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Unik -4 EL [2] Cosmedte Regulabion in the Eusopenr Union Arnish Kuma! Dekintion ot Gol SS SS. (LD) Definition of cosmetic ag pest Indian seegulnHen He pes Secttom 5 of the olbaug and Cosmebits Act 1940 and $ules 1945 > Cosmalie meane any astile Indendel do be Ssushbeel, poused, 8pscinkled ox sprayed on. o% Jmiwodud Silo. on oteunize applied to, the | human body os any port of body tou Cleansing _ GA beautifying peomotiny attsactiveness osc alfesing dhe appansomee and Jncluales any aasdidle Sifendkd #ox use a8 a ermponent of Cosmet. The. Exsopem Union Gemedies Disective detines a cosmetic ag" any substance ox pxeparatten. Jndended 4o be pluel Jn contact with the vasilous colesmal posds of the hamen) ‘edly OH coith the death and She -meous membxanes of She atal cavity colth a view exclusively OX madly 40 cleamig Shem, pesttemiyg the Cherging dhexe qppegaance and /es cosete ¥ body oxide edouse and /oy puotettig them ©8t Keephyg dem in geod condition. i TH “the Ynited States and European Union | lien a Boweiesttall” Sem Canoe Titlah Kayman) The United states (US) and Lusqpeem Union (EV7 Ll woonk to ensure So safely oF | Casmetits Bs. Consumens Howeugh Sepyonoug stegulation. Ln dhe both Unitee! slates ond Euxapean Union, Cosmedics monukactusens ensue psceduct Safety psuios, fo onanheting List cull | degsedients and the predlud: Lobel ond comply aalth any Saestsutdions that aoe Glablished fs cosmetic Sngsiedients and pscudutls > fing potential isk Aum a pxidut JS assesced as post of Sle saiefy evdluation. Te Eyphima wee the Fat do siecgnize. dhe health poegperdy oF tolmet its. 2 Up do the 19% centuwy. there cas no dase distindtm tedwcen cormahcs and | phoymaceuttals She Sepavabtr ocuseed | when dhe Abul secs phesonaendtal Inaluabsey coas cleceloped. e ~ Cosmeceahca/ sapidly expanded Jn the (980° due bo Aycbeoxy atid: Cnatusal Bul: atid ured ag extelionte agains? cosuinhles. 2 Rayneone hel Founding member of the United tees Sociedy of Cosmedt chemiele, cine the dexm “Coomeeutival ” dn L361, _ | CG Th Ut Albat Klingman Headvated Jntestest ‘in cormeceuttal hy develaping a Fowmula do lmpseve dhe appeaxance of UV damaged ond coutnkled skin , osing satinole acd. > They axe applied depically os Cogmedics, but cemtaln Inguedients shat influence she Skins blalgyical fundion. | > Cormeentieal improve Appeanance. Sout they de so by detivesting nutsients TeRessosy Fes healthy Skin.

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