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12th IFAC/IEEE Workshop on Discrete Event Systems

Cachan, France. May 14-16, 2014

Generalised Search for the Observer

Property in Discrete Event Systems 1
H. J. Bravo ∗ P. N. Pena ∗∗ A. E. C. da Cunha ∗∗∗
R. Malik ∗∗∗∗ J. E. R. Cury †

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica, Universidade
Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil (e-mail:
Departamento de Engenharia Eletrônica, Universidade Federal de
Minas Gerais, Brazil (
Seção de Engenharia Elétrica, Instituto Militar de Engenharia,
Brazil (email:
Department of Computer Science, The University of Waikato,
New Zealand, (e-mail:

Departamento de Automação e Sistemas, Universidade Federal de
Santa Catarina, Brazil (e-mail:

Abstract: This paper proposes a procedure to compute abstractions with the observer
property (OP) for discrete event systems. The procedure is a generalisation of an algorithm
proposed before by the authors, which is based on a quadratic algorithm to test whether a given
projection has the observer property. The new version proposed in this paper supports systems
that have cycles of non-relevant events, thus removing a restriction of the previous version.
Nevertheless, it retains its cubic complexity, which means that the method is asymptotically
faster than other methods proposed in the literature to solve the same problem.

Keywords: Discrete Event Systems, Natural Projections, Observer Property.

1. INTRODUCTION be applied only to systems with no cycles of non-relevant

events, and the OP-search algorithm (Pena et al., 2010)
The Observer Property (OP) is fundamental for the con- has the same restriction.
sistency of abstractions of Discrete Event Systems in Su- Recently, Pena et al. (2014) presented a generalisation of
pervisory Control Theory (Ramadge and Wonham, 1989), the OP-verifier algorithm that overcomes the limitation
in particular for hierarchical control (Wong and Wonham, on the cycles of non-relevant events. As shown in this
1996; Hill and Tilbury, 2006; da Cunha and Cury, 2007; paper, the verifier (Pena et al., 2014) does not exhibit
Feng and Wonham, 2008; Schmidt et al., 2008; Schmidt the properties of the verifier (Pena et al., 2008) that were
and Breindl, 2011) and for the verification of the absence exploited in the OP-search (Pena et al., 2010). Therefore,
of conflicts in modular control (Hill and Tilbury, 2006; in this paper, we propose a modification of the verifier
Flordal and Malik, 2009; Pena et al., 2009). (Pena et al., 2014), a structure named hybrid verifier,
The problem of searching for abstractions obtained by which has favourable properties that make it possible to
natural projections with OP consists of the refinement of a implement a new OP-search algorithm.
given system and its natural projection that do not satisfy This paper is organised as follows. Section 2 introduces
the OP until the OP is satisfied for the refined system and preliminary concepts necessary to the development of the
the projection. The refinement can be performed either by paper. Section 3 describes the OP-verifier (Pena et al.,
selecting and turning a non-relevant event or particular 2014) and some related properties. Section 4 introduces
transition into relevant. Some approaches that deal with the hybrid verifier and discusses its properties. Section 5
the search of the OP for projections are (Schmidt and introduces a new version of the OP-search that exploits
Moor, 2006; Feng and Wonham, 2010; Pena et al., 2010). the properties of the hybrid verifier, presents an example
On the other hand, in (Wong and Wonham, 2004), a and complexity analysis. The results are summarised in
similar problem is treated for causal reporter maps (Zhong Section 6.
and Wonham, 1990).
Particularly, the approach (Pena et al., 2010) proposes a
search algorithm based on the OP-verifier (Pena et al., 2. PRELIMINARIES
2008), which determines whether or not an abstraction has
the Observer Property. The OP-verifier has a restriction to In this section, some basic concepts of the Supervisory
1 This work has been supported by the Brazilian agencies CAPES, Control Theory (Ramadge and Wonham, 1989) are revis-
FAPEMIG and CNPq. The fifth author is supported in part by CNPq ited. The reader is referred to Cassandras and Lafortune
grant 300953/93-3. (2008) for a detailed introduction to the theory.

