xâ¢wŸD 1. bÍsĐ«+Xø ºçÔá+ 1.Å£”+<û\T Ԑuñ\T 1.bÍsÄÁ« |ŸÚdŸï¿£+ ¨ €+ç<óçŠ |Ÿ<X
û Ù
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ysÁ+ bÍsÄÁ+ |sÁT nuó„«dŸq |˜Ÿ*Ԑ\T –bÍ<ó‘«jáT $<‘«]œ
¿£Ô«\T $<‘«]œ ‹+<Š+ uó…Ü¿£+ n+Ôás¨\+
24-26 ÿÔáT\ï ‹T³¼ |¾\ý¢ Ë¢ ...... 1.bÍsĐ«+Xø ºçÔá+, 1.ºçԐ\qT #áÖd¾ 1.n¿£ØÅ£” #áT¿£ØÅ£” ¿£ 1.bÍsÄÁ« |ŸÚdŸï¿£+ ¨ €+ç<óçŠ |Ÿ<X
û Ù
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eÖ{²¢&+ #á&+ƒ . eÖ{²¢&Tƒ ³. ȳT¼\T>± 2.kÍ<óqŠ |ŸÚdŸ¿ï +£ sÁÖbõ+~+ºq
>¹ já֓• n_óqjáT+ÔÃ
s>·jáTT¿£ï+>± (107-113) ÿÔáT\ï ‹T³¼
s>·jáTT¿£ï+>± bÍ&ƒ>·\sÁT, 2. n¿£ØÅ£” #áT¿£ØÅ£” ¿£ ÿÔáTï 2.n¿£ØÅ£” #áT¿£ØÅ£” 3.ç>·+<ó‘\jáT bÍsĐ«+Xø+
¹ já ֓• s>· j T
á T¿£
ï >± bÍ&ƒ³+.
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2. nú• ~ÇԐǿ£sŒ \qT, ¹>jáTeTTqT
~ÇԐǿ£sŒ Á |Ÿ<‘\qT 3. ~ÇԐǿ£sŒ Á |Ÿ<‘\qT s>·jáTT¿£ï+>± |ŸÚdŸ¿ï +£ ý˓ *+Å£” https://
@qT>·T u¤eTˆ youtu.be/
>·T]ï+#á>·\sÁT, €<ó‘s\Ôà bÍsÄÁ+ýË bÍ&ƒ³+ M4s5_eY_UnQ
>·T]ï+|Ÿ#ûjáT&ƒ+. €<ó‘sÁ+>±
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Š &ƒ
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Xø¿ïì dŸÈHÔሿ£Ôqá T €<ó‘sÁ+>± ~ÇԐǿ£ŒsÁ ¿£Ԑ«\T #á<eŠ &ƒ+,
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sjáT&ƒ+, #á<Še&ƒ+. ç|Ÿ<]Š ô+#á&ƒ+.
5. |Ÿ<‘«\qT s>·jTá T¿£+ï >±,
uó²ejáTT¿£ï+>± bÍ&ƒ>·\sÁT.


ÔásÁ>·Ü: 2 bÍsÄÁ\y¯ ç|ŸD²[¿£ - 2021-22 dŸu¿É̈ :¼ù Ôî\T>·T

¿£Ô«\T eqsÁT\T
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6. ÔáeT |Ÿ]dŸs\ýË ‚+{Ë¢ 4.ç>·+<ó‘\jáT+ 3. ~ÇԐǿ£ŒsÁ
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#á<Še&ƒ+. #î|Ο &ƒ+,
4. bõ&ƒT|ŸÚ ¿£<\Š¸ T
ç|Ÿ<]Š ô+#á&ƒ+.
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¢ Š+ç&ƒT\ 3.¿±ýÉ+&ƒsY
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eT]jáTT *+Å£” https://
3. Ü<¸TŠ \qT,Ôî\T>·T Hî\\qT dŸÎwŸ+¼ >± #á~$+#á&ƒ+, Ôá*<¢ +Š ç&ƒT\T, youtu.be/
ne>±VŸ²q #ûdŸTÅ£”+{²sÁT. ssTT+#á&+ƒ . nq•<ŠeTTˆ\T, Px6LIVeKef8

ÔásÁ>·Ü: 2 bÍsÄÁ\y¯ ç|ŸD²[¿£ - 2021-22 dŸuÉ̈¿ù¼: Ôî\T>·T
¿£Ô«\T eqsÁT\T
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4.Ôá|ڟ Î>± sd¾q |Ÿ<‘\ 3.kÍ<óŠq d•V¾²ÔáT\ |ŸÚ{ìq¼
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#á~$+#á&ƒ+. dŸÈHÔሿ£ Ôás>Á Ü· ýË
5.dŸÈHÔሿ£+>± ¿£Ԑ«\T ç|Ÿ<]Š ô+#á+&.
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ȳ¢ýË s>±“•
bÍ&ƒ&+ƒ .

ÔásÁ>·Ü: 2 bÍsÄÁ\y¯ ç|ŸD²[¿£ - 2021-22 dŸu¿É̈ :¼ù Ôî\T>·T

¿£Ô«\T eqsÁT\T
ysÁ+ bÍsÄÁ+ |sÁT nuó„«dŸq |˜Ÿ*Ԑ\T –bÍ<ó‘«jáT $<‘«]œ
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27-29 -- |ŸÚqXøÌsÁD -- -- -- -- --

30-31 dŸ+ç>·V²Ÿ D²Ôሿ£ -- -- -- -- --

eTÖý²«+¿£q+ -2

Class: 2 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
1-4 Readiness Programme
(Varadhi - I)
5-6 1A. Wel- Children will be able to 1. Displays the 1. Responds to the 1. Whole Textbook https://youtu.be/
come to picture and makes questions. class and Pg. no: 1 to 6 cvI5g_mnIIU
1. understand the picture
School discussion 2. Repeats after the individual W.B.9 to17
and respond to the 2. Recites the rhyme:
questions. “Welcome to teacher activity https://youtu.be/
school” 3. Reads the new 0J0GE3YMdo4
2. sing and enjoy the
3. Facilitate them to words
rhyme read the new https://youtu.be/
4. Practices the
3. read the new words words dialogue w8nu6PVuF9w
4. Guides and trains
4.learn how to greet 5. Practices in https://youtu.be/
practices them to
others and introduce greet others and groups by 7lDP2T5uah8
them. introduce one self observing the
5. Asks questions by different DIKSHA
5. ask and respond to the creating different situations
questions by using the situations www.rajclassroom.com
6. Learns about
phrase ‘This is …’ 6. Explains about
vowel and articles ‘a / an.’
6. know about where to consonant sounds. 7. Does the activity
use article-‘A /An’ And make them 3
predict where to 8. Reads the words
7. know about how to use ‘a / an’.
write a naming word/ 7. Explains them
noun(capitalization) where to use
capital letter
8. articulate and read the 8. Makes them
phoneme words practice and read
the words


Class: 2 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English

Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
7-8 1B. LET’S 1. understand the picture 1. Displays the 1. Responds to the 1. Whole Textbook https://youtu.be/
PLAY and respond to the picture and makes questions. class and Pg. no: 12 to 24 BDLFxbrDIpI
questions discussion 2. Listens and individual W.B.18 to25
2. Recites the rhyme: repeats after the activity
2. sing and enjoy the BDLFxbrDIpI
“Choose your teacher
sports” https://youtu.be/
3. listen to the story 3. Listens to the
3. Reads the story jANerjPKC9E
Understand and read story and
and make them to
the new words responds. https://youtu.be/
4. know and read the 4. Reads the names 4. Reads the words xWEo_q7DnYU
names of the games of the games by 5. Practices the https://youtu.be/
5. learn how to say their showing the dialogue and use V8vXop8hfkg
favourite sport or pictures with their
5. Guides and teach friends DIKSHA
6. know the usage of them to say their 6. Practices and www.rajclassroom.com
‘can’ and ‘cannot’/ favourite sport or says a sentence.
’c an’t’ game 7. Does the activity
7. know the ‘singular and 6. Explains the usage 8. Reads the words
plurals’ of ‘can’ and
‘cannot’/ ‘can’t’
8. articulate and read the
7. Guides them how
phoneme words
to say ‘one and
8. Makes them learn
and read the

Class: 2 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
9-10 2A. MAY I Children will be able to 1. 1. Displays the 1. Responds to the 1. Whole Textbook https://youtu.be/
HELP understand the picture picture and makes questions class and Pg. no: 20 to 24 B5FkV5I9wi0
YOU discussion. 2. Listens to the individual W.B.28 to35
and respond to the https://youtu.be/
questions. 2. Narrate and make story and reads activity xcdH-ZUuZpk
them understand the new words
2. to read and 3. Does the activity www.rajclassroom.com
the story “May I
understand the story 4. Practices the DIKSHA
help you?”
function in the
3. to understand and to 3. Facilitates them to groups.
arreange in an order arrange the 5. Understands the
the pictures. pictures in the capitalization.
order. 6. Recites after
4. to use ‘May I ...’ in
their conversation. 4. Makes them teacher.
understand the
5. to write and say a usage of ‘May I…’
sentence using ‘It is…’
5. Explains them
6. yo know about about
capitalization. capitalization
6. Makes them to
7. to know and identify
learn the phoneme
the pronouns.
8. to read the phoneme


Class: 2 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English

Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
11-12 2B. My Children will be able to 1. Displays the 1. Responds to the 1. Whole Textbook https://youtu.be/
House 1. understand the picture picture and questions class and Pg. no: 28 to 31 bLYgDx-jxYc
discuss the topic. individual W.B.36 to41 www.rajclassroom.com
and respond to the 2. Reads and
questions. 2. Narrates and activity
understands the https://youtu.be/
makes them story.
2. to listen and read the m27Cck_LGHc
understand the
story. 3. Reads the words,
stor of ‘Priya’s DIKSHA
3. read the names of the Family’. 4. Does practice
objects. 3. Guides and teach the self-
them to read introduction
4. to introduce himself/
words 5. Able to know
4. Makes them learn the functioning
5. to know and her himself to of (’s); and does
understand the usage introduce the activity
of (’s).
5. Explains the 6. Reads and
6. to read and write the functioning and writes the
numbers in words. usage of (’s), numbers,
7. to identify missing 6. Reads the number 7. Does the activity
words and make
practice phoneme 8. Recite after the
8. read the phoneme words. teacher.
words. 7. Makes them to do
the activity.
8. Reads the
phoneme words.

Class: 2 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
13-14 3A. WHAT 1. understand the 1. Explains the task 1. Understands and 1. Whole Textbook https://youtu.be/
AM I ? and makes them does the activity. class and Pg. no: 36 to 46 xG87ePNt3dc
activity, identify and
individual W.B.46 to54 https://youtu.be/
do the activity. do the task. 2. Recites after the
activity 4bxjiMfdNng
2. sing and enjoy the teacher.
2. Listens to the story
rhyme. “The Healthy girl.” 3. Reads the story. https://youtu.be/
3. listen, understand and Wl7PrtUDyEI
3. Facilitates them to 4. Understands the
read the story usage of ‘This’/
read the new DIKSHA
4. read the names of food ‘that’ and does
words, usage of
items. the activity
‘This is…’/ ‘That
5. use and practice ‘This 5. Says and write
is…’/ ‘That is…’ their likes
6. say and write about 4. Facilitates them to
6. Sings the rhyme
their likes. say about their
7. Reads the
7. sing and enjoy the likes and dislikes.
phoneme words
rhyme. 5. Explains the usage
8. read the phoneme of ‘This’/ ‘That’
6. Makes them read
the words.
7. Sings the rhyme.
8. Makes them
practice phoneme


Class: 2 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English

Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
Revision &
15-16 -- -- -- -- --
Summative Assessment-I

17-18 3B. I am Children will be able to 1. Explains the 1. Understands and 1. Whole Textbook https://youtu.be/
Perfect 1. understand the activity and make does the activity class and Pg. no: 47 to 52 ENWuBo6HHrI
them describes the individual W.B.53 to 59 https://youtu.be/
activity, and responds 2. Recites after the
to the questions. action. activity bjFcjixV7w0
2. sing and enjoy the 2. Sings the rhyme. DIKSHA
3. Reads the words.
rhyme. 3. Makes them read
4. Recites after the
3. read the words the words.
4. listen, understand and 4. Listens to the 5. Describes the
read the story story “Ramu the
Nice Boy.”
5. describe the action. 6. Writes new
5. Facilitates them to
6. understand the usage words.
describe the
of ‘am’, ‘is’ and ‘are’ action. 7. Writes sentences
7. form ‘ing’ words. with correct
6. Facilitates them to
8. write sentences with form new words.
correct place of 8. Reads the
7. Makes them write
capitalization. phoneme words
correct sentences.
9. read the phoneme 8. Makes them
words. practice phoneme

Class: 2 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
19-20 4A. Let’s 1. understand the picture 1. Displays the 1. Responds to the 1. Whole Textbook https://youtu.be/
Plant picture and makes questions class and Pg. no: 56 to 63 zKiC_yB7Wak
and respond to the
discussion. individual W.B.64 to69 https://youtu.be/
questions. 2. Listens to the
2. Narrates and activity bZWbM4zY5As
story and reads
2. listen and read the makes them the new words https://youtu.be/
story. understand the
3. Does the activity -3kLHAvsqqI
3. read the names of story ‘Rani’s p
3. Plant’. 4. Practices the www.rajclassroom.com
parts of the plants.
function in the
4. Guides and give https://youtu.be/
4. know about ‘These’/ groups.
practice to read l89qYOSXKck
‘Those’ words; 5. Does the activity
5. form plurals. 5. Makes them 6. Reads the DIKSHA
practice the usage phoneme words
6. know about personal
of ‘These’ and
pronouns ‘my, his and
her, our, their, your’
6. Explains the
7. write missing letters. functioning and
usage of pronouns
8. read the phoneme
‘my’, ‘his’ and ‘her’,
‘our’, ‘their’, ‘your’
7. Makes them to do
the activity.
8. Reads the
phoneme words.


Class: 2 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English

Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
21-22 4B. Children will be able to 1. Displays the 1. Responds to the 1. Whole Textbook https://youtu.be/
Colourful picture and makes questions class and Pg. no: 65 to 69 0gAidt3dk8o
Garden 1.understand the picture individual W.B.70 to 75 https://youtu.be/
discussion. 2. Reads the story
and respond to the
activity jDUIYWRihsU
questions. 2. Narrates and 3. Reads the names
makes them of the flowers DIKSHA
2. sing and enjoy the
understand the and colours.
rhyme. https://youtu.be/
story ‘Colourful 4. Converses with
3. read the new words. UkJfzzDKpgU
Garden’ the peer.
4. read the story 3. Guides them to 5. Understands the
5. read the names of the read words; usage of ‘in’ and
flowers and colours. 4. Makes them ‘out’
6. ask ‘Wh’ question practice asking 6. Does the activity.
‘Wh’ questions. 7. Read the
7. form plurals.
5. Explains the phoneme words.
8. know the usage of ‘In’
functioning and
and ‘Out’
usage ‘In’ and
9. write missing letters. ‘Out’
10. identify and write 6. Makes them to do
‘This’ and ‘That’ the activity
11. read the phoneme 7. Reads the
words phoneme words.

Class: 2 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
23-24 5A. Our 1. understand the picture 1. Displays the 1. Responds to the 1. Whole Textbook https://youtu.be/
Festivals and respond to the picture and makes questions. class and Pg. no: 74 to 79 H0BTWFVSTvU
questions. discussion individual W.B.80 to85
2. Repeats after the https://youtu.be/
2. Narrates and make activity
2. read and understand teacher mXMofxtDPUQ
them understand
the story https://
the story 3. Reads the day’s
3. sing the rhyme and 3. Facilitate them to names. youtu.be/
read the names of the read the names of 4. Identifies and do Fe9bnYRzFvk
week days. the days and its DIKSHA
the activity
4. identify the names of order.
5. Practices the www.rajclassroom.com
the festivals. 4. Facilitate onject
things them to
5. learn how to ask a
identify 6. Learns about
question and practice
5. Guides and teach months and
the structure ‘This
to ask the question arranges them in
and structure. an order.
6. able to read the names 6. Makes them to
7. Reads the words
of the months. read and
7. able to match, write understand its
and complete the order.
mind map. 7. Makes them to
read the words.
8. articulate and read the
phoneme words


Class: 2 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English

Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
25-26 5B. Ravi’s Children will be able to 1. Displays the 1. Displays the 1. Whole Textbook https://youtu.be/
Birthday 1. understand the picture and makes picture and class and Pg. no: 82 to 85 Ri1VrITG8oU
discussion. makes discus- individual W.B.86 to 93
picture and read the https://youtu.be/
story. Narrates the story. sion. Narrates activity 8xDBeKWjLKU
2. Makes them read the story. DIKSHA
2. read the vocabulary
related to the theme. the words 2. Makes them to https://youtu.be/
3. greet and wish. 3. Facilitates to learn read the words gghDRJVxFxU
greetings and 3. Facilitates to
4. understand the
wishes. practice the
function of ‘and’ in
greetings and
joining the sentences. 4. Guide them to
write sentences wishes.
5. articulate and read the
5. Makes them 4. Guide them to
phoneme words
practice and read write sentences
the words. 5. Makes them
practice and read
the words.
27 6A. My 1. understand the picture 1. Displays the 1. Responds to the 1. Whole Textbook https://youtu.be/
Granpa’s and respond to the picture and makes questions. class and Pg. no: 87 to 90 _N45MNWHlRQ
Village discussion individual W.B. 96 to 101
questions. 2. Repeats after the https://youtu.be/
2. Narrates and make activity
teacher aIPE_K7XEvI
2. read and understand them understand
the story the story 3. Reads the new https://youtu.be/
3. Facilitates them to words EfD2k9beP-4
3. Read the names of the
read the names of 4. Practices the https://youtu.be/
places. the places. dialogue 8wOzf8P9EQY

Class: 2 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
4. learn how to ask a 4. Guides them to 5. Practices the DIKSHA
question and practice ask the question phrases in www.rajclassroom.com
the structure ‘This and structure. different
is…’ 5. Facilitate them to situations

5. use the phrase ‘I use the phrase ‘I 6. Learns about

like…’ in different adjectives.
like…’ in a sentence
6. know about describing 7. Does the
6. Explains about activity 1, 2, 3,
describing words and 4
7. match, write and (adjectives).
8. Reads the words
completes the mind 7. Facilitates them to
map. write and
8. articulate and read the complete the
phoneme words activities.
8. Makes them
practice and read
the words.


Class: 2 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English

Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
6B. Our Children will be able to 1. Displays the 1. Responds to the 1. Whole Textbook https://youtu.be/
Helpers 1. understand the picture picture and makes questions. class and Pg. no: 99 to x8tF2aQoukY
and respond to the discussion individual 101 https://youtu.be/
(Optional) questions 2. Recites the rhyme: 2. Listens and W.B.102 to109
activity Z0yfSoH9O64
“Bang and a Bang” repeats after the
2. sing and enjoy the
3. Explains and make teacher DIKSHA
them to read and
3. know the different 3. Reads after the
understand the
professions and read names of the teacher and
their names. professions. understands
4. describe persons and 4. Facilitates them to 4. Describes and
their work. identify the practices the
5. make sentences. professions and
6. articulate and read the describes
phoneme words 5. Guides them to 5. Does the activity
write sentences 1 and 2
6. Makes them
practice and read 6. Reads the words
the words
7A. Our 1. understand the picture 1. Displays the 1. Responds to the 1. Whole Textbook DIKSHA
Fair and respond to the picture and makes questions. class and Pg. no: 106 to https://youtu.be/
questions. discussion individual 111 zp8OYHPJJhI
(Optional) 2. Repeats after the W.B.112 to117
2. Narrate the story: activity https://youtu.be/
2. read and enjoy the teacher.
“OUR FAIR” _WB5ferosoY
3. Facilitate them to 3. Reads the new
3. read the new words read the new words https://youtu.be/
words AwXSsrYOtFo
4. identify, read and 4. Circle the words.
circle the words.

Class: 2 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
5. ask simple ‘Wh’ 4. Guides them to 5. Practices in 1. Whole Textbook https://youtu.be/
questions. identify the words. groups by class and Pg. no: 106 to vIBvyg3xVCI
5. Asks questions by observing the individual 111
6. understand the past W.B.112 to117 https://youtu.be/
creating different different activity
tense and use ‘was’ kbF6lFXk-x8
situations situations and do
and ‘were’ correctly.
6. Explains the usage role-play.
7. write vocabulary of ‘was’ and ‘were’
related the ‘fair’ 6. Learns about
by giving different
past tense.’
8. write the plural forms. contexts.
7. Facilitates them to 7. Does the activity
9. articulate and read the
complete the mind 5
phoneme words
map. 8. Fills in the
8. Guides them to blanks.
write the plurals.
9. Reads the words
9. Makes them
practice and read
the words.
7B. My 1. understand the picture 1. Displays the 1. Responds to the 1. Whole Textbook https://youtu.be/
Talking and respond to the picture and makes questions. class and Pg. no: 112 to e_04ZrNroTo
Car questions discussion individual 120
2. Listens and W.B.118 to123 https://youtu.be/
2. Recites the rhyme: activity
(Optional) 2. sing and enjoy the repeats after the ACDZebcb2R0
“Wheels on the
rhyme teacher DIKSHA
3. listen to the story, 3. Reads the story 3. Listen to the www.rajclassroom.com
understand and read and makes them story and
the new words understand responds.


Class: 2 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English

Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
Children will be able to 4. Reads the names 4. Reads the words
4. Know and read the of the vehicles by
5. Understands the
names of the vehicles showing the
usage of ‘have’
5. understand the usage and ‘has’
of ‘have’ and ‘has’. 5. Explains the usage
6. Does the activity.
of ‘have’ and ‘has’
6. identify and medium 7. Does the activity
of transport of 6. Guides them to
different vehicles. write the mode of 8. Reads the words
7. write the vehicle
names and rearrange 7. Facilitates them to
the sentences. complete the
8. Articulate and read the
phoneme words 8. Makes them
practice and read
the words.

