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Technological progress has been inevitable over the years.

As such, this progress has been

spread and is used globally by countless individuals. This marks the beginning of a new era of
evolutionary sports known as eSports. Esports is defined as "a professional sports competition in
which two or more individuals compete using video games as platforms" (Scholz & Barlow,
2019). These serve a variety of functions, including income generation, entertainment, and
community building.

There is a significant relationship between esports and the STEM strand. Esports involves
playing video games, which "are a product of all STEM concepts coming together to form an
interactive medium that forces gamers to actively learn new skills and solve problems in unique
situations" (Wells, n.d.). Game developers use programming and coding to create video games.
Artificial intelligence, a critical component of technology, enables people to "watch and analyze
thousands of esports matches and then use that data to help players improve their game" (Kolstic,
n.d.). In addition, participating in esports allows players to develop analytical and problem-
solving skills, which are essential components of science and mathematics.

Esports are highly relevant in society due to their rising popularity among young individuals.
This has led to various impacts on the academic performance, behavior, and health of the youth,
including the students. According to Zhong et al. (2022), "involvement in esports helps young
players develop skills that are needed in 21st-century societies and increasingly valued by
employers." In accordance with this, several studies have shown that participation in esports
increases students' communication skills and teamwork. In contrast to the positive impacts of
esports on the academic performance of the students, research conducted by Chan et al. (2022)
suggested an "association between video gaming and poor lifestyle outcomes." This implies that
e-gamers tend to have reduced physical activity, a poor diet, and sleep deprivation.

In relation to the impacts of e-sports among students, the researchers want to seek the truth
behind the common assumptions of the topic by exploring the lived experiences of senior high
school students who are esports gamers. The researchers assume that selected senior high school
esports gamers have internet gaming disorders, poor academic performance, a sedentary lifestyle,
and are socially awkward.
In conclusion, the researchers chose this topic for two reasons. First, the topic is highly
relevant and timely in today’s society. Lastly, it is aligned with and has relation to the
components of the STEM strand.

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