978-3-902823-61-8/2014 © IFAC 350 10.3182/20140514-3-FR-4046.00079

WODES 2014
Cachan, France. May 14-16, 2014

In this framework, the behaviour of a Discrete Event θ(st0 ) = θ(s)t and st0 ∈ L, then θ(L) has the observer
System is described by strings of events taken from a property (OP).
finite alphabet Σ. The set of all finite strings of events
in Σ, including the empty string ε, is denoted by Σ∗ . A In words, if a projection satisfies the observer property
subset L ⊆ Σ∗ is called a language. The concatenation then the tasks that are performed in the abstracted,
of strings s, u ∈ Σ∗ is written as su. A string s ∈ Σ∗ is i.e., projected, automaton correspond uniquely to marked
called a prefix of t ∈ Σ∗ , written s ≤ t, if there exists strings in the original automaton. The observer property is
u ∈ Σ∗ such that su = t. The prefix-closure L of a also applied to automata: θ(G) is called an OP-abstraction
language L ⊆ Σ∗ is the set of all prefixes of strings in L, if θ(Lm (G)) has the observer property (Pena et al., 2008).
i.e., L = { s ∈ Σ∗ | s ≤ t for some t ∈ L }.
In this paper, finite-state automata are used to represent 3. VERIFICATION OF THE OBSERVER PROPERTY
languages. A (nondeterministic) finite-state automaton is
a tuple G = (Σ, Q, →, Q◦ ), where Σ is the finite set of In this section, the verifier introduced in (Pena et al., 2014)
events, Q is the set of states, →− ⊆ Q × Σ × Q is the is described along with some of its properties and their use
transition relation, and Q◦ ⊆ Q is the set of initial states. in the search of the observer property.
The automaton G is said to be deterministic if |Q◦ | ≤ 1
σ σ
and x → y1 and x → y2 imply that y1 = y2 . 3.1 Constructing the Automaton Gnr
The transition relation is extended to strings over Σ∗ by
ε sσ s
making x → x for every x ∈ Q and x → z if x → y and In order to deal with systems with cycles of non-relevant
σ s s
y → z for some y ∈ Q. Also, x → means x → y for some events, an automaton Gnr is introduced. Let G =
s (Σ, Q, →, Q◦ ) be a deterministic nonblocking automaton,
y ∈ Q and x → y means x → y for some s ∈ Σ∗ . The nr
notation x9y represents that there is no s ∈ Σ∗ such that and let Σ = Σr ∪ Σnr . The relation → ⊆ Q × Q is defined
s s
x → y, and x 9 if there is no y ∈ Q such that x → y.
s as follows:
nr s
The notation can also be used in sets of states or automata x → y ⇐⇒ x → y for some s ∈ Σ∗nr ; (2)
s s
such as: X → Y for X, Y ⊆ Q means that x → y for some nr nr
x ↔ y ⇐⇒ x → y and y → x .
s ◦ s
x ∈ X and y ∈ Y , and G → means Q →. nr
If x ↔ y, then the states x and y are called strongly
The generated language of G is defined as L(G) = { s ∈ Σnr -connected states. If G does not have two distinct Σnr -
Σ∗ | Q◦ → }. To express the marking of strings, the connected states, then it is said to be Σnr -acyclic. Any
alphabet Σ is assumed to contain the special event ω ∈ Σ, set of strongly Σnr -connected states is called a strongly
which may only appear on selfloops, i.e., x → y implies Σnr -connected component (Σnr -SCC) of G.
x = y. The marked states of G are indicated by selfloops
If each Σnr -SCC of G is contracted into a single state,
labelled with the event ω, and the marked language of G
the resulting automaton is a Σnr -acyclic automaton, and
is defined as Lm (G) = { s ∈ (Σ \ {ω})∗ | sω ∈ L(G) }. A
tw is called the strongly Σnr -connected component automa-
state x ∈ Q is accessible if G → x, and co-accessible if x → ton Gnr . Formally, it is the quotient automaton