8. My 1. Understand the set of 1. Displays the 1. Responds to the 1. Whole Textbook https://youtu.be/
Routine pictures and respond pictures and questions. class and Pg. no: 121 to lRWlBo2Q-bo
to the questions. individual 126 https://youtu.be/
makes discussion 2. Reads after the
(Optional) activity W.B.128 to132 X1ZgxRBmGZM
2. read and enjoy the teacher.
2. Narrate the story:
“MY ROUTINE” 3. Reads the new https://youtu.be/
3. Read the new words
words abypI6dwguk

Class: 2 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
4. Sing and enjoy the 3. Facilitates them to 4. Recites after https://youtu.be/
rhyme read the new teacher. -njPuv7Udaw
5. identify, read and words 5. Does the activity DIKSHA
match the parts of a 4. Recites the rhyme
clock. 6. Practices in pair.
‘Good Morning.’
6. ask time. 5. Guides them to 7. Does the activity
7. tell and write the time. 5.
identify the parts.
8. Articulate and read the
6. Asks questions by 8. Reads the words
phoneme words
creating different
time situations
7. Facilitates them to
guess and write
the time.
8. Makes them
practice and read
the words.

28-29 Revision -- -- -- -- --

30-31 Summative Assessment-II -- -- -- -- --


Class: 2 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: Mathematics

Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
Children should be able to... 1.Explains the * join the * Write Readiness book Class-1
1-4 Let’s recall * separate similar things from of class.2
concept of dots missing mathematics
group, count them and write the digits and (worksheets) video in
* draw the numbers
symbol up to 99 numbers DIKSHA.
* identify the equal numbers, circles * encircle the
with flash
before, between and after number
cards, sticks * fill in the
numbers. blanks names
* identify the bigger and smaller and stones.
numbers. * coloring * addition
2. grouping
* do addition up to total 20. activities activity
* do vertically and Horizontally * word
sums. 3. explains the * addition
with1 problems on
* do subtraction up to 9( not process of
regrouping). addition. * subtraction
* to identify piase and rupees. with 1 * subtraction
4. explains the
* count things in groups. activity
* identify the equal numbers, process of * activities on
before, between and after subtraction small and * word
numbers. big, long problems on
* compare the objectives heavier, and short, subtraction.
lighter, more and less. capacity,
* estimate length, Weight and time and
volume. shapes
* identify the Morning, Afternoon,
Evening, Night.
* identify the Patterns (Shapes).

2021-22 Subject: Mathematics
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group

1. Identify the numbers below 100. 1. Flower 1. Solve the 1. garlands Textbook page
Shall we https://
5-8 problems making
count 2. Write expanded form and garlands numbers from 2 diksha.gov.in/
given under activity to 14.
standard form of 2 digit numbers. making play/collection/
‘Try these’. 2. comparision
3. Understand the place-value and activity. do
face-value of any digit in a 2 digit 2. place value 2. coloring of number
number. and face Activity activity
4. Arrange the 2 digit numbers in value activity 3. Students 3. arrange the tentId=do_3
ascending and descending orders. 3. Numbers will solve numbers in 1309306330
5. Rounding to nearest tens of 2 comparison the ascending 620723211082
digit numbers. activity problems, and
4. ascending which are descending
6. Read and write the 2 digit
given in the order
numbers in words and vice versa. order and
descending exercises. 4. rolling ball
7. Compare the 2 digit numbers
order 4. Worksheets activity
using with appropriate symbols
activity from 1 to
(>, =, <).
5. Rounding 15 of 2nd
8. Make connection to expanded
off numbers chapter
and short form of given 2 digit
9. Represents the numbers up to 99
as numbers using base 10 blocks
and vice versa.


Class: 2 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: Mathematics

Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
9-11 Let us 1. Solve addition problems of 2 digit 1. Introduction 1. Solve the 1. Number Textbook page https://
Add numbers with and without picture problems strip activity. numbers from diksha.gov.in/
regrouping (sum not exceeding activity. given under 15 to 28. play/collection/
2. Base 10
‘Try these’. do_313097224
99). 2. Process of blocks
addition 2. Students activity. 26471219215
2. Understand the algorithm to without will solve 8?contentId
3. Bus =do_31300510
solve word problems of addition. regrouping. the
conductor 6702835712113
3. Identify errors and correcting 3. Math rebus activity.
which are
mistakes in addition problem. activity.
4. Process of exercises.
4. Solves addition problems in regrouping
different situations presented 3. Worksheets
through pictures and stories. from 1 to
activity with
16 of 3rd
5. Frame daily situation problems chapter
for given addition facts. 5. Bujji’s book
shop activity.
6. Apply the concept of addition in
daily situations.

7. Tender amount up to 100 using

notes and coins.

2021-22 Subject: Mathematics
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group

12-15 How 1. Do the subtraction of 1. A bazaar in 1. Solve the 1. Backward Textbook page https://
much I left 2 digit numbers (with and a village problems counting numbers from diksha.gov.in/
without regrouping) activity. given under activity. 29 to 43. play/collection/
‘Try these’. do_313097224264
2. Identify the mistakes in 2. Process of 2. Subtractions
subtraction and correct the subtraction 2. Students using with 71219215
mistakes. without will solve fake
regrouping. the currency
3. Solves subtraction problems in problems, activity.
different situations presented 3. Process of which are
through pictures and stories. subtraction given in the 3. Verification
with exercises. of
4. Solve daily life problems / regrouping. subtraction
situations based on subtraction of 3. Worksheets
2 digit numbers. 4. Word from 1 to
problems 17 of 4th 4. Wonder
5. Write the subtraction statements chapter. maths
5. Verification
as addition statements ( by using activity.
6. Solve the given subtraction by using
problems using pictures / things / addition.
spike abacus etc.
6. Fact

16 Summative Assessment-I -- -- -- -- --


Class: 2 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: Mathematics

Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
17- 20 Playing 1. Know the formation of 100. 1. Introduction 1. Solve the 1. How many Textbook page https://
with 2. Count in hundreds up to 900. Activity. problems sticks in the numbers from diksha.gov.in/
Numbers given under bundle 44 to 59. play/collection/
3. Place and face values of digits in 2. Counting in
100s ‘Try these’
. activity. do_313097224
the given 3 digit numbers.
4. Write the number in expanded 3. Making of 3 2. Students 2. Read the 3 264712192158
form and short form. digit will solve digit ?contentId=do_3
the numbers
5. Write all possible 2 digit numbers numbers 1307452608
activity. problems, using base
with the given 3 different digits.
which are 10 blocks. 441548819711
6. Rounding 3 digit number to its 4. Before, given in the 3. Comparison
nearest hundreds. between and exercises.
after of numbers
7. Read and write all 3 digit
3. Worksheets using
numbers in words and vice versa. numbers.
from 1 to number
8. Compare the 3 digit numbers 5. Place value 20 of 5th cards
using with appropriate symbol. and face chapter.
value. 4. Math lab
9. Use 3 digit numbers in daily life
situations. 6. Comparing
10. Make connection to expand numbers.
and short form of given 3 digit 7. Rounding
numbers to
11. Tender change for Rs.200 and nearest
Rs.500. hundred.
12. Represents 3 digit numbers 8. Tender
using base 10 blocks or dummy
currency and vice versa.

2021-22 Subject: Mathematics
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group

21-23 How many 1. Count in equal groups. 1. Introduction 1. Solve the 1. Construct a Textbook page https://
times? 2. Understand Multiplication as activity. problems table using numbers from 60 diksha.gov.in/
repeated addition. 2. Repeated given under with given to 75. play/collection/
3. Construct tables from 1 to 10. addition. ‘Try these’. TLM. do_313097224
4. Count numbers with skipping. 264712192158
3. Forming of 2. Students will 2. Table grid
5. Creates patterns using numbers ?contentId=do_31
Multiplication solve the activity.
involving multiplication tables 30840030979
2,3,4,5 and 10. tables. problems,
3. Math lab 5225611187
6. Read a multiplication phrase 4.Multiplication which are
(3 x 5) form. given in the
7. Change the multiplication 5.Multiplication exercises.
sentence into addition form and in daily life. 3. Worksheets
vice versa.
6.Multiplication from 1 to 13
8. Show the multiplication form in
with of 6th
picture representation and vice
versa. carrying. chapter.

24-25 Share it 1. Identify division as sharing 1. Introduction 1. Solve the 1. Making Textbook page https://
equally. game problems equal groups numbers from diksha.gov.in/
activity. given under activity. 76 to 82.
2. Recognize the symbol of division play/collection/
2. Make the ‘Try these’. 2. Division
‘÷’ 2. Students will do_3130972242
objects in form making 64712192158?c
3. Identify division as repeated solve the
equal groups. problems, by
subtraction. ontentId=do_3
3. Division by which are distribution
4. Do division up to 20 umbers by doing given in the of given
using numbers below 5. subtraction. exercises. TLM.


Class: 2 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: Mathematics

Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
5. Read and write the division 4. Division 3. Worksheets 3. Project work
symbol and use it mathematical form from 1 to 10 activity.
statements. of 7th
6. Apply division in daily life chapter.
situations and solve the problems.
7. Show the division form in picture
representation and vice versa.

26-27 8. Shapes 1. makes 3D objects by using 2D 1. Radha’s 1. Solve the 1. Math lab Textbook page https://
around us shapes. Birthday problems activity. numbers from diksha.gov.in/
2. identify the next figures in a shapes activity. given under 83 to 93. play/content/
pattern. ‘Try these’. 2. Tracing
2. Roll and do_313189831315456
3. identify the patterns in given activity.
2. Students will 0001203
number series or alphabet and solve the 3. Preparation https://
extend the pattern. 3. 3D objects problems, of 3D diksha.gov.in/
4. identifies the objects which are which are objects with
4. Tracing the play/collection/
rolls, slides for given objects. given in the 2D shapes.
3D objects. do_3130972
5. identifies 3D shapes in objects exercises.
5. Patterns 4. Project work 242647121
(without using the names of the 3. Colouring
shapes) activity.
6. understand and count the 2D 4. Worksheets 8357977
shapes which are formed by from 1 to 7
tracing along the edges of 3D of 8th
objects are used in our daily life. 11322

2021-22 Subject: Mathematics
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group

9. My 1. say the names of the days/ 1. Introduction 1. Solve the 1. Daily Textbook page https://
Diary months in sequential order. Picture problems activities numbers from diksha.gov.in/
2. identify the sequence of events activity. given under miming. 94 to 104. play/collection/
(Optional) ‘Try these’. do_31309722426471
happening in terms of hours/ 2. Daily 2. Role play “I
days. activities. 2. Students will am teacher”. 2192158?
solve the contentId=do_3
3. arrange the incidents happening 3. Days of a 3. Calendar
problems, 1308397304400
in daily life in sequential order. week. (Yesterday,
4. read the clock in hours. 4. Months in a which are today and
year. given in the tomorrow).
5. identify the fruits/ vegetables
exercises. 4. Math lab
available in different seasons/ 5. Seasons
months. 3.Worksheets activity.
6. Reading the
from 1 to 9 5. Making of
6. draw the hands of clock to the time in
of 9th clock.
given time. clock.
10. Let us 1. measure and compare length of 1. The race 1. Solve the 1. Dramatize Textbook page https://
Measure given objects by using non- story. problems the Race numbers from diksha.gov.in/
standard measurements. given under story. 105 to 114. play/collection/
(Optional) 2. identify the importance of 2. Non
‘Try these’. 2. Measuring do_3130972
standard measurements by standard
different 24264712192158
measuring with the help of stick/ measuring 2. Students will
pencil. tools. solve the ?contentId=do_
3. identify capacity of vessel which problems, 3. Data
contains more/ less liquid and 3. Light – collection of 31308464189183
which are
measure the capacity of liquid Heavy. given in the measurements. 590411577
using the non-standard 4. Rafi’s Juice exercises. 4. Water filling
measurements. stall story. task.


Class: 2 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: Mathematics

Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
4. estimate length of given objects 3. Worksheets
by using non-standard from 1 to 9
measurements. of 10th
5. identify the heavier/ lighter object chapter.
among the given objects and keep
them in order.
28-29 Revision -- -- -- -- --

30-31 Summative Assessment - II -- -- -- -- --

ÔásÁ>·Ü: 3 bÍsÄÁ\y¯ ç|ŸD²[¿£ - 2021-22 dŸuÉ̈¿ù¼: Ôî\T>·T
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1-2 Ôî\T>·T Ôá*¢ |¾\\¢ T... 1. bÍsÄ«Á uË<óqŠ -Ôî\T>·T 1. bÍsĐ«+Xø 1.Ôî\T>·T Ôá*¢ 1. Ôî\T>·T Ôó B¿Œ± jáÖ|t
(dŸ+d¾<ÔƊ )á 1.¹>já֓•n_óqjáT+Ôà Ôá*¢ >=|ŸÎÔáH“• ºçÔá+,dŸ“•yûXø eT]jáTT Ôá*¢ 3e ÔásÁ>·Ü bÍsÄÁ« APEKX eT]jáTT
s>·jáTT¿£ï+>± bÍ&ƒ>·\sÁT. >¹ jáÖ\T,bͳ\ <‘Çs ºçÔá+ >·T]+º uó²sÁÜ e+<Šq+ |ŸÚdŸ¿ï £+.(1-6) QR code.
2.Ôî\T>·T Ôá*¢ >=|ŸÎÔáH“• Ôî*#ûkÍïsÁT. eÖ{²¢&+ #áT³. >¹ jáÖ\qT 2.3e ÔásÁ>·Ü €+ç<óçŠ |Ÿ<Xû Ù
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3.¹>jáT kÍs+X擕 kõ+Ôá çosÁ+>·+ ço“ydŸseÚ. eT]jáTT Ôá*¢ s>·jáTT¿£ï+>± |ŸÚdŸ¿ï +£ .(1-18) sÁÖbõ+~+ºq
eÖ³ýË¢ #î|Ο >·\sÁT. ço ço >±] sÁ#qá \T uó²sÁÜ bÍ&ƒ³+. 3. eTTeÇ\
2. <û
X ø
u ó
¿ ì
¿ ì <ûXøuó„¿ìï bÍsĐ«+Xø+
4.dŸsÞÁ ø |Ÿ<‘\T, y¿±«\T, >·T]+º eT]jáTT y{ì e+<Šq+ dŸT‹ÒseTjáT« jîTT¿£Ø jáTÖ³Ö«uÙ
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ÔásÁ>·Ü: 3 bÍsÄÁ\y¯ ç|ŸD²[¿£ - 2021-22 dŸu¿É̈ :¼ù Ôî\T>·T

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#î|ŸÎ>·\sÁT,sjáT>·\sÁT. #ûjáT&ƒ+. ¿£<\Š¸ |ŸÚdŸ¿ï ±\T. https://youtu.be/
3.ú{ì eqsÁT\ çbÍeTTK«Ôá 4. eÖ }] @sÁT-¹>jáT 4.|Ÿ<ŠC²\+,
3.‹T~Ý ‹\+ 4DJ-97R7YLU
Ôî\TdŸT¿Ãe&ƒ+Ôà bͳT ÔáeT kÍs+X擕 dÓÇjáTsÁ#áq, ¿£<Ŋ¸ ”£ ‡eÖdŸ|ڟ ¿£<Š¸
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|Ÿ]dŸsÁ eqsÁT\Ôà H³¿¡¿£sÁD ‹T~݋\+-
5.‡eÖdŸ|ŸÚ bͳ |Ÿ+³ çbÍCÉÅ£”¼ |Ÿ“
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#û\T bͳqT
–|ŸjÖî >±\T #î|Ο >·\sÁT. eT]jáTT uó²cÍ 4.$<‘«sÁT\œ T
s>·jáTT¿£ï+>± bÍ&ƒ³+.
4. È+³ |Ÿ<‘\T,çbÍdŸ |Ÿ<‘\T 6.‡eÖdŸ|ŸÚ bͳ »|Ÿ+³ n+Xæ\T. #áÖd¾q ç|Ÿ<Xû æ\
>·T]ï+º kõ+Ôá y¿±«\T #û\Tµ bͳ kÍs+X擕 >·T]+º ȳ¢ýË
sjáT>·\sÁT. Ôî*jáT#ûjTá &ƒ+. #á]Ì+#á&+ƒ .

ÔásÁ>·Ü: 3 bÍsÄÁ\y¯ ç|ŸD²[¿£ - 2021-22 dŸuÉ̈¿ù¼: Ôî\T>·T
¿£Ô«\T eqsÁT\T
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5.#áT¿£Ø\T ¿£*|¾ u¤eTˆ\qT 7.‡ eÖdŸ|ŸÚ bͳ-|Ÿ+³ 5.‡eÖdŸ|ڟ bͳ- 6.‡ eÖdŸ|ڟ €+ç<óçŠ |Ÿ<Xû Ù
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6.uó²cÍ uó²>±\T ne>±VŸ²q 8.‡ eÖdŸ|ŸÚ bͳ ‹T~Ý s>·jáTT¿£ï+>± jáTÖ³Ö«uÙ *+Å£”
bÍ&ƒ³+, https://youtu.be/
#ûdTŸ ¿=“ $$<Š ‹\+ ¿£<qŠ¸ T bÍ&ƒ³+.
kõ+Ôá+>± 6xeTzIaCEzo
dŸ+<ŠsÒÛ\ýË #î|Ο &ƒ+,kÍs+X擕
$“jîÖÐ+#á>·\sÁT. Ôî*jáT#ûjTá &ƒ+. sjáT&ƒ+. ‡eÖdŸ|ڟ bͳ
7.–>±~ |Ÿ+&ƒT>·qT <‘“ 6.‡ eÖdŸ|ڟ ¿£<-Š¸ |Ÿ+³ #û\T-
ç|ŸÔ«û ¿£Ôqá T eTq dŸ+dŸØÜ ‹T~Ý ‹\+
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€#á]+#á>·\sÁT. #î|Ο &ƒ+, –bÍ<ó‘«jáTT\T
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7.dŸÈHÔሿ£Ôá M&jÖî ¿ÃdŸ+
<‘Çs u¤eTˆ\Å£” jáTÖ³Ö«uÙ *+Å£”
sÁ+>·T\T yûjTá &ƒ+ https://youtu.be/
ç|Ÿ<Xû æ\ >·T]+º
#î|Ο &ƒ+,


ÔásÁ>·Ü: 3 bÍsÄÁ\y¯ ç|ŸD²[¿£ - 2021-22 dŸu¿É̈ :¼ù Ôî\T>·T

¿£Ô«\T eqsÁT\T
ysÁ+ bÍsÄÁ+ |sÁT nuó„«dŸq |˜Ÿ*Ԑ\T –bÍ<ó‘«jáT $<‘«]œ
¿£Ô«\T $<‘«]œ ‹+<Š+ uó…Ü¿£+ n+Ôás¨\+
25-27 Ô=* |Ÿ+&ƒT>· |¾\\¢ T... 1.bÍsĐ«+Xø ºçÔá+,dŸ“•yûXø 1. bÍsĐ«+Xø 1.Ô=* |Ÿ+&ƒT>· 1.Ôî\T>·T Ôó 3e B¿Œ± jáÖ|t
1. dŸ+uó²wŸD\ <‘Çs Ôî\T>·T ºçÔá+ >·T]+º ºçÔá+,dŸ“•yûXø bÍsĐ«+X擿ì ÔásÁ>·Ü bÍsÄÁ« APEKX eT]jáTT
dŸ+eÔáàs\qT, Hî\\qT, eÖ{²¢&+#áT³. ºçÔá+ >·T]+º H³¿¡¿£sÁD |ŸÚdŸ¿ï +£ . (77- QR code

q¿£ŒçԐ\ >·T]+º 2. ‡eÖdŸ|ڟ bͳ- eÖ{²¢&+#áT³. #ûjTá &ƒ+ 86) €+ç<óçŠ |Ÿ<Xû Ù
Ôî\TdŸTÅ£”+{²sÁT. y{ì“ n+<‘\ ÔóýË 2. $q&ƒ+- 2.n+<‘\ÔóýË 2.3 e ÔásÁ>·Ü –bÍ<ó‘«jáTT\T
€+>·¢ Hî\\Ôà bþ\Ì>·\sÁT. >¹ já֓• s>·jTá T¿£+ï >± €ý˺+º >¹ já֓• ȳT¼ýË kÍ<óqŠ sÁÖbõ+~+ºq
2.bÍsÄÁ+ €<ó‘sÁ+>± ç|ŸXø•\Å£” bÍ&ƒ³+ eÖ{²¢&ƒ³+ s>·jáTT¿£ï+>± |ŸÚdŸ¿ï +£ .(108- Ô=*|Ÿ+&ƒT>·
dŸeÖ<ó‘H\T sjáT&ƒ+Ôà 3.n+<‘\ ÔóýË 3. ¿£<¸ŠqT kõ+Ôá bÍ&ƒ>·\T>·TԐsÁT 120) bÍsĐ«+Xø+ jîTT¿£Ø
bͳT ‚wŸ¼yîT®q |Ÿ+&ƒT>·\ ¿£$|Ÿ]#ájáT+-¿£dŸÖï] eÖ³ýË¢ 3.q¿£ØjáTT¿ìï ¿£<Ŋ¸ ”£ 3.ço €sY m M&jÖî ¿ÃdŸ+
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3. €<ó‘s\Ôà >·<TŠ \T sÁ#áq\ >·T]+º |Ÿ+&ƒT>· ç|Ÿ<sŠ ôÁ q >±] https://youtu.be/
|ŸP]+#á&+ƒ ,qÖÔáq Ôî\|Ÿ&ƒ+. 4 #á<Še&ƒ+.- 4.bÍsÄÁ« |ŸÚdŸï¿£+ eTq|Ÿ+&ƒT>·\T 2z-U1Ye3Xgk
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kõ+Ôá+>± sjáT>·\>·&ƒ+. jáTT¿ìï ¿£<¸ŠqT #î|ŸÎ&ƒ+- 5. |Ÿ<ŠC²\+, |ŸÚdŸ¿ï +£ ý˓
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5. uó²cÍ uó²>±\qT |ŸP]ï>± sÁ#áq\ >·T]+º eT]jáTT uó²cÍ #ûjáT&ƒ+.
nsÁ+œ #ûdTŸ ¿=“ $$<óŠ Ôî\|Ÿ&ƒ+. n+Xæ\T.

