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Școala: Școala Gimnazială Petelea Tipul lecției: Developing Skills

Profesor: Orban Alex Ionuț Manual: -
Data: 08.02.2023 Unitatea de învățare: In the Jungle
Clasa: a I-a Lecția: My favourite animal
Număr elevi: 19 elevi Timp: 45 minute
Nivel: Pre-A1 Language Skills: Speaking, Reading,

Competențe specifice:
 1.1 Oferirea unei reacţii adecvate, în situaţii de comunicare uzuale, la o întrebare/
instrucţiune simplă rostită clar şi foarte rar
 3.1. Manifestarea curiozităţii pentru decodarea unor mesaje scrise simple şi scurte din
universul imediat
 4.1. Participarea la proiecte de grup/ la nivelul clasei în care elaborează cu sprijin scurte
mesaje scrise

Teacher’s aims:
1. to present new contexts in which to apply previously acquired knowledge
2. to practice and develop the usage of the new vocabulary
3. to encourage expressing preferences
4. to practice and use words related to the animal kingdom

Strategii Didactice:
 Repetition with feedback
 Songs and games
 Discussion

Resurse materiale:
 Whiteboard
 Laptop and projector

Probleme anticipate: Este posibil ca elevii să fie distrași sau neinteresați de subiectul lecției.

ACTIVITY 1: Warmer
Aim: to ensure a smooth transition to the upcoming English lesson
Before introducing keywords and expressions for the lesson, it is important to put the target
language into context. A great way to do this is to tell students that you recently visited a zoo. Ask
them to guess what animals they think you saw at the zoo and write them on the board. Ask students
if they have ever been to the zoo and what animals they saw.
Timing: 5 minutes

ACTIVITY 2: Lead-in
Aim: to introduce the lesson in a fun and engaging way
Next, it’s time to introduce the animal names and key expressions for the lesson. Using these animal
flashcards, introduce the animal names to the students. Ask students to repeat after you as you say
the animal names aloud. Next, introduce the pronouns ‘this’ and ‘that’ and the expression
“This/That is a (lion).” An easy way to demonstrate the difference between this and that is to simply
place the flashcard close to you and say, “This is a lion.” Then move the flashcard away from you
and say, “That is a lion.” Ask students to guess what the difference is between this and that. Once
students have practiced enough, it’s time to play a fun animal Pictionary game to practice some
Timing: 10 minutes

Aim: to encourage the students to express their preferences
In this game to practice animal vocabulary, one student will draw an animal on the board while the
other students guess what it is. Before playing this game, teach the students how to ask and answer
the question, “Is that a (giraffe)?” Once students have practiced enough, invite one student up to the
front to draw an animal. Show one of the animal flashcards to the student and give them 10 seconds
to try to draw the animal. As the student is drawing, encourage the other students to count down
from 10 together. After 10 seconds, choose a student to guess what animal it is. When guessing,
students should ask, “Is that a (lion)?” and the student at the front should answer, “Yes, it is.” or
“No, it isn’t.” The student who guesses correctly then gets to come to the front and draw the next
Timing: 15 minutes

Aim: to practice and use words related to the animal kingdom
This next activity is a fun printable board game for students to play in pairs. Print this animals board
game and give one to each pair of students. In this game, students will ‘race around the world’
while naming the animals in the picture. One student will race clockwise, and one student will race
anti-clockwise. To play, students should first place their eraser at the starting point. Next, the kids
should play rock, scissors, paper. The winning student can then move their one square. Then the
students should have a dialogue based on the animal picture which is in that square. For example,
one student should ask, “What’s that?” and the other student can answer, “It’s an elephant.”. Next,
the students will play rock, scissors, paper again and repeat. The first student to make it all the way
around the world is the winner.
Timing: 15 minutes

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