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(08/21/20 New boards added: pal, vm vst and iv! (05/04/17 New trial board added: /bant/- InternationallRancom 10/04/16 New board for 4chan Pass users: vip - Very Important Posts [Hide} Snow Al) © janitor acceptance em: Is will be sent out over the coming weeks. Make sure to check your spam box! [Return] [Catalog] (Bottom (Update) [CI Auto] 761714313 File: 08{290159932a580 jpg (69 KB, 590x896) ——— = 0 Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)00:14:45 No,92017513 > ssaz0t7sa4 >saz017778 _agp17887 3922017999 2992018065 >>82018914 2992018047 3992010847 2992010725 >>82016813 bus TORVALD10 YEARS 35 OF MOGHAMNERS WAL tone Oe ‘Why do programmers cuck themselves like this? °° ( Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)00:19:59 No.92017584 > >>97017619 >>97017623, 2500017785 >>92020435 >>92017513 (OP) >look mom | posted it again! Nothingburger, these "software engineers" will just become "prompt engineers" / ai supervisors" aka glorified code reviewers °° 2) Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)00:22:14 No.92017613 > >>92017704 92017584 5 and it's over, >> FD Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)00:22:51 No.92017623 P >>s2017704 >>92017584 That's the job for the 5% => 2) Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)00:29:19 No.92017704 p> 2292017719 >>92017804 2292017613 3592017623 You dumb trannies will be part of the 47% because you have so little imagination, if will replace grunt work programming and architecture then even a McCoder can make their own game, or SaaS, bootstrapped for almost 0 cost Dumb ass niggers > D Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)00:30:30 No.92017719 > =ss7017749 2292017704 Wow you mean to tell me the bing bing wahoo market will be oversaturated??? > © Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)00:32:36 No.92017749 > >»s2047770 >>92017719 Not at all, 'm saying you should quite literally put a hole in your head in minecraft © Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)00:33:43 No.92017765 Pb >»92018750 92017584 Why would anyone think that a programmer is in any position to review Al code that is beyond the comprehension of monkey shitlers in 10 years? > D Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)00:34:27 No.92017770 > 392017749 fic! taught me that the angrier the response the bigger the cope © Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)00:35:00 No.92017776 > File: Tux.png (30 KB, 265x314) 292017513 (OP) fhe looks like Tux > © Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)00:36:53 No.92017804 > 92017704 sorry you got a meme degree 1. real engineer > © anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)00:43:22 No.92017887 b >asz018477 >>92017513 (OP) programmers are nothing more than hobbyists of course they'll do this to themselves. >> O Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)00:51:42 No.92017993 > 2592017513 (OP) it's obvious now that studying CS was mostly a waste of time aside from some classes, However, | can't imagine myself doing anything else, Maybe mall or linguistics, but then | would also end up unemployed, especially in my third-world country Honestly the whole Al thing will probably take some time to hit us in the third world (in taking programming jobs). There's still So much stuff to do unlike firsts. Salaries will et shitter though CG Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)00:58:05 No.92018065 > >>02017513 (OP) ‘Smart programmers will just start calling themselves “Al utilization expert" or something, chuck some Python and Machine Leaming certs on their resume and keep their jobs, except now ChatGPT does ‘most of the work for them, > O Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)01:19:11 No.92018276 > >in 10 years most programmers are trying to retire after 10 years of working > © Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)01:21:40 No.92018311 > 2es20%8547 >292017513 (OP) {wish this was true. | could go work on cars without feeling shitty about leaving 200k on the table. It's far more likely that Ill have to do clown shit ike "prompt engineering” instead. > D Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat}01:26:05 No.92018347 > >592017513 (OP) its literally our job to automate > © Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)01:28:26 No.92018373 > >>92018722 that's a fake print, you retards wil literally believe anything posted on this website protip, like 50% prints posted on 4chan are fake, and they get hundreds of replies from retards like ‘you, I create them too sometimes, its fun O Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)01:31:59 