ÔásÁ>·Ü: 3 bÍsÄÁ\y¯ ç|ŸD²[¿£ - 2021-22 dŸuÉ̈¿ù¼: Ôî\T>·T
¿£Ô«\T eqsÁT\T
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6. ‡eÖdŸ|ڟ 5.MT Ôá*<¢ Š+ç&ƒT\
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Ôóý˵ |ŸÚ{q¼ì sÃE
bͳqT eT]jáTT
s>·jáTT¿£ï+>± Ôá*<¢ +Š ç&ƒT\T,
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7.q¿£ØjáTT¿ìï (‡ d•V¾²ÔáT\ |ŸÚ{ìq¼
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ÔásÁ>·Ü: 3 bÍsÄÁ\y¯ ç|ŸD²[¿£ - 2021-22 dŸu¿É̈ :¼ù Ôî\T>·T

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28-29 -- |ŸÚqXøÌsÁD -- -- -- -- --

30-31 dŸ+ç>·V²Ÿ D²Ôሿ£ -- -- -- -- --

eTÖý²«+¿£q+ - 2

Class: 3 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group

1-4 Readiness Programme

5-8 1. Tenali 1. Pre-Reading: Identify 1. Interacts and 1. Understand the 1. Whole Textbook DIKSHA
Rama and the keywords and motivates the keywords and class and Pg. no: 1 to 12 https://youtu.be/
the Thieves expressions from the students towards motivate to- individual W.B: 1 to22 fCXdvPLm-rO
picture along with the the theme. wards the activity
theme of the lesson. Activity-1 in the lesson. Do the
2. Reading: Read and textbook. Worksheet-1.1
comprehend the 2. Facilitates in in their Work-
books www.youtube.com/
Reading Text. reading and watch?v=DJy4PV6kETM
2. Read and
3. Post-Reading: comprehending (nouns)
* Identify opposite the text. Plays a
the text in
words, key role in different + DIKSHA
supportive reading. strategies. Do
* Uses a variety of https://youtu.be/
nouns. 3. Presents the the worksheets 7j_Y445NpdU
textual concepts Worksheet-1.1
* Capitalization (self
and facilitates in to 1.5
* Attempt to write a introduction)
understanding and 3. Practice the
sentence seeing the usage of post Post-Reading
picture with perfect
reading Components
punctuation. and use them in
components in
* Listen and Respond everyday their day-to-day
to the conversation situations.Activity- situations. Do
/ enact role-play. 2 to 9 from the the worksheets
4. LISTENING AND Textbook. 1.6 -1.15
RESPONDING: 5. Activity 9,10 and 4. Introduces
* Self-introduction 11 oneself


Class: 3 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English

Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group

9-12 2. The 1. Pre-Reading: Identify 1. Interacts and 1. Understands the 1. Whole Textbook DIKSHA
Recipe the keywords and motivates the keywords and class and Pg. no: 13 to 27
Book expressions from the students towards motivate towards individual W.B.23 to31 https://
picture along with the the theme. the lesson. activity www.youtube.com/
theme of the lesson. Activity-1 in the 2. Read and watch?v=Rj_Y9iu
textbook. comprehend the
2. Reading: Read and DF9w&t=70s
2. Facilitates in text in different
comprehend the DIKSHA, you
reading and strategies. Do
Reading Text. the worksheets tube Cookery
comprehending Classes
2.1to 2.5
3. Post-Reading: the text. Plays a
3. Practice the
* Usage of plurals. key role in https://
* pro nouns. supportive reading. Components
* Usage of full stop Activity 2 and use them in watch?v=uVU
(.) 3. Presents the their day-to-day on6lfNDw
LISTENING AND textual concepts situations. Do (full stop)
RESPONDING: and facilitates in the worksheets
* Use of ‘CAN I’ and understanding and 2.6 to 2.9Uses
‘MAY I’ usage of post ‘CAN I’ and
‘MAY I’ in https://youtu.be/
4. Poem:The swing components in conversation. dv3tOAh-dH8
everyday 4. Enacts the poem DIKSHA
5. Pre-Reading: Identify
the keywords and situations. with perfect
Activity-3 to action
expressions from the
Activity-7 from intonation and
picture along with the
theme of the lesson. the Textbook.
Activity 8,9 and 10

Class: 3 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
4. Presents the poem 5. Understand the
with perfect keywords and
intonation and motivate towards
pronunciation. the lesson.
Activity 11.
5. Interacts and
motivates the
students towards
the theme.
Activity-1 in the
13-15 3. The 1. Reading: Read and 1. Facilitates in 1. Read and com- 1. Whole Textbook https://youtu.be/
Loyal comprehend the reading and prehend the text class and Pg. no: 28 to 39 uBc6x0dYBe0
Mongoose Reading Text. comprehending in different individual W.B.41 to 51 (story)
the text. Plays a strategies. Do activity
2. Post-Reading:
key role in the worksheets DIKSHA
* Wild Animals and
supportive reading. 3.1to 3.5 https://youtu.be/
domestic Animals.
Activity 2 2. Practice the fuDFz8AijfM
* Usage of adjectives.
2. Presents the Post-Reading (adjectives)
* Punctate with
textual concepts Components
Capital Letter and DIKSHA
and facilitates in and use them in
full stop (.). https://
understanding and their day to day
3. LISTENING AND usage of post situations. Do www.youtube.com/
RESPONDING: reading the worksheets watch?v=mQA4vOqV9M8
* Conversation on components in 3.6 to 3.10
given situation. every day


Class: 3 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English

Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
PROJECT WORK: situations. 3. Talks on given
Collection of pictures Activity-3 to situation.Collects
of pet animals. Activity-9 from the pictures of
the Textbook. pet animals
3. Activity 10 and from old papers,
11Guides to collect magazines.
the pictures of pet
animals in and

16 Summative Assessment-I -- -- -- -- --

17-20 4. Help ... 1. Pre-Reading: Identify 1. Interacts and 1. Understand the 1. Whole Textbook DIKSHA
Me Please the keywords and motivates the keywords and class and Pg. no: 40 to 52
expressions from the students towards individual W.B.47 to 67
motivate to- 3fKdU1uh1hA
picture along with the the theme. wards the activity
theme of the lesson. Activity-1 in the https://youtu.be/
lesson. dBYHMpeQzP0
2. Reading: Read and
2. Read and (prepositions)
comprehend the 2. Facilitates in
comprehend the
Reading Text. reading and https://youtu.be/
comprehending text in different
3. Post-Reading: SghnnoFipoI
the text. Plays a strategies. Do
* Vocabulary of (usage of thank
key role in the worksheets
occupations. you)
supportive reading. 4.1 to 4.5
* Introduction of
Activity 2 https://youtu.be/

Class: 3 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
* Description of 3. Presents the 3. Practice the
objects. textual concepts Post-Reading
LISTENING AND and facilitates in Components
RESPONDING: understanding and and use them in
* Usage of “THANK usage of post their day-to-day
YOU”. reading situations. Do
4. POEM:THE WHEELS components in
the worksheets
ON THE BUS everyday 4.6 to 4.8
situations. Learns the usage
Activity-3 to of “THANK
Activity-7 from YOU”
the Textbook. Worksheet 4.9 -
Introduces the
phrase “THANK
YOU”. Activity 8 4. Enacts the poem
and 10 with perfect
4. Presents the poem
intonation and
with perfect
intonation and
Activity 11 and 12


Class: 3 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English

Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
21-24 5. The 1. Pre-Reading: Identify 1. Interacts and 1. Understand the 1. Whole Textbook DIKSHA
Good the keywords and motivates the keywords and class and Pg. no: 53 to 62
Samaritan students towards W.B.74 to 88
expressions from the the theme. motivate to- individual https://youtu.be/
picture along with the Activity-1 in the wards the activity aSfm2xdKau4
theme of the lesson. textbook. lesson. https://youtu.be/
2. Reading: Read and 2. Facilitates in 2. Read and oggGZKVJvfw
reading and
comprehend the comprehend the
comprehending (simple past
Reading Text. the text. Plays a text in different
key role in strategies. Do verbs) +
3. Post-Reading: Rhyme’s on
supportive reading. the worksheets
* Use of opposite Activity 2 5.1 to 5.5 opposites words
words. 3. Presents the and action
textual concepts 3. Practice the words
* Introduction of
and facilitates in Post-Reading
action words.
understanding and Components
* Rewriting of usage of post and use them in
sentences using reading
components in their day-to-day
everyday situations. Do
situations. the worksheets
LISTENING AND Activity-3 to 5.6 to
RESPONDING: Activity-8 from
5.9Presents the
* Skit the Textbook.
Facilitates in skit Worksheet
4. POSTER developing a skit 5.10
PREPARATION: Activity 9,10
4. Presents the
4. Guides in poster.
preparing the

Class: 3 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
25-27 6. Do Good 1. Pre-Reading: Identify 1. Interacts and 1. Understand the 1. Whole Textbook DIKSHA
Reap Good the keywords and motivates the keywords and class and Pg. no: 63 to 72
expressions from the students towards individual W.B.89 to 97 https://youtu.be/
motivate to-
picture along with the the theme. wards the activity otIoOvSJSaw
theme of the lesson. Activity-1 in the lesson. https://youtu.be/
textbook. QlZXd-m6Pdw
2. Reading: Read and 2. Read and
comprehend the 2. Facilitates in (verbs with -ed
comprehend the
Reading Text. reading and forms)
text in different
3. Post-Reading: strategies. Do
the text. Plays a DIKSHA
* Usage of synonyms. the worksheets
key role in
* Introduction of https://youtu.be/
supportive reading. 6.1 to 6.5
verbs with ‘ed’ KZn42zsbPN0
Activity 2 3. Practice the
* Practicing 3. Presents the Post-Reading (My -self)
punctuation. textual concepts Components
LISTENING AND and facilitates in and use them in
RESPONDING: understanding and their day-to-day
* Enact the context usage of post situations. Do
from the text. reading the worksheets
* Self-introduction. components in 6.6 to
everyday 6.9Presents the
4. Poem:THE MOON
situations. skit
Activity-3 to
Activity-6 from
the Textbook.


Class: 3 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English

Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
Facilitates in 4. Enacts the poem
developing a with perfect
skitActivity 7,8 action
and 10
intonation and
4. Presents the poem pronunciation.
with perfect
intonation and
Activity 10

7. The 1. Pre-Reading: Identify 1. Interacts and 1. Understand the 1. Whole Textbook DIKSHA
Lazy Grass the keywords and motivates the keywords and class and Pg. no: 73 to 82
Hopper expressions from the students towards motivate to- individual W.B.105 to 114
picture along with the the theme. wards the activity
(Optional) https://
theme of the lesson. Activity-1 in the lesson.
textbook. www.youtube.com/
2. Reading: Read and 2. Read and
comprehend the 2. Facilitates in comprehend the
Reading Text. reading and text in different https://youtu.be/
comprehending strategies. Do rnhXaDYDBfE
3. Post-Reading:
the text. Plays a the worksheets (description of
* Names of insects.
key role in 6.1 to 6.5 insects)
* Introduction of
supportive reading.
verb forms. 3. Practice the
Activity 2 and 3
* Description of Post-Reading
insects. Components

Class: 3 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
* Rewriting of 3. Presents the and use them in
sentences using textual concepts their day to day
punctuations. and facilitates in situations. Do
understanding and the worksheets
usage of post 6.6 to 6.9
reading Describe the
* Roleplay and
components in insect by the
description of
everyday role play.
insects. Activity
situations. Presents
9 - 10
Activity-4 to 8 quotations.
Activity 9-
* Quotations
10Activity 11

8. The 1. Pre-Reading: Identify 1. Interacts and 1. Understand the 1. Whole Textbook DIKSHA
King Sidi the keywords and motivates the keywords and class and Pg. no: 83 to 91
and The expressions from the students towards motivate individual W.B.119 to 127
Dove m4DB-KSdo0g
picture along with the the theme. activity
2. Read and
theme of the lesson. Activity-1 in the https://
(Optional) T.B. comprehend the
2. Reading: Read and www.youtube.com/
2. Facilitates in text in different
comprehend the watch?v=tn5m
reading and strategies. Do
Reading Text. mMRTaGg
comprehending the worksheets
3. Post-Reading: the text. Plays a 8.1 to 8.5 https://youtu.be/
* Opposite words. key role in Wi8KbEHxzDc
* Preposition of supportive reading.
places. Activity 2 and 3


Class: 3 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English

Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
* Rewriting the 3. Presents the 3. Practice the
sentences with textual concepts Post-Reading
proper and facilitates in Components
punctuations. understanding and and use them in
usage of post their day-to-day
reading situations. Do
components in the worksheets
* Group discussion.
everyday 8.6 to 8.9Peer
4. POEM: situations. group
The Little Plant Activity-4 discussion.
to9.Activity 10 4. Enacts the poem
4. Presents the poem with perfect
with perfect action
intonation and intonation and
pronunciation. pronunciation.

28-29 Revision -- -- -- -- --

30-31 Summative Assessment-II -- -- -- -- --

Class: 3 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: Mathematics
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning
outcome(s) Student
TeacherTeacher Individual
Individual Group
Physical Digital

1-4 Let’s recall The students will be 1. Identification of 1. Students will 1. Solve the 1.Text book 1. Doordarsan
able to... numbers up to solve the problems page numbers lessons.2.
3digits. problems which given under from 1 to 11.2. Diksha
1. Understand the
2. Comparison of are given under try this. Work book portal3 Qr
formation of 2 digit
3digit numbers. do this codes
and 3 digit numbers. 2. Dummy
3. Read and write 2. Do Worksheets notes
2. Read and write
the number name no:1 to 26 activity.
numbers up to 999.
of 3digit numbers.
3. Express the number 3. Base 10
4. Before – Between
into word form and blocks
– After numbers.
vice versa. activity.
5. Place value and
4. Recall place value of 3 face value of 3 4. Shelves in a
digit numbers. digit numbers. shop
5. Differentiate the place 6. Expanded form
value and face value. and short form of 5. Fun activity
the numbers
7. Use numbers in daily
7. Additions(rythu
life situations.
bazar activity)
8. Recall addition and 8. Subtractions (h
subtraction of 2 digit ow much get back
numbers. activity)
9. Recall Multiply and 9. Multiplication
divide 2 digit numbers (egg tray activity)
by 1 digit number. 10. Division (Manu’s


Class: 3 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: Mathematics

Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group

5-8 Numbers 1. Read and write the 1. House hold 1. Students will 1.Formation of 1. Text book 1. Doordarsan
numbers up to 9999 in exhibition activity. solve the page numbers lessons.
2. Identify and write the 2. Base 10 blocks problems which with base 10 from 12 to 29.
2. Diksha
Face and Place value of activity. are given under blocks.
the four digit numbers 2. Work book portal3 Qr
do this
up to 9999. 3. Numbers after 2.Representation codes
3. Write four digit 1000. 2. Do Worksheets of 4 digit
numbers in expanded no:1 to 14 given
4. Expanded and numbers on
and short form up to in this lesson
9999. short form of the abacus and
4. Compare any two 4 4digit numbers. base 10
digit numbers by using blocks.
symbols (<,>,=). 5. Face values and
5. Arrange the given four place values of 4 3. Making 4
digit numbers in
digit numbers. digit numbers
ascending and
descending order. by using flash
6. Comparison of 4
6. Form all the possible cards.
digit numbers
four digit numbers for
any given 4 digits and (dots activity). 4. Project work
arrange the numbers. 7. Ordering of (collect the
7. Round off the given vehicle
numbers to the nearest numbers
tens, hundreds and (investing details registration
thousands. of four numbers).
8. Represent the numbers merchants) .
on the number line.
9. Use the 4 digit concept
in daily life

Class: 3 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: Mathematics
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning
outcome(s) Student
TeacherTeacher Individual
Individual Group
Physical Digital

9-11 Addition 1. Do addition of 2 digit 1. Fruit shop activity 1.Students will 1. Try this 1. Text book page 1.Doordarsan
activity. numbers from lessons.
numbers in different 2. Fruits selling solve the
activity. 2. Think and 30 to 41.
methods. (Adding and problems which discuss 2. Diksha
3. Addition of 3-
joining etc.) are given under activity. 2. Work book portal3 Qr
digit number with
2. Do addition of 3 digit do this2. Do 3. Additions by codes
3-digit number.
Worksheets using dummy
numbers. 4. Additions by
using base10 no:1 to 11 given notes.
3. Oral and word in this lesson 4. Maths fun
blocks. activity (find
problems on Addition
5. Kiddy bank the Raju’s
from real life situations
activity. school bag).

1. Vegetable selling 1. Students will 1. Hand fan 1. Text book 1. Doordarsan

12-15 Subtraction 1. subtract a 3 digit
number from a 3 digit activity. solve the maker page numbers lesson.
problems which activity. from 42 to 56. 2. Diksha portal
number. 2. Hand fan seller 2. Cool drink
are given under
2. solve Word problems activity. shop activity. 2. Work book 3 Qr codes
do this 3. Electricity
on real life situations. 3. Bus journey
2. Do Worksheets meter
3. solve problems on activity. reading
no:1 to 12 given
mental calculations 4. Hotel activity. activity.
in this lesson.
involving 2digit 4. Oral
Subtraction. 5. Medical camp subtractions.
activity. 5. Project work
4. estimate the given 6. Try this
subtraction 6. Subtraction by
estimation. 7. Think and


Class: 3 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: Mathematics

Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group

16 Summative Assessment-I -- -- -- -- --

17-20 Multiplica- 1. Multiply a 2 digit 1. School kitchen 1.Students will 1.How many 1. Text book 1. Doordarsan
-tions number with one digit garden activity. solve the guavas? page numbers lesson
number without problems which Activity. from 57 to
2 .Other processes 2. Diksha portal
grouping and are given under 74.
for 2. Coconuts in
regrouping. do this
multiplications. a bag activity. 2. Work book 3. Qr codes
2. Recall the concept 3. Formation of 2. Do Worksheets 3. Observation
‘How many times’. tables. no:1 to 16 given of patterns.
in this lesson.
3. Multiply 2 digit number 4. Multiplication by 4. Train
with 2 digit number. 10’s (pencils activity.
4. Multiply 3 digit number 5. Bouquet
5. Cement shop activity.
with 1 digit number.
6. Maths fun
5. Recall the vocabulary 6. Bricks activity.
used in multiplication.
7. Multiplication by
6. Solve problems with 100’s
grouping and

7. Form tables from 6th

to 9th

Class: 3 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: Mathematics
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning
outcome(s) Student
TeacherTeacher Individual
Individual Group
Physical Digital

21-23 Let’s Share 1. Student understands 1. Colourful bouquets Students will 1. Maths fun 1. Text book 1.Doordarsan
the terms involved in activity. activity. page numbers lessons.
(Divisions) 1. solve the
2. Plants activity. 2. Observe the from 75 to
Division [Divisor, problems which 2. Diksha portal
pictures and
Dividend, Quotient 3. Relation between 88.
are given under fill the
and Remainder]. multiplication and blanks. 2. Work book 3. Qr codes
do this
division. 3. Jumpy
2. Explains the relation
4. Making of word 2. Do Worksheets animals.
between division and no:1 to 21 given
problems. 4. Observe and
multiplication. in this lesson. understand
5. Nursery activity.
3. Do division of three 6. Flower pots (dividend
3. Do exercises.
digit number by single with zeros).
5. Circle the
digit number. 7. Selling the odd
4. Identify Odd or even marigold flowers. numbers.
numbers 8. Even and odd 6. Try these
numbers. activities.

Data • Read the data with the 1. Toy shop activity.2.1.Students will 1. Counting 1.Text book page 1.Doordarsan
handling help of pictures. • Colour Shooting balloons solve the problems the toys.2. numbers from 89 lessons2.
the pictures according to with toy which are given Dummy to 95.2. Work Diksha portal3
the data. • Use tally gun.3.Swatcha under do this2. Do currency book Qr codes
marks. • Write tally Bharat Activity. Worksheets no:1 to activity.3.
marks and number on 5 given in this Fruits
the basis of data lesson.3. Do activity.4.
exercises. Project Work.


Class: 3 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: Mathematics

Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
25-27 Share 1. Identify same things. 1. Park activity. 1.Students will 1. Post card 1. Text book 1. Doordarsan
Equally solve the activity. page lesson.
2. Divide a whole into 2. Dilpasand activity.
equal parts. problems which 2. Masala dosa numbers
2. Diksha portal
are given under activity. from 96 to
3. Make half and quarter do this 3. Qr codes
parts of a whole.
2. Do Worksheets 2. Work book
4. Colouring of half and given in this
quarter parts of a lesson.
3. Do exercises.

Shapes 1. Identify different 1. Radio lesson 1. Matching 1. Let’s play: 1. Text book 1. Doordarsan
around us shapes by observing activity. activity. corners and page numbers
objects from top, front lesson.
edges. from 103 to
(Optional) and side views. 2. Rolls and slides 2. Students will 2. Diksha portal
2. Recollects the objects activity. solve the 2. Stamping 116.
that roll / side and 3 Qr codes
problems which activity. 2. Work book
both. 3. Where is my
3. Identify faces of are given under 3. Maths lab
other half
different 3D shapes do this activity.
faces. 4. Draw a
4. Learns different curves, 3. Do Worksheets 4. Mirror
symmetrical line.
edges and vertices of given in this activity.
regular shapes. 5. Patterns. lesson.
5. Recognize different 5. fill the given
patterns in day – to – 4. Do exercises. series.
day life.

Class: 3 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: Mathematics
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning
outcome(s) Student
TeacherTeacher Individual
Individual Group
Physical Digital

6. Form some patterns

with shapes.
7. Fill the given series.

Measurements 1. Measure lengths in 1 .Chinni’s birth day 1. Matching 1. Math lab 1. Text book 1. Doordarsan
centimetres and party. activity. activity. page numbers lesson.
(Optional) metres. from 117 to 2. Diksha portal
2. Measuring 2. Students will 2. Try this.
2. Know about inch and 134.
instruments. solve the 3. Collect the 3. Qr codes
foot. problems which different 2. work book
3. Measuring bigger
3. Estimate and compare lengths. are given under sizes of
the weight of given do this glasses and
4. Measuring
objects. 3. Do Worksheets estimate the
4. Know about standard given in this capacity.
5. Different types of
units of weight i.e in lesson. 4. Prepare the
kilogram and gram. current year
4. Do exercises.
6. Measuring calendar.
5. Estimate and compare
the capacities of
different objects. 7. Calendar.

