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A Rig Engineer develops, plans, costs, schedules and supervises the operations
necessary to the process of drilling & refining crude oil, from initial Raw Level
to the completion and Final level. Their role can involve administering, drilling
and service contractor's. Rig engineers work with other professionals, such as
geologists and geoscientists, to monitor drilling progress, oversee safety
management and ensure the protection of the environment.

A Rig Engineer do most of the manual works while Chemical Engineer, carry out
laboratory testing of crude oil to know if the Crude Oil is pure and fit for
refining or use. So am just a supervisor to a group of Rig workers. My Company has
a branch in Phoenix, Arizona, Texas and UK. Since the Oil Pipe's cross via phoenix.
We are meant to take care of the pipes and carry out test on each crude oil that
runs in different pipes.Here in Virginia, we have the branch station that control
all the flow of gas to different gas companies. Sometimes I get dirty when I have
allot of job to do

I work only six months in Virginia, but sometimes we do have time to visit our
family but I still like my job, even though we don't have enough time to go the
bar, or feel free like others.. I have been in this field of job since my college
days and it pays more than any other job you can imagine..

Life in Sea is very risky,I just want you to have idea about my Job,. My Daughter
and my mom knows more about my job..No body visit me when am at work or even call
me because this oil machine is highly inflammable and we don't use mobile phones or
call when we are in field work. I hope i can get an idea of what you do too?
I just want to use this time to write something about my past relationship, the
memory of my late wife is a very touching story about my life, am writing all that
I could remember about her to you past because my instinct tells me we have alot in
common in terms of trust, emotions, characters and understanding.I really want us
to achieve that One goal, of becoming a friend and a lover, that's why am taking my
time to think out my past relationship. Am a very simple man, I don't really know
where to start but I will write all I could remember..

My wife and I got dated for 7 years before we got married in October 2005. The
extent relationship was sexual. I worked hard keeping my routines of going to work
abroad, being a humorous, caring, and active contributor in our relationship But it
was harder every day. I had difficulty accepting and planning my own personal life
plans because I didn't have any ex-relationship experience during my relationship
with my late wife, she was my first love.

My Late-wife was a successful business lady who climbed to the top ranks before I
met her, she was an Accountant..During the time we met, she was the State Branch
Manager of Bank Of America, which is the time we got dating. In terms of
understanding and being rational, my late-wife is top-class. but she was not happy
because of my busy nature of flying abroad to work, then I was working with
Scotland Oil Rig, before I became a contractor to Scotland Oil Rig in 1995. I
usually fly to England every two weeks. my parent didn't like the idea of staying
away from my marital affair but they are supportive sometimes, arranging vacation
plans for us and financing it as well but that didnt help.

My Relationship with my late wife became weak with very little intimacy such as
hugs, kisses, sex and sharing idea during the time I was working as a Rig Engineer
with Scotland Oil Rig in United Kingdom..That made me to took a turn in my job to
become a Chemical Contractor because I want to stay with her to build that love and
Happiness she has for me, I quit my job with Scotland Oil, as a Rig Engineer to
them. It took me years to finally become a Chemical contractor to Scotland Oil Rig,
in United Kingdom.Then my late wife assist me financially to get all the required
documents and necessary registration to become an International Chemical

After obtaining my international certificate, My physical relationship with my late

wife became normal when I quit my Job and became an International Chemical
Contractor!, Every thing became amazing, she is very caring, in her sexuality,she
turned me on always like no other lady did before I met her. She was my College
Love when we both schooled in Virginia Beach, Her name is Brenda, She is from a
Royal family in Sweden, Europe. Her Dad was among the senate in Minneasota.That was
in early 70's. Her mom was also a notable citizen in the state house of Florida.