for some t ∈ Σ . An automaton G is said to be accessible nr
if all states are accessible and nonblocking if all accessible Gnr = G/↔ = (Σ, Qnr , → nr , Q◦nr ) . (4)
states are co-accessible. By construction, Gnr does not have cycles of non-relevant
Let G = (Σ, Q, →, Q◦ ) be an automaton and ∼ ⊆ Q × Q events (except for selfloops), namely, if [x] ↔ [y] then
be an equivalence relation on Q. The quotient automaton [x] = [y]. Also, for y ∈ Q, [y] is a terminal component if,
of G is for all σ ∈ Σnr and all z ∈ Q such that [y] → [z], it is true
that [y] = [z].
e◦ ) ,
G/∼ = (Σ, Q/∼, →/∼, Q (1) Example 2. The strongly connected components automa-
0 σ
ton Gnr constructed from G in Fig. 1 for Σr = {λ, ω} is
such that →/∼ = { ([x], σ, [y]) | x → y 0 for some x0 ∈ [x] shown in Fig. 2. The states 1, 2, and 3 form the Σnr -SCC
and y 0 ∈ [y] } and Q e ◦ = { [x◦ ] | x◦ ∈ Q◦ }. Here, [1] = {1, 2, 3} in Gnr . Also, [0] = {0} and [4] = {4}.
[x] = { x ∈ Q | x ∼ x0 } denotes an equivalence class
of x ∈ Q and Q/∼ = { [x] | x ∈ Q } is the set that includes
all equivalence classes.
In this paper, Σ is partitioned as Σ = Σr ∪Σnr , where Σr is
the set of relevant events and Σnr is the set of non-relevant
events. For Σr ⊆ Σ, the natural projection θ : Σ∗ → Σ∗r Fig. 1. Automaton G.
maps sequences of events in Σ∗ to sequences of events in Σ∗r
by erasing events that are not in Σr . This concept can be
extended to languages by θ(L) = { t ∈ Σ∗r | t = θ(s) for
some s ∈ L }. A property that characterises the natural
projection is presented in the following.
Definition 1. (Wong et al., 2000) Let L ⊆ Σ∗ and θ : Σ∗ →
Σ∗r be the natural projection. If for all s ∈ L and all t ∈ Σ∗r Fig. 2. Automaton Gnr .
such that θ(s)t ∈ θ(L), there exists t0 ∈ Σ∗ such that