6. Know about standard 8. Read the clock.

units of capacity i.e
litre and millilitre.
7. Read the clock and
write time in hours and


Class: 3 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: Mathematics

Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group

28-29 Revision -- -- -- -- --
30-31 Summative Assessment-II -- -- -- -- --

Class: 3 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: EVS
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
1-4 Readiness Programme

5-6 1. Happy 1. Identifies members 1. Introduction of 1. Worksheet-1 1. Let us do Textbook, Text book QR
Family living together in a family members (p.no-5)- Workbook, code,
family 2. Worksheet-2
informa- interactive TLM
2. Share information 2. Helping each
3. Worksheet-3 DIKSHA videos
about various other tion gather- (family photo,
professions in the 4. Worksheet-4 ing match stick
3. Professions
2. Let us do diagram of a
3. Understands the role of 4. Good practices 5. Worksheet-5
(p.no-10)- family,
family members. 6. Worksheet-6 resembling
4. Identifies resemblances 5. Whom do you activities
look like persons picture
within the family with sense
members. chart
6. Improve your organs
5. Understands good
practices learning
7-9 2. Plants 1. Understand the need 1. Parts of a plant 1. Worksheet-1 1. Let us do Textbook, Text book QR
Around Us for plants and trees. 2. Types of stems (p.no-18) workbook, code,
2. Worksheet-2
interactive TLM DIKSHA
2. Identify the simple 3. Types of plants Collecting
3. Worksheet-3 leaves to (small plant,
features of plants 4. Types of leaves videos
4. Worksheet-4 know the fruits,
3. know about various 5. Uses of leaves smell vegetables,
uses of plants 5. Worksheet-5 healthy food,
6. Making kitchen 2. Let us do
garden 6. Worksheet-6 (p.no-18) junk food
4. Develop concern
picture charts
towards nature. 7. Leaf art 7. Worksheet-7 Leaf album
8. Uses of plants 3. Let us do
9. Improve your (p.no-19)
learning Kitchen


Class: 3 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: EVS

Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group

10-12 3. Animals 1. Identify different 1. Animals around us 1. Worksheet-1 1. Think and Textbook, Textbook QR
Around Us animals in their 2. Jump and fly discuss workbook, code,
2. Worksheet-2
surroundings 3. My home
4. Homes of animals 3. Worksheet-3 (p.no-29, Interactive TLM DIKSHA videos
2. Speak about food and
5. Herbivores, 30)
habitat of animals 4. Worksheet-4
carnivores, (animals picture
3. Identify simple 2. Let us do
Omnivores 5. Worksheet-5 chart, flash
features of animals (p.no-31)
6. How animals cards, homes of
4. Differentiate animals 6. Worksheet-6 3. Sounds of
communicate animals picture
based on their 7. Concern towards 7. Worksheet-7 animals chart
dwelling places animals
5. Develop sensitivity 8. Improve your
towards animals learning

13-15 4. Our 1. Identify the need of 1. Common food 1. Worksheet-1 1. Let us do Textbook, Textbook QR
body items
food for all living 2. Why do we eat 2. Worksheet-2 (p.no-51) workbook, code,
beings food Utensils-
3. The food we eat 3. Worksheet-3 Interactive TLM DIKSHA videos
2. Recognize various 4. Food from plants activity
foods obtained from 5. Why do we cook 4. Worksheet-4 (different food
6. cooked food raw 2. Think and
plants and animals 5. Worksheet-5 items picture
food discuss
3. Know the cooking 7. Types of utensils chart, food from
6. Worksheet-6 (p.no-53)
process used for cooking plants/animals
8. Food for birds and 7. Worksheet-7 picture chart,
4. Understands not to animals Eating
waste food 9. Improve your 8. Worksheet-8 habits utensils picture
learning chart)
9. Worksheet-9

Class: 3 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: EVS
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group

16 Summative Assessment-I -- -- -- -- --

17-18 5. Food 1. Identify the need of 1. Common food 1. Worksheet-1 1. Let us do Textbook, Textbook QR
keep us fit food for all living items (p.no-51) workbook, code,
2. Worksheet-2
and beings
healthy 2. Why do we eat 3. Worksheet-3 Utensils- Interactive TLM DIKSHA videos
2. Recognize various food activity (different food
foods obtained from 4. Worksheet-4
3. The food we eat 2. Think and items picture
plants and animals 5. Worksheet-5 discuss chart, food from
3. Know the cooking 4. Food from plants 6. Worksheet-6 plants/animals
process 5. Why do we cook Eating picture chart,
7. Worksheet-7
4. Understands not to habits utensils picture
6. cooked food raw 8. Worksheet-8
waste food chart)
9. Worksheet-9
7. Types of utensils
used for cooking
8. Food for birds and
9. Improve your


Class: 3 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: EVS

Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
19-20 6. Water 1. Speak about water 1. Introduction of 1. Worksheet-1 1. Think and Textbook, Textbook QR
gift from water discuss workbook code,
2. Know the need of 2. Worksheet-2
Nature (p,no-60)
water in daily life 2. Sources of water
3. Worksheet-3 Interactive TLM DIKSHA videos
Reasons for
3. Understand the 3. Scarcity of water
4. Worksheet-4 shortage of (picture charts
importance of pure 4. Protected water water
5. Worksheet-5 of ‘uses of
water 5. How to save water 2. Think and water’, ’sources
4. Follow water saving 6. Worksheet-6 discuss
6. Uses of water of water’
methods in their daily 7. Worksheet-7 (p.no-61)
7. Improve your Save water
21-22 7. Shelter 1. Identifies different 1. Necessity of a 1. Worksheet-1 1. Think and Textbook, Textbook QR
for all houses in their house discuss workbook code,
2. Types of houses 2. Worksheet-2
neighbourhood (p.no-68) Interactive TLM DIKSHA videos
3. Kutcha and pucca 3. Worksheet-3
2. Knows about the houses
4. Worksheet-4 Different (picture charts
diversity of shelters 4. Types of roofs
5. Facilities in a house houses of different
depending upon the 5. Worksheet-5
6. Neat and tidy houses, roofs,
climate 6. Worksheet-6 2. Let us do
7. Homeless people
(p.no-70) Animal homes,
3. Understands that 8. Home for animals 7. Worksheet-7
birds nests)
shelter is needed for al 9. nests of birds 8. Worksheet-8 Roof
10. animals, insects
4. Understands the and birds live with 9. Worksheet-9 experiment
importance of a us
10. Worksheet-10
shelter 11. concern towards
animals 11. Worksheet-11
12. Improve your
learning 12. Worksheet-12

Class: 3 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: EVS
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
23-24 9. Together 1. Identify different 1. What is 1. Worksheet-1 1. Think and Textbook. Textbook QR
with every discuss Workbook. code,
means and objects for communication 2. Worksheet-2
one Interactive TLM
communication 3. Worksheet-3 (p.no-93) DIKSHA videos
2. Means of (picture charts
2. Differentiate the 4. Worksheet-4 2. Importance of emoj is, types
communication of scare
modes of 5. Worksheet-5 of
communication of past 3. Ways of crow in communication
6. Worksheet-6
and present communication 7. Worksheet-7
3. Understand
4. History of
communication in
humans, birds and
animals 5. Animal
4. Understand feelings communication
and gestures
6. Types of
5. Inculcate good
communicative skills
7. Improve your


Class: 3 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: EVS

Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
25-26 10. Games 1. Speak about games 1. Rhyme 1. Worksheet-1 1. Think and Textbook. Textbook QR
and recre- and recreation discuss Workbook. code,
2. Indoor and 2. Worksheet-2
ation (p.no-99)
2. Understand and outdoor games 3. Worksheet-3 Interactive TLM DIKSHA videos
develop habit of games I play
3. Local games 4. Worksheet-4 (picture charts
playing every day 2. matching of indoor -
4. Sports for all 5. Worksheet-5 (p.no-103)
3. Classify indoor and outdoor games,
5. Game rules 6. Worksheet-6 Match the
outdoor games famous sports
6. Impact of online 7. Worksheet-7 riddles persons
4. Follow game rules
games 3. Discuss and
5. Develop team spirit write
7. Improve your
learning (p.no-104)
Game rules

27 11. This is 1. Speak about 1. Find the way 1. Worksheet-1 1. Think and Textbook. Textbook QR
the Way neighbours and discuss Workbook. code,
2. Where is my 2. Worksheet-2
neighbourhood uncle’s house (p.no-111)
3. Worksheet-3 Interactive TLM DIKSHA videos
2. Understand the 3. Facilities in the 2. Things
directions 4. Worksheet-4 Picture charts of
neighbourhood present in
5. Worksheet-5 facilities in
3. Know about 4. Directions various
landmarks, symbols 6. Worksheet-6 directions
5. Landmarks directions
and maps and corners
4. Know about sun moon 6. Improve your of the
and stars learning village

Class: 3 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: EVS
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
8. Let us 1. Speak about travel and 1. Rhyme 1. Worksheet-1 1. Rhyme Textbook, Textbook QR
Travel communication 2. A trip to workbook code,
2. A trip to Kurnool 2. Worksheet-2
Together Kurnool
2. Identify objects, signs 3. Transport system 3. Worksheet-3 Interactive TLM DIKSHA videos
and signboards used 3. Transport
(Optional) (picture charts
for transport and 4. Roads have names 4. Worksheet-4 system
4. Roads have of vehicles,
communication 5. Food for vehicles 5. Worksheet-5 types of roads,
3. Identifies places 6. Vehicles other 6. Worksheet-6 5. Food for traffic rules)
associated with than transport vehicles
transport 6. Vehicles
7. Improve your
4. Compare the means of learning other than
transport of past ages transport
to present. 7. Improve
5. Record observations
and experiences of
their travel
28-29 Revision -- -- -- -- --

30-31 Summative Assessment-II -- -- -- -- --


ÔásÁ>·Ü: 4 bÍsÄÁ\y¯ ç|ŸD²[¿£ - 2021-22 dŸu¿É̈ :¼ù Ôî\T>·T

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#ûdq¾ ÔÃ{ì ç|ŸjÖá DìŔ£ \qT 5. uó²cÍ+Xæ\ nuó²«kÍ\T |Ÿ<‘\qT yîÜ¿ì kõ+ÔáeÖ³ýË¢ sÁ#qá \T Ôî\T>·T
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5. dŸeÖ|Ÿ¿£ , ndŸeÖ|Ÿ¿£ 6. @sÁTy¿£ bͳqT kÍ<óŠH |ŸçÔá+ sjáT&ƒ+. seÖjáTD+,
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sjáT>·\TZԐsÁT. HûsÎÁ &ƒ+. _sÁT<ŠTsE 3. bÍsÁÇrXø+ dŸVäŸ jáT+ #ûdq¾ kÍV¾²Ôë<‘ÆsÁŔ£ \T
6. @sÁTy¿£ bͳqT seTsE ¿£$ ç|ŸjáÖD+ ÔÃ{ì
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bÍ&ƒ>·\TZԐsÁT. 7. nԐ«Xø ¿£<qŠ¸ T kõ+ÔáeÖ³ýË¢ n_óq+<Šq\T
7. nԐ«Xø ¿£<¸ŠqT kõ+Ôá n_óqjáT+Ôà #î|Ο &ƒ+. #î|ŸÎ&ƒ+ . mý² #îbÍÎýË
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kÍ<óŠH |ŸçÔá+
ÔásÁ>·Ü: 4 bÍsÄÁ\y¯ ç|ŸD²[¿£ - 2021-22 dŸuÉ̈¿ù¼: Ôî\T>·T
¿£Ô«\T eqsÁT\T
ysÁ+ bÍsÄÁ+ |sÁT nuó„«dŸq |˜Ÿ*Ԑ\T –bÍ<ó‘«jáT $<‘«]œ
¿£Ô«\T $<‘«]œ ‹+<Š+ uó…Ü¿£+ n+Ôás¨\+
4. ç|ŸjÖá D+ýË 5. ysï|çŸ Ü¿£ýË¢ ,
dŸVäŸ jáT+ #ûdq¾ ç>·+<¸‘\jáT
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ç|ŸjÖá DìÅ£”\Å£” dŸeÖ|Ÿ¿,£ ndŸeÖ|Ÿ¿£
n_óq+<Šq\T ç¿ìjTá \qT
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5. u²]wŸs¼ Y 6. @sÁTy¿£ bͳqT
bÍsÁÇrXø+ ȳT¼ýË bÍ&ƒ&+ƒ .
bÍsÄÁ+ýË 7. nԐ«Xø ¿£<qŠ¸ T
dŸeÖ|Ÿ¿,£ ndŸeÖ|Ÿ¿£ kõ+Ôá eÖ³ýË¢
ç¿ìjTá \qT n_óqjáT+ÔÃ
>·T]ï+#á&+ƒ . ȳ¢ýË #î|ŸÎ&ƒ+.
6. @sÁTy¿£ bͳqT
HûsTÁ Ì¿Ãe&ƒ+.
7. nԐ«Xø ¿£<qŠ¸ T


ÔásÁ>·Ü: 4 bÍsÄÁ\y¯ ç|ŸD²[¿£ - 2021-22 dŸu¿É̈ :¼ù Ôî\T>·T

¿£Ô«\T eqsÁT\T
ysÁ+ bÍsÄÁ+ |sÁT nuó„«dŸq |˜Ÿ*Ԑ\T –bÍ<ó‘«jáT $<‘«]œ
¿£Ô«\T $<‘«]œ ‹+<Š+ uó…Ü¿£+ n+Ôás¨\+

24-27 sE ` ¿£$ |¾\ý¢ Ë¢ ...... 1. sE - ¿£$ bÍsĐ«+Xø 1.»»#á<Še&ƒ+ - 1. |sqT #á~$ 1.>·TçsÁ+ C²wŸ§y DIKSHA QR
1.sE - ¿£$ ¿£<Š¸qT uË<óŠq ,>·TçsÁ+ C²wŸ§y e«¿£|ï Ÿs#Á &á +ƒ U²°\T ȳ¢ýË >±] sÁ#qá \T CODE K6G1K6
kõ+ÔáeÖ³ýË¢ ¿£$ |Ÿ]#ájTá + nuó²«kÍ\T #á]Ì+º |¾sÁ<êd¾, CODE N5L8R5
#î|Ο >·\TZԐsÁT, |Ÿ<‘«\qT , #á<eŠ &ƒ+ - #ûjáT&ƒ+. |ŸP]+#á&ƒ+. ç¿¡dTŸ #ï ]á çÔá...
uó²y\qT<ó‘sÞø+>± e«¿£|ï sŸ #Á &á +ƒ nuó²«kÍ\ kÍ<óŠH |ŸçÔá+ 1 2. |Ÿ<‘\T 2. bÍsÄÁXæ\
#á<Še>·\TZԐsÁT. “sÁÇVŸ²D qT+& 3 esÁÅ£”µµ €<ó‘sÁ+>± ºesÁ y]ü¿ÃÔáày“¿ì @
2. ‚ºÌq |Ÿ<‘\Å£” |Ÿs«jáT 2. |Ÿ<CŠ ²\ nuó²«kÍ\ 2. n<û nsÁœ+ e#ûÌ »»\+µµ e#ûÌ kÍeTçÐ ¿=qe*à
|Ÿ<‘\qT sjáT>·\TZԐsÁT. “sÁÇVŸ²D. ‚ÔásÁ |Ÿ<‘\T |Ÿ<‘\T sjáT&ƒ+. edŸT+ï <à |Ÿ{¿¼ì £
3. sE - ¿£$ ¿£<Šq¸ T kõ+Ôá 3. dÓÇjáTsÁ#qá nuó²«kÍ\ #î|Ο &ƒ+,sjáT&ƒ+. ÔájáÖsÁT
3. sE - ¿£$ #ûjáT&ƒ+.
eÖ³ýË¢ sjáT>·\TZԐsÁT. “sÁÇVŸ²D. kÍ<óŠH |ŸçÔá+
¿£<q¸Š T 3. ysï|çŸ Ü¿£ýË¢ ,
4. ¿=+>· - ¿±¿ì eT<ó«Š 4. dŸÈHÔሿ£ nuó²«kÍ\ 4,5,6,7,8
kõ+ÔáeÖ³ýË¢ ç>·+<¸‘\jáT
dŸ+uó²wŸDqT sjáT>·\TZԐsÁT. “sÁÇVŸ²D 3. sE - ¿£$
ȳ¢ý¤ #á]Ì+º |ŸÚdŸ¿ï ±\T
5. bÍsÄÁ+ý˓ 5. uó²cÍ+Xæ\ nuó²«kÍ\T ¿£<q¸Š T
HeTy#á¿+£ ,dŸsÇÁ HeT+,$XâwDŸ +, “sÁÇVŸ²D. kõ+ÔáeÖ³ýË¢
ç¿ìjÖá |Ÿ<‘\qT >·T]ï+º 6. yîjûT«Þøß ¿£$HÃjYT #î|ŸÎ&ƒ+ . 4. ¿=+>· - ¿±¿ì
sjáT>·\TZԐsÁT. bͳqT kÍ<óŠH |ŸçÔá+ eT<óŠ«
6. yîjûT«Þøß ¿£$HÃjYT bͳqT s>·,uó²ejáTT¿£+ï >± 9,10,11 dŸ+uó²wŸDqT
s>·,uó²ejáTT¿£+ï >± HûsÎÁ &ƒ+. n&$ 4. ¿=+>· - ¿±¿ì ȳ¢ýË #á]Ì+º
bÍ&ƒ>·\TZԐsÁT. u²|¾sE ¿£$ |Ÿ]#ájTá + eT<óŠ« sjáT&ƒ+.
7. <î‹ÒÅ£” <î‹Ò ¿£<¸ŠqT kõ+Ôá 7. <î‹ÒÅ£” <î‹Ò ¿£<qŠ¸ T dŸ+uó²wŸDqT
eÖ³ýË¢ #î|Ο >·\TZԐsÁT. n_óqjáT+Ôà #î|Ο &ƒ+. #î|ŸÎeTq&ƒ+.

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¿£Ô«\T eqsÁT\T
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¿£Ô«\T $<‘«]œ ‹+<Š+ uó…Ü¿£+ n+Ôás¨\+
5. sE - sÁ$ 5. ysï|çŸ Ü¿£ýË¢ ,
bÍsÄÁ+ýË ç>·+<¸‘\jáT
HeTy#á¿+£ , |ŸÚdŸ¿ï ±ýË¢
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$XâwŸD+, ç¿ìjáÖ HeTy#á¿+£ ,
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sjáT&ƒ+. |Ÿ<‘\qT >·T]ï+º
kÍ<óŠH sjáT>·\TZԐsÁT.
|ŸçÔá+12,13 >·T]ï+#á&+ƒ .
6. »yîjûT«Þøß 6. »yîjûT«Þøß
¿£$HÃjYTµ ¿£$HÃjYTµ
bͳqT bͳqT ȳT¼ýË
HûsTÁ Ì¿Ãe&ƒ+. bÍ&ƒ&+ƒ .
7. <î‹ÒÅ£” <î‹Ò
7. <î‹ÒÅ£” <î‹Ò
¿£<¸ŠqT #á<Še&ƒ+.
¿£<¸ŠqT kõ+Ôá
ȳ¢ýË #î|ŸÎ&ƒ+.


ÔásÁ>·Ü: 4 bÍsÄÁ\y¯ ç|ŸD²[¿£ - 2021-22 dŸu¿É̈ :¼ù Ôî\T>·T

¿£Ô«\T eqsÁT\T
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¿£Ô«\T $<‘«]œ ‹+<Š+ uó…Ü¿£+ n+Ôás¨\+

28-29 -- |ŸÚqXøÌsÁD -- -- -- -- --

30-31 dŸ+ç>·V²Ÿ D²Ôሿ£ -- -- -- -- --

eTÖý²«+¿£q+ -2

Class: 4 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
1-4 Readiness Programme

5- 8 1. Three 1. Pre-Reading: Identify 1. Interacts and 1. Understand the 1. Whole Textbook https://
Butterflies the keywords and motivates the keywords and class and Pg. no: 1 to 15 play.google.com/
expressions from the students towards motivate to- individual W.B: 1 to 17 store/apps/
picture along with the the theme. wards the Puzzle cards, details?id=in.go
theme of the lesson. Activity-1 in the lesson. Do the Story books, v.diksha.app&refer
textbook. Worksheet-1.1 real material rer=utm_source
2. Reading: Read and
2. Facilitates in in their Work- objects, TLM / %3Dmobile%26ut
comprehend the
reading and books ILM, Audio m_campaign%3D
Reading Text.
comprehending 2. Read and Clips share_app
3. Post-Reading:
the text. Plays a comprehend (pre-reading)
* Learn contextualized
key role in the simple
singular and plural https://youtu.be/
supportive reading. narrative and
forms of the verbs. OSOfW3mecjQ
understand the
* Material nouns. 3. Presents the (Three
main ideas in
* Learn about textual concepts Butterflies,
punctuation. and facilitates in strategies. Do Animated
* Complete the understanding and the worksheets story.)
conversation using
usage of post 1.2 to 1.8 https://youtu.be/
the hints..
reading 1To6safCXGk
3. Practice the
4. Listening and components in
Post-Reading (Material
Responding everyday Components nouns).
* Listen and Respond situations. and use them in https://youtu.be/
to the conversation Activity-2 to their day to day
and comprehend. Activity-7 from avMCZt0PIt8
situations. Do
* Make sentences the Textbook.. (usage of can I..,
the worksheets
using Can I …? , May I.)
1.9 to 1.16

Class: 4 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
May I ..? to ask 4. Listens the 4. Listen and
permissions. conversation with make requests
proper using “can” and
5. Language game.Learn
pronunciation, ‘may.’
and enjoy the language
stress, pause and 5. Learn to
game by following
intonation. perform some
Activity 8 to 10 instructions in a
from the textbook. joyful game.

5. Facilitates, models
to play a language
game. Activity 11
from textbook.

9-12 2. Major 1. Pre-Reading: Identify 1. Interacts and 1. Understand the 1. Whole Textbook https://youtu.be/
Dhyanchand and name the sports motivates the keywords and class and Pg. no: 16 to 27 TvBRmjFO4Bw
material from the students towards motivate towards individual W.B.22 to34 (pre-reading)
picture along with the the theme. activity Picture cards,
the lesson. https://youtu.be/
theme of the lesson. Activity-1 in the New real
2. Read and material ob- TvBRmjFO4Bw
2. Reading: Read and textbook.
comprehend the jects, TLM / (main text)
comprehend the 2. Facilitates in
reading and biography of ILM, Audio https://youtu.be/
Reading Text.
Major Clips TvBRmjFO4Bw
3. Post-Reading: comprehending
the text. Plays a Dhyanchand (irregular
* Learn
key role in through plurals,
supportive reading. different pronouns)
irregular plurals.

