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Seven students - Tejas, Tara, Tanmay, Tanya, Tanvi, Tanish and Tarun appeared
in a quiz . Each of them belongs to a different city, namely - Delhi, Jaipur,
Lucknow, Noida, Mumbai, Pune and Raipur and secured different ranks, 1st,
2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th but not necessarily in the same order. Tanmay
belongs to Delhi. The one who belongs to Noida secured more marks than the
one belonging to Raipur. The one belonging to Noida stood at 2nd last
position. The student belonging to Jaipur did not win the quiz. Tejas belongs to
Raipur. Tanya neither belongs to Lucknow nor Mumbai. Tara secured 1st rank.
Tanish stood at 2nd position in the quiz. Tarun neither belongs to Jaipur nor
Pune, but secured 6th rank. The rank of Tanvi in the quiz was less than that of
Tanya, but more than that of Tanmay. The one who belongs to Mumbai could
not secure any of 1st, 2nd or 3rd positions. The one that stood at 3rd position
belongs neither from Jaipur nor Noida. Tanish either belongs to Jaipur or

सात छात्र - ते जस, तारा, तन्मय, तान्या, तन्वी, तनिष और तरुण एक प्रश्नोत्तरी में शानमल
हुए। उिमें से प्रत्येक एक अलग शहर से संबंनित है , अर्ाा त् - निल्ली, जयपुर, लखिऊ,
िोएडा, मुंबई, पुणे और रायपुर और अलग-अलग रैं क हानसल की, पहला, िू सरा, तीसरा,
चौर्ा, पां चवां , छठा और सातवां ले नकि जरूरी िहीं नक इसी क्रम में हो। तन्मय निल्ली से
ताल्लुक रखते हैं । िोएडा से संबंनित व्यक्ति िे रायपुर से संबंनित व्यक्ति से अनिक अंक
प्राप्त नकए। िोएडा से सं बंनित व्यक्ति अंनतम स्र्ाि पर िू सरे स्र्ाि पर रहा। जयपुर का
छात्र क्तिज िहीं जीत पाया। तेजस रायपुर का है । तान्या ि तो लखिऊ और ि ही मुंबई से
संबंनित है । तारा िे प्रर्म स्र्ाि प्राप्त नकया। क्तिज में तिीश िू सरे स्र्ाि पर रहे । तरुण ि
तो जयपुर और ि ही पु णे से संबंनित है , ले नकि उसिे छठा स्र्ाि प्राप्त नकया। क्तिज में
तन्वी की रैं क तान्या से कम, ले नकि तन्मय से अनिक र्ी। वह व्यक्ति जो मुंबई से संबंनित

है , पहला, िू सरा या तीसरा स्र्ाि प्राप्त िहीं कर सका। जो तीसरे स्र्ाि पर है वह ि तो
जयपुर और ि ही िोएडा से संबंनित है । तनिश या तो जयपुर या लखिऊ से संबंनित है ।

1. Who secured 3rd position in the Quiz?

क्तिज में तीसरा स्र्ाि नकसिे प्राप्त नकया?
A. Pune
B. Delhi
C. Mumbai
D. Lucknow
E. None of these

2. Which of the following combination is correct?

निम्ननलक्तखत में से कौि सा संयोजि सही है ?
A. Lucknow-2nd
B. Mumbai-Tara
C. Jaipur-5th
D. Tanvi-4th
E. None of these

3. Which city won the Quiz?

नकस शहर िे क्तिज जीता?
A. Lucknow
B. Delhi
C. Mumbai
D. Pune
E. None of these

4. Which position was secured by the one who belongs to Jaipur in the Quiz?
जयपुर से संबंनित व्यक्ति िे क्तिज में कौि सा स्र्ाि प्राप्त नकया?
A. 2nd
B. 3rd
C. 4th
D. 5th
E. None of these

5. The one who belongs to Mumbai secured which position?
जो व्यक्ति मुंबई से सं बंनित है उसिे कौि सा स्र्ाि प्राप्त नकया?
A. 4th
B. 5th
C. 6th
D. 7th
E. None of these


1. A
2. D
3. A
4. A
5. A









Q.) P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W eight people are living on nine different floors of a
building but not necessarily in the same order. The lowermost floor of the
building is ground floor and the floor above the ground floor is numbered as 1
and so on till the topmost floor is numbered as 8. Among these nine floors
there is a vacant floor in this building. Each one of them likes different colors
i.e. red, pink, blue, green, black, white, yellow and golden but not necessarily
in the same order. W lives on the ground floor. U live on an odd numbered
floor who doesn’t like white. There is only one floor between V’s floor and the
vacant floor. The number of people living between P and the one who likes
golden is same as the number of people living between P and the one who
likes white. T neither likes blue nor red. There are four people who live
between the one who likes blue and S who lives immediately below the one
who likes black. U live immediately above the one who likes pink. There are
four people who live between the one who likes green and T. The one who
lives on floor number 1 likes blue. There are five floors between the one who
likes red and W. P doesn’t live on the floor above U’s floor. S neither
likesgolden nor white. There are more than three floors between the one who
likes red and V.