She is the only true collage love I had in my college days but God made her to
became my wife after many years of not seeing her, God is great! For making me come
in contact with her in California after not seeing each other after collage. She
was the state Branch Manager of Bank Of America, In California. I fall inlove with
her again after many years of lost of contact, she has great qualities and
characters, she is understandable, A true heart open, free and ready to know what
next when I told her something Important, as a friend. She was really a True Love.
I definitely courted on her for some time, being my financier, much before we were
intimate. She kept the affection to a minimum level because she was a Young manager
to Bank Of America and her Job was too demanding and I was trying to get a Contract
agreement with Scotland Oil Rig in United kingdom. So we agreed to keep dating
before planning for Marriage.

We became serious date after several years of unsteady relationship, the commitment
between us was good enough to relocate with her to Virginia because of her transfer
from California, that's when we bought our house in Virginia.

After few years of our transfer and staying together, we live happily, stay at
home, fly together for vacation's. made plans to live in England for the rest of
our live's because she really want to experience the life of Bristish since my dad
was a Britian citizin which i don't really know much about how he became a citizen
there! Originally my Dad is from Norway, my late wife also want me to become an
Expact in the Chemical Importation.She was my Financial Partner in Business because
she back up most of my contracts with loan applications from Bank Of Amarica since
she was the Manager. We really love each other.

During her child labor in 2010. she died as a result of loss of strength. I lost
her and the baby. I blame nobody, I bear the pains alone, I am the type of person
that follow through with things even if I am unhappy. I was in great pain over her
death, emotionally, schycologically and spiritually. it made me uncomfortable
living in this world alone. I just truly can't handle the situation of her death
and leaving me with Lisa, my daughter, alone. I keep wondering if other
relationship gone through the pains I felt, I decided to forget about the past and
move ahead., I struggled with my emotional feelings but I didn't know how I could
care for Lisa but with God i have been trying taken real good care of her!
After the deadly incident of my late wife, is really hard to say. There was a lot
of dramatic change in my personality and behavior. Being a contractor and holding a
wealthy position in life is very hard with out a woman to call a wife, a wife to
come back home to, A Prayer Partner, A true friend. a thinker , and lot more.

Am writing this for you to know how life has been for me as a widow. If you will be
very glad to occupy the space in my Heart, Am ready to Open the doors of my Heart
for you to come in and Occupy. I want you to be serious with me. I know you have
your own stories to tell about the past as well, but The past is gone and we have
to creat a new Future together. let me know your plans for a new relationship?