Class: 4 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
* Pronouns. 3. Presents the strategies. Do https://youtu.be/
* Describe an event textual concepts the worksheets TvBRmjFO4Bw
or celebration.. and facilitates in 2.1 to 2.5 (role-play)
* Read the understanding and
3. Practice the https://youtu.be/
information in usage. Activity-2
Post-Reading T0uaah-4YbE
graphic structure. to Activity-8 from
the Textbook. (poem)
4. Listening and and use them in
Responding 4. Listens the their day to day
* Listen and Respond situation with situations. Do
to the situation. proper the worksheets
pronunciation, 2.6 to 2.10
5. Sing and Enjoy: Read,
stress, pause and
enjoy and comprehend 4. Listen to the
the poem : “The situation and
Activity 9 from the
Kitten at Play”. role-play.
5. Learn to
5. Facilitates how to
perform action
sing with rhythm
and rhythm for
and act the poem.
the poem.
Activity 10 from
Appreciate the
aesthetic sense
of the poet.
Checkpoint 1 for
workbook page

Class: 4 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
13-15 3. A Trip of 1. Pre-Reading: Identify 1. Interacts and 1. Understand the 1. Whole Textbook DIKSHA POR-
Memories the keywords and motivates the keywords and class and Pg. no: 28 to 46 TAL
expressions from the students towards motivate towards individual W.B.41 to 53
picture along with the the theme. the lesson. activity
theme of the lesson. Activity-1 in the Dictionary, www.youtube.com/
2. Read and
textbook. photos of watch?v=OX-
2. Reading: Read and comprehend the Horsely Hills, SBuSJzlA
2 Facilitates in
comprehend the Letter “A trip of Flash Cards,
reading and A trip of
Reading Text. Memories” main Jigsaw cards,
comprehending Memories.
3. Post-Reading: ideas in different real objects,
the text. Plays a
* Learn strategies. Do Audio clips https://youtu.be/
key role in
contextualized supportive reading. the worksheets 5ZkMbLkGims
synonyms and 3. Presents the 3.1 to 3.5
antonyms. textual concepts 3. Practice the
* Describing words and facilitates in Post-Reading
.* Learn about understanding. Components and https://youtu.be/
punctuation. Activity-2 to use them in their a4_cu4hiV10
4. Listening and Activity-9 from day to day (Wh-
Responding the Textbook. situations. Do questions)
* Forming ‘Wh’ 4. Listens the the worksheets
questions. conversation with 3.6 to 3.9
Know your Dictionary: proper 4. Listen and form
* Usage of pronunciation,
questions using
Dictionary. stress, pause and
Preparation of poster: intonation.
5. Listen to the
* Prepare a poster Activity 10 to 14
from the textbook. teacher and
from the given
write dictation.

Class: 4 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
5. Dictation and 5. Facilitates how to
project:Collects the collect the
data of different information. Make
places. practice of tongue
twisters. Activity
14, 15 from

16 Summative Assessment-I -- -- -- -- --

17-20 4. Swami 1. Pre-Reading: Identify 1. Interacts and 1. Understand the 1. Whole Textbook https://youtu.be/
Vivekananda the keywords and motivates the keywords and class and Pg. no: 47 to 61 -E3jq_OpYGM
expressions from the students towards motivate towards individual W.B.58 to 69
picture along with the the theme. the lesson activity
Dictionary, Vivekananda life
theme of the lesson. Activity-1 in the 2. Read and photos of history)
textbook. comprehend the Horsely Hills,
2. Reading: Read and https://youtu.be/
comprehend the 2. Facilitates in biography of Flash Cards,
Reading Text. reading and “Swami table chart,
comprehending Vivekananda”. Vivekananda (prepositions of
3. Post-Reading:* Picture, Audio time)
the text. Plays a Do the
Meanings in context.* clips
key role in worksheets 4.1 https://youtu.be/
Prepositions of
supportive reading. to 4.5 JwGnCIsLOpU
3. Presents the 3. Practice the
sketch with the help of (habitual
textual concepts Post-Reading
hints. actions)
and facilitates in Components and
understanding and

Class: 4 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
4. Listening and usage.. Activity-2 use them in their https://youtu.be/
Responding *Listen to 6 and 10 to 12 day to day bS5EOevhWbk
and Respond to the from the situations. Do
conversation and Textbook. the worksheets
comprehend.. 4. Listens the 4.6 to 4.10
5. Sing and Enjoy: Read , conversation with 4. Listen and
enjoy and comprehend proper identify habitual
the poem”Kind pronunciation, actions.
Words”. stress, pause and 5. Learn to read
intonation. and comprehend
Activity 7, 8 and 9 the poem.
from the textbook. Appreciate the
5. Facilitates how to aesthetic sense
sing with rhythm of the poet.
and perform Checkpoint 2 for
action to the assessment W. B
poem. Activity 13 Pg.no.73,74
from textbook.
21-24 5. The 1. Pre-Reading: Identify 1. Interacts and 1. Understand the 1. Whole Textbook DIKSHA
Magic Fish the keywords and motivates the keywords and class and Pg. no: 53 to 62
expressions from the https://youtu.be/
students towards motivate to- individual W.B.74 to 88
picture along with the aSfm2xdKau4
the theme. wards the activity
theme of the lesson. Activity-1 in the lesson. https://youtu.be/
2. Reading: Read and textbook. oggGZKVJvfw
comprehend the
Reading Text.

Class: 4 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
3. Post-Reading: 2. Facilitates in 2. Read and (simple past
* Use of opposite reading and comprehend the verbs) +
words. comprehending text in different
the text. Plays a Rhyme’s on
* Introduction of strategies. Do
key role in opposites words
action words. the worksheets
supportive reading. 5.1 to 5.5 and action
* Rewriting of
Activity 2 words
sentences using 3. Practice the
3. Presents the
proper Post-Reading
textual concepts
punctuations. and facilitates in Components
LISTENING AND understanding and and use them in
RESPONDING: usage of post their day-to-day
* Skit reading situations. Do
4. POSTER components in the worksheets
PREPARATION: everyday 5.6 to
situations. 5.9Presents the
Activity-3 to skit Worksheet
Activity-8 from
the Textbook.
Facilitates in 4. Presents the
developing a skit poster.
Activity 9,10
4. Guides in
preparing the

Class: 4 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
25-27 6. The 1. Pre-Reading: Identify 1. Interacts and 1. Understand the 1. Whole Textbook DIKSHA
Seed of the keywords and motivates the keywords and class Pg. no: 75 to 87
Truth expressions from the students towards activity W.B.94 to 104
motivate to- rUozqR6eBaQ
conversation along the theme. wards the lesson
with the theme of the Activity-1 in the “The Seed of
textbook. 2. Read and Truth”
2. Facilitates in comprehend the
2. Reading: Read and Animated story.
reading and story “The Seed
comprehend the comprehending https://youtu.be/
of Truth”. Do
Reading Text. the text. Plays a lxN9ZwQD3iI
the worksheets
3. Post-Reading: key role in 6.1 to 6.5 https://youtu.be/
* Opposites in supportive reading. CVuoZVrTtok
context. 3. Presents the 3. Practice the
Post-Reading (poem)
* Simple future tense. textual concepts
* Describe a poster / and facilitates in Components
invitation on his/ understanding and and use them in
her own in English. usage. Activity-2 their day to day
to 10 from the situations. Do
4. Listening and Textbook.
Responding *Listen the worksheets
4. Listens the
and Respond to the 6.6 to 6.9
conversation with
conversation and proper 4. Listen and
comprehend.. pronunciation, understand the
5. Sing and Enjoy: Read , stress, pause and function of
enjoy and comprehend intonation. ‘may’.
the poem”The Rain”. Activity 11 from
the textbook.

Class: 4 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
5. Facilitates how to 5. Learn to read
sing with rhythm and
and perform comprehend the
action to the
Appreciate the
poem. Activity 12 aesthetic sense
from textbook. of the
3 for assessment
W. B

7. Birbal 1. Pre-Reading: Identify 1. Interacts and 1. Understand the 1. Whole Textbook https://youtu.be/
Caught the the keywords and motivates the keywords and class and Pg. no: 88 to qUc7Eh4W_k8
Thief expressions from the students towards motivate to- individual 101 Birbal Caught
picture along with the wards the W.B.112 to 123
the theme. activity the Thief.
(Optional) theme of the lesson. lesson.
Activity-1 in the 2. Read and Animated story.
2. Reading: Read and textbook. comprehend the https://youtu.be/
comprehend the 2. Facilitates in tale “Birbal bTWa5M4UMO8
Reading Text. Caught the (past
reading and
Thief ” main continuous
3. Post-Reading: comprehending ideas in tense)
* Vocabulary related the text. Plays a different
to a particular word key role in https://youtu.be/
strategies. Do
and spellings. supportive reading. the worksheets 17pRoHlBMwo
* Alphabetical order. 7.1 to 7.5 (preparation of

Class: 4 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
* Past continuous 3. Presents the 3. Practice the
tense and subject- textual concepts Post-Reading
verb agreement. and facilitates in Components
understanding. and use them in
4. Listening and
Activity-2 to their day to day
Activity-9 from situations. Do
* Sharing his/her
the Textbook. the worksheets
opinion about the
4. Listens the 7.6 to 7.10
Usage of apostrophe: conversation with 4. Listen and share
* Usage of proper his/her opinion
apostrophe in pronunciation, on a statement.
contracted and stress, pause and *able to use
possession form. intonation. apostrophe in
Activity 10 to 14 different
5. Preparation of an
from the textbook. situations.
*can prepare an
* Prepare an 5. Facilitates how to
collect the stories. invitation.
invitation on his /
her own. Make practice of 5. Listen to the
tongue twisters. teacher and
5. Project:Collects some
Activity 15,16 practice tongue
from textbook. twisters.

Class: 4 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
8. The Tree 1. Pre-Reading: Identify 1. Interacts and 1. Understand the 1. Whole Textbook DIKSHA
and The the keywords and motivates the keywords and class and Pg. no: 102 to
River expressions from the students towards motivate to- small group 120
conversation along the theme. wards the activity W.B.128 to 141 ipo5np-cvBQ
(Optional) lesson. “The Tree and
with the theme of the Activity-1 in the
lesson. textbook. 2. Read and The River”
comprehend the Animated story.
2. Reading: Read and 2. Facilitates in
story “The Tree
comprehend the reading and https://youtu.be/
And The River”.
Reading Text. comprehending G0EXT89D4Jk
Do the
the text. Plays a
3. Post-Reading: worksheets 8.1 (letter writing)
key role in
* Dictionary to8.5
supportive reading. https://youtu.be/
Reference. 3. Practice the
3. Presents the D6RbBq28XFE
* Anagrams and one Post-Reading
textual concepts Components (usage of please)
and facilitates in and use them in
understanding and their day to day
* Adverbs of place
usage. Activity-2 situations. Do
and punctuation
to 8 from the the worksheets
marks(. ,?, !)
Textbook. 8.6 to 8.10
* Letter Writing and
4. Listens the news 4. Listen and
with proper respond to the
4. Listening and pronunciation, news.
Responding: stress, pause and * Understand
* Listen and Respond intonation. the function of
to the news. Activity 9-11 from ‘please/please
the textbook. do not’.

Class: 4 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group

Language Function: 5. Facilitates how to 5. Learn to read

Usage of please/please sing with rhythm and
do not. and perform comprehend
the poem.
5. Sing and Enjoy: Read , action to the
Appreciate the
enjoy and comprehend poem. Activity 12
from textbook. aesthetic sense
the poem”The of the poet.
Rainbow”. Checkpoint 4
for assessment
W. B Pg.no.146,
28-29 Revision -- -- -- -- --

30-31 Summative Assessment-II -- -- -- -- --

Class: 4 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: Mathematics
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning
outcome(s) Student
TeacherTeacher Individual
Individual Group
Physical Digital

1-4 Let’s recall 1. Read and write 1. Toy shop cactivity 1. Students will 1. solve the 1. Textbook page https://
numbers up to 4 digits. 2. Cultivation solve the problems numbers from diksha.gov.in/
2. Represent the 4 digit activity. problems, which 2 to 14 play/collection/
given under
numbers on an abacus. 3. Plantation work are given do_313097350248
try this
3. Prepare the place value activity 1858561123?refer
chart of 4 digit 4. Auto transport 2. Do Worksheets rer=utm_source
numbers. activity from 1 to 26 of %3Dmobile%2
4. Write the names of 4
1st chapter 6utm_campaign%3Dsh
digit numbers.
5. Perform the four
operations on
numbers up to 4 digits.
6. Ordering the 4 digit
number by comparing.
7. Form the greatest and
smallest 4 digit
numbers with the
given digits.
8. Write the predecessor
and successor of a 4
digit numbers.
9. Identifies equal parts.
10.Use 4 digit number in

Class: 4 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: Mathematics
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning
outcome(s) Student
TeacherTeacher Individual
Individual Group
Physical Digital

11. Use fundamental  https://

operations in solving diksha.gov.in/
daily life problems. play/
12. Write expanded and collection/
short forms of 4-digit do_312247139
numbers. 0227824641343?refe
13. Represent 4 digit rrer=utm_sour
numbers on a spike ce%3Dm
abacus. obile%26utm_
14. Identify the nature of campaign%3
geometrical shapes. Dshare_con
15. Represent data in a tent&conte
tally table. ntId=do_30
16. Represent half and 080841
quarter using
geometrical shapes.

Large 1. Read and write 5 digit 1. Village professions 1. solve the 1. Maths lab Textbook page  https://
numbers. activity. problems given activity numbers from diksha.gov.in/
numbers 2. Represent the 5 digit 2. Number blocks under Do this 2. Abacus 15 to 30 play/collection/
numbers on an abacus. activity 2. Students will activity do_312528209564598
3. Prepare the place value 3. Spike abacus solve the 3. project work 272252666?r
chart of 5 digit numbers. activity problems, eferrer=utm_source%3
4. Write the names of 5 4. Comparision of which are given
digitnumbers. numbers activity exercises

Class: 4 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: Mathematics
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning
outcome(s) Student
TeacherTeacher Individual
Individual Group
Physical Digital

5. Determine face and 5. Ordering of 3. Riddles 4. solve the Dmobile%26u

place value of digits in 5 numbers activity 4. Worksheets from problems tm_campaig
digit numbers.Class - 3, 6. Formation of 1 to 14 of 2nd given under n%3Dshare_con
4, 5 Maths Magic 13 numbers activity chapter try this. tent&contentId=
Teacher’s Handbook 7. Maths lab do_31226618
6. Write expanded and activity 385539072026
short forms of 5 digit
7. Ordering the 5 digit
numbers by comparing.
8. Form the greatest and
smallest 5 digit numbers
with the given digits.
9. Write the predecessor
and successor of a 5 digit
10.Use 5 digit numbers in
daily life.
9-10 Addition 1. Do additions with 4 1. Purchasing 1. Do these 1. Play and Textbook page https://
digit numbers. grocery activity. 2. A d d i t i o n win game. numbers from diksha.gov.in/
2. Estimate the sums of 2. Library Activity : machine activity 2. Cycles store 31 to 41. play/content/
two 4 digit numbers. Process of 3. Estimate the sum activity do_300744
3. Solve the problems in addition. activity 3. solve the 76?referrer=utm_so
daily life with the use of 4. Students will problems urce%3Dmobile%
3. Cycle store
addition. solve the given under 26utm_campai
try this.
Class: 4 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: Mathematics
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning
outcome(s) Student
TeacherTeacher Individual
Individual Group
Physical Digital

4. Identify the mistakes in 4. Gramasabha problems, gn%3Dshare

the addition problems. activity which are content
5. explain the addition given https://
5. Oral addition
algorithm. exercises diksha.gov.in/
6. convert the real life 5. Worksheets play/collection/
situations into from 1 to 9 do_31234773
mathematical of 3rd 6705605632
sentences. chapter. 2304?referrer=utm_s
7. convert the ource%3Dm
mathematical obile%26utm
sentences into real life _campaign%3D
problems. share_cont

11-12 1. Do subtractions up to 1. Post officeActivity 1. Do these 1. Play game Textbook page https://
4 digit numbers. 2. S u b t r a c t i o n 2. Solve puzzle for numbers from diksha.gov.in/
3. Worksheets Kaprekar
2. Estimate the difference process 42 to 57 play/collection/
from 1 to 9 of
between two 4 digit 3. Subtraction by constant. do_3125282095
4th chapter.
numbers. regrouping activit 4. Students will 2. Project 5884748825
3. Solve the problems in 4. Subtraction by solve the work 2649?referrer=ut
daily life with the use estimation problems, which 3. relation m_source%3
activity are given between
of subtraction. Dmobile%26u
exercises. addition

Class: 4 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: Mathematics
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning
outcome(s) Student
TeacherTeacher Individual
Individual Group
Physical Digital
4. Identify and correct the 5. Addition and and tm_campaign
mistakes in subtractions subtraction facts subtraction %3Dshare_c
and give reasons. activity 4. solve the ontent&con
5. Say the profit or loss in 6. Oral subtraction problems tentId=do_
daily life situations. activity. given under 31226722679
6. explain the subtraction 7. Application of try this 46147842376
algorithm. subtraction
7. convert the activity.
mathematical 8. Profit , Loss
sentences into real life activity
8. analyzing the given data
in the table and solve
the subtraction
13-15 Multiplication 1. Do the multiplications 1. Exhibition activity 1. solve the 1. Play Meow Textbook page https://
with 3 digit numbers by problems given Meow game numbers from diksha.gov.in/
2. Multiplication
2 digit numbers. under Do this for 58 to 70. play/content/
2. Explain sequential 2. solve the multiples. do_312278564391
3. Straws activity
steps in doing problems, 2. Project 3543681499?
4. Mouse and the
multiplications with 3 which are given work referrer=utm
Cat activity
exercises 3. Multiplication _source%3D
digit numbers by 2 5. Maths lab activity
3. Worksheets
digit numbers in 6. Number chart using straws mobile%26
from 1 to 11 of
different ways. activity. utm_campaig
5th chapter

Class: 4 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: Mathematics
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning
outcome(s) Student
TeacherTeacher Individual
Individual Group
Physical Digital

3. Solve the real life Fill up of 4. Recognize

problems involving multiplication the
multiplications. table. multiples in
4. Write the multiples of 4. Fun with the
given numbers. multiplication numbers
5. estimate the product of chart.
the given numbers.
6. Identify the mistakes in
the multiplication
7. Explain the

16 Summative Assessment - I

17 to 20 Division 1. Do the divisions up to 1. Papads activity 1. Solve the 1. Papads Textbook page https://
3 digit numbers by 2 2. Process for problems given activity numbers from diksha.gov.in/
digit numbers. division under Do this 2. DMAS rule 71 to 83. play/content/
2. Do the divisions by 10 3.Vanamahotshavam 2. solve the activity. do_31233618432
and 100. activity problems, 3. Solve the 79380482554?
3. Do the daily life 4. Dividing a which are given problems referrer=utm_source
problems using number by 10 exercises given under %3Dmobile%2
division. activity 3. Worksheets try this 6utm_campa
5. Dividing a from 1 to 9 of ign%3Dshare
4. Check the division.
number by 100 6th chapter _content
Class: 4 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: Mathematics
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning
outcome(s) Student
TeacherTeacher Individual
Individual Group
Physical Digital
5. Solve the problems 4. Think and
6. DMAS rule
using DMAS rule. discus
6. Identify the mistakes activity
in the division
7. Explain the Division
1. Identify the shapes of 1. C a r p e n t e r 1. Solve the 1. Net’s of 3- Textbook page  https://
21-23 Geometry
three dimensional Brahmam’s shop problems given D object numbers from 84 diksha.gov.in/
objects. activity under Do this activities to 102. play/collection/
2. Find the edges, corners, 2. Measure the sides 2. Solve the 2. Grid paper do_312916723352
and faces of the 3-D activity (Fill the problems, activity. 1582081100
objects. table) which are given 3. TANGRAM 4?referrer=utm_sourc
3. Know the shapes and exercises. activity. e%3Dmobil
3. Traingle activity
properties of rectangle, 3. Worksheets
4. Nets of 3-D 4. Measure e%26utm
square and triangle. from 1 to 12 of
object activity the sides _campai
4. Calculate the area and 7th chapter
5. T h o r a n a m 4. Think and activity.
perimeter of the objects 5. Making
decoration activity discus activity
using grid papers. shapes with
6. Gridpaper activity 5. Measure the
5. Know the concept of a
7. Tiles activity perimeter with Straws
8. Wheels of the grid paper. activity.
6. Make different shapes
Vehicles activity 6. Calculate
using ‘TANGRAM’.
9. Tangram activity. the area
7. estimate the area and
10.Making shapes with grid
perimeter of the shape
with Straws activity. papers.
in daily life situations.

Class: 4 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: Mathematics
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning
outcome(s) Student
TeacherTeacher Individual
Individual Group
Physical Digital

8. identify the shapes in gn%3Ds

3D objects around us. hare_cont
9. draw the netted figures ent&conte
of the different objects. ntId=do_3129663464911503361113

Data 1. Suggests information 1. Trees in the 1. Solve the 1. Math lab Textbook page  https://
Handling to collect to answers to garden activity problems given activity numbers from diksha.gov.in/
certain questions. 103 to 114 play/collection/
2. Colour toys under Do this 2. Project
(Optional) 2. Decides how do_312528209564
activity. and exercises work
information should be 3. Tallymarks 2. Math lab 3. Collect the
collected. activity activity information rer=utm_sour
3. Accurately collects and 4. Pictograph 3. Worksheets activity ce%3Dmobile%
records data in tally activity from 1 to 5 of 4. Fun Activity 26utm_c
marks in tabular forms. 5. Boys activity 8th chapter 5. solve the ampaign%3D
4. Suggests suitable 6. Ice cream bars 4. Fun activity problems share_cont
categories to classify activity given under ent&con
the data. 7. Bar graph activity try this tentId=do_
5. Sorts identifies 3124034609
8. Flower plants
frequency and 667850
classifies data.
6. Reads data in different
forms eg; tabular
forms, pictographs and
bar graphs.

