Space C - Nts

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When you need to do something that is ‘Challenging’ or easier, you do so without having to
make a check.

When you need to do something that is ‘Hard’ or harder, you make a check. Add up the

● 1 if the action is covered by your speciality or skill

● 1 if you evoke one of your styles (does not stack)
● 1 if you evoke one of your motives (does not stack)
● 1 if you’re using an item that’s a suitable tool for the job
● 1 if you use the environment or context to assist you

Those are your odds. Roll a D6 and compare the result to your odds:

● If equal to or below your odds, you Nail It.

● If above your odds, but you did not roll a 6, you Rimshot.
● If you roll a 6, you Fucked Up.

If you try to do something especially difficult, you should add a difficulty modifier. This is:

● +1 if you are trying something very hard

● +3 if you are trying something extremely hard
● +6 if you are trying something impossible

If your roll, modified by the difficulty, is more than 6, then you have Fucked Up Bad.


You will be given a Spaff Point if the GM judges that you’ve achieved something notable for
your character (or caused ruin, but in a particularly self-indulgent way), disrupted gameplay
because everyone is laughing too hard, or otherwise notably furthered the game.

You may spend a Spaff Point to:

● Pump your speciality. When making a check against your speciality, you may declare
that you are using a Spaff Point before rolling. If you do, a ‘RImshot’ result becomes a
‘Nailed It’ result. In addition, you change the difficulty modifiers from +1/+3/+6 to
● Misuse your speciality. When making a check against something other than your
speciality, you may use a Spaff Point and a vaguely plausible justification to substitute a
unsuitable method of solving the problem that makes it against your speciality instead.
● Cover up your failures. When you get a ‘Fucked Up’ result for a check against your
speciality, you can spend a Spaff Point to turn it into a ‘Rimshot’. Ditto ‘Fucked Up Bad’
getting turned into ‘Fucked Up’.


Attempt all sections below, not necessarily in order. Do not attempt any section more than once.

1. Pick a speciality

There are eight skills in Space Cunts:

● Finesse (dodging, hiding, operating twiddly things)

● Gravitas (intimidating, inspiring, charming)
● Guile (disguise, convincing people of stuff)
● Guts (taking your hits and liking it)
● Ken (noticing stuff)
● Knowledge (knowing stuff)
● Science (tinkering with stuff)
● Violence (breaking stuff)

Pick one as your speciality. You will be improbably good at this field, if you spend Spaff points to
do so.

2. Pick your other skill

Pick another one of the skills above. You’ll also be good at this.

3. Pick two styles

They can be single words or a few of them. Any time that the action you’re taking evokes one of
your styles, you are more likely to succeed. Examples:

● ‘With Tits’
● ‘Collateral Damage’
● ‘Overly Showy’
● ‘Explosions’

4. Pick two motives

These are things that make your character tick. When you’re doing something that feeds into
one of your motives, you are more likely to succeed. Examples:

● Bloodlust
● Getting Some
● Greed
● Vanity

5. Name your character

Your character needs a name. And preferably also a (dis)honourifc or two.

6. Devise a rap sheet

As per section 67(b)i of the Universal Roleplaying Games Treaty, the campaign will start with
you escaping imprisonment. Space imprisonment. But what are you in space prison for? Write
up your character’s rap sheet.

7. Write your character sheet below

Do it.

8. Get a cup of tea or something

You’re done.

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