No.92018404 > By 95% he means all the pajeets, > OF Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)01:36:54 No.92018477 > >>92017887 >programmers are nothing more than hobbyists isnt this great? | make good money out of my hobby, can you say the same? O Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat}01:44:29 No.92018547 > »>020:0001 >>92018311 >[ could go work on cars without feeling shitty about leaving 200k on the table, why wouldn't the car jobs all be replaced as well? ° OC Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)01:51:31 No.92018636 > >>97018819 >>92020108 File: Screenshot 20230311-07493..).jpg (580 KB, 1080x2340) original content >> D anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)01:51:54 No.92018639 > »>o2018a52 >»azo18675 ‘An ai would probably just end up using assembly, or developing it's own low level language and methods that are too inhuman to easily comprehend. He's probably right. >> © Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)01:52:33 No.92018647 > >>92018665 File: 1663612704467341 jpg (29 KB, 400x400) >>92017513 (OP) >even linux tech tips fell for the meme >> © Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat}01:52:41 No.92018652 > 92018639 facebook had a paper about ML assisted assembly optimization. iwant to know what sort of programming language an Al would make = © Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat}01:53:35 No.92018665 > File: 1678248205175872,png (135 KB, 512x512) 5 = NEVER MIND IT'S 6@ 7@) auresivey >FAKE AND GAY FAKE AND GAY >FAKE AND GAY FAKE AND GAY >FAKE AND GAY FAKE AND GAY >FAKE AND GAY FAKE AND GAY >FAKE AND GAY FAKE AND GAY >FAKE AND GAY FAKE AND GAY >FAKE AND GAY FAKE AND GAY >FAKE AND GAY FAKE AND GAY >FAKE AND GAY FAKE AND GAY >FAKE AND GAY FAKE AND GAY >FAKE AND GAY FAKE AND GAY >FAKE AND GAY FAKE AND GAY >> © Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat}01:54:07 No.92018675 > 202018639 yeah except there is no Al lol >> © Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)01:55:32 No.92018697 > >>92020198 File: Screonshot_20230311-07543....jpg (778 KB, 1440x3040) Fake article Fuck off > D) anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)01:57:20 No.92018722 > >>92018373 >50% You're bring overly generous when site tile says all stories here are work of fiction >> © Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)01:57:46 No.92018725 > >>92017513 (OP) T don’t think most machine learning researchers are programmers so the premise that its programmers fucking themselves over isn't really true they know a bit of python but really they're more like mathematicians than programmers. © © Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)02:01:10 No.92018750 > 292017765 >Al code that is beyond the comprehension of monkey shitlers in 10 years You imbecile language meme models are trained on human text the very best they can hope to do is become equivalent to a human > C Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)02:04:14 No.92018775 > Of course there's a bunch of articles like this, traditional businessifinance view tech/engineering as too much of a cost and have always been looking at ways to reduce that. Whether it's some shit like platform services, SaaS, low-code apps, or whatever. And sometimes those services have a faster time to value anyways. If some chatbot to run terraform on some cloud provider and spin up a LB/Compute/DB with whatever popular application stack, then SWE's should either be focusing on (1) more complex applications, (2) moving towards PM type roles for roadmapsifeatures, or (3) working closer with the business to customize the chatbot app. >> C (>_<) 03/11123(8at)02:06:59 No.92018813 > >>92017513 (OP) Tactually thought this was real lol >>92018636 thanks >> D anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)02:09:52 No.92018840 > >:s20:0007 92017513 (OP) How is this ‘starting’ ? Ever since ChatGPT came out, this has been the topic of discussion among all my dev peers, and the consensus is that we have a 5-8 year window before our jobs become niche. Plan your exit strategy NOW >> ©) Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)02:10:04 No.92018846 > File: 1649339129045,on9 (408 KB, 1000x871) 292017513 (OP) Thope so. | hate all tech workers (except small-company IT guys, they're always. chill as fuck). | hope silicon valley burns to the ground in my lifetime and all the hipster trash living there burn too. Let no one escape. °* © Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)02:25:23 No.92019001 b 2292019075 =>a2018176 File: 1678519502074,jpg (100 KB, 633x119) >>92018547 People worrying about doom and gloom for software