Class: 4 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: Mathematics
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning
outcome(s) Student
TeacherTeacher Individual
Individual Group
Physical Digital

7. Interprets and
describes information
presented in tabular
forms, pictographs,and
Bar graphs
1. Identify and write half 1. Painting 1. Solve the 1. Project Textbook page https://
24-27 Fractions competition problems given work numbers from diksha.gov.in/
and quarter of a
whole. activity under Do this 2. Math Lab 115 to 132 play/content/
2. Divide a given object 2. Half and Quarter 2. Solve the activity do_31257985904
or group of objects activity problems, which 3. Fun activity 00593922
into number of equal 3. Counting parts are given 4. solve the 10795?referrer=
parts. in picture exercises problems utm_source
3. Recognize a fraction activity 3. Worksheets given under %3Dmobile%2
and its parts. 4. Write fraction from 1 to 15 of try this 6utm_campaig
4. Express the fraction for given parts 9th chapter n%3Dshare_content
as a part of a whole activity 4. Think and discus
and a part of a group. 5. Unit fractions 5. Math lab activity
5. Identify and compare activity 6. Fun activity
unit fractions and like 6. Like fraction
fractions. activity
6. Perform additions and 7. Birthday cake
subtractions over like activity
fractions. 8. Cardboard strips
7. Apply the knowledge
of fractions in daily
Class: 4 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: Mathematics
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning
outcome(s) Student
TeacherTeacher Individual
Individual Group
Physical Digital

A) Our money: 1.(a)Indian currency 1. Solve the 1. Pproject Textbook page  https://
1. Know the different notes activity problems given work numbers from diksha.gov.in/
(Optional) denominations of our (b).Bank deposit and under Do this , 2. Colloction of 133 to 162 play/content/
currency. withdrawl forms try these and the different do_313180
2. Do the addition sums activity exercises country 533351841
involving currency. (c).Grama Devatha 2. Worksheets currency 7921908
3. Do the subtraction Celebrations from 1 and 20 activity ?referrer=utm_so
sums involving activity of 10 chapter 3. Making
currency. (d). Skipping 3. Calendar calenadar bile%26utm
4. Solve the problems competition activity 4. Making _campaign%
involving money in activity 4. Set the hands clocks 3Dshare_content
daily life situations. (e).Anjaiah’s grocery in Clocks  https://
B) Length: shop activity activity diksha.gov.in/
1. Convert meters into 2).(a).Cloth shop 5. Colloct the play/content/
centimetres and activity different do_312801
centimetres to (b).Thread activity country 97404630220
meters. on Metre currency 811989?refer
2. Solve problems in (c).Which is longer activity rer=utm_source
daily life situations activity 6. Fill the %3Dmobile%
related to length. 3).(a).Which is withdrawl and 26utm_cam
C) Weight: heavier activity deposite forms paign%3Ds
1. Convert kilograms 4).(a).Papaiah’s milk activity hare_content
into grams and grams center activity 7. Math Lab
into kilograms. 5).(a).1.Clocks activity
activity 8. Fun activity.
(b).Calendar activity

Class: 4 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: Mathematics
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning
outcome(s) Student
TeacherTeacher Individual
Individual Group
Physical Digital
2. Solve problems in
daily life situations
related to weights.
D) Capacity:
1. Convert liters into
milliliters and
milliliters into liters.
2. Solve problems in
daily life situations
related to capacity.
1. Understand the
relation between
hours, minutes,
2. Read the clock.
3. Read the calendar.
28-29 Revision

30-31 Summative Assessment - II

Class: 4 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: EVS
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group

1-4 Readiness Programme

5-6 1. Family Pupils will be able to :1. Introduction and 1. Worksheet-1 1. Think and Textbook, Text book QR
1. speak about the family.
conversation discus. (pg- Workbook code,
2. Worksheet-2
among family 10). ,interactive
2. understand the members. 3. Worksheet-3 DIKSHA videos
2. Let us do TLM
relations among the
family members. 2. Family tree, family 4. Worksheet-4 pg-3
relations and (family photo,
3. understand an 5. Worksheet-5 Group match stick
extended families 6. Worksheet-6 activity pg- diagram of a
3. changes in family,
.4. Identify different 9 family,
wedding, new 7. Worksheet-7
types of families. resembling
born, job, study,
5. Identify different persons picture
and transfer .
home appliances chart
4. Types of families.
and their uses.
5. Usage of home
6. children are able to
draw their family tree
and describe how it 6. Improve your
relates to them. learning
7-8 2. Green Pupils will be able to : 1. Introduction 1. Worksheet-1 1. Let us do Text book Text book QR
world 1. Identify simple &different plants pg-14 code,
2. Worksheet-2 Work book,
observable features of grow in different
3. Worksheet-3 2. Think and Picture chars of DIKSHA videos
root, flowers and places.
discuss pg forests, flower
fruits in their 2. Root system and 4. Worksheet-4 16. garden.
immediate different types of
5. Worksheet-5
surroundings. root systems.

Class: 4 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: EVS
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
2. Understand how 3. Parts of a flower. 6. Worksheet-6
plants prepare food. 4. Uses of fruits. 7. Worksheet-7
3. Identify the different 5. plants gifts of
types of fruits and nature.
their benefits.
6. Improve your
4. uses of fruits. And learning

9-10 3. Animals Pupils will be able to : 1. Introduction 1. Worksheet-1 1. Let us do Text book Text book QR
around us 1. Able to know different Classification Think and code,
based on ears. 2. Worksheet-2 Different
animals pictures. discuss
2. Classification 3. Worksheet-3 animal picture DIKSHA videos
2. External features of
based on skin and charts.
animals and birds. hair. 4. Worksheet-4
3. Classify the animals 3. Classification
based on external 5. Worksheet-5 Different birds
based on food
features. pictures chars.
habits. 6. Worksheet-6
4. Identify different types 4. Birds and their
7. Worksheet-7 Pictorial charts
of birds beaks and beaks.
5. Birds-Claws and of different
nets. beaks.
5. Understand group
6. Group behaviour
behaviour of animals
of birds, ants bee,
and birds. and elephants.
6. Show concern towards 7. Improve your
animals and birds. learning

Class: 4 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: EVS
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
11-13 4. Sense 1. Know about sense 1. Introduction-sense 1. Worksheet-1 1. Let us play Text book Textbook QR
organs organs organs. pg-31. code,
2. Worksheet-2 Modals of sense
2. Eyes –care to be Think and
2. Understand the 3. Worksheet-3 organs, DIKSHA videos
taken. discuss.
functions of eyes and Pictorial charts
3. Nose- care to be 4. Worksheet-4
how to take care. of sense organs,
3. Understand the 5. Worksheet-5
4. Ear –care to be Pictures of
functions of ear taking taken. 6. Worksheet-6 differently abled
care of ear. 5. Tongue –care to be 7. Worksheet-7 persons.
4. How to take care of taken.
skin and tongue. 6. Good touch and
bad touch.
5. Aware of good touch
7. Sense organs –
bad touch.
6. Concept of differently 8. Improve your
abled. learning
14-15 5. Eat Pupils will be able to : 1. together. 1. Worksheet-1 1. Let us play Text book Text book QR
together pg-44. Mid day meal code,
1. Know the importance 2. Mid-day meal. 2. Worksheet-2
of eating together on 3. Wastage of food at 2. Think and chart,
3. Worksheet-3 DIKSHA videos
different occasions. discuss pg- Pictorial charts
home. 4. Worksheet-4 of different
2. Know the importance 4. Food is precious/ 45
of midday meal. Why 5. Worksheet-5
not plastic. Paper cuttings
the midday meal is 6. Worksheet-6 of food wastage
served and why we so 5. Preservation of 7. Worksheet-7 in different
not waste food. food.
Class: 4 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: EVS
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
3. Know the how food is 6. Preparation of
precious and learn to Bengalgram
say no to use of plastic. powder.
4. Learn to know the 7. Storage of food
process of preparing grains and food to
Bengalgram powder. plate.
5. Know the process of 8. Improve your
preservation of food learning
grains and how to
come grains from field
to plate.

16 Summative Assessment-I -- -- -- -- --

17-18 6. Water 1. Identify the village 1. How do a water 1. Worksheet-1 1. Let us do pg Text book Text book QR
tank and its purpose. tank Build? 2. Worksheet-2 -49 Work book code,
2. Know how the water 2. Tank pollution. 2. Let us do pg
3. Worksheet-3 Chart of water DIKSHA videos
tank is built. 3. Rural safe drinking -50. tank
3. Give the reasons 4. Worksheet-4
water scheme. 3. Think and
behind the tank 5. Worksheet-5 discuss pg -
4. Tank
pollution. 6. Worksheet-6 51
4. Know the stages of 4. Think and
5. Journey of 7. Worksheet-7
purification. discuss pg -
5. Understand the tank 53
6. Water magic.
Class: 4 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: EVS
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
6. Know the journey of a 7. Improve your
raindrop. learning
7. Identify the dissolved
and undissolved

19-21 7. Profes- 1. Know the different 1. Introduction on 1. Worksheet-1 1. Let us Text book Text book QR
sions professions. different watch pg 61 code,
2. Worksheet-2 Work book
2. usage of different professions. 2. Let us do 53
3. Worksheet-3 DIKSHA videos
tools. 2. Household Pictorial charts
4. Worksheet-4 of different
3. Know and recognise material recognize
that relevance to their relevance to 5. Worksheet-5 professions.
different professions. different 6. Worksheet-6
4. Identify the tailoring professions
7. Worksheet-7
material and farmers.
instruments used by 3. TAILOR 8. Worksheet-8
the tailors.
5. Know about mason
and work done by 5. Different
him. professions of our
6. Understand different daily life.
professions of daily
6. Making pots.

Class: 4 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: EVS
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
7. Know about making of 7. Different types of Textbook QR
a pot. professions and code,
their duties.
8. Know about the DIKSHA videos
supporting 8. Professions
9. Profession for
farmers. 9. Improve your
10. Understand the
professions of their
surrounding areas.

22-23 8. Transpo Pupils will be able to : 1. Travel 1. Worksheet-1 1. Let us Text book Textbook QR
rtation experiences. know code,
1. Talk about their travel 2. Worksheet-2 Pictorial charts
experiences. 2. Different types of 3. Worksheet-3 2. Let us do of different DIKSHA videos
transport systems. transportation
2. Identify different types 4. Worksheet-4
of transport systems 3. Transport in hill
used in different areas. areas and forests. 5. Worksheet-5

3. Know the mode of 4. Transport in

transport in plain snowy areas and
areas ,hill areas, desert desert.
and snowy areas. 5. Transport in rivers
4. Know the transport in and canals.
rivers and canals. 6. Map pointing.

Class: 4 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: EVS
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
5. Read and point the 7. Different vehicles
ship yards and airports in your
in Andhra Pradesh surroundings.
maps. 8. Improve your
6. Know the different learning
vehicles used by
surrounding people.

24-25 9. Commu- Pupils will be able to : 1. Introduction to 1. Worksheet-1 1. Let us Text book Textbook QR
nication 1. Understand the past one –to one know pg 75 Pictorial charts code,
2. Worksheet-2
communication. communication.
3. Worksheet-3 2. Let us do of different DIKSHA videos
2. Able to know the
2. The journey of a communication
journey of the letter. 4. Worksheet-4
3. Understand the mobile letter.
phone and computer 3. Mobile phone and 5. Worksheet-5
as communication e-mail
4. Mass
4. Identify different types
of mass communication.
communications. 5. Advanced
5. Able to know the communication
advanced and precautions.
6. Able to make toy 6. Improve your
phone. learning
7. Understand the

Class: 4 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: EVS
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
26-27 10. Let Us Pupils will be able to : 1. Introduction on 1. Worksheet-1 1. Let us do Text book. Textbook QR
Visit local festivals. code,
1. Able to express their 2. Jathara and our 2. Worksheet-2 Pictorial charts
experiences village culture. 3. Worksheet-3 of zoo DIKSHA videos
2. On local festivals. 3. National and
religious festivals. 4. Worksheet-4 Pictorial charts
3. Able to talk about 4. Religious festivals. 5. Worksheet-5 of different
Jathara. 5. Historical places festivals
A.P. 6. Worksheet-6
4. Know about national 6. Historical places in
and religious festivals Siddavatam fort
that how pupil and Chandragiri charts of
celebrated them. fort. different forts
7. Historical places in in A P.
5. Know about religious A.P.,Rollapadu,
festivals. 8. Cheruvu,SHAR, Pictorial charts
6. Know about historical 9. Amaravathi of different
stupa. lakes in A P
places of A.P.
10. Historical and
Lepakshi. tourism places in
7. Know about tourist AP,Kondapallifort
places of A.P. 11. Kolleru lake,
Koringa forest.
8. Know about tourism 12. Historical places
places of Borra caves of Borra
Bobbili fort, caves,Bobbili fort,
Telineelapuram. etc
13. Map pointing.
14. Improve your

Class: 4 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: EVS
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
11. Where Pupils will be able to: 1. Introduction on 1. Worksheet-1 1. Let us do Text book. Textbook QR
are We? village map. 2. Worksheet-2 pg-85 code,
1. Identify the village District map,
(Optional) boundaries. 2. Identify the 3. Worksheet-3 2. Think and State map, DIKSHA videos
boundaries of discuss pg-
4. Worksheet-4
2. Able to know the
mandal . 86,87,89,92. India map.
mandal boundaries. 5. Worksheet-5
3. Respective district 6. Worksheet-6
3. Understand the
district boundaries.
4. Andhra pradesh
4. Identify the district in
the AP map.
5. India map.
5. Identify the AP state
in the India map. 6. World map.

6. Able to know the 7. Movement of the

movement. earth.

7. Able to know the 8. Stages of moon,

stages of the moon.
9. District map.
8. Locate the mandal in
10. AP map.
the district map.
11. India map.
9. Locate the district in
the AP map.

10. Locate the state in

the India map.

Class: 4 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: EVS
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group

28-29 Revision -- -- -- -- --

30-31 Summative Assessment-II -- -- -- -- --

ÔásÁ>·Ü: 5 bÍsÄÁ\y¯ ç|ŸD²[¿£ - 2021-22 dŸu¿É̈ :¼ù Ôî\T>·T
¿£Ô«\T eqsÁT\T
ysÁ+ bÍsÄÁ+ |sÁT nuó„«dŸq |˜Ÿ*Ԑ\T –bÍ<ó‘«jáT $<‘«]œ
¿£Ô«\T $<‘«]œ ‹+<Š+ uó…Ü¿£+ n+Ôás¨\+
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(dŸ+d¾<ÔƊ )á 1.¹>já֓• s>·jTá T¿£+ï >± |¾\¢\Å£” Ôî*jáT#ûjáT&ƒ+ “|˜TŸ +³TeÚýË nuó²«kÍ\T (1-6)
bÍ&ƒ>·\sÁT. 2.<ûXuø ¿„ó ïì >¹ já֓• yîÔ¿á &£ +ƒ 2.kÍ<óŠq |ŸÚdŸï¿£+. M&jîÖ ` ‚ÔásÁ
2.n|Ÿ]ºÔá >¹ já֓•, |sqT s>·jTá T¿£ï+>± HûsÁÎ&ƒ+ 2. <ûXøuó„¿ìï (1- ) <ûXuø ¿„ó ìï >¹ jáÖ\T.
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3.$yû¿±q+<ŠT“ ç|Ÿd+Ÿ >·+ n+Xø+ J$Ôá #á]çÔá jáTÖ³Ö«uÙ
#á~$ ç|sÁD bõ+<ŠTԐsÁT. >·T]+º
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uó²ejáTT¿£+ï >± 4. |Ÿ<Š« <ó‘sÁD
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5. |ŸÚH~

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¿£Ô«\T eqsÁT\T
ysÁ+ bÍsÄÁ+ |sÁT nuó„«dŸq |˜Ÿ*Ԑ\T –bÍ<ó‘«jáT $<‘«]œ
¿£Ô«\T $<‘«]œ ‹+<Š+ uó…Ü¿£+ n+Ôás¨\+
3-4 kÍjáT+ |¾\\¢ T... 1. ¿£<¸ŠqT VŸäeuó²y\Ôà 1. ¿£<¸ŠqT kõ+Ôá 1.¿£<q¸Š T 1.bÍsÄÁ« |ŸÚdŸï¿£+. B¿Œ± jáÖ|t
(dŸ+d¾<ÔƊ )á #î|Ο &ƒ+ eÖ³ýË¢ H³¿¡¿£sÁD (7-12)
1. |ŸsÃ|Ÿ¿±sÁ+, uó„ÖÔá<ŠjáT |Ÿ<«Š +
#î|ŸÎ&ƒ+. #ûjTá &ƒ+ 2.kÍ<óŠq |ŸÚdŸï¿£+.
‚ÜeÔï\T>± >·\ 2.dŸV²Ÿ ¿±sÁ+Å£” kþsÁTà `
2.|Ÿ<Š« <ó‘sÁD 3. #á<TŠ eÚ dŸ+<ó«Š \T
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kÍ<óqŠ ¿£<‘ó dŸ+¿£\q+
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kõ+ÔáeÖ³ýË¢ #î|ŸÎ>·\sÁT |ŸÚqXøÌsÁD #ûjTá &ƒ+. 3. kÍ<óŠq 4.kÍjáT+ ‚ÜeÔáï
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3. ~ÇԐǿ£sŒ Á |Ÿ<‘\qT 4. |Ÿ<‘«“• s>·,
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¿£Ô«\T eqsÁT\T
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¿£Ô«\T $<‘«]œ ‹+<Š+ uó…Ü¿£+ n+Ôás¨\+
5-8 ¿=+&ƒy>·T |¾\\¢ T... 1.bÍsĐ«+Xø uË<óqŠ ¿£$ 1. qÖÔáq |Ÿ<‘\ 1.dŸ+uó²wŸD\T #ûd¾ 1.bÍsÄÁ« |ŸÚdŸï¿£+. €&jÖî ` |Ÿ#Ìá “
1.bÍsÄÁ+ >·T]+º |Ÿ]#ájáT+ |Ÿ#áÌ<Šq+ nsœ\qT H³¿¡¿£sÁD (13-22) #î³T¼ HûqTs!
kõ+ÔáeÖ³ýË¢ >·T]+º bͳ bÍ&ƒ³+ ç>·V¾²+#á&ƒ+. #ûjTá &ƒ+ 2.kÍ<óŠq |ŸÚdŸï¿£+. nsÁŔ£ n+<‘\T
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¹¿+ç<Š+ >·T]+º 8.dŸsÇÁ HeT sÁ¿±\qT 5. &î¯Õ sjáT&ƒ+ sjáT&ƒ+.
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y¿±«\T e#ûÌý² >¹ já֓•
sjáT&ƒ+. sjáT&ƒ+.
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¿£Ô«\T eqsÁT\T
ysÁ+ bÍsÄÁ+ |sÁT nuó„«dŸq |˜Ÿ*Ԑ\T –bÍ<ó‘«jáT $<‘«]œ
¿£Ô«\T $<‘«]œ ‹+<Š+ uó…Ü¿£+ n+Ôás¨\+
7.HeTy#á¿£+, dŸsÁÇHeT+ 9. |Ÿ<‘«“• bͳqT 7. Hû\|Ÿ³T¼ |s 6.dŸ+uó²wŸD\qT
|Ÿ<‘\qT –|ŸjÖî Ð+º s>·jáTT¿£ï+>± bÍ&ƒ³+. #á~$ H³¿¡¿£sÁD
y¿±«\T sjáT>·\T>·TԐsÁT. dŸ+uó²wŸD\T #ûjTá &ƒ+
8.|Ÿ<«Š +, e&ƒ>Þ· —ø ß bͳ sjáT&ƒ+ 7.kÍ<óqŠ ý˓
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dŸsÁÇHeÖ\Ôà #ûjáT&ƒ+.
y¿±«\qT 8.ȳT¼ýË
sjáT&ƒ+. bÍ&ƒ&+ƒ .
9. |Ÿ<‘«“•
HûsTÁ Ì¿Ãe&ƒ+.
9-11 ÈjáT^Ôá+ |¾\\¢ T... 1. bÍsĐ«+Xø uË<óqŠ ¿£$ 1. qÖÔáq |Ÿ<‘\ 1.&†öö _.€sY. 1.bÍsÄÁ« |ŸÚdŸï¿£+. €&jÖî `
1.ÈjáT^Ôá+ uó²e+ kõ+Ôá |Ÿ]#ájTá +. M&jÖî ` nsœ\T n+uñ<؊ sY (23-32) ÈjáT^Ôá+ bͳ
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2.&†._.€sY. n+uñ<؊ sY $<‘«sÁTœ\Å£”
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ç|ŸyXû æ\T, kå¿£s«\ Ôî*jáTCñjáT&ƒ+ |sÁT¢ sjáT+&. ne¿±Xæ\qT / y{ì ç|ŸyûXæ\T,
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bõ+<ŠTԐsÁT. 5.$XâwŸD+ >·T]+º |Ÿ<‘\T M&jÖî \T
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–|ŸjÖî Ð+º y¿±«\T 6.|Ÿ<‘«“• kþbÍH\ y¿±«\T uó²eyîTT¿£Øfñ
@¿£sÖÁ |Ÿ <ŠTdŸT\ï T
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|Ÿ&ƒ>·\T>·TԐsÁT. |Ÿ<‘\qT B¿£Œ
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–|ŸjÖî Ð+º jáTÖ³Ö«uÙ *+¿ù
y¿±«\T bÍ&ƒ&+ƒ .
7. |Ÿ<‘«“• <ó‘sÁD
#ûjTá &ƒ+,
uó²e+ #î|ŸÎ&ƒ+.
ÔásÁ>·Ü: 5 bÍsÄÁ\y¯ ç|ŸD²[¿£ - 2021-22 dŸu¿É̈ :¼ù Ôî\T>·T
¿£Ô«\T eqsÁT\T
ysÁ+ bÍsÄÁ+ |sÁT nuó„«dŸq |˜Ÿ*Ԑ\T –bÍ<ó‘«jáT $<‘«]œ
¿£Ô«\T $<‘«]œ ‹+<Š+ uó…Ü¿£+ n+Ôás¨\+
12-15 ÔÃ\Tu¤eTˆý²³ |¾\\¢ T... 1. bÍsĐ«+Xø uË<óqŠ 1. qÖÔáq |Ÿ<‘\ 1.bÍsÄÁ+ýË 1.bÍsÄÁ« |ŸÚdŸï¿£+. ÔÃ\Tu¤eTˆ\T
1.ÔÃ\Tu¤eTˆý²³ >·T]+º ¿£$|Ÿ]#ájTá +. nsœ\T ÔÃ\Tu¤eTˆ\ (33-42) M&jîÖ `
Ôî\TdŸTÅ£”+{²sÁT. M&jÖî ` ç>·V¾²+#á&ƒ+. ¿£Þ²¿±sÁT\Å£” 2.kÍ<óŠq |ŸÚdŸï¿£+. jáTÖ³Ö«uÙ
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5.ÔûHû¿£H• eT<óŠTsÁ+s Ôî\T>·T 6.ç¿ìdŸˆdt dŸ+‹s\ #ûkÍïsÁT kõ+ÔáeÖ³ýË¢
bͳqT s>·jáTT¿£ï+>± M&jîÖ 7. ç¿ìdŸˆdt >·T]+º #î|ŸÎ&ƒ+.
bÍ&ƒ>\· T>·TԐsÁT. #á<Še&ƒ+.
6. ç¿ìdˆŸ dt |Ÿ+&ƒT>· >·T]+º
Ôá]>=+&ƒ |¾\\¢ T... 1.bÍsĐ«+Xø uË<óqŠ , ¿£$ 1. qÖÔáq 1.eTV¾²Þø\T 1.bÍsÄÁ« |ŸÚdŸï¿£+. kÍ$çru²sTT
yû+>·eÖ+‹ 1.$XâwŸ de\+~+ºq |Ÿ]#ájáT+. $XâwŸ |Ÿ<‘\Å£” ysÁ+~+ºq (69-76) |ŸPýñ,
eTV¾²Þø\T kÍ$çru²sTT de\+~+ºq nsœ\T de\ C²_Ԑ 2.kÍ<óŠq |ŸÚdŸï¿£+. dŸsۓHjáTT&ƒT,
(׺ÌÛ¿+£ ) |ŸPýñ, dŸsۓ HjáTT&ƒT, eTV¾²Þø\ >·T]+º ç>·V¾²+#á&ƒ+. sjáT&ƒ+. (105-116) ¿£dŸÖïsÒ>±+Bó,
¿£dŸÖïsÒ>±+Bó, ¿£esTTçÜ #î|ŸÎ&ƒ+. 2. kÍ<óqŠ qT (|ŸÚ³ 2.#á<eŠ &ƒ+ ¿£esTTçÜ yîTT\¢
yîTT\¢ >·T]+º 2.$XâwŸ de\+~+ºq dŸ+K« nuó²«kÍ\™|Õ >·T]+ºq
Ôî\TdŸTÅ£”+{²sÁT. Ôá]>=+&ƒ eTV¾²Þø\ >·T]+º, y] 105`116) #ásÌÁ M&jÖî \T
yû+>·eÖ+‹ >·T]+º y] (jáTÖ³Ö«uÙ)
de\ >·T]+º #î|Ο &ƒ+. |ŸP]ï #ûjTá &ƒ+
sÁ#áq\ >·T]+º bõD¿± ¿£q¿£eTˆ,
3.uó²cÍ+Xæ\ $esÁD
Ôî\TdŸTÅ£”+{²sÁT. #áT+&ƒÖ] sÁÔá•eTˆ,
ÔásÁ>·Ü: 5 bÍsÄÁ\y¯ ç|ŸD²[¿£ - 2021-22 dŸu¿É̈ :¼ù Ôî\T>·T
¿£Ô«\T eqsÁT\T
ysÁ+ bÍsÄÁ+ |sÁT nuó„«dŸq |˜Ÿ*Ԑ\T –bÍ<ó‘«jáT $<‘«]œ
¿£Ô«\T $<‘«]œ ‹+<Š+ uó…Ü¿£+ n+Ôás¨\+
3.kÍeÖq«, dŸ+¥¢wŸ¼, dŸ+jáTT¿£ï 4. |Ÿ<‘«“• s>·jTá T¿£+ï >± 3. bõD¿± 3.kÍeÖq«, ÈjáT+Ü dŸÖsÁeTˆ,
y¿±«\ >·T]+º HûsÎÁ &ƒ+. ¿£q¿£eTˆ, dŸ+¥¢w,Ÿ¼ jáT+.jáTdt.
Ôî\TdŸTÅ£”+{²sÁT. y{ì“ 5.¿£$çÔá+ >·T]+º #áT+&ƒÖ] dŸ+jáTT¿£ï d¾‹Ò\¿ìˆŒ >·T]+ºq
>·T]ïkÍïsÁT, skÍïsÁT. #î|Ο &ƒ+ sÁԕá eTˆ, y¿±«\qT M&jÖî \T
4.»»|Ÿ<Š«+ ¿¹ jáTÖsDìq ÈjáT+Ü sjáT&ƒ+. (jáTÖ³Ö«uÙ)
uó„ÖwŸjTá +ܵµ, uós„ ïÁ VŸ²] dŸÖsÁeTˆ, 4.ȳT¼ýË bÍ&ƒ&ƒ+
dŸTuó²w¾Ô“• s>·jáTT¿£ï+>± jáT+.jáTdt 5.¿£$çÔájTá +
bÍ&ƒ>\· T>·TԐsÁT. dŸTuÒ\¿ìˆŒ \ >·T]+º
5.¿£$çÔájáT+ >·T]+º >·T]+º ‚ºÌq kõ+ÔáeÖ³ýË¢
Ôî\TdŸTÅ£”+{²sÁT. |s\T #î|ŸÎ&ƒ+.
4. kÍeÖq«,
>·T]ï+#á&+ƒ .
5. |Ÿ<‘«“• <ó‘sÁD
#ûjTá &ƒ+
6. ¿£$çÔájTá +

