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Put on the table which are force effects!

Change speed Motion
1. 3.
Pull Change direction
2. 4. Stop and start Friction
Push Nothing move
1. Match the definition to their words!
(___)To move something away from you A. Force
(___)The action of moving or changing position B. Motion
(___)An object pushing on another object, slowing it C. Pull
(___)To move or haul something toards yourself D. Push
(___)A push or a pull E. Friction

2. Determine whether the following activities are pushing or pulling!


Draw lines to match!

 Stop moving

Squeeze paper ∎

 Speed up

Catch a ball∎

 Change

Push trolley∎

 Start moving

Push harder∎

 Change shape

Hit a moving ball with a bat∎

 Start moving

Use your brake∎

 Slow down

Kick a ball∎

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