developers are just idiots. If an Al is ‘smart enough to develop embedded software for rockets, then itis smart enough to drive. trucks, be a lawyer, work in finance, research in academia, Anything that doesn't require the mobility and agile hands of humans (humanoid robots are a century away just because of batteries not being able to compete with human metabolism) can be replaced by proompting according to these morons. © © Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)02:32:09 No.92019075 > 292019001 Yeah... Retards linearly extrapolate on their own shallow understanding of the complexity and difficult of tasks. Ifthe Al can regurgitate semi-valid text today, surely it will be reprogramming itself and fucking my wife next month! * OC Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)02:33:50 No,92019097 > >>92018840 >Plan your exit strategy NOW yeah i have to make a choice either maximize money over the next § years and then figure it out from there or go alin on Al *> © Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)02:39:07 No.92019166 > all these chatbot bros are just NFT bros in disguise °° © Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat}02:40:22 No.92019176 b 2292019209 >>92019240 >>92019001 You don't need humanoid robots to do mast jobs. See for example modem factories. if 95% of programmers are losing their jobs, so are 95% of everyone else >> D Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)02:43:36 No.92019209 > ‘And this is a good thing. 99% of the programming industry has been making literally nothing but boilerplate code for the past two decades now. >>92019176 Refiting existing factories and warehouses to match efficient robot replacements would take too much money and time. And even then, even the most basic machines like elevators and escalators break down at random. The majority of jobs will be replaced with mechanics where men had belonged to since the industrial revolution, °C) Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)02:46:37 No.92019240 > >»92019353 >>92019176 ‘Why aren't these modem factories replacing 99% of third world sweatshops? Can they do shit like plumbing or fixing power grid wires after a storm? Can they work in the fields? People are so out of touch, they think the world ends at the edges of the first world. We literally have a chip shortage and people still think robots will replace us. °° © Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)02:58:35 No.92019353 > >>92019240 It is not intrinsically difficult to fix plumbing, but how does the robot know what it needs to do? It needs. to figure out the current state, at the very least, and then it would be easy to decide what to do, and not-that-easy but still achievable with current tech to actually do it. Computer vision would take of the first part. Normal software (made also by Al in Linus’ future) would take care of the second part. And advances in robotics would allow for the third. You suddenly have a robot that fixes plumbing, even if at first there is an operator controlling it. For now, third worlders are way cheaper. But my point is that it may change if there is really an Al hich is competent enough to replace 95% of developers (which remains to be seen, | think those statements are doomers for the near or mid future). Because once any intellectual profession is, replaced, the part of interacting” with the world can also be figured out. And it does not mean having humanoid robots and AGI, but just a bunch of specialized robots. Essentially Roombas on steroids. ° (2 Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)03:03:46 No.92019387 b =>92010430 Fats Waller was right. If you don't know what itis don't mess with it. >> D anonymous 03/11/23(Sal)03:06:07 No.92019403 > 222019474 >292017513 (OP) itwon't happen. Its surprising how delusional he is though. Those retards have been claiming that drivers are about to lose their jobs for several decades. Now that that isn't happening, itis an even more complicated profession that they are going to wipe out mao. > Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)03:08:20 No.92019430 > sssz0:0168 292019387 But we "know’ hat itis, at least as well as we "know" ourselves ~ O Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)03:12:00 No.92019466 > >>92019430 You dont get it. I's ne, You should listen to some of his pieces/piano playing and his background maybe then you will begin to see / understand > OD anonymous 03/11/28(Sat)03:13:01 No.92019474 > 282010818 42010583 =-92018861 >>92019403 ‘when a program is coded poorly you get your average software, when a car drives poorly people die C Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)03:17:50 