ÔásÁ>·Ü: 5 bÍsÄÁ\y¯ ç|ŸD²[¿£ - 2021-22 dŸu¿É̈ :¼ù Ôî\T>·T
¿£Ô«\T eqsÁT\T
ysÁ+ bÍsÄÁ+ |sÁT nuó„«dŸq |˜Ÿ*Ԑ\T –bÍ<ó‘«jáT $<‘«]œ
¿£Ô«\T $<‘«]œ ‹+<Š+ uó…Ü¿£+ n+Ôás¨\+
25`27 eT+º |¾\\¢ T... 1.bÍsĐ«+Xø uË<óqŠ 1. qÖÔáq 1.ç|ŸeTTK e«Å£”\ï T, 1.bÍsÄÁ« |ŸÚdŸï¿£+. ‹T¿ù ™|d˜ ¼e¾ ýÙ
‹VŸQeTÜ 1.eTq <ûX+ø ý˓ ç|ŸeTTK 2.sçwŸ¼+ýË È]¹> |ŸÚdŸï¿£ |Ÿ<‘\Å£” |ŸÚdŸ¿ï £ |ŸsqÄÁ + (77-86) M&jÖî
nsœ\T |Ÿ³¢ y]Å£”q• 2.kÍ<óŠq |ŸÚdŸï¿£+. (jáTÖ³Ö«uÙ).
e«Å£”\ï |ŸsHÁÄ Xø¿,ïì ç|Ÿ<sŠ ôÁ q\ >·T]+º ç>·V¾²+#á&ƒ+ €dŸÅ”£ \ï qT
|ŸsÁHÄ _óý²wŸqT #î|Ο &ƒ+. ‹T¿ù ™|d˜ e¼¾ ýÙ 2. kÍ<óqŠ qT (|ŸÚ³ (117- ) ºçԐ\T / ¿ì¢|¾Î+>´à
™|+#áTÅ£”+{²sÁT. |ŸÚdŸ¿ï £+ ÿ¿£ M&jîÖ ç|Ÿ<ŠsÁôq dŸ+K« >·T]ï+#á&+ƒ ,
117`130)|ŸP]ï sjáT&ƒ+
eT+º ‹VŸQeTÜ>± |ŸÚdŸ¿ï £ <ûXø+ý˓, sçwŸ¼+ý˓ #ûjáT&ƒ+.
ç|Ÿ<sŠ ôÁ q >·T]+º, y{ìýË ç|ŸeTTK ç>·+<¸‘\jáT\ 3. |ŸÚd¿ïŸ £ 2. |ŸÚdŸ¿ï £ ç|Ÿ<sŠ ôÁ q\T
ç|Ÿ<sŠ ôÁ qýË m¿£Ø&î¿Ø£ &ƒ
n+<ŠTu²³TýË –+&û >·T]+º #î|Ο &ƒ+. $$<óŠ “sÁÇV¾²kÍïsÁT?
|ŸÚdŸ¿ï ±\ >·T]+º ç>·+<¸\Š jáÖ\ M&jÖî n+<ŠTu²³TýË
–+&û |ŸÚdŸï¿±\ mý²
Ôî\TdŸTÅ£”+{²sÁT. ç|Ÿ<sŠ ôÁ q C²_Ԑ “sÁÇV¾²kÍïsÁT?
2.ç>·+<¸‘\jáÖ\ €eXø«¿£Ôá 3.bÍsÄXÁ æ\ ç>·+<¸‘\jáT+ sjáT&ƒ+. M&jîÖ
>·T]+º Ôî\TdŸTÅ£”+{²sÁT. dŸ+<ŠsÁôq eT]jáTT 4. ç|ŸeTTK 3.ç>·+<¸Š\jáÖ\
ç>·+<ó‘\jáÖ\ >·T]+º
3.bÍsÄÁXæ\ ç>·+<¸‘\jáT+, |ŸÚdŸï¿£ |Ÿ]#ájáT+ C²_Ԑ kõ+ÔáeÖ³ýË¢
y{ìý˓ |ŸÚdŸ¿ï ±\ >·T]+º 4.|Ÿ<«Š +qT s>·jTá T¿£+ï >± sjáT&ƒ+. #î|ŸÎ&ƒ+.
Ôî\TdŸTÅ£”+{²sÁT. HûsÎÁ &ƒ+. 5. bÍsÄÁXæ\ 4.bÍsÄÁXæ\
4.ÔáqTeÚ, sÁ¿£ï+‹T, Je+‹T 5.¿£$ |Ÿ]#ájTá + »»º\¿£ ç>+· <¸‘\jáT+ý˓ ç>·+<¸‘\jáT+ý˓
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|Ÿ<«Š +qT s>·jTá T¿£+ï >± eT]ïµµ 6. |Ÿ<Š«+qT <ó‘sÁD #á<eŠ &ƒ+
bÍ&ƒ>\· T>·TԐsÁT. #ûkÍïsÁT. 5. ȳT¼ýË
5.º\¿£eT]ï \¿ìŒˆqsÁd¾+VŸ²+ 7. »qeÚÇ\ bÍ&ƒÔsÁT.
>·T]+º Ôî\TdŸTÅ£”+{²sÁT. ԐÔájáT«
º\¿£eT]ïµ 6. dŸ+uó²wŸDqT
dŸ+uó²wŸD H³¿¡¿£sÁD
#á<Še&ƒ+. #ûjTá &ƒ+
ÔásÁ>·Ü: 5 bÍsÄÁ\y¯ ç|ŸD²[¿£ - 2021-22 dŸu¿É̈ :¼ù Ôî\T>·T
¿£Ô«\T eqsÁT\T
ysÁ+ bÍsÄÁ+ |sÁT nuó„«dŸq |˜Ÿ*Ԑ\T –bÍ<ó‘«jáT $<‘«]œ
¿£Ô«\T $<‘«]œ ‹+<Š+ uó…Ü¿£+ n+Ôás¨\+

28-29 -- |ŸÚqXøÌsÁD -- -- -- -- --

30-31 dŸ+ç>·V²Ÿ D²Ôሿ£ -- -- -- -- --

eTÖý²«+¿£q+ -2

Class: 5 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group

1-4 Readiness Programme

5-8 1. Mallika 1. Pre-Reading: Identify 1. Interacts and 1. Understand the 1. Whole Textbook https://youtu.be/
Goes to the keywords and motivates the keywords and class and Pg. no: 1 to 18 GT1l5krKpWQ
School expressions from the students towards motivate to- individual W.B: 1 to 18
picture along with the the theme. ‘Chuskit’ feature
wards the activity
theme of the lesson. Activity-1 in the film by Priya
lesson. Do the
2. Reading: Read and textbook. Ramasubhan;
comprehend the 2. Facilitates in https://youtu.be/
Reading Text. in their Work-
reading and yMulelekHfo
3. Post-Reading: books
comprehending Audio-video
* Learn the text. Plays a 2. Read and
contextualized key role in comprehend https://youtu.be/
meanings and supportive reading. the text in zijGflzT5Ss
words. 3. Presents the different https://youtu.be/
* Collective nouns textual concepts strategies. Do bf9cRyHki_Q
and use Simple and facilitates in the worksheets
Present Negatives. understanding and 1.2 to 1.9
* Learn about usage of post
3. Practice the
apostrophe (’) reading
components in Post-Reading
* Comprehend and
prepare a Poster. everyday Components
* Write a Leave situations. and use them in
Letter. Activity-2 to their day to day
* Listen and Respond Activity-9 from situations. Do
to the conversation/ the Textbook. the worksheets
enact role-play. 1.10 to 1.15

Class: 5 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
4. Listen and 4. Reads the 4. Listen and
comprehend the Listening Input comprehend
5. Listening Input with proper the Listening
Learn and enjoy the pronunciation, Input. Do the
usage of Simple stress, pause and worksheet 1.16
Present questioning & intonation.
Answering through Activity 10 and 11 5. Learn the
language game. from the textbook. language
function in a
5. Facilitates, models
joyful game.
to play a language
game. Activity 13
from textbook.

9-12 2. Major 1. Pre-Reading: Identify 1. Interacts and 1. Understand the 1. Whole Textbook DIKSHA
Dhyanchand the keywords and motivates the keywords and class and Pg. no: 19 to 35 https://youtu.be/
students towards motivate towards W.B.23 to32
expressions from the individual g-FpGjbE17Y
the lesson. Do
picture along with the the theme. activity
the warm-up https://youtu.be/
theme of the lesson Activity-1 from activity and
the textbook. tbto-M4L-ss
and do the warm-up worksheet-2.1 in
2. Facilitates in their workbooks. https://youtu.be/
reading and 2. Read and VNCfHUNy8p4
2. Reading: Read and comprehending comprehend the
text in different https://youtu.be/
comprehend the the text. Plays a s_RznZn2XTE
strategies. Do
Reading Text. key role in the worksheets
supportive reading. 2.2 to 2.5

Class: 5 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
3. Post-Reading: 3. Presents the 3. Practice the
* Uses antonyms and textual concepts Post-Reading
new vocabulary. and facilitates in Components
* Understand understanding and and use them in
Indefinite Pronouns usage of post their day to day
and Simple Past reading situations. Do
Negatives. components in the worksheets
2.6 to 2.9. in
* Attempts to write everyday
their workbooks.
Diary and situations.
Paragraph Writing Activity- 2 to 4. Read, sing and
using verbal Activity -9 from comprehend the
clues. the textbook. poem in
* Listen and Respond 4. Facilitates in
to the conversation reading, singing & Appreciate the
using Modal comprehending aesthetic sense
auxiliary ‘May’. the poem. Activity of the poet. Do
4. Sing and Enjoy the – 10 from the the worksheet
poem – ‘Written In textbook 2.10 from the
March’ W.B.
5. Facilitates in
5. Do the Project work. displaying Maps, 5. Do the Project
Participate in Globe, National by collecting the
collecting and flags, currency etc. data given in
Activity -11
gathering the Activity -11 from
Check Point -1
information. the textbook.
in the Workbook
as Assessment.

Class: 5 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
13-15 3. The 1. Pre-Reading: Identify 1. Interacts and 1. Understand the 1. Whole Textbook DIKSHA POR-
Necklace the keywords and motivates the keywords and class and Pg. no: 36 to 50 TAL
expressions from the students towards motivate towards individual W.B.41 to 51
picture along with the the theme. the lesson. Do activity
Dictionary, ouQ0eiUR3ZM
theme of the lesson. Activity-1 in the the Worksheet-
photos of DIKSHA
textbook. 3.1 in their Horsely Hills,
2. Reading: Read and
2. Facilitates in Workbooks Flash Cards, ‘The Necklace’
comprehend the
Reading Text. reading and 2. Read and Jigsaw cards, Short Story film
comprehending comprehend the real objects, https://youtu.be/
3. Post-Reading:
Audio clips lHsPszJtafs;
* Differentiate the text. Plays a text in different
among Gerunds, key role in strategies. Do DIKSHA POR-
Participles and supportive reading. the worksheets TAL
Adjectives which 3. Presents the 3.2 to 3.5
are in the form of textual concepts 3. Practice the EJsfBteyjBs
the verb with ‘ing’. and facilitates in Post-Reading
* Order of Adjectives understanding and https://youtu.be/
Components and
and ‘Wh’ usage of post 4NKWC4qM4PU
use them in their
Questions. components in day to day
* Dramatize the everyday situations. Do
story. situations. the
* Rewrite the story Activity-2 – 8 worksheets3.5 -
from the
using the 3.9
‘Describing words’.

Class: 5 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
* Attempt to tell and 4. Models and 4. Practice the
write a short story expresses the Phrases from the
using pictorial and language function activity-9 given
verbal clues. ‘Agreement and in the textbook.
Disagreement’. Do the
4. Language Function: 5. Facilitates the worksheet 3.10
* Express Agreement students in 5. Learn the
or Disagreement learning while language
phrases. playing. function in a
* Enact role-play, joyful game.
respond to the

5. Language Game:
Acts according to the
instructions given in
‘Fishing the Adjectives’
and enjoy the learning.

16 Summative Assessment-I -- -- -- -- --

Class: 5 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
17-20 4. Kalam 1. Pre-Reading: Identify 1. Interacts and 1. Understand the 1. Whole Textbook DIKSHA
With the keywords and motivates the keywords and class and Pg. no: 51 to 69
Children expressions from the students towards motivate towards individual W.B.63 to 68
picture along with the the theme. the lesson. activity
Dictionary, nuRpo
theme of the lesson. Activity-1 from 2. Read and
photos of ‘I am Kalam’
the textbook. comprehend the
2. Reading: Read and Horsely Hills, inspirational
text in different
comprehend the 2. Facilitates in Flash Cards,
strategies. Do movie https://
Reading Text. reading and table chart,
the worksheets Vivekananda youtu.be/
comprehending 4.1-4.5
3. Post-Reading:*Learn Picture, Audio KLZcudFdM5l
the text. Plays a 3. Practice the
and uses synonyms- clips https://youtu.be/
key role in Post-Reading
antonyms.*Prepositions sYSVH6CGQHg
supportive reading. Components and
of movement; Simple
present - Simple Past 3. Presents the use them in their https://youtu.be/
comparison.* Use textual concepts day to day K81xYElPKk
Punctuation marks in and facilitates in situations. Do https://youtu.be/
writing. (.) (,) (“…”) understanding and the worksheets K151J1
*Write Mini Biography usage of post 4.6 to 4.11. in
with verbal reading their workbooks.
clues.*Conduct short components in 4. Read, sing and
interviews. *Express everyday comprehend the
situations. poem in
Time & talk about
their daily schedule. Activity- 2 to
strategies. Do
Activity -11 from
4. Sing and Enjoy the the W.S. 4.10
the textbook.
poem – ‘Paper Boats’ from the

Class: 5 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
5. Do the Project work. 4. Facilitates in 5. Do the Project
Participate in reading, singing, by preparing
preparing the paper comprehending paper boats
boats and display in the poem. Activity given in Activity
their classroom. – 12 from the 13.Check Point
textbook. -2 in the
Workbook as
5. Facilitates in
preparing paper
boats. Activity -13
from the

21-24 5. The 1. Pre-Reading: Identify 1. Interacts and 1. Understand the 1. Whole Textbook DIKSHA
Wondrous the keywords and motivates the keywords and class and Pg. no: 71 to 87
Women students towards individual W.B.70 to 89
expressions from the motivate to- u16bfS35S_4
the theme. activity
picture along with the wards the
Activity-1 from https://youtu.be/
theme of the lesson. lesson. Do the
the textbook. TDwLLhc94_w
2. Facilitates in worksheet-5.1
2. Reading: Read and in their work- https://youtu.be/
reading and
comprehend the comprehending books. BBq0hWsrC6o
Reading Text. the text. Plays a
key role in
supportive reading.

Class: 5 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
3. Post-Reading: 3. Presents the 2. Read and
* Refer to the textual concepts comprehend the
dictionary for often and facilitates in text in different
misspelt words. understanding and strategies. Do
* Understand the use usage of post the worksheets
of Modal reading 5.1 to 5.5
Auxiliaries. Express components in 3. Practice the
apology and daily situations. Post-Reading
attempt to develop Activity-2 to 8 Components
speech with verbal from the textbook. and use them in
clues. their day to day
4. Reads the situations. Do
* Listen and respond Listening Input the worksheets
to the stated plans. with proper 5.6 to 5.9. in
* Speak on some pronunciation, their
situations provided. stress, pause and workbooks.
4. Listen and intonation. 4. Listen and
comprehend the Activity 9 from the comprehend the
Listening Input textbook. Listening Input.
5. Acts accordingly to the 5. Facilitates and Do the
instructions given in models to play the worksheet 5.10
5. Talk about the
the Language Game, game. Activity -10
topics provided
‘Pick and Say.’ from the textbook.
in a joyful game.

Class: 5 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
25-27 6. The 1. Pre-Reading: Identify 1. Interacts and 1. Understand the 1. Whole Textbook DIKSHA
Wise the keywords and motivates the keywords and class and Pg. no: 85 to 99
Judgement expressions from the students towards individual W.B.94 to 105
motivate to- m3t48HPLJyg
picture along with the the theme. wards the activity
theme of the lesson.. Activity-1 from https://youtu.be/
the textbook. tySLFboxzyM
2. Reading: Read and
comprehend the 2. Facilitates in 2. Read and https://youtu.be/
Reading Text. reading and comprehend the ZvJQkldHbf8
comprehending text in different
3. Post-Reading:
the text. Plays a strategies. Do
* Learn
key role in the worksheets
supportive reading. 6.1 -6.5
* ‘Be’ forms, Subject-
Verb Agreement& 3. Presents the
3. Practice the
Future Negatives. textual concepts
* Write a Notice and facilitates in
Board and attempt understanding and
and use them in
to write a para on usage of post
Hometown with reading their day to day
verbal clues. components in situations. Do
* Listen and Respond everyday the worksheets
to the conversation situations. 6.6-6.9 in their
and attempt to Activity- 2 to workbooks.
complete the Activity -9 from
conversation. the textbook.