WODES 2014
Cachan, France. May 14-16, 2014

3.2 OP-verifier The following propositions present similar results to (Pena

et al., 2010).
The OP-verifier VG for G (Pena et al., 2014) is a nonde- Proposition 5. Let {[x]}, {[y]} ∈ QV be two verifier states
terministic automaton defined as follows: σ
such that [x] 6= [y], and let σ ∈ Σ. If {[x]} →V {[y]} then
VG = (Σ, QV , → V , Q◦V ) (5) σ ∈ Σr .
Proposition 5 indicates that, if there is a transition in VG
• QV = {P ⊆ Qnr | 1 ≤ |P | ≤ 2} ∪ {⊥} is the set of between two different states with cardinality one, the event
states, that includes the subsets of Qnr of cardinality of this transition must be relevant. It can be shown that
1 or 2, along with a special state ⊥. this follows from the fact that Qnr is a partition of Q and
• → V ⊆ QV × Σ × QV is defined as follows: from the definition for the evolution of non-relevant events
σ σ
· {[x], [y]} →V {[x0 ], [y 0 ]} if σ ∈ Σr , [x] →nr [x0 ], in the transition function →V .
σ 0
and [y] →nr [y ]; Proposition 6. If ⊥ is accessible in VG , then there exists a
σ σ
· {[x], [y]} →V {[x0 ], [y]} if σ ∈ Σnr and [x] →nr state x ∈ Q and a path
[x ]; and σ σ σ σn+1
σ σ σ {[x]} →1 {[x1 ], [y1 ]} →2 · · · →
{[xn ], [yn ]} −−−→ ⊥ (8)
· {[x], [y]} →V ⊥ if σ ∈ Σr , [x] →nr , [y] 9nr , and
[y] is terminal. such that [xi ] 6= [yi ] for i = 1, . . . , n.
• Q◦V = {Q◦nr } is the set of initial states of VG . Proposition 6 shows that every path to state ⊥ in the veri-
The set QV of verifier states contains singletons {[x]} and fier must originate from some singleton verifier state {[x]},
pairs {[x], [y]} of Σnr -SCCs. Note that pairs consisting of and all following verifier states on the path to ⊥ are proper
two identical components are singletons, {[x], [x]} = {[x]}: pairs. The OP-Search algorithm (Pena et al., 2010) uses
this fact is used in the definition of → V . these paths to perform modifications of the set of relevant
Example 3. To illustrate VG , consider Gnr as shown in events and turn an abstraction into OP.
Fig. 2. The set of relevant events of Gnr is Σr = If the start component [x] of the path (8) is a one-
{λ, ω}. The OP-verifier contains the following transi- state component, [x] = {x}, then the first event σ1 of
λ λ λ
tions: {[0]} →V {[1]}, {[1]} →V {[1]}, {[1]} →V {[4]}, the path must be non-relevant, as otherwise G would be
λ ω β a nondeterministic automaton (Pena et al., 2010). More
{[1]} →V {[1], [4]}, {[4]} →V {[4]}, {[1]} →V {[1]}, σ
γ β γ precisely, it holds that x = x1 and x →1 y1 with σ1 ∈ Σnr .
{[1]} →V {[1]}, {[1], [4]} →V {[1], [4]}, {[1], [4]} →V
λ ω Based on this fact, the OP-Search algorithm (Pena et al.,
{[1], [4]}, {[1], [4]} →V ⊥, and {[1], [4]} →V ⊥. σ
2010) chooses such a transition x →1 y1 and replaces
The verifier VG is shown in Fig. 3. the non-relevant event σ1 on this transition by a new
relevant event. This removes one of the causes that violate
OP. The OP-Search algorithm continues to construct a
new verifier for the modified automaton G, and if OP is
still not satisfied, the procedure starts over and chooses
another transition to replace. In the worst-case, all non-
relevant transitions will be turned into relevant transitions,
so eventually an OP-abstraction will result.
Fig. 3. OP-verifier VG . This idea relies on the assumption that the start com-
ponent [x] is a singleton component. The OP-Search al-
gorithm (Pena et al., 2010) is based on the OP-Verifier
The following theorem shows the main result regarding the (Pena et al., 2008), both of which assume that the input
OP-verifier VG . automaton G is Σnr -acyclic. In this case, all strongly Σnr -
Theorem 4. (Pena et al., 2014) The state ⊥ is accessible connected components are singletons.
in VG , if and only if θ(G) is not an OP-abstraction.
If the start component [x] is not a singleton, the above
3.3 Properties of the OP-verifier idea no longer works. For instance, in VG of Fig. 3, the
paths from {[1]} to ⊥ all start with relevant events.
We now present some additional properties of VG , fol- In the next section, a modification of the verifier VG is
lowing the guidelines in (Pena et al., 2010), in order to proposed to solve this problem and make the OP-Search
establish some useful results for the search of an OP- idea applicable to input automata with cycles of non-
abstraction. relevant events. The idea is to expand some of the verifier
As in (Pena et al., 2010), the set of states QV of VG is states {[x]} using the original states forming the strongly
partitioned into the following subsets: connected component [x].
QsV = { {[x], [y]} ∈ QV \ {⊥} | {[x], [y]} 9V ⊥ } , (6)
the set of safe states, that do not reach the state ⊥, and
V = { {[x], [y]} ∈ QV \ {⊥} | {[x], [y]} →V ⊥} , (7) In this section, given a deterministic nonblocking automa-
the set of unsafe states, that reach the state ⊥. In exam- ton G, the set of relevant events Σr , and the verifier VG
ple 3, QsV = {{[4]}} and Qus V = {{[0]}, {[1]}, {[1, 4]}}. as in Section 3, we propose a new structure, named hybrid