P, Q, R, S, T, U, V और W आठ व्यक्ति एक इमारत की िौ अलग-अलग मंनजलों पर रहते

हैं ले नकि जरूरी िहीं नक इसी क्रम में हों। इमारत की सबसे निचली मंनजल भूतल है और
भूतल से ऊपर की मंनजल की संख्या 1 है और इसी तरह सबसे ऊपर की मंनजल की
संख्या 8 है । इि िौ मंनजलों में से इस इमारत में एक मंनजल खाली है । उिमें से प्रत्येक को
अलग-अलग रं ग पसंि हैं अर्ाा त लाल, गुलाबी, िीला, हरा, काला, सफेि, पीला और
सुिहरा ले नकि आवश्यक िहीं नक इसी क्रम में हों। W भूतल पर रहता है । U एक नवषम
संख्या वाली मंनजल पर रहता है नजसे सफेि रं ग पसंि िहीं है । V की मंनजल और खाली
मंनजल के बीच केवल एक मंनजल है । P और सोिा पसंि करिे वाले के बीच रहिे वाले
लोगों की संख्या P और सफेि रं ग पसंि करिे वाले के बीच रहिे वाले लोगों की संख्या के
समाि है । T को ि तो िीला ि ही लाल रं ग पसंि है । िीला रं ग पसंि करिे वाले व्यक्ति और
काला रं ग पसंि करिे वाले व्यक्ति के ठीक िीचे रहिे वाले S के बीच चार व्यक्ति रहते हैं ।
U गुलाबी रं ग पसंि करिे वाले व्यक्ति के ठीक ऊपर रहता है । हरा रं ग पसंि करिे वाले
व्यक्ति और T के बीच चार व्यक्ति रहते हैं । वह व्यक्ति जो तल संख्या 1 पर रहता है , िीला
रं ग पसंि करता है । लाल रं ग पसंि करिे वाले और W के बीच पां च मंनजलें हैं । P, U की

मंनजल के ऊपर वाली मंनजल पर िहीं रहता है । S को ि तो गोल्डि ि ही सफेि पसंि है ।
लाल रं ग पसंि करिे वाले और V के बीच तीि से अनिक मंनजलें हैं ।

1. Which of the following floors is vacant?

निम्ननलक्तखत में से कौि सी मंनजल खाली है ?
A. 4
B. 2
C. 7
D. 3
E. None of these

2. How many people live between the one who likes black and the one who
likes white?
काला रं ग पसंि करिे वाले और सफेि रं ग पसंि करिे वाले के बीच नकतिे व्यक्ति रहते
हैं ?
A. Seven
B. Five
C. Six
D. Three
E. None of these

3. Who among the following lives on floor number four?

निम्ननलक्तखत में से कौि तल संख्या चार पर रहता है ?
A. Q
B. R
C. This is the vacant floor
D. Either A or B
E. None of these

4. How many floor between the one who likes yellow and the one who likes
पीला रं ग पसंि करिे वाले और हरा रं ग पसंि करिे वाले के बीच नकतिी मंनजल है ?
A. Three
B. Four

C. More than four
D. None
E. None of these

5. Who among the following likes golden?

निम्ननलक्तखत में से नकसे सोिा पसंि है ?
A. R
B. U
C. V
D. W
E. None of these


1. D
2. C
3. D
4. B
5. B








3 - -




Q.) Seven people, namely G, H, I, J, K, L and M, like seven different mobile
brands, namely Oppo, Redmi, Samsung, Apple, Vivo, Lenovo and Nokia but not
necessarily in the same order. Each person also works in the same office but in
a different department (on the basis of work experience). The departments are
HR, Admin, Sales, Marketing, Accounts, Finance and Production, but not
necessarily in the same order. Each employee has been allocated to a
department as per increasing order of experience with the one in HR being the
least experienced whilst the one in Production being the most experienced.
Both I and L have less experience than the one who likes Oppo. L neither likes
Samsung nor is the least experienced employee. T Only one person has more
experience than H. K works in Finance. The one who likes Apple is more
experienced than the one who likes Nokia but less experienced than K. The one
who likes Apple does not work in Sales. J is more experienced than the one
who likes Apple but less experienced than the one who likes Redmi. H does not
like Redmi. G likes Lenovo. The one who likes Oppo is less experienced than J.
The one who likes Samsung is the 3rd most experienced person but neither
this person nor H works in either the Sales or Marketing department. H does
not work in Admin whereas J does not work in Accounts.