Your Friend


My Sincere thanks for your reply to my mail and endless interest in getting to
know me. No words could accurately describe the joy I derived after reading your
mails, I must say, thank you for your time and interest in putting those lengthy
emails together. I do appreciate your effort! Please don't give up; soon we will
get to know each other to a great extend after writing for couple of times, or
talking on phone. With that, we could be able to meet in person. That is the more
reason I sign up for online dating since my career keeps me busy!. I'm sure you
will find a better place in my heart with your mail before we met. I feel very
lucky to have met a clear thinker like you online- someone who is worth getting to
know better and for a long time.
> I knew you maybe wondering what an Engineer like me, do for fun...loll, But we
all know, Sometimes Job stuff can wear us down and we have to live in the real
world too.. Even in such technical line as a Contractor, my fun activities are
still what others do for fun. My success is due to how I relaxed my nerves during a
stressful day and things I do for fun also keep me going. I think this is a good
way to learn about ourselves also. So, I decided to write you more about my life in
a fancy way. I have a small group of friends, and would like to keep it that way. I
don,t like hanging around with a bunch of people. I don't like people being forced
upon me, and my friends know that. Like most advance people my age, I will hang out
in bar but usually only when I'm with my friends or with a lady like you.
> Over the years, I've been interested in quite a few things, from archery to
skiing. I had to abandon archery because I simply didn't have enough time to
continue, and skiing was sort of a one winter thing. Up until 2001, I shot sport
rifle during the winter. Unfortunately, I am now too old and busy to go to the
Friday night club, I enjoy sports (mainly watching live), swimming, music, fine
dining and I travel so much. I have been to 20 countries of the world for tour,
work or other similar purpose. When was the last time you fly out of your state?
Where in the world have you visited other than the states?
> There are many other ways I spend my spare time, I do visit a lot and Looking
good is my only defense when I go out for visitation or business meetings. I wear
both long and short sleeveless shirts, Capri's, jeans, suit, working uniform,
jacket, I guess it depend on my mood and color, my favorite color is Blue,
Sometimes I'm looking for a specific item for a special event, sometimes I'm just
looking for something new and fun, when going out during my leisure time, I wore
something really rewarding and complimentary to the eye's. I'm really the fashion
type, not old school type. Are you a fashion lady? Tell me more about your dress
styles, work dress styles, party dress styles, home dress styles? What's your
favorite color? Your fancy stuffs, like mini electronics?
> Due to my working schedule and habit, I stay indoor most of my time to do paper
works or sometimes catching fun with video games, Watching Sport Or films on TV, or
decide to read some education stuff about my job, or stories of histories. when
Bored at home also, I sometimes take a walk down the street, Sometimes walk down to
the beach, watching dolphin, I also spent time going else where to watch shore's,
music concepts, sometimes, just to get excited as well, even thousands of dollar
might be for something to get me excited, like special days, birthday, marriage
ceremonies and lot more. Most especially, I like birthdays allot, What are your
fancy stuffs? Do you like sport? What sports do you involve in? Are you a football
fan? What's your club name?
> As for food, the whole thing revolves around the wonderful combination of pasta
and tomato sauce. It's just that simple. Spaghetti, Rigatoni, La Sagan, Raviolla,
etc. I like Italian, and French meal also. I like gnocchi in sage butter sauce,
Lobster,Fish, almost all vegetables, filet Mignon, well creme Brule lamb, Rosemary
chicken stuffed with goat cheese, Shrimp, Crab and calamari, anchovies.
> My Drinks are: lattes w/Skim (decaf only I'm caffeine sensitive), Red/White wine,
Martini w/out vermouth and with a twist, bottled water, hot chocolate w/whip cream
by a warm fire, Green tea, and herbal tea, Fresh squeezed juice fruit and
vegetable. All these are staples of my diet and some for occasions too.
> My lunch consist of my favorite foods but don't often eat fast food for dinner.
Usually dinner consists of either pasta, or meat such as pork chops, steak, ribs,
etc. My favorite restaurant is a small Norwegian place in London called Tony's. My
favorite fast food restaurant is the evil empire; McDonald's. I also tend to
frequent East Side Mario's, The Outback, Montanan's and Swiss Chalet. I don't eat
much. Do you spend much time eating? What do you enjoy eating? do you know how to
prepare home made meals a lot? i can see that in you but still a question.
> As for music, my tastes vary widely but I'm very specific when I find something I
like. Generally that means I'm open to anything with the exception of Rap/Hip-hop,
Country and Pop. Normally, I listen to specific songs instead of whole albums. I'm
pretty selective in the music I listen to. If anyone asks me what my favorite band
is, my usual answer is Rammstein. I seem to have more of their music than any
other. Heavy industrial and/or Goth metal is just perhaps not my favorite, and also
happens to be perfect driving music and working hour's when I thought of the
lyrics. I don't play any music instrument. My online radio station is Yesterday-
USA, UK-tonight, Snow-Hours, back in Norway. Do you like listening to music often?
What your Favorite songs?
> I've had a few pets over the years, including various fish, a gerbil, some crabs.
My favorite animal is the Bird. My least favorite animal is the human. I do like
dogs and cats. I have found that I have a strange sort of understanding with most
animals. For example, it's very rare that I meet a dog that doesn't like me. Do you
own a pet? Tell me more about your pet if you have any or what pet you will like to
rear as a friend and why you choose that pet?
> wow!!, am tired to continue telling you things you wish to know about what I do
for fun and things I like, I will tell you about things I dislike also and I wish
to know yours as well but is okay, this would get us on going for now. Thanks for
taking time to read these. I can't wait to read your answers to my heart felt
questions. Well I may not disclose the qualifications for my ideal partner but
maybe you may get to know better when we get to meet each other. I hope I didn't
make much mistake's. I'm feeling sleepy now. I wish to read about the other side of
your life as well, write when you can, sorry for late responds. I get to know one
lady not two.
> Your new friend.
> Patrick