WODES 2014
Cachan, France. May 14-16, 2014

verifier, that can be exploited in the search for the observer Input and Output Transitions. Given an unsafe root state
property in the presence of cycles of non-relevant events. {ui } ∈ Qur
V , we furthermore define the set of input/output
→i ⊆ ((QV \ Qur ur
V ) ∪ Ωtotal ) × Σ × ((QV \ QV ) ∪ Ωtotal )
4.1 Constructing the Hybrid Verifier
for σ ∈ Σ, {x, y} ∈ Ωi , {[z], [w]} ∈ QV \ Qur ur
V , {uj } ∈ QV ,
with j 6= i, and {x0 , y 0 } ∈ Ωj as follows:
Unsafe Root States. To construct the hybrid verifier, the
start states of the paths in Proposition 6 are examined σ in/out σ
(i) {[z], [w]} →i {x, y}, if {[z], [w]} →V {ui } and
more closely. Given a verifier VG , the set Qur
V of unsafe either:
root states is defined as follows: σ
• σ ∈ Σr , ∃z 0 ∈ [z] such that z 0 → x and ∃w0 ∈ [w]
V = { {[x]} ∈ QV \ {⊥} | (9) σ
such that w0 → y; or
{[x]} is the start state of a path (8) } . σ
• σ ∈ Σnr , ∃z 0 ∈ [z] such that z 0 → x and y ∈ [w];
In words, unsafe root states are singleton verifier states σ in/out σ
(ii) {x, y} →i {[z], [w]}, if {ui } →V {[z], [w]} and
that initiate paths composed only of states of cardinality
two that reach the state ⊥. We denote the unsafe root σ
• σ ∈ Σr , ∃z 0 ∈ [z] such that x → z 0 and ∃w0 ∈ [w]
states in Qur
V by {ui } where ui = [xi ] is a Σnr -SCC of G. σ
Thus, the set Qur such that y → w0 ; or
V of unsafe root states can also be written σ
as Qur ur
V = {{u1 }, . . . , {un }} where n = |QV |. In example 3,
• σ ∈ Σnr and ∃z 0 ∈ [z] such that x → z 0 and
there is only one unsafe root state, so that Qur V = {{u1 }}
y ∈ [w];
with u1 = [1]. σ in/out σ σ
(iii) {x, y} →i {x0 , y 0 }, if {ui } →V {uj }, x → x0 , and
Given an unsafe root state {ui } ∈ Qur V , we define the y → y0 .
expansion of {ui } as the following structure: in/out
The transitions → i link expanded states in a set Ωi to
(Ωi , →i ) (10) other states. (i) represents transitions from states {[z], [w]}
where that are not unsafe root states into Ωi , and (ii) represents
transitions from Ωi to states that are not unsafe root
• Ωi = { P ⊆ ui | 1 ≤ |P | ≤ 2 } is a set with elements states. The last case (iii) represents transitions between
of the type {x, y} or {x}, with x, y ∈ ui . the expansions Ωi and Ωj of two different unsafe root
• → i ⊆ Ωi × Σ × Ωi is a transition relation, defined for states {ui } =
6 {uj }. It is justified by Proposition 5, where
{x, y}, {x0 , y 0 } ∈ Ωi and σ ∈ Σ as: transitions in VG that connect states of the form {ui }
σ σ
· {x, y} →i {x0 , y 0 } if σ ∈ Σr , x → x0 such that and {uj } are labelled only by relevant events.
x0 ∈ ui , and y → y 0 such that y 0 ∈ ui ;
σ σ The complete set of input and output transitions for the
· {x, y} →i {x0 , y} if σ ∈ Σnr and x → x0 such that set of unsafe root states Qur
0 V is then:
x ∈ ui . [n
in/out in/out
→ total = →i . (14)
Again, if x = y, then a pair {x, y} ∈ Ωi is simply written i=1
as {x}. For instance, the input and output transitions for the un-
λ in/out
The structure (Ωi , → i ) can be obtained from {ui } ∈ Qur
V safe root state {ui } = {[1]} in example 3 are {[0]} →i
by arbitrarily choosing an element {x, y}, with x, y ∈ ui , λ in/out λ in/out
and applying recursively and exhaustively the definition {1}, {1, 3} →i {[1], [4]}, and {3} →i {[4]}.
of the transition relation → i . In the trivial case, where
Old Transitions. The set of old transitions, defined as
ui = {xi } is one-state Σnr -SCC, the structure (Ωi , → i )
consists of only the state xi . → old = { (A, σ, B) ∈ → V | A ∈ Qur ur
V or B ∈ QV } (15)
consists of all transitions of the verifier VG that are linked
For instance, expansion of the unsafe root state {ui } =
to an unsafe root state in Qur V . These transitions are re-
{[1]} in example 3 gives the set Ωi = {{1}, {2}, {3}, {1, 2}, in/out
λ β moved and replaced by the transitions in → i and → i
{1, 3}, {2, 3}} and the transitions {1} →i {1}, {1} →i to construct the hybrid verifier.
β γ γ
{1, 2}, {1, 2} →i {2}, {1, 2} →i {1, 3}, {2} →i {2, 3},
γ β γ γ
The old transitions for the unsafe root state {ui } = {[1]}
{1, 3} →i {1}, {1, 3} →i {2, 3}, {2, 3} →i {1, 2}, {2, 3} →i λ λ
γ in Example 3 are {[0]} →old {[1]}, {[1]} →old {[1]},
{3} and {3} →i {1, 3}. β γ λ
{[1]} →old {[1]}, {[1]} →old {[1]}, {[1]} →old {[4]} and
Each expansion (Ωi , → i ) corresponds to a unique unsafe λ
{[1]} →old {[1], [4]}.
root state {ui } ∈ Qur V . Moreover, it can be shown that
(Ωi , → i ) forms a Σnr -SCC (Bravo, 2012). Thus, we define Hybrid Verifier. Given the above definitions, the hybrid
a new structure in the following way: verifier is the automaton VH = (Σ, QH , → H , Q◦H ) where:
(Ωtotal , →total ) (11)
• QH = (QV \ QurV ) ∪ Ωtotal ;
where in/out
• → H = (→ V \ → old ) ∪ → total ∪ → total ; and
[n ◦
Ωtotal = Ωi (12) • If QV ∈ ur ◦ ◦
/ QV , then QH = QV , otherwise Q◦H = {Q◦ }.
[ni=1 To build the hybrid verifier VH from VG , G and Σr , the
→ total = →i . (13)
i=1 first step is to identify the set of unsafe root states {ui }