सात व्यक्ति, अर्ाा त् G, H, I, J, K, L और M, सात अलग-अलग मोबाइल ब्ां ड अर्ाात्

Oppo, Redmi, Samsung, Apple, Vivo, Lenovo और Nokia पसंि करते हैं , ले नकि
आवश्यक िहीं नक इसी क्रम में हों। प्रत्येक व्यक्ति एक ही कायाा लय में ले नकि एक अलग
नवभाग में काम करता है (काया अिुभव के आिार पर)। नवभाग एचआर, एडनमि, सेल्स,
माकेन ं ग, अकाउं ् स, फाइिेंस और प्रोडक्शि हैं , ले नकि जरूरी िहीं नक इसी क्रम में हों।
प्रत्येक कमाचारी को अिुभव के बढ़ते क्रम के अिुसार एक नवभाग आवंन त नकया गया है
नजसमें एचआर में सबसे कम अिुभवी है जबनक उत्पािि में सबसे अनिक अिुभवी है । I
और L िोिों के पास Oppo को पसंि करिे वाले व्यक्ति की तु लिा में कम अिुभव है । L ि
तो सैमसंग पसंि करता है और ि ही सबसे कम अिुभवी कमाचारी है । T केवल एक
व्यक्ति के पास H से अनिक अिुभव है । K नवत्त में काम करता है । वह व्यक्ति नजसे Apple
पसंि है वह Nokia पसंि करिे वाले व्यक्ति से अनिक अिुभवी है ले नकि K से कम
अिुभवी है । वह व्यक्ति नजसे Apple पसंि है वह सेल्स में काम िहीं करता है । J, Apple
पसंि करिे वाले व्यक्ति से अनिक अिुभवी है ले नकि Redmi पसंि करिे वाले व्यक्ति से
कम अिुभवी है । H को रे ड् मी पसंि िहीं है । G को ले िोवो पसंि है । वह व्यक्ति नजसे
ओप्पो पसंि है वह J से कम अिुभवी है । वह नजसे सैमसंग पसंि है वह तीसरा सबसे
अिुभवी व्यक्ति है ले नकि ि तो यह व्यक्ति और ि ही H ि तो सेल्स या माकेन ं ग नवभाग में
काम करता है । H एडनमनिस्ट्रेशि में काम िहीं करता है जबनक J अकाउं ् स में काम िहीं
करता है ।

1. Which of the following does H like?

निम्ननलक्तखत में से H को कौि सा पसंि है ?
A. Vivo
B. Nokia
C. Apple
D. Redmi
E. None of these

2. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on the given
arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to
that group?
िी गई व्यवस्र्ा के आिार पर निम्ननलक्तखत पां च में से चार एक निनित तरीके से समाि हैं
और इसनलए एक समूह बिाते हैं । वह कौि सा है जो उस समूह से संबंनित िहीं है ?
A. M – J
B. H – K
C. K – L
D. G – I
E. M – H

3. Which of the following pairs represents the respective people who have
more experience than K and less experience than L?
निम्ननलक्तखत में से कौि सा जोडा संबंनित लोगों का प्रनतनिनित्व करता है नजिके पास K से
अनिक अिुभव है और L से कम अिुभव है ?
A. I – M
B. G – J
C. M – J
D. I – J
E. None of these

4. Which combination represents the department in which M works and the he
कौि सा संयोजि उस नवभाग का प्रनतनिनित्व करता है नजसमें M काम करता है और
नजसे वह पसंि करता है ?
A. Redmi – HR
B. Redmi - Production
C. Admin – Vivo
D. Accounts – Oppo
E. None of these

5. As per the given arrangement, HR is related to Nokia and Finance is related

to Oppo in a certain way. Which of the following is Marketing related to in the
same manner?
िी गई व्यवस्र्ा के अिुसार, एचआर िोनकया से संबंनित है और नवत्त एक निनित तरीके से
ओप्पो से संबंनित है । निम्ननलक्तखत में से कौि-सा नवपणि इसी प्रकार से संबंनित है ?
A. Lenovo
B. Samsung
C. Apple
D. Cannot be determined
E. None of these


1. A
2. E
3. A
4. B
5. C










In the following question, assuming the given statements to be true, find which
of the given conclusions is/are definitely true and then choose the right option

1. Statements: J>Q>N≤U; O≥J; F<N=Z

I. O≥Z
a) Only conclusion II is true.
b) Both conclusions I and II are true.
c) Only conclusion III follows.
d) Only conclusion I is true
e) None is true.