No.92019516 > 92019474 Mi believe it when | see it and not a day earlier. These days everyone has a shitload of emply promises and none of it ever comes true CO Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)03:24:22 No.92019583 > >>92019804 92019474 Al only regurgitates pre-existing solutions. Driving is repetitive so that's doable. Writing hello world is also doable because plenty of examples exist in the training data, But writing completely new software is impossible. D Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)03.25:42 No.92019604 > 2292019833 >>s2020039 02020088 >>92019583 ‘Al actually does pattern matching so it's able to remix pre-existing solutions, it's plain to see but an even more obvious example are those image generators, >> (2 Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)03:28:22 No.92019636 > >>92017513 (OP) Link to the article/archive? >> DO anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)03:32:51 No.92019687 > 3592017513 (OP) ‘Aayyyyyyo. Wat now ytboi? We the programma now. ChatGPT has made me FREE! °° D Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)03:54:27 No.92019933 > >>92019958 >»92020138 >>92019604 >able fo remix pre-existing solutions Yes that's all it does. Which isn't enough to create something truly new. You can't even come up with a prompt for new software. You can write "make me a new 3rd person shooter with lord of the rings aesthetics". But you can't write "make me a game with unique new gameplay and a new aesthetic that doesn't resemble any other game" > D Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)03:56:56 No.92019956 > =»s7020147 2>92019993 That's a bold claim. >> CO) Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)03:58:59 No.92019978 > 2292017513 (OP) Sthemselves 99.9% of programmers have never and will never touch a machine learning system in production. ‘And it wasn't "programmers" who came up with LLMs. It was computer scientists. Programmers are the fags who jumped off the CS(cience) pipeline early to cash out, now they'll pay the price. >> OD anonymous 08/11/23(Sat}04:00:03 No.92019991 > 292010474 >when a car drives poorly people die This happens plenty often when people drive. We're holding UGVs to unrealistic standards. >> D) Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)04:04:23 No.92020039 > >ss2020196 >>92019604 Timagine that understanding how a bunch of code in 50 different projects corresponds to some business requirement is much more dificult than recognizing shapes. > D Anonymous 03/11/23(Salj04:10:41 No.92020098 > 2>92020157 2>92019604 >Al actually does pattern matching No more and no less than your brain does pattern matching. This is a complete non-argument grounded in misuse of semantics. Pattern matching is turing complete so literally anything can be reduced to pattern matching if you want to trivialize i >> O) Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)04:12:19 No.92020115 b> 22020158 >» 9202008 9020208 I've been hearing, not just on /g/ or 4chan, about how programmers will make jobs obsolete for the majority of my adult life. Seen people brag that scripting the mundanilies of IT work, for example, lets them Tums out itis easier to replace you supreme gentleman than itis to safely replace a labor worker with automated machines, even after decades of trying. Il remind you that "they" were saying that truck driving would be automated by the early 2000's, back in the 1970s. That commie chink funded faggot Andrew Yang ran his compaign on the fear-threat that "basic" essential jobs would be machine replaced by this very time and UBI was gonna be OH MY GOD. NECESSARY OR ALL YOU HICKS WILL STARVE. Just for example. Meanwhile, in reality, the programmers rat race to the singularity is replacing yourself faster than you can lear the Next New Language. And it makes perfect logical sense, too. The programmers seek to "easify” their jobs, and it's what you're the most capable of achieving. Because you understand how the computer programs. You dont Understand how Production Worker A1 does their labor. You know programming, and thus the easiest, thing you actually understand is how to automate your own field. But we are a species of stupid. So high on our own bullshit we can't see anything but that one thing wwe actually know. So yes, programmers will be the first to replace themselves. We still don’t have Auto Bot'O’Mated fast food when | was 100% Assured burger flippers were going to be replaced 20 fucking years ago. Big LOLs. LMAOs, even. Keep chugging along you pathetic, weak, lazy, overpriced faggots who can't even fix your own door frames let alone replace a fucking