International passport is at same time your traveling passport maybe sweetie! how
long u want sweetie... ok my love but u do not have to worry about your fare my
dear i can take care of that when we are together ok love. you are my woman i will
take care of you because what is mine should be yours i have nothing to hide.
missing u

Love You


Glad your willing to move along with me love! honey you do not need much, do u have
an international passport? honey u will have to be the one to know how long u will
take off work babe! Your fare might cost closely to about 2500pounds i guess! I
keep thinking about you baby and am glad to know it is a reality and not a dream! I
am very happy to have you in my love. Lots of hugs and kisses
> Love P


It won't take long for me to relocate but i will also like to know if you will be
willing for us to go to the states together when i come see you baby! what do u


If you truly love me you will trust me! Love comes with trust and we have to trust
each other to build a better relationship leading to Marriage. I am not trying to
get anyone down all i care about most is for us to get together and live our lives,
the past is already the past my dear! Life is all about to move on. Love
> > > > > >
> > > > > > P


Glad your willing to move along with me love! honey you do not need much, do u have
an international passport? honey u will have to be the one to know how long u will
take off work babe! Your fare might cost closely to about 2500pounds i guess! I
keep thinking about you baby and am glad to know it is a reality and not a dream! I
am very happy to have you in my love. Lots of hugs and kisses

Love P


Glad to know you are not too bad honey, missing you! i will be praying for you for
me strengths from God honey. she pretended to love me and i so much believed in
her, i trusted her but i was failed by her love and that i never want to experience
anymore my love!!! I Love you more now and she is in the past and not worth talking
about my love! what will you be doing for the rest of the day my darling.. Talk to
you soon




Thank you for the address sweetie, how are you doing? i hope u are having a blessed
day! want u to know am thinking about u my love and am praying all is well with
you! Honey here is the hotel manager information u need to send the 100 pounds to
Name: John Mark, Country: Nigeria State: Delta State. City has to be Warri City
they call it the Oil City. Test question: Who is Alison Answer: My Love..


Good evening my dear,

> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > How are you? I am doing fine my dear, am glad to hear from you sweetie..
Do not see yourself as a stupid woman my dear! You did what a good wife would do
for the man she care about but it was unfair he was not who he said he was, we both
have fall victim to this kind of people. they was this lady i met online who asked
me for money to come over to see me i sent her $2000 for her ticket but guess what
she was from African as well and i did not even see her or my money back. God has
place both of us in same path and am glad to have met you on Badoo my dear, i want
u to know i will never lie to you or cheat on you. all i want is to be happy in
love together as one because that is what matters most in life! Do not worry about
the 1600 pounds my dear i can get you the money back let me just finish with the
barrels am buying i will let you know once am able to get the loan from my bank.
Money won't be our problem dear! Am glad you did appreciate knowing about me, i do
appreciate getting to know more about you too my dear! No man is perfect my dear i
am not more intteligent than you we all are intteligent in this world so no one is
perfect. where ever you will go i will follow and be there by your side life is not
all about fancy it is about every moment we enjoy and stay happy! About your
questions, i do know am falling for you and i feel is love dear, i understand u
have been hurt in the past but the past is the past the future is all that matters
most my dear and that future is what we two are suppose to build the best out of
it. Good to know your kids are all fine my dear it does put a smile in my face to
know they are all in good shape! Lisa is a very happy girl she smiles a lot dear
and loves to be happy she hates to be lied to lol. she likes girls things like her
toys and i always make sure she reads her book and not watching TV. I would love
for it to be just you and me when we meet for the first time my dear!! I am 5:10ft.
Color of my eyes are brown dear! My birthday is september 18th so am Virgo, How
about you? I am not into body shape in a woman all i want is someone for love me
for me and i will do the same, Love does not have body shape. I like a woman to
dress smart and comfortable my dear! You can choose any pet name as long as is from
you i will answer my dear! yes i would love us to spend the night together if that
will be possible by you my dear! I have been open with you from the begining my
dear and i will always will because honesty is the key to a successful relationship
which will lead to marriage. How was your day? did u go to church? hope u prayed
about us! hope to hear from you soon my dear! Take care and God bless
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > Patrick