WODES 2014
Cachan, France. May 14-16, 2014

of VG . These states are removed and replaced by their Algorithm 1 OP-Search

expansions Ωi . At the same time, the old transition → old
1: Input: G = (Σ, Q, →, Q◦ ) and Σr ⊆ Σ
connected to the unsafe root states are replaced by new
in/out 2: Build VG from G and Σr
transitions from → total and → total . The hybrid verifier 3: while VG →V ⊥ do
may contain states of the type {x, y} and {[w], [z]} at 4: Build VH from VG , G, and Σr
the same time, because only the unsafe root states are 5: Find and select state q ∈ Q and event η ∈ Σnr that
expanded while other verifier states are left unchanged. satisfy proposition 9 for VH
6: Create new relevant event η 0
4.2 Properties of the Hybrid Verifier η
b by changing transition q → η0
7: Build G to q →
8: Make Σ b r ← Σr ∪ {η 0 }
In the following, we present some properties of the hybrid
verifier VH , which will be useful to the search for the OP. 9: Build VbGb from G and Σr
b b
Proposition 7. If Qur
V = ∅, then VH = VG .
10: VG ← VGb
b, G ← G, Σr ← Σr
b b
Proposition 8. State ⊥ is accessible in VH , if and only if 11: end while
θ(G) is not an OP-abstraction. 12: Output: Abstraction G and extended event set Σr