car's control arm, both utterly simple tasks the same as you making a python script that automates your Linux install technology" doesn't keep your water clean or your shelves stocked, you disillusioned idiots. > O Anonymous 03/11/28(Sat)04:14:47 No.92020139 > 292019993 from my understanding you can askit create pretty much anything within a complete software package even ifit falls at creating the entire software in one go "add in a movement system that does xyz" and so on > O Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat}04:18:00 No.92020142 > >ssvoz0247 >>92019956 Disprove itif you can Nta but stil > 0 Anonymous 03/11/28(Sat)04:16:13 No.92020157 > >>92020098 ‘well isn't that how your mind works, you take in information and you juggle it around to come up with new solutions? © Anonymous 03/11/28(Sat)04:16:17 No.92020158 > >ss2020204 292020115 SWe sill don't have Auto BotO'Mated fast food But what about the one McDonalds made? Granted it still had people making the food but there were no cashiers O Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)04:17:02 No.92020163 > :>e20z0204 >>92020115 ‘Assembly line worker Billy Jimbob, who has been suffering since 1972, finally let all his butthurt out. > D anonymous 03/11/23(Sat04:19:23 No.92020192 b >asraz0220 | Just don't see it. | think that programming is going to continue having more auto-complete features, but the onus will still be on a programmer to tell it what to make. You can't just say "HEY CHAT BOT, CREATE ADOBE PHOTOSHOP FOR ME.” No, you'd have to sit there asking for a million functions one by one and it would never get things right the first time, you'd have to be more specific over and over unti it shits out something useful. > CO Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)04:19:47 No.92020195 > 282020200 >>92020039 throw enough data at the problem and it sors itself out, it does pick up patterns on a more general and abstract level > © Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)04:19:51 No.92020196 > >>«: >>92018697 392018636 >>92017513 (OP) don't know which one is real © Anonymous 03/11/28(Sat)04:20:25 No.92020204 > 2292020115 >Seen people brag that scripting the mundanities of IT work, for example, lets them Sorry, “lets them get paid [insert absurd amount] to play video games 6 hours a day at work" 592020158 What about it? 99.9% of fast food is still employing 8 people during the busy times. The no-cashier order boards stil havent replaced people >>92020163, Tam a Class 7 Forklift Certified™ and Crane heavy machine operator making more than most of you programmers, lol Because moving real physical products is stil worth as much as your team of 15 who spent a year to. make a 100 million dollar "app" But you both can go be mad about how your lfe choices are only equivalent to any other capable and driven adult. The difference being, Il still have my job in 20 years, because we will sill need people to oversee the machines that MOVE RAL THINGS. * © Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat}04:22:11 No.92020220 > >>92020192 but i's concievable that you give it a list of requirements and it fuils them >> D Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)04:23:06 No.92020230 > >sszazezse 92020195 *itall just sorts itself out” doesn't sound like you have much understanding about the topic. > © Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)04:24:23 No.92020239 > >>92020230 wellit learns patterns through example so I don't know what you want me to write >> (2 Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)04:25:21 No.92020247 > 92020142 >disprove a peremptory statement about not yet existing technology ‘Yeah nah, not how that works. He makes the claim, he brings in the arguments. CO Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)04:28:08 No.92020272 2292017513 (OP) ‘where's the cuckary? You really think retard officefaggots are going to figure out how to type to ALL correctly in the next 50 years? | doubt it C Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)04:43:35 No.92020422 > >>92020196 Neither, it was generated by Al. > © anonymous 03/11/23(Sat}04:44:56 No.92020435 > >aszor0sse >>92017584 >Nothingburger, these "software engineers" will ust become "prompt engineers" glorified code reviewers we already have "prompt engineers". same engineers who give prompts to code monkeys "ai supervisors” aka C Anonymous 03/11/23(Sat)04:47:15 No.92020456 > 92020435 humans themselves are just tools of corporations. the coping mechanism that “Al is just a tool” doesn't work [Return] [Catalog] [Top] [Update] [ D Auto} [Post a Reply] 7617/43 /3

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