Good evening my dear,

> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > My day was ok my dear, how was your own day! Good to know you are okay
now and not feeling down any more! i am more relief to hear this! this friend you
met on the internet his he the one you sent money? what was the amount you gave to
him dear? You have not offended me in anyway dear! Lisa is fine and thanks for
asking, how are your lovely kids doing? my regards to them dear! Hope to hear from
you soon dear


> > > > > > > Good Morning my dear Alison, i hope you are not feeling down anymore!
did u get my last email? It's always nice reading your mail, I enjoy the emotional
company I derive reading your mail and your loyalty; it's important to have the
friendship and affection of someone whom you choose to be with, share our joys and
sorrows, discuss our problems without fear or reservations. I like the thought of
being far away and getting to know ourselves for a start, while you take care of
your life while I take care of mine.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > But, the best part is to be able to enjoy the best things we have to
offer, to recognize our faults, understand our past and accept them just the way
they are. I'm still getting to know you and I'm comfortable with all you have said
so far but I still have a lot to ask.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > I've been thinking about asking you more questions for a while now, I
will like to know about your Home & Home Life? Relationships with Friends & Family?
How much time do you spend with your friends & family? How many friends do you
have? Tell me about your fashion style? Have you ever had a cyber relationship?
What is your healthy condition? Do you speak foreign languages? What are the things
you own? Are you a sport lover? What kind of sport or exercise do you like? And
what are your dream goals to achieve?
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > I just wish you feel safe sharing your secrets or personal issues
with me, I think this will be the best way to go about it. We still have enough
time to prove our readiness to gain trust, feel emotional attach and to get along
my dear.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > I await your response, God Bless
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Patrick


Good Morning honey,

> How are you doing? hope u slept well. i have missed u and thank you for every
well you have sent me! everythinh is well baby, How are the kids doing? Lisa is
alright sweetie, oh sweetie thanks for saying u will relocate. i will do the same
for you too love! since u will relocate that is a good one too baby! My love i have
very serious about you my love i want to be there for you now and forever to be
your one and only! You have not annoyed me baby i love hearing from you sweetheart!
i miss u. hope to hear from you soon.
> Patrick


I wish I could be with you to fill you with kisses and tell sweet things in those
pretty little ears of yours. If you had any idea how much I'm missing you right
now, you'd be flying over here, to hug me and kiss me and reassure me of your love
one more time.
> > > How can you miss someone this much? How can love, such an "abstract" thing,
take up so much of my thoughts, being as rational as I am? What makes it such a
strong feeling? And why this constant need to see you, to be with you? Am I going
crazy? I think I am...
> > >
> > >
> > > And if so, going crazy over someone as special as you are is a sign of good
taste, to say the least, for there must only be a few number of people in the world
with so many special characteristics as you have. I sure do believe Lisa will love
you and accept you as her own mother as i believe you will not make her unhappy as
do i my dear!
> > >
> > >
> > > I can't stand being away from you if we met, because when that happens it
will be s as if time doesn't move, the hours become longer and boring and there's
nothing - not even a fine glass of wine - that can bring some comfort. I fight
loneliness and can't wait to be with you face to face, to touch you and kiss you
gently, softly.
> > >
> > >
> > > Be sure these will be very special kisses because you're worth it. Hope to
hear from you soon
> > >
> > >
> > > Patrick
> > > God Bless
> > >
> > >
> > > ----------------

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