The following proposition lifts the results from Proposi-

tion 6 to the hybrid verifier, making it possible to identify
the causes that lead to violation of the OP as in (Pena
et al., 2010).
Proposition 9. If ⊥ is accessible in VH , then there exists a
state q ∈ Q and a path in VH ,
σ σ σ σn+1
{[q]} →1 {A1 , B1 } →2 · · · →
{An , Bn } −−−→ ⊥ (16)
such that σ1 ∈ Σnr and Ai 6= Bi for i = 1, . . . , n.

In (16), the states Ai and Bi are either states of the original

automaton, Ai = xi ∈ Q, or strongly Σnr -connected
nr Fig. 4. Hybrid Verifier VH .
components, Ai = [xi ] ∈ Q/→. The main difference
between Propositions 6 and 9 is that the latter ensures the lines of Section 4, we build the hybrid verifier VH shown
that the first step of the path (16) to ⊥ is a non-relevant in Fig. 4.
event, so it can be changed to a relevant event as in the By analysing VH we select state 3 of G and event γ
original OP-Search algorithm (Pena et al., 2010). that satisfy the conditions of Proposition 9, defining the
The proofs of Propositions 7, 8, and 9 are given in (Bravo, path {3} → H ⊥ in VH . We then create the new relevant
2012). event γ1, producing Σb r = {λ, ω, γ1}, and substitute the
γ γ1
5. SEARCH OF THE OBSERVER PROPERTY transition 3 → 1 by 3 → 1 in G. This results in the new
automaton G b in Fig. 5.
Following the guidelines in (Pena et al., 2010), we propose
in this section an algorithm that exploits the properties of
the hybrid verifier to obtain an OP-abstraction.
The OP-search algorithm presented in Algorithm 1 follows
the idea of the algorithm in (Pena et al., 2010), but based
on the verifier in (Pena et al., 2014) and exploiting the Fig. 5. Automaton G.
properties of the hybrid verifier presented in this paper.
Following Algorithm 1, we build the verifier VbG b and check
As a consequence, this new OP-search can be applied to
systems that have cycles of non-relevant events. if ⊥ is accessible. It can be shown that ⊥ is still accessible
in VbG
b. In a second iteration, we select state 1 and event
The following theorem confirms the correctness of Algo- β1
rithm 1. β, creating the transition 1 → 2. In this iteration, the
resulting automaton G, b shown in Fig. 6, with new relevant
Theorem 10. (Bravo, 2012) Let G e and Σ e r be the results
events Σr = {λ, ω, γ1, β1}, produces the verifier VbH
b shown
of Algorithm 1 and θe be the natural projection of Σ
e in Σ
then θ(
e G)
e is an OP-abstraction. in Fig. 7. In this case, ⊥ is no more accessible in VbHb , and
the resulting pair of G e=G b and Σer = Σ
b r is such that the
5.1 Example corresponding abstraction θ( e G)
e is OP.

Consider G, Gnr and VG shown in Figs. 1, 2 and 3. The 5.2 Complexity

set of relevant events is Σr = {λ, ω}, defining the natural
projection θ. As shown in Example 3, VG →V ⊥, and by Algorithm 1 runs in the same complexity as the OP-Search
Theorem 4, θ(G) is not OP. Applying Algorithm 1, we first algorithm (Pena et al., 2010) for automata without cycles
identify that {[1]} is an unsafe root state of VG . Following of non-relevant events. Each iteration of the main loop

WODES 2014
Cachan, France. May 14-16, 2014

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