2. Statements: P>B<4; 5>V=B; 8>7=P

I. 8>B
II. P>4
III. 5>8
a) Only conclusion II is true.
b) Both conclusions II and III are true.
c) Only conclusion III follows.
d) Only conclusion I is true
e) None is true.
3. Statements: 6 ≥ S = 5, 2 = 5, 6 = M = P
1. 6 ≥ 2
2. 5 ≤ 6
a) Only 1 follows
b) Only 2 follows
c) Both 1 and 2 follow
d) Neither 1 nor 2 follow
e) Either 1 or 2 follows

4. Statements: R ≥ K ≥ F, D > F, R ≥ C ≤ S
1. D > K
2. R ≥ F
a) Only 1 follows
b) Only 2 follows
c) Both 1 and 2 follow
d) Neither 1 nor 2 follow
e) Either 1 or 2 follows

5. Statements: Y < W, M = D ≥ P, M > N < W

1. N > Y
2. D ≥ W
a) Only 1 follows
b) Only 2 follows
c) Both 1 and 2 follow
d) Neither 1 nor 2 follow
e) Either 1 or 2 follows


1. A
2. D
3. C
4. B
5. D

(Q. 1-2): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions
given below.

A student walks 15 m in the south direction from home to go to his school.

Then he turns to his left and walks 10 m and turns to his right and walks 20 m.
Again turning to the right he walks 10m and reaches the school.

1. In which direction is the school with respect to the house?

A. Southwest
B. South
C. Southeast
D. West
E. None of these

2. What is the distance of the school from home?

A. 20 m
B. 25 m
C. 35 m
D. 40 m
E. None of these

(प्र. 1-2): निम्ननलक्तखत जािकारी का ध्यािपूवाक अध्ययि कीनजए और िीचे निए गए प्रश्नों
के उत्तर िीनजए ।

एक नवद्यार्ी अपिे नवद्यालय जािे के नलए घर से िनिण निशा में 15 मी चलता है । नफर वह
बाईं ओर मुडकर 10 मी चलता है और िाईं ओर मुडकर 20 मी चलता है । पुिः िाईं ओर
मुडकर 10 मी चलकर नवद्यालय पहुं च जाता है ।

1. घर के संिभा में नवद्यालय नकस निशा में है ?

A. िनिण-पनिम

B. िनिण

C. िनिण-पूवा

D. पनिम
E. None of these

2. घर से नवद्यालय की िू री नकतिी है ?

A. 20 मी

B. 25 मी

C. 35 मी

D. 40 मी
E. None of these

Q(3-5)Study the following information carefully and answer the questions
given below:

Puneet started from point A and walked 18m towards west to reach point B,
then turned to his left and walked 4m to reach point C and again he turned to
his left and walked 22m to reach point D. Again he turned to his left and
walked 4m to reach E.

3. How far is Puneet from his starting point?

A. 4m
B. 5m
C. 6m
D. 2m
E. None of these

4. In which direction is point E with respect to point A?

A. West
B. East
C. South
D. North
E. None of these

5. What is the shortest distance between point E and C?

A. 9√5m

B. 6√7m

C. 10√5m
D. 18m
E. None of these

प्र(3-5)निम्ननलक्तखत जािकारी का ध्यािपूवाक अध्ययि करें और िीचे निए गए प्रश्नों के

उत्तर िें :

पुिीत नबंिु A से शु रू करता है और नबंिु B पर पहुुँ चिे के नलए 18 मी र पनिम की ओर

चलता है , नफर वह अपिे बाएं मुडता है और नबंिु C पर पहुुँ चिे के नलए 4 मी र चलता है
और नफर वह अपिी बाईं ओर मुडता है और नबं िु D पर पहुुँ चिे के नलए 22 मी र चलता
है । नफर से वह अपिी बाईं ओर मुडता है और 4मी चलता है E तक पहुुँ चिे के नलए.

3. पुिीत अपिे शु रुआती नबंिु से नकतिी िू र है ?

A. 4 मी

B. 5 मी
C. 6 m

D. 2 मी

E. इिमें से कोई िहीं

4. नबंिु A के संिभा में नबंिु E नकस निशा में है ?