Class: 5 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
4. Sing and Enjoy the 4. Facilitates in 4. Read, sing and
poem – Vemana reading, singing & comprehend the
Poems by C.P.Brown comprehending poem in
the poem. Activity different
5. Do the Project work.
– 10 from the strategies. Do
Participate in
textbook. the worksheet
translating Telugu
5. Facilitates in 6.10 on the
Vemana Poem in
English. translating.
Activity -11 from 5. Do the Project
the textbook. by translating
the poems in
English. Check
Point -3 in the
Workbook as

7. 1. Pre-Reading: Identify 1.Interacts and 1. Understand the 1. Whole Textbook https://youtu.be/

Kabaddi... the keywords and motivates the keywords and class and Pg. no: 100 to ybdGREjvluU
Kabaddi... expressions from the students towards motivate to- individual 115
Kabaddi... picture along with the
the theme. wards the activity W.B.112 to 122 https://youtu.be/
Activity-1 from lesson. kW6z5TyU8QA
theme of the lesson. the textbook.
(Optional) 2. Read and https://youtu.be/
2. Reading: Read and 2. Facilitates in
comprehend the qRtHPO0Z4io
comprehend the reading and
text in different
comprehending https://youtu.be/
Reading Text. strategies. Do
the text. Plays a N9_8l4MgJzU
key role in the worksheets
supportive reading. 7.1 – 7.5
Class: 5 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
3. Post-Reading: 3. Presents the 3. Practice the
* Use synonyms & textual concepts Post-Reading
suffixes. and facilitates in Components
* Learn and use understanding and use them in
Linkers & Adverbs and usage of post their day to day
of Manner. reading
situations. Do
* Attempt to write components in
the worksheets
about their everyday
7.6 to 7.9. in
favourite game and situations.
Activity- 2 to 8 their W.B.s.
learn to write
e-mail. from the T.B. 4. Act accordingly
* Express about their 4. Models in reading to the
future plans. and giving instructions
instructions. given by the
4. Listen, act and
Activity – 10 teacher and
comprehend the
from the comprehend the
Listening Input
activity -10 from
5. Act accordingly to the 5. Facilitates,
instructions in the T.B. Do the W.S.
models to play a
language game, 7.10.
language game.
‘Adverb of Manner.’ Activity -11 from 5. Learn and
the textbook. enhance
Adverbs of
Manner in a
joyful game.

Class: 5 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
8. A Birth- 1. Pre-Reading: Identify 1. Interacts and 1. Understand the 1. Whole Textbook DIKSHA
day Letter the keywords and motivates the keywords and class and Pg. no: 116 to
expressions from the students towards motivate to- individual 132
picture along with wards the activity W.B.128 to 141 Y34p8BU4-UQ
the theme.
the theme of the lesson. https://youtu.be/
Activity-1 from
lesson. _2N2SNJw7Zc
the textbook. 2. Read and
2. Reading: Read and comprehend the https://youtu.be/
2. Facilitates in
comprehend the text in different 6TX51olHjeA
reading and
Reading Text. strategies. Do https://youtu.be/
comprehending the worksheets
3. Post-Reading: the text. Plays a 5ZL-kedP7nY
8.1 – 8.3
* Use Antonyms; key role in https://youtu.be/
Read, write & 3. Practice the
supportive reading. o4aCHpD4Y4s
pronounce silent
3. Presents the Components
letter words.
and use them in
* Understand and use textual concepts
and facilitates in their day to day
Adverbs of
frequency. understanding and situations. Do
the worksheets
* Punctuate properly usage of post
8.4 to 8.7. in
with (.) and (?) reading
their W.B.s.
* Attempt to write components in
informal letter and everyday 4. Read, sing and
a short biography. comprehend the
poem in
4. Sing and Enjoy the Activity- 2 to 8
poem – ‘We Shall from the T.B. strategies. Do
Overcome’ the W.S. 8.8.
Class: 5 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: English
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group

5. Do the Project work. 4. Facilitates in 5. Draw and

in preparing the reading, singing, prepare
Greeting cards and comprehending Greeting cards.
display them in their the poem. Activity Check Point -4
classroom. – 9 from the T.B. in the
Workbook as
5. Facilitates in
Greeting cards.
Activity -10 from
the textbook.

28-29 Revision -- -- -- -- --

30-31 Summative Assessment-II -- -- -- -- --

Class: 5 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: Mathematics
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
1-4 Let’s recall 1. Read and write numbers up to 5- 1. railway 1. solve the 1.Understanding Textbook page https://
digits. station problems, numberconcepts numbers from diksha.gov.in/
activity which are by 1 to 12 play/collection/
2. Classify numbers into big –small,
ascending- descending order. 2. numberline given under readingnumber do_3130
activity do these and charts. 973502481
3. Write Expand & shortened form
exercises 2. By showing 858561123?
of numbers. 3. meals
spike contentId=
activity 2. Do Work
4. Round off the given numbers to abacus& do_313078847
the nearest 1s/ 10s/100s/1000s. 4. ticket sheets from 12647884817847
activity 1 to 26 of 1st place
5. Communicate face value & place chapter valuechart
value of each digit in given 5. chocolate find place
number. activity 3. Practicing values inthe
the given
6. Recall the process of addition, 6. Write a
subtraction number
subtraction, multiplication and word
on number
division. problem on
7. Solve daily life problems related to
board and
discuss to
steps for the
8. Recall addition and subtraction of solving of
fractions word

Class: 5 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: Mathematics
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group

5-8 My 1. Develop number sense in Indian 1. Grama 1. solve the 1. Stones Textbook page https://
Number system of numeration and as well panchayat problems activity numbers from diksha.gov.in/
world as in International system of activity given under 13 to 29 play/collection/
2. Abacus
numeration. 2. Hindu Do this and do_3130977
2. Read and write the large numbers activity
system of exercises 804716113
having up to 9-digits using both numeration 3. flash cards
2. lets play 921488?co
systems. activity activity
activity ntentId=do
3. Rewrite the given expanded 3. sankhyavad
4. project work _3130937
forms and standard forms hanam 3. Worksheets
4. Recognize the period, place-value activity 5. comparision 84679
from 1 to 12 432192
and face-value of any digit in a 4. formation of number
of 2nd 11725
number. of numbers systems
5. Arrange a set of large numbers in activity
ascending and descending orders. 5. British
6. Form numbers using given digits. system
7. Compare any two numbers. activity

9-10 Addition 1. Do additions and subtractions up 1.Introduction 1. solve the 1. Project work Textbook page https://
and to 6 digits. activity. problems on numbers from diksha.gov.in/
Subtraction 2. Know addition and subtraction given under population. 30 to 44 play/collection/
2. Process of Do this and do_31309
facts. addition. 2. Addition and 77804716
subtraction 113921488?c
3. Solve real life problems involving 3. Cloth store 2. Worksheets
addition and subtraction. from 1 to 11 facts. ontentId=do_3130
activity. 0015839
of 3rd 3. estimation
4. Estimate the results. chapter activity 7693952173

Class: 5 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: Mathematics
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group

5. Check the addition rules and 4. properties

cumulative property. of addition
6. Understand the concepts of cost and
price, selling price. subtraction

7. Do problem about profit and loss. 5. weavers


11-13 Multipli 1. Multiply one number with 1. Expenses of 1. solve the 1.Multiplication Textbook page https://
cation and another number. a house problems properties, numbers from diksha.gov.in/
Division 2. Divide one number with another activity given under 2.Estimations 45 to 60 play/collection/
number. Do this and of product do_31309
2. Different
3. Estimate products, quotients and exercises 3.relation 7780471611
verify by solving the problems. 2. Worksheets between 3921488?cont
4. Understand the relation between from 1 to Multiplication entId=do_313059
3. Unitary and division 102418985281854
multiplication and division. 11 of 4th
5. Frame word problems and solve. chapter.
4. Estimating
6. solve the problems on unitary 3. fun maths
method the result

7. Prepare word problems to the

given digital form.
8. use multiplication and division in
daily life situations.

Class: 5 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: Mathematics
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group

14-15 Factors 1. Explain the divisibility from 1 to 1. Introduction 1. solve the 1.Divisibility Textbook page https://
& and 10 numbers through divisibility activity problems rule numbers from diksha.gov.in/
17-19 Multiples rules and solve divisions with 2. sum up of given under activities of 61 to 85 play/collection/
proper reasoning. divisibility 2. Do this And 1 to 10 do_313097
2. given reason for divisibility rule of rules exercises 2. Common 7804716113
2, 4. 3. multiples 3. Worksheets multiples
3. Understand the concept of activity from 1 to activities.
multiples and factors. 4. LCM 23 of 5th 3. sieve of
activity chapter Fill Eratosthenes 07885131
4. Find the multiples and factors of
a given number. 5. Prime and up of (fun 5687424111705
composite multiplication Activity)
5. Understand the concept of
number table.
prime-numbers and composite 4. common
numbers. factors
6. prime activity
6. Identify prime and composite
numbers up to 100. 5. relation
7. Find the LCM and HCF. between
7.HCF activity
HCF and
8. Solve the word problems 8. real life LCM
involving LCM and HCF problems on
9. explain difference between HCF and
factors and multiples. LCM

16 Summative Assessment-I -- -- -- -- --

Class: 5 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: Mathematics
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
1. understand basic geometric 1. activity on 1. solve the 1. Rabbit Textbook page https://
20-22 Geometry
concepts like point, line, line point problems activity numbers from diksha.gov.in/
segment, ray…etc 2. paper given under 86 to 116 play/collection/
2. more
folding Do this do_31253112
2. identify angle, and types of examples of
activity 2. solve the 71268597
angles ray
3. ray activity problems, 76212789?co
3. understand of open and closed which are 3. paper
4. line activity ntentId=do
figures given activity on
5. ice cream _31253100164
4. identify symmetric figures in sticks exercises right angle 7734784211147
daily life. Children can activity 3. Worksheets 4. hands
understand about linear 6. measuring from 1 to 15 activity
symmetry and rotation symmetry angle of 6th
(½ turn and ¼ turn ) 5. project
activity chapter
5. identify Patterns in daily 7. rat and cat 4. paper
life6.understand the properties of activity cutting 6.mirror
triangle, square and rectangle 8. rani activity activity image
(symmetry) 5. 12 squares activity
6. measure the perimeter
9. activity on activity 7 pattern
7. understand about area and can 6. gridpaper
line of activity.
estimate activities
8 perimeter
10. activity on
Half and
quarter a 9. area activity

Class: 5 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: Mathematics
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group

23-24 Data 1. Children can collect information 1. tally marks 1. solve the 1.Games and Textbook page https://
Handling and interpret the data. activity problems fish numbers from diksha.gov.in/
2. Children can read and draw given under activities 117 to 124 play/collection/
2. flowers
pictograph. Do this and do_3125311
activity 2. project work
exercises 2712685977
3.Children can read and draw bar (pictograph)
graph 3. bar graph 2. Worksheets
4. connect the data interpretation activity from 1 to 5
with daily life situations. of 7th
5. Represent the given data in bar 211161
graphs both in horizontal and

25-27 Fractions 1. Recognize 3 types of fractions 1. “Ashta 1. solve the 1.math lab Textbook page https://
(Proper, improper and mixed). chemma” problems activity numbers from diksha.gov.in/
Game. given under 2.activity on 125 to 146 play/collection/
2. Write equivalent fractions for a simplest
Do this and do_3125311
given fraction. 2. Distribution exercises form of 2712685977
3. Write the fraction in simplest of biscuits 2.Collection of activity 6212789?con
form. equally. students 3. activity on tentId=d
attendance conversion
4. Classify like and unlike fractions. 3. Activity on of
simplest 3.Worksheets
5. Add like fractions among the from 1 to 12 improperfra-
form of 110273
group of fractions and unlike of 8 th ctions into
fractions. chapter mixedfractions

Class: 5 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: Mathematics
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
6. Subtract like fractions among the 4. strips 4. Shade of the
group of fractions and unlike activity fraction part
5. blocks
7. Understand decimal fractions. activity
8. Solve daily life problems using
9. Represent functions of fractions
by using fraction strips.
Measure 1. Relates different commonly used 1. Measuring 1. solve the activity on Textbook page Diksha
ments larger and smaller units of lengths problems Estimating numbers from
(Optional) length, weight, capacity witha scale given under and 147 to 166
and Do this Measuring-
2. convert larger units to smaller centimetre
Converting and
units and vice-versa. and metre.
centimetres exercises
3. Applies the four fundamental 2. Measuring
intomillimetres 2. Worksheets
arithmetic operations in solving with a Scale
and vice from 1 to Converting
problems involving length, versa. 14 of 9 th kilograms
weight and capacity
2. Converting chapter into grams.
4. Measures length , weight and metres into 3. Textbook
capacity with different scales centimetres activity
5. Classify the measurements Textbook
of litres into
related to length, weight and activity
capacity. vice versa,

Class: 5 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: Mathematics
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
6. Choose which measurement has 3. Converting
to be used in his daily life metres into
activities. kilometres.
7. Use the scale, tape, weighs, litre Textbook
jar etc. measurements related activity
8. Classify the measurements
related to length, weight and
Time 1. Express the time in terms of AM 1. Railway 1. solve the 1. project Textbook page Diksha
or PM station problems work numbers from
(Optional) given under 167 to 174
2. Understand the difference between activity
Do this and
12 hours and 24 hours clock. 2. Activity on exercises
3. Differentiate leap year from non leaf year 2. Worksheets
leap year. from 1 and
2 of 10th

28-29 Revision -- -- -- -- --

30-31 Summative Assessment - II -- -- -- -- --

Class: 5 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: EVS
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
1-4 Readiness Programme

5-7 1. Migra- 1. Understand the 1. Reasons for 1. Worksheet-1 1. Let us Textbook, https://youtu.be/
tion concept of migration. migration. Do(pg.no-4) Workbook. BYsf6vofC_Q
2. Worksheet-2
2. Information
2. Analyze family needs 2 .Effects of 3. Worksheet-3 Family budget https://youtu.be/
and economic migration. families. chart. XPRlxme9aqQ
fulfillments. 4. Worksheet-4
3. Family Budget. 3. Let us Pie chart of two Google search,
3. Understand economic 4.Comparision of the 5. Worksheet-5 Do(pg.no-7) families. DIKSHA videos.
conditions of the budget of two 4. Activity on Flash cards.
family on studies. family
4. Know about the 5. Our school-Our 5. Think and
Government schemes right. discuss
available. (pg.no-7)
8-10 2. Climate 1. Understand the 1. Introduction, 1. Worksheet-1 Text book https://youtu.be/
Change concept of climate What is climate 2TDxUnQYjoU
2. Worksheet-2 Work book,
change. change?
3. Worksheet-3 charts Google search,
2. Identify the causes for 2. Effects of climate
change. 4. Worksheet-4 Pictures DIKSHA videos
climate change.
3. Causes of climate Flash cards.
3. Adopt eco-friendly
activities in their daily
life. 4. Chipko
movement, My
4. Understand harmful home , became
effect of plastic. ecofriendly.

Class: 5 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: EVS
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
11-13 3. Clothes 1. Understand the 1. Stitching clothes 1. Worksheet-1 1. Think and Text book Google search,
we wear process of making in different discuss DIKSHA Vid-
2. Worksheet-2 Work book
process. situations. (pg.no-23) eos.
2. Natural fibres. 3. Worksheet-3 flash cards
2. Identify the various
3. Wool. 4. Worksheet-4 Picture chart
types of clothes.
4. Artificial Fibres.
4. Explain the needs of 5. Worksheet-5
5. Our dress, Our
clothes. culture. 6. Worksheet-6
5. Understand the 6.Washing clothes. 7. Worksheet-7
properties of air. 7. Air around

14-15 4. Know 1. Understand the major 1. Organs in our 1. Worksheet-1 1. Think and Text book https://youtu.be/
our organ organ systems of the body. discuss Workbook N2VfQ0AyFH0
2. Worksheet-2
system human body. (pg.no-26, Flash Card
2.Skeletal system. 3. Worksheet-3 https://youtu.be/
2. Identify the parts of 27, 29 & 31) TLM N2VfQ0AyFH0
the body associated 3. Digestive system. 4. Worksheet-4 2. Let us
with each organ 4. Respiratory Do(pg.no- Google ,
5. Worksheet-5 DIKSHA
system. system. 30)
3. Understand the 6. Worksheet-6 3. Prepare a Videos.
5. Circulatory
importance of each 7. Worksheet-7 model for Textbook QR
organ system. the lungs. Code
4. Draw and label 6. Excretory system. 4. Heart model
diagrams of organ 7. Nervous system. making with
systems. clay.

16 Summative Assessment-I -- -- -- -- --

Class: 5 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: EVS
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
17-19 5. Agricul- 1. Know the life cycle of 1. Introduction. 1. Worksheet-1 1. Think and Text book Text book QR
ture a plant. discuss Work book code,
2. Stages in 2. Worksheet-2
2. Understand the cultivation of (pg.no-42)
3. Worksheet-3 Flash Card DIKSHA videos
various agricultural paddy. 2. Let us Do
4. Worksheet-4 Types of food Google
practices. 3. Irrigation,Types of (pg.no-45)
3. Identify the traditional irrigation. 5. Worksheet-5 3. What are
and modern tools of 4. Tools used in 6. Worksheet-6 the tradi-
agriculture. Agriculture. tional
7. Worksheet-7
4. Explain the life cycles 5. Manure and methods of
8. Worksheet-8 storing?
of a seed, catterpiller fertilizers,Crop
and a frog. 9. Worksheet-9 4. Let us Do
5. Understand the cycle of butterfly. 10. Worksheet-10 (pg.no-47)
importance of eating 5. Think and
6. Crop protection-
healthy food. discuss
life cycle of a frog.
7. Organic farming
6. Think and
8. Crops in our state. discuss
9. Cultivation of (pg.no-47)
10. Energy giving

Class: 5 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: EVS
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
20-21 6. Every 1. Explain the use of 1. Every drop is 1. Worksheet-1 1. Let us Text book Text book QR
Drop is water storage units/ precious. Do(pg.no- code,
2. Worksheet-2 Work book
precious reservoirs in our 2. Facilities provided 53)
3. Worksheet-3 Flash Cards DIKSHA videos
surroundings. by Dams,types of 2. Think and
dams. 4. Worksheet-4 Google
2. Explain the story of discuss Pictures
3. Let us know about (pg.no-54) https://youtu.be/
river Krishna. river Krishna. 5. Worksheet-5 TLM
3. Identify the reason 4. Nagarjuna sagar 6. Worksheet-6 3. Think and
behind river pollution dam and Prakasam discuss https://youtu.be/
7. Worksheet-7 eV42D1_3JWs
and its adverse effects. barrage. (pg.no-55)
5. Major rivers in 8. Worksheet-8 https://youtu.be/
Andhra Pradesh. T_gK73IQNWo
6. Fisherman and
7. Sorrow of the
8. Droughts and
22-23 7. Who 1. Understand the duties 1. Introduction. 1. Worksheet-1 1. Think and Textbook Textbook QR
Serves Us? of the local self 2. Government Discuss Workbook code,
2. Worksheet-2
Government. system providing (Pg. no: 59) flash cards of
3. Worksheet-3 DIKSHA
facilities to the local self
2. Identify the levels of videos,
people. 4. Worksheet-4 government.
Government in our Flash cards on
3. Mandal parishad, 5. Worksheet-5 Google
state facilities of
mandal level
6. Worksheet-6 government.

Class: 5 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: EVS
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
3. Summarize the 4. Police station, 7. Worksheet-7 Flash cards of
procedure involved in MRO office. 8. Worksheet-8 Mandal level
obtaining Government 5. MRC, Veternary institutions and
services. hospital,PHC,Bank activities.

6. Zilla Parishad Flash cards of

4. Classify the central
and state Government 7. Municipalities and
services. Municipal Chart on
Corporation. functions of
8. State Government and corporation
9. Central
Public Institution.

8. Let Us 1. Understand the need 1. Need for an 1. Worksheet-1 1. Think and Text book Textbook QR
See an for an international international Discuss code,
2. Worksheet-2 Workbook
Amazing transport. transport. (Pg.no:70)
World. 3. Worksheet-3 Pictures of DIKSHA videos
2. Understand the import 2. Import and transportation.
and export of the export of the 4. Worksheet-4 Google
goods. goods. 5. Worksheet-5 Seven wonders
Flash cards.
3. Recognize different 3. Different means
means of transport of of transport of TLM
goods. goods.

Class: 5 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: EVS
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
4. Understand the 4. Seven wonders of
importance of tourism the World.
and seven wonders of 5. Global village.
the world.
5. Understand how
communication and
transportation brings
the entire world
together to make it a
global village.
9. Alert 1. Understand different 1. Safety measures at 1. Worksheet-1 1. Think and Textbook Textbook QR
Today safety measures to be home. 2. Worksheet-2 discuss code,
Alive followed at home. 2. Causes of (pg.no-74)
3. Worksheet-3 DO’S , DIKSHA videos
Tomorrow. 2. Identify the causes for accidents. 2. Think and
4. Worksheet-4 DON’T’S
accidents on roads and 3. First aid. discuss Google
(Optional) CHART.
in water, know about 5. Worksheet-5 (pg.no-77)
boat accidents. 4. Emergency Flash cards on
3. Think and First aid.
3. Understand the services.
importance and uses (pg.no-78) TLM on
5. Disaster
of the first aid in the emergency
management. 4. Do this
school. services.
4. Understand the TLM on
importance of disasters.
emergency services
like 108, 104, and 100.

Class: 5 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: EVS
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
5. Recognize the services
of disaster
management to the
people in need.

24-25 10. The 1. Understand the 1. Indian freedom 1. Worksheet-1 Textbook. Textbook QR
Journey of history of India. struggle. 2. Worksheet-2 code,
India for
2. Explain the time of 2. Historical 3. Worksheet-3 Flash cards of
Freedom DIKSHA videos
Indian freedom monuments freedom fighters
4. Worksheet-4
movement. Google
3. Freedom
3. Appreciate the
sacrifice of freedom
fighters. 4. Freedom fighters.

26-27 11. Earth 1. Understand the shape 1. Earth shape. 1. Worksheet-1 1. Role play on Textbook. Textbook QR
To Space of the earth. 2. Worksheet-2 Rotation and Workbook code,
2. Latitudes and
2. Understand and longitudes. Revolution.
3. Worksheet-3 TLM DIKSHA videos
explain about latitudes
and longitudes. 3. Earth rotation, 4. Worksheet-4 2. Spinning top
Solar system Google
3. Differentiate the and revolution. model
5. Worksheet-5 planets flash
movements of the making.
4. The Solar system. cards.
earth, rotation, and
5. Artificial Satellites. Flash cards of
4. Explain about the solar

Class: 5 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2021-22 Subject: EVS
Acivities by References
Unit /
Week(s) Lesson Learning outcome(s) Student
Teacher Physical Digital
Individual Group
28-29 Revision -- -- -- -- --

30-31 Summative Assessment-II -- -- -- -- --


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