A. पनिम

B. पूवा
C. िनिण

D. उत्तर

E. इिमें से कोई िहीं

5. नबंिु E और C के बीच की न्यू ितम िू री नकतिी है ?

A. 9√5m

B. 6√7m

C. 10√5m
D. 18m

E. इिमें से कोई िहीं


1. B
2. C
3. A
4. B
5. C

In each of the questions below are given some statements followed by some
Conclusions. You have to take the given statements to be true even, if they
seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions
and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given
statements disregarding commonly known facts.

1. Statements:
No mobile is a smart.
Only a few smarts are prepaid.
Some prepaid are mobile.
I. All mobile are smarts.
II. All mobile being prepaid is a possibility.
(a) If Only conclusion I follows.
(b) If Only conclusion II follows.
(c) If Either conclusion I or II follows.
(d) If Neither conclusion I nor II follows.
(e) If Both conclusions I and II follow.

2. Statements:
All jio are airtel.
All airtel are aircel.
Some aircel are idea.
All idea are bsnl.
I. All airtel are jio.
II. All jio are aircel.
(a) If Only conclusion I follows.
(b) If Only conclusion II follows.
(c) If Either conclusion I or II follows.
(d) If Neither conclusion I nor II follows.
(e) If Both conclusions I and II follow.

3. Statements:
No suit is dress.
Only a few dress are gowns.
Some gowns are jeans.
All jeans are shirt.
I. All dress are shirt.
II. Some jeans are definitely gowns.
(a) If Only conclusion I follows.
(b) If Only conclusion II follows.
(c) If Either conclusion I or II follows.
(d) If Neither conclusion I nor II follows.
(e) If Both conclusions I and II follow.

4. Statements:
No suit is dress.
Only a few dress are gowns.
Some gowns are jeans.
All jeans are shirt.
I. All jeans being dress is possibility.
II. All gowns can be shirt.
(a) If Only conclusion I follows.
(b) If Only conclusion II follows.
(c) If Either conclusion I or II follows.
(d) If Neither conclusion I nor II follows.
(e) If Both conclusions I and II follow.

5. Statements:
All white are black.
All pink are black.
Some black are yellow.
Some blue Are not yellow.
I. All blue being pink is possibility.
II. Some black being blue is possibility.
(a) If Only conclusion I follows.
(b) If Only conclusion II follows.
(c) If Either conclusion I or II follows.
(d) If Neither conclusion I nor II follows.

(e) If Both conclusions I and II follow.


1. B
2. B
3. B
4. E
5. E


Q.) Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given

Input: 87 next 19 show calm 28 ascent 42 61 virtual 75 host

Step I: 191 87 next show calm ascent 42 61 virtual 75 host 282
Step II: ascent 191 87 next show 42 61 virtual 75 host 282 calm
Step III: 423 ascent 191 87 next show virtual 75 host 282 calm 614
Step IV: host 423 ascent 191 87 show virtual 75 282 calm 614 next
Step V: 755 host 423 ascent 191 show virtual 282 calm 614 next 876
Step VI: show 755 host 423 ascent 191 282 calm 614 next 876 virtual

And step VI is the last step of the above input.

Input: 66 multiplex test 28 22 unit numerator 54 post output 98 force study 17

1. Which of the following would be the last step of the arrangement?

A. Step V
B. Step VIII
C. Step VI

D. Step X
E. None of these

2. Which of the following element (word/number) will be second to the right of

the one which is third from the left end in Step II?

A. numerator
B. 54
C. post
D. 28
E. None of these

3. How many elements (words/numbers) are there between '665' and '171' in
the second-last step?

A. Five
B. Four
C. Two
D. Three
E. None of these

4. Which of the following will be the sixth step of the given input?

A. 283 force 171 66 unit test numerator post output 98 study 222 multiplex
B. post 665 numerator multiplex force 171 test unit 283 output 222 544
986 study

C. post 665 283 force 171 unit test study 222 multiplex 544 output
numerator 986
D. post 665 numerator 283 force 171 test unit 222 multiplex 544 output
986 study
E. None of these

5. Which element (word/number) is fifth to the right of 'post' in step IV?

A. multiplex
B. 544
C. 222
D. output
E. None of these


1. E
2. D
3. D
4. D
5. B

Explanation : Number and words are arranged alternately in each step. In the
first step numbers are arranged in ascending order from both the ends with
the additional placing of 1 at unit place in the left end number and 2 at units
place in right end number. In second step the words are arranged in
alphabetical order from both the ends. This process will continue till all
elements get arranged.


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